Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 23, 1934, p. 4

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pkg4 tne georgetown herald wednesday evening may 23rj 1934 the voters lists act referred lo in section 88 notice of sittings ol revising officers take notice that sitting of the revising oftccrt for the purpose of heunng complaints or appeals with rcftrrj to the voters it a to be used at the election of a member of the assembly pending for the electoral dtv- trict of hal ton will be held at the following times and places namely ay tux council chaiiuttt iw tul yoww o oakwlfk oh htuiuxuy the win of uay 1m4 to twor aplauiu wio the lut of vow for all lulling umiivuu in ute euld wa lew dy for nling appeal mrd uay lfcm ay ytoz totomuilip uall itf tk townim ofr y1aau1ak amd u uu oyang 1uu lireal on uorysuy uie 50- day c uy is to hear complaint a to the liu of voun for all jelling buuuvukuu in the aid township laut day for fljuig oppal ui uay im4 ay the yowmiwi mall iw tht township oe natluaoawlva oo tuwuy the sdth of ttay 1614 lo twtar complaint as to uie li t of voters for ail the olllng bauuvlaion m the uid township liut day far filing appeal mlh uy 1wl ay k yowmutuir uall im fuh to ww kill f o nalfcow om wdafuuy the soth of uay lm to twar couiiiuint u to the liu of voters fur all the ktflliig bubdlvulaai to ui kaud uwnaliip la t dy lor riling appeals hui uay lftm ay tub town liaiu im ytii town of htajjuofow om thurik7 tiw list day of uay i6j4 to hear complaint a to lite llu of voter for all foiling uuudivuoon tn the said 1011 lou day for filing fcptal lerth uay 1u4 mjuak mlmtto well u ym luvuino tv1ctj ay kacw or those aw mimic pall tif btftrttoiwj and hla clerk vlu be ir oak vule t il uycr who odd i oakvtlie out fur traiajgar k j jms whoae addras 1 tumjup luti trafalgar onl for was tuwrya joan uejshall whose adds uk it ho i cvjupuuvlue for emuon jolin a willi vho add it il h ka i wvmn for uuxungton j j lklion 1kw sjwj4 u lluruntoo oat ay yw council cuauskh in yu yown op u1lyom on mom day ui salit of uay 16m lo ikuir coaiiwalnu a lo uli liu of votrra for ail ukt foiling uuullvuiona tn ul tud town last day for filing attthau uay uut ltd ay yftit town ualu in the village ot acton on yled4y in sso of uay 1bii to tkrar tmi plaint aa to uvr lut of voura for ail ut poliing bubdlvuiona tn thr taid vulaa of acton and for that tart of tiia towiuhlp of equailait adiactot to uld vtllasa ibut not tnudvd thcrrln and known aj itwdmar cmotm lsoi day fur oilna aptau uay fain ifcu ay the towniiuip uall in tue yownsuit op eul1uino and ax b vovn lfail in olm wuuama on wdnudiy tla kui day of uay 1144 to jtror coroplionu aa to tii liu of voura for all tha culna bundlvuiona ut the utd lonuhlp ukorot ktoardaor cft- canu lut day for ftllna appriia uay mth 1u at tux council chaueeh in tue town op gkokoetown om tiuiiwlay uap liu day of luy 1w4 lo hear awtualnu aa to lha lut of vours for ail tha ihulins uuldivuiuna tn in aaid town laat day for filing anpraia uay 3aui ujl w l dicm ewj will h the kkvimno opplckia ay each w thau four lau mrnuonrd munlclpalltlea and till clark will b for uillon oo a itrmurut situ addreu u ullton onl for arton il h parmrr wliot addmia la acton oct for k l u iwnnatt vho addnta u orornvtoaoi ocu for oaorgtuwn p 11 itarruon what addrru u ororsetown oru eaxj titling will commrncv at tuna o clock tn ihr foirnoon and will coaltnuc unill the appeal have bera tllxpotm of lat uronla and gltti wlluama at uuw o clock in he afternoon or ao aoon tiureafur a pa alh t if nacfcxary night alulng will b hrld al rach of the abovr nam ed plirrn hrttitfn tho hour of aevrn and nln o clock pm euandard tima to apply in ail car and further talta notice that any voter wno dvalrra to camp aln that hu or her name or t name of any panon enlitlm to be entered on the aald hit has born omltled from the iuv or that the nanva of any penona who are not antulml lo be voters hat been entrrd thereon may on or be ore thr dates respectively above wt out apply complain or appeal to have ms name or lite name of any other penvon en tered on or removed from the list and further take notice that tuch appoal must be by notice in writing in