Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 17, 1934, p. 4

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p4 i i i ii s tfee goorgetown heimm wjheday evening january l7thji934 what watiom mud lo la th ihcphcrd of th wndrt who hit aatray by krif or grwv ancw hnt ltv save uw prtdlu and atjuatt cltrtr wlio hop u goti who kiy thr li a path utetulistf to th cuy borneon who knows wut ahow that houuwaid way low in l friending uln l rl-i- nj that uixj him from the prloci of his uo so lit way du in havns paciouav- iuxb hw to u wll and fw all truth to know anouainied with uwir ood tby a el prau who labor v that othria find rvk tli cell or nil ion u lmportunal kur oodjlk turn to aiuw ui w of haiu mow jju and cufcnd end unfiarlua- el ar tawb cojiunlkeuf ouy aw wulih lrt bwn ipwaj uw tiruud of hood will ax clirui dut li thr clirut not wtlb u huh ckiap cookie for wtxof do u rlb what 1u vwuy of iwiulouj rocklm can b and with un or aixpuw of th rdy lou cnil luuod on vry hoiiarwuvtf h u gj 4olt uwr u ed tin uk uw itftewdt to bm lot vint wu1w th qulckairitd apoauu thil praairaiiy dmund full cooki jur in fcwry burn tkk com rukai for lartafrf th various com halt corua a fsubi- fuily fiiy end frcoftortlaj lo pvpuj th ftiiy cral with iu trtx but ilk hator provld jurt tha ujuth tj ui unuui tint rvty 4fcb hk uhvw kiaily end frfu auk ew certain to accord your cora rak roofcu en mthuiiutlc wla6n otn fkl bh oi hi i s pound tuim pb cunj ciiopcwdt cud vigit ubwcnooru wtur 3 uhucwici oiun jai 1 tfihlmbooq gtiud cri pmi rnaoi- th fadj frtrt ui wu did ball cuua 4uar mtmt cw julc kna rld orn iwl uotll 1 cud iorijic 1 cup brown hi 3h cup ndtj- 3 umkmt kln4 btwdr k tpivin i 1 m cup vmut 3 cxlp corn ruk ctm in khortvfilnjr add th tuga and bemt ukorthitnly add tiw nou whkh hi ui ulud vuh th fauxi4 uowbr and aalt thn tiw auf and uu ui com tuir4 uu th oookl ckwlah thin about s 18 loch ihkit and cut into round txui ottf round with th di tdlatufv and put a hcond round on top pfln th de toawtwr luk on kafcd bak ins tiwt in a taockralc ovro 4 u ttrta v w is to id inlnuu- wo vkka tfco doan j inch eoofcli ttwrw touator luuc y ta4wan tnuuird oniod cfcopp waib umloa wo akin and aud uakv 4 or t cut through u uxo ihf foukha o th wy dowtl brwlnnln at t nd viae toua toa oo uulwv liawa and bnd badt dlvuioaa ftwtad by cutting lo krv irtit ttowr pviala wl cmnjcx and dlvld into attiona wac 1 iuo4 utvta vuh phal oi oaw adi odloa to u4otinal and plaxrf in cn ur of liorr and around ba uwiy vtabua aw out of ai a km but a tnaur of aittlofixlly atuafuw and uty lha ttuj bd frocd iha hutob- tatiuj yfeot nadd calotrt for cold thr a taao car of by adding dah of aujar a wawnlnt that bbruu th uit and li ud cnu d uaas 3 cue nnty ahjddad cabb 3 ptmcitoc cut tn amall ua i cup cbry cut fin 13 din chopped 4 tahumri ou ou 3 tihjmtiobi vtnar 1 uaipoob augar halt and vvot uim all th lnatdiint tosn s11 ouu and famlih vhh alk of hanl botud a 0sia caa4ag 3 cue ftntly khiikud cabbai 1 alidad oalao 3 lart applaa piu5 and dited 1 timioani butur 3 1fctilitiym visccar 3 1 ahlofctwwi auakjr uaipooa ail aulo halt and pjt- 1 cup bouliw vmltr pry th onion la ut bulur until baft and yellow add bouinc ur ahnddml eaur and tlimd appl blnuiwr untiu cabbaa and apcu at iwaily