Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1934, p. 1

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the georgetown herald c c 5 slxtyrrmth yfcmr of pumifunn tk gmgtlomi herald wednesday evening april 25th 1634 1 jo pat annum bs adrian sxoo in v3jl orr tune tju r tod kuu ui m 1 tor ttaula ru v y ifcaliifilara iut444 bl hail u ojaxv ujmiuj mzuauad rtum ml u uumv stobb ja uutuff d1bect0ry uuioiu aiabw ui in ii t r 1 1 nrl tarn ocluio b- tf f wuoota a ihamaa uk lailal otttt w hi it ii i ii ii t mwuy mm wdcmjbks a n ihlin i wautix rumia w bicuibnainal sla utm7 0 lm tyajlhfwll 144 tiltlllilti ttt oalii tinnrn am twaa m suhaurtoh v b watwml ojxjv huub o uou4l i bal fourth annual exhibition of paintings canadian artists a loan gouxrtlon of 40 paint in by ouutanding canadian artw j wnhr f the omrto bocfcty of arlbii will b on exhiuuga in u uiu un wdiiy thuisalay til yruuy iuy tnd j mid 4th lj to i juui i to 10 pa each dvy omtown i oar of jlw fw loiw in ontario to hav ttu oo- tnftunuy of wwlng ud cojlrctun of pftur ko oru klvould bua uc opportunity la orlr to encourage and stlmulat nrtiuic rudravor of vry land tong our own pgi4 in uorl0i and uw surrounding knmunliy and i uuk u up with uiu laliilukm qlljc jtfaeotti timuil stats crafts ana 3hobbic jsljolu w1iu hb inlto arena georgetown jmsbmiksu eiuriy sub jjrinj fftnj 2no 3rb anil 4ilt 1934 3 jo to sjo pil uvllliill pu daly til objart of tiu fihos u not ih wlnntnt of prura but lo provvda an opportunity for ail tlwt who hav any crautva faouuy to brtnf uals fcork uajauur in on ulua o tnm oh may ba axlmujalrd lo frah and bmrr crforu ajans axtialtc unaa only tao prlaaa ai btnt mad ajolli froup pr a loftbsll bu4iau and to bus to uaf clau in aarvtown lublu sohool putuna tn tha bkt clua auhiblt and 14 aaaw to tha itural ifclyxu tmitinf 1a tha beai tthool aluuut a m nielsen u taw a t cufopfiaclaw x41ay onuun nnia obm aw riaffllthm won oiirjiliiwl liuw i i tj m- ottaj hit i ftam ua frank fetch lksnfkd adononlsa tka riltiir f vml ftaj hajua ana morfat6sb tlit monuments pollock a ingham eufimtim to our wot gub out ft i m byow mir ric la ofifcwftoj tiauu bamtl pfjawlun pomwttn produotlon of timothy aasd tn 0uul u uu tax khort of wnaimpunn to tht tul funhar nro duouoo of thl crop mvy bo encour- ad tlmouiy ordburily ylld from 300 to mo pounds of hu par tew and grown luve reotvd on an ver vto about oh oanu par pound or tha d bula ko 1 srada over tha put thiw yean canada uaai aanumuy a- bout 10 million pounds of timothy aaad and until losi uma o million pounds of uus was imported from tha unltad btatas domaauo produc tion atnoe itul has bean greatly atlmu- lated by educational aotlvltlas and tho prospect of a large domestic market as ft result production increased from less than a million pounds to aomo a million pounds tn 1033 but cleellned to about 310000 pounds in loss due to unfavourable weather condition tfee coitlbm uetb haa not been wlpsd oal beporu have been published re oantly to the effaet uut in ontario apple orchards the codling moth wu eradicated or reduced to insignificant number by the low winter tempera- turea this is far from bain the case in the nusara district fa ex amination of overwintering caterpll- lai add made in a vlneland orchard this week lndlcatos that oodun moth tnoriallty u only in uie rulafcbortiood of 30 tner oent in other parte of the province where