Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 17, 1934, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wadneaday evening january 17th 1934 pa3 r announcing january clearance prices of entii stock of ladies winter coals i if you have not chosen your winter coat why not do so now d brill co 5 co min and miu sla geecaetown v phon 167 avaob bucks meats dtfedld yea froa local farms will one profit i it no ulckit llul fooj a ru 4 ui lna bja awatr u i urfubfd furikrr tt fa al r l uauai u alru tart aaj wlluif imi imw tweaatu l iu u qaaiuy u wi lcl ibu al h1 numi cut from well fed pork hams rojt bomtino fresh pork bulls fresh picnic haras youtig bog iui1 a waal gelb 17c lb 13c lb finnan haddies lclb oysters in jar 30c eaeh sweet clover buller 28c lb beei dripping rncahata 5c each porterhouse roasts 1 9c lb shoulder thick rib roasts 1 2c lb we sell for cash phone 28 w c j buck deliver a a- a a a k aaaauaca a m prrw uafta a mm r are a a ava avauawiavae save with safety at your rexall store it nationally apvehtlltp rttxtabatlong at axpcctp hum mi ii ummnu lhlfaulh ubtuink ua it aaa if vicks cuaaars hauve vooo ua uonsc s rati ua 7uebjuy ueatino rad ovalyinb ua re ilh ndjotv uluiha nnixirg una a witimu u4 1h aaa tabs ma oaaala baslaa uomouo oil aatra haavy ua ma bzxv laom aaa w1nm ma llaa cod uvzm bxbaot a kiduvz nwdbu 1 bum ua aju c wlvlli anh- raekzb at oax oontalnar kstra robbs drug store taa scull alan h off s january 21st 1934- on the northeaat tide of guelph street and in glen williams at interval from 130 to 5 pm by order commission 3 eauaaajbia j kataiaaujltllimjcauaao wood for sale ctulea hardwood batch ana jaiua at tsm par mm tliiad wooa atn par cord kail mm par curt 1 bbakdivmut rtjaaaa la ar mil f wood for sale oittlot alavla hardwood and oadar balla at right brioa oidtt uft at a bumta or at my homa thou law prottuxly attaodad la a uvinaaxon wood for sale choice liardwood uapl and beech mixed toft wood unit reasonable price apply jack tut phon lalw georgetown tf wood no i utnhmoda bb and nueli uj hardwood umbe and mtm wood jifl haiti hid any quant f in bjocka of hardwoed fo quaiufl heatfln isju rlflu aw for wood ctauvered thu wood b ahtajh dby u it la kept uadar eotwr haw u r ii local news tii tun wu hlnliia tody oood pictum crtc that gmf- ory tntw io-iiiht- uoy doat ulaai ttw bot do for c at alnov church on hauukuy 1- umooji it w uiink all the wha haw al- rdy xiwwd tluix juiueriptlota to ui lbrdd uiu tnqdui tti inaugural bmtln of luluu county council wlu b lkej at uiltocl on tueulay jan mrf at 3 pjxl luchn and crcklnolt at ih uaulih hall worval wd jan u1l twry- body wtlcoom arirnuilan u h ildra wia ti off sunday oo th koniiau title of ouatlb atpt and in ouowlliiam at uurvvig frtua tjo to ft piii tquaavina asrlcultunu boclhy yall vlt ail u iwkj ix o0aurvn thi jvar on tlday and saturday oct oiti and tn tli pack clrci o knoa church sui tit td tv uu u ujdiig and cate- irru illucu lor icc od atajumajf aml jio xwi lam j pjas ilcv dr uoru 0 fljjrtoiviw fat- uulud cnurcn toronto na k namrd u uw new ulirhcr ct uat uaiud cnuixj of canada liw loou councu cl woitthi will tmld thix annual mahln ui tlu utuiary ruwu ltlday jan 1kb at 1 ofiock lifqiur am uj4 to b pi wau lh luauo wm caijl out oo uuiuuy about a pj to a tif ur vaivy od uaun hu nnrtn ui aood put in tin own 14 dry cudu ttfe but wjj wttojuiilwd bl much dmgr was dacai ttmt waj a ftood ciod at that mouiim dancaf at tna afvjia lf nljiht and all iim to enjoy dnc irttf to th uilc by ui hand it wu xiw n qj diflawni nd in youna tvepw luui a food law litatr a a pailid uhua at thm orrgarv twftuv tututday nlbt ut 11 r lthan and notw ww liupuoinid it u a aonauiful pie- ui juaid th proenua on pa tso and tnjoy an rnin2 with th lcrsn ruiu vuuin personals ulu yvada uaiurt fruud in torootn ulu jan uorruoo hu aootrptad a 1hmt in toronto uiu umiiary oault vltlud with to- ronto frkiuu ovf th weic nd ur and lart- o a arkkuwo oi torcnto vm vultnra in town cm sat urday ur ltwu uuw and ur calvin lihitr of ouilpli