Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 18, 1934, p. 4

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p4 th georgetown herald wednesday evening july i8li 1934 quality has no substitute saiada frk rom b grdw new beauty for your kitchen uw better cooked eoorjs for your table invocation o tliou who in love httuy 1uu wrought thl frultlul earth tlrtthd uito tnun thy glowing lire at miracle of birth who in the tremulous night doth gas down thro ll star strung part w ih clemency we i roy thw j wlgc our vagrant prnerw lieajt iijii la to urunuely composite ul evil and o goad hut enly tiiou can l lyeoiwlu il ewry errant mood w ih what of urinous mwnt hit rt 1 actum rum for with his feet nuj in the clay he fanu to mou i th alar o lord may try all lu o4m wuic t mouldi caih tlbrunt hour luliil in thr brauly of the davn a rouol of tliy povr ixad u frtm ou tlu darkling dptli untu ul las r ue ii w thy ut h i cur our clu i n ru rn o ttiutnii l j hunni nj witmth new vfto series insiaosgssl ranges aemt 1 taaiswar kuu j tw tuw 0w uu lwv i stv ifti hai tfcu tru i fcufti r buutw uj utui fc biult i rjm bahair aufc4 too4 iar fm uual tfc n mw luuuou ft if 4v ua ifaaa iws artf sull all ltu sttsja b4 tauall ftfl tak smat 6f frli uwmfj smul hit uu unmamkmcac aj tit lf erti mesjata ii ufrlu iv uf a attiw wrtw fad ferr afuti ww bahdafclu bur ctat faj 064 cfu jt pvu svtbat r-ua- ef uelaa but 04w hl 41a4riat- ttil w w c feftaur ksu wluutwy a tlaaaav taaftaary uwwut lp-tct- ifrjsjll ehi yy juf4y cuburasr vlv t w du1 1 caifcortw vtj t14 y- i e u jrv fltviv tii 66m vuu rwl conlrol ii hthdacaat gm laauiatly ffooi ey g4 grata of ua- tfauil mcoi foal ulkaa ikaaa latauatcu biaiu abiitr to oiunvlai kaa w bafona- sm a 8wlbu rittqt our storw ti couman lamp and st6vi coumny la t4wwt4 t eattuw sei your dealer hip oi fcvu to thimt u ia i it wn- tt fir itlua j imh tl aild uur 1m n fll4v will lm molil 1 u mil en payii ti a dollar fur ry hi y to i uoiu if nyii tiuy 11 ry li u lolka iuj fall tu jj i a mi i advtrturnufila tw i tlv7 awjl a r j d ui ll j u i ton liultr i ii tt r itlf j or mjit pouhry u you like it by iwtty barclay cykkrn when company cotneat of courtal but da not stick to frtd broilad or roaited chicken fwrva un tuuai chlclun duhra that u1 both plcaw and surpru bajum h ualt and pepptr la not enough taix a up from the rprt and odd a mil sugar not rncush to iwun but enough to brtnjr out thr full flavor ckltfcjn hnnm 1 youna chlcktn cup butter 1 flnaly cloppd onion 1 small carrot cut in cub 1 turnip cut in cub 1 cup canned tomator 1 laaipnnn sugar bik and ivppcr out up youna cnicn in quartars bprtrikw with salt and pepper dredge with flour and brown in salt pork fat put tn a baking uah with lha other ingradlenu and cook slowly in tho own untu th chkkan u tender barv tn th dim in which it was oookad maglftaa cfakitaa 4 to 6 pound lol 1 or ft potato 1 cup aaadlaas ralalns 3 cupa canned tomatoca butter 1 tabutpoon sugar a lauaapoona chopped onion 3 tabuipoons parsley hour bait and pepper fiuamar the fowl in a small quan tlty of salted wiur until tander lie mov from the broth bet the fowl aukl for stufnna to the chicken broth add th canned tomato sugar and th finely chopped mild onion lat tnla aauoe oook down in the tuaahume prcpara the stumng by cook lnf and niainlng the potatoes and adding to them th rauln and enough twtik to mak the nuxture the stln naia of ordinary mashed potato stuff this whll still hot into the body cavity and neck of the fowl ctowd tn all the autfflng possible your little melted buttrr over the ehfefcan put it in the oven to brown ttltakan ha tomato sauce to the con tiatanoy of a gravy and add 3 or 3 ufelmpoon of finely chopped parsley and green pepper u desired when th cmckan and th surface of the potato atumng have become delicately brown plaoe on a large hot plater jour part of the sauce around the chicken and urve at once coitob ice cream k pint milk pint heavy cream 1 package powder for coffee junket small pinch of salt tit desired warm milk to lukewarm about 110 dagree p not hot remove from stove add powder for coffee junket aud small pinch of salt if dealred btlr not more than one minute pour immediately into refrigerator tray let auod undlitrlbuutd in room until arm and cool about un minutes whip cram and atlr into junket ptaco h freemlng oompartment in tlie refrl otmtor at oa cold a temperature as uoeslble when partly frown it will belhlck around the edges scrape from the sides and bottom of the pan and than beat the contents up in a wfrlgeratar trap quickly with a fork or urge spoon and place tn reiriger- ator to finish freetlng lamb ohaw wlils orange serve 0 lamb veal or pork chop kaalutd butter blloed orange bait pepper and paprika trim fat from thick chops and dip la melted butter ou brolelr weu and broil chop t minute yum and ulaoa thick alloe of peeled orange on c46to chop brou s or 10 minutes ioiicr bphnkie lenerously with the arnuoripf- berve hot irtal oranit c iunra i 3 tablupoons grlatlne 4 tablrapooru cold atrr 3 cupa orange julrv cup sugar 3 tablespoon vrmon julor 1 cup orange pleon mint sprig let gelatine stand in cold waur 3 minute llrat i cup of ttur orange j lice ottr hot aur add oelatlne and augar otlr until duolved oool add rvat of irult julor chill aevera hour itlrrlng occatlonally