much colder tetnpera- turee were eitperlenoed the mortality will run much higher but w feel reasonably certain tliat in all ontario apple orananls nufljcknt larvta will have survived in sheltered tpotj to ueoeautate the applloatlon of uw atirays outlined in the ontario spray focramme dav by day wtdndlday uay 2nd 1 to b p eahlbiu plaom t pa cinlbu opi jo pw shatform profrara of uuslo ohalrman tiiuroday uay lid 3 pa to s pm exhibit opaa i am eanlblt opw pisiform program of ftjrilol work and drattatloa c9ulrma uayor j j oiusons oorlom friday uay tin 3 to s pm exhibit open pjn kmubit opaa uo pjn wauona profrua of choruses vocal t inatrununlal soloa addjw h cook art for ewry day utteg- ctiainaajv a afaclartn satviuuy uay mh 0 am eshue raovl i pm damon a ration of itytng of uodal aero planes tn the aiwia dtmonatratlon to b put on by tha uodi aircraft league of ontarto 4 pm kite flying and uodal yacht balling at oolf oouna asiauioh u cam yu kair uu1ix lt uw udlla uiax coam trttux the hint uuu oounls and riuns hal u tfieant to tntmn it laixk up tha cuaq of a frkiully huul and hi uy tn th v uifil gviiu us ful u live futt of rtriuiiliul too alid uw uur of uiin wll run uaiif4 ou wuh cu tud nouung to do bul ui in ui utti 4 a frlandjy uuju tlrf nvcnaiiat uiuw 4s a utjrajut if thing a ktuttuc uuu iwiki and ijoot wurt cainwnunf caum it to do iu turn to towr an hnyty porf and uia tmlb of tu ttho uould taxu atk wu1 vaiiuji ilk ffctttiyj luiw if lil tj u uut iui a ruuw nod ily aur lo nii mw iw u rtihl y runy and vanad w atyw w in uw oourvr of our dsilly tak ta vilh a dlhvrwit uuxigtit bslund timtf a cmlcallau biuk- ottun a habit iro etujutu lpml llui fond oj us ail a put and otlwtltu uuuik ibmvrnl tluu tni- ror tlv wul and tprtiig from a kindly tujt oh giw drf uw nan lut a wkioai tng affih that hiufoul lllbt a uoa iltt nd bid m talur luvn from uatra of uw day and uw ooid dradd iiiado of ouht a prohla of frundaktupl ttw pdga of a pall ob hy can not mar of us wjo buch a amlw on ona s f aoa found birth m a heart wbir uw tut of low blgjuy bum i bcytcb llft unuaid if you haw bomothlng pkaunt to uy about a person you cannot aay it too mpliailfially nor too often u you have wmiuung unplaatant lo tay writs u on a acrap of paper and put uw paur in uw are u ou have aomauung to uy inat will add to uw gtntral hope and ohr 4pak it out if you hav a ooovicuon that life is a practical jolt on unfortunate humanity there u a no apacial raason for ulk about it it is bad aouh to be gloomy and dlsllliilopad your ltls why uiould ou try to owroy uw hope and faith of ouwrat it pay to put into fipech vry kind thought awry inspiring hep every coujageous ovuna ins lion tn thoughts that tap uw oourag drain away the ambition and datiroy hop- lud btuar never be spoton k4 oaaugleae the inqulrtng on 1 undcruand that your fauwr 1 ui i hope it u notnlng oontiglouu the lary one i hope not thr doctor says it is over or relieved cbl hiw wfll ruitt i tma tmthfuu y jillokli luhr auj ijli- k a 1vvtm ititlrn afuh tla i rjltka liu oo fo alj u siiss ax tka i vail yiuiu vt ay to lakr oo iluraaau jmoaloavaryl fwit carroll 10 amsll aj yet an freal g lebeatowetl upan him oemlght for mark what ke will buy mt carrollst 4je uilnls you l tta dlmeilmel- 4lme co utop t carroir hj tl pww need ccnnne icvctto loo per tale infants foods atanrlaj ll ioc hcllmanns mavqnnaisk or iiuo llanj draaalm