Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 14, 1934, p. 4

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pag4 the georgetown henu wednesday evening much mth 1934 when you think of friand lav away and you havant saati kin or mayo haf for waalt and you doavkba writing latter havaaviiriby long dutanca h ihm ht bast thing to balnf tofuw oor irimdly etui w tansvoiy ulltiri uw tbpjiuljtu leaf tuutu uu b ft yi wrvu row bwou1 tutatitf tt irtl- bns 04l imtlriiilt t hi yw ull i6o hiuj v fcjlw u utb u kx ul ol i4ti l u ft el better heat less attention lowestcost john mcdonald phone 12w georgetown w toot by ehtae x do hot know whltbar ha want hi way or wfaanw lbcd h it aald tw wod but aamiii curaa if said ad kripcaad to by tb iaattdav bujoatltfcat wa vauutaad id lb throne that hurrtad tomad id tha driaa uttat raio i woodir if h luum umi taadavauhd fow tuddtmly th world wa full of laushtat tttd hop hid borat thatl prtioo bar and w had iomt it lomltoa and pa la lty frs mm tiiwkrfoot x uw lt th blinding ulau hd hid thl bttny day alld clt before hi ttaawd ft braau blah way wfaam vmutxuy i a6ubt a pith in vfcia t wuhaln laaid haw to siomal auu uauub tximuu hop wtihid uirt uxo to b ahl u tlena wirt with b- uaht bfja of ujadojbohborj nitawd fclilloal falejpwawat if tttiw li fcny uvlag bla0 co uaara lhy taop thl klgliaj will tnduot lbaad 10 ajuvoaf pnruoe4a now uada way by b gkmjp ol ftlortonaataj fcad ujtdao prtfaaaot a- u it u co of lb vwnlwu wto tt interacted id lh tn piaj b to eadatlw thi taro- uttoa aocamfolu cmbb d prii li iw koit tw jul 8juflui lwbt ray fcrai cfaud tod uaaaa thta tafowukft oo i uomh x oafl u feerluajjlajut yl jkfiaifr ba baao iahrfad fuf th fclu bpcaum lh u idaltlt tueuuol povar u th -n- in addhbart ibah u tjj ofaajrvalay lh gwunuln troca bitb valtb caul u aiujnutftfcd for tbdt oaaibiuty mum unija blctiaua by bfl of uui p ufft ray will vajt w ahaui aarfid ulotmi cckto ffiiaia 1 1 f i aaid of hitry lrtw bud of uw bahuah mallooaj ujbtrttwy ot pakhkaj uamkah w ahlil p4 uotd hh vixt- oua baafiu ull u paulil b4l ooalkavl uuu vtu b uaaatl to piatoa lh ttruacphii- and byofid w ar uruln thtt aiimioj will b vwbu oo uajt ftxld u uuj u 8jiy lfiulu- bdot ufa on lh uaom lh p thm ahould b abu to m tb llftuu- w knov tht thsh u yiaubla uf oo uam and lh loxr fortfj of hu iuh u pirfuiu buku nd t uua w hoa uun j balila capailly or ooncrplu uuuasbu that u4 lhay eain hudly tola our tljnajx w ahail iurvaj ui daily for lis biocuu- 0r that period ahaul vary lh uai of uw day or nljht durtfit hlh alnj w uui can ayfuhroala th 6mt favvorabu uau lor uin to ruli uax hu m ahott day and a loofr tusht aauooobwra and tfcwbtortaa throutout varioua paxbi of th world vw b aiiud lo b oo th ookout for aujtuls or apaelai ujfau froe uara 8oau mto ai auco poor bjlufar thry doat know boar to run anything axcapt th country mrmm m-mm-mm- outside competition did you ever stop to think the thing f the merchants of thia com munity to do in their own interest is to advertise faithfully and to make their printed announcements interesting and helpful to those whose trade and favor are desired mail order housea and the large departmen tal stores of neighboring cities with their strik ing advertisements and catalogues are the serious competition of local merchants the poorest way to offset his competition ia for our local merchants to remain silent for them not to speak up