Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1934, p. 2

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pee 2 the georgetown heram wtxjrieely evening april 25th 1934 gprryi theatre friday april 27 havana widows with jat taeeleuu betel gutaje lunu bbbilhi le 4 i kll lli lijwu charlie cltaac comly sheirmon said it sporu piny ball fo nwa suiinuy april 2s douu fteuur bill say rr wrm music a k e4ht4 ia mwui iufc wyw uj u fcuj- tarzan the feajiless ft f ibvim vury wit llanlw cvt taujikj ywei fawik lei- whlwm lw iuw iw wiwi wejfc- malfcaip til tuely and wexwjey my i wd 2 hell fire austin s ewaa wf a caifaif fc fakl 1m4- oirw ussr comedy whats to do novelty wron wrono trad melody mailer ruunotf and ofchetlru dtnnerwar cttmlntt caitnijn- with j- uw utf u i t- titan alum- bi w1ww hoaaaluj tonsn- to on ttiurviay april im onrluina k- allen widow of lh uu john j allen iioluui al acton on tuesday april wlh 1631 ulml kill widow o ihe lite joseph ilolnw uackinnon at nurv1 on wcdiw- uy april lath 1034 un uac- rum ur of luv n u umklnnon ptuior ol honj unluhi church in lur ion jtar i vi mtuotuau ouoviniu if luujig inetnory cl my ujr nvir ijuabrth jane jlvtr lviimd wife of oovt- owr to dud mini jird iwi i iu iiui vlii11 death caw 1u uir lur but uuu kuh or wnuhr tin- uu unuig word nor iwn y guml-b- iwl w ere utujuag ol yuu our uwttur thtrkinj ol uf p- picturing yoj lo uvtoiory just e i 01 liow often jou cam before w your dear lux o fond and true hfuinj now ui pfare with jera uuuwr tuw wr long fur vu udly 111u4j lty r m iu mrfpiwrxj uikd jrajtdclitujvii- i d a dr speci otal lbjl ju in wkswekidjiv ahul uu daill b ttltauoav ajnilt thh tctwliah fob wit ukv lifbuoy bop 1 tor lb kuntf toout puu for feb uaii teiul iw utniral ou it oi fcw biod purtiirr w lavdsdr slulvlnf crvara 11 cfolono took uoui lli 1 iwaoh clouik brullllj podrra viwtu luim iioiujj ooucn 1 lb s for u danns l d a drug store phone s27 hhjhs oi oc obb georgetown ubhbababhbbaaabbabbbbjiabbabbbabbaaiiabbaa the exitalnallod ol your eyes u iwrwitiirtii uu r-u- x ubro tftn1 muljeuot ind im wt of rawm hubofe u wtiah th fwiilu uadtr our lytuei kn u tmtiua u hutma wltet cab bud uuu o t walker ro onoumusy mreiiauf icuuj biatm k b u obi dto itomt owi uu i w l 1bbi asaaai o v wluf u u utu u artwrba pure food store 71k bm bomreh pmitt flair 2sc 2 lb bulk soad bitcuiti 2ic 3 tin croue bucltwellt pork and beam 25e shinibi grape jelly o true huit jelly per jar 21e citadelle brand iooi pure maple syrup per bottle 2sc large bottle of m w sweet mixed pickle 28e criko or frying for shortening for cake making per lb 21e pure lard in i lb cartons 10c i lb tin hawe floor wax 43c 12 oz bottle hawei furniture cream 45c 6 oz bottle hawes furniture cream 25c i lb tin citle floor wax 23c choice fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices a e farnell phone 78 we deliver objtuaky him uij minnow on ol nuryj uuiu hljtuy ffctrfw tsi tmliw lruiu i kuuvon lurtd vu ol h h l mcicuuujv imjux 4 nonai ui ut- u4 tjiulati chuftjl lwd way at iwr twm in hoij on wj- twdiiy apru 18th lwawd tid twn ijrnt ol wwbj lor u ljl eight j dutna ilut tlscar j lud toul euiiy irwwl who dvtiy rrel lirr jth iwida tar hu band uvr u uirvud by lour tun john uoiuwn nil aiyru wajixr- vtll waluf wtnalpra nd ocrtfou ajshtw to cuugliter ure lundaj krnnry london krg nd llr r w i urquiiut txuuolo old uin uur4 and ihirr brouwv th fun eral took pa on luturdiy whn lh rtvu u conducud by luv ur lyn of huurtovul uinrd by ltv llr luodonald ol norvat ilrv ur eyn ol hhrbum and rev llr potf ol oranfillr the retxialn wn nkjn to cxundlila lor inunruol chaubtlna k atten at uw wailtiuy ilunltal toronto on thursday mornlnf april tftth chxuuna k atkn wtdov ol lh ut john j allen pw4 mray utoglng to daw bji ulnftu ol vrj wu durtuan tlw ul urs allan su ua ldrt diuahtcr of lh uu llr and ura ed art plnlay uorn in itauacjiuwtu kite tame to orarec- low wllh ncr pannu at an early ae alur attrndlna lh pubue and ituh tkhoolj here aha oompkud hr du cation at tna oatarlo ladlu oolu whitby later the moved wllr nar tamuy to bt cathartnea trier ant rtuidad unul har marrtaaa fvricn aht rtumc4 to ofonjetowti hai ana haa alncc made her ham durlaa ur entire ilia the drccaud took very actlv part in uu work of uw cfiurh