tv4 tho geoisetovm herald wedhettlay evening february muv 1954 n a robinson live stock dealer mi butcher norval live stock trucking all load tuuy raauiaj phonet tuorrrwn 101 is wood for sale aayiaa aw dry ashed wood ifccoo eotj goajoew fcfexsinj ag kinu wed islevs wood yard phone at tteorgetowh depressed by acute acidify the ea eurly b no dotsbt thou th eciywmtim of ft tvotdy fa acidity thai ea give bucb pmtmmama reusd a hi thla woman fcaa j tuutcvwd for bmtty year frcan acidity hi viioa lorm b wrtia at lat u beeun bcttw thai awry bbaruiag x wk with a fcnfcwlnrf pain and a aiaet dni aiou of aiiuiu x tried knaamb 1u1u and it tlud j mfcgv th lb twin iteiud winter millinery w iii iuh chi wfil hi flsmsj ilas bw wlotw syu tautb u tatlru dubrant tka taw buuifab uaj eeletfns u just rfaj f orf wlnu ww a big reduction on all our hats nw u tk una to 6u year fc coats misses claridge herald bloc1c upeuv g bat ukart lb uuy doa of xjru- then vt ahx that wl about b htn ao ana tfa atrxttaw do d low tie fta 1lmm kbruubst to to effect with acidity bmiuw tt htitruo teld uh4 all th tofvnertu out of u tad fewu etnu u front tt ttyiucrf and fay atutiiilattrta yor otniu j umln- uod to brfet thdw ulkxl 0b thw wlil etntat thu harvajul add fvoxd wer awurnulautnjt id- aluf hut youll fcajaarimt fao baar um ait ntc trial offer if w l rw lv ft u ka litd4 tjiv u f itii ujtu u mutf wunu trij i itw w4c4j fcj tli nuliiiit twwurt oljur wlt als no more g obamm1ts old fcmraf d to tfa woksua owwwatmltaa klojd 4iitff til trt bf -im- u 6cou3jd ub cu dillt4 uo fmat tv fiuj cum brfrd it u 66mftd tiit t ut jouuf th tul uusu 6rw3 ibabl d to ftmft4m t tikb touncu j tw eanpnutiloa m trtjait or u4ka4 bl tlrf uui bflu a m ali 4jw ko0 fcd st hx w ihtjofcd frt wm- un to kutsm wfifcd tvuiflf t mi fciuu my rutfy dooclas g it it 111 1 m i ll ul bflfrf twllhtf in lutliutlnu u lv ui ian f r lu las li4lwlur frivtul lurk lkirlltmiiu inu utn u rvllr of 11m exiling- u9 in it f rut it au uj pi jxniph hi ui brfifv it brvilttrv lu i la iuf iul it- rmut uiij lim tuf ulj fyuu v i- ur- lliu u llal iu ugl i frtmii tl tt ljtu uti il fudd 1 1 lojttq i of tt gut a it liaj tu lan fjij i m fur njlie- bon lu frauu- tin lr turluua loivfl it u u wlll ui iu fl girl llu- elrt iliul i v n 1 uloitr jhri t j ten uur fl uj fclfl mul fio tuuf lit 1 1i j aeb fir teuwjivly v jgi ubi my wtltj giit h4- aluuj i d a iinrry quip to tvi uu with 0 u iiit w moo k ujtlo tl imlt frvutftutlfull iynwj cut tu 11 tdiuro abj luhla uu hv t rrtllvt irlrl i bfw wo lutt of tf r riglit iu tbat iiiu id iu fvtt au4 tirli4p4 1 old tktu cura ii la j luibt bluljllf tb tlllrj fjy lijus w pucb if a imw glit tlutt uui a 1111 fcij fvtuj uuvr klh tiiwl iu bad rarwj lu um fio lu iu rram nbj girl u iew hi auow tad rrm4 tl t tw ij mi tl girt coubbff ltul alia us fill a tot kd4 rt h lim fuod ufi to uk iwf plar ttu tjo of itur arrl tij bw iritlul uauab k sjtbv at it wriatlor at lu uoto lutr aftd t wusl ur hgfet to rrtllrti hlui 8bd lad 1m ob lfcklof wlij ojla tjr am trtm ttotll lb glri hwu hatr nctrocg o wllw bla iu had col haaru of br for nw prltl ah aa ttarrtad pctill lr ab at gooo ubak mtrvd tmt bight k uj am pel lh plrtar ttw barb la lb drawer wtlb lb rjlra of bla p iu had lpwd ll aloe lb tmbtlpi- ao ibat lb pbuofraia ef bla giri la bo bur waa to tb cvetrr ttrr m room a br far at all x listen did you ever stop to think by edam r wtito shawix oklahoma wuiiun linton asinv editor of tha