the georgetown herald srfysrraotfl yr of pabbcahoa tiw georcetowa herald wedneadty evtninft mudi 7th 1934 hmpmt i ts jyui tuo t usa tla gmbwa herald jr at buwwt rii i lit cnjl t tku tad uau tfkfew tub kat ul km a pm lmu ifell fcfi4 riiiniir tfc km aalj ifell tal kiw la tt kfnctivk ocx u i tjjt am tn m tuo uui ul um omlv m1 low tsoaa directory l8 80vbju caw oftj tiliiitri al uui fit auua il wuuuhs rl nrrnmni maw fa oia u uaka at nuuuw uluuxom eal kjdweta ti limodoh btihlt llllllhw wuj7 in oiu uua ttutai awa p on wikbubms lirhitwih itiimw su kludc w ii aaaxrron m tmtsoji djslt hum ollfslll 3ek uauavs t4 ida a m nielsen hat saw at tautta chkopradar x41ay omglau tbarapbt ittf t mmnu guff w1 t tj i v frank petch mwm9 anonomsa a bw dull i at hl ul buua i awu oavittoea slit ttiliiin i ma7 a monuments pollock a ingham mlmrml to otut l wmb gab oat datjwh bavaut vaa diaau ur auric la c amtutf ualmafuau ptum r botf bus imlm ro lrlim you 4 bat fallv ralu htalorlty or who caw lyoni tlia drai a sjw ohw k k1bt decreed all tue child rtt or trivam ajf uat die tiuoh erual hsu ittf past and we ar grateful for but t liarod dead or dmat ta urn agan tu thai lndlkruc of soma which parmltit oonauitinllou wt iii to clum ninny inaocatit oalld- rii or itat ownt children dmlally tho of ten der ymni r mrtfouurly uoapt ibla to loaiiumiitton it iw a diwwi rrom wblcufunaldul thy m can rjcovsr but tflytu oip uob u ths oumu uajrv i imp i tat i httotdh ibalr ohanoa r incraavod ulnaiald thay oatmi pux atiu wtitt little otiu too iii to cr what koii oh tarn hoypitst la tnannaj uid equl t ra ra banking credit is available hju0ttca cooamkaaj t04m id cifiavht k lr fco owwbma kaal afcw 8 iahlaoudf tirdj tiltoh pvarrbolacl fi ovxli iff ttrf duurcj usju tw truth u ihu bw tuaatifl otjj 4 ijilu dka tikoa clijalaf hteaj tk lusi ul cum in tkr put uj 4o 6 uhljr watuadj owu fef it tku bjj tad u hu tojijr talpla frtoukm froa whid it i fwfuj w raiit lauu eimfturirf u tevufj u uiy oa of u jm o4 thouhoui cuudav bank of montreal ruujkj hit votal tllltl in uciii or lilt 111 iii g bttodii j r saiith muuf we do job printing of all kinds phone 8 for prompt service give a m a job georgetown community club makes its bow thie chib ha been organized to help the unemployed help them- elvea anyone who wante to help la eligible for ueuber- hlp unemployed have free eaeuberthip other make whatever contribution in cash they desire the club wish to announce as their first attempt to help other the organization of an odd jobs bureau we are prepared to secure men for odd jobs such ait wood splitting furnace tending cleaning cellars removing garbage polishing floors cleaning windows lawn cutting paperhanging painting snow shovelling carpentry chimney cleaning stovepipe cleaning gardening farm help ami any other odd job you have charges reasonable noae used for overheadsau goes to the man dotag the job- when you want a man or woman phone the odd jobs bureau 16 georgetown a man will be at the phone from q to 12 every day except sunday iv you wuu tux owtv cm xi tioo but you la tiu vcrtd tody i lad trtrd u utv in a citfuuii wy coujd tht ral of uia wwld loott uqaa at you and gad tha poli ttt u ttralibt and trut ii noru- but you in tb forld k via llad found u chrut for uwu diliy oulda would uur ulin4j you do ukl lhr ttunzi you uy la- ad otlrre to uvr ui hu hnaict ajl irvjld u ctirat la uatf voru tocuy at- ttjjiy who atfh you upcu your ay and look to th tblnjti you ty and do tlun uuam uila trvaui ou wy thu pofr to liurt or jjty arid twaw and live to clow to i ha tandajd lntr tttat other may ify follow yul ri w nd iraocnwioci for the buay fmaat wua aj an tuwuat btntw wlltti ud a twmni to ui wtock will aietort from two to ihrw ti us wijiii ol lujmd and d tuiiy tut will loajt up atwut uuvi taia a tajrh luld a wrwo unrul i tutuarr ui abtovpilvc caaulty ol jjy usduit and tint 4fcvtnfta u froa to to four ttmea that of gfdjnary ttraa tb ftrta auj mi intl parmrre who dulr to uaun lbalr d aupply at minimum cot ara si- rradf taking atock of uialr tnrln i- qulrvintnla nuf vbo hav ad of their oan u b taking attda to haw it proptrly clfanrd and graded b- fore ihr iilng ruin xtara luj for- tunalr blu l stll adlud thii yar particularly to cur wnal thy ra- qulre a toon aa poulbu making aura that lhay art grttlng vtruot wtildi are mou highly rwroounriovd for condition inch as lhclra baiy ft gtaaraatm do not and youruif