Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1934, p. 4

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pae4 the georgetown herald vtatxmiay evening march 28th 1934 when your bote s war and urn apct you to b two lftcf t th fame time and k wont take excuteg uh youf talepjtona long dittanea will help you tie trit iriipoitrbla l4iumt will tik y4 to iv bki r lownhip o xrj lh oolti iiul luity lt yos qbktl y d w lo uy cnjradjuy ad 1 in irelv 100 mlu v u ctlw j liv i ljl ol ntc in tb lwl oi yew dumta7 full weight prompt delivery free heating adyice vehtn you order muecoal john mcdonald phone 12w georgetown new and information for the busy fanner dehorning cattle experience hu proved th great advantace rom every standpoint of xc homing commrrclal rattle and a urcat bnvfll woud accrue to the llv nock indurry if all commercial cattle er dehorned every effort should jirrvfore be mode to attain thl ob ject and it more than merit the active support and oootcrttiian of the pref and all institutions and organi sation lnterestm in the live stock in diutry to encounter the nractloe of dhornliu all homed commercial caul betwwn starch 14 and april is or during the mmui of october cbanplaa egg ealsra although compared with some other oountrle the per capita con sumption of poultry in canada u relatively low canada retain the effaeatlna championship with 2bs4 down ess consumed per head at population in 1033 while the aver age consumption of poultry by 6oh inhabitant of the united btale tn that year was about ib pound of which 7t pound vara hen and chicken although lujtljm pound of poultry and egg has been relative- ly well maintained in june loot war aooardng to the bulletin the agri cultural fluuatlon issued by the do minical department of agriculture the number of hen and chicken on farm in canada was mxu0o0 baft base the further expansion of our bacon trod with great britain depend to a large ritrnt upon quality improve ment recent advice from the urtl- ish market criticise our supplies the score of underflnuh tn a large percentage of bacon side a indicat ed by softness and flsbbtn this toft ftsbby bacon 1 matt likely the product of underflnlihad has of which there are considerable num ber bring marketpd at yard and plant in canada at the present time the remedy lie with the producer in holding bock unflnlihed hogs tn moil case another week or so on feed would put on th flnlan so neceaury for the rruvtng of firm bacon all hoc of bacon and select weight ahould be properly finished at their weight underflnloh 1 a detrimental a ovrrnnlsh and in thi coe is a very serlou obstacle to effort being mad to populartie canadian bacon with the british con sumer cery hog raiser 1 asked to cooperate to the best of hi ohliuy kjinltiif naatauem where manure t not applied to raspberry plantations until the spring a cover crop is also advisable to prevent too late growth of can a the adwnt of moaaie dl a b making it advisable to trort punl tlons toor frrouently the kroner who unable to rt laie tmuiittrf td manure will and tnot shorter fotauou lend lurflf uqn to the eor crop and trtuuh ytu foi oach new plantation may be ptwnlrd for oxon by a crop of clover or aaike tuch wtvn tuiwd oicr wu ww tlu wll in excellent condition far the nfjrf plantation till method lwwal tty ttry ou wr with uro- tur gn n manuring cover nop mulcji and ubquale quantltu comktfrcuu fertllser wul render it prttliw for raspberry growing to take it place beidi oirliardlng in being more or i indvpindent of the fall ing and increaungly expensive uppy cf manure lug gju fthtnu wlille u u ilk ly uure wiu be uuipomry prlir decunee during the pmxnl iar tr trend of hag prior wpiwa upward xliixet supay pro- turtk ufe fur a mudenu vfujw du tnj llrf nrvt hjji cf uw oj- ifauwnj by a fuitly suutaotlal uich lro ku fur krt nptwar to w satu lgry srd the rurtcuotu ckllhg on export from orrlgn counlrli wiling to the llruuh motket ar uotking qxit- fsvourably toward tobiuujloii of iiruv dpite uu prrwfu favoumb export outlook lm prownwnt la bfvding trading wuc- lion and promjj ut to icuk- largii imitvntujw top ftruu hi baonn u much bioiy vlbbe than a biuk rd litrfos uv grwral production mai