the georgetown herald siysrwl ye of puaktmisot hm gmtgowa harmed wcxwcky evtnainjf januaty slat 1834 ft ludobujjl it gowown hmaij j at tomm wh tirto i uuudafd tfam pitr and uiu uis a pungt and luij lm k ec tor tuaato s44 s wifcgr t0 kmnm jtwtl4 v44g paiifir u4 1uu lav i kjtiiir foe pw ihlungr and uu itu uu i nge kiody 19u 1 lt cm tlili and ttx ar uu and pfcinjif u u o f taiaaier sdialdl iuhcyiv oct u uu f fllrfult ui eat ii uu 1l u uu u lud an lu p id pu 1m pa fcdii hilmlihr a j pjb jd psft as t- cm pm 11a pa fuuutujft ikiiuux j holi day onlv wh u lonc9 stos directory lb boy airs ttflutf ml jlillrllm outouwo oaulo othm qtwt ttr jul urn at cluehcs b wioodil oaa u uu at fuonb ilw mjulhltom ok bjaaani m lahodoh bnfaw ih iit kury raito rua u n u0 a lata hum u wivbubvs a giraibnton bnum milium m rajunt w imy to lqaji cwuniinn aut- q- i h uamttom r b wataok iklu msa a m nielsen uu ytu at huua ctsbopraetor xray drugleu therapist lay imgjjgi ooot oer rtamtwimi ator hduh i i fc md mk hum lata frank petch ucshttb avonotoam in ik niillil u vmi ui hhu oafttwb itit ivit tortw muunmw monuments pollock a ingham gi ts oil wmb gah oat otbuauf the ivetx waj to buy coal bine coal ttd welsh anthracite od orian rw i vwi m vwi no exlra delivery charges to nobval nwabttown olkm wttxulu monk mmooi diumbt um4 vte cwh u n owbm a rut iiii john medonald btbb buy finest quality salada tr j fro j girtiwa whem you hjtlt usfty to tf hatiori and you juit uiti th urt rain aij yr xpctlg you hems tenighl 6t to tlliea long blstancs call will avom tfoubu and worty a ea u 4 fiw blm trela yoau 1uj ua uuuaj wdy wmim pot toy uoj ol s yttlku4 ea loag duuaw u wry kl to tojggmrig lcoli u tw froal of vw 4lmry or uu lu1 of rtm iw aiiu m for ii litiu u so wli what is heating value tb etttlnj walaa ol fal li tt taoaai ol bi tbllwfws m acajou hlitiv com oficul tmu hiv pfod tin4 gmoib scocfa atutw di cblivrt friiklwiiw uaoau oi b4i pr kwl bctum of tbs ufh oaboa eoauat u it loag baralog o bmilof tnd qakk ughdag htodtfui oftuf caaim scotcb antfa tixlim briilili pmhlartv far rul coaoy comfort boj coomauoc sold in georgetown by j b mackenzie son genuine scotch anthracite new low prlees on all glasses rttlvu blfl aw ta slgrto v iluiw uu ui thmt our nw kw dhot for th uuh uyu of iuiiu u lowim thau oct huooi ron tin tuiu quality o t walker doc eveliaav bkotaluv brtmu li u ki al bofcvli lvi buh0 lb i mitamujf or ha aw oiwalt o t walfcia at ui oow la baauttoh ad aluitt in rilmil la prim winter millinery we are lure you will be pleased with the new wtriler style which ara entirely tufferenl the new material and coloring u iuit rltht for winter wear a big reduction on all our hats now ii the time to order your- fur coats misses cl aridge herald block ujuirt gogetxwri tut hojl to uofeu ttairvo ft kauj lhxt wslvktat to2utfrjj ovr hvuniilnft to lii a wtodiuf read tiuoub rutd ludj that tnauch4 tuctdlautly ckfr ut und tosa nd prul owr llhud undo and lbo dut tha rud uul haitvrs hctiwwjjd u ua w i to lh ut twrii a road oartkty euttijd uj uju and fild cd hul wlbir u- purvl muu ol aulurun enfiiart uyj luw hi euu owr nwti ftuuir and vgwy uadaifatv aud toounuinfciil uut ui rod uiat kd uw boowwaid 1 lov uy uil ol ait ttkir a nuul that aiuvn touut- vaid wuidr toulhbad lu the pln ajouud out xtty uk aid ta whfr ll ikkuou iprtjiaj ti- pa and ajtuauaaotij tu a rod dlvujly bial but tl- runjiajil road lh itome- u tb iod i kn uu uu u tw4m tocw om vou juel a lutu lat ol aujbbdry jttud in uumjtuliw hay liiy put a bugbt uion a person uiat quit iiiwiy loag may atay qr tb thlof buy haw bii uarud am oaw ten ol looiuh cur but truuk lu voud b toiulud lf twaa led qo yoaf own ou eiacdar fioova ia vlcjotu clcaa iaa- uiaiy uhoui an and and ukm aij tba allay rvpul u a uung vubout a rrwod 1u or lh bo mwatli a aiory thai ahouid not hava bio uniooml uay to wrtain to tt fuiur u ui aurv coou homa to roit- news briefs coloul