Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 31, 1934, p. 4

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pa 4 tho georgetown henu wednesday evening january 3ut 1934 meeting unemployed men 1 11 a meeting of unemployed men i hereby called in the town hall ceorgetown wednesday jan 31st at 8 p fal we would lit to are pretent every man who haa no reuur work the porpoae of the meeting u to diacuaa way and meant of helping ourarlvtj in theae very trying timet the proposal to be laid before the meeting will be that tome kind of en aaaoeialion be formed the houae butineu and indualrial aection be canvuaed to aee what kind of work can be teemed and diuributed amongst all and generally to tliacuaa any plans that can be put into effect to help each other through theac difficult daya aaiaail kl j less cost with a n ujoi 141 clai sunshine lamp now lti more econom ical to have and to tujpy toad light the dear ittady brilliance of coleman than to be without it fonmillcoit vou can get genuine iniunt- lljhtlng coleman sunshine lamp that produce 300 candle- power of aoft natural light pavs for itself in savihos you can um your coleman for a year and uve from 5 00 to 57 00 kju lf over tha cat of uilna an oldtylc sits coiloil lamp in th meantime vou 6 m y eywtoht and keeping young and wrong the vlilon of your children 3 to so times more liohti tha coleman ajve 5 to 20 timet more light than any krroiene limp furl coat u only about 1 a nlili for tha finitt llaht a uft deptml able lamp cant tplll fuel even if ripped over no crawling ruma its a clean tamp no tone or unoke miltt and burnt lit own gat from regular untrettcd motor gatollna save money mc acolenun see your local dealer wtttal us the coleibun lamp tv stove co lw w s 0utu n f dtulli or skulla whlchsvejuwey they are spelt suits osorg voa o opal who captured the flsaniftad settlls at henley england and who was a winner at toronto oattada for ha bu just returned from a month or bunting south of butt world famous canadian met ric rocky uountalo heaoisjidlimbrouato beck with hlia some ape did specimen of big game skulls after booking for a two wuk trip ha found tha sport ao good tbat ha laeraaud it to sis weeks elk nuuwi muledser rocky mountain ooata and bighorn bhaavu me added to bis collection while hunting south but failed to get a srlmly vor two days be trailed one big fellow but the inclttuent und cbancoable weather met wrtia wide itiooeu impossible tb nrliely however annoyed by tha trailing turned the tables oa oeors by trailing the hunter to camp and stealing ooorga tnoat prized goat bead vou opel made the trip with wank phillip famous rocky uounlalt guide picture shows von opel oa the rind i abvdmnue aduttlm calls to scene byaod um clouds and wtvm a fehlnlg fctralcb 61 feller wiaac4 bat to the bound below by circum- bhe dally coom in gulae of simple iruug oh i msy btvf aail the btwn sx wor uau the cleancut tang of tally spray vtt cheerful change has held toe by the hind wrwtiwwr i ve walked turn another way 111 twver a uw sunny akps of bosin her ktovm ail clothtad la clouds of ftowiry toavbi bui i hiw bft tt fcue of eiiurpfw while crotrtf nev grmnuune b at honw whau uu i km to lri fconatj vjbr of purtuig wur to he luuilavlfl ilretluw wy builil u to cook ad ciajl i uaa out tuy iwlpm ifittaod to you i uav hlih bjjltooe and ur rw uuaw adwatur4 tht aj buaiu to- hit 1 1 iiuie wvos ioartiy cf it wirt and und ui ihrtng tow tay cutuy oh hike u wtuly tuvy paly gud wu1 j to arr fn ilri haf 1 ty at m tiw chmrfuj blrt to usdr- atiltad and uv e luv advuilum vvary dy urtruaw uoa wruur a told iwug attoirr mac to ti tvparuauot of bujtne ehkb sd- aiditun ruuo afialrt la ttt dooiln- ian li hsvuig the annountvn at eoai- muiion afattom advlw to oviura of iortvtog wis uiat trutr llfwinai haw fpthd aiid ahould be romd al u wr annum in auuton and in al kaut onr lofauly julu cioa to it tht ivquau to pay up u