tear vujtori in town iau waainatday ur and ura- j il lullco rulad tlia annual ladla aiadfiiliijf con- vnuon tu th uoyal vora uauu to- louto uut thutadiy aus clircnu luye vas at uranl- lord tut ct aiuoouaj toa wlnlar oatia of agruuuurbi mrrhngf bald on inr tua iutum tnolan luarv trum gu ciaxa u u cut- rucrtd tiaad cart tru lien ho lund u1 lv urivd band conorrt in th qtfory thratrr uunday vtaing jan 31at at 10 ltirjbody cordially invltad cnau thr folioving notlc appard on th door of a ttor th othtr day uu to th drpruauon s ar forced to curtail our accounu and from thu dit on no credit will tt aittudad id ftjiyen ircpt pirtotu owr w cotnpanwid by thalr grandparanta hwa lamaw b triad uaittrd by th cam aunplicuy thanuicrutu of hir life th funaraj vt tti uur ura jam jojuuon of outlph mother of kjrard jonnaon ttnor of the uanropalllaxi opfra com- tuny a hld uonday from th fomjy rtaldtnor itncnul puoi to woodaavn cemetery ifiajb tuttaal otaiawy oaalarf on friday oi thu vak at pm in th town hall oaoefatjjwn th lugh llchool oratory ootuaat wtu b bald on th aim fwynvw j and honour otrtlacaiau and afjiolarahlw nil b pfidrntad ttwr will b nulla tn txinue ar oordially to- ud to attend craew altwsay emak ib w l dttk ualtoo county crown attorney ha bn connoad to th houu for onr a waalt with ft wrr cold which davalonad into eacvatlon of th lunga hi eondltion today u reported as balnf toouvtiat improved but it will b aom day bafor will b ani to raturn to hu ofitc hard ttaa dae 4 01 a rtai hard timaa dano will hld in th tows hall aiaawiuiama on friday jan lkh uutld by boo tar club orchaatra fturlnff lou cattle i of radio fam lucky jiumbar dano alao prur for bait ooutumaa icvary- body vficom ao com and hav good tlm admlialon 35c wui dui satila orgaittilliai th following from toronto dally panar rifra to an old oaorgtows boy who ha mad food in ota buatnaat world oorf uaclaan oanaral uanacer of william lioluna oo ltd manutactunra of vijtlla 9oa king straet toronto ha rcalnd hi pott- tion eflvtuv at th end of uarch ur utflrttn waa aafioclatad with th firm for fourteen kara and 1 rttlrin tn order to dviop hu own aalltaf or sanixation sucoan to you oort taaak laiaraj at hy oaaw prad uttla a member of th uilton high school teaching- itas a apacta- tor at the hockey mauh btven ulmloo and uuton received a natty injury during the prograu of th same ur uttl waa alttuiff tn th fr nt row and wae tocldentally atnick by a player etlck eauaing a deep uoah under hi eye which raulrd five atitchea during hi enforced ab- unoe from the achool hla place t be ins taken by ulu kathleen dick pajur ball crvjaltea let qeorat hurget of uamllton had hi left ankle and the lowar part of hla 1s cruihm when a ftadpound roll of paper fell off a truck on the norval hill but saturday the driver of th truck wa having difficulty in making the hill on the watt aide of norval and uurgau waa doing aomathlng at the back of the truck when th load moved harry king repair man of the dell telephone c from orange- vil e rendered first aid until dro v william of georgetown arrtwd our- neu wa later rafttoved to hi home in hamilton prtj aabaeutlea there waa a large attendance of members at th annual meeting of th llalton county protective aawlation held in the court ilouae uuton tuetday afternoon when the follow ing otdier vera elected for 1u4 prttldent w e laooready uuton vice pretident w j clement uu ton ecretajytiwuurer robert duah jr uilton auditor john irving uu ton the aacrataiytraajurer raportad the society to be in a aourlahlng ooo- dltlcn ftnanlcally and otherwlae then being a balance of hjeojo in the bank at the and of ifttt bttrled la oreeawaaj the funeral of the late oaorge wrlffgleiworth took place from hla home on kdlth street last thursday afternoon and wa largely atuadad the aervloe at the home and grav was conduct by rev ur rumlay asiuted by tev ur caldwell the pallbearere wre four son frank waiter o a and harold r w oowlei soninlaw and j u uoow ttie honorary pallbeanra were abc granddaughtera kumerom