nuh a gold brick fmd mooay pant and no value in rrtum oat unit analyvod in lb laboratorra of tha ponitoloo esjwrt- mrntal rearms haw had a rang rroaa 4 to h per nt of protatn and fram 10 to 30 ptr ornt of tibrc meat txbtls of from 40 to u par cnt protatn and pliopuurlc add from 10 to 30 par out therefore do not buy your ftwds blindly but wudj tha guarantaed luoalyw as prtnlod on bags or other cunuunan ao that you knw of stat valua tha fosda are for your aptoac purpou and alto as compared wllb other fcds of tha aams cm ulp to uxka catuda ar baaalifal tha unlove y thirty and unattrac- u plaoti in canada that d lipoma the eye are made by man it is ubte he ul out u undo tome of the dam age that ha- been done there are prunrom uiiu ror all to tread who care to tnaki them an m tv- mount of worry can be spaded under along ihoix patiis in a bright nrtnt alicrooon uinoa adam ulled the iljt gardrn many pastime have com to claim their thousands but have passed out of the picture while gar dening hai nxid through the orn- turlca there mutt be something la it lluy aonv uoser seeds plant tome tloucra or shniua this coming sprtn ileip to mskr canada more beautiful btacauttbg taggg gna when lrgumo crop are being plan ned for spring teedtnf eonxiderauon should be gucn to the question of inoculation ttu is particularly re- oommendrd for audi crops as alfalfa sweet clowr and oya beans eegmclally when seeding for the first time in oculation consuls in adding m culture of the proper bacteria to the seed at the time of towing it is axy to carry out and help to insure niafmi with the crop oaurle bala u to y4l a ukt basts if uarksi ynw it was decided at toe annual meet ing of the ontario swine draader asso thai a scries of feeding aiatlons should be established through out the province at which the prog eny of breeding pigs shall be tasted on the basis of market type tre primary object in mind is that of bringing ontario bacon up to the level of quality obtaining in denmark discussing this question oeorge b itothwcll live stock commissioner of canada said that the danes have act the style it was not necessary for this country to rebuild the stock of bacon hogs by importing special strains but quality and uniformity of product and a constant and assured volume were essential on the urltlsh market oausek brighter completed survey of the for liuj paints a brighter picture or farming in this provlnoe than in any year since 1938 total value of acid crops jumped i93710o0 in 1033 from the 1033 total the final report shows and this despite a decreased acreage souii and a volume of field produc tion reduced 07 per cent field crops harvested from a total ocrvuac of 0 104800 in 1033 had a vbiud of 1134870000 the report lu teals and a rise of 10 per cent in mirage prices for farm products is n ported and the considered view of the ex perts indicates continued improvement under the guidance of hon t 1 kennody the department is embarking upon an even more tneractlc program of inspection and grading of farm products of cvtemlon of nrltlsh empire markets and of incrculng do- mcmlc consumption of ontario pro- duels as forecast in the snoech from the throne col kennedy proposes meas ures to assist in more careful gradlbfc of products to provide for improved 11 vt lock strains and to aid associa tion formed to push particular pro ducts in home and foreign markets o rain feeding in all grain feeding tt must he kept in mind that the product being used u an expensive one and can under no circumstance be used in the feed ing or finishing of low grade or in differently bred animals not only must tlie animals be of approved types but experience has clearly shown that certain kinds of farm ani mals greatly excel others in their abi lity to utilize the feeds provided vu- poclallyl s this true in connection with the feeding of grains poultry would probably head the list in this regard with the pig standing a close second tn us ability to manu tartu w feed aralns into meat economically the dairy cow because of her ability to give oh from her body immense quantities of milk during a long lacta tion period would rank third follow ed by bee cattle and fcheeil gsrmblea ol tu kirigtkm ontario legislature utrjlufcu ltvuana kevaadsy a ii ooilujj ttji ui uur unjaae ul oi gotcinntul and pu lure trials ce uu cod mini w 7 uomj4 faiauaul- silttukw li 41 xi 44u in tuduu tunli ii w a uu who