the prxucrlbrd form signed by the complainant in duiijcatt and glvvn to uie clerk of the itnsulng omoer or left fur him at hu addreaa a atolad abovr and turtlwr taki hhinr tl at tltr voters lit to br rrtluxl urr ukupt of 103 for oukvliu and lur all oun r muiuclttalltus ho ol iluj all apjtcal khuuld u nuulc lor nnjxiiu- rtillluxl tu vol- ul hat i ume dor not ut pear in iuu i or iat iii of tl uld vom lu w n munro clialrmun of tlw election hoard tv thr cotu ty of halum dated at mulon thu 17th day of uay aj 1034 a chllfcb rvlaykk lord kp my tnusuny alrona and taoll and daddy too but do not uh that tt u tie whom i lova ukt bwkmt ob who thy aay la tha pft hot tsrcauw h plays and wlu to thluk willi tamtamy juu llki dianoiul rtnas and prtu gay and popl qur proni humour on throughout the yvar wlien i grav up i prottdj- you thai i u be good and itronf and true ktvp ue from pulling his tiair and atuking ptna on teaxhera chair uake me bvore willing lo obey wlien x am told i cannot pay with other chudjvn on tha mr- hot cwn aa a wfcly tat and uiu u all 1 have to aay oh ya do tni my uxcky lay another egg for dddy ovj vor ihr u sometlmu oh u ejurr and jut wont lay or tne at all do make the tooan come out and fall acttm toy bd and nidij my fare and buke it tivumt ik allwr uc buy fastgrowing chicks chick latched in late way and june have got to be t ktra vlgorti and mini ink uroaina if tlte pullru are uina to uht uu many high priced euga in november and deormbcr if vuu buy lo growing chicks al this time or tar you cant hope for much pall egg money dray foundation oracle pullet from our earlier haiclic weigh up to 3u lb cacr al 14 weeka old that kind of growth gives you fully matured la era at 5 months old write ua for full particulars and our reduced prices or call on tha manager of the bray llaichery tn your district bray chick hatchery u cuftaril ahu u fulhtuii ox afut a o bjtoww hhi eight dived euhtn yr dkiadtbuiilxtn year oovimnlnt quick heat on cold mornmc jtuady even neat all day tor hhio coal countuv school ticeits all uw little ctuldfrn catu running ovtr the hill and one tv d ciulu of a o and oru bad hiif of a curfudil aluj one tuvd plu ktl ol the brauu- gretii and bound about hjr head and on a aaik as a llonuiry cjuld ajwj uu vote a fiock of k4 hit lun stood up and alkook t louelf in a godn wuknt mirth tlw nado luk to lattiven wnl and tbe ruui went lo earth tlw u us into a ortrf nw amj thr uutkr sought hi lair with ir fti of uw utib cfuuron running beautiful usny bar thr wind tn rhythmic tuir pjitd utftr hair tn honeyid uranda ttu bniuul the silk of ih ihuiie bloom wlir livelr ar hying liand and all uke twet of the vorld mat them and took ihrir beaixb a ay the laugtiing breath of tha lutie childrrti hurrjmg out lo play and could it be in their merry chat that i caught tha flash of wing and haard the whufwr of holy voice telling thrm happy thing or why by the balm o oil ad uu did i alt ao hushad and still por tha uuia children ooda uttia children running over tha hill anna bulharland firat fii eaay hx wctu cooltalt by slk joam youmo ot okoisoktowm ly tvaaons far thinking thai young ptxtpla who amoka cleru are prtudiog thalr taonay fooluhly tobcco u one thii thai can do no gaod lo any one no maiur what tha tool coilbxquenlly u touu la harm ul to uw unjfcrr indwd tha oniy prciltwra of ue builnaa are uke planter and tobaoconlu uoney la very fccaro now aikd no oiw cji afford to bum u when you bjoakci this vifv of tha aubbt unokera uiey laugh vou to uorn and uu you to slop wcturtng however lilmci tt mui touclkta a uauli cigarette lie may not naiia thai lie i sending up lu amoke enough taoney to buy a loaf of brd or a pint of mik htcji vould do him or aotnr iudy perum i great dal of good tunvatb in ajamir to a cuiiii at u wry tluy taicwt tvply gkuy that ojy xlt a grvat dwl of fcxulct fn and piiiu from uux lit tie pocl cf tobacco v rapped to papr tobacco tualui gtat lkoia in uv pocket bock but this is not tha only t4y in which it do harm the heart mf o ualio phiri itoniu lta w n bdy no athwte can unoka and hop to m the game tlw snulle jraduujy eakani lle ilrrngtti of tha iwart xnd uie auilvle suififfs from a pain u uu tide ilw