hotly nunud b- caua of mau uiuatlifartory forpti coodltlsna in thu part of the worio tnre tarty lul aummr it u a caaa cf all pay and no wrvlo uot of iaai aumur au in town sr unablat to pick up any statioa other than crrh oal0ially lhm would be a clear ing and any auuoa within the eaput ly of the at could be raahed but eurllr when the nmdle poll wu pufad at a nuuber tod testing a ta- ik there was a trrrtble roar this condition conttnud into the fall and on into the winter while it u not neaity so pronouncd ae it was a few tnonlhf aso u uu1 eauu to s certain iint hot in au the taontha that thlj unaatufaxtpry cpuon has sa llied has there un an ttfort cut forth to toeau or nurve the tistedly hadlo art owrure juat pay and pay umcy for the wrvlce tty st which is nil ao far aa the oparimatu is oon rrmed to ihu out for a radio u cenae thu wr u going to be the cauie of aome vljorouj protu in thu cktlon of the broad dominion- allliton iltrald wile i take half an hour beauty alivp every sftemoon iter huafaand you ahould male it longrr dar wr you brave at the dmtuta llaihcrl i told hlffl i could not pay th bill until nett year h ere am dthe the flrl evcot in the eelebre tloa of the centennial or the city ot roruoto to be bid lb it year look place at the itoyal vorli lloiol lo the cloalna hub cf 1133 vbca ueyor btsvert handml out loavve or ce teas lei bread to a urge crowd of later ted red plrnta icmile 8l ooddard and leon- herd beppala haroee of many hotly fouibt dog derbue sill flsht it out eaala la the qubec lki erby of lvbruary wja neit to be held in quebee city uany other team have already reals- tored and apeclal training events for the clg ahow are betag bald a up for the encouragement of the younger akl generation la liven by the raiaiaii p4cils luilway in tha coeapanye inaug uration of a special aehool age akl nruniloa at tow rates to the lurootlans ast outside uont- rrnl the apeclal was bsavlly patmnlied by the youngsters butlstlce recently usued by the ilureau of railway news and hullstlcs show that the barest way to travel le by railroad in s yeara operation of canadian and willed bute railroads only one passenger was billed out of a total of ui p4u persons car ried a total of lsm4lilo miles the old bllef that women can not wear high beele without la jury to poeture and baalib wae described as bunk by j b drover shoe expert of milwaukee delegate to the national bboe re- tallerw association convention re cently held at tha royal york hotel toronto a canadian intercallegtste ski mwl unique development to east- em anada ae far as skltng is concerned will be held at the belgnlury club itontebello end cf january toronto university ottawa university uoolll and ol iia tricks college in ottawa are smodb the collegtau teams to be represented herald classified advertisements bring results finow shovels and twenty below in many places tn canada are re placed by maahlee and u above at victoria uc these days where tho slith annual tnldwlntsr golf tournament swings into action at the royal colwood course feb ruary 10 24 enquiries and eaily entries from ardent goiters in dlcate that again this year the tournament will be a big siiccese oliver vox dreaders associa tion convention was the first of three big gather nee held at the chatosu prontsnao quebec city this yuar it was simultaneous with that or the canadian wult and vegetable jobbers associa tion and was followed shortly after by the convention of the canadian association of tourists and publicity bureaus gratification at the way in wblcb the public is using the new rail shuttle service between llooas jew and regtna was ex pressed- by h xu slatbawboba gen- era psssoncor agent canadia pacific railway winnipeg when interviewed recently at keglna ho had had ample opportunity to view hie running of tbe new u train service be tween the two cities and was very pleased with the results being obtained tar