Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 24, 1934, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 24tn 1934 p5 announcing january clearance ii i m prices on entire tlocu of ladies winter coals i i if you have hot chosen your winter coat why not do so now i d brill co i cor main and mill su g6rturj pkom 167 s a w w id 4 m ix ticacf if of ab app i i a a a a a i buck s meats dirtd lo job freni lea firms wilb eae profit local news uaiouerd caralvel inb it- only ort ar wk in january th suruhln today 1 apptvti- otd cheer upl ewrythlng 1 toing la tw all right pimple hm bltlftj bristlier vital staluuc for ovoiwalowtt for idij ahow 0 births warrufca and so deaths a meeting of uw unniployd in oirglo will w luld in th town lull ui wdnaday jan list of pfch br dvt in uiu hsue orand uasquerbd otmivii and old tym ai in th arna geo- lown oa thursday wb- ul waxch far popurs far funhar particulars any hotkey fans wuhlng to at tend u canfunuap lf gm ia toronto oa bpjurday vb ioth uiould travel by arrow ttu cwt lo- iwiusiiua at lung cauf6tlory vumuri of council hte uatt dicuuug tutur co lb haglttpj cf tt oiu bell a tx u w u4 pj- iiahy tucrutd oudnt tn the 7 am bill but the noon and euung bill c auld lit to hear u umtl ittiiiuih ivitu of lb othario llumy product coopfuw u um utk of honey uu hind u eauaj to about half the oauclpaud damand uu ui new ctvt u in ill pa lor giiiur ptukjeuon u encouiagulg u uuy bind 4 ihu wutlp u tmiaillija nryj cbeeaj luilhy a cuun under ui euapit j the above aoeurty ww u held u worvaj puuiyierlan church on tiwuy va- ing j a joth at odotk with iv luiwn u futebsr conducting ad- nilukui lie tiuldjn 3 for s4c u this week ends food values pfpflfppl economical cult of flood qualitv vsvwl youne bf enjoy a rout iku wck rfff ewj ie wu co4t you mon ati tha quality u guarantet 18e lb porterhouse roast 12e ib shoulder and thick ib 18c lb prime rib roasi rib boil and brisket rump roast bed udsi p mt ii i b 4p ih 8c lb 14c ib livers loc ib pork livers 21b for 15c this weekend only sweet clover butter 27c lb front quarters ol lamb 12elb we sell for cash phone f f df lgm w 28 w tj 13ufv deliver i a tmrnntmmmm mm a a mmji as trade names and slogans r tltu kratfbm rmllai a uui utu frw wt acb hur is mr f h81ibchkn ralts bap tfa olvmtche i ustesine f btiioix t atlluuea kmw tooth parte cobm rada it kw i rwuhpm flta put sac ea tw n- ul luui- u jula ii tw ito bucklev8 mlxtchg act ilk sua tlttf u tip arona il- iv lb avekst cod uvu oil botu4 gaiud ruia x imi ii aa ui iid 4 h ii w i1a tha fuj ikal baiu 9 brala wrvw aal kxlr- try ii wllb km milk imfan nllribx tft uaiha uh4 brv and va klfa ovaltinb ue iui cabtcbs little uveb rau waka a yr llnr- iu ft robbs drug store bomb h th bcxall un sc a- m mm m pbbb a- iimiuit viubua iraa pnblaj u h ty h at last a preparation hat been found thai will poiltivaly nitore gray hair to if natural colour in a ikort time it u known a angel1que gkey hair restorer udlt b not a dye it arl ihroulh th ivacmt of plnwnufioa trua lb luir cell outuan and will not ilumtloar th ikln u haa iwui tu6 our p pcriotl ot nuinllta in niimbr ol llalrdf wim uhtpt a bath sun and uoawn aftd ih reaeiu hv tean aaumuh money back guarantee w tvarantm thai it will nuar clrey luir to lt natural colour igrovldlng you an not over ftisty ytarv of aft in from ib to 34 dyi or your nutnry will ba nfnruld mauafacturrd vvclaalvcly hy angelique products limited toronto price 100 per bottle par valr by robes drug store miffiiiniiiimfiiiuiiiniiruuiiiuiiiifiiiuniiiiiinim jimiiiiiiiilllfniuiiii wood for sale any quantity of choice maple wood at 800 per card also dry mixed wood 300 cord good cedar kindling 223 flnsle cord isleys wood yard phone 27 gtorgctown iltu courwl th tlsxltwjuao of wlbm cwevw korvsi rcd oa rt- lay nuiu un and how4 bi a- ur uulil of 1 uund itoci thkaaflj siuioul itavlaa a lnwa pwewdaj cuaualu o cocjubad uilloo 8jus ciutf w o uarfcnau of opoffrrtown an lnkulgauag owi turtf y wuiaa al uw tint brfuag of gouoty ckjundl htd at uuum on umuuy icof cfcrcrgr llaitt cf bujunjukl u ruuj iwarcvn of lujttm jutna vrav of ooion and iu oxir- i of luiufjinx rr alio porajnataa personals u