Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1934, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtysrradl yea of pubucaim tfce gaorgeiowtl htnu wednesday evening auffuu itt 1934 1 jso per annum la adnnce 2jq0 is vsjl the georcetown herald j m uoou rmuuxi ui tanua ufttilr cuimllan wckiy nfcupr aukutuml cnr time tall htandard ttkwt coag fc4 wiirnger and hall 1020 u in lmjtr and uju 87 pin pwunger lor ttrwito ft u wrujr iu dm vutr for tueunto 9u pin panivr and luu lumii wsngr ju pm viimitluit and olau 6uphl atmnjeat ttunday ii go pin nwut 1411 and pusiiar ic iiu wad ajwl pu bjr 8c pin sum sehafale kftcnvs fcuv lib uh uih aava wu is tfis tl afil 1125 aa 10w ua- 1x5 pm txift pa us pm u4 pa u pm- sj pa mo pa m pa- cjliftuu btajniauu ttus ww u l0no ifos directory ix roy dale fcutuls asvj tuudur auncujwn ontario orsceauregory theatre ludg uu1 fit hennetfl u lanodon ferrtai bmlu haury wut hrtt mortgage hooey to loan oticu uain btrt bourn phone u oorgvown uwinbukne ft sucbadavom 8mtra uokuwa n fltank w iu0uaro6ok bjk uonay to low twuphoo m llldruu w wa u asm cheese iw1 beans outings ha llfmahlidwtowuor smcl4vw 1 ltlfaav snowballs 2 astask pickles j 347 jpst ltu tnil uun fmv mecoha fulltarfl salmon i- 197 j io uimv wiarl k uiu hilmlu i kj flmti jellies 6w 257 sardines klw cfuseer cornflakes tai cm flaiv ouves a fomuit c j ul it kutttll i w sic faavoitw c6u yaaui- toe crackers t- lavlhu cueiu ftujuitv tomatoes n 2 lobster rowntree ib 19 t herring s 225 sunlight soir 2llc flaa uuali r r ia r i icomomr akwat uhlylia qltflltlct oao llouno to exotpl tbundaj alultaootu a m nielsen tia yw r rtutim chitaxlor xray drufuu tbenpla ulf tllininl oc ovi uunlnuo sum oofton lloun j mo guuj nani la ml frank petch uctmmd adcnonseb rw th ckiun at pm saj i fmjiwhuw utu cuorattosn url put oejaa gbalunlam monuments pollock ingham buooauots to cuur a worth gait oal mibiblhikhlmlltt inipmt our work in ofmnwood cwutary balkfl ilkoulationb fallowing in the main polnu of uw naw bwr and wtna rutu thai wnt into eflot latt mk ltor may ba told in club lajidard houl dining and btvcras roomi rail way cart and alaa lioldcra of authorltlci aa ucrmei will ba termed wiu be required to ktp booka ahowlng purcbate talea uik tramactlona trinlsu of holdon of auuvorltlea art to ba open at all time for impac tion coah must ba tuid for all purcnaaea ho psrconi under uv ase of ib may ba employed by holdara of authorltlea ber may bo told every day cxoapt- ing sunday from 10 urn to 13 mid night but tha board may from tlmo to tlma limit tha hour of aala to tlmaa other than thoaa stipulated no bwr may ba aold on bunday qood yvkjay or ohrutma day or on any other statutory holiday all purluuaa by tha holder of au thorities of imported wlnaa must be mada through government ilorvt- beer purchased by holders of auth orttlai must ba mada from bear ware- houaoa not direct from breweries no permits will ba nooeuary for the purchaia of bear barvtoo of bwr and wlna sr dining rooms confined to narw od ax table consuming meal r hear may not be served ovr jy hotel counter it muy be mrvyln hotel rooms to bubku who an the twglstered occupant olubt in which beer and wine are to be told must furnish the hoard with certified hits of members annu ally and beer and wine can only be aold to bona fide member of uioo club holder of authority to tail beer and wine are 100 for beverage roonui and 100 for dining rooms potatoes 15 tb 25c bananas 3 lb 20c main street phone 375 georgetown regularity olrl now itit we are eiiguod dear youh ve me a rlnar wont yout uoy krlend yea carulnly darling- 1 it your number to merchandisers you sweep out you trim the windowa you duat off the counters you matte up new price carda you unpack and arrange new ttoclc you plan your merchan dise ahowinga you do theoe and a hundred other necet ary job