l the georgetown herald wedheadey evening april 25th 1934 rw3 brills 20th anniversary sale is now going on a few words to oar customers this sale marlta a unlmu sveru wucb may not perbapa ba aoticaebla to the average aye it marfca u cjueli of a foth of a century of sready progressi laa bullae uod for vou kid for uaj cotucianliou tervica ad fair valuea a fjtb of a cenlury of devotion to buaeaa lor the brida ol tba noma il bear j twenty yeare i it u a long tins t our ttotb u ao dean and devoid of old ooda tbat clever bunerf asustubvea wbo vuu u oocationauy remark upon u laying bow niany oteree uit ibreaorfouryaerainbuunaiahavab woria itock with a largo perntaja of poor attunsuullon good luri no j jurf appbed uudy of modem buauieu rottbodr not by habiting ouwi but by uudylng our own prob lem above all tbroub your land cooperjion and appreciation of our aervke to you our motto cuttocaera firtt 1 tba rati naturally take fata of lualf a partial usi of bargains followst mens calf oxfords ii 610 169 boys calf oxfords ouea i 5 169 youths calf oxfords ut 1 1 2 ij little gents oxfords ue 1 0j4 139 maaa wulubu panto sol work boot 19g maaa medbocjla wotk boou 219 a larga variety of lulee tut puupa and sfav- 149 198 scampers tpff 139 scampers bor ewwa ua 9q scampers cklir iu ilk kuuem i scampers vwu- bms ik fp ciuir it iu oq hlibtl 11 uvi 4119 kwfin it ojt mens tweed suits io clear 795 mana fancy worttad sulla ie up 10 20 00 1295 our barf grade of 18 to 20 ox crouhilla hieso frost bandtailored suiti res 25 00 extra analvaraary special 1695 a larga variety of topcoat ull nzci 795 u mana floa sklru reg 1 00 79 mana fiiierf enguab melvo broadcloth sklru exceptional value 129 meaa fortytba sklru 1j5 mana flna sotka 2 pru 25c better grada ribbed top hoe jg mana auwool work sockt j1 cbildrcae dretaea agaa 26 gfj glru dreaua agaa 8 14 gq ladiea silk draaaaa 295 up ladiaa spring coat 795 u ladiea naweel spring millinery gg 149 up ladiaa silk stepiaa vetu and bloomara 29c ladiaa mercury silktotkatop cfuffon hoaa gg c ladiaa fine combed cotton hoaa jg tarry towel large mt per pair sc linen towelllag per yd in hefiulitched pillow slip 10 many more values will be found on display throughout the store d brill co corner mill and main sts georgetown church news kctv- tut gy uw lw wtl m tel isi w weult ks iis av kvtkm- vtl ml k lit gwf cfcarui itev woo ltbotnpbon itsctor puurth ounday after lauar italy ofsl munton sji bun- clay ucftoal 10 cjh iluukf nd litany 11 am kvriwfcw ptu lvurui bluuljy alur luur uuii tay uclkool 3 phi ecwnuloa 3 pu lev j k u1ul0 of tcgroiilo u pxvirji la ui raptut ciiukjl bnt tiuiuy apni but manuit and tuiuni suxaday hofcool u 10 lavu4 cwlt luv ii- w llusuay ultuau- u humum fiff eholr ittwr id umuuy huioo aod iiuau cltati u autt uarnlng ktvuie t pjii kwnliu unjw i s s bmmm i bucks meats s savrtifaj direct io you from local farms wilb one profit thau specials are effective for the balance of thla weak shop early while the aelectlon la good guaranteed quality beef porterhouse prime rib roasts r 19c ib baiwl and fuosi 18 mt rbui ox tongues 15c ib boneless veal roasts 14c lb pnreljrd oar on kabilar dacwil mkej pure pork sausage ulz 2 lb tor 25c pork and beans 5 for 25c codfish in one pound pkgs 1 7c each we sell for cash phone i ctf tanitr we 2sw va v dul1v deliver aaarwwwwtttfi wraf iwiwiemmnarrmn mia save with safety at your rexall store s ode 4bquahe vootm fauti juwlua wave- ttiular vovmr ue tfaku cuu aaart at wave mi vmiitativeh u baaure noon wax jad ualys oouliluod iso mljl tootu vawtt tk ulluau tseui rula ue wallpaper hiuluj la uue i now is the tlmo to tnalun up that dodroam llvlna ilaqm blaina itaoni or kiutwn our paper are excellent quality and price ranee from 7c a roll to 140 a roll boe 1fana voovu