urtr as a matiabar cl the oonsiaiatlorial churclt untu in lima ol lu ctatontj and at that tla aba became a mnier of knoa lntywr tan church lit was an aauituiaauo bovlrr and a uw cru pnaldcnt ol uia ladle uowltns club lur tuia- band prodtxtaud her lourtaan yeara ago brte leava to mourn tha lota of a devoted mother on daughter jeana ol toronto one um frlnlay of kav york and tto daughtera of the ute ur atlro jni ur harold wauan and ada of toronto iter pautag auo brtnza baraavasunt to tvo autcra lira o u arnold oaorg- town and un r j iiarruon toron to and lour brothara nichard oaorffetomn edward uuftalo nv and john and wallao of toronto the funeral urvlo vu oonductad at tha reaidenoa of th lata ut vtnlay on saturday aftamoon april tut by the liev itoaa k camaroo of toronto aaiuted fay nar pailor rav dr a u howard uany and beauttful were the nora trujutea asundvd to tb b reaved family the lodowtnc ahad aa pallbearers if- o rtniay h- u foulla o t lickay u v wualni ur o v william and j u uaan a k- dotukot m did 0ofylova bay pubuuer lund irmxuiij of the ftutunsf pwwaavu lor fit put ritftit an ha dup d of tliat ptiprr and pukliatod an tn- teru in tha stxult w1u kmorrjmrai angka liaa made rapid profwab in thr turwpaprr cwu1 and ua buny old iruiuu in omfbbtlovn vkh tiua coat inuid tunvu omaft dicgiks won gold medal at utklfax ahttvajl atalo ullvtjt mkoat av btatav- rhu vikmt anu ukcomo otiur dtjuina of 0oruvii awn- ur of lh lome hliva ououuiu lund uoii he tint prie grtla ttwdal t wwk april itui at lu iv 1 uuu- l vrllvil in u- oprn cuu4 for ticmlj m clo ajm on widay klh hr vcn 11 14ooitd ikttie 4ilvr barht for inmi ulo at use btratford uuatul frilval m tw cuu lor un- drr twenty uiie omar u cldhten jrji u im uiw u a pupil ol ur u luaiul f uumiuui to fthoo thr at- tttoutr lib uioiva lie auo liaa had ipirndld aulktanrv frooi ur joe youu a wcoupanla iknuid utibtiia ill lixjlr occa lud hi hliallord on vluidy j14 iii u tfum 4oio uxniartulij itrf ton uiiav twv yj u am aiad tiuii lourt ui uw cuu lie la hwl ui ahw a- j 4 ur kitxili cj twjtttofcu wr luj txiuitas birj ecnpatluocv in ihu lut hj- td haa ua to nru and uirre atooiul prt ha w willi uw lulrfl ul urf two ofwrnalofi tluy won at he canadian njlonal kuiilutuifi u haa iwn amdau 1 klngsweckndspeci i i these specials on sale thursday friday and saturday wtku hkw htvu pork shoulders for roasting rvw lmh wuhbt u4j wviupt c si g4wfft 0rvch tlie d oeore day oonorrt etwn ru uund4y rwiunit in 6i 0unrta lutfimril under trie auipior of tlie w k saa a vry tumiul one and tnr vartoua nutnbera provided by the difffrrnl church criuallan fll iwidrred trie luetor prtildd nd a tamed tit larye audirive in lii name of the aunlilanr tl programme u opeiwd by a numur from uie bunday fiefiool or- iraua ttiu organiiailoo uiowi con uiftu imprmyont and ta an aatt to i he rhurrh jrrutha cv a kamlly album the mucrtiirr of ihe church a number uai ambttlou and uioeed mitcrt pee- itatatlan it era tn lu vmrtoua por- tniyala quaint braullful and arnualrtf ti wording to the charaeura in the album tie profftamme which fouovad vrry cll done indsd and eglnuy reerlvd coniuung of raualcal num ber by the urownwa a piano uio fay ut delke fpduilon by jnnu u mrr duett tap dane by dorothy wtuter and uemuw ifushaa aoo and ilwrulea and rcettatlon by the ouu wa piano dutt by horu wlur und iktty orant anolhar nutabar by the orchealra and a uuttartiy danfle by dorothy webrter the chairman thanaed the prfor- rmn for their aavlauneaa and tha uudkenoe for tlielr appreciation ite programme cloaad with the national anthem after which rafrath nvnta vre served by the wa jlyijyijgggblllglginibilgkbhfbjyjibahbhbiglglgljijimijijiy 8 when your radio needs altention m u m u m m m m m u h m mione mj oeobiietowh s ikbibbbabbbbaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbmabv puua rarieaibcr that you have fully qualified radio service engineer available locally hugh lindsay member radio muufacurer service mnd otrkul radio service men aaaocutlon w r w nsukji ourtington and llalton lou a good man last week whan ur william k w pahar waa called to hi reward- bon juat about eighty years ata on the farm from which ha waa carried to the plauu cemetery ha deveopod through hi industry and his ambition to bo