add orange t brve lor cold a first course uay garner nb mint rlng kacii 310bn1no tlomeone ha written a book on uic ueglna at porty i rise to of fer a substitute- title ur author life begin loch iteming whether one i tsrnty forty or alxty whether one ha aucoreded failed or jut muddled along whether yesterday was full of sun or storm or one of those dull day with no weather at ull life begins each morning life u a day this day au past days arc gone beyond reviving au days that still may come for you or me arc veiled in the great mystery and for all we know there may not be another for cither of us thfre- fore thl day u lite and life begin anew with it there la no atntod age or period of whirl ll can be said here ts the dawn of life day today is the dawn of that day take and use tt aa best you can or as you choate it u your life and if you prefer to loll it away or waste it that la your prlv urge though it be unwise and un profitable however you nave uwd gone day you can start ufreah each morning if you m desire you can use this day for oonsohdatlng put gains of aplrlt brain and hand or vou can use it for tearing down the old structure of wlf and laying the foundation for a new building each night of life l a well bctecn today and the pat each morning u the open door to a new world new vils new ulm new trying the greatest fact in life la thl that it never i ton late to start again history ovcrfloua ulth startling ex amples of thl truth and it vc hod accr to the vast number of unre corded ihe we would find an over whelming moss of supporting tcatl many however discouraging your day may have been thu for keep this bum lng brightly in your mind life be gin each morning talgh ultchell hodges in the philadelphia evening bullettn ti f ii a l ot i i ll u ll ul wo eli luyv l at u j ru uj ttdvtr to owrr l atljir utv t kit ujv knuw u bilrf aiul lui h bl thr u t mn t at tlili ut atv nw i rpl 1 wh t ur iral t wd 1 tt v1j in ltd frsl ul lt tutln blhl a 1 ijjrunt of i tnutkrl ijr our 4c ii 1 wk iwxjiji ll i s r hard tin r b rnmlng tlftivur in o i totpnt ilrujing iicb piwr udt rtlemrnl 1 i ot only profltabu- but alto rduca i t iial theif utnu to be a grotnu d msjid b in people for ptctctlu i ugauut ul o i ndr rd kalalatkjn adrrrtuina a city l a bu irur n cl lid play i the slump ha taught many of uj a little mucr needed common tu i tlie nunufarturen of cuctrtral ap pliance are taking the lead in the art cf wiling and rwry line of buslneu should fouow the tiampl- st by thrra first they know hat only quality can land the light of ronllnuou news pawr adertulng uocond they rea llr uutl tr- public know that ad vrrtued good arc the chrapeu in uw leng run a itvrlr durability mslur tlem the mou cconomlral uo ihf elrctrlral appliance projile kwp ot sdvrrtulng and krp on elhng t1iih uxodivid hliohtlv mlxul am auum kale a uarrtage crc sway aa4 a tafatd alto a rat tie brained editor who wa full ot hard cider got a idle list and a marriage c moony badly mixed up a deacrlptlon of the wadding ran a follows wullam dmith only son of ur and lira joslab smith naa dipoied of public auction lo lucy ander son daughter of ur and ui tuul anderson on my farm in the pretence of to guru including the following chattel vis f 3 mule 13 head o cattle rev o w jackson auctioneer lied the nuptial knfil eraglng 1jw lb on the hoof wf the beautiful hew of the bride aa tastefully decorated with 30 cream can 1 sulky rake 1 feed grind 1 u of harneu nearly new and just before the ceremony wo com mrnced liendeuxohn inspiring wed ding march waa softly given by one milch cow 5 years old 1 jersey cow carrying a bouquet of flower in her land and looked charming tn a gowit or light prtng wagon 4 box of apples 3 stark of hay 1 grindstone and room lined desire trimmed with about 100 bushels of spuds the groom is s well known and popular young man and has alway stood high in utclety circle of berkshire hog about 100 pound hue the bride 1 an accomplished talented teacher of a splendid flock or llecester sheep pedigre furn uhed if deured th bridal couple left immediately for an extended trip of twelve month on approved joint notes otherwise cash lunch will be served at th sale after this ur and un bmlir will take up housekeeping tn a cosy ton of good clover hay at the comer of uaxaponia township bale 1 o clock sharp no reserve pepper and salt ha sold his farm to the cute little flower gbi ur k u wise auctioneer ciunoeu on the pua1hie a dramatic illustration of the change which ho come over pralrla trans portation in the tost fifty or sixty years u afforded by the handiwork or ur prancls hlcrard who was bom upar belklrk manitoba in 1b04 ur luchurd hat just completed the build ing or an old fashioned red rlvwr cart made entirely by nond from bush timber it con tabu not one nail or screw und no metal whatever in thl respect it runs true to it type for the old med river cart which before the coming of he wagon and later tho railway was the vehicle tued transportation uuoughout the vast area from red river to the rocky mountains was the product of a strictly wlfcomalned country the change which ha occurred within the memory of settler still living has been almost mcredlble the winding prairie trail have given place to straight graded highways manitoba alone ha over 3 600 mile of