xioiiu uniet uiuj iuivu vrunt iut ruiiiaj gut nun liuid u lusuj la uui a l4 uur uuta tll3 lo uim alu1 lul taapuii kuu yrt sjjlu ttjy iuri ujauni til valiu tamq itvmuo out ui part tlwy undcfalnd hlmi ul x ii lit ulll oaiitlil bibuid num man to majl and we are nun oral u al usurers lava nude gnai uw ol tuiruj bjutu tail iva mid luj iuuotu lu uuuv iu fcodltlifcu v uuj uuj4 ul uw story uwr u ijar uluju til ulw4ruuig ixw urn uu luiuiat ttjftii-iaii- u uw uy of juising lv lukii a tsaraka tas tu at ruui a luj cartiuy story with a saiatwuily diiiuiuwj fy ly uctlw unu cuutaip uul uujim a utui for uut fjt a siury fur lhe tur a kasnn for lbs tmn when the truui la a4rtatul in words of umary clulrtb and uauty the truth vill laip itulf in csaiuiauon p irom one to anouur and gauaing utvafr tntvnlnga the more it u pun ctmd- vkus used tdany pariie ui his teaching uume of his artflrasis vara ryhng but paraliab thara vare tewral reasons why he adopted uue msthod so froquentiy itla htaircrs uwiy of ujtta fctf simple uuterata lafoie who could nautvr read nor write but they oould appreciate re- nvmbar and retell a story uoi ttmaa a paratue that contatnm a sur face meaning for the crod has i deeper maaning for the dlavlpka fur uur much of his taachlng liad to be done undar the clos scruilny of the ribes and tfiaru- who tr sm uig opportunuy to accuse him if lie tpoke of himself as the umt king they ould at once h ausplci ou but whan he talksd about seeds and amvls shrubs and yaail irras urea and pearls nets and storerooms his uachlng appiard rorrnkts enough a good rule in inlerprvung parables is to aeak the chief truth and not to try to svork out all parahlea in de- tali usually a parable is tnlnded to teach one wading truth- for instance the parable of the prodigal son was intended to set forth the love of ood not to glw a lesson on parrot du- cation ail the parables in the thir teenth chapter of eatallhev haw to do with the kingdom of heaven jesus sought to stake ckar to his folio r what he believed about the kingdom of brawn lie might have iud ao- stract words which would toon have been forgot ten instead he told a number of simple ititle stones which are known in a world wide way nine teen centuries titer he uttered them last evenings paper is no longer nevs this morning but christ spoke of spiritual lavs which are eterruu jesus said that heaven and earth might pass away but that his words never pass away it u easy to be lieve this of his parablee- the attraction of the parables la that within an artless little story a living spiritual truth u enshrined there is mure than a fact there la a principle uatlhew groups together a series of parables and he groups them in pairs the soils and the taw the mustard tree and the leaven the treasure and the peart the drop net and tre storehoute these fnawp paribus stress a single truth the parables of the soils and the tares how the discouragement and final encouragement of those who are working for the kingdom of heaven the parable of the mustard tree show that the kingdom is extended by growth and influence the parable of the treasure and the pearl trhtlntt the joy to those who discover the real meaning of the kingdom of heaven the parables of tha drag net and the storehouse suggest the selective process going on whereby be liefs and ideals are sorted out and the bast survive the purpose of jesus in telling such stories was not to gain a reputa tion as o raconteur but to teach the laws of life whereby the kingdom of heaven oould be established on earth 11 no one think that teaching by parable was easy teaching it looks emy but actually it requires much thought a clear purpose and a power of expression which is unique at a battlefield commemoration an orator talked or over an hour mostly bom bastic words a thinker uttered a few sentences in flawless english and lin coln s immortal gettysburg speech was ttie result the strength of christs parables lies in the spiritual prin ciples they set forth briefly beauti fully and truthfully christ s in ten l however was not m much in principalis as in pcrons lie told the parable for the site of people note how a person stands out in every one of the eight parables the bouir and the husbandman the plantir and the breadmakcr the ploughman und the merchant the lulvcrman and the householder jesus had obtened these people at their work and he wo interested in them both