beautiful floral trlbutee adomad th casket many nlatlvaa and friends from out of town war present to pay their last reipftct to the departed publlo authohuu in england have the stmndlng of mora than uooooo 000 a year flan lor a convention to be bald during the uat in rbruary tor in papoaat of wucung fjjyytataj lor uv wm provinaual elactloa wvr inade liunday tuzht at uuton at a well attended tottting of th ualton county lioiral roarujjv asaoclatlon in the oldju0 llaii hon harr niaon vjirju- tcaewr and uit- cheu hepburn tjivral chiif will bo lovuad to hak a mioluuon favor ing the rcmovaj of hydro frotd poll tk and placing u uldir the diwt control oi in niunictpaiuias was an prowd by a majoity vote thotxia iluujiwk uay toot lajvin uar rep preaidcnt of th auaatloo pre ikid- diiid cuu of um uoiud church wun day scnool liald their january meet mj 4i jpuruliy vening of la vi at ui ltarry luhrya rh cwvotloo al pat of in programme was con ducted by ura ualn ura luyfcot uradiug in prayer afterward waxa a wa repealed by in claaa th ti a ld by ura ocelli alter uit rradlng of the uth chapur of ut cortnjiun a aliort talk was given by un ualn in wakh ah triad to la in the clai with th grtal iwad of tmituai cultivation and love for al humanity in their uvea tbtratiy bring ing about a aaliulon to end th chao and dutreu in the world today ulu tiunan then took th study of th leuon for th month of lvoetnbar which a uiual wa very ttiatructtvely imported to the clasa dainty re limhnurnu were tlien aervad by the hinlet bringing to a clot a very pleasant and proa table evvtiuig the rvbnury meeting wul be held at ura 0kuw chuue 8t a full dance t fuastad by wufrld egglaiuan ottawa january nboowlbln in the nature of a butur war is raging in th ouulde world furoocan coun- trle have bn raiting tn harrur ajaiiui oulter irota ntw zealand and auixraul and uu ia diverted un- uauaiiy large upoiies into th jirliuli uarkeu in price of tlu gvwir grade aacuallan butler in tj oas fallen la the pas two wok a low a 14 cent in canadian money ho lor canada wciru to be fauiy eu uieluivd against this battle of butter and in the ucuiul vtk of th kar in price of no 1 butr at umuicji vv4 a much u 11 cent a cote world figure- wlwuier this wide spred can b matntauied remsun to oa wen tti duty on new ualand butier l only five cent a pound and u u surpnung tnat with a u cent ipiad aitampts have not bn madi to amp soma hew zeatand into can aua hast zealand ujiptkr undoubt- diy recal wnat happwl to their an pocnu ut winter wlwu anil dumping aolatkio was lvokad agjuut tlum xjauul other tourc of supply thai let ahter uominton canada l wcu pioucted tlu- prtiv oi buttar at vew york tut bn around u cant u pound and with a price of ii 6nl at uoj ir a quaotltaa hould ua qumiionably luvc uoud fcrthward had it not iwo for llw duly of i cent a ppund on united utaua but ur rrvn the vleapuait of ute dairy irv iaj r aummmsi h 0ujt laji man canada imt iow h in uw happy poililon or progiulug lut about auf toronto january 19 ifrji on of iklfot for doauallc cwla and very lb hrsi acu of itocur jjirga li hlti mojf canada did uup about i lunry on anjuti1ng the portfujo of muuoi poundj moatiy to uellatn in fruvindal ituumar 1 hi ftmfr- uufjl ft tuv jrirvliic uf 3 months on biscuits and milk woman diffeauve troubl lwryon who 1 subect to any fortn of miigiijvi should know of thl woman experience advlo from on wno ha had audi aere nttaca u ulvlcj voeth havuig uh wr i aunvtvd from ij- ni gas- trttu and codatlpatioo and was so very ui i had on madlral adloa to li v on soda k and milk for thr truwithi wall a frund adld tne to take kntk and now i ym pfad to say my lroub are endod i can eat and enjoy a good dual wiib out any patnlul alter- riccti my akin is clearer in fact quit clear and there t no sign of rlxm would advise anyone suiferuig th lam to take jcaiaohao ura it la the lawitfdih ehvct of the au aaiu in trutachn is to promoui a natural now of tn dlant1e and othr vital juloc of th body tioon aftar you tart on kruichan you will