ttobwitfc vnitr c ibxnio triaaw u urald a plajani eajj thta hlj wttlt and uiu laary tidith ittu of toronto wm vlilwrt la tcrwa uu widay ur w a autdn of th o a o ouuih utetu uv wk id at afj- w tyiuuil uu nora itbrtun of torotuo kul uw wit trod u ua luun of ur and alt joim utiwrmid- ujv h lairtuiou u- ailch la- frmculi and uby laurajiw of ujiiilrajl iut vujujj itb ur ajid ura w t wodwll un a il vauaaiur liu ln at aiuciiuf nrar lkiuvlls tur ta pux tm wvj twin u ui ipffct asd uaoi ol ur diwutr urs lyaounur uno piixl aay jau lim lwajia uo in bar jw ar and u 4oxvivd uy idj diujuura ui iboj ou- uuu uj- iul lont um vftnniur uui cc uii ajw uf amrtiui 4kp uf uj ltui4 aul rtuba wu auridii tu fiuwriij of ua uu lfcwig wrliiworta wr- cuo ua lvu w it uuiuwu u u- uc- uowll jojui hi j geo itulow uiv uxul it nubia ul a tviailw ur tnd ur- itsjik trlmbu arid ur liiur umun turuuo ltv ur ciidu urtulai ur aui ur jiam jjclkwu and um of llnrby jotia sjul luiatt utlku krtu urt upim lrui un d wrubonn sjjd ougjiur uu1 itamtiy ur and ut- lkiatt un- ckborca and ur jl uxfjuwu liamlioilu ur and ura a uonjuufi uuum aiut biany nuad and wtui jj- uviuiyn and a1liuv milton u tc cwvldmui to bu uu uu tb uij of uu sunk cf ocmmo a iclcnciur for wwu ytaia luu ld lrarujrrd to th lrnci at hutra villi ootatla w j uooauhy ttnpctor ol th wllar ovnutopnt of tnt prwinor ti in tom a fb da aao eut mtown of lb untoo luluf ikbid and tiamimd lh ivcorvli for tnt lu jut tviuirtv la favor of ur lurru bau taa cuk eaimola in danot iivtn by in hon tvma olid in tnc areiia uu luturday nlgnt u a tnnu ajayahu vm itjw ua a good atundanw duny uinf niurnt from ouioftown uuilo u jtm4 by tnt kw llaruony ot- utra aiul a tuinty luncb vu rv- od duiaig tlu- avanlug tlu club ouaibcja iiijkwulnlc for uiu plraahl mxlal tatiirima f uuuc iabi ittlvrmid jjji uubennt uatorw oalt uadylxltu rtn wuy ttanntdy yvannt adam vlout w4uur and ullltl di pua tkrday gtiluia at in annual mailing of lb 111 ion oounty aatlcultural bccuiy bald at uuloo last ttursday aftaroooa vblcn vu largaly atumud tn fol curtftf otdoara ear alacud for 1am man pruldcnt a e woodiey ivj- dnt e hyr uuion flxt vlpniv tunt o u llulap uuloo auoaf vlotpreildant u w ouomnl hal- ton tovtujiij pachiarytratufr a l uacnabb auditon j u mmy o k oati diraetora haaiatata to7iunip w o niajuv- visa m unton wuuan raid toaimlng town jup b ifajtop u w otiuhoim a u hum u j oattoe kiuoa town- anlp d ifartuy o ajnw e- u kcadhfad v ilarboiu trafauar townthlp d raid a uumcr o o olbaoo w e uoomady x ford w k scott ulllon a- e waldl h a binelair o thoanton w bou fiald it waa deldd to hold a thrac- day asiilbltloo tola yaar on thursday muy and tuturday wpt yi 2j and stewarttown tha ululon to ba held tn st john chukh opana navt sunday january 3ith at s pm an loviution u i- icndad to all to attend ther 1 a fmllnf lancral amonjut pwpi of a dailr to know ood wtur and vrt uiay hatltau to mak any wow ttiu i a apeclal opportunity for all of ua com thou with u and will do thm food nu 10 30 tte ululon la betng conducted by tn rector rev r 8 boyd sorvlou l bunday jan 34th at 3 pm uonday to priday 8 pjjt and clotlni on sunday ib 4th at t30 pjn- ohudrena urvtm at a1b pm from uonday to frlday norval offlclali flictad at th thw churcnr uf th morval church ol enslmid circuit for tn year iftu trc tho following st paula horvtj warden o w ooupund j 8unf- by liiy drlfgati to synod j bllnfl- by vciiry clrrtt outford uoratan bt john stewarttown watdana jowpli ban ford john bird lay del- sate to synod oubtrt eniluh v- tn ckrk im oubirt enauih bl- stephen hornby lay delatue to synod w w tnompaoo vestry cleric arthur brain warden were not elected at bt stephen their appoint ment belna deferred until a rutin meeting- in all of th church ob- ilsatlon were rnt and email baunoee retalned in aplte of adverse financial condition in urlr dlttrlota erin tiie annual nwetln of th erin agricultural society wa held in th ton hall erin on saturday january 13th with a large attendance th pre idem oeorff d 600tt dmelded when the annual report u read the ftututontlal eurplua which vu avail able seemed to give th member en thueioim to try and matte th pair for the coming