dl uanh pharmacui his brothar karl cajiaduo taclilc ccrkui and j w ooutofl atudfnt sr u- riauaa eattpaiml to aaax to the facta itiai thay had un ft us urptnt ca oonaaiaa point near victoria racam- ly th wrpaot was balna punuod by uaflulla ho vara pbnutlnj ai li it uiwd on ixccrdin to lhair awount and djwd wntually dlupovarlnf out to aaa tt canadian oowrfiaiit aldd by th canadian wclflo llallaay hu placad anroalmatjly maoo ptotil on arsia tnixtuthout th domlnuun dur ing th paat thwa yara uhout diract onancua y- ol the 9mq wvr plaovd on th land under an cmpkryiittn nui und utilittam plan ftharad by th provincial and fedtraj eomudu i a way out of a aand trap with a nihucjt onto a grwn u an oc cupation tlttlr practlwd in canada al th prrwnt tlau but th cxmpuoo will b at victoria february fu vhrre th alxth annual emprau luld- wtnur golf tournanvnt optn to ama- iturt ryvhr will b luld numer ous fntrw from all over th contin ent hav alrvady been racclvml or thl popular avtnt the hone u 1 aiding hu on with thr tractor accordlruj to opinion i- ihtum at th 60th annual meeuna ol inr ontario vrtrrlnary aiaoclailon hej at th noval yorh itoul toron to recently vcurtnartana nanwd th uprraalon a a factor in the rculn- uiiolln controwny tnhabltant of th mod typical american city rrujagad in lh mott typical of that city induitna and iikfcrd a the father ol th moat typi cal american family uerrtll j brown wu intervlered reornllr at lha royal voib hotel toronto lie comet from indunanoua clatmrd to have th urg- cit am rr lean bom population of any clt in the ub and u cnaaem in i he chemutry lnduitry women have won another victory by forcing entry into th annual banquet of thr uontrral dutcbrrt aaoclallon to be held at th plar vlger iioui in thai city rvbruary 13 nert it u th ant tun in the half century tine thr tint banquet wa held that women hav gained admiulon and th victory waa only by a acant majority of tla volaa uan 1 wonder if dyaing th hair l really a dangeroua aa torn of th doctor aayt i ltnpckd kelbhoor vou bat it u i an uncle of min triad u one and wtuun a month h waa marrlml to a widow with four children woman uy tuabond u a perfect brute and i am going to get a divorce vultlng oentleman friend why x thought he was a pretty squaw sort or fuow woraan if may b square but x dan t want him around it think it is more important to pav the groosr than to buy the clothe i want women s bathing suits mod to be an embarraaunent in th water but now ihey are an embarrassment out of it writ woman she told me you told her that secret i told you not to tell her beond woman the mean thing i i told hr not io tell you x told her first woman well dont tell her i told you ah told me baldheeded uan you aay this u a good hair tonic drug clrkvry one we have a customer who took the cork out of the bottle with his teeth and the next day he had a mustache sense la a better inheritance than dollar people who give a aquare deal usually get a square deal ttejoloe at anothers lueoese and study his meth ods crime tin t due to pinch oi want then u must be due to want of pinching and then oi course the nudtite can save quite a bit on moth balls ten men overplay or overloai where one overworks the men who sit around and whistle and wait for the breaks are the men who stay broke the beginning of a perfect evening la a decision to let the sup per dishes wait until morning uore than one young husband has had his eyes opened with can opener smcii tftutt cough or cold with ltachuyf llwmrltvhhu luamlt mj ull m uuyxk iuacuiv0 uivruaii umu tbauklfrrnt u m rl j ulaj mill uv tlaslm fh ijj t uthiuj lk imiskaaj uusb w cll aahl ktuikuir csa kt iuiuuj biis uhn uf tt vlmm l imur jaailjie k m wii fimfca will mm mum maaf halwhtl juat u 1uju tilm til i luium will km talfxw mitf eum4awrllai ttk lalhiiluttil lkiw4 uwmiiy trtaaj rtkmuutv uk 1144 ooldoj tot lui e flnt the hip of ood and