regularly in the normal conduct of your businesj but bow about the biggest job of all contact ing the people and telling them repeatedly that you are in business and have the goods they need do you do that regularly do you figure you are going to get your share of the available business if you dont tell folks about your merchandise or your service at regular intervuls instead of doing the job spasmodi cally or not at all by all known tests experience and thousands of records the acknowledged bestofall medium for regularity ia advertising in the local newspaper a newspaper going regularly into the homes of your possible customers not only in your city but the surrounding territory as well makes it easy enough for anyone to see how your local newspaper offer you the finest kind of a vehicle for carrying vour business mes sage regularly to the people and dont think these folks wont miss your regularity of advertising they look for their newspaper regularly read it regularly study is advertising yours if its there regularly and whats more youll find they are buying fairly regularly too if youll just check up espec ially with the advertisers who do use space regular- ly yours for more regularity in advertising the herald uoy whats i know wo hvcu about vou i kno ui much about you juu it any vour i wo iljtiu up at lomrltuiu lu a tim wjinut villi which you twlp mil all buy sj juiwr uaju dondrluliiii on a i kn juu u iid our airay coin looli jll i huidiaujdy imuh a lid m brief wtululs mil i can i forb u way t jutl ui lud ut mi tcrti- idv ioou x in or tuu wun jou un huiiary 100 ilcauv jou gtiv uxj n that 1 kiuj a aijit yun vi off a ault uu rur llliwi aiu iio uu uiillud u uuuht htld luyh iktiir lo ajui nil tlur llilnitx litvvr miuta bvi ka- ou iiwui ritiui ulii litt i it at knuitu ivrfuml in r liy ihfii wrl hliuir vuitut im ruitu4t un it lvjlj udi aikl tlul 110 wllltr nun in iluulh al nr d tkiutanttlial ii it uiy an ruptianl thut ha dud a luiurul dratli llow trn uo un ilipliam dlrt a la- t irt tiluir tli qihtlun in a imnn nmntlr uaf llr i iu out swn an alrimn uitfiuht url tin- mlns ol ui t ft i trfjlnu fcvrt- thr m mt- oi huh ihr has tn muur for n rruiny raj tu- mnri asy from mr rjru jufu ihr tir and thrn wllh rli ur drtrrmlntllun mxiir hl way lniy and tonostullv to iiwr tppolnt- id ilrr u fvalh tlkr oumty b- lon him mar ukr m month or t yrax i it in maauc uluudr ihr ay u loddid liwmnaly ttr palh u trod in iurt buldr him to ihr frral cm- ry itorafwrt nrw lalr hy- uiim ii u lrlumd ur that atnaxlna i jtur4d tru nual of ute dying u- lihniit lull a tut pit a11m with 11 iriuir into vhlch far houunda ol ar dylnu tlrplianu havr cal lhra hi tiih ha laat rrrananu of thrlr ruolni atrrnnut arriving at like nit ui atr told the morurtii of tha af- rh an fnctu raba hi trunk high in thr ii im inoru ovnaiitly and then huiu rimulf ihr ih4 uio hu tut dmih cr ua uw uavrllrr vkbratr ihruunh the una i furrat and lions inirmu uiat miahty cry tllnk away into itnaur dutkurt tthlu the unal- 1 r unimuu crouch ua if in mernoe f tl diath of lonwthlna grrat and ilmlkl u thu story from lagoa nunla u trur it u at oner a ttlllntf timpli of ttu nnndcra of irutliict und ulrnoat touchuiu laiiancr if thr kthi of dtalh iiioii halajueb tlw toronto utar ducusdng tha rr- ductlun uf aalartra to floirrtunrnt of- ilrinu rradi a little homily to thou uho it lays rrlolce that mthrrto mi 11 paid popl mut grt along with iru and i ihcy nould or dlxpuy- ing a uriirr ailrit tf thry locked for ward imuad to iif tlnr mhro 111- ald people ill oe paid more that u all rtght aa a ploui aapiratlon out thr riaaun home people it it a than tiny i juki u that wmr ottmr lroplc ml mord ihun they tliould twcnly- fht rarm uko a aalan ol 13 000 aa ixjusuknd tiioinoua in die intrn-rn- tutt wun financial itiut ionomlo rluniia