is to give the mail order housea a better chance to get business from this community a word to the public when you send your money to a city store you enrich the great shops and impoverish this community strengthen not weaken the merchants of thia community it will all be returned to you in the form of better ser vice and better values advertisements are interesting read them letter from a man 0f90 about hm mwumaiaina tl ajikru to aacua but wxiuiatf w do bur lhajd thai aaj taocraiu uu turn od brio thu to writ u all at hit as pn4auy u b ha baad uiharta ttota rfaunutlmi thi li what h y to hi utu tj yasurs no x was hs bad for at wlu with uitutaouuory tbuii oi mnw that tlnw x kaw bo likijw aruebta baillf and haw not haul another attacat but wy hand ar uui utewwhat tus x tak atrusv ctta tvery toornlng btfor brajjau sod ihail eootlnu to do to brut i au iuh it ha kapt bubs food fchap for lh yaaxs euum ikj wrulnf nt i aw nlnhy ats old and uw both hand to writ j t o krukthial diaaohra 6wy thoast njjutanud eryvlftj of urte kid whkit it th a4im of all frboubaaauc ikhibw it vuj alad uuib thaa duaojvd ryatai ckui out of th uol tlart u od kawp up lh iitii dauy dow riisj urtj tfid will mwr tatm aain- ree trial offer ii i uw wr rvj krw- u u ii aj t- mwt- lij ujiu4j r j v u y li a wta knit i4 li- kr44iuiltlm rl h v u 1wi kiulnali m ri k wkaxl hl iu lhu ttj canjlba uu tt domlnloa xtujau of bututloi mnnouncaa lb publication of lh 16 dilloo of th ftmul annui -ww- ovalirlg to oonwaiaot and handy f osa aim pfawnt caaoaluoni and font prorra in th doalnvflii tw publkftinn epni uh ft fo bord by lh lion it il hi9m an introduction of etibt paaa toutfa oo il4 world aluiailoo u tt aflaet ciiudi end uimmariaa th fw rm inumai uiuation u u hand at th clow of 1u3 ohapur i dl tlh th phyaiositaphy of 0nd and u intllunoi on th aattumtnt of th country and ohapur i aurvar lb ahent uaiuj oi canadian hbiory twatmenu of ail pta of national endeavour including kpulauon walth and lrodiicuoa artuitum rwtry ulnlnfl waiur por malt f rim pur trad uanufsuhura trtau portauon trad attnanof labor kdu cation tie fouo in aiuscknt cktail for th nral radr and u far ax th 1w pea of mxiur pralt- th book u di1atttd to lv ft eon cii but wall round pictur of lh current canadian ailuauoii to thow at horn and abroad and to pnwld a bmtr bail of lnfomatloo for lb diacuuioo of canadian affair praar- ally and in paruoular for daauing vttb th uulnaa dtobufiu of iw4l it u frmly tihiatriud ttirouhout ui handbook th utut available inioraauoo u tociudd ach uctlon th oguttt to many raani xtndin to lh and of 1us idtl ncrc in jaauari 1931 coo commr- elal vcaaula mimtl throuab th panama canal paying is 1w- tiii ta toll a bfconliag to as ftnnouacmcot by in caltaj stat war dpartmnl la th aim moatb of 1b31 411 cotnisr ctal vuuli paaaad throatb lh canal pay1t h tll4oai4 ta toll canadian caul ar opar fttad by th toaromot fra of toll and th coat of oparattoo i fcori by th canadub tftipayar bt 1 1 o w l uackaatu faag grandtob of wulumlyoa uao watl ftrti mayor of torunto will b th apakr at th caa- uenui dinnr ta b io by th wtlluai lyon uackaftit cnapur 1 0 dt at th royal york llotal toronto uarcb k ii will b la trodooad by si mayor thorn i church and ft numur of formsr mayira of toronto will bt pr nt at th function dhatto back uallad aula apaad ikatlng till uu tdilh auoxamlll eu rud by larc crowd of apart oiiuilu at th