Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1934, p. 4

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p 4 the coorssiown henulwlnejay evening april 25th 1934 orange pekoe blend salad tvj u th gnjm when your wif gees away for a visit arid your young ton raif nad and you cant do anything with him gat hit metkar lens butance ut tka tuh way to biif kw hottu mvou dosl law lo u fusil bus la luj ti4b4 la lea dutuu it arfu uln yea out id suay il vtuut uuljr ud uuipuulhlv vw u u im uilm tor u imu u mc ttw vat el mh u ik iroul al j tuvciay new beauty for your kitchen and better cooked foods for your table with tub mew ft series ciimid inslanjgfls ranges 1 aaawsr ja male 4 burn tfcatr own gat uam tmumty i in hiu mw modem rangea you will find luiuuomj d tigu and fuuaksa uui will sdd niw bruktfuu and beauty to your kitchen nw taiprovtmanta make w easy to have better cooked food for your tibial th new coleman liutinrgas it tuuai stove vr medal all rang model have cencseud full tanks mad of patented suage an th fu stverdur metal rust acid and corroaloitproof and tkay provide modern im service jor cook- idji no mattar wttsre you live amula nw bandablu torn cots fual coata onefifth providaa a wider range of cooking heat ohm even hilt dlstrib uttoai par cant greater hsstlnst affuuncy a time mooay and lborivlaf improvement dial vyp safety carwur valve th new dial type carburetor valve give yen it your flrtgar tip pcaltlv visible fual control it nrodocaa fa instantly from any good grid of un- faresud motor fuel mik th iiucantaai kings sealer to operate than sver before s then ttimsrubu iaj a our sfov thi eouman lamp and stovi company im tcuma s smuw see your dealer worked only one week in two i sciatica him at horn i i tin- will u lu mluu u mtu spring hats we ore now ready with an entirely new collection of hat in spiting stylet and material colore and trimming misses claridge herald block uptulr gftowti im t ta1 i all lull kuili uw uill utl im jj hjli siiu iuuimiui li iw ut4 lit lt jl ar- f h u mh nd i in ii ihl lu ithml fcjnoly r in iaui wt tibd uuuy uut h- ujt llbtii hi i mii jviml i4 llu italic mul r kxklhl to it llutit u iruj fvif tiutilll ut in iiuaxiojhi hu t- li iiiituy tiu anii tlt tu urufcfiu u ti- nuuniw m w lj titiljm will our uuiuu iuuj u wixfclilj niu ly imiit if llni tvliiiialr lluil tnuluijf ul lltll luihujlhj utlrla irvit ibattul nuiaiutkhi hiu tjullliul rulu ui nit uiutwtwtiiti rudw ot ati um4if ilhcu lku4uw uu- tuxkl aiul fciitrf tujii aiul luiivi fiuilt uhuit wmiu urtr kmuiiwii tu p urijjil f rluliliialkhl 111 prfnl irtax k uuj ivm itaniclr ul n ou uiul4 uuuiul u aulil grriuy nvularly ait ounkirty ciaria suwwdl f graebiem idkuj da hawy 4 armll mui iwmjiih fvxt ttw son cf mia -uiiu- not to w wilhh- ualo but lo muiuur and to kiw hi ui n ruiujjj or uuuy uithv m w- u3uon caaoaok uattb h- 3a arv i ur- iul u win ih is down urulty aiul lu ivu fciuiiu uur kim iu ivti in uaium a tvufoj w itlt thiruig ow m m klu tn irsinifij wlu l4u uituw sjou with a uiouaht- lul tuuk upon to turn afckd th itju iv kiiiwo tlinl not feufctfc m ui u uikuig of fralxif owr iiiui u u fciioi at nd ulmd liu tiuuuiiuiuui wjj not llqwarrmclej for luuti a iw uu win h u ainana i j i- kum it aa onjtwitfwcoija lo- mjuuh to u tksxb ufcjt idiiii in- w tagiovio run fctikfc otuy a bry uiull vroriu toiiid hfijy miunl yrt fcciikt had th bwu wjtut of conuwbimlp and uj imxi uuti uulr laoltto for ulr 6un- uy ju hid to ffcc hi ero alonr kiuitouw utat ik fci utnj put to draui uy tu ova niui aikl by th vtv uvdwv uf uu tburcai- at uw mry uhir h tooot nwu lb bwuai tuptum uf hit ilitft- titty ulwl tiliu 01 uwlr oony to jnui 1 jmtf tuil ubp oiuiua jrmnkiy uhax txt- 4whv i1vuho wttlkuuj uiihtru 6m eaibuy ttdloftl miuiiakku amu atthlu i tiu cfluiujouu 1lu uood w uul iif a gn41 bou in a uajlc luurbut tv cunrni uiaciuiy kttrr of tin oainitdiui luilk cf ououwiiv tn u1 ing snu tjw uju of puttf sup- tkluh aikd hulnvnruu tu uu p tu ooanrnu fcirlklnjly u ootuiu- aiom rvuttmt byiv f a oby etikf tcalliwr of iii ilidwiukulc i cxkomluloo of 044rto lo his ooin- preiiiulw puuuuuj tiutij of pur trend til povulqo cf tdiluil