mb ioc udbava utala wai i1iuns ma kb nuana ckolaa cul illirrs ma i0o ooaltar llraiul mtllpktn kb pur rmtaranaj xkxjvnut w- kb avlinar hutil ulll coun no 2 ma kb lual cutii iipppiv ma mb i air paaay raiiiu ilos lb we avlmar htlaaaj orapbpruit ma mb llruniwlclt sahdinbs 2 mas kb tablal ar pawoar junkbt pit we any hraaj rvaaaralad milk 16wj ma mb aunt niaal molashp1 mi tin kb praiub muakraaaa i1rotii salt ma mb lard t- pt 10 cltwr leal py thal salmon lo pimi bmktmtl ar macaroni 210 avlmsr csmim quality tomatoes s lt jur bulk cocoa a 10 likaa pora ajul ble ans 2 lo t ikfcvv puty suu ctva prunes 10- jellies 210 mlsfva otiitl puddings 10 p o v oau soap 310 that pamaoa 8u sunlight 210 nuuas la ttaa polish io bajle baj blueberries uavtlba aukloc olives naiiitoiluvl malarbrvri luviajcau o uautv jar ioc i0u a llalaa 1 mustard itr kb walnuts v uuliaj 54 j kb praab roaauj lasjullb bilar rluua taaaau juics aa 2vi ma kb daaaart pkarb lim kb tuagaaor bllaaj pinkapplb ma kb carroll praab roi i r oath 2 is 10c oaruwa aaaavlad ficki m itr kb coruaaa hal llaraa rauihii itr we palrtaa kliaraj hnacks 2 mas kb carrolia ar dlamoaj cutanshu 2 mas mb raaaaaa ar hi t ml corn starch pit- mb matches 6 baxn mb carrolls limited 4 main street free delivery pboae 957 the mur t halfu an okie wimiy nrnpord ttta 11 ifwh to iwp tlqj fada riitrr inr fo wfki i taj trtj t miut utibn r4itbfv ii tiw l- ju a u4 if wu lin uu rl wtw fvr ta hvri ltaoyll mil fftr uiuiih aju 1j lt f rwt i luaiif t ioujjj st i hr llfu uvif tarltd bf tg rfmlitht in i hit pn ihiu way tad itarhltrhlnsly i vtly lhrttl 1h llth ami i a e if laflalilj aivh an i- 1 rail tlm wtil llrr hh lnrj mi il t hi- int bij rimiihiinf hi ii uty iwoti uf ihf h ft bribwn yrj ke tlm a tiihuf ul iu bad a wilt tnluja kt ll lt tla ttbw ii hfa ihnwt iuul- lis oj t ail tuuiy jaom i thai u- inr yau mil jfhj mary hv hi rvlrtiltnt mrfi iimi lf ujt i wy fv hlo j lavr h j iub1 tuto rttmllr in mux talnuttw huru yaar i for uw sjuw si flm ay i caaaaf s ill biwjj he 6r ft fm u jlwuijit it its fc-aijj- fuiiif ft uv i r yaev jwl a mnk ar ni tjt mirk it ilk- lun nl uag nf n mw ln9kou rvn i h ll- is e en of th ert4 sbi i uo utod mmhds bound is w smart fttow warnr ll is4 gna i dl it i ill lit a mntrartlbs toitaa u tllr i urn- i vru pty otw ka that ii ind w affiaar p i nnl lid4t l uimm b mn wltl r wli una ttard ta bt rulhm i hla i mil ha tut miatar rvtarttr1a itm t ulrl mm en ii i atrmt in i l rnfhr tl ulnl i ta i rlu ittlo an i itilllt i if irfli at pry ii litir it tul1d inn ii and mlmt it jimmy it 11 her wiii1rt if flat flrh lilt it- 1 1 in ill rvlfiil knrr that ll otil1 n i 71 n dully al wljr ttw nt of hw aofl urnihioo t iimm in ilia t 111 ri i nnir up and tlte ol tn fr in hla mill tlu ayta i lil ilia t una mnily ta ht tirlil out bis tun l and il i sm1 tr jl n mr u i hla nmp ft trv ik m mil l to uliiri th l la frt ni lie i irrnat aitow on tha luint bfiitis of hi itolmun drill ma hurtll ii m n ami lor aatlbtv it hla trull lin tt i vw hlnv ntf into hla ru ullh srlm i un hi- aanl 1 1 iii i j m afr tvafnr it tvarum i vonr ii ui atijmie it nl i i ii a i dili fr c tna pnng ih mii luih nl to ma nmra in 1 in- l um tvvn mtitl ib pi in il niur vmw ll il ihi am it inn otpilmlut jl nrrltl a a n i i t 1 ill i i i i i- hf irt i if radlif tint fi nit jumt ai till h atiih tn rul n nlkliil mi i rw tn i hiiir il- tn i wrllrtilr tin alii 11 