his rtthioii- tv4 and all th jung shall be addwl unto you jlatthw u jlilioh paiaoc uattbew 19 u 1 do not think cf ood a utog sum tuuti and tcld uun t b tviilihl hour i sia6d vin ia ladtmm h and ie 7 ne htawns wjm with w and ftwld janue uuil urooka yw hauk kiu it- ii tii tunc u coming uy a eaga- iuu author when men will aoum tu almild ulflt ur hjuitjmpg ktalui lu a nw coiuuvu such a nuiih atnrrtca with au natural re- iuulk it tuay uwvualu uut ukfte twiould le a eras for tillh yu iimir u soiaitning uuer curtw wtu teas rn for our tajuai bci poor hiu we through tu povky ray in lw mad rath not ui uus wrid ygotl but rteh in miaid tnd hiajt uiriu uu no afgacy bui us gatvwnu kud hi law yet no on can say thai i wu iot mukiuiltfly run uj lit ttilait of tlkr murlt we mar char the ituaruitu uttjr that ai in ctinu jiu wuen ua tuperwnos of itu truth gmxe and love sve scorn to glw tmx tux to gold baortgaa nd bunda evw rtch msa are aotaluy luippy thy are haraaaws uckini aiwr urr awnlui in the autumn ol iwjtf rlchc tanuhd over night ur tiirr u pursuit oi ssalth ollan uulc men so preoccupied that they tnua trrauurc ol mind and haart w aonder whit spvcuiaxora gt in cask to equal hat they spend in time inounht and ovouon- a purpcka is potfrtrful it unlus mir potrrv u is lik the focusalng ui ui eyea tikn prttecu us from uvliig douhle a purpoa is like the i udder of a ship that prevent us uoin drifting a metiao to ourulvea and a dangerou derelict to other a pujpatt la ae th magnifying glue uut coo verga th suns ray into one point of suxh inuru heat that u will iaue fire a purpo la a a rope mi u r atiij single weak strand and ataking them inio one strong rope a purpo 1 a a good radio aeteotive f hwmlng what it wlaha out of tpy sound cauhlng the wave iscgth it uefcs to um or a purpo u a whan one is lost in a formal and travelling in circk comae to a road that giva direction and it poaalale to reach an obctlv one of the wise wu oi psychology 1 thl organise your life around a purpose jesus anew for what h lived and he lived for it lie tuadfatly set his face- to tu end am x com he said thai 1 might bsar blinase to the truth prom this high purpose be never sverved a taisvsd ftrtbililt 14 gome shrewd ana prudent people deiinerauiy aay that they intend to moke the mot of both worlds jesus iaj that it cannot be done very frankly be told man that they could not serve in lioney god and the ood of truth and love ai one and the same time uany nave triad to do it bat somehow the money desire usually step up into oral place those who sra to combine wealth and worship lack uulty of loul thiy have divided penonalliies tltervi is much in the mew testament thai l unoomiortaba reading for them there are cana- duns who set out a tdfm eager for social reform and public service rhrn th get- rich quick germ found place and for a short time there wa a vtruggu between the two ideals in thr end the money wtng lust won and the peopl lost their champion uume such canadlana have died worth million but poor in every ideal they cherished in youth it i significant that canada gnatest benefactor have been relatively poor man they were not hampered by having their mliids cluttered up with large invest menu lanusagkt wukeeu rirtkjfcl in some part of the east iii is on a different hail from that with which e are familiar the climate u mud there are several crop a year and it is safe to live from hand to mouth people may relatively be as carefree as the bird and the luiea but in the greater part of canada where thare is a long winter and short summer provision must he made for a twelve month food supply this may be done to a spirit of worry or in a spirit of trust christ a pf is that by trust in ood we may live without worry we may have fore thought without fear thought par instance a commission ha recently studied the oenthlinn banking situa tion and recommended a central bank this