m that you ar able to enjoy your food with out any outroaaing afuratfacta and a you persevere with the uiu daily daw ou will a that the laluf which auuschen bring u latilng tf uaf faovimce otii ije loaj lskni tuj cuae utiag v r p lb hooi departnaeni oi th laurel ikptemur and early october but all j the ru of the year the price of but ckuhhed by htafialb imw1h oovltwji dleu injuries received wednesday when a una fram statu cruansd btm r auiid tn th death of ouwr irwin coulter 33 at 11 uamorial hoapl tal prlday night th young max sunarvd a fnxturwl neck the aoci dent happenod while ooulur and aeveral other man were moving th table from the earthy uuling oo to the farm of il llrodtrkk about mile away pan of th structure w dumsntled and th wall proved ak to tvupport the roof whaa th building cxuiapted coulur attamptad to get out of th way but ilippad on th to coulter who wa an orphan vaa burled uondsy from th horn of nl grandfather john wolfe with whom he uved nearly au hi life hydro meeting t uavpoot electto ciiaib man ram its 1 he loca hydro comousslon met on uonday evrning with j u uoore in the chair and it dayfoot and uayor jocepri oibbona present on motion of uoore and oibbona it c dayfoot was elected chairman for iwt latter pertaining to the local ays- trm acre discussed and a number of accounts passed owing to some necessary repair th power will be off at interval oo bun- day afternoon northeast of queipb tt and in olen wlulam from ijdto 6 o clock church news laerlgiae veil tk grass within ua tk oawar faaatli fcat tk j f ear g4 la g fu oaeegw chart hv w o o thompson rector third sunday after epiphany holy communion ajb sunday school 10 am holy commun ion 11 ajn- atvan- aong 1 pja ui alfcas cavarala oba wullaaas third sunday after kpjphany sun- day school 3 pjn awtuong 1 pjn euleauea araay sunday next orewsone corners 11 stsl sunday school i pin salvation sleeting 7 pjn kau iveskytriab cttareli rev a la howard ulnlsler sun day jan 31st at 10 am sunday school and bible classes at 11 am and 7 ptn public worship conducted by the pastor ur v u loutt musi cal director au are welcome ur units caiarcb rev it w rumly ulnuter norman laird choir leader 10 sunday school and bible class 11 am uomlng worship ignatius keep not from me th martyr crown a shoe paid for th christian church rd in series god in th crude ser mon and hymn for juniors 7 pm evening service- mans needles po verty james 4 1 how great men attained tn the christian conflict all are welcome baptlsi cbsrcb regret is widely eicpressed at th continued ulna of rev a h frith the church is gratified that in ur prlths enforced absence hu pulpit la being ably supplied by vultuig pas tor next sunday jan hit hav wlllam pugsley of toronto will preach morning and evening on the following sunday jan 34th rev if o prlaat ua will preach on fabniary 4lh juv o k wlb uj when pains are toiltolte from tuieumatlatu sclatlca backache cee nuuaoawl dann rjja drug store notice the annual tneetlng of the halton district holatgln bnedera olub wul be held oo wiirwliy jauaary uthtuu la the yarmera biilldlng aiuluoti at 1j0 o clock tun u j browata victor j uwrcnc irkkq rjeoaavb ur ui canada was abo ui ftorld price krum the producer viewpoint hit would ucm to justify our high tariff from the consumers it ha meant higher price to pay for butter wuj kave u tasaaei tlie unusually tn winter and uie rspd depwtiiui of bultrr ttock during the last three month may make it necessary to import some quantity beforv the winter ia over it wul be done very quietly and foreign rvpor ur wul be aimed that only a i unit rd market ealsts a the seuton draws nearer b likelihood of a whole tal or stdespeead uaikrtlng act for farm product a- icng thr line of the urulsh scheme aavnu rather more rrmot there ar many obstacle legal and coristltu tional i do believe hoarver that the idea of public utulty boards nxlng prlrea to be paid producer and an other set of price for consumera ccmpelllng the distributor to work within th spread prescribed 1 