for their own sake and alto bclauso they illustrated laws of teach ing which he was setting forth for the benefit of his dlsclpes as he train ed them to he workers for the king dom of heaven we sing of jesus as the lover of our soul lie is that but he also loved people in the whole woik or their lives as well as just heir souls ills sympathy was inclu- hive not exclusive parents and ministers day school und bunday school teachers may take heart from these parables they can by faithful service for the kingdom of heaven have large harvests and clean grain they may see the influence of christian standards spread they may have the joy of discovering gospel truth they may see the false and the true the old and the new gradu ally sorted out by the selective pro cess of individual and group experi ence christ gave miny pictures of the kingdom of heaven naturally to hrcaute it is a living growing chang ing experience we owe a debt of tratltude to matthew for preserving for us this cluster of christ s parables qtfmuena far plannilnn i what lend of illustrations did jesus use 3 hoar for la nature study a help to religion r 3 is the story method owrdone in religious education 4 which do you prise most old or new truths 8 why do christians believe that the vhole world may he evangelised wife oh you neednt think youre to wonderful the night- you propos ed to me you looked absolutely silly husband a coincidence the fact u x wag atwottttely ktmr in ha first diwlaaui of the sanation the lunry ftovutunrnt va by tle hua tuajuny vote of 74w la apirtvmg fof cf the hfnah from uw turune thus aidrtiilbac the tusjiuiadmot of prfuatr osorge b- lunry tb subaaicndjawnl jolnad cordijy in the hope exptd by lion lurbert a- lirucf jluutinant- clowrocr in the throne 8pth lfcal our country will soon be on the road to enduring pruprnty liy lbs am mawuy u o a ufqultban uuraj liwe udr acoypld diial to his aawndawnt uldcb llkl4 the goarttltl kon lxiod uuy lauuur of lluhty concluded the dsw on lelialf of tt gowmswol scortog to marked fashion on the ofyajtloo aarmbtrs and making a particularly wluuring at tat k upon u r upbunt provincial lilwral ldst who ha cltarwd tu aliud hlsislf with tha private intrrtu of qotiwc in ohfar to twliai tli bt lawrtv saway fcafoxt wtim the goembwnl had ban tait6vi tut itair fur law prwe of farbwrv produeti ur uacauuy fah that now pfbva tut ruing jt- gov ernmeot tiiouid t- gtwo cdu for the aulvudx- sir ilarauuy tiuwfd that prices of ttaera aa of rb jtto vww m4 tn toronto and mi lo cukgo butur toronto w c uvatnal vsr and chicago ti r gs toronto ae chueayo 10 c and bacon hogs tfo- robto wh oh cats and chicago hj9 lriling bitt admliutuauon of hla own departount ur uacavulay pointed out that in county toynstilp and pov uvui highas then to lyooooouoo tnvrtud eulusite of noruw in ontario and transcainads lilgttwiit wtuw construrtlon work hiu bien rrductd the program tn nontcm ontario lias been advanced as trllrf unemployment keasurs liar uit four vrars th has barn wit iii 0oo0o on various rosdi n cturtu g ooguoaco for malntensivra thu oik has provldvd over taodjua man ds per year of on a basis of 300 dsy prr year per man highway unprovrenrnt arttflty has provld4 steady rtnployaenl to over iiom men hydro rve rontendd had troscersd under the guidance and support of various goruvrtatlv adtamtstratlons lolntlng to victory for the govern ment bt the fcnhconilng slsctlon ur uaraulay said that if the tveord ef lie government for the last four year is rsamlnsd it will be plain that rvrry minister has bwn bending lhttr energle night and day to the great taik of public mm today thinking planning legislating adminuur- tng for the improvement of conditions of the farmer the labourer the pro ducer the merchant ewrywher l he provlnoe vast sums that wt have been pending whether of jua or cur- tent account said 14 l4oeulal have been spent in an effort to help the sick rare or the poor find em ployment for those out of work pen aion for the agsd and generally to make lighter and more bearable the conditions of all classes of men and women tn our provlnoe when tha time come as com soon it will to appeal to the electorate for a renewal of the m they have given to this party i feel sure that as to the result there can bt no doubt this government will be aaksd to continue the work in the brtghur and batter days ahead which u has carried on in the four strenuous