year blror and better than ever owing- to the effort put forth by the lreldent ur aors d scott to make the pair a ucoea in 1mj h waa reelecled omcera wens elected u follow proildcnt george d boott 1st vioupreeldent oeorse- o burt 2nd vim president jamc ifurran becretarytremurer w v ucenery dlroctore ueure kenneth uedou- gal a o parry a j llndsay j e fcaron john kobb lurold oiificd n e ucklnnon ohwr burt ju juitlcs addltlona dlmolor w a b urchll d b fllnclnhyo j u davl j ii aibion joe benlum john wil son it wu doclded to hold the pair for the year 1654 on thanluglvlng day and the saturday prevloua providing it u not too la in octob the moit common type of leaf to bacco grown in brltlah india la the puloo pata which la almoat u broad ai it ii long and 1 need in indian tobacco preparation where hilldnfa 1 wanted oaiiada enjoy the reputation ol holding tits empire veurve of toft- wood timber being rivalled in bar conlferou fonat only by asiatic riiuia tn4 th yfllltd snatal rtu many friend cf jon p uil u1 r0kt to bar of hi urlou ui- wu and hop hu caandltlon vu toon inov uao ugne of loanrowmeat- uucn kyapalhy u iuodd u ur zjlue and hi family in lhrtr iau brrramxnt th duit of ura ulue tw ruijtjut aeay lut wwlt lruat oojtuui an itauan of un ion iuipjhu who waa tahlog tr on uu uiiut mountain to mil vm of uuton y4terday wu unahl to run fau tnouah from banaatb a failing trwe huh eruahed him bfaaklog hi rtjht u if to taun to oueiph general lloipltal uia cbruuna 1 lanky sailknown and highly retpeoud cttiiits of uu ton paaed a ay on uonday morn- ing in uurungton ura itanlry wu the only daughter of th tat archie mocallum of kiquming and had liv ed in k and ajii nearly all her life nrad wu in her 71 ih yax and wu a mamhtr of knaa lrbyurlan church and actlv li twrai ol it toe tat ua hh 1 aurvlv ed by on eon oordon of th high tchooi iaff urantfard th funeral took plao from knoa church wdnmday afternoon champion glen williams oeorg outhrle gu tlatlon wu comuleicly dutroyvd by ore on tues day morning the fu wu ducover- td about 3 jo un- and ur guthrie hid turrty tune to ecape tn hi night c uhi tl e oruui cf th are 1 un pnon t ura jamr lllll has tfto to ouelpb ho plui or treatment iter many frliul hoiw or he pwdy rcovry a kuoocuful euchre wu held on friday evening the itkh by st albana men club pruw winner wer a follow gent flrit tommy lllll 2nd jack evenon coruolauon prtae e uludd ladle 1u un e appkyard 3nd ura o prelum cotuoiatlon uua uarte oraham the local uon quairiu report bual nau brttk quit a numbtr of tan being put to work ur bchenk hu purchaaed a nw truck ura lcdwldge and ura albert smith ar both conanad to th hotpl- tal we with them a tpdy recovery glad to hear that ura- llnduy beaumont u improving in liralth hh u at precrnt ln hamilton hotpltal tier wu a good crowd at the dance grvrn by the olrt softball club tn th hall on friday night the blan ket wu won by urs robert kan har numbered being 101 th prue for the best dreued coaturne wu won by ura snowball ol oakvlil and ur howard oarvln ol qlro william the lady receiving a parfum atomiier and th gentleman a unnklrtg aet th booaur club orchaetr rurnlahad arts cuu muaic and ur jack cain wu th capable floor manager a dainty lunch wu unwd by th girls and everybody had a very enjoyable even ing friend of uu alio iladley pre- entd her with a ahower ol many nice and uuful oxtlcle at th borne of urs j c norton on prtday nlgtt on thurtday evening the young people ol th united church elected th following ofdear for lftm prealdcnt o ingle lat vlcvprealdenta korth jnd vlpfaldnt j lupburn 3rd vlcpreidru0 barth 4th vlcpraldntdorothy tan- secretary bertha scnenk treuurarltoiufl blyth ptjiljtuary whlr wag- a5hgrove the women xiutltut met at the horn of urs ja bama for lhelr january meeting on tuesday with a large attendant ura seward wllaon wu in charge of th meeting a soup recipe being th roll call gave u many new lova after th builneta discussion a humorou reading was given by urs a j ruddelt then a moat helpful talk on the pamlly bud get with timely aids to shopping and tfe market bosket by ur hector bird a duet by urs c b dick and ura earl wilson wu aung