lung aln aiwj wry importknl liana titfae to aja bidly daimagvd by tobacco smoke the del ol tke air u u bumd this pvo uuti an annoying cough and tlfkbr torrfct lreaihing no one raiw to havp aaoker naar th m for tua clotba are offmsjw anu tlw smoke when uown in the c 1 host lumaitlng no oiiv can ruk the unr of poor 1 talih ot any time ajad at tha ptiwlt no one care lo spnd money on doctors bill utaiue of aoav peraons r luiineaa lven if iflflu famoua betuiwrs uv llnl uie country over warning nople c thru- deadly enemies tobaoto there are bound to lie some stubborn neope tio aould not heed the warning aid drtve ihemielve lo datructlon it u kald that if you give a man enough i up he will hang litaualf thi is fchal most smokers find out sooner or later because if he can l take a vim- tug lie mint find out by aiptrirtcf knees would let h dow rhetimaliam for 12 yrt hvre u a letter that gor to prow that even rtkeumalum of long stand ing can be te uwj by the light tnalment i tiave bti a turferer from ihru- ittaxlm for tome 13 lo 14 yar now and have fooiiaiily lakmi no stapa to relieve it uy parucuur form of rtumatuu mard to take uw u out of uy hand and ki tto utter would uhaovfuy give way sd ul toe down unuva s ch or table seie handy all at once i ovutmln- rd lo give kruschen ball a trial a bona tide trial nd now i fl e rrcaied being i can acarcely bilwv tiiat so alvort a time ago i waa bobtv luig along with a stick- tilt u- l krtwhrn i tffecuvv 4lnu rhi- mauun bftaua lu sia lt t the liver and kkdny u regular az- tum writ uteae organ ih work ing ewclfhtly ihry rtd the body of tiuv uric acid and when urtfl 6ld to uukie aclws and pilna so uw -r- scout news news and hfcnuiioo fwlnabasy fi tut una john mcdonald queen street georgetown suiimier millinery the very utett ttylei in cfte hell raduv wear leghomi and fancy mohair brand at loweit price misses claridge herald block uothlre gemown i had the ikonor once to be owned by a dug 11 wa an triui setter i ac- qulrod lhl dog whin he tu a puppy and sought to prove my tlwugtt theory which 1 have uld many war and in which i am a llrra be liever and x believe txorc of my read era will rvcail in unlr own ehperunoaa proofs that to them are positive this animal answered to the name of ilovcr in hi training i took great care always to treat him kindly of a whip he was ignorant x talked to him a i woutd to a human being when he did well i praised hlm when he o al fault x sought reason wllh him never wm he mal treated on the throry that he could be rraaoncxl wllh x began at an early age to impress upon him ab solute obedience he would make mistakes in his training now and then but a human being ftho u supposed to poscsa intelrct does ifli hy then should a dog u crltlsod if he loo oc caslonalty errv in being uughtr under my kindly treatment ihe dog devel inl fthat i then claimed and till claim to be great inuulgenor often uhrn afield ftllh my dog 1 uholly unknown to him dropped a liontlkerihuf and oontlnulng on fur ful y half a mile have called the dog to me and whlperrd in his tar con idem tally ilovcr master ha dropped his tiaivd kerchief bomrwhere back there alll vou find it for me without hesitation hover would take the back truck and shortly after uould come bounding back holding the liandki rrhief in hla mouu al turns i ould vary the eiperl- nunt by dropping some other object telling the dog the object wanled alas lie would search and return lo mr uie article i had asked him to find often in the presence of wltneiaes i have hidden a ball or any other ob ject in a room of which the dog had no knowledge perhap had never be fore btxn in that house using brought in from a neighboring room i have told the dog rover in thl room somewhere there u a bail or what ever it was x desired him to find that master ha hidden plnd it and bring it to met within a short time uu desired article would be found by ilovxr and brought to me he knew the value of money to a certain eatent often in the presence of wltnesatr i have taken a small coin and a larger coin and showing to him both coin would aay hover here are two plroee of money which of the would buy you the larger piece of meat concealing the money lr