vhstt aoanol e tut aaamuc un sarnie bhavuir cream 11 uaieiunk tie ebemire ruttnlttlke pousuue robbs drug store phone 76 hexau iur geoftfetown local news oh for th good old aumavr time trout ftajung uuai opriu next tuaudavy has lit a numtwr ol wild twit vr ucd on btcauttowtt pond lux ek ooorfpiown bajbrn ar raulns the prlct of a haircut to uo or adulu on iuy uu jt orafu and ilobbtu bhow t lha airetiav next veck a wdntaxley auotkuiacr o e uoouuin con duced a iioowul ule of houwhold fumllure etc in town on bauurday lut our numina iuu tiav bun cor rected up to tnru 3lkl iclndly look 4 your ubl and tdvtu iu if not correct a numbtr of th offlcera and membtra of ofdu lod ay a au- vujted walker lodr acton on lion- day oiaht j o oullm von flrtt and nwp axaku on hi otydaadaw stallion prtoc of fmdau at th fwcnt horta how at lullaburf tha publiii school oonoeri will be held in tha auambly room of um avcrvool on thuriday april mu and on tuesday uay i at tight oc ook at dont foret tha old tytna and modem danoa to be hsld in tha par iah iuu korval on mday apru 3tlh uooster orchaitra daninff 0 to 3 admlulon 3ac it spaclala for aaed una oovam msnt tflstad flower and vegetable bawl al quality very proline a pukeu for aao iiintona oiit brioppa ocora- town it peptone quickly aases your dis tress from all stomach trouble and restores your heath 14 00 guaranteed by danns drug stor auctlonasr prank petch oonducted an auction sals of household ettocf for tha administrator of tha estate of tha lata dr heath on saturday last oood pxloaa wira realised town council spent lut evenlna going over th list of tax arrears and discussing ways and means of collect ing sama tbls means there may be soma tax sales in town in tha mar future u arrears are not paid legion masting ttturutay april mlh at t pjn oomrado luirry qray j 4 of tha provincial command will give an aturats a brief report of convention will be given a 1 mem bers are urged to be present and other ex service man are invited tha women irutltuta wul hold their meatlns at the noma of lira aeorga campbell on thursday klay 3rd instead of wednesday uay and it is hoped there will be a good at tendance as it 1 the annual moo ting for the election of ofneora iva com has broken her engage ment with mr root since ha is using onus corn salve at dann s i da drug store personals scout news leui riido rvcuina the fljt mt iny of um uu ftuuiuu paiau max ptiiltlon ttu h cd a id jutlitng by irv alturledaiaoe itlul 4ilu ualauqj duplsvvd uouuttng la by no muni loiog ground in tkottlttotffv ttaa vrogrwis 000 beanvud st fljllt oclqul wltil itu j i i taiul ruj uniilc fivi i1 by tkirjp ji pction in uu vfht h quad cll- puy j uaj4 tlutffc wsj feuubltkl knd i both patrol put up a wry good ajiow- 1 lug- tha boys urfn mikm b vtd wuaf d hstty ulpcvuad rry lllf ttocp letdrr in frhlcii tviunifaot w uoylc on tv honours lor u tuaver pstro at this pirlod th patrols r4lrd ty uwlr comer hsr nfiftn muiulsa rr apriil in usctilxig tha new r null part of tlnur rndvrfoot usta and tns vrv im mid for a ccr- nrr uupktion to be hsld tn thrsa rlu tune a bau4all ruty and a ciuui ugtiting rtlajr fr uhn poyd uitd uar llaawri msrgeed from u nw w vlcton by a narrow margln iha progtaun continued with a charasd prftbrulttd by thr iwawra f-t- prrunting unc of tha uoout lavs and orulda 1 ing ii 10 be lhrir oru o- ilts ir thr prettntatlon cu dwtty hood the inurpjvuitlans re m hulr varim noftewr ifj- ticoutcr dec artna hit charsad to rrprrwnt law ho 3 hiu uw kosto imuted thai 11 was no 1 tut tha bvavr concludavd the vrrbal battle by unnouiclng thai ihflr rrtorta duplaud the spirit of llcout lsw ho 1 and so wrone waa conunt to 1st the mstter drop the- troop tlun participated in a rriil ucuuty twenty minulea urojnd an indoor