oilweather roads end a quarter of a million licensed automobile find highway penetrating into every comer of what wa so re cently the great lone und- uihetr to bait trout nairru line plvc men went out on a raft to fish in the centre of norma lake near uunny urae nova scotia one cost his line and a moment later hope rose rlgh as he felt a tug on playing his fish the angler landed a clam which had taken the hook by open ing and closing its shell state the pish and oame department of the canadian national railways hut dame fortune repented or tte mean trick she played on the fishermen and handed out another of her surprise to him not deterred by the clam ex pcnmcnl like au true fuhcrmen he cast in again and thl time pulled out a trout whler lie hooked by mean of a five foot line which wa already attached to the trout by a hook in its gill the hook of the anglers line in some way managed to become entangled in the line already attach ed to the trout and when re hauled in his lint he pulled in the trout bio lumhtr hiupmentrl prom hiiduon bay two and one half million feet of lumber will be shipped over the hud win bay i tall way through ohurchul to great britain this summer by the pas lumber company ot the pa man d d tlaunberry secretary manager ot the company stated re cently the present order t in the nature of an uxperlment but the company is hopeful of shipping an increasing volume from year to year we are very much interested in the develop ment of ohurchul as an outlet for our product and if we can get a good volume of lumber moving througt- thnt port each season it wlu fo gar toward making a aucceas of the route as a whole ur roaenberry believed the young married woman who has a beislnet instead of on ash tray in her boudoir lint the kind that keep the divorce court so busy prancos thomas certainly make love beautifully berutce he ought to he has i a lot of practice asco how u old donnelsons credit outj its no good he always pay cash for everything- at economical prices and fully guaranteed theres a goodyear dealer near you the bel and uoj econoiulcal way to buy lire u to drive ittfo tbe nearett goodyear dealer and drive out ou the urea tbca you get tbe beu urea money can buy backed by a famous name aad fully guaranteed at prleea to suit your puree coodyeara are the real bargain you not only nave money but ume and trouble too when you get fitted up at the goodyear dealers tires for cars trucks tractors at various prices to suit your needs and purse fred sinclair phone 26 georgetown ontario t all aboard palmerston listowell wingham kincardine orangeville owen sound london windsor and intermediate pointi detroit port huron and northern michigan reasonable fares tickets and information longs confectionery phone so georgetown central ontario bus lines limited ittin v the two biggest prospects 0 0ia day teem to be finding job for the unemployed and keeping those who have job from striking the american girl 1 now coiled the worlds best dancer and she is also hlglly proficient in letting tier boy friend pay th fldultr uopt watch saves soap and cvorwta i lout hold laundry casta aa weu at tlu utor and tear on clothes can be materially reduced by using soft water hut rod of hard water wuler containing hardness waste a great dial of soap because the lime uiut magnesia always combine with soap und change it to curd these curd stick to fabric and make them grayish harsh and rancid smelling water u very deceptive in appear once it may took clean and pure and yet contain hidden impurities the most troublesome of these are com pounds of ume and magnesia which came the hardness in water to prevent wast of soapto improve the quality of laundry work to leng then the life of linens garments etc it 1 necessary to use water from which all hardness has been removed in water that has been completely eoft- tned as u u poiaible to have it today there are no impurities to destroy aoap and no ume curd to injure clothes beside prolonging the life of wash able by using soft water you can count on a fifty per cent saving of soap that is why small type water softeners are proving so popular in modem homes and of course the name perfect cleansing qualities of roft water make themselves felt practically every other household operation where water l used modem beauty and halrdrcsslng parlors now use soft water for aham- pooa and other treatment baft water completely soften whatever particles of foreign matter that may adhere to the scalp and hair a well a assuring perfect dissolution of the soap after the treatment u finished netle la a kans paper positively no more baptizing hi my pasture twice in the but two mon th my gate has been left open and i can t afford to cluue cattle au over the country to save few sinners pitm star thl cosmetic- i awful huff why did you buy it maid j read an advertisement in whch you endorsed it rw au i hardly feel like a stranger said the best man at the weddui my friend has so olten done me the hon or of reading extracts from his dear ivy s letters air exclsjmed uie bride noma is aaajtaxel john mcdonald queen street n ii n georgetown summer millinery aaasb au straw hats soc and 100 misses claridge herald block upstair cuatauwii advertise in the herald it pays

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