grow ing and will tn tun be applied to such necessuus a muk tn most part of canada paaut t ik saaut the passing of hon jules tcasler again make a total of 7 vacancle in the senate a remarkable change tn the political compalon in th upper chamber has occurred in th past throe years uost of th senators who have died have been liberal and the unau liberal majority which use kensle king ait it nine ran of gov emment wa abl to achieve disap peared some tun ago therw are now only 5j liberal srnatora uvlng and by auing the vacant le th oon servauves wul hav a majority of 3d indeed with three or four more death a majority might be set up which would outlast thr prrwnt gen eratlon of politician a oonervauve senate might hav important re percussion tn the neat parliament should it be either libera or ccf the new min titer of national re venue hon r c uatthew 1 mak ing a deunnlned etfort to give the taxpayer and importer of canada a new deal and with hugh scully and dave sim heading the important branches of customs and excis this thou id be poibl in the past there has been a vast amount of indignation at the sand tn th aheet of business which that department could and of- ten would inject wuhout of course abandoning the policy of high protee tlon which la government policy a fair and reasonable dealing with those who have business to do with that branch of gtwrmmerlt l being sought uoulti uabentuv isu daied jaou ary ifrui lji and ucid tn uiiw tasluritkj choice of which 1 cuenal vnh lhe suhcrumra 1 lm year j dabenuiru ula january lkn 1w7 ijancdnluationi lux price to and toierest yielding to maturuy i aa yax 4 dtbtnturc du january leu uuo dhrnocaui big6fb amd betieb babgaws hosiery lajifa full faahiontxl silk chiffon hot 69c 79c lajica service weight silk hoae 76e luw silk and wool hoae 48c 89c lie and 100 iv lulea silk and uale hoae 3 vt ladiea silk hoae 38 and 49e pr superulk full fatluoned hoae 1 so for 119 iv superdk whuper crepe hoae 180 iv miaaei all wool caahmere hoae 75c lo ciit at 3e pi chilcta wool glov at itelv mitiea ktavy wool mill 29e iv lodiea fleecelined glove 49e special boy leather wltkawnuvay auea 26 to 34 to clear at 2j89 simphcily pattern 18c we deliver mcbean co ge0rgct6wn phone 4 lifcawaatawiaaal two and 11000 pjloe 100 and innsl u1ljui 4a0 m to maturuy 3 aviucn yrar 4 debenture du jainuary 16ui lwa iv fm 1100 tioo and liooo price w and interest yielding 478 to maiuruy uubscriptloiis lor the debentura will be mr vxl at au branche oi the charumd rlhf al all branches of lhe lrovinct of ontario savings of lire and by recognliaxl bond dealers and stock broker as will be seen said premier henry when inurvleafd by th preu ihl isiu in accordanoa with the policy followed on our prtvlou ususs terw the needs of a large and varied class of investor by the provision of uenominallon of 1100 and iwo tn addition to the usual 11000 the small investor equally with the large hai in these debenture an ideal opportun ity for investment in a security back rd by all the resourors of our province a choice of three separate maturule u offered so a to meet the raqulr- ments of th buyer who desire near by maturities as well a the en who prefer a longer term 1 question if many investment hsve the almost impregnable security that is contained in the assets of oo tarlo in addition to tin trcurtty of principal the ret of interest 1 very attractive and f have no doubt our cltlfiens will realise what an opportun ity the issue offers of constructive and profitable investment the proceed of the issue will be used to retire short term inoebtednoss incurred for capital eapenduure of the laydroelectrtc power cornmlsslon norval ur and ura a il cormack and son ur urue cormack of buffalo ills eveline uaguire ur webster uaguire of toronto war weak and visitors at ura webster a a sxlal evening of euchre and ero- klnol under the auspices of st pauls airls w a win be held at th parish hall norval wexl jan 34th at pat ilefrashmenta irwinin jjt th annual meeting of st pauls wa wa held