don add vtnar auaar and ottwr waumunu cook uuw tntuuu mare to uuure tlur blendlna of fuvora- thli uuuni whrat crop in a rail u now euluatnl at iu soojcwo chloroli of ore haw appl ua with amtlml byowui or tbcay du to troej wficincy au hough tuiahrrted by ut rout aoru or aou dirwlxiia baa bmi ftfktlvcly curd in honuly faiailoa by drtvtns iwavy lroo nalli an huh it into th trunk and branth- of th promoted akatn wlkr ruelty polotfid 0tural krelfbt ajrul anadlao pacific rallsray wib brdq uartr la yoroataaoc- rdlng it- uareioar who r- tlrrs undtr lb cammds paua rulr- nr 31 yaara or loyal b4 dlclcnt wrvlc ur walkw sbo h ttaadilr wotstd bu way up to bla prrmnt poallloa baa a bfallb of viptrleqr ta lb ooa pb frtlgbt mrvlcr tlor to bla rtcrol prumolloo b waa 0a r1 ltfuh aisot for tba coca difly in uoouul bm mommta aauut whnt you a tb aun at riy um lutun hi toldn tmlomit oo if a lon brtaht rmj rronl th fount of oa oru you and ha tor whit jiut think t u u ubt 1 if your brokrt al- nilcd wnb far of what miaht hppii and cuwn hmmttid drr th ecnio houta a thry f av womla to b niud with cm jiut unar in th aun awfaii and fl th tl of iu tnornintl wlty carry it eat h aad th llnt ai an tnviutlon atrosii and brlfat kor you to roil th ca oo hid and your alnaii hjrt lil chant a bytu of prai a you dwu fcwfail in th feroiil ry of hm taoralnc at nlht whti ih y u wuh atara thj h ity w- lhat lok thch th bar of cotulant fr thst c you la th drapr of ua at wry thin look up and waub th tlm avbil yor uara ft his fry that ahwy atdh i low to wandvr thrvub th vd land btery in tn toft lht d an iiiiw dy wha aunuorr ilhrt t br roo of alory and lik a dais of away whitman buty udj lurdlyof b fcmpotuae tbaa tb amount of raki that u1u u tb atoounl vhkh dwpprt by wjor- ation front th aorfm of th abound kvaporatua atab t6 laibtail lo raarh th aaia ruuoa u ld th two lunia proht and bat to an accounl m eu u ww wm bueklys mtdur a bibbct omlioavioh of tub province of ontario did undit urfuamm ow tlmy isst cratbbb s nd t amd a ohohoh v onyawioi chapykm 4a amp a chawob am yd rtflmcipal amd iwykhkhv upom vui consolidated revenue fund of the province nwl the treabvrer of ml fkovisce of ostar10 offers for public subscription 40000000 government of the province of ontario noecauabu coupon bearer debentures jtaumiy 18 1s34 aoj tummi la llir miluritut tha chtlea o wftkl b optioaal vbk la mbacrlbar a fouwai timyat 4 dabaatuirw due jaauary 16 1937 dinlnliatl6a piict 9900 and tab tuiha jik u aty 8byvu 4vi6 dbntur du january 16 1m0 tmcai 100 and nunai uu1 4j05s u lay fvayur 4v456 dlmbhiha dua january 16 1049 t t price vfm and idumtl ruua4x umahriiy couponi pauable january hi and july 16 dtbenluret regiiurabte at to principal only principal and interest payable in lawjul money of canada at the holdert option tn the ciliet of toronto ottawa montreal winnipeg vancouver halifax or saint john nb legal opinion of k 0 long esq kc the proceeds qf this issue tnll be used to retire shortterm indebtedness incurred for capital expenditures of the hydroelectric power commission and qf the temislcaming and northern ontario railway commission for adeanees to the agricultural development board and for unemployment belief applications to the above loan will be received by