firetafwi por to owt actual tkomvu with nrw mxgtn to ciuurt ooatlnuou wrvko jid to uk up utf uaporary jxctrnlag that occur dunna ucux- ilon u 0 iubt rwanung uio many confuotina nijnwnta bav btcn mad but hkft can kadlly b un- druood if uw baato conovnulon ati out tn thr turvy an turpt in mind tfaa first oontldaratlon la what doe paat rxytrutwr indicate a a neoajy provluun for fulm ndf in otlbtr ora hat tua un in paal normal rat of growui in dtmandt uroadly ctvaklna gjou in k- tncal dmreaand in th mar popuutd portion of oniano durtag tb tlgtuftan wart up to 1 wo aj of ih ottkr of 11 par cent per ax a rat of groui that had bn ounautrnlly malntaind uirouglyxil uiu lona period tha arrangsguiila for iwv por auppllti to mwt uwa growuij demand uml bs taian tn hand acll in advanot be- oaud it taara wseral yeara to arraag for vatariour leawa to draw up a ujn and to carry out oonuructtoo prokct or larv hjdroalcoulo powr plania thu on a mulkmnorapor tyauoa mean that hundrwl of thousand of horupor muu b planned or contractod for and under construction in nwmlnn to th powr actually in use at any um th other main oonauloratlon la how much ruerv poser capacity in i of actual demands u it con- aldered ffood pratcloo to ip ac tually availalwit to care for ordin ary operating oonttngencla and en- aura co rdlabia aarvlo man larg power undertaxlngi acp a r- arve or spar canacliy on rnd of m per orjiu or mora th itydro elactrlo lorr com mm ion of on tario with u uniformly high stand ard of construction and othr fa vourable ctrcunutanoaa la ah to maintain 1u aarvlo with a minimum rnutv capacity of but 10 per cent thau m paroenlagas apply to prosperous time and reprcaent the doairabl spar capacity at th time of the day and year thai th powr de mand is graataat of courts when th factorla shut down for th night extra raacrw capacity corresponding to hair tem porarily discontinued powr demands must b kpt avallaul until morning corrcspondingty whan thara la an in dustrial dtprealon extra powir re- fcerve rapacity tn aocordanoa vtih th amount of idlcnaa of factories mm b kpt on hand otherwu tha fac- torloa could not reaum operauon and reemploy their workman whan uw dawn of recovery appear if up to the hgnng of tha da- pneulon the power authoriue haw bran faithfully and wueiy carrying out their duty of pan and ar ranging now souroea of power to meat normal growth of demands tha extra rraarve power for recovery from da- praaalon will be available whan need- ed and the factories will not have to wait for power pant to bo construct ed before they can reaum operation tin moat of the larger murucipalltlej there is a much a m per oenl of the electrical motors idle due to tha de pression this is tha fortunate position which tha power users of ontario and their timployoe are in today the hydro- eletcru power commission in 1030 hod arrungnd for power auppuea to become available year by year up to kua7 from the only economical aourcos available to it namely from its new chau paua pant and from purchased power the quantities pro- vldod wire moderate being so per cent 1cm than the full amount requir ed to take care of an eleven per ount rata of growth for the period coo- cerftod however aa a result of these provisions the commission at tha end of 1033 had a total commercial capa city of 1337000 horsepower for the indus trie and other power users of the great 35cycle niagara system thl affords reserve power capacity above the reduced primary power de mands at this stage of the depreialon of nearli 915 000 horsepower unou rvcottry from depression la ejtoeptlon- ally rapid this quantity should be uittcunt to sofaguard ontario indus tries and workmen from the disas trous delay thai without auoh power reserve uouid haw hampered the protcts of return of fuller activity begmnlng of which u now in evidence of course in the meantime until general industry fully resume it nor mal demands for power it la import ant to keep the oast of tnalntatnina those necessary special power reiervvu as low aa possible the hydro com mission is accomplishing this through contract under which tho reserve power is used for producing process