canadian 1aeine railway atrtlon t wianlpw raconily on br ro tor fros cblcauo br in had woo th 440 yard loaaj akaung rao for woman ahaturlag th stttmrtcaa racord ulu dorothy standu8of tlaarf i now quaea dorothy of tha 111 daak wlntar carnival aba waa baoortad down th alii at th ball room wbar th function took plana hnalt at to f t ol th lata qumb ula vloltt davta of edmonton and hi crownad by hr qua dorothy thankd bar flubjmt and iprcd th hop ah would mali bt iod a quaaa a bar prdeor on tha tbroa bomathlng nw in akl lag ha bn arolvod la tha laarantlan aklar paradlm to tb north of uootraal tula la th hylni kilamair elalmad to b th first urns avr triad out oa uu am rteaa oontlnanl cnlranla wor eraab balm i and ran th rar down a paelally pnparad is d- gra alop a spmd of 61 mil as hour was raoordai thadocblik ahuuda wa tb commsat of tom whaaur wall known aailara canada muahar as hi taam of bualits awgpt ovtr if out real la a tli- kbmocar plane heading for th cooia nw lutudablr dog darby aa a teat far lb quho lotsmatlonal dog drby in which b also aimuad no laa warm for baiag a trift ovardu to wlnatpsg bportaman fndrd a banquot and prawn t tiotji to ih winnipi ruiby taam ai th itoyal alomindra lloul la that city recently tby wr la 1 the playoff for th doulaloa lluvby champtonsblp but vu it may look ilka a long wlatar tola ilme of year but a d bain managar or canadian pacific mountain hoiala and bungalow camp us th rocklaa atata thy will b opned earlier thia yaar on account of urgi convention acheduled for tha utur part of june june s3 wai autad by mr data to b tba dat whan hay would b opaaad ur and lira alexander coehra- at porbea honeymooned at tha saltatory club quebec after thalr uarrlau at oilawa reout- ly lire itorbaa wa iraaa llelea ttobbln daugbur of ibut war- ran d ttobbln ublted butea lllbliiar to canada gttd a ralguv of- prwloattt uoumvalu would tag lolat felcfl oaaabi1amiry roatusaa far tktb um of mm aad waa abolllloai fkf itouk aad hbaiik aballilrm f m a mad auvusi and aaaurafcaapait ef aiaeltv lpa8aa war tk out uaadlbk tytlaia la a radl addra uarad fay the very llw futa italab tafc tt flluouy lwu of ut kaul a tuivdott in tit own faraauu fr ioforaalai lh woirtd ik olooaiy da tald dkam warn ut te bopaful and ulfcful tttttr- wal auaplc is tbl rk woald w the amaruaa vvdaral ktafruwtf lav kxbltad by pmb fra arary aatlaai aadar baa an and ik itrittak coaa- tooewjth of nation 1 would dr dlatlstt drai ftr aub grefaaaloa tfahpa ftd lb ui hob wo old b ould to waair as iimoaiiaoe hade i smu o- t anit a aw and all tatlulv laua of naiioa abolub all artaad fosa straat aa ultraattoul muhu far pnll purpoaa aad tfaatroy all lar kf barrtar aad paxoh ruttoa wtihwfv tifbl o lipti- r had oajy wtm 4i ia b iub la itaa bptaabar had oaly albitna day fn th year itu aa yu will aa tf uu tun tb umub weuaw madiag room and axk for a sopy of rldr dritlah uatllb for tkat yai tba griiuh uariia vu wkltakavs ajama- uk of that urn all tbl baapaoad for a father mri- eu rvaiaoa uaul 1tii ofl britala ud tha jollaa ealeadar tw eoaa- pilara of thl salsndar ouay eatur- u btifor had ao4 baj abl ta maaxurs ault aoeayaiily tha uagui at a year tb rasult tu that aa dm wat oa tha error p aad craw aad if eoma chaaa bad not bo mad w anould btujly hao bca kattag wbta it wc atld ammar aooonllbg to tb almanack aad suabathlbg at oautal cbrtataua ii at soeaethlag had ta b daa and ii wa dealded