Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 4, 1934, p. 4

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pc4 tko geugetovm htnu wednesday evening july 4th 1934 buy finest quality salam frtafc frem gtttlw ctmtafclile round trip bakgjuh rs sat july 14 georgetown jij wifcij auzli iusl- ftuf0 au twu t ktiitrtavlmtvf tum rutt4u canadian national ttfcro ccenf tw touru ornt im u all aboard falmersten listowell wingham kincardine orangeville owen sound london windsor and inurtnediau polnti detroit port huron and nortwa michigan reasonable fares crop report kfcw will be found a faruf tyeec- fcl of uuaphie reports rrtd mi th id oom of the bank of uoti- uvsl frort 1u urattclv ortwrkl kiln tisve bftn practi cally yttunl in the jtairto provinces during the pau two day the pripi- latlon utns particularly heavy throughout fiakairliwan and houth- rm wbrfrta ttiw rains haw ful- lord a trtk of cool airnt and catured uumyrs condition thai uii ucii umflfial to th crotw uhlrh enrrauy h aiv making hatufarioy prwreu graaahoptwfs at numvium and arc tllu a bwntm hut uond umv datag jifpofted in uuuthfin lutkaulwwan and manitoba th destruction ol crop by tltt prali lias not w ax bn wrvju in qu- u all crop nave responded to fav- ourau fetatltfr and axe ahowtng liealthy growth- in oauno rnl rains have improved crop fwraijy and hw revived grou paatuwa throughout the itovtne in the uaruiw prevlnoa the ground eoo- ulft udw nvolsture- ad warm blhr u no nw4ad in ftrtutii celumhi good trowifig conditions contiiiu aad in but outrlfta thrw u luttlflrat fcrtoutut or prnrdt qulivounu oiitaxto cutting of tluwr and alflfa hat romnwtirj indu-a- tkwi panu to a light harwt vail mwdl kiuar utumtory srowu bui rrap l wry tutty ku and haiwy bji uiinf out and atftwjv yulds ar anurliuud com tia witw ood pnifu iloou aj dotng u iwrturularly eut ypotatoi btikti bw lndkalluti ul a iruod yuld hoiall trulu jitwftl frcaa ttu- early drought andi4rabtrru htfh ai now biuig tukd ry much blow vni 1- nato punta vhlr4i rulid tii- atu wpianunf aw ik gnmutg rapid ly tijjaxo ounu 1u lavnliad iron rrtit ihorni and iho lair prowj liur trip trup u prouta- tng brttrr tlun antuipald arur hi b w4aoi1 oumv llay urul in all irfrtkjn- of the prmlncw hat loiprotd a a rsault o rfwnt rains and a fair enm u runr in prupjvt- ottu puturra arr in food tondlikvi grain lav4 avr- mlnaiod rll and arr prufrraalng aat- ufartoruy thrrr u tuttrint mou- turr tn thr ground but wires watlwr l nal to aumulattr srovtn trw apou crop u htirly to b snail a good yirld of ttraartwrrua u indifai- m and othrr tmill trull tiav bloa- onvnl u root crop arr ptograu- tag uiufactorjy pouioaa nartlcularly bring vu adtancad ticketa and information longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown otilral ontario bos lines limited john mcdonald queen street georgetown mill lblhaasbmhafimafemssmnmimaibbhbhavaebxa all straw hats soc and 100 misses claridge herald block ufui gwtowti jul llini it wu awtroachlna midnight and the young man still hovered around the door the atluneu wa suddenly ahatter- d by t loud crush upstalrt orwloua dear aaul tlu klmld twin what could that bat oh rdpum the miss thats just papa dropping a hint foot caring ojk owen at her ant roatball b4n oh isnt it awful why key will kill that poor boy under neath daughter dont be silly mother i ito doeant mhid it hes uucotuclous by this time vau eon always tell he henpecked husband ii u the one who u given that blue iky places to wotk la the jjg saw thiatle noli to parents you wtre the same kind of idmt ai 10 and look how well you turned oul dont you find it hard to rru expetuxsf ilardt man alive i meet c pensea every time i turn around man id hale to have a bunch of poor relations blow in on me neighbor vehl ivt a heap father have a bunch of rich ones blow in their money on me doctor your husband is very 111 you must take every precaution wife yes doctor t will cancel tlie order for my new dress at once the ttoldeti wedding is one happy event that money wont buy tt woud practically at err wtkly ntwipaprr in canada is troubud lh days with fcubacrtptlan onvars il pftarnu a ral probum jum a doa the coluc- i ton of old bills in many othr unea of busintaa- it u uid a kly edi tor tn ontario bfcama suddenly fd up with hie iubh4rrtpuon arrvaai hlch were steadily piling up and 6- cklml to tatf a uule anion into his paptr ha put an un unbr a lit heading- notlot the turn was to the effect that a orrteln marrud man tn town had tn aen kiulng a xung girl this certain morrud man wa asy brhlnd in his uuiartipttoa to the panrr and if he did not com in and py it up stated the item the editor