Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1934, p. 4

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p84 nw mad infotmktioa for hm buy farme til rllaiiuj stalttttnl niwnud si hi tmnt annuel tattlisa 0 the ontario uuk produot lnvmwl showed uuu a bncit of over m reported at the annual mming bald in april ljj lid bn taivtd into a surplus of owr uuo by april ism s tin -g-i-ln- it to now oabipuoory uiat ell i4pla ud tuwthcrn tt- within lhr hun dred yards or an orchard uj owner of ich tuu applied for wrtuka- ticn muu w thoroughly sprayed tor apple maot or cut down prior to july 1st all spraying mutt b dei- fed in eoootxtont with um roni- mendattaa st forth in the omtlaj iproy imir ma kvtm lrriinj a twi t tf uuai on uu prt 4 th oalula uuuu of agrkail- luj th prtfi pil pradttoat tail la lh wuku otuarlo duuki wa ponced rjuiy rota tlu to wl per ewt ttos to id inettiaw 6f so pr cm to uu producer lath wss tern ontario uilk bhd the dl- trtbulos tgfwl u acorpt the prtr and 10 advanc om thai to to frooi ife to lie pr quati and from fc uic pr dim cwml cw i latest itporu tron sjcujlul w- p d ditar uiat fcu little growth o fall wtu lw ukee pu u yt that u wry uadlfiallon to numy duuvta out the low fro wlnsvr kljliig wul b twavy ontario and wtettwrough count deftakaly iion at iu 11 uf uu crop i- mci compbuiy laiul alfalfa tad clown haw aao mnrd rriy ia feany area rtw ki at twit it u ljulw wrluoi oil wtuajdlrf u oatuio ooucly ivpotlnjf a ku cf owf uj hundiwl uatk thinry ui whiu wtdatpjj jfa yj aul or cham u admlltj3 u u mun too mil to ouj cwfinlu unttu of lh injury th iprtng hu un bdiam in mcmx ormnufi touwh ocauidwab ork on ui land tiu buo don in tkxiuituro oourio in ksm laaiwon and olhar countu uu a4- tnit pfwun u iiu undif way 6trwv brrtm haw lnud uxtiy u to mol dmjicti th acri- of ail labaora in norfout vill b r- ducfid 23 par ant uila yr u a rt- ault of a bkunalei for asocf ui 9rors th broloosad milk controwrfy oir ih pric 4 hllk in lusouon hkh cobuturuml ca lutruary luh vai mttud twiuly vhfti lh pric f mlili siikjt had dropout frod 1141 to ii 41 mr cl was ftofd to th for mr uwl it u atlxd utu uu rutoratlon of th foruar prtot to milk prodiioir in oil ara additional jw pr wfc two valtiabl drcuurt kami just bfttnt baiml by uk dnraimat of arlcxlltuiml butulob oajo tik 1 mtluti tn uailins la ontario bfull ltdv aud j ttthaari and u jvm th lalwt avjiau tn- forraatlon on th habit- of uua dlt- trueuv bird a wjj u kdvkw to iai to trap whkh hav prowd f- ictl in tbwtroytn urv tuunbrr of btarllati uluorauoisa of tfc umpe and data ttiardin their eoiatrucuoi aw f urouba-d- a hiut u faiaw that peruit havlna any authentic lnior tnauon to fir about th actlvluea of th tiafllna in thtlr r4icuv dis trict or hivlnj haeriy lnutuntf fkpcrwiom wtutntoi ttf htsntfid to writ to in gkutukjri dpmxiu oao cklslb th soond circular daj wttb clwtrucal w d itliwr and prpajd by wcf j k- llowut and mr w u at it w forth uw ruiu of knjthy nrpirlbwou tion sllh d kilkr on vmrbkd typed cf d and bl- vouab taoaitbivduo -idia- uwlr uu bou of th clkul- tm w cfcr- llnd upon bepjuon t tn ldv paitivtu at oac or frost yuur iocj mrtfukuraj fuitatlw when she lost 28h skt gained enerry thu young woman tei r- thitijut tnwrmwiuht u vldmiuy u bvwncul j it u rftlw and a ittr t4 wrllaa is ukhrfo worthy of publication i ud m yr of a- hlhi ft ft- ina and a khort tim ato tay wlabt vas 24 lb abow unuj i wa uajuj and without fetwrav now alur uklng knithn haju ttrularly i haw loa 1 lb to wftht and ha murh motv vtlxltly alo f haw a wry toad couplrauoi and i do ot hav law butaul of any kind buwly uil tdusj b du to tay hav ing pur blood and i auhbuw lb fact to uy takln xniin tulu- uwii u ii kruaclirii coiubsu th tu- of fat by aljing th internal orpou to thro off mxa day tbow viii