inciiiaipd nrtcra of all klnd and inlarlm were incrraard coitm- iwndlnuly now that pners are baclt at pn tty mud their old level in mime ca e higher and in aom caaea loair than twenty flvt ycara ago tle uotkman uho get a amall uage 4 in comnarimm lth mhat hr ramed in the 20 k thr farmer uho can barely make ctuli mrih between to prlcca for hai he n ik and romparathily hluh prlcea for nt be buia the mcr- rhuut fthou proflu hac fullcn nearly otu of maht titte men have a right to ak hy taluilci of 13 000 and over mioultl btlll bo ulvn to men who in tnrwr tlmca wt vvh nald at 13 000 if trw hlyhaataruxl fellowa vlll aaa thut the fartrur and the merchant and the uorktngtnan grt the aame money a thry did ten or fifteen jeart ago the furnicr and the merchant and tha uorklnuman will quit grumbling about the rluh aolarla ooderlch oignal vacation cnnra iuv otarlna o oolu of oraxa uathodltt church naw york ha compiled a code of ethlca regarding the vacation prlo4- i no minuter haa aright to go way all urnnur without ftrat at v lug konu thought to luwr the church ktaft and congergatlon will racelve any vacation he aalcl no employer haa a right to tava a vacation unku hli employees re ceiva s waaa that will show t ma a morion vacation there la aomethhig wrong with a oclety which permit a favoured few to anend their wlntera in ptorlda and their aummere in europe while mul- itudc equally defervlng do not have tnough to cat no man haa a right to ipcud mo ney on a vacation if he la in deeply mt debt and down t know whan he la go ing to pay hi bill no hukband hu a right to talce a ucation unlra1 he can provuia one for hln wife and famll alto thft church haa not dona nough then it haa tent a fpw mother and rhlldrin to tru country it muit w- moe the condition which make char ity neoraaary no church ahould be closed all the tummcr fall i air uatkh the following la u of the pall hair in arthur uatrlo olualcy olarkuiurg colllngmood droyton durham elmvaln penjua geoitarrrown ornnd valley ilnnovcr ilatowr london markdalo moorord midland mount lorot orangevule owen bound pablcy palmerfton shelburne tara hat of the dataa thu dliiiict oct a sept 1t30 bopt 1810 ucpt 1810 bept 1115 oct 33 oct m oct 13 bent 1415 oct 58 bept 3320 sept loai bent 1030 bept 1015 oct 45 bept 1930 bept aottj bent 1030 bept 1113 bept 5130 bept sam bept 2h33 bept 1810 oct 33 tourlnu tltcatrical manaser hone- j fully after a week of dlaapplntlng homes ah thl laolta hatter there u oven a bright sunwt to welcome us to town porter bunaott that the theatre burlnff more than a joke vy duromd jcnnk wlllll it tk tiu nimll rnm ike cii ir uil ut mr mur- bi uf ul in- ntilil i tre ulfra- i nutj wtrl fr tuy timrd itiu ttlnir hu nu kut to funu it thf ur kturvy jui wli hi uul irvaj 11 112 ulla why t f1 wit wunt 1t to uk to the dty and 1 kfuw it hi iuxmu lutid llrdj ar not ulv4 but broa ixj thai lb yuuoi 0 0 tull la iu a hutut wal yu fliijtl to do a rf o trutu tkl ktuiultilja oi i t u luiiuirrr in iiit llr lijin in tan is the vti of oiiiitt iiujd koib aift to 1 1 j- uil hum m t-v- ii la itlnllt- nu git up le i uiifl u hllmt9 rui 7i tuad anuji tbrre uit t1 hli ll i m m- on ihay ara- i- klna inf lit ur ll a i ht i tf 1 t laurrl lf willrr ruuixj in i iitoujr h tn t atumt right fr l iiaiil a n im4- llln immirilt to walk i ijiurrl ll lb e ii la 1 r tva ul h wntit thr unl rl nff the aumrutr id lie till l liml m ii dim l nrfc in fair kullh after tl lc find uf hi irk in ll 11- tut i r- lijtl tn k tik nilll lf if ngr ait he aim it al- urr t had in rtluru thru lir wt lrt nf fumu in fart u tilll rtfntr- aa 4lit nil hit rusr irfl h mm a tinlf hur lnf hr fainl ite farsa- ikiii1- hie jiifrl m mb n it s wmiili rful lr arid pilmlily c i nll fmlil cil rl r i ii hit link nl tut tuiiu he mirln 11 rtii- i hir aa nitit at m kinmli und lie an to klnt im