to cut ale day oat of baptamher la itif and tbea ta adopt a aw calendar wfcltb would rodr srrors lalpoaalai ta tha futars tbl atp gradated twaadaua ajiutloa uaay people tkougbt they had ba robbed of attvea day of lklr i it aad lhar war hoatlla damoaatratlona ta baay garu of tba ouslry afoivaieaxvs vcfvuaam taa lalaad of lfoatral oa walaai tha alty of uoelreal u altoatad baa a aopalatloa of iii lit aaeordiag to the otdctal eansua the new u- craaa alaee tba deoaaaial eaaeae of lttl u six tlt or it li per out the elty of afoatroal u eredltad with a poaolatloa of glotti a gala of lit 4lt la tea year aa turm of ii xi per cant vardaa ahowa a cala of 141 10 par cant outraaoat loflfg par aeet waetuoaat laareulag iti poauutioa by it tl par eaat to ii- iit aad xauhla ii 01 par eaat ta ii 141 among th alghta town liitad as forming part ef tb pogula- tloa of th ulead of uoatraaj at latnraat i largaat wttb lllt inhabi tant but uouat koyaj tbowa tb grmtaat parcentag growth with aa loereaaa of 1114 par eaat or from 140 persona la lttl ta a priiiit nomlatlo of i1it msw boavev product dlaoovery of a new method of aarrlag honey aa aa opaque gray- whit butter inatead ef a goldaa llquld wa aaaouaead at ooraell univsralty tba atw produet eallad cryataj bo nay baa a lightly different savor it neither drip nor prsad etlcky emeaxs aad baa beta offered by the university to the honey tnduatry the dlaoovery it the aoeompllaa- meat of a young canadian dr ib j dye who mad a gift of the arooaaa to canadian hoouy groducara aad to cornell ho developed the pro a part of hi tuoal for obtalalag tb dagraa of doctor of pblloaopny vaiit power avajlaulv oenadae water poser rsaoure form one of ber moat strlklag and imporunt national aaaet tb rs- cordad water power raauurce of the dominion a baaed oo actual aur- yt ar catlmatsd by enainaera at 41 000000 h 9 at preaeat the total installation la aaaratloa it iueooo ttarstaowar notice to creditors of uta eaiato af johh xdaooua ut af lb vented af waat kvaady wla ia cheater ceaaly to tba slala af vawalaala eat af tb uajtaw atta ajatrlta retired mlajieuiy all vzrbonb having agaliut th ettata of tba said jobtt lloooll who died on or about ttm third day of deotinbtr uu at town oi ooowetown la tba count of llalton in tba provlnat oi oiitario are retjulrod to send to tha undar algnad toucitor on or befora tha brat day of april us4 full parrtloulan ef their claim and any aacmritlta tha may hold thtrefor and taios nonos that afur tha rrat day of april 1934 the tteeutar will trocaed to dlatrlbuta tha aaldl ettata tuvtug wgard only u th claim of which h thett ahall bvj had tutloo and that b wtll uot bt uabla to any ptraoa of who elajna h wtll uot lhb bav iwuraad hoticw for tha aiatu so dlatrlbtrtad dattd at oortom thl kftda day of mbnunr lit kewwifrh u eautodoftf m otargttow ontario voliatoa few aatot b bpafamian afateutor h vay xa am lo law hnmii u jajaad dlafaat barv- d a fnqtaaatly m tbary abmiad b- xd facc in tajr too aaaay h r i aucb dishata im haadobl u aver aarvad x- cwpt in lh loral of a daaaartad yv lhart lb daaaart u uly 10 ba ft wry almpl boat arad tanly wbatt tb family didm akn tn aiw waily briauy raamdi why tb luld dlab bhould b a touch taot fruarot vlaitoar at miihirrir it tx attrsctiw it to y to tliaaau it baay b tdd uokkly u ta firntlfif to th tatu tt u w tei and very cfua th ulnarsla and vtuoiinx of i toay b tarsal to th chudfi