pr-o- diicu and polocj wbw woud oliwr- wlw b oonwrud w lh body cimintry into futy u- in futur all canadian all piiffcai containing ch wu b btaiacd vuh th dau of eianu- faotur liy ordr in oountu ovud uarch isuv tn dau of uanufartum elll b appllod to th chaaa vuhm tvntyfour hourt of t lira u u riovd from th pivta ajocomuv to j v ainstoton dairy and cold htorg commlmlorar for canada thr frc wt of till praouoa mm ukaty not only to nwt uu wlahea of a auhitantlal numbar of r- talim of canadian tbt but aie to hav a bcdwrklal influmc in mar aatmc our ocalld foddr chaac if ahowtnx th datra of manuiactur will tnd to broak down th prtkidlm nov axullnff agajjut our lat fall che uu work involved in apply th additional mark to in chaaa and to th box will b wu worth wtill tw cr aaj lbjlw w vm uany farusrt wul br tatvitut th tarjaul lf- that u diiirifauud f lor tvlafivi woodlot and winibrak pja ruing ttw auorji of lh planting wtu drpnd laraaly on ilk car th i rmhlw brfor utfy ar pjuitw and th plantlnf uuk tb toot thould b lpt trtoia un til ur tr- ar punud tb ui ar uuppd uh th rou pktad in wt tacaa ttwy bay bv kpt tiuui and ial until uvry aw planum by avral mtuxd 1 u plantia wul u doo within a trw day uwy iruy b lft undu- turtd in ua ahlfiplna boa th box khouid b pui in a cool plac th top u tha opand and a pall of wttur u pourwd uirouah it roota j u plant ing la not fiotnjt to li don for a ewfc or if uu 1 lars nutabar of u ury uay b hud to cultlvaud around ptr- ably in th ahad a uuach u dug on an anw of approalrnatily ift d- tr and th um ar dippd watar and uun plant along th trviuh with th root down th root and aueu aj covwad with of aou and oajy th lop ar wit iho-artaj- th aotl ahould b r r1 sjll around u roota and bruth or burlap ewar th tr- wul prwai n- ocftlw aporauon from th uvw uvd drylni of lb aoll a a coarnlifit raithod of hmlag aaiah tna for p la to fill tub or pall if thir ar only a tr tnu twothird full of tmur thxf u no danjsjr of th root drying- by uua uithod and th tr way b tratkiporud to th tmrrllrwr all in th tub or pall th tt nwukod to kup th trwj raoba dumvi plantinj optratloiu u to carry thtad tn a pail with th root ta wsuf plantldat in furrow on aod land la cbap and b usually auooaaiul on ucftu tandy ten bhauob wld fur- ro ar plovad au th part if ats foot ipaclng i dtitrad th tivw ar plantad in uu bottom of lha fur row and th furrow an not turaad back bpot planting u beat in wood- lot and planting on good agricultural aotla aa th live ar liabu to b chokad out by th rank growth of raw th aod u rcnvhad froe i 13 foot iiruar and uu trw ta plant- d tn it oaotr it u advuabi to raak on aid of th hoi wrtlcal and u ahould dp nough to allow th root to ban straight down th tr u ujd againit th wrtical aid of uu koto with th u at uu aaau il aa tt wa in th aursary th aou ahould b pnuid around uu roots and uu can b don by placing uu foot na ly baild uu tr btkintua hliiaiaaiv th following bualnaa harrtrtary for octarto was publltliaj by th bank of uanlwal uavr dau of april ud wholauff and muiwr u ijk- anting fcalufariory uiilrwa with allaht tncreav in prto- and a good fcmto in voluu owr tlu corwpoalu4 twrlod lau yt fcjltwr trad in 6o4 locaj- lik a try aalulactory hm eoca- iakad slul ui pakvlou two 6 thfat wra couactlon a ruorf to klr uanufarturrra of autoakaulm and ajlud product mre oprhaulng on an bv- crrad vaw donhruac ordr uf in lam otum and nport a show a food uicrvi tanirfr aj our- atlng on a nuxkrat valr and boot and uo urvoru ar not acuwiy ngavd yumlturr ffaanufacturr ar quirt starl euua ar adding to ihrtr nuifuvr of aptr wooum knitting and hoaiiry truus gnfally u oiwraiing at rapacity lunbr dfalrr rvport a aubotanllaj incrvsiar in lhtprnmu owr uut yrar agrl- cultural unpumrot baufaeturrt find a mod rat upturn tn buaintw output