last wednesday tn the parish llaii when th following of ficers for 134 were elected prealdent ulsa sarah o lend ruling vic president ura e rankin secretary ura c w uoreton treasurer ura j uorgason dorcas tucreury ur j orahanv utile helpers ura t luwaon thankoffering ur john hughe the meeting closed with th wa prayer after which ulsa uaguire ser ved a delicious lunch th glru branch of bt paul a wa norval held their annual meeting ut th parish hall on wednesday even ing january 10th rev ur boyd occupied the chair whue the follow ing omoers were elected president u is prairie uaguire vice president ura j oraham secretary ulss laura rankin asst secretary uu edith lore tixasurer uu alary coupland uto secretary ulss uudrvd case ley jubilee secretary ulsa evelyn ora ham dorcas secretary ura o ortmwood pianist ulss add i caseley prep committee ulss edith loree and ur r pomeroy oificuls elected at th annual meet ing of norval presbyterian church held under the direction of the pastor rev e uacdonal were th follow ing sctalon rev e uacdonald mod erator o d ucclurc andrew olffen rotxrt retd arthur ucclure albert hunter john wiggins managers ward brown o hunter w h held b tlulale hurray laird o early u ucnab john lunond w o uo- cluro trustees a u laird w o u dure john wlgguis auditors albert hunter uurray laird church omoer charles wuuams tno congregation raised sufncient money during the past year to meet all obligations at the annual meeting of norval united church satisfactory reports were received from all department receipts for the year amounted to 31uly and a credit halano or 41m2s t being carried forward for 1034 the following were elected board of steward o o brown j n cameron ii o lyons and w w laldlaw organists ut j nixon and l hustler choir leader ure if o lyons mperlntendenli of sunday school if a lyons w ii laldlaw auditor utgutrata u j c bull rv ur uacklnnon acted aa chairman at the conclusion of the meeting a pleasant social hour wag apent after which the ladles of the church served wfroahmenta jim they say there aye mow mar riage of blondes than brunattea i wonder whyt john naturally cuvm v tixiv the light headed and of the temlskamlng and north era ontario railway ooinmlsslon for advance to the agricultural develop ment board and for unemployment relief one of the issue to be retired from the proofed of the loan la a tlsoooooo short una obligation which matured in new york last november and which was repatriated raoantly when funds were at approximate partly in view of the tincartalntles of the present eichang situation u u greatly to the advantage of the province that thu obligation should be refunded here and held by our own people due to it many attractive feature i am confident that the usu wtu meet a ready reception from th in vesting public concluded premier henry and i urge all who con template purchasing these debenture not to delay in entering their order naws uid lofoftxuuliois for ibg bug futrr feajtey ra fact completed experiment in poultry feeding show that skim milk u an excellent protein feed that dry clover leave with an occasional dose of ifp- tcm salt may replace roots or sprout- rd oats that home mixed u aa good as a commercial grain and that screenings of good quality may re place part of the good grain tim for pruning rralt trae the moderate weather now being experienced in certain localities will give th people in those sections an opportunity to gel their various fruit tree and bushes pruned pruning can bo dam safely any time after the plant become dormant and au work in tula uiw done tn early winter wul allow more time for the nun drrd and one jobs that turn up almul lanrousiy when th open weather arrive in uarch or april profli and pallet at pnicnt proipect look bright for the poultryman and farmer who has a good flock of weu matured pullets the cold snap will probably stiffen egg prices that are now ottering a fair margin of profit over coat of pro duction in flock that ar laying sat- ufactoruy at the present prtoes and