lel england maretury aays somclliuaa whan i luun to windy talk about naaiketiag plana i want to get up and ramlnd the tpeaker that maiketa are imply people- soma of tha exsarta get entangled in fontta and ormulaj they ought to make it their job to set right through to the people thoee who make goode are ahortaighted if they look upon their goode aa told when they have depoalted them in the warehouae of a wholeaaler or upon the thehrea of a retailer no article ia truly old until it haa reached tha hande of the man or woman who actually intend to uae it tha manufacturer in order to aell tha right people the right article at tha right price in tha right place at the right time mutt not leave hie marketing to the haphazard channels by which ao many ex cellent commoditiee today reach tha conuimer marketing mint advance atep by itep with making the method employed mutt aell more good at lata coat to informed cuitomen who demand them the modern factor in thl buiineu which alone can aecure the cooperation of distributor can find market can inform cus tomer and can reduce the coat of tha whole operation ia advertiing- the united state waa the fint country to discover that telling i made easier by the creation of pull from the customer than by the exclusive use of push from the manufacturer one of the effects of the advance of popular education ha been to make the reading of newspaper a universal habit thla in turn ha built up the very large aggregate tales of newspapers today and ha placed at the diapoialof advertisers the most economical pro ducer of pull to far diacovered market 1 aay are only people and newspaper advertising i demonetratauy the mott certain and economical and the simplest method of placing a tales meuage before the people a an english man 1 take off my hat to thoee american who have led the way in tale publicity we in britain are benefitting by their example we try to get right through to the people local advertising has the jump on advertising that comes in from the outside but you mr mer chant have to keep that lead by properly utiliz ing the home town newspaper columns consist ently and with careful attention to the prepar ing of copy ubh vet lb sit tvv day b via buay alindln to latt aloul dull of wll inform baat teas tbtfvfora ha bad bad i lit i ha to blob of lb fores lot who fw bad walld orb tafidar bmurim of lo ro- u bape tbat tw las of tb llltl girl who j to frrr tb hog op tha alau ialln pllias af ouutas- ht waa a pfty tot ad clarfa jalta tu to uw wlib bar at tb rttrarsal of tb ermeaj tb elgbt hrfor lb wohbj laat fch a dour takad iba brtdo- tob htur all tul wbar did ja oltwh barf ob abva tb daogbur of oe of ay old oebool frueda biaai barrtad fiara and tbla la bar datagfatsr doal ferft aajtblag ctark ton to b0 fllgbtj tb ual fw davr tb boat bub via tb ut wrvoaa ef tb wbola wadding party ba tb orgablat bogao to pioj tb wwjdlnji march tbat aboald abr tbaaa into tb cborcb all rh frara aa tha lonlj llttl girl ho c a triad tb rla bba alapi frarafally along tb tlau to tb at rain of lohattao biawh curfe wirb4 bar aa thr child pataaad 00 of tb tow w p b wjw bar tnro bar lllllr far u and ualt curii loabad at hip fie or tha vothab whom aba bad groated and ibara almoat obarurod from bl vtaloo by a hourr of atoarl ran itnioty roaa waa ceoatasco hi flh alaa do moral rrtm that isaamat 00 h had to tav icrrai in tom and bla waddlbg i1r aattrely oot of bla roach and dtn