weam but such powxir can immediate ly bo withdrawn at any time it is re quired for tlu hydro munlclpauuaa or for tho maintenance of a aupply of nrm powor as a result at teejo efforts tilers was in december 1033 no commercial poucr capacity idle on any of uu commissions cystoma own ed by hydro municipality except tho niagara sjuem and toven an that system the amount of unutilised com mercial capacity wu leu than imooo l0 p or t 1357 ooo horsepower total available wlien it la remembered thai a jam proportion of ontarios industrial oa- paolty and of ontario worktnen were atlu idle lost december it cannot truly be contended that the commission action in providing tha moderate quantity of vlb600 iioraepowar of which only 113 two luusepowar was idle to lake up the alack of niagara ays- tarn demands ha been other than a wue and necessary safeguard discipu wn uuapau of fwl uig slut lw ult or bfu 4u h taw tlity wra tohr to on 1uu rompony but in inouaht and ouooul uu u ur was far apk fros to men awkki p fa h ii amuuon 1 a fjaal drtvlng vr but bfuuh f wi la a fwradiog luroc ilia dlictfaa tsd ut aj to ibjkiw chrui but thry oamad uw lurumal wn lth thaa liw w tlxid two of the uwr circ plou- uig to ht the era place for ihhn wit u may b that faoouay of th vadershlp of iwr bad buplid ltelr tcjumr but th uncwrly cause was their v of the naiur of chit 4 a fctpsyvn ttey re tu thuiking tn urm of an aartmy iaw- siaiuuup in which tha poer of im perial itom would be rcaacad by a different forei of djctatofmhlp if liter wrrv to be ruler ovar the tvei throne they wufad to have th suaa important plaosa ft was quhe un fair lo th other dlrftrfi for theei to try to net priority through favorl- tism it was really daaoaainry to their ltxsur to mfif that he voud bo a party to any auoh undarhand plan it u this same sptru that euka all public servloa fraught wth dan ger end dimculty tijw art gwat public ownership provcta ooncelmd hi th hlghcu idsaiita and with uie noblett motives of pubtlo service uuu in tune become oorrupud by the telf- ueking of those who want position and uiartat for thamuiw and thatr frtrnds any order of aoclaty will be imperfect as long as one trie to over- ixsch the other and regard peraonal adaiuiement a more important than thr arllarc of the group are v aut u ii ju muu have been grieved to discover that when tie was facing lb crata hi dtsctples were dlsouwilng patronage he showed no anger but ajuutd james and john if they were ablo to drink of his cup and be bap- used with his baptism they vary jauntily said that they ware able they were honest in tung that they could measure up to lh re tpotuibtliuee to be laid upon them but they did not understand what u meant to share christ a sacrifice within a short time they demonstrat ed their inability to be his followers the tao dlscip of jesus failed the lame as the ten afterwards they did demonstrate their ability to share cruita suffering jam a the dm of the disciple group lo be mar tyred and according to tradition john as the lul eventually they drank of the cup of whlah their ussier had partaken and shared his baptism of th greats ef ttsrvlee ii 17 the torsi thing about favoritism u that it causa friction when the ten dlsclplej heard of the up and coming plun of james and john they were resentful jesu ahoaed both the two and the ln how far they had fallen short of hi spirit love of place and power h said was a pagan ideal illustration from ro man imperialism were at hand the christian ideal is the very opposite true greatness come through useful urvice chris was not magisterial but minuurui in the wudemaaa temptation he had faced the tempta tion to be a military conqueror but he chase uutesd to be teacher and spiritual leader judged by the a- mount of publicity given tn th prea teacher and preachers are not near ly o prominent as athlataa and poli ticians yet much of tha noblest work being done i carried forward by those who receive utua publicity but do render lasting service on an ocean liner during a first voyage th popa most ui the public gas were military omcer and men of great wealth seat ed on a deck chair spending hi days