council rlr opcnlnj lih x ctuuuls wwral tongs and hum- oioui biajtv rrr enjoyed and during tlw itut tlvo rain u lr ux- bcoutmasur to d ta ajiort yam 011 the real mean uiit of tne ucout salute thr ttiaaillrvg cuine to a do at 030 with the lowcr- uiii of the flsj tuul aiiar a few mln- uu4 apent tn lkllug up llw room u- ucout icfi to hoouj during the tteninj tiu iruup os tionoured by a vl it from ur o liuicn chairman of tho commlim vuo enjoyed tha fun und pttimuud to return soma other niuhu altliough this la tha tint roastlng ft the spring compeutlon tha troop tliuuit a tea aptnt uf ucout duclpllnr siwl uu boy are duplumg a new i hi in csrryuig out their orders ju tttuifa by uir- manner in wlilch the li ni li ud r and trcund urr tack- hi at uwrlr duties thla tar alvuuhl tr one of the moat hurct iu ul 1 l ury ut the troup on tfr lt two da of apru j 1 niur u aiura oonun in u tx inu h i in iu ph and tit ut ck-orvr- t in rump 1 maklnii t r cftt rt u a lul au miny quulllkd u r oi t s hi 1 in urlcr hut our ion may wll rxltieiaultad uatm lfcre joytal news for bbeomailc soiferers swiftly und sawy uric acu suhs to go lit 24 hour kllllncf tiit pain of iwurltu scullca and rtanunatiuti with dope tkteknl end your agony youve got to gt tha x- orw urte acid out of your joint and mucle ttaouands loyfuby pravua al- latmuu bvcaub uiey know by cvpii- enra tliat whan takn as dliacud the pain tlw agony of rhetihiaiwii sela- ttoa and iwuttis law tike body hi is hour no taatur tiow uxjobom and pritulant u u- leeuhng dnaiuu wry-ha- know lui ofun front happy tahlklmi tbary iwar tha ord iratnrs oa tha job sain or uothsr u doing tha houa aork once hio- axjjcnltu u w swiftly tftlv tkat it u utcat od by trljrw tirua ktots v-jr-artlf- fof ttw flm 1 1 wbl tum uevx scuuca and uiriui hew avcitrauemts eits tn aula bicycle in good oondiuoo for sale apply phone im oxeryhovn it tt tua in ckaorvtuwd uu vk bunch of kavy on ring rtnder pisssa- wtum to itraid oou itp iw lula quanllty cf good claan ortmna aif- alfea ad apply to john alexauovr il h 2 uaofvartown iu una hp floor coverings 6k9 ox 12 6x9 9x9 9x 12 6x9 9x9 4ki x vt 6x9 754 9 congoleum rugs 490 va9 7js0 9x1014 9 9xl34 9x 15 22s unoleum rugs s7 va k 9 etf 9x104 11 jw 9x13 9xls 14jwj ftolrugs i 3w 714 k 9 kjjo 9x104 9x12 72 oilcloth ftucs 260 6 x vt 3m 7j4 7t4 20 74 a 10 ssmtjseuy faurn ise u0 109s 728 1000 1274 i4j50 x40 440 f 890 baje uiaaikuj osk tlnj oob1 sjuils of csiue six ciasixs and buwl uay be imu at j u uailrfiila a ektns clanlng ifill ovurwjlowzl vw kaia uiwr harris cultivator 11 iftrth wtth nsw potnls lj0o0 oaah apply o tt- cutt pnona ut r t axion lot j4 oon 1 lip llouw on john be rnt itlwpn month one month in advance pos- tamtion uay 1st apply to u wu- luuson 0ph fit ito car tmt bala 1m1 chevrolet bpsclal apaasrngr osdan 18000 actual mileaga beautiful maroon duco original tlfsi two aparas never uud eua k o ucu ulan luuy bros oarage osargvtown up aparlfiunt with all ooov pii nn uy ut apply at ttuat parsonsas gj oaia iu ksia a quantity of banner s4 oats lor sale at too pr buwul k- c und ay phona mj oaorgvtown gtp uw isia rsd towr and timothy d apply to an fitah pnon wru aow- town st llsmar faa bala a quantity of well rotted manure juu what you want for your garden at blfio per team load delivered w o ueaabry phone iu oeorgatowta it wamuj a limited quantity of mapia logs 1 tnchra and up muil be good if you have any to tell write tha oalrvllk liaukct co imt oasvllle or phone 31 or 33 oakvlla it mr and mrt ntln cirui ul ii amp ton iu huudu lih irkmlj tn town mr and mm d v ilixur lmi rrl tilmd li urn ul r iniwlni llu uuutr in lltula- lr i dum vilni u t ik n j kliii ii iiui u uicui id inm u rt- i xl a lutli be urr llr and mrt tony tul ii ol ilrumpton uue uuui uiu mr and ura lurt