with better prospects tn view it wm pay to food a good balanced mash ration liberally and to give sufficient grain at night to ensure a well fllkd crop plenty of fresh water with th chui off on cold days should always be provided a frown water pau left too long means a serious crimp in pro duction oo ullllaa dsliar laeraaa fee oat live catil kxyeei the ontario uarketlng board re ports that during the post fn year canadian exports of live cattle to great britain were in excess of 50000 head more than throe times tno number forwarded in 1933 on tario exported soma 30000 animals or coniiderably mow than half the total dominion shipment assuming a riiaan average value of 15000 per head ontario i export cattle buslnaaa was worth upward of 600 000 to the fartnora of tha province last yiar uoro important to the average cattle raiser however u tha fitr3u removal of urg number of cattle from tlie home market hu consider ably improved oomattlo nrloea it t not an exaggeration to aay that if this export trade had not developed cattle shipper would be facing priui as low u so per pwuidlnstead or the prevailing quotation or around so per pound for top quality beef aol- uf4l dairy ww uarkrd by the larfau registration the data ha bad in some yvara the annual special thr benin dairy course al the oac opened th first ur in january rortyatahi caase were rnrolud to rcanrewno th class and it u expectad that another half dosen or mom name will be addd of th 41 student dated all but two trt rrguttrsd as from ontario th ethers are two men from prtnoe ed asm island hay uiiulag hay markeuug in wastem ootarlo aa very quux ui usoaoihcr but much onpnhilouni in the situation 1 ex- piua oeiore pruig in principal umcumoi uiis sason ha tn by uwiur uuck to th larger centre suui lueomo and grkvdually the hay uptuy wuhin irucaing dlsiano of iaavw ccnltc u being roduoed near- ad to secondcut altaua ha al- iaay ucn maikclcd for ajaiia meal auiuiulaciuriug purpose and to ural ut i now lfcjng suapdly for th amc purpose a ahortag ot hay and jio oi tiwd grain u aspocted in wca- m uniario before tprlng li to luctm winter weather vnhi current prices bcuag paid growers u for no 1 umouiy om to g par on rnixed hay mw to 4503 alfalfa tnd cut t to 410 1u cut 7 to 18 oat traw gj to glm and wheat straw jj3 to 4j7s per ton tlsaaiy the unitod wi rank second to uermany as uu worlds hocay market prom tne ttandpolnt of canadian bee keepers however th uoiud kingdom l easily th more important ol the two uoney imports oy in british isle hav ranged be tween seven and ten ry yearly in recent years and have not shown the draitlo f- hna which char- acicrtszd oerman imports during th depression period up until iso th united kingdom drew u honay aim- ply from threa main sources united uale british wast trdie and new zealand other oountrts contrtbutad somewhat smaller amount within th last thr years however cana dian honey ha mad striking progrea on the british market taking second place awarirg all th various comnttlng countrte tn lui chief among cana dlan province to incraas notably it honey export was ontario tola pro vince u now shipping overseas yearly ronsicurably more than all tha other province oomblned pre oaure to vwar rtetare lafitae ooltre tn your lamb t due to took of iodine whether or not this mineral u deficient in th ottawa district la not certain however goitre ha ap- kared in the central ctperusastel xts flock and sheep ownera shwitd therefore play safe and feed iodine to their pregnant ewe if no commercial iodised salt la a vauable prepare as follows spread oo a tarpaulin 100 pounds of ordinary salt prom your druggist procure a to 3 ounce of potassium iodide dis solve in water and tpray th solution on the salt ulx thoroughly keep dry and feed to the ewe during the winter tht wul prevent goitre and when for no duttnct reason lamb ere bom weak flabby it may prove bene ficial itedaced ftolgt bate e ua- ceatlaeij in order to encourage the more general use of agricultural mwfrp in sections of ontario