the meet ing closed with ood save th king rsfreahmenls were served a special feature for february 1 to visit a neighbor the annual meotlng ol aahgrove united church wu held on widay night in the form ol a banauot tho putor rev b eyre presiding very gratifying report were received from all departments vote ol thank were tendered all lor their ever willing ser vices officer vor ibm are u follows board ol busatan xfr d wright ur r j oraham ur tom brown- rldge ur earl wilson stewards ur a j ruddell ur n o wriglworib ur uelvllia wattles ur clayton wilson ur ward ruddell ur thomas olften sunday yiower committee ulu lule reed ulu lul oraham special wower committee ura r ii wright mr o u dick secretary for annual meeting ur o b dick ii u bcretry- treasurer ur u wanw church 8etarytkisureruv t udltertsr a j ruddell ur if wanloit liw otlaw spouiajpt by wilfrid 1nuulqu otukra january j4lh of ail the ciwa tried i or wieoiiploymmi w- imi laud wilrfoum ttu to haw uuue uuougii wilc uu grawit ciwiii auj utfiu 4u not wuituij uitt hi uu amiuiig tpjun and uiuimir cuort wm lw oum u totau uuntjjiq of mm la ui niail lrajl oi uivi wuh tuuuu tooiuuut u uuuu utetd cum- porauvily uusupputuug ifkwxi iiuui biijii i jf out sx uu r irovuiciai tonlritnor iiti vmi thcn woua uu u ue uirruwiad ariw io uptuini uu rtutf edmluciy umil hm ui uuum of u uneauuiu uy uijjuuum uu pubuc wuu or i uitjj ui m-illt- vf1 uav i i ihj 1v4d uululjthlp oi piuiiuj ktuxs uiml dpinu lapotu fi44jvvd at wa- iuiuui uw uiui wtiiktnani aj uud tutm nun ui wujjia and knuu pjvler loloj ukn a f n ul tiuo bua aulj pt jau l4tluo j u-j- livjig iplux uuu1 1m4 up u iuiivijy liaij im laoril tjlxujt utklr tum citcuih luij n country nvuonii icj hnit luldliu bvtuiv u luu uwy i oo a uttu fuuing liiauung ury qlma tliui fttmr th cooiibal iii ataiiti tuui 4mjtrty pj nut ajury y uuitud a in thu oly lu- j4auu ufv tiiell wtml uw iwprt jju una ajid toptiaui u uijuxu lilt- ulij atletuunt buik ia bul oe uttf ahe piijrily liuj puuuauy iu w lack ajtaai into uv aolrfi bl lrujo fy it ciupmi audi ikihuuty la uu u tmj ol hulujili la4tud mix oikhiiiah iaikl lq iunjy ajiu far tell mbui kuuiuul ul oguim 4aal u ilu ouuua cunjciiiy ul txk iiigw tuat u uf uu uitnm nay by rtfarvtix u iufotaful am aasilaig f vsr klum th klritfj ud lu1 iajid uitutnrnl vul lw unofr ui suprm- auil uf ttu- cowiimmji ujanch in uu pxit ttu ur tuuwa far a grrsi ijuuii luu xujtd in th so cailad taunfulion denaruowbt him i ajj ttery euuii wtu btuig brni u uuiv utw utlkt iu porld su aooukd or pullahuf imnugranl then uw tuyit4tui came and u a rajml i tratujuiaml imo i twpuruuuu a pjjiaum in ilu- pat fv month da- pitulkm jv bu rduod u unaj numb i ajul hut ui thiid plias ha uiriwd in flru duly of uie depart- uuut la uuvt beccm the cowcua- i ou of tjindun many of them un- ruiijuul or dinalliflpd with city con- uiuuns uhil ui heat land for mis- j arming muitmcnt have beo tomucd our uur 1 do laxk of land tuuslile or ullknunl by unmaiayd familtf ptypared u rough u aome- nai or th take of maintaining their health and ujtaappct ouw uu beull ywial invtitur who own provincial bund m be liwrtd by th announoinicju that tne hderal government loc not itiuud ui allow any province to oe- aim on u obllgalioiu u is no ajjgtratkui of the uulu to say that onti uiutuuv uouid bcfor now hav tkun tujxl io tcpudtsxe at laast some part ul it dobu tui woud have given a tctvt shock to canada reputation cllccner and premier bennett hu taken th view that oiutwa cannot af lord to let any provincial bond interest go in ttu atikm on ih part of ottawa while atavuig oxx any declaration of uuolvculy kavt pkniy to in accomp- liuad ih federal government la umandlng of th provinces that at nual they halsnnr their budgiui in icium for otua cmdlt hefting fkii ib trouble l thai the western province oc so inuui money that at prvxent prtoe they can l colci sum- cient taxes to meet their interest ob- ligstloni uany provincial auihnrlttfi uiv ready to confess that only by a radical reduction ol their inff coat tahlch can only mean r- fund ing loans or else actual default can trey bop to ttnem from their peas- em difficulties and balance thalr bud- gels on