my hand behind me and then bring ing them forward x would aay oome now pick out the money that will buy the most meat i the dog would anlff at each hand and finally try with hi teeth to open the hand holding the coin of hlghteal value i have varied this by subsutut- ing a dollar bill for a half dollar piece a quarter for a nickel invsui- ithly the result would be the same to further prove uu dog power of thought let me illustrate it tn nolher way i wax on th repartortal staff of a morning newspaper my assignment route covvred police head quarters municipal department in cluding fire and city hall and at times various banquet and the taking ol public kpeechos on varied occasion it i important that a man covering such assignment at night should be within ready touch of the city deak that his city or night odltor might in an emergency reach him promptly on the nightly round my dog rover wu almost my shadow he waa known to the head of all tre municipal department from dally or nightly aavaclation with me around hi neck was fastened a small runner pouch often i have put manuscript tn thl pouch and told the dog to de liver it ut uie newspaper office al- waya he wav faithful in carrying out instruction on reaching the omoe he would report to the city desk never loitering on the way to the city ed itor he would give a subdued bark for recognition on the copy being re moved and the command oo back to your mailer being given the dog would give on impatient bark a though there hod been an omualon finally the city editor would remark oh you are awaiting your ok t i that it a bark in acknowledg ment uie placing of tlie ox in uie pouch and away would bound tn dog but never without that ojc of acknowledgment of a faithful pre- fortnonob of duty wlterever x might tiave gone that knowing dog would search me out ready for further cerv ine it mattered not where x went that dog always found me and in aisled on my removing from hla pouch uie ox which signified duty he hod performed a per initiations given htm william henry spear ould over frod uu w lut pvlday ewntng the pened wiut an almou prfi ikunc and at eight o clock uk lutenwy prayr and tuj4eak wok the detacue lining nuc a an fcddvl altruiiott to u utnrral inspection m special hauikr- ftuf inspirtloo wav heed and uv kprtioitfi dlhui vrbnl in coir from tualng while to ucfc wllh h- low strip however since ckranuiwks bj tt object of the oflcaakwi the other details wr fortunauty owr- lockid this t en t waa folkd fay ait setting game of patro wuy tn utilcti keen eomphluon waa dilal a this stag of th ttfehlog the ikotuers enuiuaisxm bvme so gjvu trat several uaufaaa tn hi hip tand- krrchlrf pocket wffe igsuul uow- rvrr when ft thin column of smoke was urn liulng from uw said trouaer pocket the trouble was aooa siwtud and the fire put out with no rlou result the palrots utn ntlrws to ihctr comers rurw fifuaa tal arrw spent on tenderfoot uu at uu conclusion of tlvr comer shirnn th patrol complied in a game the objact being to determine who bat kiwe tha composition and history of our imsod jack thu event u won by the poaea sir tn aiiaou full bufibaf svvpt everything before tham a humerou gam of storyulllng nlfcy brought back from th oueltjt 6q6 ference by our daugauet vaa than played and the ucouu caetalnly an- juyivd taking port in it the last fif teen minute of the ctng wre pent arouikd wttat le hopd to be our last indoor council fir and judg ing by rati miasm put into the ting ing this phase of the program wa a big suecet the meeting dod at 030 aith the lowering of the bag mid the boys left for home after an orderly cusmilsal the troop ha now reached a ms- berahlp of twelve boy which wa our objective since we again nuur on xlay snt and the uooutar vtshaa to announce that for the neat four weak no new application for inabarfalp can possibly be accepted hlnor spring i here and camping days are not ao far away every scout k very analou to get for himself ft full uniform bo if there ore any ctiiaen of oeorgetown who haw any articles of scout uniform for gale please notify the booutmaater or one of the boy so that it will not be necevsary for the scout to watt for new ones from headquarters