tuim fcltee la rsu- otl4 f ualug hueuyl thu protnf 1 lavauy iiua u uu giolng of rtrtt uu iajung bori try and kt the purpotd of i ncuur ttitng ui itfurt of ontario farmrm la tiruducuig uuv crop the oolnrto and quebec hrwing nduitry otfwd prts amounting to feu uwr two thousand dollars thl ws uie roent aimounofgwttl of lloo ruom- l kennedy uinlikr of agrtoui- ture for ontario- all ontario fanotre will be eligible for competiuon and th mdla uai for rkhiuuing wll include the win- trr ueed rvtra oombinsd fuld crop competition and the ru wlra sxrty of which haw already twn wlmted irtsp at the winter and bwd pairs will total some two hundred and fifty dollars combined puid crop competluun huvf bn alloued over one thousand douan and rtall pair almllar sjnount lfuch pnsia and detail of competulon wtll be under he admlnlurauon of the tluperlnteo tknl of agricultural uodlu j a carro 1 psruamcnt mulldlngs toron to in connection with the pteld crop competition kqcutlf have urn uioun in area partlculaily well- suited to producing thr dnlnyl quail ty of barley all competitor must be paid up mrmben of an aarlcultural tioclely ttxre muat be ut uwj ten entrtra and not let than tight crops speclrd it l further required that only ilegulered oac ho 31 hit ley be sown and thtt toe minimum acre age be five acre in case where i field enund for comvrulon com pruc more than flvo acre the entire a id tll be judd lie fore a competitor can qualify for a pne at leut fifty bushes of the crop nut be cleaned to grade no 1 pleld and bin inspection wul bo nude without ecu and barley mutt be ready for bin inspection and nnal grading not lalcr ttan dooem bcr 1 irur in each competition will be awarded a follow pint thirty dollar bccond tsenty ave do lart third twenty dour pourth fifteen dollar fifth ten dollars and bath ave dollars wlncr and uoed palm wlu inc ude ouclph winter pair ottawa winter pair couth- western ontario com and ueed exhibition at chatham qultue dlitrlct beed pair and the oust a valley good pair at each of a exhibition afty dol ax wul be du rtbuted in prise eighteen dol ian in prlie money ha been allotrd to each of the pali pairs or a total of ten hundred and eighty dollar no exhibitor may win a prue a more than one pall pair thl how ever will not debar the exhibitor from rom pet irs at one of the large seed hoii or winter fair narley will be judged on it ultablllty for malting not for seed the point desired in barley for malting hi order of rela tive importance are soundness use and uniformity of kernel freedom from other groin and freedom from need seeds and inert matter concluding hi remark on thl iud- jet col kennedy said while i heartily rndoru any movement de- slgned to encourage ontario former the action of the ontario and quebec brewing industry should have an even more important reault than only raising the standard for malting bar ley i look for a definite improve ment in all ontario barley whether grown far malting feeding or any other purpose tr- otuwa spouidht by wilfrid ottawa uorck so rtrii hill th day ksfttabk oa ef lb taoce active hotprtne oxo to yelk- ooie national writ you doat kno here the next feryae u oui kttut- o many lucu ion and qulrtps and organltlone r raiag on at ocx iou lkmly taio which od to auh and which to pms up utwn it come tor boiling the whole uiinj don into a ealuun at tit end u the vsk uuu tidy chor too tt focus of atutttlod look like uinj for a vhu from tiw bieven juhjm uiio taxut buying and price tud over to tli nlnt and cooi- rcrrce ccmmltu studying the orntral bonk bin i never sw a coaimliue meeting mote fujy atlendsd nor more earmark of lough sledding a- hiad than tn the tint active scvtlng f ttiu body hatae cf tr utl a ad ludvpcndi ni ore watag to put up a stitt rutit rur puile 6twrwap 1 f- uut u cojisda ilxu- fcrw t i tpolne vsnu to tnke sure the ne lunk uf cnu ullj vu be btuntul rial of the coy mevbers are im ujui tlut km douglas thvory iaj cndll aha1 be uunjwd out a iid on totj of that the linking and wnnuke votnmliue ho on lutwtnd uw bujuirv into uve kutiotwpp be- n th tunk and the cjjt mm iulp ujui iuir industry the tublns- ii g of attrai by john i uscyarund k1 a t otliytr thing if thsi 