concrete suggestion 1 that tho western povlnce issue a refund ing loan at say 4 backed by th federal government to b eichanged voluntarily by present holders ol pro- vlncisl bonds th inference being that if the holders doot asxhange them thay will have to take a chane on th ability of the provlncea to meat the purely provincial eblgulona cheaper liquor appears to b a fair ly certain outcome of tn domliuon- ircvmcuu ronterenoe th federal government will cut the exclx tax 93 a gallon or so and th government liquor stores will pass th saving on the idea lint to much to mak in toxication cheaper u to ward off a possible backuh ol cheap liquor from th united olauoa ganadasjar west ttowlpitoei vjulmrr u lf rvljp cvwlfprt kfsllua itara u ik- vr i- linn lartwrt firlir nrvsr trffc more innrjtn wnrrl than tkn the vat kaal la cuiisda vt w- alprava lh lift at irad and tt rarr lipmbt tua ft wad to lb weal yrnta tho bsrily- vioramcb of tta rnfurt aro to 1 ri frra aj th uirlnriiu- and lh m llunatat of frsrty cattjda th uo who fao- nt ni an1 found naw wealth forth artha pfl- wei ih tab wrj into thf al bo loday ib ctnadlana who a wl seroaa tht psrlrr and davalop the fsit marvl of tha fsr pjiii ar tin cscadlana who will fiusd tr undous intuit for canals chins buys srtuuah- f 00 ck wwih of foijm ptni of that to tal fisoooh oo 1 mile ui tt rood wtifrb rasda prola tnr forv canadas rocnlll warbat is china rliibt todjy 1 160 068 0 yhsl t lb vital trulh for cmtut din io rab and ilrllub ciuh his rmlal ffryl u two- fold b- ibui llrltlsb cotmbla i u widely dlverfalbej in b a ber lm vlaea la caairla anf fcwaua lb bulk all aooda hoir to ctila will to i vaarouvrr and olb llrltiah colo tabla drta two nr unr imni ago caaad ti lias with tha rahd hui lutardcted act rodueloa rd toifar canada and ih hutw tv tluluw dlliijlilljo bblbaf thv ar laamln thsl ih mbak f produeikin sad lb taebaalr ef rlutribqtlno uom b eorka tothw a duthboilob nlsds4 raasda watllpl bf at a lea lla osa- niaa praal ult4 o it t it bil lion yr lo rnna china tadsr i burf if worth nf arvwli ar eajv ii fmn tb oulld wmm omwitt ef poruistlnn and h1hr llrlif fandsrd will rata that is pat eafv ta lo aad f thf inllad hutn tvr1ar la tsa sdaa boat njitomer in tb bsx far rasdi sold tnlnj plata tsoooooooo worth nt ofkl itr poieaitsl mirhrt in china if oual lo hr rnatt srioil rnsrhrt it sill nn b r th taarbate vlll not rnra to ua sa mr uarlae rmlad fcualnaaa ostn flu la any ftw tradp it ii 4t in hunt ih tariff wall or th llnttad hiaiear i it rr to bst wnrld rflsuwtllloa i th bsrbat of priluh doblnloa la tha raarbu of fump niihl la canada oea bom mar4t th nfitui irud marhlnery hls satablubad la japan and cm as at toby kobe iwfrn tleatala nhaaikal ad hong kong ha slearh had tb proeea of tm1tng nj lata china and nimnit tharo the rt t up to canadian fntarpm th par iut i caaa4ae pat wai and a half blllloa aallar aav aoal trade l tb prts ia ml a i rrst4 1 wlndf 1 bigger and better bab6ams groceries sfecials for thursday only 10 lb granulated sugar or lit 10 lb brown sugar for 70e 2 ib seedlcu rjiuin for 2jfe 2 x vi tin gren gsse pluiru 2 for tue 40 oz glau jar rl plum pitted jam 2sc bull dog dry malt extract 100 bruntwiclt saidinet 6 for 2i fancy soclteye rtd sulmon yim io quick quaker oats china sle gold medal pumpkin large aize lie sauda tea vi hi red rote tea vi 2zc red row pekoe tea jii ssc 50 o sweet mued pickl only s8e simplicity paltema life we deliver mcbean co phone 64 georgetown ipairaiip iff l aa a i i ai end ntshrlox aovwrrrnb church news beftaiau tail bal why uu uia ag thy btbef or why aual tban at ai ttaajtu tby beuar ft we bltall all ataad utn tit tjmj4 saa af tlah- at hi ia hi omrt cbareli rev w o o thompson luctor scptuageslma bun- day iioly commun ion t ant bunday school 10 ajn um tin and litany it pvm evensong t bt albus charck gist wwuai septuageslma sunday sunday school 3 pnl evensong 3 pm baajia chatvb lutv ii o ivtsat uju of toronto who wu putor in georgetown about iwvntyflve year ago will preach tn the baptist church next sunday tttb january uoraing subiect th ohal- tengo of th impossible evening the olory of the oomroonplac kius presbylsrtaa