m i h g iikmajt rsra we the altuaikm of the farm wu la ofun tike factor which daurmliw whether the family will have pur and whnuiotw water to drtnk or water thai u unsanitary pvoung dlswsve it u dairable to tocu uw well iso th from any wjitfi unnta aucb a the barn unutd lukl or cun avtic lank ootn dm roda fesrtaa hrapa or ra sway txxti the dilling house where wast water may be thrown out or where uw may be poultry run or dog kmnel iwfc ha m iw pj a tke according to the rvrtlnlort aplarlu uore ejolonka of ui are la during the lavldr part of uarch and tiuough- out apru than at say other partod of the yj sisaply ucla of aurvatiort una be are frtt etvmgh food in uie fail to fairy uwot through unui ua fuaiowlitg aprtnf provkud urf winter u taot too wre and the sprttig hore ywld iiy but tauny do not live to the nowtr baoom the wtour of ikum hae bn long tuady and smfe and aprtng peomlw to be very late la snany plsvta there- or the keeoi of bej u wll gdvlied u ft uj the food uptaly of the ujs and be vwmiwd to suttplmeiu tl u fcoofl a evr wmir cvditkatki will fkrmlt k- q i baw kiw cwi early tta onion being long s jon crop ivquirx lo he sovn a arty in uw lietng a soil and vaiher bonditloa ul perttit kwly sowing ensures the plant brjomtng well wiubuhd he ore the dry hot weather oocura por short uasoo qacttane gdvii the dominion rtoruculturia use earir put hj or put yjiow dnwra and for tbtka fegtone whee the tatir ma luring varwua do well ue lai- ued weirr4ukt or ilouthnort tted olobe and for wuov srwtie yeuor dan- vera or tuuthport ylk olobe ltaiiy wet ccra brtngs the bast price hence the toioslnae of plant ing aa early a ryej1ril frkfhifol towtnge made u huervals cf uo dy aph tn the uai neid u ft eac of having the first jfy corn bhouid uve aat ttrlf turrij the woood and third puntinaw con be hod out or oo the other tkmnd should the first pjjttfikj be klued by frost th third or fourth ptsjtlnj may dwwiop un- blmpeewd did vou cvu stop to think dy edson ft waiu shawnee olksv bom men should quit hunting aultv in oilier people until they first corrvot their own fault every wide awake butinea man your city ha a dwire to see your city grow and keep on growing help tlvrm carry that dealre lo a successful conclusion all public official should be above uipicton and beyond reproach aihiroach new i pa per advertlving la the breatr of life of a buslnea beklshness will hold back progres your home town need you just a much aa you need it your success de pendi upon it luccat oprnhanded deailngrt should bv tmpiord on ail public question ame and small which may arts it is easier lo tear down business than to build it some basin vs con rrmi seem to take the eaay route borne of our politician seem to think they know it all but do theyt every city has a few urujerminera ahose claas should be cut ullltary and naval preparedneaa should inspire confidence not ner vouaneas uost cities are grooming themselves to enter a new era of progress they will be urprlsed to see what they can do when they lry john oar land pollard saya buooras in government depends largely on the selection of officials with the will and ability to preform great task government is not automatic it must be run by human being it plan may be perfect but if ad ministered by the inefficient men it 11 1 fall oood government therefore u largely a matter of personnel it is well that w arould he giving cur attention lo improving the mech anism or our government but all our work wu come to naught unless efflc lent men are choen for office tho government will never be any more efficient than the men who ad minister it orange pekoe blend salada trt ji from at giftjem cetrraftmile excursions to western canada and the pacific const rftom all f6mts im the east going datesjune 1030 inclusive tkwj vlld tot mura to taacb ehtiaalfctartina- tjnt wilma 45 da boa data ot ula iaclualva rl lxnilmitiam ljf tl twtjuutua chjuimakdrfimwnblfi b btlj la tfmiulut btmwl rilnl klll aaa itorovm mwrrid co trafa sttopuotul rooua canadian national hsvi wife the new washwoman stolen two of our towels hubby the thief i which dear wife the one we got from hotel xrlnoe edward in toronto nrtde 4md i appear nervous