1 ru t pell trouble and a hfvy luai loii of the roaunlttee i dont kru i ut teould crtw agvbjtm vjt fsmui tltew are a pouu of vthttn of ewcul tnuwl 0e itw fariatiaa at ottawa last r k of like xttnadlsn ywdrilon of ixttry parmer they claia to be i otbcla arfkjuvpfca of the truk industry one to repront watufl tltlry fannerk u uy sa i1 ukould be por whea it eoca d uuwdng with ottswa and the pro incial 6ovmnente sup nsodod to tula the dairy industry t uuit oo feet lion robert weir nmt tht lu agnculturaj uatkstlng act vul uuroduofd tn a fw d thu look lse an atuopt to rgulxe and cuniroi the export of fans peodttfu to a to pftvent if pckslbi the mill esport surplus ntfintelnf the tioe moikrt and driving prlm dosn lo a ruinous irvel a biuwy a wit biaeae a forecast th provuvirt on lur vhrat board with the powvr to tt up a lionise ar other ttheu tfe- i rncd to control the delivery of viwat lo the loojj elevator thl fall just esactly how they are goin nprrvue and enforce such m rtric tlon nobody at ottawa sreuj u know et if neoruory fdral vbsat board will also be set up to control apart of wheat so that osnd will live up to the podge she london law july it sesou to be the frrvtiit hone and prayer of the au- horule here cither that the crop til be reasonable light or that the or id situation will improve sohix before nest fall i gather that they aie not very anxious to have to work tliete board they would prefer that drought or grasshoppers do the job lor tlem i tmxgln expert on figure have anaqy de- cidm thai as signed the wheat agree- merit give canada the power to at port provtdm the can and customers somr ayoooooo bushel tn the crop ver nhlch begins august 1st iwi ttrll probably be lucky to be able to lutd an outlet for so muc u we djnt the wheat agretnnt ont work any hardship u we could have told more and the agreement bind u down then of course we shall have lost a golden opportunity to reduce a surplus which has been hanging ovr our heads for ave pear now ttuee and use waterway two contentious subjects were uld uay in camphor for a few bsanth uiway the vote on title rive premier dennett the authority to ask ho king to honor a list of nnjin on june ird should he so desire and no further debate by the rules of the 1 louse can be carried on this tasilnn tlio action of the united bula ben- at in rejecung the be leurrence eskimo is doomed wvke umm aj weje tuulaiwi vul t nsll bl tke kahk la tlo- oot rnusal 8uturvltlostf botk bslu mil kftdtra llv tie fu lure weir n of canadas lbluo etisrgm siefdlmt to uajor l f uurwiih fatuou arctic plarr sad for tot ay years north wt xt- rttortp llraneh levtilgslor wlilte tie uklroo tap gist toe of tee dominion 1 boldtdf its owe al brvdt t only bo he brlbvie of srrvrnl o ihlr trntusl iilor- lloa oowrniutnl conirol of trad ibs luncnarlf touk oner oarailou of orttnljbjt trading tott ico yrers ag bt fuuiat cut sad ib i- i iso iliuuiui of ilt ulard fsa tcfjkd kisduslly fitibj j tfr tu 17 qoo urkfvj dltftrvefe la th oullouk m ii f uf th affile aborlxlau sfur sbsrt xoourt with while utt ita- three 015 routed health tip ran woman of 67 t0 hodadw ftwlw ltwumufca x uw stmiirti and slate i haw ud u i aw in wry uuit batuf hmlth in tmt i hudly twr wake wb those bad hodfhe and that tvtral loung of krufcetwa hi holtiod bie bryond hard i tu tl aud fwl young thus vrllaa ut u g it l reuwvhle to ask why ll u that hadch constipation and fharublstlsttl oil juid so cofoapeuly to kjuschsn what u the scft of kruschos tteetlvefies acmlnst u different conoulotst tli secret an opa on it u rvako tn anaals on the tou- for phtlcun and everyone ue to we til vilsj mineral sell that l the trnw ksch of ilw tin wit bs sn oouon cf lis own wrcee one cannot iv-oe- uoie anmhav can m aoe utooi- nth llw iildoeyi sbd umflve irsci are ob biii and uvwd up to a lopbouii eonditka of wocwticy rree trial offer via u j-i- if aaj lilthl 4- rfka vv iy i ttiut iiu4d twkd at la j 4jj u attuj ui vj it lvwml tjj kiu4 v- la uui khuba i w j la iwl ualw utesn tu taa t 1lrttm mj la uajor la t buhwajtn a uor nurwask wksa la ltlt b set fablmo oa klag wiiius islaad whom b ant saw u ltlt ytajmlld bine of thehr oea sous try foer ysare before they were wgftsg