chard ulnutcr itev a leslie howard ph d sunday january 3ath sunday school and uible closi at 10 us public worship at 11 am and 7 pm the annual congrgatlonal mrating 1 uonday january 30th at b pm imeas make it a point to attend this meeting united chare bcv it w burnley u in later ur norman laird cltolr leader 10 ent bunday school and bible ouusai 11 am uomlng worship subject the fall of tiie roman empire and the church rising in splendor augus tine a man lor the hour ol world crtua sermon and hymn for junior 1 pm ewnlng service subject the ohruuan and the outcast paul and tha slave onlilmus tent phil 1 10 all are welcome at th services several hundred men are going to work on a stretch of highway between port credit and oakvlue tht should mean that for many families tlu worst of tho depression is over raw furs at present are tlu only economlo return from hundred of thousands of squaw mile ol the area of the dominion and are an import ant product in all the province nd batljt cap- fmma ltpj a wbifti fcr vss ot tmafsm ikil did you vr atop lo thlafe that la llnea of bad trad adaartlslai t oa of tk ebtf fseinr ta rrcailig aor mtuynat aad iraprovlas tb soal loo or lb sxamrt uost eoua trl ar aow auff ring fross bad trad and tb poallloa hu got to b faed no pur bob vould b arvd by tryla fo daeovar tb eauaa off th ersat trad deprasaloa ii i morr importaal to try tu frrt out war and oaaa of rvliaa induatry and trade lo oraat drlula foe aisaspl it has bao food that many flm ar ufferiag badly juat txviuu thay are wsltlag for sonsthlna ta turn up without thtnla tablns al la larraasa tbslr turnovar w bat a larg bumbar of uoamployad la tbl eountry juat a in the united fltatra of america tber arc maay unfor tunate million who rannot sod worb vat u rtxvot balane ibeata prove tho eompanlaa wfelrh bar rnatloued fo advertja aad la naaay cas loeraasad ttulr advertuing ap- propristtob have dona iblandld butdu a a result whilst tbslr iraa goahsad eompvtlior ar simply isa- gulahlac this iipieelstloa of tha powar aad value of advrtllbg bu nshlad maay eonrrb to baap lhair rtroduet prouilntntly tn for lb pub- le it ha iitendnd thrlr hom 1- biand it ha increased tb number of workers mployl in nnklucln it and dorotr it lias in a number of cas titvodad a port di raund ta a surprlalog ltt nt btrjuaa of tb chiapunlog of prhiw aeb1vad uiruugh uor crflclcnt produetloa all this jual oitaua that a far u you the ordinary cllli0 or houa holdr ar confer nod iiicuitls ilka aosp food wiarlna apparel boot te esn b bought at luwar prtea bseuusu the fowt i tho arms bat tub advantago of udvortlaint tliw mora they or able t bii and tbo ebupar it l for taiti individual purchaser all of which cm io hti that la- duitrlal pnikpmlly ituxd o it i up oo the uverwiiit iiltm ihibuiiiuuiub of coduntitlon mum tuaut u if ad- vartlilnn n he clilnf aauaman among larjf popuiutlun u in n tb product aehlvvtia unutir popularity mid de mand a a nmiili of udwrtlalpji you ar able to prntlim tuun of it at a lowi r p rim mid uu aru alo ua- abtpd to umplo timuy nioru worhera iu clolou su tiud to pa tlitm inillnr tbvo ou h ml ii i o to rompsta in tbo murk cut of tb muld by otfur- tdg bood quality at tin uioal cota- dalltlv prlii- tbl ruubti dti of hnw adviitislog hnll up with hit pioiuhiitih of pro ducing tnjlnu uiui billing abuulil mak clinr 1 llilnu huw ituportaat it ii parlkularly lo lliixa llkv tb prcsunt in muia uixib titan miui tlm yi wlilt r udvi itlalug wuuld aulvt tuiiuy ot thf il ill ultus lliui ar troubllou many niiuritb w e toiiillo udvortlulnu uintior uundon euglaad ually lpm- london trdiiaptirt buurwa ara r- markablu rhiru aio 6buu buai hi mile of tubub and underground rail way and 2t4t l rum run oa iii lu ol irarollua utr wlu thru if th cattl ar id corn en th cob than if ui corn 1 cruahed on ground ii huksd cat corn i fed to th caul aauh ataar ili support from on to ona-an-a- haif hog of course th bcamr th iiecra are fed th fssur th tog i gain young pigs weighing about iw pounds each ar but to follow cutw- iuy labseug bsaiue a hay aaortac u prouab in ih ot laaiuu counuc and the ottawa kaxny belure apruig and this 1 wing uitctuuhod by nv early