ln- in ii i in hit f r it ni in irl tir hilt ii ir ai it a lilli r i i i f hts mncnul hi i n trii n i iu r from ftirn inl uiiunr uih i iiiln4lti ca 1 it lut rla mne t mm mrmln tvar oil i rl nl jlr inn it tn cm a piiiutl fni n i i tr llmnij a fan hla ejra birurm to tt kflnmliir at ih bottoiu llr rna wnrsl anil if rnq reitl i jut let ma inn ii an ill irtan tay tw ilttifrul thtnfa hap lui n ev ine wtll fir iir 11 ml mi ot ronnu n nit i l r janot miv will rl ivt in hi lurk fillnw tl night oni jiii had ih inatd trmb h marrlm in juno the trttar iropi1 from jhnmre rnlit flnf i ra nnd to aal aturlim ii i jimmy awuns from itn train ml l hkkrd al t tti ainttin for hla fill i r null hi tin r they amil h nl in ii i ul i1 tn in- lux b hi filj it anl ih i aa if ii uere a rlln it to whiih hi mil at hint it ta nl t i i a cm fnrea fetiilll ir alotila ltnlhlnv inolifd tfca earn nai qiitt roving nl a nee tfa n the of flu itnrl am tl luonally m lli atrtt ttii wltnlowa er dirty nnt m tit hie yih ttrtnl alini inn riuht annlf alfn treiiki 1 imtall tn tho wind rarnant w nn r run lrii r it anld jliiin ni 1 l hla dilii nnnnv uunhl hfim iiioviii hit i tin in tv ii n hory hanu hull una he hal mill jlmim a fva thim1 to it a hi xk up tin atrn l it i imt y t nnuhed ii utiu imu lookm dmtl ilnimy aam a tlmm voke at hla eltxiw i ii ii ell iiih hi art rantrartad ba he looked at her urlth wondprlim pr hln n miiklnit n hrnva t it rl nllhinli i in blnti lillilt ayra tli 1 the iinilli mi in r khtu nioiitti liar itn una mill hill ii trlda ihahh x h it wim th ainm in aho hnd uom hint ut tiluhl ili rni niheril ih tlnk hovira ii nd tha tmy wlint mum nil it nrniiil ih lii iif it hi r ahihh ih nnllatd by i it hlultliinil inhir tin in u18 blrlluii hint h una plilfiilly uaiv of hir il iin uml in lihiknl unnln iirian tin tain 1 1 tthiivi ihiinu mm t ilia vole uim uniilifil ullli hiilii l mil ilil thin uml milnllli da it i iiih li tin hi top of hla ihnnit mi a liii i- iter vl inilll ii it uml in ulni ii il in mil in un in hlii tuim fniiilltiil in i l ii- ii roiiht mil mi tin vol nl f ihi mil it u m iiilurliiu i n tit it in font i ullllt hill hiiii1iii hllll i id ll i nl un i mill i i hi ii l iii him h ill hi iiiiiinl h i n i ilnu mil k i hit k ii hi r ha nltiiitur uml ill tin mr it nll im to hi nil r itf h muni wnu nnr trrni ihmauh batikmldnt dt jv oo uy 1 1 and i at uie tweoad at aru craju cud uuuuea kjt- hiiiu la lhe ajtcju uxa a- o m uuytu ol t jrtbfbuj will ahow a oulkuiuo oi amicilw javajeae taolki uuae by haul alur uie iuocmmia da- tcju4l u u naiow4 aruc by wm huxam i tue duiiiit liuie trowo jvn akir 1m ivty pciulrju lo theli uxik uilru caiiid urcua- ttw aim ttrtjig le jnv4 liuta t luuy jatrd mnjjj4 u uirruutul ur -u- wii till uii4 uataluai li to hljpg ijji ih glvxw l imlua ucql ojo1 ttwy aiw ot uiijil laio cr pf utl by utug tiixkd ovvr uie ld but ax nimmi aruuml uie uniy uul ui a ungle twiu cl uw wnu ao- tiuj to uw upper itge utey a u- uctrd la lu go diai butlaiu botkj aiul or 1ivulll 4ci rtlufvit lb ivtii uuoag la aloot twu varda lac and oua yard wide tjju- lm la patum and u uui uie gtmuiue artkl lula do duiuix lor us tltalini uutvuu tr eitcuud 10 live luud ttie flnft ttuw uw 64qi paiiuxaiuiiii un ttw uon ixwv ai ait uw toe u the tim himid la uw t- ufructi uimi uuu uuri nutr u w period tttjtjn uut ait oi bmaiij beua aid ma tkmtuli lu jaui ttw nu- a idol ta pjjiiiortc