reading and writing wo a humble looking man to whom no one paid any attention vet he was the author of a medical discovery that it gradu ally winning victory over a dread disease tens of thoauand of people one the preservation of thatr lives to lu devotion the gresl eaaaiab li when jesus talked to this way about the greatness of service he was just crystaliiing into teaching what had been his own habitual practice if christ had lived for personal and socking political power military glory or material wealth he would merely have added to the long list of those ho have devoted than uvea to these personal ambitions he chose rath cr to be a preacher and healer a re- vealer of clod ii came not to be ministered unto but to minuter hi chief concern was not what he ooujd make men do for him but what he could do for the welfare of hi fal low men uecaus of his ufa of ser vice he has blessed nlrlnd aa none other who ever lived hie sarvloai to education medical science human brotherhood world rellgton have been great in the past and bid fair to be much greater in the future jesus left no legacy but hi garments and his love but who shall say he failed in greatnwi judged by the teat of utefui servicer lie gave hi life ransom for many both during the days of his public ministry and in the hoin or hu death the aim of oiiru- lan education is to instill this en service oovernmoru school fac tories churches are great in the mea sure in wluoh they serve human wel fare question far dltesjialeti 1 in the worlds opinion who la tho greatest living peraonf a judged by olirlsta test of service who is greatest 3 have you had um much or too little ambltlonr 4 con you suggest a better method for appolnuuont than party patronaget 5 how did christ miiikrr close to 40o00 young men are en rolled in the hover scout of the unit ed kingdom man uy wife lays that if x were to die ahe would remain a widow nclglibortvldfiiutv she thinks theres not another man tn the world like you haiion uw contrary abas wary much afraid thaw may be and that ahed get him facts about iriysoro vo j o t irrsw of officij mocrwtttt hy iu 0trio uumuii elf chic auoculio rvrrfiie- uuakiuiut who ow th hyjnybbciwic sytjtm of chtlstio why hydro buys power hydro hsl alwayt oouined it power tupplies from whatever ujurce his ironi time to time been determined to be most economical in the earlier yer of sir adam becks administration 98 of the power dis tributed to hydro municipalities wai purchased from private sources then ie became economical to build o acquire generating ttatiom at the present time hydro own forty powerproducing planu power demands must be provided for years in advance the commission w prevented by international and other circumstances from further development of ontarios large power resources on the niagara st lawrence and ottawa rivers the only economical course left was to purchase as the commission did lowcost power from available sources the following table sets forth the growth of your great hydro undertaking through the years growth of municipalities and consumers served and electric power generated and purchased 1910 to 1914 irtd 1913 to 1919 incl 1920 to 1924 incl 192 to 1929 incl 90tol9ind it is the considered opinion of this association that hydro has pursued cautious businro like and farsighted policy in the purchase of supplementary power and that present power reserves are not excessive the general policy of the commission respecting purchased power has been initiated with the approval of the municipalities and endoried by the hydro associations thee hydro municipalities know the power requirements and are obligated to supply tha evergrowing demand for lowcost hydro service in their respective district aftau vuui c pvi o ub tovitct ffb huuutluliai c4mujuisi aitsmu kuiumii hioi toue rrw 4j 771 91331 186 2 89473 9 20 i7v02 j204 24264 7 2412 2 34 345280 7992 7287 94 43013 6 s2i 4ic52i i16j744 96019 12 203331 173 721 03110 1314040 974014 43 33993 337 munic ipal ontario electric association ctvirwji publicity comaiitteei contrcju jtma sajepsoct toronto frsak l xlsson ckkiws t v ucpiruaj loajcj ktfp bit infomuivt