vjefjravayuwwawvtartfwjal penny ante rjn flr fty lceye stone gl wil tl tu a tin ill tiiiis wey r ih ni ilun uerdv utiert niiiucri hlill uliltrv ttur uj- i i 1 1 b a lav lllli lttttl ltilm i n n f i ij trvu iljat iwiruarml i li i i ultlili ryh iliroimh 1 1 iiui r itiw t uti r ii i lilf fh uuiut tho ii i l vmll ll mil tltf til 8ti idl fk i uu plow- of cmrwt imi hi tlnj fnar umm nil th r in ri it from wi mlur tn lljrl i i j- w i hi it varrv lattih u pujltah f 11 kj itu f-lliv- unit btiur r flriiwt 11 fjtltrrf rtvutl utul ilklajtel hllatvt fs if h flillt tin iii ilifo aruiil or ul rvel lus ttlnl t irl i hid riu url lo ftitv ib iilitr hrlt i lsr der f uluw wo rtmiituliirv vr ilirrvrrnt wim hi rahjlug hihohs tl ft w i uajaiirn in hummer tlivy inuui ilrlt lo ijjttbm uimj juruiiuh ar ifunlw iliiuv iiuv ijajr itvujlu itli htvt ciurullr ruujt hff ko ll i ng uirtiar miib pulblw um tb an lit tu i hutu m- if tui ltr lji uimi two iiult idj f rjul e utile uiffhilal lltiu ibst trfail tl uttr wii1 siul miw oce b otvb ulordjy niglit l talk end arhatlw or lite iuhibh i ituiih aifl plrd- rea ei lljr ri itta- ly llaj kas tf u blit ii tllar duo umltttn in rlruuf tll lairtuulsr wlut hi tin inu- rvlurnrtl fn at wlioil la um litl lltarf hdtl imtb a br lo il h bio tig tl rinki arnl lue i i i il ur ivnim ruril rrlfcj for e f w l utlll ravmirhno rnuld t rr tai ll iu illrtrrrot wh nil inii tunuliik tliartuue tke life r unt iiri hi tj gone to rxun iry wuj allh all th iii it clhu of ik kin i girt hlir orttct wllh rtuli r iieur hist harry lunw n h ixi tial alt 8i rarrlro br boot a eod ixan nht dfaalfsj in 4 turnml out te u imii tiaoiln um ant hiiflllgfnt tli flrl tutunla nlgltt aftrr hr iiturn ill btiiup gailicrttl al llnrlae hfiuaw ihry foufbl e m round tatile in tbo lllcg room surrundtsl by sis hslra ulth a juirk nf rertls la the rvnlrr end ultu cylindrical roll marred wtilch lied on lr la iurti letters ooreota lulki hurry end gather round urn- log to pley paony ante pobtr thf tabe are my trvat this flow wlitn muyootr i the fl fly cent thy 1n ut ttntn unyone wins fifty thy itn ut 11m- limit tt la two renla i inn iullf a tlmf iiortlag dad end f utitr hut i flnslly thowed tba it ui i if um se if m paid fifty ceflte in gn to e mo tie or a dance or for imhii i flah a coujitf of tiuura sow bit down ad job that dont hnow hap uluf of the handa will flud ii on ihla pier uf paper gloria laid ii dip r amr ttmt was a bllce of i it- hiulf lo thr crnlrr of tha labia harry llaiuoo had pla9l tnaby s liiiif or hqu anlf in l ha hailt roots f tlit niore but dhhf all hi bnowl edc of human nature drawing and all tti tuoarnts of mbit be loat hie lifty centa la en hour quietly dropped tit end pulltml hi halr o round belitod fllorle who aivmtv to be lh coo ultnt lnrwr arronllng to filorta e pavini atlona tbt gam wa orr et tea itilrt anil rtrry nnr lftr and win tvrra wir amlte ned to be itfnttl uk llurrj t botud olotia into tbe bait ii ttw oilitrs vrre in animated ronwr- ailon imr thtlr inaaee and winnings l gut iohb son ian hitched to i hi hlu utlir fniiliiht llnrla ton rwawmtwr dully come alerter i ll i nu ii im 4lrtm whlujmtad crtap snow lutilitnl in moonlight the iiiunltiil tlnbli- ilnkle of tiny cutler belle the mufflad hoofbaets ef a a i ft horse and hi swlah uf bright strrl runners all contributed sweetly te tblg north country romance illorla tior ntorle ilarry nnr mared as they swd into the radiant iwmut of i in fnur cortifra ileeee y ooll marry me ntlt llarrj thla le prvpoal erooaly turiitm cant make courtuhlp test liingprt tfll nti what eta pley lieooy ante eary hatttrday night until one or th othar of ue hotdaa royal flush then ill answer you kay asld ilarry a trifle bitterly liii knm how often a royal ffuah turni up u llfitlmaf all of wlili ii explains tbe tfiiae no- mm iu iii ilu urouii tfunw the fallowing hiitunlii nluhl llorlo ii it tl opniit ulilt jinks or fuller all hut ilarry lliiniii