of paprr milu has shown a gain th da flour auung trad u st approaliiiauly utf rar uwl but mport buitnri u poor a sharp drop in th prior of pork pro- dueu ha oautfd a slowtng down in iport buauu allhouch an tn- crat is notlom in drwibawhc daoarul in chloaao tomaso aiftarto itaj lan was btlflg taamlntd a an appll cant for clluwnahlp papir can you uu n how many tau th ar in th union i tta aala tog juda aslud mr jud ajuwrad rlcamo i talk to you you know your faufrkw i know my hmlnw you ak ta how many stau in union i ask you how taany banana tn a bunch t relieved -fuhy- 0 tabuu la bm udoly tna baj tour t ci a l bto rmr try ta anacult eurdortor ho wriu uf uirry klaur curaharuad bay n tf waa th baby or yous aild i tvpuu u sb i t l tj ks vosud iouluk bav llaa acu or dunlo a w qutais 4u7 la at aa dm ag iv will last what kind of printing do you mail the personality of a business is quite often established by the character of its printed matter such astterheads folders catalogues billheads sale bills etc etc etc building business personality through printed matter has been our job for many years our quality printing costs no more than inferior work let ut assist you in the creation of business stationery and other printed matter there is no extra charge for such service simply phone no 8 letterheads envelopes catalogues folders booklets personal cards sale bills cncrrjhsters blotters menus statement forms labels and tags the georgetown herald phone 8 for service if its printed we can do it trie georgetown herald wed ncday evening may 2nd 1934 public preference for goody raw was proved 44 times in 1933 investigators ncorded the makes of tires on thousands of ears ftathrred at liocley games rare meets golf tournaments the canadian nutlnnul exhibition and other important events every tin- back front and spare on every car was carefully tabulated and in every survey goodyear tires far outnumbered every other make the public could not speak its preference for goodyear tires more emphatically more clearly next time you see a lot of parked ears glance along the rows of tires count them if you like goodyear goodyear goodyear 1 1 youll see for yourself that goodyeara are obvi ously first choice lha leading tire vsu csa be a vltur tb fkataattussiia vsm 4 fctv to tost al to ii tia baa tw v wltr ailj ufa y weal what far aat car irvali ar fc yaa csa pi tmm ai w4it yaftmmffv- 0 abslvi tisa uk more people ride on goo v e a r tires than on any other kind spring is here t dy buy barclay and whan spring u at hand w all uk a chants to mateh uu chang ing waatiur latva bagtn at uu uw by introducing a eool rafmihing not in daaurt aa watrast to iuarty wlnur far lltr u a daaurt which u aa good ta a spring wnla and much nlur to tak culaua agarteai aritma i cup aprloot julo and water n cup qiiikmotlng tapioca 1 cup sugar u uaipoon aalt 1 eup oookad aprloot pulp k cup cai whippad l up awmtatud apricot aauoa and 1 tariafcpoon lanon knot plan apricot julot in top of doubl boutr and bring to a boll ovar dlmot heat oorbtn dry taaradtonta add gradually to ibjuid and bring to a brisk boll stirring oorutantly ptaot inunadiauly over rapidly boiling water and cook 5 minute aurrtna oooaalon- ally rrmov from boiling water uuiture clrar and thicken aa u cools when aukihuy cool fold tn aprloot pulp pour 4 of mixture into par- felt glass chill when remaining tapioca tnutur 1 cold fold in cream pile lightly in gtaasea pour email amount of aprloot aauoa over each portion just before it is eerved serve por apricot julo pulp and sauce soak i pound dried apricot in 4 cups water 1 hour cover and elmmer un til tender drain and add enough water to juloe to make 3 oupa rub tastafrgas ranges malt aa 9mm ftair otw gag uejit uuuh r tb gfiaim tampfoeeeaaai taadtoluiudfasltsursl pfoeacm