any brincii of any cttahterhd bank in canada any branch op the province of ontario savings oif1ce and by recog nised bond dealfrs and stock brokers from whom may be obtained copies 0t the 0fhc1al prospectus c0n- tainin0 complete details of the loan subscriptions to this loan will be subject to al lotment and the list will close at the dis cretion of the treasurer of ontario interim debentures in bearer i0rm will be available for delivery on or about january b3 1mj thkahjby depabturar iabuaunr diiildingk tononio jinuaur is 1km tbi couxtbv nuue or i bobtoa bim coie in olud btwli front uatujrml fa- urrcntf toorto bum lr not t- 1 knitud u cord frely with th ru- vfcyt tohlch ar ktateowiwd hurow ro with caiuu ot clllur tlo bn ka bf tmimt vu with auallr hrrow stru with lharp turrui iiavc bet bn eorwiiictlv to thr growth of movtorlntf tutcs tlw uiduuruj oe taruiwnt of tw cdiidlan hfttlonal nallwayi in kdaitlon the rwlwork of tralrui tfsiru and waurways covr- i tru th countrv u vuiulv and lias offered sood mrvloe for thr coriv- ano of patatitra and mcrchandlr i whit tiu blcycl u aua prominently tn ill it batna th llollandrra favoriu- tauxse of uaiihktrtation tture u one for awry uitm of thr poouutlon and thy ar ridden by al elaiwa of aorl ety from the buuhrra boy to a un met tmnliler or dlfnltary of the church a cofddjeu abtfnoe of liliu uaae tlietd caty lo operate au thu has a tendency to rktrut bua cons- petiuoo with the ralltrava tn tdotoebuwa oowr mojx than smaxt tatlwa without a fia accident to kwd uere cenarla calf moil water lron nmyaraa supply m u i iu le i i 41 i it r c tn ii af iniii wlnne l ii ii i i mill unti ukuil 1 i i l r i irl 1 m f ii i 14 il i ttf vl mi i i ii m i f r lull trlhl iiri il i i i u hum i il li reti in r ul m ii aitl uli 1 m i fht ir 1 u h- jitw ih r 1 u- jlilt nu l lr iu iiiw i i cm r ll 1 u la l or lie i iii- hi i ll- i ll aanabi 31 commercial printing i in ii ii ll wlor ui llw uil iu1 nn u du lunriuaf in u1 trli ibt uitwr i lrub ai hi ul- ulllnt ii tftft ik 11107 brirlr of u4jr ft- i u u tr tltuii un 11 uljiirr with rvv1 to it tin i lan 1 1- be talr 1 ilrasn fn th ruer lo urt iv t lo ftrt1 lr abril id aallb ii ifd im ll r itlt tl 111 u tl ll la oiaui u xtialu ramy bt w hi 15 f i of llii water s ihf uilbi ulrnt th sif mlunlt amll rlt ar- laoj- a thr ui k unl nf aaur ulaa r tb lltertbo fha u u rral ubw last folof orr lb asiriiaa ralla it hii arrd lb dlalaulloa of tb horwuio falls ould b lmpr c4dllbu hajtariua la tfetw tkat ralj aavfatewy a lelairtailubj la aa aodjtaarioa rv d by a rhting nhlck is balobh a is absp un ttif rtluaf which htw from tb walla ilk ao imwtm bol ua rtrtooa ctii4rllattaa uf ib aky ir l brown bj m wblcb naaiaur with graphtr clsrtty auiba- butlal prrtaloo ind uhatlfltr aofw ay tn paauioaa and travau of tb ft000 tuavaaly bodlaa flatbu t tb ut ad id otb wu th latattj bawl b 4uwj a osf wbr tb tfvsutiaomm daau of tb hitttmta wtu aa all tar case u prtd la tt abort aaa af aa baar for tb aodiaaraa kafb tvraarautloa la aresspabld by lactara oa astronnaay bcaa a fub4aiitnw la at nar a aaool a tfca- atar and a atotloa ptclur wb taaa tbroatb a fw motrola o a cons pit mud faadtlaa can uaipr wiib lb ulfaraa tl raa stop tb atara aa rbatr aurfty b raa tara back tb baad af