colmun on tmilumay uri l- f curtln of drewlt n n sunday and uunday at utc hunn uf xlr and isn j b uockrnxir ur wm huggln nho u atill quiu weak from hla recent opcratlmu hopci to be able to come norm thla ail ut and ura- do pauluu of to ronto and ur taylor of cakvlllo were vlaiiors al ur l e pecks on bsturday ura j d godfrey and ulu edith oodfrey left laat wtok fur england tthtre they wul spcivd the mmnur vial ting relative ur and ui pred thompson of tim cntta have moved to town and arc now cetting setted in their new home on edith utroet ur and urs il c uociure ura james a ucclure and ur and urs harry devercaux peut bunday at port gydncy uuskolta ur and ura k flalmon and daugh ter joan of uraccbrldge wen v 11 tors at una wm thompsons over uk tuk end ur ualnum nluriuxl lionu on bunday ur norman it thompson wlhhca to announce the engagement uf his ulster florence jean to ur jattno btandish son of ur and ur jomc i btandiah tha marriage to tulto place quietly in ilty dr o v williams a as taken sud denly iu with appendicitis on tlunday morning and removed to toronto out- cral ibupltal where he underwent an operation ills many friend will bo pleased to lino tie 1 progrtsalng nicely ut and urs pred devereux of port erie announce the rruirrtuut of lulr eldest daughter viola grace to alex ander lawkon wlnfleld un of mr and urs george wlnflold of oamp- bellvlllo ontario which took place on apru 11th itev r j if lth of port erie oxnclated among those from out of town who attended the funeral of the late ur john j alun on saturday last ucro ur and ura wul aun gait ur it d warren ur walter ilatcmuji uls kathleen oatoman ut und mn geo pauline toronto ur oharlus raylar ouktuio ur ii ambroio and son lawnnot ur and ur james co man and family ur and urs 8 baker uu helen mohan und ur and mrs jus utjukhon and ouughter audrey tir loronto spent the week tjul will urs is oolmun and ur and mm bert oolman who wctv calibrating their tenth ucddlng annhvrsary preseatatleb and nbawar last prlday ntght the local suh of tha ball telephono met at uw home of miss alloa tuck and twesented uu eileen bujuvant with an address and a beautiful table lamp the address was road by miss wtutmu and the presentation was made by ulu tuck on monday night ulu buluvaht was tendered u aurpiisa party at her home by her schoolmste and fellow-m- ployocg of the ball telepliona co who presented her with a lovely 11 ikliower for ftaot holtacav port of double brick houie on church uu six room ater in aide also aix room frame coiisg on cnur ft ik vaur inside ilerua res unable immnamata pouasauon j vi kennedy 1nork 18j 3l agents f or langleys deeera and dyeta we deliver mcbean co georgetown i aa iiiiii iait tax arrears notice all psrsoaa la mrfvmf for isjnat kflarf uay 1st do tha iwn of osocdr will fcaifa a plw pr 0nt kttaxy kindly pay four arfara fcf c uay 1st u w o xrsgairstr odtueiof nliee dg owieft any pstan who 6a kattjort a dog must sur a dog tag s w bsfor tha ttrt day erf uay does without uj of ur tha afaot data isay ba dniajod tn acfiordaboa with tcm bylaw tv oay ba towd tfoea tha cistk p kl uarrlaoa e w o umlti 3s ohwf of pooae towttlup ef hfitmg band catsrari hutuuy nlgbl by permission of the oliucr com manding the lome hlnos lucottuth band will give another of their popu lar band concerts in tho gregory ttieatre on bunday evening april 30 sponsored by orion lodge no 100 l oor local and ouuida talent will assist in the uwwrara dr jet v wullams arand warden or the io oj of ontario and an old george town boy will be the cluurtnon pro- graun at jo news and information for the busy farmer lmb and hoot irlrea ul it i t arc an iniivruint fu i in iiuinittinlng lamb nrlceo uajni h iu n now in the dolur ranga of uu and tl a la an m ntial lum in irlnchg