braailfol tbaa avorbabad fsbeud bar was iba only gtri b bad ir loted aflar tb eoramoej ihluga movad ao quickly thai ba loat algbt of ctoo maiw dot h rmlltrd that ah woul i ba at tb brwaltfast and tbat bo doubt h aboold hav ao opportooliy to tiau wllh hr ii woodrd vbalbsr ha dared 10 troal hlmarlf aleaoat vfor ba bad rwldad b found hlmaalf baatda brf with br lit la tlrl clark clark darlington aba wai alng h i thought it muil ba yon i had wi your llitii da tight tr clark auld awkwardly and 1 hav ttu old photograph of yoo id my room hlrangely enough i waa looking at it do n woak ago i m tur ita lowly m laughed ooo alaika vour huahnndt i h hrr aliad clark vou muat ramembar ibat i do tut avoo know your nama now ccoataor did sot aniwtr at one clark halted ioor 111 ion la rnmawher la pranrr pldnl a un wt iu and 1 were marrlwl ooly wba ba iii waa rallml to hla rcflmcnl oil clark darllagtoo had dvr fell an awkuanl hut later ho rorotered and tost m tlnir- in rinding out all h could of iormtarwv hhe arrroed a ulad to iiuvp found him aa ha vma to liar ilia eovrrvd hrr again it wan un intenalv nuolnu und uhfn at laal clark ti id pr inlud little const a lie he would tie u gwul dinld li her h foil thnt tout 11 uenl ulnit had hit 11 tha happleal da of tlie bual lufli a life il url fureter mon wi vihut ho wrote tuneatli tha old ilirtugniili ef conalaiirt uho objc1tl to tb tblao 00 uiona uf trrwjttvtrar ata at tb at lgtlytawi ooa day in y waa ubad ul aal aiid uur aba waa daad that will cat countf wio tm kry a lawyer aa w ail atood by hi aid to toy broth it vj found aha batd ust a- hiindid doiindat tha buaa unto my alaur djadauv out wbn it cain to u lha lrym tald i ta fib haa wfi to yoa bar old a-m- chjijl- citoai and how tny uuid ud how thy thjhd itow ray brolhar and lay iilt laugiud wlun uatry lwjd tha uwr w- eaj oranny libd uft to to hit old armchair i thought u hardly i uui i ald i ld not cat and in th rwnl tob lb thai a way rti tuigrxor thy u thaffad amy hrouur at a uudhd abd aau it wlu ba uaarful mn toma uy wlkd you wto down id uf find auo fcil to ho your w youll und u vwy baady i twtim cwi a ccld fcad froty nlartl whwi ifcat flw u burtunj ulahh vou cj alt in arany old itav ehiil what toy wotuf aid tam ua oa la ft ax 0 im butuia u uj i md euwa kajtwd lu i rlia a girt did eouh bad ibaa thw rtnj i bauihx took hmt to cllukh bad thrd aha my u and you buy guaaa thai wr aa tiancy aa could b fat laa ay so aj of j tv- cu in er anod would roaa but woull nit naht atay ai hoaaw and la oiaoad la lha eld tnozhaair on night tha chair fall dob viaaa i plcbrd ll up i found th atai had talks out u6s lh floor and thar to my curprw x aa wa fer ny ta a lot of noua two tm pnatji or aaoj vthrn my brotlur hmid of thla tb ullov ill fvaflj a want naarty wfid uh fadw taj uv hi hairi out i only uughad at ut u i iald nov broihar jiaa dont you wuh you had tha abl arttchaixf ffcgia asajm i yasaj laklst glal ynj 11 up ilm fij vou h pvfullr itfkfu fait c4jj mauj hi dan tahj lof va tkai tan tux n t d na but ta bj rua hla dai aar4 luaaa wahaaaj in rra la a wfa at tar rlar iwimial it will taa all tb car im skill nf ik blnijly doclora sad wurm ba lh o uarr llwiu lirlaa auinpuv chlldraa to kha ha 5 u a r r i mi i p ikr r m fcai othr liui chlltra wlw m balak card fnr in hi laalllullm lontrlbutloaa ta tualat thu rorls are dth bowavaf gl 1fl of money froao ygu wu w walrorrt 1 m aj f o llald in olu pu yoraau t- u araai when