where a soil corrective u required the department in cooperation with the federal gov ernment and the leading hallway com panies will continue for another year ut least the policy whereby substan tial reductions in freight rate on ground limestone for agricultural pur poses are mode thu annoiinoemant was made by hon thomas l ken nedy recently the canadian national canadian pacific pcro slarquett uichlgan central and associated rallwaya are cooperating by quoting e apaclal freight rale on agricultural llineatoo of approximately 35 below the stan dard rate the federal and provin cial governments through a subven tion policy will jointly pay 80 of the reduced freight up to a tmlnvim combined subvention ot 1140 par too for example if the eundard freight tariff u 1m per ton the railway re duces the rate 350 the aubeeauoo policy pays mho and the farmer pays the remaining 37 ha if the standard rail tariff is m par too the railway reduce the freight me the subvention policy pays itoo and the farmer pays 1170 for further particular in regard to the regulations governing this sub vention policy puchaser should vet in touch with their local agricultural representative wno dibcoveud aafgu antwatf just who did discover america chrutopher columbus got away with the honor for a long time but tha claim of john cabot cannot be aet ida chrutopher columbus discover ed jthe west indie but not the con tinent of america tt u claimed john cabot in 1407 bumped into the ulaud of cape breton on the eastern cana dian shore at the tip of the province of nova bootla thereby eatabllshlng a claim as the discoverer then along came claim on behallf of trie norse men who also it would awear made jl faf mow ucoil about th yar 1000 vd uv- log behind them stonas with runle ta- scrlpuon on of which wa found at th head of vermouth harbor and la now uvrn tn the public library to that town now th egyptians are bmlng put forward one of th tau for the claim being that when ceirutophar oo- lumbu arrived he found the imuri calling th consuustlon of hutntj bodle by name wlar to iho be stowed by the ancient egyptlana slate the tourist bureau of the cana dian national luuvsya in umslc there were pyramids hierogiypha and sculpture tn which the baur fid the human figure protxayd l mutb uk that shown tn egyptian patming so who did discover amarto anyyt hew abvmxissmhts aiilfcij tavsaity caa wj weaii waataj cordwood cut into aioe ood ax ii par oord altaiialtvg don at reasonable pries uay itfabp- herd cairgahowil awaesaai w4u mfh lualad room with bath for on or two persona wuj to sult- apply iiafald ofoee uay fee sab choice alfalfa hay tor sale ffeooe 3t0w a r speight oorhoa it wsjaua oood sound scsset tornlpe ajo maaa table carrots apply j bandioed beat 4flo oeorgatows phone twlj it basis fee bale two durham grade bulla for sale or win etxhange custom aawmg done a usual would also purehase a quantity of lumbar or ahlngat og- w d johnston phone 14 george town m agla far sale about 30 barrel of tolmaa gwti and a quantity of other apple for sale at glao per barrel delwed to oeorgetown allen reed uutoa st il na ft m hew ftanpnaia oieiau eft ebaliw to dig old eta pntitt elessraki eesw cleaned oo abort tuttee alia wmltsv am aay ether wrk 200iwwuu the above reward will be paid to any person for the return of tin and evidence to convict the parson who stole asm from my garage at lime- house art scott phone 10t r kt oeorgetown tip a k cotmam oswaal rmicaiwta uarvtcat oasfierej uueldfiff al o umai ak gaj4ia rwaoiid makxg amoma cook with scotch anthracite osaa quick llgbtiag even burev lag geauio scorch amkrade la a deliglu to tboosaad of conka fl form so ctiejcee aaj teevee llnl ash voa can get is o tl aue that is best tor your stove ira the tamples foal w tnachsiucal gadgets to get oat of order oo sauua eu exvlosloas ccuivlnoa yoursel order oeaolne seoul amhrscli sold bi georffetowti by j 8 mackenzie son genuine scotch anthracite will you ii ut wbal youeen

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