lifumi n it j ia ami a fan thut m aa i fitly aa ihe ejtw rw thu la mllhliw tr route in twr rlriir mut hild tnirriillt mr alr liito a ittn a ththrfut ii ili jnlre and he eiitalinil hi- er mini llrr eyae whlrntnl and u hlll mull rft ll itie hriivit ilipti a ui it i nil limn in lili lie am i llmuiing hill iilnlifllij if the hllla grvw itiiiny biilt nltrlue t it i 111 tn aa thla in rmni if hli hhe jiauaed atvd u- util ul hint an tl l- k in hfr a huik ttiat have lilm a puve thrill he birwd in hw lernia reiillly ll wit- l mrne tfir mit ili till vary fvt vntr llht on lhear lu k and hla mliv hat i irr aa he i il id ihe rfim riniiu nn mi i l- t iflue t j1 htacc uf hi u f mine 1i ujna hucey rie airniineil thr nkl man mlnkil n r hla fla-at- wlii i hut my 1 d tilnil fi r thi wlnltr hml i in j rcrever an i i ll lw m i intent furgnitrn wli it in ni nun luiidl into me aa the il limn hlmey faiqint ht th n might mm mu iant 1 1 up kurt- uill why bui utn aent ye up llnr jt fur a wi ttila famt wat 1 ft to hie alrl lanlie haruaotii hln nnu an in md it ui uiib buiiimi f nn kiii trlt to run 11 cm in l iif tnuii nne i hi ulmr xlii vyn alikhltik tlly tn r niinit 1 gate iih nnd hu uf itfl 10 ht bj her c tml jt in mum- i help hrr out sh- uln i hi re h li ne you an t go up bar a hi hir nlne rtia agree tn lit wnre ho you did it aa jukel ulllmr aaawerad a hit aim tint yeo had no lileu one d lake jtt ihunt mhe say emthln v hbt- hired me- mnl twiint ilo bare if youe war ruit in- all right will 111 luite fa uiarn r hlarej aapet sgaln vmntt thnlt villir told him 1 in old man a alrungletl cm hunallnn iiiiiowini hloi down l in hlrpk inn nut mi wllhur pautfl hln- uci b luid hlnit lilm that muth taetuln ami in- wiiuli go up thut llmblm hie neit day with aonii ilouhl in hla inliiil he hlrcil u ttilin in tnki- lihii tlid hla liiimngtf in the hill unu 1 huiled aa any atvl u whihm an sla prehua trlv aa ba rip4nt in the houae he lulled lw thlnga hit glrla quick filendl welcnine uml un uld iuer luil red lud ho ua im- hi tin- bl it un a bud wint from bin lwd with the old lud nn bund lhlv wm 0 i baace uf wundul lie droit invn llmt etfiilng to tin tore fur ui1ln fur 1bi inniue a nifuiory nf her hnmii und epl 0r the ilip bo luiidn tun fur mm fallow ing filial ihr wtmli wo uare grtei4l htm with a arrlouu rare him ruid ii ive fnund nut the minute after yon left he hlr old ura tleui lo nn up xhae a leer onis and i luiim the uvtl ymir laflks vnur hlht and dont forget ustlh unit i llkivl hero and btnlih- uell hi uuirrletl one uf hiimic dnja hla- tilliikihl ibta u flmin in hi- iihi fual u vrnrm tur uiiv lly gad young uian i hillivi jnul wky talras are saaallee tin rsl lilru inuu it ui whrn ii rnuu in tin hiiiiiium uf itiull im lt liuhim lung i hi ulrun wen ul dtrlira ubua ruiily run oir hu liuli i bin ilimirllim u due to urtliblul life n an uijuurluiu unit diua uo tloirait rutu thu lumlih ur brimhlisg ability ti ibis dllgblful pet coupsrlash whata the uae of leomtna an an cient history date when i can have a modem one at a quarter after eiahtr mother did x tee you ktaalng that young allen last night daughterwell mother dear he told me ha had juat lost an uncle and x felt ao sorry for him mother if i know anything about that young man ha wont have s re lative left in a weeks time what you dont and in the news- vaner u adequately reported to your wife by tha hajydraiier eluu helpa tk neejy taurtutuuj i niww kuiuy uloj ootdtn tijct ijitumuch a lune dune it unto oiu uf thi if a it uf uuj my bn- ihr n jc liaie doru it unto me uuttheu i iu luulon paiuiaoe 2 kui 1 7 o- 44 lie 1 it lull if any u- mujid lie u a ruoe if any halud hi if any cluror to liujigtr ilr u bread if any be a bondman he u fitu lu drua bud life he u to tick komii lalth 10 lund oun ugbt shd to ttj ikly ejlh a puaaun wuhout los b tkauirc wllikhjt