mould be obliged to print the farts- the paper cam out in the morning thai afternoon a man cam tn and paid his subscription arreart in full the next morning about tvelv or fifteen more marrud men come tn some of whom not only paid their aubtcnpuoa tn full but at to paid three and four years in ad vane try thai on your piano h ere an dthe b h rmpreu of japan arrived at victoria recently with on or the larcrit paasensrr hits to the past three jure there was a tout of 677 from lbt cytent and honolulu the liner wu also baavtly booked for ibo weitbnund trip from vadcouver and victo ria rpeaklng at toronto reoenlly before members of the interna tional ilulldlok owe era and uonjurare assorlatloo 11 w ileatly kc chairman and preel- dent or the oanadub wrtfle railway doubted the wisdom of too elaborate plana in e tn oa- tloaal economics ur lieetty did not think the present system of society was wrong except in the way in which it ta applied the canadian pacific railway will celebrate the fiftieth eont- veraary or the completion of its transcontinental line next year it was november t 1b15 that donald a smith later ixrd atratbeona drove the lost spike at cralgellocble joining east to wast and atlantic to patlfte hon charles a dunning vice- president and general manager of the belgnlory club uonle- bello quebec has been elected a director of da relays rank can ada the former federal min ister of plnanee ij also president of the ontario equitable life in- u ranee company after one ot the moat remark- ebu and successful meeting ever held by a rellgtou body the os ford group left the uanff springs hotel for the east itany of them sailed from quebec by 88 empress of australia for rog land the next house party will be held at oifnrd july 114 bpeaklng at ths admiral ileatty hotel balnt john hlr wlllum clark nrltlsh llluh comtnlsblnner to canada claimed that the real source of canadas trouble in connection with murks ting agri cultural produoo lay in the un economic aituinblfln of agricul tural production by industrial countries especially eonio of the larger kumpean rmintrlsa which er normally troponin aluslc mnonlluht glorious lake breeses with 60o mllo of bailing on the canadian paclfloe oroat lakes ships absinlbolno koow tin and manitoba are at the dis posal of passengers on the com panys llnoe this summer at low cost the offer promisee to be very alluring to canadians and visitors la the dominion as well quebec trovlnce u alive with fetes celebrations and gala events this year marking the anniversaries of some of the moat memorable events in its history among thorn and the most important is the 400th an niversary of lbs discovery of can ada by jacques cartler in july 15j4 a mediterranean africa south america cruise in the 83mmob liner empress of australia visit ing si porta in the mediterranean jvleatlne egypt kaut and bouth africa bouth america and the west indies will bo operated next winter it is announced by the canadian pacific ths cruise will take 08 days leaving new york january 18 u35 and returning there april u mo delays ho trouble drive in luy your tlr ftoj drive out wlih leifrt ou your wlui ytiiitm llm ut emd buut ecinuiuilc usy to luy tlrrri sav4 ou tit sutal ksiuuy drive in today ride home today on economy goodyear tires theres a goodyear dealer right here with complete stocks- ready to serve you the convenience of goodyear dealer service added to canadas most famous tires more people ride on goodyeors than on any other kind and they are economical tires no need to gamble on risky bargains the real bar gain is in goodyeors genuine guaranteed good- years for every make of car and at prices to suit your purse and prompt expert on-the- spot servlcel tires for cars trucks tractors fred sinclair phone 26 georgetown getting into ruth someone has said that the only difference between a rut and a grave la that the latter u a little deeper than the former that there la much wudom imbedded in the saying will be evident when we give the matter a little thought rule tend to get even deeper and getting out of them u likely to grow more and more dif ficult and keeping in them leas and leas satisfactory we ought really to try very hard not to get into ruts but the trouble is that this u always hard to do and u u hard for the very good reason that there are to many things which we learn to do well only as we do them according to a nxed or regular pattern or method and regularity and routine are very much given to the wearing of ruts somewhere occasionally even tn a mens soul por most of us it will take real if not heroic effort to keep out of ruu tome of them very dangerous