a bene at rjaarua earaabs i cwtotwl ftftk t wurimicjgul 9 iojta ask nw 41 1 r t tkw vau is fly 4ik t f uslssh m lus aw rf uuvm tksl bri m an ik tt i- ml isiswta kis f i saarvli h tkullsw wsw ask your local dealer or writ fo thk couman laml 4v stove co lttf t04tomto i ohtajtlo umttjo of aprloou through siev or grind to max l cup pulp to remaining aprtoota add 1 cup sugar and m cup water boll gently 1 minute cool and ftod 1 ublaapoon lemon juloe uake 114 cups aauoe uajuhuaixow he cuake 1 pu 3 eggs 4 tsumaapoona cornstarch cup augar 1 cup orange juloe 1 tahleepoon lemon juloe 1 teaspoon grated orange rind h cup wut 3 tihleepnnne butter 1 doaen marihmaliowe beat egg yolks uut cornstarcb and sugar combine all ingredient eaoept inahmaliow cook tn doubt boiler is mlnr- raid in the inarshmal iowa out in small pleoee ooot place in baked pit shell cover with merin gue mad of white of agga and 3 tahleerwwsiia auger and brown ailghuy in a alow oven a wu1t cup a sauad a uvamtaok and a dksfcluly when next you market buy more oeangau than usual try on or more of those unusual recipes i iu4 praucaf berve 44 peel orange removing akin down to juicy pulp cut out segment free from membrane combine 1 cup orang aegmenta 4 cup orange juice i cup long deader pieces of redsklnn cd apple lunpeeted h cup shredded date 3 ubieepoons each of lemon juice and augar 8erwvery oold for anneilur or deaaert winter ateae flalai on individual salad plate arrange a wreath of curly endive or lottuce luiru center plate with a amal mold of cranberry jelly circle jety mold wiin a double row ol orange half auoe or segment arranged to simulate a rase berve with a eweet trench dreading orauge ptu tbcrvee 1 i egg eup orange juice 3 teaspoon augar deal egg white eiut beat in yolk and orange juloe in which sugar has been dissolved serve in a large glau with ice to chill if dealred the egg make thle drink ttciirlihlng and grvee it a dajjgtotiul nufflne utat make it a favorite rival with children for the drugatore soda drinks xt it tuumuent for a breakfast drink or for tnklwej sstrvmg variation m a nuuh and h into uw ecf whit tnerlngtie before aum tbg omlsgal juhhi bake aaej raarias serve 0j 6 baaing applee beedlm ralslna cup orange juloe 3 tablrspooru sugar oronar alien sugar water quickcooking tapioca core npiilra leaving cavity at stem end stun cavities with raisins add sugar to orange juloe and fill any remaining siuce in csvltlr with thk covrr cavities each with orange slice dipped in sugar add enough water to remaining sugar and orange jutoe mixture to nil pan ho if way add 3 tablrspoons quick cooking taptoca to each cup water used putuzv bite of orang alios also bee eta applee fas pan bake until apple are tetvkr the orange make a vary prwtty garnish for uu appiae and add a delightful flavor lemon slice and lemon julea may be used in place of orang in vhttt case more sugar will be m4dd uppish youth trying to b la- presslv at dance there s a daueious sense of luxury whan one i lying in on bed and ringing on biu for on a valet sweet young thlngjlsv you a valet upptih youth ha but i tuw a bell most imperially conducted tho upuia und ue crew the ahlda doctor and mote partuulaily tbo ithully niotuerly auwardeasea of the canadian i fialhe tiiriav mann lure ul bluriwl ih n runihnii itr ii fl wf monitlure ull sliarul the rtsdonslblllty of wojianyssijjlg thf recent tranuatlontlc journey of uary ttitalln haw ivrwiiirs mary iaiollu hu- sik mimitti of very ictlja ufj biriat ssstnv bun uihiieii of tlio montelarea paraounal for liuayppy year to ioiin ihe journey wg necessary because liasytowia la inollr- urb aid hnr faihor polar oarr of ilalifas tjjowuuktto ihiii w uu bin lutiy daughlor yielded in bl to at aus to thkjsilsia

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