years now clos ing attorney general w ii price in troduced the loan and trust corpor ation act and an amendment to tte alunlctpaj act the former making the act lo provide trust companias with power to act as custodian or trustees tn bankruptcy and lbs latter giving cities of more than lodjom population control over lumber yards tn which second hand lumbar is stor ed an amendment to the assessment act introduced by w k h sinclair liberal south ontario rwrmltltng munclpaltllm to put up land for sale in classified lists where taa sale are held instead of putting up all the lands in arrears of taus was referred to the municipal uw committee after receiving second reading the annual report of the aitntnnt wage board indicated that an amend ment will be introduced protecting women worker against men and boy oeing brought in by employer to taka their place at lower rate of pay length of time for which wags ar rears may be collected and the hours tor whlcb rates as fixed under board orders may be paid will also be sub ject to legislation attomeyocnaral w il price in dicated that step wul be taken to wipe out an alleged insurance policy racket that has been operating tn various para of the province whereby people in unfortunate cjnximstanoss nave been deprived of actual value of industrial uuuronce policies the method had been to secure these poll- cks by making a small payment and then holding and cashing them with the company legislation wlu be in troduced to prevent such practloea the house approved the resolution of willi id hetghlngton oon- uu davids which give indorsation to a policy to distribute relief monies to municipalities who might join ui a policy of removing slum arears und establish new housing schemes inmler henry endoned the move pointing out that if the munici palities are interested some provision should be made ao that they will be able to proceed with such programs the premier indicated the govern ment would move in this direction providing there is aumclent demand from municipalise for the setting up or such policies and also if the vtod- trnl government was inclined to in clude tlvc proposal under work relief construction charges that a emytnft exists a mong the three packing houses at wast toronto stockyards were made by clifford case ootuervauf north york who insisted the fsaderal gov ernment should take immediate atens to inquiry into the situation ur cose declared thu the packers know what prloas they are going to nay be fore the fanners arrive at the yards and if the farmer does not wish to accept the offered prices he can do one of two things either ship tils cattle hack home a costly practice or pay iso a ton for hay which oasts w on the farm kucst fcttsstlt our kitchen bck honke ms the frundiimt place that wr body could andf why vn lbs stove had u sulls- on its fact and evn the kttw lookd kind the oookiajar stood in the niivfut nookt the floor wss bcrubbfd wblts i declare ho kitchen had iwr sofrlctully a look uut that was when uother ws iter our doorsy bauk juxlw or a vhw on it kd and oi how ihoaat ro did bloom they noddd a vaictew to strnaif and said coot in folks i there plroly of roooir the pathway was worn by our rollick ing iwt til door had a ttstkonlng air no house was to frwndly no kan ao bui tret u trbrl uother wm there uaufc hotfia wss ther wr so frwnd- 1 a pjuw a that cavet ft held us all fast hound clow by the love tn one vl- comig face a low that btlonga to the ksi the put ho the perntt tbat welcoinlng doot bunds open and eoalorting tm awaits u from one ho ha jmirvkty- d bajor to make it a home for us h- vicar and now children would you like to ask any questions isobby ves sir please how do you get into your collar owing to the world war a dis tinguished boston man deprived of his summer trip to kurone went to san vranelsoo instead wopplng off at salt take city he etrojleditbout the city and made the acquaintance of a uule saontian girl im from boston he said to her i wppose you do not know where boston ta oh yes i do answered the little girl eargerly our etmday exhool has a mlsskmeyy ttmrsv fci raw wtk when on huilp olbba wtuss about war lie u writing about aotfawthiiaf he las with his uvn eye hisd this from hu the way cf ecapa when the world war bgan grat numbfra of young mn bad aulw of adwnturt of an uuitsllon which as not without spiritual bauty unions of them moatty boys raily up lifted