will be discussed in the federal narluiment and a decision reached banking haa become to complicated that it require much thought and forethought the problems must be faced and solved trusting in human ablltiy and integrity to refuse to think about it or to get into a panlo lest a mistake be mad will incapacl- tate canadian from improving the banking ayatem in canada if we do not plan beforehand we risk starva tion ptrat yfaiarb rtret u dwlght la uoody aald that he was determined that ood ahouid have all that there was oi him lie lived for evangelism made it the goal of hit life and wa oblivious to wealth john wesley preached several tunes a week handled million of dollars in crust and when he died left only coupl of spoon the men who have sought first the kingdom of ood have found contentment and freedom from anile ly about temporal affairs the su preme example of course oi living for spiritual purpose is that of christ himself often he had not where to lay his head it waa dependent upon friends for support vet he lived a luu of trust and joy which puts our fear and fretting to shame christs cure for worry wa to trust ood and obey his will in hi thought it waa pagan to fuss continually over food clothes property and wealth ambi tion selfaeeklng avarice tuatroy poise and peace the only way to master material things is first to be surrend ered to ood to seek first hla kingdom and then to trust him to help u meet our need qweueae far daauweelet 1 will a central bank in canada give financial eectuityf 3 what are people worrying- over most at present 3 consider the lulee- what do they teach ur 4 what doee u mean to give ood first placer what are your motive for working 0 what is onrufi cure for worry radios wonder valve atlutmal fctw ulli kftbe yfew ivfclbi rtlrflliavj it iftjatmry kofllth fiilk who bv n rnrr a an iixi of laniuaifi if an pnvalle nn ihu mr at the allaailr do sot ujij if lu tut of a nrllo tvl ta y m tlim vkim whuli rtxi si i km an tnkl b f ttlr funrtl o afiir nil urfy are kt tubular l hjp w might jut sa will faji tbva tttl tti arab had soate taamiu it tioru atwiui gooll wbe wrt b k in tttlt a4 wo bmlda him t pulled lha rerk wllbout lut mi- fh rslriiword- but tb uu- tlitl i li i r radio eao frferrs iklr mnii wltliuut qultllnv lh loitle tiip irkjl valve wa levand 31 yjt eo t prof john arabm- hmvlnit a ih ualvsrhr ef yodou i dlaotl u waa littlemtd i ui b hl original eypavluifitla t fogat lliai i i fit d slauubt wnd- obt iron el kit alriklbs a tulal aisle i ur a hjirat thl slream gf jltvtn ran llu oaly la oav dir- i ion liure i he rtalnc al u tin vktllrni rrihlfiar h wa lb trt atl furniry dstwtcr for wit l itrr ira aad the stftfy ef yias logs a vlsium wuh wsiwal u a rw luane- in llmlf urd coiai fra lsajoa a about a vaj ikat mmlib a toe uk j ahb0t wktitwo wfcaa ttt we tb sewer i a tfeoasand horwe brlllsb euetrieaj aertnaere have aewad tae dlmcmlt ajoblsea wkiee arte la bullilag aaj eeeratlag ae gargaaluaa a beetle aad a aw vtata auetrteal aeoari le oaad us rw b lb tv-e- sibllty oi more aovwfal ieaadcasttag sutioaa w tklmk of a igkllowatt statloa as a mjperaower tlwibm at or of aae and aoataf tkar are oe ly tkree ar foair ae aeerni la north aimrlea t th aw lab l th aemaj ai tveaty aucb sutieaa tbanb h it te to be ased em brit ish grocraese fee that i tfc asdiit isiriil ae fee tak it te 4eicbd baeoad uaie w ft trfga tb weetj at9 sarar te tings power iriaaafiilatlnii tfc weoaosal rialt rer ijfc traaamuaiaa 1 aow aboaat iw ollsa altaraattbg rurrwat mst w 4 riieawt it caa be sted a a u big vakage wbiee will wow uroatft lug tretebee ei eatall wire wit utile in dtr4 eurreat oi btgh itag rould be aawt wlfb laee loa bat a ralv i tke oaly maaa ef grodoelajt hlgbvoltae dlreec earreste and op lo tb preawat bo tale suriaily powerful ka bees devised it weald ui 111 of tke new vat te handle th output of wlanlbr llydre two plants but