uuu tut ovtaraud ta audi uk wtwi way as l now pfwaaut ttw pjoceu ol ffca buk by u old raliaild bmuuid u uiuiktiug l fcvtry uaj ifuu uu fin in cotj lou miulln u ivpaaudly tuiwd la ccwl valxr lo rtmov eal auuxa and ottauutg uie utinc uay coouoo ai- txr bauag umwytignjy dried la u uopixal ain tt u bailed la cluux oouuui or caiaor ou to iader u ctitr iu mutura u u a aoit and uuty kju toe ou la ulto out uy tepbatixl boliliifta tn atar ooiuaulntf aaiiee ui burnid noe auasr u lye- ulve pioperute ol wuitb utaclt tbe oli but not uw abrtc wax sude ol betas am and retain u uwa aypiiid 11 ute cttiun fctule color la to pre vail a a batkjrouad uw eatim pieoo ol good may ba dipped and eulid mi tie ia 14 an uw cnure aujface ol the cloth wuh a tiruiii the jt u allobul to hartku waa tuuu ba applied to boui aldu lo prctrnl uw invauua oi oolora wlwro not dralnwl ttw portion that 1 to remain raxaisy tuie 1 kept covtred with sum uuroufttioul tt pruocu to u1 not lu peocuated vlth uw oulor oi tlu dyee into which uw fannent la 10 be dipped- where while ta 10 pra- dooiliiate uw rtt j la a t r t j d uito the layer ol wax by mean o a tot- poini brue tool kept iwaled by tocana oi a torch- llix lamp u grean leava and trahtag vlnse are dealred uw pattern ol uwte la bulled into tiw wax by uw delt artlat and the garmuu ta dipped into green dye and uvea drtad la uw sun- u blue dowera or blxda are wuhad a pauero ol lhew u etxlwd into ue wax by tha aame malting proceu and ihcu dipped into blue dye uw oojor icttng only the eiposad or ifnhvi portion oi the cloth and ao un with uw vailoue pattern and oolora until the itaimcni l oompieted ii uw background la lo be oolored or li larve portion ol uw garment la to ba in the artoua colon the prooaa autnewhat dluarent in auch a caw tho melted wan i laid on in deelgn uul have been ivloualy ikatohed by mrana ol charcoal thle la datuy done by applying the wax irom lutlr heaud brau oootalneri and epraad ag it upon the cloth through little tutulike apouu ol varying caliber thia method of filling in uw ftolgn with wax rather than etching it out ol a aheet ol wax on uw cloth la periape the more oommon at tho protcnt time and 1 uw prevalilng roeuiod employed where batik work le taught tn the tchoou ouulde ol java oia mk ta uw average time re- quired to make a good aaxong thoao worn by the women are ueualiy more elaborate and mora variegated than tho worn by tha man the java- tuvae girl begin early in life to kam thla art oi batuttnaklng and when ju beootnee akllled the one oholoo piooe ol work 1 laid away in her hop cikuu a in the caue of other handioraita uu jaciniing one ol batikmalting le being imiutad in- ttrad of froehand work the oolora and pattern are atamped aomewhat tn tl manner of block printing in india other of those imitation aa- ronga are made by machinery not unliko the prooa of miniiraoturtng calico hut the dletinotlon between tho genuine handmade aarong and tho machinemade aarong u eaay u proper attention l cxcrcuod all over thl continent uw auto- a wtitmlv itkvuw op nayiohju jufaiau dy wuirtd lj ottawa april li vtuluftwot uui put on a double tntlure pnagrai lam wpek with uw uoulh ojjohl by-aiaac- tkm utrown in lor good fotaui us uhod- brouglu down ui budget and or c u- uouglaa p hie p n nrj or pramentkiay fyrttftonj yw it a i j 1 1 at a u- ucie ta a pica 0 the aniual lln- mrnfm etautdt u tiw couury in the