food froa the 11 tor hi assosi vull too sudden thrust lag of the o ttv from prlm eoadlliou t ike white misi clvlllsstloa ij bbmg by the siplorer for lbs trusfoeaau stale they should be edtuattd grad usllr to he la eossastlllea ellh the whll bis thf kuklmo itasglaee kiss if bet- ler os in el proiloally to th whiu bubs fabopenr but la msr bar- wath s eplnlnn he t wrung life be- temee wirn eomrlkatrd for hts wllb saeb nie food or trinket h dt- eoer until la a short tlsse he ha learned to rely on whit buss good to him alive however he still bold te ike eld eskimo custom of hlg two or three slvee if he eaa store ihse ljd toitng his ability u a aro vtdar wive brlbic asother eowpltsa- tloa la that the bossstsor ef bvore thsn hts ihsre may oacobseloutry la vlte te fortunst bsiivs te make thsni roarruscable widows killing or this sort uajor durwuh sr pro vide the major crlae problsa ta the arctic slihouih the cuitoos of doing away with old peopl who are be lieved tn hift lived their allotted spaa hill oca on despite qovera acnt effort lo stamp ii out aoy l nich en which very strong view oiw in canada on both aide parliament take a ten day reoau for easter the fact that th lawrence waterway will not com up for ratification shorten th live session considerably btl not be over for while the budget l to come down shortly after easter federal revenues were much better in february in spite of it being short month customs and excise celpts were up ujlooooo over the total a year ago the improvement coma too late far balanced budget but it all came a a wsloom relief to lion e n rhode if you value your neighbors friend ship dont make path lawn cutting corner rich red blood 1 vis whnl uou need cceb tonic tablets healthstriith vigor have you stomach trouble bb j uj lia i i theb100o fe53 sas se suo us t h ffg nerves sag it j i i ttse ty v 5yj rafes wsssresassss mm lost ipep ano vrtality tctallttyfca v5wkwmi iwmsetlecz ccb tonic tablets ttrggssx fw sv in georgetown u robbs drug store ptoae 7 f1ptytuo hoireiovs ocurn hoard looad ea ittrset of tkrwe aglusi levi three boys of tottenham england feel that their education bs been sadly nndicted the ihlok they ahould have been told that rnslsnd la the dttn dsrh days before the war had a little coin called a sovo- rlfl a pretty little coin it was too even if rarely seen nowaday th boys had recently th unas potted pleasure of seeing fifty two of them til at onrc and they did not know what ihoy wrel thy found them in a bag hey picked up ans thought they were badge of some byslsrlotis order in fart they thought they bad done a good stroke pf business when i hey sold three to a passer by far a entiling with most of the nthsr they literally played ducki m drake for thsy war used to skim ovei the surface of the river they shone beautifully not unlit on of them returned home with on of th badie he had saved as e mtrainu wo the full truth known hi father broke it to him gently and then reported the matter to the police ktwtoaucax aveftrfw thee uparunu la the his tory of tawrt panada tie to be sbrwud this suaser cfi0ding to lafoeasaion tvfeivd by uj crwiun nsuonsi ulwr tbe nrt of tm u the yoeonio oarfitrtnui the cfa-er- vino of wbstb vu be dlvtfed mto lhr pjt of uuw days ch slay uu july 14 august the tvooad it the tooth sjuuwriry of ihe ing of jasgue oskkr si o it and the third will be the booth onahsfssry of the loumlng of the chy of tfcfe suwrt p q lfjtortosjly the vni al gae u the uost imaetsnt it was on the shot ol thi bay hx the oejne pn- lnuu of 0sbe that joqus osrusr undd on july ii isu and in so do ing wag the tui sturonia to t foot ui qusbw sjiheugh th land was siehtajd by oesshrd d ortovej hi 1s00 wtb oeruer kuidd ui tlrvl wet was to rei ft thirty foot erot and to take tisn tjfi of the trfrttory for the kung ol pnoi the asset spot whre uu tfcw v tuantsd 1 not known but t slmlur uoe u ew a r to what u uiwwd to fa the soot tu be put up curing the celsbfuoa thle yaj thrw luwe u sight wa okwr than uoquwal wad approphue osi- abrotione wtti bore the tooth annl- vwrsory of this city wtich found- d by tb felsur lavuetu la 1w tofaelo which ha beome the sec ond larwsat day tn 0nd oiubrat 104 jeare a on