tuttmtut w uvtcb for furtbtr luumtutt by tb publicity commit in canadian asparagus oeuti canadian growers of aspargus with suitable production conditions and conveniently situated for delivery may well study tho possibilities of this cron for some of the canadian oan- ncrs have found canadian asparagus to be much superior to the oallforn- ian product consequently there has been a wry saiufactory nuimnri which ha resulted in plans to ex pand output to a coiialderable extant although the acreage and yield of asparagus in canada 1 relatively email the latest figures show as in creasing acreage during the past three yeans in quebec ontario and british columbia while at th same time the output of oarmed asparagus shows cottiisderabl expansion there la also an increasing export market the yield of some ijico acres ta ontario is from 1400 to lfl6o pound per a approximately about twothirds the yield being sold ordinarily to canners at to 11 cents a pound buajtalleg el calls h a rvllh director of rrtarnlnn for the lloiaulnrrtaalan aaaoclai of canada who waa the gueetsapaaker at the annual spring meeting of the wrth county tlolsuln tlnader otub told at etrfttford said that blood testing for the control of bang dts- eas has been making remarkably good prcsgras in many parts of the province of ontario since the work was hrst taken on by the breeder in a aerioua minded way more than a year ago and he predicted that be fore long every large breading area would be engaged in it already nearly two hundred hard had been found fully negative under tha feder al policy wfcll a much larger num ber were under process of being clean ed up th view waa etfpreased by ut with that th day was not far distant when breeders whose hards were not under test would find it more difficult than happen to be the case at the present time to obtain markets at profitable prices for eur- plue cattle which had to be aold whereas those herds free of the dis ease would occupy a most favorable position in batng able to capitalise on their achievement notice to creditors in tub mattee sf the estate af tbams jr uptsfal ul af the twt of oeeeveuwav ba th cetthty af i la lleai agasal easssf notioe b hehiuv oivkn tliat all persona having any olalm or de mands against the lata thoma j bpeiglu who died on or about th thirteenth day of laarch ism at tat town of georgetown in tha county of halton are reqiuwd to sand by um prepaid or to deuvar to the ujuefv aigned eoucltor haraln for oeesstaastra bpelght tha kxeculrut of uw last ww and vraamant of the said tbomaa j bpelgfct agent deceased their tutaaaa and addreaaaa and full pellicular tn writing of their claims and etitiimartfe of their aaoounta and the ttatutw of the aaeujifia if any held by thato and taki nonce that after the lhurteenth day of luy 1034 the said kxecuuik will proceed to cusiribute uu aiata of ttfc said dckeased amocst the persona chtlued uwwto hairxig regard only to the claim of which ah ahau then have had notice and that the said eximuiru will not be llajbat for the said asset or any pert titer- of to any person of whose olalm ahe ahali not then haw received tutkat datxo at oottcon ontario this eleventh day jjfajjril h svauaalor for ttw uiuiuk what kind of printing do you mail the personality of a business is quite often established by the character of ita printed matter such aa letterheads folders catalogues billheads sale bills etc etc etc building business personality through printed matter has bean our job for many years our quality printing costa no more than inferior work let ua assist you in the creation of business stationery and other printed matter there is no extra charge for such service simply phona no 8 letterheads envelopes catalogues folders booklets personal cards sale bills concert posters blotters menus statement forms labels and tags the georgetown herald phone s for service if its printed we can do it isniiihiaiumwiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiifiih nfi n ri r tr ff hffhiiiimiiiiiiiiiiihwbiiiiniiaiiiiwiiii mi ii ui ii iniiiuriiniiimair ii r -ri- iti dj n npim

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