aaglaeere foresee a time ehea energy froea tb nsieeti and rhurcklll river buy be bresigbt te wlbbtba tbroaan sob assb rr tb wlaauxat vrlbua oobbiikr jutch cw1chx big vur be ttt wa aeaaaaali mew fuu pvoea ol ef the peaee rtew tm triet eomee a ui of a turkey la a nw rol aatlbt on eg qeorg if corral pocjltry commissioner mho rwolved the scary throueh v d al bright aaya be sever brfore beard of a turkey aattlag on egr r 8 hlatciind of north star no rib of orlmabaw vrot ur al- britkt at baaverlodg enwrimaacal htatlob that one oi hla turkey baa blurted te ley on fehroery 10 and eootlbued until the cobbler also took a past or egira after settina four weeks and hatching two poult whleb died th torn look another neat oi ck when that wa broken up he refused to deelat from hi new fad and was content with elite so a wggt for a urn lie wa more careful ta brooding m tban maay a turkey bon or rblckea flhnuld anyone aak a breed oi lurkeya which might share daiumtu dutlre of raarlag a family they might get turkey with a new trait from ur llltouod who ha some doses oitra bird canadian uooti there wa a lira whn itnoaed te b aald that canadian wool aekad the dbcvmary quality for tb eaanu fartura of high irrad tfttllee if war there wo any truth la thl inure 1 non inday asya tke cana dian cooperative wool o rower as sociation tb thpory ha been a- tlrely etploded by aeluntlffc resaareb nod eiporlmvnt the association klnla out that if our woollen menu- eturera were to use native wool fimducflod would be increased four- old and eneepralslttg would basonse a valuable industry for the western farmer lloatrual pjeeae ttt larv4 opal kvaeovary oi what is ballevad to be the lergaet opal in ailstaoee was revealed receatiy it is aald to welch 411 eareu tbe eooiu of ltg rare alaska a aopuullon or 5871 wbleli is an in- eraas of f aer at over tbe bgure fawm council g0 pretty voung tiling are you lure thaw curtains wont shrink t x wane them for my bedroom windows candid clerk lady with your figure you ahouid care you ahouid care suitor your daughter thinks theres no one in the world ilka uu esther well x auppoae you a a bit odd the oldfashioned beau brummehl who used to spend a lot of time rub- 1 walter in hlghlau hotel din ning the creaeej out of hi troiaer i war here is a la carte air hu g sandson who spend plenty or scotchman well wheel it along money lyyinf to keep his rreased my boy all bo avj utris tlwk u fwaiaw tb at ad y devalopbeat if young caaads s lettrfrwt la farmlag durtag tk past dead i aow barias aueli pihjiu that aor and taor dab are betas- rsltd for and tke wrb ka rrtd a arop fr tyood thai orlg- i ail if outlined in th plan ei lb dewmiad fpjrtmbt of agrlealiure thervfere its cjaadlan ecukxi cat wy jlbd 1t i elub voifc wu fdrw d ta l wiih aai kur ui tovubta a wftl aa 10 tcv6dulei tke junior agruullural aaevsessat ae wbn tb rountll ba rweeeaaulive ai beik rweral aad protlaelal twak- wiu of asnrieumure aai varteu la rfwstrlsl aad edrjiireui laxkvtlaaa tk ulur larlud egklblltoa bawueta tlofi srvv ejub bgruuhiiraj eutlm of various kind aad busies i8jrni ihrougbout lha eoustry hwlae and ratlu lub kav bmi tt parueulsr ear tt lb railwwye whleh have provlied trasuaehatue asd tmphle for juisisg him uoaa sad tbby stlsdulsted ltr4 te tbl braneh of ec d savor originally tb nwwtat ta eeqflnfd to live- ttoeb projry gj various blade but aow tb proraa la fc broadrned obt to ladud srtrtually riary i law aad dartt of raodora faratag u oiaaia tm vain oi tb barking of lart ota dtia ttltuuoa i ihsasaeurau both froea a moasury staadpolbt and alo frota th vtewolbt i build lag eg bb4 coaseevlag pubii laltret ta tku imiurfjut farter ef lb roae- trya lli ulflg aontfl baoknpowauau ulster of th celebrated fobsdr of tb roy avouu who i lb founder or th qlrt quid untemaat ai wblcb ii 000 are canadian girt pounb ussaiddo 8pua mareebflaw radrhwaj water sae ply read by aaeueu tb