ilrf pj- tbkw itwfiuh ui yj- april 1 imj u uuch il 1u4j iron ah aoumo totil- id jvntxw jba otdiuauy nxniung hpa rkw 1 oi uw country ctae to linaaiiua in ouur worda we ipent juxt ort uw uauai ekjutitur about si biu- lioa more than we took in 1 la ddiuoa ve lud w hod mxio- 1 cuu for apodal expand liure tualoly uiauutymit thi for larfm auii ptevioue yaj uiw sauauju u4 aio m pf otuja hnnw irfaa t uiuy we had to are up tar ujb oan4iua national hallway uw tttaiuiy mm ol heiiooo u uuui u touid py lnuit 00 iu bufida au ut all we tid oul i1wjojj60 uuu utan w totak ln- wlure did it ouaw troail we had ujro- u llwrejom thm 14 u aatil rjl uw pubtio tlubt which u guing ba to ue thjae ition tnjjk half ir takaat lal vr thai u muu be ennfa d u not a bry good ahowtng it u 4 aillloo woru than boat comae matora aa ld mill it 1 about t3 ptj oiut than uu year it muu be fttjfd that the jrtat under trvuw iruiirtawf thie of the woru iruattlu qnfcda ha vj laoud from a reventw and trad ul ttw 1 ait vtji bwilltf of the year wr much bvuar li conv on wyi to nwvl tlw y- ncil u4il year will be again much unaikr the kw taiuw the poor taxpayer waa able to bmaihe a hit coaiar that cent a pound otf auger wa a popular euwe even ix tt doeant come bito ettect un ui july i ur ithode had to find aome way of ploklng up elwhre the nine mllllone he would low thle coal ing year from the cut tn sugar tax and he tunwd 00 the g wint tw of the lowgrade or producers win be hit but the anrl reaction to the change u favorable after all the gold produoit have baen enjoying a prmlum oi 10 a on their goxt by a purely chance y and wlih to much dlatreee prevalent u ta only fair that they ahwi kl take 00 a bit mora oi the tax burden the yaritf ckaafw the moa important urtn chanae 1 ttw removal ol a iv on the axxim tax collected 00 urtuab praleranual import thla ddaent a tfturii but u all halpa in addition there were quite genaroua reduction of number ol spectflo aim rayoo yarn and carpet material are among the important oommodiilaa made free on the whole the budget may be aummad up a follow u doecnt go very far but it a all in the right direc tion the financial report le bad but it ahowa eigne of iniprovaawnt u i not a general election budget anyway 1m afraid the wallop uw uovemment got from the elector of tiouih oxford will dnse ih ida ol a general election out of their teed lor some time u tiw fnrmmilvm hadnt made auch a fuie over that by election ant down powerful foroaa and openly predloted they were folna to win it nobody would have paid much attention to the reault if the llberala under uw clroumstazioee hadnt been able to win south oxford heaven help them tn a general elec tion majae deata exg bt rial fnhi parliament itiu t now divided into two camp thote who baitave v lalxdor dougla ha a aoluuoo tor caiwda a economlo 111 and thoe who donu perhape there are a urn in- decuive bodiee in between the vut of uajor dougla had the curious effect of convincing hla dlacipae more than ever that hla tolution la tha one and of tnunalfytng the dubelief of the aoepuca anyway it not a bad tdea to bae people thinking about tha thing uniltu inbtantlv- ju8t luck oas thla range actually light right at the burner exactly like taturat fu just atrtke a match and turn a vaive a new dial type aafety carburetor change gaaollne into ga uat tike ui carburetor of a gaaollne engine thl gas light