suuer and cuiuia cod which hu rqulrj ativur fj thaq i aioite larnurs or reducing lhair hard ainca mey ara not lu a ftnvnf l pott 1 to uu hay and regard th outlook a pour lor niufa prtos for tf ttf u the casicm pan oi oenirai octano u nay crop nu light also and lax- uurs iter realise mat caraful ooo- hjvaiiun of suypiy u tweesiary yr utcr ul toward toronlo th hay nop u good wuh niatuy of axuifa ana rea ctovar so thai en the whop utero may be a bay tn oanirai uquajio to meet iuinmenu until apruig in narthsm oaiarto the ray tuaiaat at prassnt u tjuw the bwt demand being from th pitninj towns in supply oi hay in the agricultural toctioo oi nonnrn ontario is ban ti to be sumuent for local needs current prtoe bsiog paid giovan ur in the ui lawrcno counusa tor lunouiy and clowr mued 113 to h per ton tn central ontario timothy and clover mixod ill tn ue u0r and lower ottawa v alley mixed hay a to a and in uauu uu uari sod omy and new luieard lor lit lee ol uanneni ontaxto 13 to ux0 per faaraary usealaga j a carrol uunartnianilani of agricultural hocutus in the oaiarto lkparusunt of agnculture annouraoes the following daiaa for f all of which will be held in th ulard lioul toronto ontario vagetab o rowers aasocia- tlon annual meeting thurtday sab 1st commencing at ttjo aja oonvan uon priday tvoruary 2nd commenc ing ax 0 aid ontario ploughmen a easoclatloflr annual meeting wednesday wbruary lit commencing at 1030 am ontario field crop and seed orow era aisooiation annual meting thurtday avbruary ith commenclne at 0 sun news and sstfotttaaoo fo li biuy fsrnie of the three element of plant load contained in complete fertilizer mix ture the proportion of nitrogen ln the fertilizer should be given special at- tontlon if previous crops have ahown too great a growth of leaf and stem utth a poor grain root or fruit de velopment the proportion ol nitrogen in the fertluber mixture aliould bo materially reduced or eliminated en tirely if the growth hu been lock ing in vigour and the plant pale ln colour tiie soil hi probably been low ln available nitrogen and a liberal lupply of tht element will probably be required for normal development liege bboajj vulew suer hog should follow grainled cattle they will not only utilize the waste grain but will improve the manure produced moreover the profit from winter- fdma beef cattle on grain under present conditions will depend very largely on the hog which uullae the imdlgeeted lead from the cattle tlu number of hog needed to clean up after steer depend on the sloe ol the cattle and the kind and amount of grain fed to fo ifnie hfli gaw ontario association of fairs and ex hibition annual convention thurs day and friday february ufa and kb commencing at 130 pan ontario horticultural association annual convention thursday and fri day february lth and 18th oou- tnencing at 0 ajn apei rvtea laape- d beukab uatkst tha market for ontario apple lo great britain hu improved since the now year and price have advanced slightly andrew fulton overseu fruit representative report that he hu been obtaining ii to 33 shilling a barrel lor good quality attractively coloured baldwins and 1ft to 17 shill ings for domestic grade of that variety orccnlng of no 1 quality and largo sixes are realising up to 33 shill ings a barrel ur fulton s view u that the pros pects for ontario apple on the brit- uh market during the remainder of the season are likely to be aatlafao- lory for the shippers and that the ontario ben davis and stark appiu still remaining to be told will reeiiae fair price if they arrive a expsoted in good condition lie writes the best piece of business carried out try the ontario apple exporter thi a- son wu tn packing their oreenlng and stark with shredded oil paper and placing them immediately into cold storage thl 1 th first season since x have been on this market that we have not received complaint from buyers about oreenlng acaldlng arly ln the season x have watched all shipment of ontario greening re ceived to date very carefully and without exception where the full weight ol a pound and a hall of shredded oil paper per barrel ha been toed the apple have retained a