wl llcsale carruu cosu ix udj it result of morw rnoour 4uig lamb and wool prices there are miui uiqulrtes for breeding cuea it i to be expected that there wll be u broad markrl for all claam of te lock in 1034 tru strong de mand for wools on british australian and nw ecaland markcu indlcatea a very hoalthy condition tn so far a the outlook for ibjs l concerned world production u astlmated to be lower and the wool market for 1034 la rncouraglng crop laaprevaeaaai evtaibra lmdenoe ol crop improvement that has resulted from the production and itncril use of registered and certified hcvtl of wheat over a prlod of thirty hot in canada may be observed in the relatively high yield par ae of live crop a a aloe and in tha sus tained hluh quality far trailing pur- poc a renectod in the premiums uencrally recelvid for canadian wheat in the principal export markets with other cereal grain the results are very much in evidence in those una ultcrv oats barley or other kinds uf uruln predominate in thou areas ji which coarse grain form the main tint crop the crop as a whole is traceable as a rue within a few year to pure variety seed stock it i from ultimo ana uiat the bot and most uniform quality grain for commerce is derlvid bory carts btabue any corn grower this spring- can do a are at dial to savo himself a lot of unnecessary handpicking of corn uuuble if lie will use care and fore thought in his method of dealing with hi corn field statis l oaciotr pro vincial eniomolofliit if he plows the field carelessly and doc not bury the ittuhblo null lie is surv to drag it up hi working the soil and so will have u lot of hand pick lug also if um it toothed cultivator instead of a tuo lie will drag up a lot of stubble in every county there are many men who deal ulth their field tn such a uuy that they rarely have to do any handpicking what one man con do another can often do as well or near ly a uoll bo it la hoped that every one will try to exercise the necessary cure hla spring and so save himself a lot of trouble in complying with uw act current crep bsfwt reports received from tha agricul tural representatives would indicate thai tho condition of fall wheat in ontario is still in doubt certain uw t ions report that the crop is green ing up but a great many of the roots are weakened and units the weotlier la favourable a considerable area wui have to be cultivated and resown to spring crops partners who ore d- pendint on 1033 seedlings for their hoy crop wul be obliged to rely on annual hay crops at auction sales prices are considerably improved over lost year especially prices paid for horses uaple syrup will apparently be a light run as tlte raport from practically all the maple syrup dis tricts show a tsecmiae in prottuati car of lavas aad gar4as i urn prepared to put in gardens urr for lawns trim hedges and a1 ttwr aljub at a reasonable price xar of cipcrtence apply to w r luap in ooleg view georgetown 3tp if kosau waatsa two rooms on tha ground floor centrally located suitable for light tiuusekveptng apply by utter to box herald ofnoa it bamrrabv noticz notice la hrby glvn that ah rsl- dsnts of the township of sviuaatng are required forthwith to clean thatr otllaras drains yards pig styas water closeu and other n and prsrn- itra and remove all dlri fllth man ure or other aubstanosa which may ennanger th public and to have same competed by tha llh of may nasi on hich day the sanitary inspector mu commence a general injwouon all residents or eameatty request ed to keep their premise constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary oon- dltton note ho pig stye is to be aracted within 60 ft of any dwelling house road street or lane j banpord sanitary inupwor ijaeunung apru uth 1034 3l to baai tha two