you land that big ordar and ita to msn mors salary and you bttaw how alad theyll ba at hon yoll jmm by l dtuaae acid lt tbaai baar tb aooej havi rlif a r bm w ii tftf mtiy vu w ml tucul j bri ku ui tut- tmfi se u i 4a tneil tn tmt vh us ulk wh ywf im ttlw v a twr i v u fetls ss id c aw tw iu u mm u um lel l w elicuy for tconomy and long service usl only cenuint 0060 laohttmo wrvcs u to l atviliiitiiirsiiirisrllf rf 1 1 1 1 a rnljiiit nitlwihii rviiiajl knrater td wstb sr mil ttn t bad wtlb frmi e hciefy imui 8ttaia taa uiis oj tonfe always imsat aa to ffaonlfmblasli of tto rasulfi noslmea to baa tba fcbewfa ttv qckiuss lt4 ad4 yaii- u imu kaam wtsdililtoamfhih kulimj orr rnmaur ttm ouot luaiu j tiai eauum uu a trova eo its j dw ttvaia hjaaaaa tia c5 3 commercial printing up to pobruary a a total of 4am canadian cattle won ihlppod to th united kingdom this rear aiitkaruu agraa tbat tubarauloua infaatlob do not ua a rule take plae in adult ufa but that lha dlaaaa breaking nut in latar yaara la an outooma ol eli lid infactlon tk dormant uarnt nnl awaiting uui ruu down con dulon aom jowfhum of vitality to break into aotlvfty kutharltta now kjjjuv la tba quiih alary lloapltal bay ahould btaban whlioiil thar wliar bay ila ay for only through piich trat muni aa la arordad jit thia inatuu lion la thar hou or vaoovary ah thla kfitiltaf la rnalhlalhat larualy by voluuiary ooulr il4i afjid your air sb ib fell loapltay for cdnbubilittv ohiu ii colug atrial toronto it all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario a goodly record hfu- s cototsy tba proud davtev vhlfb batista arte ib maiof arm a of th dota- f caaada a marl umju ad war eva fratn to ai4 i a brtuaj rulndr of thr entry of tk trowit colony of lumutj colura bu into cobdratlq flritlih co- laubia or al w 1 009 muir kill a of it aarr brata visuh naarly baw part of tb valtsd rtatai erarly ramtlnm a crwa coliay aaarly did boi wur oinrmraltori al all it is a kaag atory tlrjalnt wllti mir artaw rri aot tb thih uala and itoaia u to ita brt rhapl wh tki art of roafdratiw oa tb 0th iwlr utt lo itvg drake hot amir fajiilib truur raided tha kutb raa and tlllad ug tb oaat of north call fornla lo tak firsf of tba av tlw noribwt ta tb naaa ef qumb ulubctb oaa buodrd aad fifty yiatra lit fmar tha ort wat vllua lubrlag ta opaj up tba for trad wtlb ta mortb partfir la 1yt4 htla auabad aortb froaa the call faralaa awttuaaabu gad took aoa aioa af vaaeauvar uuad la ityk oaktain jaaaaa cook ftoalag for a vaibv wotraoa i th hortkra4 ruui raa aa ik liiaad wkub ha kautaob far tba aaalr laagl got aa far aa aluka aad lubrtaj btrh aad turaad aoutb agia u k bta i atb ea tba barh ef fiavtll coab bad togebad at hootbw wovad that dpwatr r baaaal ebub u16 blday into thr watarw tout ita f vaerour iilaedi bid isttisd it great mart far pwtry aad whta la 1711 hi vya taad thalr apiwaraar tbat fact waa tkr rarardad lagtbar wtlb tba klat tbat a rood trad wtlb cbiaa blgbt b wortm up tb itrmi ludrr wblrb bhtttb oo- uaabla btvime a previa of tbo doblaion ob july to 1171 oard ataay tranis but tha moot laaart eat stipulation waa that tb vstdaraj ootnirant should brgln wtibla two year aad com plot wlihts ta yr a traaaraatt bso tal rajiwar to tb pa ta aaaboard tb provlnr had ta wait aaarly 11 year bfor lb coat- alatloa of lb caaadlan parla uajt- way bo l with tba total rig ef tba ateal tba bugle wrought by tracpehatlor bagaa mightily to oparata bwttura sowed