vlrajuj oik velctr cewl ksrty i liwiy teligloji wotlurs have had to live liv bordering upon uia ptivtny lint trru- rimuiuratlon ha bu laull and omtllmrj uaorruin tiu condllion u dimcult fnough vmii the brradainnej rimaln alive but ajur jili uaih a widiw and cfillden hiay luiie a bulf ainiile wilt poseity ivr tbi itauon maily all tiligiouj orgahtuttona hair peatlon luruu tli unnuitu aiv dot large but uey kimp the ojf aay fiom iji door and rtmuw the honor of factiujf ujp yrar vltliout any inonme tti 1 a fine chrtuiain caample uf the diany uar- ing the burden u the uv of u ttrojij helpuui the ak tiki dow ol tlw phjjjt tq athwafed to ulali lx lafip did not liae even the pro- leitlou of a pint ion fund her hus band a guod man had dld leaving hrr pr her crrdllcr thrrairn- td to erudaie hrr cluldttn la payment of a debt die could not meet uuch a penally a legal m the year au uo of course it l not sumctrnt to have reuolou aorker alone protected atgainu atanation in mu ruh world 11 la a light of every worker to be auured of a livelihood thla u not an unpo tocial klraj u need only wue organliauoo and aympaukc- tic htaru to achieve it luuhila 24 duha made uic of tte alrader poa- uulona of thlj needy widow bhe had noltung left but a amall fuik of oil thu saa uwd a a bail of the solu tion of her tsconoailc problem line u encouraged to ma what alie lad in rt i laving dutrcta it u always bet- ur to arrange for tome form of aetf lulo than to give a giil outrun t thou who have lived upon a dole without any neoeuary activity tn re turn deunorate tn body mind and soul oovtrntunu ai now planning public worka in which thou who re ceive state aid may give some return in work for the money they receive it u much watr to help a family to grow their own food than to give them money wherewith lo buy food- it la betur social planning to build highaya tn time of economic want than to ue public fund to provide relief accepted in idlcnaa oftl ef du tl thu brief story ha a happy end- log the woman responded to wt luggoauan of uiahj and acted upon her faith her truu in ood a juttuvd the family debt u paid and enough oil wa lett to provide fupphea for some little tiwfla- i of ilt mental anguish of dabt tnu family waa now able to live for a urn tn lecuruy what u needed to day even more than great wraith t tccuruy for tha day need the fact l that many fanuliea have discover ed that thxy do not mini wcurtty if tha luu for one year go paid the bailiff many seize the louse if a mortgage i unpaid or a year or tno it may be forrcloed when a factory ahuu down one thousand woikcra may be thrown out of tm- ployroent without warning theac tiudga have happened ao ofun that thar u a silent dread in many home the tragedy of thi state of affalra u that it u to unncoouary consump tion u a long way from the satura tion point ii only wiser methods of production and distribution could be arranged chard mupcwt u la tne past there ha boon great variety aa lo method of church sup port the simplest ha been by a payment in bind or giving to the re- ugloua organuatiorj the first frulu of tiki harvest a civilization advance and community life become tnoro highly organized thla u changed to omo regular method of finance oomo reugloua order have collected tithe and soma church have been main- tamed by pew rent there 1 now fairly general agreement that religi ous orgnnliallona preserve their atan- dard best when thry depend upon loluntary support tndowed churchx ljn aometimca become decadent churches whatever method of church luunca u used them will always bo ihe need for generosity even to the point of aacrltuo many give gladly for christian work because they foci they lave received tha full value and are merely gtvtna expression to their uralitud through their slfta if all christian gave regularly no church woik