instantly at the bur ner just like natural gai after the that- m taoi td thftuhd bl bftanfa tijf itt erf wtakil kko oiw aisd poulbiy wwr hrtll toavoac the fouowing le one of them let to today do tonapthlfig that ahau uke a littw udaeis frwl the wcrus awt and tatay luu fod a to tafc of ioye too eenty tuu a utu tnwe lt bw not hurt w uiy aeiili ii il of otttatthlk woad uw baavt cf ft of btead kor would i pm tbfimaifi worthy or ii biwu mm x rfujdad imr- tml let uw tonudu took bk acroae the apa twiut tuwn and dark and to ty eo- uioae y broauae ot aooi- goul act to bt oy ttw wo id day u uw ut 1 u i- tentotii lunulenu per cent hlglicr during the hours ol darknoa than during the hours of daylight the truth of the menace ol night driving 1 duo to uladjuated neglected and poor light on motor oara and uw worst of el peril of the night la the glare light that can be found tn uxpanaive cars and 00 od one headlight glare ha made night driving a game of blind man bluff that often end in tragedy olare la reaponaible for a larger per centage of fat am tee than any other one light fault while many of the accident oocurrlng in urkneas could be prevented by careful driving or by proper care of equipment glare b ciwntlally a problem beyond uw pae of cmvleeanau aooordlng to the con clusion arrived at by special inveeil- uulora thla u deflnllcly etabliahed by scuiuullo ivwarch in tho field ihyslologuu have found that tt u lukn otw ocojk1 for a man a eye to contract and adjust thcmcvo to uw ulare it rrqulrea alxty second a full minute for hla eye to ml urn to thu locus required for nlgtu driving wl in cut glatv it ha been ahown uut uw driver of a car going twentyflve miles an hour alio u ubjrct4d to the gore cf liradllghu u blind to any object in hi way after pasting the glare to itm 111 to 148 feet doing at forty mile an roru ho la unable 13 ec cleurlv or from 177 to 33d foet bran don bun the dial la turned lo burning position for continuoua operation thla new visible dial control wortta like a enap switch and glvea poaluve control of fuel at all time georgetown the man who had made a huge fortune was speaking a few words to a number of itiuknt at a builnc class of course the main themo of the address was himself all my success in life all my tro- nundous financial urettge ho sold proudly i ovm to one tiling alone- pluck pluck pluckl lie modo an impressive pause how but tlte effect wu ruined by one student who liked impressively vw sir but how atv ue to ftnd the right people to pluck doe your husband confide hi business uwbla to you vai every time x buy utytfclu rennies seeds the finest ih the und caurj tuiuw mlbuubruyuh smuirtfnrmtuptllit wtlie tt tuilfj witrennietkdsum yokomvo auo momtilal vamcouvu tum ooat of hkwvcnduuto ttw do ol newfoundland have ima juy hacjmttl ct ujar klnd ktomt pidturfa tallows that thy are the ivtkw oi the far ccnii haw hd froux pe pubheity for their tarou work tn drsstng biry kona- uca sapos th ufo waae of snoar in sir wliitad oiiub a boaw at feh anthoay wfctnftdiahd i has adao uw uonie lshut sreud to uw tbhw hufcy frbede be w lod to kill and skin to 4 hi lit if trod tng when he was adrift on ta lu wn uut who tm whuso of th h- foundund foaif the tdlk glr hkb kaasp alive the wn of the curing tuherami on that psrlious coast t to be an one dose not baooiae the in timate friend of a 3t- at uat i anir sucfmm dd tn fining the