iiuil ilrojnvl nut uhtn he i ii i mil tht nivpncra u innny iwfor ae ttm unu harry drew one card 11 rlu ilrtu two i u lurr aald wlib e he r hwu in hlu i i a tun iintut ijlnrla promptly eee irlhutiri nl mo mnra ami two mnrrt iii dill mi just tn asve your iik iii imvhuiip it a the first time in im llf i t lifhl tha uulwatubl haul ih ml m und wetp or itfttir at 111 re im iiiimt niir irnmlur ilarry laid liu tunla down in front of fllorle one ui ii tlntt i drew the quwi be thkptrthl a lltth uwed thf read front top in bottom the nit blnu uuitii jack and im spot af lliiiiunidh a nitl flush tilnrlii ihutkiil hfr three acee end lun klnuu into thi tllacurd and smiled into llnrr hniiwui a eva lo a way thm mini bltu strangely nllsrlou there are only a few people who are not absolutely certain that they know everything about running newspaper end they are the ones who are running the newspapers the average canadian married wo man is very ooruiderate she atlll loves und respects hiuband at the same time thinking she could taw done better hostess dear you are eating noth ing her boy rtend ily pet when x look at you it takes my appetite away wood ha i hamaual bueb aad mteu jao haitfwood tanb wool ajw ball ttjm any 1 la block al harawidar bauara ms rrian ara tor dturarail thlj wad k ataaaa y as u la kaat undar cowr i at tatttat man ml 111 crawling about with lumbago mk u sote uaaf ui blfornmuoxl fo anyone troubkad with that unooanfort- abu eonaplaunt lumbtgo a mnln writ ror yai- i sutlrd front lombtgd during t wathr i could only turn in bid with graat effort and fata i was so uin and ached ao tou two years ago i had both lumbago end ulstlr and erawwd about to a fort- w iisglt farfung wry torry for uywtlf und looking 103 lnatd of u evaa- u one uld try touttben lu if did and i have taken thrt wer alnce m with lite uit tha i hardly evsr bwt u a hint of lutabago thee day unt r oyc w why i it that kcruachet u so ef- m fectlv in keeping luoabago at byr 7 u imply bvcauae it gee rleht down to the root of trar trouble and hrtiio- fr th csufar whuh is an lenpuie uood- urrauit tlw sis talu tn krukhhi hq the bloodvriatas put and vigor- oui by prowouruj a cloekb u- itxlty or all the orgens of elimina tion 3 commercial printing thc wotc holidavs uftu iu ifawe holtdeya tmtt 4y wwv twatfl fm tw uvi tt tnlird wttre auy w ona af thf mt pfrab4roue rohtte on arltf ill t hsa not got on lnt sjii nal llfcofc holaay for mh 1st ir tirltory sim its own by rt of iu own latrulsiur utilrtt haa tnre holy deya flftrxu olimn fjit daye ibr aatloea fail atta all fatally faats of the lettar u perhsfe tk tm tof sii wuhljy a aattonal llatt l t txiy this is k4 oa juae hth and on that day every uaitraa town to th humblest ra or lah rcr la nr te gif e hlswlf a ihi vath v nh ussy ef these be- pii h i ttia oly day le ike yar whin ihrr wash sj ewer mj tlh th anelverkary of tbe dffp4t of i f frcnrb troopa at pua- tta i tbr rhlef of uaslras astloasl lldbre ore haa no tmr tbsa t holl jt in ihr trir moat of ihesa blng rotlirloija oftda m1 ftaly upalb and kumsnis ar tha three kompeaa rountrlre whhh run gr cloaeat la rraprt f dys off lurb ef tbatn ha raon than twenty rut it may surnri sbabt paogle in hrsr that iho hard working jeb- ibmk havr si natlnnsl hoi ids ya the hlf of which is kiev veers siy the world record tn rjbrt ee losing la tjrld by ftyrta a country which ran riatra no ftvwer than et hottdya or very aeariv oaa a week um bar people belonging to eeveral dlgtreat nltctnnp do not all keen h uer h ly daya rvtam hss a list or it aattonal helldara whlcb le art nail r doable the kngtish allowance wbbe smt- isnd has nary tee holtaad to an ether herd worbtag reaatry wtlb ealy its daye oa u tse yaw wwaw op mem fliilhiil en istt v raleaas stw4awwaa tattsg tkas tke eaeassve arctle regloae did ast anaear ta htsa as a feareorae freeatei land eg sueutloa bat rstfcer a a roavaatie eanatry fell of usaar wkere