clear skin without any trace of scaldirut this achievement hu created a very favourable impression on the buyer bui of lading keaaffej every trucker twunomnjt uveetook for hire 1 required underhl pov license to furnish a bill of lading to the shipper reports the ontario mar keting board in a recent statement unregulated livestock trucking hu re sulted in huge losse to th ontario farmer and with uu purpose ol abol ishing such a condition the govern ment hu adopted thl regulation prior to the advent ol the truest when livestock wu generally moved by rail the shipper interest were protected by a bul of lading uore recently however with a great part ol livestock shipping being effctea by truck the shipper had to depend to many ease on the integrity ol th trucker too often thl resulted to dispute with the shipper auitalnlng a serious lo with the bill of lading now com pulsory the shipper may designate to whom his livestock will be sold lie will receive from the oommlsslot house or packer a description of weight and prices paid the issuing of a muter cheek is now a thin of the past the buyer under the new regulation 1 now obliged to mak out a cifctck 10 ataiigdal tiiwnat to cach shipper suok chtj iw guaanun by a bgy1ng houe ablih still tunher protects the shlppaa in a word the ugullaoci silitta the shipper that h will gai hka money and a full and corract stile nunt from th purchaser lo whom the u utter daavers hi load in c lui th farmer transports hi om uvcatocfc or where a drover purebssa outright from a farmer a bill of lad ing t not compulsory the vain of the m is iiryiiiaailrifpiil ikw ever to be ol graaiaat value to the shipper he must be thonhigbiy tu- lur with the una of the bill of lad ing and hula thu it be ud u aij a ta of folk who et rkb jakk got poorer even mow eulcsuy in grot value ol wodue the ajsoightartng and iiiel- tndiai- try which t depecdatu ehifly eas g husbandry foe lie oalatua hu during eoat year beea oneof the most tapcrtant ing manulac- turtng tnduatru ta panada new avesmssmsxts javiaity caa wisj week wasateat oordwood cut into ato socd as ijjo par eord woataaa abarpaatfiaf don at reasonibpt vio stay fcbtp hard oacrawtown waauj to buy up to is acrae ol hardwood bush apply by letter to ate r lierald otdo a wasau4 a base vlol luqly to box ui georgetown it a maid tor aeneral houseworttao- ply to ura j b uarknrte lip hay lee- bale choice alfalfa hay for aale phone 3tffw a h speight oeoegatogp ii kuito fat- bale two duihaa grade bull for aaje or will ghb custom aaetne done u usual would also rwiffhih quantity of lumber or shlngl log w o johnston phone lie osoi- town m utm fer bale 10 roomed house on uala stnet opposite baptist church oeortoiis uak good boarding house owns will tacrine forilmo to nuabk party apply to ura wiured ffestan qiin williams phone 115 r jl u auuaaaauut wasuea local npreeantauve with ear w truck to distrlbuu epecially process ed uotor oils orease and speciali ties direct from reonery to usar write for protected urrltory boat tr iterald orfce gppla f es sal about 30 barrels of tolman sweet and a quantity of other apple for sale at im per barrel delivered ta aeorgetown allen heed ulltaa u ii no 8 m hew c ditfihee and draia to dig old n elafema ail clsaned on abort notice also white rashio and tay other ajm vluiama bos uf ur 2500 reward the above reward will be paid to any person for the return of rifle and evidence to convict the person who stole same from my garage at ida houseart scott phone 107 r at georgetown up a at ooxjauh asnwaxl vsttjcatxw a uttau general trucune at ail time aal gaub rataoved weafcty a lewest ialaa wood for sale otjolce hardwood uapi and baeeh mixed soft wood udst haonabl prtcea apply jack tost phone balv oeortetown t wood for sale obolu alaau uai4wj aaj otlu ratk at litht bhsu ohu wt at a uuua or at uy heap feaa mtf dromjjuy atubdaj la uvwaacohb wood for sale otulm utrinsat baub ana t wr cord batti ml mr tmt4 1 bbammroatt hubh hi ar mm wood no i hanhmal tub tat aup wmd uw uu au au a la bloda ti hardatiddiiw l kln hja mh aw te wai ai u u bat wvur csmt la am hpinib mapptimp

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