bi buu4 fonii vn thouh lhy tnht rtfu to t the watablaj when atiad to th uiual uanrur thr ar pkwuy bdajiy otlwr good quallti abvut miwd iuhs4 but ur ly thi u nouah to two lwy ttwy thould fa frrvt taaor popular ulio thy aj today tvy adsm twrrtl dliirf of trx kind id ytxif oi bcan you wtu fuml iha piiuih to your uatiiy and dr- utltm and auractlw euougb to fauk btau aihlulatle kar m a tw uf th baany way us wliuh auth duli buy b prcad laaa ajad cwtaay ltef i pahiej iuatlawatd slato lu iap bolhag wmlfa u cup uwajt uasvoon ult i cup aookad haua hay thiotd lf fupt cawry bjmh boad l tablijpoan onioo bcrapvd or fuuty rich red blood v is wluil loil ilcttl r have you stomach trouble t ah tiua fiiwty ehoiapad wimais friuud ta bulla waur add vtaaaajr hod aait oaul when atlhtly thkaaatd faad b bahi tury otuoo and pkauaa turn toto lof pan chill until tuna tfeojt oar- qiih with crta wawtcjaa hkrat h i buki laxaaod w haabaord btalaitrl i cup botlijs watar i tup fruu ii6 ad eoid aur 1 sppw pamd and uod i tup canned pinipa dftod and 4 diaaolvt ftauua to boiling waiar add fruit ioioae and waur ohux ooteaun fruiu katar and wit whn gatatin i allahuy ttjckaotd fold in fruit turn into nag woid ohlu until ftraa thuaou oajakh with whipped criaot platachaoa and gar- aactuao thrrta tiarve frxaiar valiia kaud i paukagt laataa- flavored gtutla l pint boiling waitr 1 ttaapooa vlpavaf i uaapooa aait 1 cuq cooked bau cup oaury ttioad s cup cabta tinty ahrtddad 11 cup ptmwdto cut la atrip dtaaolv ftflatln in boiliag smttr add vinegar and tan chiu wha tlighuy i fold in mmminj ingraduataj turn into indlvtdual mold chifl until ftna tfesbjold ott crtip artuah kwrw with hayoonalm srv i aur- 1 cup orthga pi drained 1 cup canned or boud aabaoa h cup chopped ik i cup ahraddaad aattoot u cup aa rvnitaithfl ta cuj lyaaob drataatfl pl wnm maotfnet tkla down to juicy puk klot and out aacb tuo in i of 4tuoaa pyapam ougb puoea to huka xt4 cup oorthln orange wttb irwaiahu fngredlattu turv to uttuot eup wuh auyobiuia ptaunlo hy b owutud the i he 1 1 y a i i fccs regain lost pep ak vttality 55jggg ail usaia 6sy a4 iaw ia h aawa si wuaiucsa ccb lome tabiets ggjwssfcs for sale n georgetown at robbs drug store spring hats we are now ready wiih an entirely new collection of hals in spring styles and materials color and trimming misses claridge herald block uprfalr gacrgrfe n a robinson live slock dealer ui baleaer norval live stock truckd40 all load fully lasurad phonei gaergatowa 101 is give a man a job georgetown community club makes its bow thl club baa bean organixed to help tha unemployed help thenv salve anyone who wants to help is eligible for nwab ship unemployed have free membership othan raaka whatever contribution in cash they desire tba club wish to announce a their first attempt to help other tha organization of an odd jobs bureau wa are prepared to secure men for odd jobs such asi wood splitting furnace tending cleaning cellars removing garbage polishing floors cleaning windows lawn cutting farm help and any other odd job you have charges reasonable none used for overhmrl- all go to tba man doing tha job when you want a man or woman phone the odd jobs bureau ib georgetown a wan will be at the phone from 0 to 12 every day axcapt sunday paperhanging painting snow shovelling carpentry chimney cleaning stovepipe cleaning gardening l-

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