dur ing the ceremony r urldeamald a little at first but not alter rrd told ye neighbor why are you utufig your son study those dead language at college 7 fairer ira eipectlng to make on undertaker out of him xattue junior on return from den tin the doctor told me before h began that if x acreomed cried or hollerad 11 would coat me s dollar and if i wa a good boy it would only cost me m cent hit mother did you tcieajn darting junior how could it you only gave me to cent xjule o race why are there no marriage tn heaven daddy ejeorf daddy after ateaithy alone s round because that would tut be heaven my dear teacher who can tell me what the farmer ruler of xuiseta wu oali- edt- ouasiln unlott twar teacher oorreot and what wag hi wife ciledt ola laertns teacher what were the tra children ceiled t there wo pause and then ft timid volce tn the rear piped up taardine iwis oood aou la the ottawa votwy ore cacahie of produciiaf fine crone of alfalfa stzpjhmala over a pwtod of war on the rvenlnlna esrtmcnlal rarm ahor that aifaif i ml- ture which onuin alfalfa have given much largw yulde than hn the al falfa wm not hvltled the lullng value ho also ba eonaitwuhly tn ltwd the inrtuiinn of or pound of alfalfa ad in the umothy rd clover oiuke muture it wu worth while and ihouid be adopad a a regular prihlw tne beat vxtu- use or ooiaho vorwtud and cana dian grown orfeaed oaaeawtaag faiis orase ocueb or quact tras pwwieiu a wry sertcue prohlem tn eteutera oanada expertment have shown that plough ing a arty in the summer a the crop can be ranioeed exiitiming the land during the fell and wploughing fust before the ground freii eon- sutuu a wy satisfactory metohd of control if this fmucedur can be followed the next year by a euiuvmted crop or a smother ceoet fxacticeiiy onnspute aredteation will be acuri it i aurpruftg and riijheertening sometimee to bd that oueh grwu win nertut een arttr eaniirabie work he btn done on the land however when right method are fol lowed and prtvtod ninkniriir dry weather la eajoyvd compute auocee may be aeeured in weatarn riml the ajjplicataon of commarcjaj fertl- liaera wttfj ft eoahination fartiiiair and grain drill ha proved very tfc- uve in ecjairolltng many wad th vy wouwtot your mother be awfully angry if she saw you to that toast fasuhme auttf the las should say so ill hare a ecesorue i an agrament by which both poruee at what neither of than wanted when yeu finally land tha jet youve hmmn mtimt and things leek much brighter and yeur feeling happy tall yeur family ty lang dnttutea it will mstia ham happy tee wc 1 luwt cm hlp vtnua imuuw bt y tiuphoo lonf dbunc uw yoa hr yoa wtnl to go qojckjy drpaodabl icoaoaikily 100 mlua or u lor uttu u uc ftw nh la iba iroal ol yoor durmlory n a robinson live stock dealer and butcher norval live stock trucking all toade fully insured phonei geortetowa 101 is so live that none or your klnafolk will deny uu wltkmili milt aeail mitm tlswiv owrl auguirg lagemla llf kg uiturlly the sveeuet tawwevitasat avet oasdetaiodffaelaiaeail preetacag a bead el elwfafci eauaetve mass i co leel eeee ep k l wteeefeaealeausalsasl 1 sahe ftmeege eaatlag eleeiv ask tmar gii to akaw vh tie tsar ui sw vawsthtsw laaltir al ssafts aw ttaueaval plstfii ikal hajal vail siltlk ekaaaaajaaue mhsaws m siili lag i-s- a eaaltar aaee ask your local dealer er write to the coleman lamp fr stove co ua yoaomto i htauo miit ound ljanking protects the community the rinlc of montreal works construaively and conservatively for the protection of its depositors and the community as a whole because the bjnk has for more than a cen tury endeavoured 10 do this it has come to be regarded throughout the length and breadth of the dominion as a sound safe and friendly institution make the nearest branch your bonking head- quarters a place to which you can go regularly to transact your banking affairs to obtain information and to discuss with the manager your plans and problems modi1rn cfpicibnt hanking service tht outcomt of 116 ytjrt sucasiful optratitu bank of montreal riubllihcd 1ui7 total abblits in txceis of 750000000 georgetown brauchi j r smith iwaxay

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