useful into one of tha etronj and moat helpfully influential rl- danu of tha entlr community wliethar tha med waa in the munlci pauty or in tha wider demands of the country or to the moral tnherv or in the church llr planer w abe and ready to glva hi ncouripmiu to all flood movement a a fanner ur planer developed on of the flnau farms in the dominion many year ago adoptlnt the browing of fruit of various kinds with the result that the product in that line la now enor mous in hi home ur sisher and mrs planer who paued away two win agon tauplrod a family life that was fragrant with affection and cheer und so their daughter edith and two sons paul and uurray carry on in line with the will of their devoted parcntm the community gave cx- preaalon of it ainoere regard by at tending in large number the funeral on friday there being many present also from hamilton toronto and other places the funeral wa con- dutoed by jlev ur tllton of the united church durungton aselstsd by luv ur christie and luv ur allen when warm tribute of ragtrd were paid to the life and activities of the rtwrahkl umehou3e ur and urs d u oowdy and ton hruop of toronto apent uunday at mr aody home hew on runday lait ura w oowdy tang lo aoloa tn the untied church wlilch arre much appreciated end mjojpd a5hgr0ve the womens inilliutf mid theu meeting at the home of ura walter ilrowmtdg on thursday april iftth with a splendid utruanoe lira tleward wilson prceudlng the roll call a anawared by a houte cleaning hint then the minute and lotian rrv read by uia uargarst olfien we were pleaaed to have ura oowdy cur county lrcaldent of lime house allh ua who gave uome timely sug gntiona for our program planning and a very helpful paper on good uannrra and etiquette we i enjoyed a visit from ura campbell oeorgetown who geve an amusing reading on uprtny cleaninay ura auphenson and lira ueredlth of lime home institute urs king ura ilobrruon and ura learmont ol hornby instituu uu luia oraham favored u with selection on the guitar end ura hector bird with humorous reading following the program tome pretty etyu of apron wtre shown tn the parade a lovely lunch was served to all ah owju artd h6uke eatkiul plaju sf aliaut cdabpulr how for tte oprnuig of cur euuw on whiiw- day rwnuiaf uay snd u i ph tn uw alwi ctaewv trvxiujj iff tng iti 9 m tlmrv will be about a one ttour and a half of prcegrua am- uttnjr of vocal and uuruaotrntal o rt oai t lection mt au deaonura lion uort one art pias folk danc ing 8toup and yiio uutng iwt luig and unclng tli cwtaiud ltrcgram ui aporar in nru wtau luraid in the itmantlae it may be liatsd that the tolkmlng will tixr pan to thaw projiasaj dorothy wrbsur h brul koran cket uargarei bradley uaun wu liamjr orare eorutr ic4e kluno uary loutie boulh bimioe itutu honor oulltn ol toroclo will canoe a hcotch oaiece oeowatown rkjbtic ticlool choir ul ting two aklla are bring wruten by local boss ho will direct their own produotion doeung wmatling and lnclnf bout by boya from toronto are bata ar- ransd tla travalung eahlblt of paintings by canadian artist of ouutandine merit mnura of the ontirlo ho- ciety of artuu will arrive in town ne i wtfk u will be bung in the fcwnhrmeii driln aoou of the arn we anticipate ulng able to show the w picturwa of die tahibu to better advantaae than l uany prevtoua eahuilt luu with ihe till of the picture and lite musters wfii be available ucod urogrra i being made in m curing ajiiw caua for the articise of huloriral antique and curto iniereu and onone havina valuable article j may be as urod of safe keeping a watctunan will be prcmnt night and day we hope thai all who haw such artlrloa will report them 10 ura j u uckenue ura w nods or ult uary lawman tarty so that pro per uiowcaaa apace may be imxipid ttxaa article ahould be diurwd a the arena on wednesday uay ind betasen 1 and pja women youni or old who have article they have made are asked to put them on eahlbhioa lire oao campbell lira d uvwaatone ura w andenon ura o a webster and ura clarence llayaa are in charge urlng tlw article on wednesday uay 2nd between 1 and e pm a number of rural sc have al ready intimated that they will have an ckhlbli in the show including nerval olen william and the two rural achools north of oeofeiown