taoovporsted uy thl yeejr the period chniwn for observ ance bsgla wtlh usy 14 tkniptr day wuh july 1 and extend to uulude july 4 and tlseeby sroptuury ob- ssrve the part abwrtcan history played in the devalopeasnt ol th city and with august 4 which te the day on which canada eaurvd the great war ptgwahla qtonl festtvlus mulbut fjianomivtb aymphonlc con cert and faafid oonoert oo a lanj and lavish scale ore part of an txtetv slv program of fitertalmwnt spring hats till nkw rtjiuikr cnrolt wbo discover way of baking synthslle product do not usually give away th secret of their to hut tho men who have u- seeded la making a synthetic rubber told mombtni of the american chem ical hoc let y just how the feat wu performed th ingredunt are sltn el men ly acotylona salt and water ut th process will am a bit com- pht to those unvaried in the voea- bulsry of chemistry th catalytic polymerisation of acetvlrno to monovlnylocetykn j folluwul by a trvlment with hydro gen chloride to produce chloropren which by controlled polymtrlsalloa i turned into synthetic rubber making tynthulr i in seems cooslderahly aim- pit r lloslon liat aiim l cuhatr onlombla tliu third isrkht eoun fry lo houth a murks although with in th tropin tnjoys all kind of el i ma tut aloni thu sea shore and in low land if tho valtes of tho largo rlviir thu litut is intense in th plateaus of the eordlllurui ihe cli mate i mild and temperate while free ling cold prevails in tho pros j bi tty of tho tall puuks covered by per petual mow codtoquantly in col- rnbut there ore grown product of all many improvements the cbevreut sit or 10x1 with an engine ol new design deuvcrlng 80 honepower with knee action front wheel and with increased ill round performance u considered the molt eiumjvely improved annual model sine chevrolet becsme a eli the new front wheel inrlng are enclosed in an oil filled housing si itched rigid ly to th frame malting s nest and elnxunt type of individual suipen- lotb larger and more luxurious bodies by luher ulth improved no- draft ventilation are offered the picture above thowi the muter bis special teuan and below u seen one of the coupe model new egg gredm tto iwrlaad dominion egg grading regultttlan rooontly passed t ot tawa o now in force in ontario for ull shipment the former trad name of fvaah special fresh tsxrag aral seconds pullet ekthu eta ate have been chanced to al a v and c with ditterent weight claa oailoh within eaob trade the chief purpose of u twvuuoa b to etiabla tha fanner to be paid oa ft quality basis u wall u making tt possible for the ooneumer to tell bt he or she u buying produceni allowed eight etge per hifoase un der grade on ekamimttion tad tutt able penouiee ore made for any ts frmimnent oakden tif bummer to coming uurrayl hu- rayl and we would uke to nasj ejonit the tip that th best and miltfeast way to make a rook canseu to to phsy sakonlione in your bacjtyam midnight the reaano why ft lot of mess are bimtl b foiled to 4tnbmw 4natf tytwtittnsihili we are now ready with an entirely new collection of hals in spring style and material colors and trimming misses claridge herald block upafa gaergalowa n a robinson live stock dealer and botcher norval livestock trucking all loaja fully buured phonei gaorfttowa 101 13 give a man a job georgetown community club makes its bow tm club hu bacn otganued to itp iba uneuplayed katp iham ulvaa anyona who wanta lo help u eligible for awajvur- tklp unemployed have free merabanhip olhera wake whatever contribution in caab they dealra tha club wilb to announce a their firtt attempt to help otheaa tha organization of an odd jobs bureau we are prepared to aecure men for odd job tucb aai wood splitting furnace tending cleaning cellars removing garbage polishing floors cleaning windows lawn cutting paperhanging painting snow shovelling carpentry chimney cleaning stovepipe cleaning gardening farm help and any other odd job you have charges reasonable none wed for overhead all goea to the man doing the job when you want a man or woman phone the odd jobs bureau ib georgetown a man will be at the phone from d to 12 every day except sunday

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