by an csotionaliactt wtlch was perhaps as high as human natuss may attain thsy behaved they fight ing for ideals twyond self totaraat uwy gu their ticket for tha slaunur- tjhiu and marched ioam the bauis- fteld gladly on fire with the paailob of patrlolkattt these young recruits had fg a warfare tn which couraes would count uut this war was not thai kind the human being hardly eount- d at all when crouched tn a trvficl or hardid into a dugout bacaiuie tomathlng euw inhuman was the ral enemy it was not a war bhii men and urn it was a war barbwwen machine and and man were just blood and pulp for that mass production of death in modem machinemade war at lean under heavy barrage ft sol diers are no longer men tby are merely bundles of qurwrrag narws under the flail of explosive shells they can do nothing about it they cannot even strike a heroic altitude what courage they have at such limaa u only passive ilka that of martyrs in the torture chamber youth knows that war is dsngaroua but youth yeamlnj for adventure does not know that war is silly that it u the last resort of the fool and the mob tha great evrwv for the wooden head under the brass hat that it u tha denial of uaa beauty and our beat code of deetacy the younger minds to dsy must da- ride for themselves whether thsy think this kind of war or any other u worth wtille for any purpose what ever blilwaug buwuby the following is a brief summary of information received by the ssank of uontrtal from its branchae through out canada up to jan xsfd lfcm the trade barometer has roriitnimd to rise during the past four weeks and still points upward all idles indicate improvement lrign eommsroe la january rose in value 40 over the like month in lfltt staple and other eommoditias shared tn the gala and only the slow movement of wheat prevented a still more striking increase though tn the case ol this cereal tt st noteworthy that the price last molb averaged 5 cants par bushel against 415 cents a year ago the favour able balance of foreign commerce la the elapsed ten months of the fleflsj year has now reached llujkmjmo a circumstance of great value m stab ilising the oanadian dollar and sup porting the national credit bank clearings make favourable comparison with but year as do bank debits and railway earnings are showing sub stantial gain dominion revenues attest the larger volume of domeaua business by increased receipts from customs duties and sales tax ordin ary revenue having risen is 131060 la january over that la january last year annual reports of oouweivie corporations also show betterment either tn the way of increased profits or lessened losses the abnormally severe winter weather prevailing in the central and eastern province has had advantages in larger sales of heavier tclothlng of which slocks haw been well depleted the lumber trade holds the renewed activity that became ap parent a few months ago and the production ofnewsprint last month was th largest in any january since 1030 with shipments sppraxtmauly equal to production impulse to business is given by the greater stability and steadiness of commodity prices the dominion bureau index figure of wholesale prices in january 70 6 is nearly seven points higher than a year ago in this recovery farm products notably hogs and wheat have partlclnataa and upon the whole farm and dairy output is realising better price bine the bate of the index u 10uio0 there is yet a long climb to be made to roach the conditions of that year there is a growing conviction that business is entering into better times gradual though the recovery be and this confidence aids in reaching the desired end there is leu unemploy ment factories are extending their operation closed mills are being re opened consumption of hydroposwr increases roreign exchange is more stable the output of manufactures 1 larger and more normal condition are coming about coal production in nova beetle increased in january and employment conditions in that province are reported as favourable the silk industries are fully employ ed as ae textile mtllg production of motor cars is running ahead of last year while exports tn january had value of tooflooo against tsfffjuo fa 1033 teacher robert here b an w- omple tn kibtractlon seven boy went down the creek to bathe but two or them had been told not to ga in the water now can you hiforra me how many went in slosswijtfwiw una