is tit aaturml raoara of tk prorlee fouad aa aullet la lha feaairketa of the world a ttaataehl arrt arroa tha paulae uld tb foeadettoa of the part aad ttty of vancouver aad tba uul geapb leal point of oalaa boteaaa kwr huet aad wnbeet wt riurintl luif usr ooaiederatloa brltub o lueabta baa larad ita aopulalioa from sf f t paopia of wbon were whit a tha otbare betac aativ i ad la as aad cbla to appro eaataly iu 099 rugibblsg with a atbgl areiool la 1119 it baa today war i 999 atboola provtdlag cdaeav tlea for 190 099 pipll la th ui t0 tb provtaa wa without a uu- pboba tnday ae- 19 099 eat et wire eorra the laolihehoa of 111 vt telepboaaa the blghet aavatab ta aopulattoa uall caaada today tk grovtaa to eened by over 9 999 tall a of railway baa nearly 9199 aallea of aaala motor btakwajr aad ever 11 999 aauaa of 0racaet bout i mxitttsi a wa ooel af uatbi ww awvwf una rto j ana tb great traflc etprrlauat of th aw nwhanlaed brituh aray bacma la tba burrey countryside f aad waa disruptad witbia aa boar vy a eau of light wtr tfcle aaaalba deyelopraeat la tb raeult of aa tagealoua military lavaa ties wbtch ta utd to block tha road a swiftly aad eetecttraly that areaen j aire aad t bra- ton torrta ay fttepped dead it 1 the oa sucoaeaful rood har rier for wbkb the police of the aiotbartaad hav barn ararcbla- ta aa axalaet tk motor rar bandit old let call it a fmc eoaoer- ibu aad it u nothing aer than a tooaa coll of atrelgbt wire about four feet la diameter wrlghtng lee then 10 poo ad which will stretrh about 99 feet a taeebanlaed oompany ef flayat eagtbr went ahaed or the colamea of advancing troop on 1 apread thaaa barriere la aorta siroi aide roada tby than ley in ambush with ride la raee the ensy tried to raaaove tbn tb aarrat of the concertina ilea ta k ability to ungl if a car ta ran through it it etretcbaeuhcn break aad cloaee a host the wit sals wind lato tha steerlbg guar works into tha brake drums and around tb ulea and complete its reran stubborn job by jamming the entire raacbaaleae of the machine uompn utk liono ttiaiultoa pre that woamaei am uor wkrly to b centeerlaa bibc tha middle or tha last aa tury reforms in byglaea and sanita tion coupled with the advnneea ta geonul medical knowlrdfie hav ta creased tbo otpctancy of i if of a child bom in the united slate from 0 rear to 61 yoare writes dr uoirt riabbsln editor of the journal of the american llodlcal association bloat or this locraaa la due to the revontton of death in th first few yre or hi in con treat with tbaae fgure there baa bcn llttl if aay advance after a person baa paaead th drat 40 yvuire of bis ufa the airxctatloii at th age of 10 la to- da only 31 ft yoaraa comparud with 91 f yiars id 112ft it is liilurestlnt o know tbat wo man are mar likely to reaeh 190 tear of ace than are moo out ef tl ruputcd deathi of contenaruna lot or t3 per cent were women ano only 1st or it per cent war mou in 1911 of the centonarlaaa wlie uled in england tl ware worn aad st er wood for sale ofeoto bsrdood bssflb sua hais s ties psr mm uksd m mt pr card ktllt tua ptr wi jf btumbvoab lalu wood no 1 btfthmoa bsmb saa i tsjoo llsrdwaod tuit sua wwi balls tua tar imumtr a in block el banhmel la miian huun 3 fries an lor waa duvl tuts eod is thrtta arr ts it is ksot under emsr 1 it antral rim ii u wood for sale aulas usms htrdmsil ttti osier runs tt riant wiew msm ittt i a uuuss or tt my bos ttr ttrswiuy tttsadad to a utdiawnmei