would need to suffer the trouble 1 that ao often the minority in a congregation coiitrtbulo tho largest amount of financial support lwmb far ail 43 41 fbr large section of mankind great universal ncoda have been almost fully met electricity ha solved the prob lem of darkness lleeorvolra and pumping atatlona have provided for ft aur aupply a motor car u equal to normal transportation demand is ii too much to think that food and shelter may also bo provided without car of wont und suffering the earth u auftlciintiy fertile to aupply enough food tor the lew ttian two billion pooplo no upon tho earth llumneas haa developed method of distribution capable of handling a much larger volume of trade than at present what u needed la wise planning with sufficient governmental control on an international baia to nmove permanently the fear of itar- vuiion and unemployment in mod- im day governments are dealing mora and more with economic question tho problem axo not howevoc solely eco nomic a justice education and in a large degree religion alto dopend on a sate and iecurc economic bona where we have failed i not in scten- tulo clevorncs of production but in luifnanolieartedniai of distribution tile parable at ohrlit feeding the five tliaiuarut i more than a miracle it u s areat social ideal it la kindred in spirit with tho action of ellsha finding a lurgc company of men in hood but both lnstaneoa serve to furnish sn ideal for modern eovtirn- tnent on a worldwide tcole there t nwd for tho spirit or christ who bald of tha hungry people olve them to eat queuloua for dlacuaaloa 1 have mother allowance justified themselves in canada 3 in what sense la an annual harvest a mlraolef s is there any moral distinction be tween caih and credit purchaoat 4 why haa church finance become uutxlenuunar a wliy is there want in a world of plenty uixaltitt i ua1 a estlaxu lllo never ould hve been so rich lo nu so will torth wllk ilut fur that cntxrtng word you apofc liui fur uuii ciaary uoik ihe buitun liod u mavy brchn my luiit uiu iukd wuii care 1 iuvtr uouid havi rcaud the goal ilul you irwud not been tnere iktauii bicaul i luul a frlend oii lio ai nal and true ilium jour iiuucujup did not fail jut aiuii i luxxkd you 1 had uu vtrcugth to clamber on 1 luwl urn wui to do u4ur 1 knew i lad a friend iiu had uu altmt to ruav un ttuiv un rcohl of the put that uu of uul aubuziu oi irancujup uiat survived uu uu ot doubt d i utter time hat i know otuj thai up lo date j hat tiad not hkd an end wiui is man deuaud foughi and won llitium lie had a frund tlvl tllim lvuyayuk immsad lliu aaoo of tha year brtnga k uiat old qutillun u to wby aonw imipw nu such a dttad of umndwr aioriua iiatr ajc touu folk who do nut mm to tnipd uum in the luu jiui iney urv uiuined to nave amall latknoc bitii uiote wuo d any igu of fear the ptro man o- nidii ur tiiid wbo luu a drid of inunouaf uwuis haa a itght to be coo- udirnol ailing ujraid can do no noa- mou guoq and ytl ui faar u liure anu u ctuinot bu taken away la ba- luias uhuc biui tha firu flails of njiinuig and the qjat craxat of uiuncur oulc tno furl ilu say to- viajd a ihuiuut storm should not h itati to gu into piaota wnara tkey ui uubt iauje ii they caialr to auit in a cioi and mm tne door tittn the clot with the door ahnl u ihr place lur them until it u all ot liui it u a blunder and an ikifwi thing to ridlcuu or oke with such ikwpu ubout their fear of atortta lhy are entitled to cotuidralioo be- tauic thry are poeruu to ward os ur dumu tne faaling which ttlpa turn lit marys journalargu vvait1llxlmuu w uuhmt anyone who read tha dtajairs tmil have discovered by this tiiiu uu arrival ol tne inevitable tragic tu- imr faaturv uu news story ulllfij nuw thi or that person waa dron3 while bathing or ini at soma sun nier resort tfcci uoru a aapacl- ully tragic