ttat b ran traval taratib bllllna tossorrowa with tb spd of llfau buri rwnts arroas th baavaas a bambard cpae with iira itml valaau taarty aftar bslnj lost far asaoy yaar a tatpaatry daclarvd ta b tn nmt vila abl ta fraar waa foetid la a dasty ciaaat ta tb clinrch af rl baatariw oa af tb larffaat cbarrb la taria ta dlacovary was tb raaalt af fol tawta op aa eld latad loay tald in emualaatlral ctrcu that a vary ral ut4 warfe of art la tb fra of dotb wj blodaj ta oa af tb part tawhm a aabr af cbarcb tf aaartbadv and flaaity ta a farfottaa twpbaard btgb dp is th urriity af wl baaucba tb upmtry was dlamv a4wl tb upfatry which la oa lw at tb cbarcb has th ttqrboa arnu amwlaad ttb pl tb octar ad ta la mi tad tb unar ad bu alwtafa of aiii tim oslftaaaqw ta fiojb waa btoo by vatapaaias on tb alt of part of nat fafiuwa oolileo ilooaa and la aaioru by tltua lo aj m it coo afa oriiiaally of bra arcadad atari af itoa and aa uppsr salury aillaauy ef wood whlob waa rabuut f atoo la tb praaaot farm aomllma u tb third mdtury th ooltuhjib arobably aaatad btw4 4000o ami 60000 paopla it la alllpural in plan with ita ions axis 61ft ft and its hart axis 510 ft ita arena h1 ft latll and itt faat wtd ita iota balfht to tb top af tb third cntury ataa aeraaa wall la about lao ri w rayahbt an knallab tann u a yslafi usad id rasllsh pablle school undr wblcb norrally wltb th full approval of tb aiillorttla a junior bay ttfrforroa certain menial dnllesfor a asalor until rrnt yaara tb fata dtulaa ranalst4l of sahi barakl tasks aa blacking boots brushing cloth eaakiac braakfasts and tbara was aa halt aa ta baora ragging la rtrtc4 ad ta such llg bt usks aa raonlng ar- raada bringing taa to th masters study awfwplng and tidying thartaha aad eutflldlng in cricket or fotbal tb lu la italy lulya noted bathing heart th udo llaa but a abort dlsiunc froat tb haart of vanlc and without that chald of low aand tatuiula tlw wnlm of today would nvr hav hmn iwra it waa lo tha nfth coiury a d that omtuih barharlana swept doun r italy and lahablunta of th iiiulajiaat sought rafug oa tha udo but ttt aaa wltb wblrh thns ulands toold b attacked by nmy oavlaa ud t an aaodoa la 800 to tha ptvsent lisa af vaulr wbleb lla butweaa lido a tikt tuallubvda lavaatlaas 1b aay list of modoru invi dmoiih tb doited ktatea usually coimu nrui fat lowed in ordar by flivat urliulu da many and prahc mapy of tb ataai inportuat inveutlona of the last half cantury 1a connect iod with 1aetrleuy ovlalioa tubmartnaa tslephonvu u bav baatt american taaoy of tha lav vaatlou oi tb early wsxhln tig ta tb uttar klghtanutb and early nina- tuntb catuiri vara llrltull all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require merits and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario there is no profit frckrt goods on the shelf goods on the shelf are as the nonworking stall fed horse every sale you have made has been to a person who knew that you had the article they wanted the more people who know what you have in stock the greater your sales will be let us tell every home in the georgetown district of the goods and services you offer our readers are your prospects the georgetown flcrald phone 8 ajaadbwreuhlratm

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