famous ifeglddos flprlag used through the eaturte by lb aa- einu laxludlng ftoioboa staad ex posed a a reaalt ef ecearatioas fey elantlat th ulaatuu aald tb eetraae was probably tb largeet hoi ever dismvered br aar arcbaaologlcal ai- pedltloa uaglddos gprlng tkey said had been uad far 1400 raare a th known water supply of at et tn aucceasiv eltle ol dlffereat perloda th hug sprlbg wa found 111 feet undar ground rieavatlebe irst reveelcd an entrane from the sanv rait or a bill wllhtn the uegtddo fok re work of uncovering tbl mill isry poet of flolomoa waa busaeedai immrdlstely and tb seieatisu eea- eentraied on eisloring th famea prlng a msrtel la aneuat ahaertag wa eiposed by lb fleering ef a roek hwb pauageway froos tke iumrolt entrance to- the subur- ranasn spring cut froea naltf reek a bhaft so feet wide with a circular staircase winding does its tlase lad to sn incline tunnel about lit feet bnath the surfer pros tk baa of a 40it atalreas through tb incline tunntl a horlsoatal passageway lad 180 feet ta tke vast water supply a eacead entrance used for a l definite period prior to 1401 bo from the aide of the bill eutald tke fortreee wa foand during th as- ravatlons urglddo th sit of 14 el tie froas i00 11 c to to a d woe a forms eniantlni th caravan and military pasb through 1ft carmsl conn acting tti plain of uegtddo and hhsron on lh ancient assyrian egyptian highway a hkal r t ab twoifxart clttaeae yhnphefpsr thlak hleailaf icbabodutueii of tie lugje js small akopkmper it uhsbghai china who claim to b a reincarna tion of be famous chinos sage ii attracting wld atuntlan chinas scholars havu studied hi and declare that although k can barely read and writ h la able whn in a iranru to eoiapoae poetry id the 8m at euualra style ajao ta abl to pab several dlaleeu la the purest elaasleej man nor they da ilar ttattir neighbor ram to ask at advte about how to repair an aoefaat tempi dudlcaled to a famous aebnl- ar the bhnpkoeper went lots trance and was heard speaking a dl loet which he dnea not know when bu awab bw aald th sag hlnimilf dead for see centuries had apoktn through him and said i unl rat and now thif burning la- cans before my imago la useless bo i advlits my wonhlpwrs to let tbe tempi fell to ploco it llappritml la montreal ihe u on l run i h ar ta authority for tb following narrutlvu of btgeity life a man stood up in a street ear and offered a woman hi seat she fainted when she recovered eon- ilouajioa ah tbankud blm tttaa he falated the pumps the girt wear popularity from the fact that they can b slipped off under the bridge table woman oh dear troubles never come singly iter husband no mirruic it the source of them all ajigei rooda all right tor church suppere but bean soups better for them whats got to wield a pick th thirteenmonth csjendar idea ta being revived ttt wait until a food year to start that twelve mccilhs make enough in a yuy like the last three or tern th on aw bv syanlih at- fcfcaattat aortuaf afmal lim mtttuaal feawd ilsuw tg v uleh ultwiy lo hlffvi ist iu vlllukbdiy tlulde vrujugif cwtbial altrevrtani i i- hltttib im sklav of t-4-cdj- hj frlsfl ibulfef ifulsa k pmrrd to u atvtpylaj tie biied iilu mu ulj al l tl a iw tuj uolllug t ki nilbd of u in mm a obtxtlve far kl walk lor an tuf l ud u fibd4 uuut il two djtrlrt wlib cw p li lu n4 u4i tk btavaw3l vf iii imnj ivt susb ojber la4lu bw in bia twu eeud kls tu tir ut iihii uiehi luvliy weyxatwely le- lanmsl lib a tailie uf lia riyj h i uatiteujt 4tt krirrii priej le the barrtad iritmi iur tcto oo ef lb rew whnu rburmnl that lie cxi rjo li la li u huag a uwire ur m buzifolrli tibd rup ef rawy lasw lurtuaj wlib guii rrved ued th rviauriibt and tld up at it mntfr rtmilog kle mndwtrw asvl off ijiti loakm about fur aa t- ij 4ieareud rbalr all rtruid te b- titled und it pauad tbe iroglb ei it- rttaarartr fllag htker focjub wllh hla taid before k t4d aa eespt