halvss of a double house on murdock bt exosuant et ready to occupy apr 1st apply ooi j as baiiantina phona 05 r is oeorget- town tf htmt te ksau posaesslon uay let btuooo bouse on uarkat bt light and water large garden rant nasosuble apply io t j o armstrong phooa lit georgetown tl waaud mew cesspool ditches and drains to dig old cesspools cutems tic cleaned on short notice also white washing and any other work done james williams boa 10 oorgatowtv wttfc waataj oordwood cut into stove wood at 1100 per cord bucksaw sharpening done at reaianabls price itoy bhap- hard oeorgatown auction bale1 clearing auction sale at acton of highclass furniture of urs v ralph young bt acton on bsturday april 38th at 3 o clock comprising walnut furniture bed room suites walnut dining rctxn suite dawnport ueu piano chltfoner refrigerator new the furniture is nearly new lino leums duhea etc terms oaih h j kerr auctioneer phona m a- ton up notice pi8iuno and tkebpabbino raoiniutco any person fishing or trospasslnf c tha following property wast naif lot 16 can 7 belonging to w d johnston in the township of esque- ing will be pnueeuted ujiant ptlllko club lessees of btreams and pond wood for sale choice hardwood uaple and beech mixed soft wood most reasonable prices apply jack tost phone mlw oaorgetown if wood for sale ohelee uiple hardwood and oedar iu1u al rlirtlt prlom order left at a hume or at my home tnune uw lirampuy attended to a uvinobtonjc aaorctewb ontaho grmuocart says cut 20 waal t- sava lla ceut af tlksl whatsrasse la ike ani ha ae ta e oj it ff iewtelalj t g r muckart nueuor tviilfhi ill wmaa rnoke in otoaorroww wtstiiifijiiouso the public health uunicipautv op geostceyown ciusmu are baaasatsj u cwly tlb tha pabue uaaltb ail hotloa is hereby given that all resi dents of oeorgatown are requlrsd forthwith to clean their eausra draina yards pig styes water closate out- buildlnes and other premisse and r- mova thenfrou all dirt manure and other auhstsnoss which may endanger the public health and to have sama completed by the isth day of uay next on which day tha sanitary in spector wul oommanoa a ganaral in spection and further take notice that the section of tha public health act prohibiting tha keeping of hot be tween tha 16th day of uay and the 15th day of november except in pens at least to feet from any dwelling and fto fset from any street or lane with rtoors kept clean from all standing watsr and regularly cleansed win be strictly enforced all oltlsans are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected joseph aiilbonb mayor of the uunlclpauty of oeorga town apru uth 1014 concrete work i am prepared to do fminnle work of all kind esllaislsa gtetas avae el ealarga if you require anything hi this una pbons ul s walker gaarge bl floral designs wholaa laeora autetj aal oil rtkol serii aoae tat ituwmm wm mauohaau j farmer gulffe tx onrl trucking having s into the tructdnf buat ness z am now prepared to do au kind of trucking and moving pwenp service and waaoriabu rates joapct emmertoa phasu is osee psllntinfi ant pslpcl4iar1ting prtcee vary rsaaacsbla phone avl write box 35 it j wiaftin osergsta oasart wood for sale choice lurdwood boech and uaple at 1300 per cord mixed wood uts per card rau i3jw per cord x bkandpohd ptumse ls5 or tuj oaerjatewu wood no 1 hsrvhvoed beech and maple i3jw hardwood limbs and mixed wood alts nails t3m any quantity 6 in blocks of hardwood for quebec heaters 1333 prices are or wood delivered till wood is alwaya dry as it u kept under cover j ha bhltu hwu nru rain -snow- ur shine we deliver rbluecoar twj when you want it john mcdonald queen street georgetown n a robinson live slock dealer and butcher nerval live stock trucking all loada fully inaured phonei gaatwetowt 101 is