on the bctcnth line it is hoped that oeortptown publio and high school classe will do as well u not better than laat year if there are any group tueri as scout am ouidaa trail hanger ox othera who would like to put tn an ckhlbli aa a group pleas bring it as one eahlul on witdneaday uay 2nd notify oordon aioott that the hibit will be in so that he may allo cate space lor u itemember there win be a special table or medeii cup and tfopfalee won by rasidetu of georgetown firing 13c 1c f4hiuiah z tw z5c ffh cut pork chops off the butt g lb iwdu f fli- iir uifcu- w choice quality tender beef shoulder roasts f tl mealy pol roasts le prime rib roasts -be- 1 9c lb choice rib boiling beef 9c lb tender rump roasts 14c lb dcutkmii hilo ct ui pickled cottage rolls tcmocs bowocus uj hoixco roasts ol veal 17c lb 14c lb special wtuinfctik iwid creamery butter 25c lb tiuiut qtujtv corn tomatoes 2 tins 19c coffee harry hornes breakfast cup 29c lb fleischmanns him pound 23c hu ruj w4ij buy at kings and get the best at lower prices pbooez wm king prompt delivery m a 3 c bbibbbbbbaaaamabaaaaaabababbbaaaabbbbabaaaaaaaaaaaaaabauabm ottawa cent a mile ktuj trip barraln pare from georgetown alee frow ether aetnelpei atatlofu friday may 4 talu uur c n mis ta hum wlut lllt aju uaaiuh uuu s yoftmta uluiul mu fwo v uin tuy in ottawa tu ticket uid inxorroauon from all acenu canadian national ii inn farm implements a ii ii i h w an atala liimilae uu ruwu most aai wood uu coomuturr rug imauauata binders mowers hay loaders discs seed drills harrows spring tooth harrows cultivators plows manure spreader etc w bhi ttytlr himlf fit lot any al lb abav uaekbu alaa a ml ua al akuaa lar all walua al oadukau hun sous rtowi wax me armueeuhto j n oneill son pdoud 14 i georgetown n stewarttown ur and urv prrd llamlyn and daughter grace ur a e urea and ton jack ol toronto and ulsa sadie uren ol ingeraoll apent baturday with ura tracy ura waller lawaon br apeiu the ttrek end at the home ol her son llr w lawxon chatham uu dorothy wilson of toronto ipenl the week end with ulsa jean pennant the esquealng womens institute held their april meeting in the coun cil chamber there were 17 present alter the opening exercise the mu ute of the siaroh meeting were given and dlicueulon and bualnes followed ura lawson br then vacated the chair which wa taken by ura jno uurray who was one captain of the copper hunt during two previous months the lonlng aide was obliged to entertain the winner the pro- urum consisted ol many inie reeling numbers chonhea were given by nuenbers of the losing aide solo by ur oromar ur hoot appelbe and urs harry lawson were much en joyed headings by ura tracy ura lleath and ulte tiuabeth bonathan rr given ura comer gave a de monstration of tufting and uia irancea jnklnson favoured with i instrumental on the piano a dainty lunch brought a pleasant afternoon to a close baseball the annual meeting of the george town ilurball club was held in the watcraorki duudiiuj on thursday evening april 10th wlicn the follow ing oldcera uere elected hon president dr o v william und d cruhton proaidont jack arnold vicepresident w uurahau bocretarytrcosurer c king eaeoutlve q adams j ritchie king e denham h itsunbeclter the appointment of a manager was loft in the hands of the executive hornby the regular meeting of hornby l ol no ies was held in the lodv 100ms with an extra large attendance wor mater wor uro w h ddviln of omagh woe in the chair and was assutod by bros robert biwnridg john wilson humphrey brown stan ley leumuni and other at the meeting it waa decided to celebrate the 34th anniversary or tlio uattlo of tlie uoyne in the queen oily toron to on thurtday july 13th 1034 l ol no iu have been invited by nuua lou no t u their irueeie at tlie parade in toronto on july 13th doe your vtomaeh ever complain no need to worry and fret about diet peptona quickly relieve all siotnach disorderi 1100 guaranteed at danne drug store them along t miss dont miss easing the exhibit model aeroplane and articles by boys la other land reeve oeoro cunt will occupy the chair at the wednesday evening uay 2nd program of the arts cralu and hobbles fihow uayor gibbon will be chairman on thunday evenlna uay ird a uaclaren chairhan of the hhow committee