the asraea borealle weavd its eaaay tights uhiu roeaamsi wo agasat saaay roars le th kaetb with tke ttgiiae hsr coespaay caaga back u tlrllle- tloa raoeatly ur llorusei wfco has traearud aver grartteally the cnure antle region batweaa the atlaaue and tbe ltfl aeeaaa ee foot and ta prlnltlve toateyaasee eeer a dle- tasca ef leegg aallee auted he msrvslled at us abtllty eg tbe kskiao to eee aaeetly whm a- ditions in a eaobtry wbeew the white taaa con id not erdet after isuettbg bu lespreastoae oc 1 aboetlag the regtda and the beao- tus w the aeeale aide ev life la tbe aorta be eampleted me tale ta ra- nuatie fasbloa wftb tk tr of has nuitlaaw la tfae aoetb au books ao ba a baswy estev teg be declared and mine has toe la true etoryboog fashion be reisisd hie leag teurwey weelaad a ta bis wedding day and hie raurrtagw on board tbe abfa adeeauare la lay aertasra bay tuvw fgb w lhiwaf merlwj rkiaig tw hwye ftntar tuw rrnttwkwa tke problese of aaetax tbe wbato was one of the aableets naiar eto- ttasitoa ufore tbe asueibly af tke league ef metioae at otarra iw- aatly a special eaaifailttee of esperte ae- leetsd from the assembly atartad work oa putting the finishing toncbee oa as international convention that will enable tha league to get whales andar its ofncul protection this new seld or activity for the leasue is the result of propoxate sub- mlttod several year aso by the ar gentina driegatloa that the lasaxue nrti nafcp the protection of tbe rktiia undrrlrlng tbe ease the convention as it now stands provldts for an open and closed soa soo far whsle ashing and other re strictions neceeeary te prevent tbe t i nctton of the apeeih cvsry nation in the world regard lnoa of whether it hoe a whale brhlag industry or not will be asked to sign tho convention in nrdar tn prevent lie various pmrialnne hvtng violated with imourjlty by whsle bablng ships flying the ha a ef seme roantry hut is not a party to the conve rni orsaira dstre tbe worl4e htclmu mflcnsteaa ooald da lost in it it is estimated taat is per cent ot nceen srea le deeper than two end onrhair mllee the amount of water tn the oceans la sos million or cubic tnllcw or thirteen times tbe volume of all the land above sea tevel rootheast or to bio mllee a depth of s3 ssi ftvot or llt mtlue has been recorded lfount bvrt the highest mountain rise iu r s foot shove sea level and would tin ro- fani sink s is4 feet beneath the waves if placed at thst deepest spot prom tbo top of the highest moun tain to the lowest depth of the sea s 117 miles the aroas of sea bottom which ue more then 18000 feet bolnw the ear ful o are kuown se deeps thi ue iltlg hpots occupy about ulno mlllleat square mllee there are about 6t ef thou or which 33 occur in toe facias 10 in tho atlantic and all in tho in dian ocean ons of which le eaa tlnued into tbe atlantic a curlou thing shout these deeps is that meet of them are near the innd bkrnaro guaw thhivtv aeorge bernard bhsu would ratb- r plek up a place of etuhll rhange many times then take a big profit unco in a while it would be sur prising to know be said how much mono ltt gets from llitle groups of pi oi em putting on hte ilrauma in imjle where thr admleslon prleo is ten icnts to a quarter although some druiuatlsts would dnniaud fl uld lie i take my fifteen cents touch im nut and uust few rwaewsj uf iswsii all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario abawawnawabawgawabbbt hawawasaabwawbi there is no profit from goods on the shelf goods on the shelf are as the nonworking stall fed horse every sale you have made has been to a person who knew that you had the article they wanted the more people who know what you have in stock the greater your sales will be a let us tell every home in the georgetown district of the goods and services you offer our readers are your prospects the georgetown herald phone 8

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