becauve nnst avary ao- cldeni of uiu kind u pifratvuhlia there an a few impu rules which will keep every summer safe ewry one who goe tnto the water kzuwa about them everyone who sand hla cluid into uu waur knowa about uvrm tn almost every case a come became one or mfr ef trwag rule luu been forgotten tb safikt u true ot uie use of boat arfvvnt need not happen to persona in small boau when they do it u usually be cause someone haa for the nymetu forgotten to use the care and fare- sight which operation of a amall boas irquln tleae summer a s arv a startling memorial lo our cats- we think uo too tho following regarding ivaoor ad- ertuang u taken from the fayy ulgnoi ai though under the new liquor laf- islatlon the retail sale of baar la again lo bo allowed in ontario tha regula tion prohibiting the adwrtlalng oi liquor remain the fllgnal u julu satisfied thai ihu rtgulatlao arnwild stand during reean montha tha mange meat ol thla paper haa bean aikrd by three or four advtulnc agencies tthat iu atutude would ba in the event of the removal of tb ban on liquor advertising the reply lo all case haa been that tna bignal would not depart from ins policy adopted many years ago of rulng lo advertise strong drink wlule a good case might be wjfa out for the right of ruwipapera so open uieir column for tha advsftls- ing of a oominodlty that la sold under provincial llccrue many davwapapara und specially the country viaerlpw tiavo no dcalro to urge uiat light on reason u that many anbacruars to thcao papers would not like to as ul lrtuc of a particular brand of baar or wine or whiskey displayed in the papers that come into their hoflaas another and perhaps the jwpf reason 1 that the publisher do not caro lo make thcnuelves repciibli for any lacrcate in the uae oi strokkg drink in their respective nooimnnlltaa hoots and anoes diygooda gtofirlaa and such thing ye the publiaatar uanu all the advertising of these hs cun get he knows uiat nobody go lioma and beat his wife or abuse uu children or fails to find bis way booaa at all becauso he haa- spent hla avarn- ing in clothing and footwear and ouicr nacclsarics of life and comfort liui when a young fellow goe to thai devil because he cannot stay iny from strong drtnk it la finnanl lion to the newspaper man to know that hi paper did not sdverus tha fatal bra damoeb in sad wajfcft a good stockman is particular about the purity of tro water supplied hu stock and will go to no end of trottbu to see that the water paili and water trough do not booome rj by the addition of organic matter or uu growth of low forms of plant ufa on a form where three horse died recently the water trough had be come very foul through uu mmtoti of barn jard filth that had been blown in by wind the trough was good one being of cement and tha water when it uft the pump ciotning from u deep well wo pure nut the trouble followed neglect in keeping the water trough clcun thnv hone died ot cerehro aptnal meningitis on uoo farm all in one uvck at seeding tlm u wrioiis lasa a good well and a good trough couplod with neglect la no bettei than a poor well and a poor trough neglect to keep the trough cleun caiimhi live lou see thst tub horsi i uft a clean water supply si uw wutch for tho green algao bhat urtwft tn water during summer it la dungtirouo keep tho water trough clean nnd save the labor earned by ins ontario dcpt agriculture old darkle to wastrel aon t i earn tell that you t married xa you ban ingratiatingly x etnt syln old darkle severely i runt sak- in you u you aint i ask you sint you is now btcnog its from wy boy friend i boss noticing that tho tmper en- cioumi tit tlc cn clone was absolutely blank wtiy tlveree nothing wrlttett uierc now btcnog ajgktati i know vo are uot aftawilnx right now

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