will preside prlday even ing the evening program will at 8 p m and last about one hour and a half olen williams the town hall was ftlad to capacity on tujaay night of laat weak when union dramatic society under the diruciion oj ura e uaodonald u it uontgomcryi presented their play no fool like an old fool under the umpire of ut albane church everybody present was delighted with tlio ploy which was exceedingly well put on and much credit 1 due the entire cast oonautlng of the follow ing uarguerlto alouaster vioet dick evelyn vounv norma hujutir uargaret tealle juck cook jack ue- uonuld wm iluiiter jama uokane win townseiid orarge harris at uiv elate of the play a deucloui unchron was servinl by the ladlav amid of st albane church to all taking part in tho itrogram the conservatives olward 6 ej- quealng held an orgonlutlon meeting in the town hall glen williams lau thursday night there was a good attendance w v davis the conservative candidate far halton was prcteiit gocommiited by ileum hughe otuunbers aym ulrong and davis jr of oakvllle ur davis addressed the nieetinf on uu leading issues of the day after which die officers were elected as fol low olifllrman arthur beaumont bccrcrytreiuuwiwoht addy euooullve committer v norton l uarchment o bjlck b blood w urennan a b olark kobert olven 0 k ucolure joseph kisorl rltd percy wagat bau1nafad on sunday evening the voung peoples society carried out the sug gestcd programme in connection with the lord a day alliance the presi dent ulsa pearl ucenery preeldiitg the scripture ielectlon bearing on the sabbath were read by alma ucltnery vocal number were givtw by the uieeee keta shoxtul beatrice hilt and joana bhortlu the topic was taken by urs allien who gave paper on what can we do to obtain a better observance of the sabbath it a a unanimously agreed by the society to send a contribution for the eupport of this very important work tlie next meeting will be held on monday uay tin when the society wilt put on the programme at the while church calrdnn ur kirk and family of toronto were the gueste of sir and urs j ucjcechnle on sunday ulu uyrtle allan spent the wetk end at her homo the maple ayrup season is over for another year out the quality u the beat yet and everyone is looking for ward to tho annual pancake supper on prlday evening when everyone ex- lieu to enoy a hearty taugb m jumbo jum a one act piay pre sented by some of the young peorle ilis dam piers many friend will iu lileoud to learn that she hu made a very satisfactory recovery from her recent operation and is looking for ward to returning to her school gt an uarly date trail rangers the arm baseball practice was bald last wednesday evenlna every posi tion on uts team will be keeny ootv tested if number end enthusiasts mean anythlnff and ulready plane ore being mode for a juvcnle oa ball league in oeorgetowu tlie boj praotlsed gggln saturday afuurpooa with the result that the teum tk coin ing along well definite arrangements have k mods concerning the tnul rampaar pettier and son banquet wnloft will be held prlday uay nth in addi tion to the ragutar nrcceedlnga there will alu be a presentation of cup and inedau to the individual and teant wtnniri the utm and individual competi tion remain relatively iincanged atul brtt not pllhllatterl in ihli usua milton ur uargatet blalku talfw a well known and hlihly rwapeoted chisen of uuton pasd away at the ouelph ueneral hospital on thunday night april 11th where she had been a pa tient for thrte onths ur tilfer was the widow- of the uu dr joepi teller and the only child of the late david and ura iiaikie tthe wu barn in uulon and lias lived here vei since feme was in her vth war last saturday afternoon while ut and urn baaajawin harrop and fami ly of fcqiwalng township were abent from hoeae burfure nurd thetr housn and staie a quantity of wiry watches beede sweaur and a camera unaware that valuable anti and coins lay within hie iwach a thw who broke into the hotrse of a o ucnala xh tine trarattax town ship on saturday last entered the room of uia uary peddle school teacher of the borne school llh line who board at the uonabb home and etoia w in cash provincial potior are inveuejaung john oarson wa on saturday at- temoon last was