wi iviiwdlng ta tb iare to sit ikhd k oa4ud ik mi tkalr rau leg bb overfull rup of mdrw t lov a irilu of ik roaleat ittg pardon be aaid bigairally wltltuui looktbg tt th onupset ilrantod eetu bark th rvpl quatl erfatvl4allr klurb lortdnt are rummoo to lb otaro eellog rjacwe lane bach turned aliarph us he beard in a throat voire ir would area tkst lb urfslsior of thu ill nf rlsurani bed lb csiualiy mlrll laa alatvd in eurpta at tw spab er sot at all lh hew of girl lo pith up an arqaalniatxc u lh t bough l itu ruek4 tbrougb kle sued ubyr h kj lli cbalrw are placed ae etoae to gether it qjit sveeu to raipj row nanionahip an gated late a pair ei dset ruar aieady dark btee eye fit la an ivory and rose oval fare and mtr- mooated by m fluff of tvj gold hair that ih tke lightly sltlag plane list could not eanru he mt a saw of rvgr as be replied tee tfnaunt for com pan toe ship he waved hie arm towards tbe harrytaj feaetsra rtooi in raab out auslag ae o haewlng no oe rarlag fer anj- on three aad eeekalf mjulone eerb at ntnling te maintain blsasjf or herulf aialnat all tbe reei- xutber cynical arat yoaf osn you not rather see tke eotbbsnaltj cplr- it struggling for reeetallioat weajdat that h the more hoaun way te leek st ftlrago rasblog nuloae- human ity building a mere cempleae etvlllaa tlon and doing it b a reausoally eplftlr rom welfare werfcer probably new to it and trylag herself eat eo m waa lne thought for hi roa tinned atqdy of th girl convinced blm fatly sh wa not the type to utatt a flirtation tm hla sneering thoejgfet showed in hi nett reenark though lightly itr slight flush proved ahec rausht th imprvasloo la htm mind uheet be said flow did jou happea to atari tfb n eabjertt are jou on of caleagee vrelfaiv worker and do yen think i an a suitable aubjeet ea which to wwrfcr oh she gasped f i did em think yoo would tab my rvmarks bat way wtial did you llilnkr her emharriisament rrew a sppar- etit ijb felt aaharned of himself yet he gaird steadily into her eyee te learn th truth oh i f i i saw your backend tb bej of yorjr head you tarn1 te place roar tunrh on th arm and aad utll for th n of heaven what about my harbt dom a front view thang nur ideeat and what wee vnur idea ttnywayr a pleo mt emil lighted her future no entranclnffh her ronfualon etrona na tt win having failed in rvpree her rlblmllthw that iain tilrawlf gr itl with contrition at hie aharpneee vever mind he said i apolnglbe fir my ruilrflta htlll i am inter- ihi in knnutng what u uw in my haifc pcrhape ran hrlng a front lc to your favor also if i know thl time eh isnghrd outright well ah said ill b truthful vnnr tuirb and the hark nf year head imprvued uw aa hrlnniring tn a man wlm would ilo thin re who would thlnff in a broad lloht a man of reel romniunliy spirit you see im a ate- nngraihe iwvntly com to chicago a small town woman you sm bat one front t lip weet whert peopl are friemll where th community spirit iile i b ijn aald el hi more rea- trllev bmam town woman tvom tthttrv homee reel hoinpo are ooea- iunnli eplrit home bungaloww iiarrled folk living peareful coatent si luft i wonder ivimt ijinr wondetvd may b aor- mlanl for he not only left the reatao- rant with hla newlj ft mud acquaint biire hnt carrlihl thr tommunlty tvollnir lo hir ul the v ii c a re f tinn nwiina evnilng it ft it evening until h rrul lommnpi uplrlt fam uy bumed tbe tan thofuae betame liromliiihil in tin wmldl ulhuiiuui of tt chtrago uuhurlt try tweorte without giving any of your frieadw a chaw to flgure tt out tiidddniy sprina this catch queatlot on thect and the chane am chat every on wilt give the wrong anaaeer if a man and his wife aw the p- ents of 10 son and each aon baw a sister how many boy and giiii aw there in the fanulyf nearly everyone will anawar but there aw only ii ebjjdrea 10 boys and l girt who u the alww ef the 10 eons ve air the wew of the ifjatkairaawok ti latew