ecn- ndence ol one alilough x ttpd chapsron four taaajimaiis 00 the long voyage froa k york to bt anthony i parted a strwnr froa thoae arltocrati imported by the orenleu ess to saffch the nsxive ttfssd u is the nanny of whonj i ub to give uy respect to cllmb or roa all day noalng out bite ef kirase to ssardt for mow and wim iv faad oa pauure uat would starve a cow than at night to clmbsr doa to ta wval and give whoinome nukl yt nannie has a good ubw tn bar own way butting into and lavmunt tng tier snvtronnitant lfuhar tkuur evtta uw lutw kid wear wooda yoka to keep thsir hungry aim ootids the palings of the prclow gardu e- cious bsoause in some outportj the woman fcave oarrud sou f fobs bade tn the vausyfj to till hollo tn the rocks tnhlde their hntitss one family i vulted was bournlng uw lose oi a young goat nanny had fliiapthaaerd vanlahsd- oouid bear have cam down out ol uw lofat be hind uw mounts in and cajriad her off oouid she have slipped into e ramou crevloe and uarvsd uiasret af ter a weeks search her boyish owner had abandoned hope one ajteiuooa while he w clambering ear the rocky slop behind th cottage look ing for blueberries be heard sv faint baa us called nannler tt an swer seamed to come from hwiiath hi feet ue knelt down to peer into the square opening of the root cmlar in the damp dark below stood nanny lonely but srfene fine had fsastsd on th potatoes and oarrou stored there and drunk the water that supbd tn from above how to tt her outr all the nslgtbon uobd up to stare and make niffgiefirwii i advusd waiting until the man return ed from their traps at sea but her mlstrews lovered herself dob uw rickety ladder caught nannie ta bar arms and with a mighty tfy ol tool and horns booted her oooe move into daylight with a whkk of bar tail nannie wa off looking for btue- barrlera harwli dogs and goats f eadst to gether the great huskies amy hungry are kept elogfsd or ntnm tn the daytime while the goats a turned loose to feed where tha coat can be securely penned in at ulgbs uw dog are allowed to run traa tha tinkling ball of feeding goals th mournful bowl of imprisoned fcga ar as charactsrlstlo of newfotmdiand aa the am 11 of drying eodiwb and tea damp ssltrfwut of th sea hnnse when in uw isolation of a norujata winter the supply of dried fish 1 exhausted hunting falls and no asale come near th shore nannie must b ssfrtaoed for food her family may feel like cannibals but aha save hair uvea no wonder they pet her on goat of my aiialnlana come every morning to th same rock beside th bridge as thss ssaartng foot call their verandas to have a little vul and a bit of bread with her winrm nannie deserves not only th bread like her brave owner she deserves the respect due from those who live easily to those who 4rugg3 gamely against tha hostile fores of nature our dumb animals diner walter what kind of soup is thlsf walter oolden soup fourteen carrot wouidbe bfaiasr pw feasor do you think iii aver be sbl to do sjiythmg- with my votost hinging twaeher well a might com tn handy incase of ashlp wretk rich red blood k is what lou need tak c c b tonic tablata far hastltx8fjfeii8tlivigeif have you stomach trouble wkw rtueyvuj the nerves r mwilm a vmmimhih uuaa make kwnml fiuj ufethgiw a thinness tel ccb tonic tablets s3 for 3je in georgetown at robbs drug store pboae 76

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