awtvtenccd by justice uckoy at the asstue here to apt year in j penltentujy or robbing the bank of uoqtreei brontt waa taken u klngaton panltenuary on tueeday by sheriff brown and deputy sharut k s yataa luroid chinnuighaib careona pal in the same crime who received sentence of three yearu and five lashes hi not taken along u u it understood be win enter an sfoeei through hit counsel ur uurplly ghmbaa bt georors tchnu club the annual meeting of st oeorces tennis oiub vu held at the hectory on lustday vanlng the hetcr uon- orarypfeakknt presiding tn the ab sence of the president after the opening prayer the min ute were read and the treasurers report pnotd the infi resulted aa fallows hon preatdent- wev w o a thcxinpion ptuktentur jack crlchton vlcpresldentur jack ttkoapaon secretarytreasurer ult yvonne adams around oonvsnor ur t easocl toumament committee the presi dent and uia plorenoe ivandford social convenor lit uarlorie oault transportation convenor ur cyril brandford after the election the new presi dent took the chair and the club discussed the prospect for the sea son i it waa decided to notd a social evening en uay tlth inviting any of the young people of the coriatogation who might be interested in tennis and to outline for them a course of instruction in the rudiment of the liberals obqanize in ward 1 juttevikllno at the organisation meeting of the liberal of ward 3 suesing held in the council clumber stewaruown on april the 10th the following offloer were appointed ward chairman oeorge i leslie secretary 1c o lindsay treaaureiw oromar after the local business was finish ed the meeting we addressed by ur thomas blakelock uiw who ex- glalned hi vote on the wine and beer 111 at the last session of the legis lature he felt that the liquor ques tion should u possible be removed from the realm of party politic and lor that reason voted with the gov ernment lut they try to make an election issue of the beer bill the opposition of the amau group of liberal in uia uglsjature would have served no concrete purpose ut the government majority waa amply suf ficient to pass the bill anyway and nriud have launched the liquor quea- tlcit again at the coming election oawsuowa dittee the oddfellow will hold their lut dance of tlie season in tha arena on prlday evening april nth new har mony orchaitra- dancing from 0 to 1 admission ilflo ewryoody wel come to the public on and alur uay ut tha nrlea ohorgad ftw haircut by the under loud barter will bat aduha uo culdhtt uo wm huffman 3 k ulllce j wuikuaw ma olbbfua m m uaenxithwa liberal progressive convention will be held in the town hall milton saturday evg april 28th at 8 pm for the purpote of aelealng a rtwrlflat for the forth coralni provincial election speaker i mitchell f hepburn mj hon harry nixon mjp dr l j simpson mjj and other everybody welcome these chicks pa hray chirk ore monej makera let trem ipeak for themselvee john dew king ont report only i chick tost out of 304 fourteen weeks old and pulleu uelghlng 3 ibi john palmer nhrtcrfieook reports 4 lost out of 500 twelve eek old and pullet welihlng 9u lbs j a lrallr oeorgetown rciwrta lost out of 309 ave week old and cockerel weighing 10 ounce por oornpltie information about bray cmcka or for lalsnre with any poultry problem tee the manager of your nearest bray hatchery or write u direct for booklet and price bauv chick iutcueey u cuytaai av si ctaikarbial oahl ageat o c bjtoww natval eighi bfeadseighth year blcodtwiftgrltifh year mmiasi approval rxout now la a gidghty good time to chv over any repairing or reinodeling thai should be don now u the time to think about next winter and patch up paint up and make thing waatberlgfai par mer dont forget your bam fencing or new gate w have what you need pre deiteery to atoa oaoiettvnt uillon and aur- rounchng diettwa georgetown lumber co lu goiflown ptton 260 atltm phone 120 slfilimifbbiiiibtilillsiimbbwhuuhhhawhahhhhilhhh e seed timolhy iled clover alfalfa mangel and turolp seed the beet procurable and at right price also all kinds of garden seeds master chick starter and chick feed georgetown flour and feed mills phone 108 lmuhbbataiaai w c bessey georgetown advertise in ihe herald 0 pays

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