ones to get into definition ii or home a london magazine aaked the ques tion what is home7 seven of the aruwero which the editor called genu were selected and published and are as follows homea world of strife shut out a world of love shut in home the place where the small are great and the great are imall home the fathers kingdom the mothers world and the childs para dise home the place where we grum ble the moat and are treated the best home the centre of our affection round which our hearts beat wuhos twine home the place where our sto machs get three square meals a day and our hearts a thousand home trie only place on earth where the faults and failures of hu manity are hidden under the sweet mantle of charity daughter mother shall i put the parrot on the bock porch tsher0uklnei no your fa ther urvahing the caf in the bock yard it is said that a new type of ban ana is being grown in trlndad one theory la that they are being fitted with nonaktd treads child discipline did you ever notice how easy it seenv for some grownup people who have had no personal experience with children ol their own to give advice on how a child should be raised we have and it always hit us as a joke we do not consider our- selves on authority but we do know that child discipline u important effects their disposition in later years children love and need compulsory regularity and their dependent nature demands the prop of good order an eight yrurold boy or girl will fight for things they ought not haw and demand their own way regardless of whether it is for ht or her benefit thu iccms to be natural but crratee aelflslincas it xhould be stopped however grownups or par ents must be juit do not condone faults and withhold nunhhment in the fear of alienating the childs love the ktrict parent is the kind parent btrkt discipline when lust and kindly docs not kill love children worship jus tic they resent unjust blame far more bitterly than jiui punishment flay fellows cxclnlms a high bchool or collegiate lad when chums urge him to lawless cwanadc if your fathers had uwmi the raxor strap the way mine did you would know betcr than to try that children may p a- test long and loudly against deirvtd punishment yet they lose all roinoct nay even fbel contempt far the parent or teacher who weakly yields he who rules justly and firmly gains not only respect but tailing affection while those who seek favour by truck ling usually overreach themselves haw often children are heard to toy 1 dont like the new teacher she lata us do as we pleate or a still worse indictment she pretended we knew our lessons when we didnt- pun ishment for noglect or refusal to obey is what shows a child that com mands are to be obeyed therefore the good mother enforces her com mands with the red u necessary that old saying spare the rod and spoil the child is mere truth than fiction newa-record- the approximate periods of inou- ballon of several spiecles of domes tic fowl are t- hen 31 slays partridge 34 days guinea fowl and pheasant7 days duck pea fowl and turkey tt days and oatriob 43 days uodern ftlafri bkain dr cyril uurt professor of pay- chology ot london university told student at graham college that the human brain kccm to be in decline there u no evidence that it u superior to the brain of paleolithic man he said and tt inherent capa city seems leas than it was a century ago dr hurt ridiculed the reputed reasoning powers of modern anlmou we read fascinating stories of the wonderful animals which according to their proud owners were more logical than human beings he said but the animal psychologist and that this la not so even the cleverest trick animals do not learn to perform by a pro cess of reasoning they learn by trial und error ultimately knowing that there te more pleasure in taking one course than another la he trustworthy tustworthyl why id trust him with my life vrs but how about money prince ol ferndale the registered clyesdale stallion no m43t will leave hts own stable on thursday morning and proceed to jack tumera lot 17 on the 6th une in nauagaweya for noon then to thomas mckerra lot fl on uie 1st line of ksqueslng for supper then home to lot ib con 4 eaquealng where lis will spend tfce holanoo of the season bumtrauee iim tfi down j ggilumeb preprute n a robinson live stock dealer and batcher nerval uve stock trucking all load fully limited phonei gcotown 101 is i ran mill and bum ttkfr qwa oil- light uttaalh uduuaoldfhmj riijai i bud l clmfbb im fn t mi tfifliij tgil 1 ft tillmhiilinn j u c ask your local dealer the coleman lamp stove co ui

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