Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1934, p. 4

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pm4 the georgetown herald wedneaduy evening auguit 1st 1934 thrifty housewives buy quality salada trrtfc mm tk garden aaavtaabbaaaaaaaaaaabaaaabaaaaaaabbbaaaaj when ywr radio needs attention st maaie twmnnltmf uw you bmve 8 fully qualified radio sscvie eruniwr vauu locally i hugh lindsay macaba ris wlttuisctuws service find ottscul j rdfo service mtni auoeulioct twom j oeottocrdarri 5 imaabbabaababaaahaauaabbbabaaaaaamaaaaaab better heat lesi attention ik a lowest cost a happy nation kir ww fa vtctk t hi om kimii ld txmj wy nova scorf lsjy rsvjlidtdpoli kuog ol sura wtx mi vtulo lo coajj la 1411 snd tw nuuulut lifer hod thr uriny ptyr of uetruj nutis a petsurwr by ti own irtdy nj navy omtrrs sjwj iwtng iv- ii j to i 1 iltfotv latku ol tkree d-v- ii ru r only bioy tui alia tort of gad ili fkopu a us tke caw of uwraj oilrr urunul uji- imuw k u u- i ptiij lowbi divisw uvfrcebj td u im iuf tual as ed as tkst utpataj udr cj 11 wool tw kioo ks dem ti tku aay nti tmfta o tairolu aaodwe id fcalo siaffl uyi vrluf a uw wuwupeg irvbuu ted ibu wtffl levo c ukat tlssizuuct uw ttaaotplat ol lob vw wbicb urroufided d evtj klj- a lw via 0o tvofcody l stui cettsieiy wot tkr tray wluet lr ks equipped vtut uail s4cwucw tod uuhuke piti- wauu lv curd inn da4w upo kl fwtujo of fur ik royl family vsstir ma- wkrt iw lode alrkj rfw twujtf uwd uwt ud jo tkaf ftrtjvl twt tuj bot lugi m u cw koijrd feat liseeutt tad eou forfuasu country in ails if u ad dtouly populated ts in lndu and ddoj ii u h iwa rcul aiucuilubl- j 111 pvo au ol ca tut and cj oc rlmtaa tutaujht ii u a fktily ortnjnirj couatry wid u lufly lrvlwinitit cl foivua rd u 1oj kj4 ddlt u ojy uoooaoo jmu ku tkil of mjaifot uj tuj tu frrwfit frt yori rrvauf tw u144 lwtm to kmg ifjblhiw w44 uvu fat j44 rvl uiitt i uoljif uoeu w pfvcvj- rj lira tui ih itrcof it tutrid by a tanud now cotlj ujy 14m- uw- muevrcoar john mcdonald queen street georgetown yfdt uvku dbeam iht u ay horai in uw tar tway uodir unt ol huvena blua but wur by far ru uw rwuea ol gold tn th hair end the trail ol xhi dat tu my youth in ui long jo klllt wuh th bid and tin ldl itrceun but tfanr by fur vtr th hut z know in svfry wakina and tlhpuii dream bt irr the umga in that lotaly put diii4u laughing or tad and tan but hoc ha clung to mc quit to lit a th 1uu urn that vu all your own yrara has pausd but over x turn whan th hearth u low and the vtnda vaut by to th on for whom my heart muii yara am a tlntd child lor a lullaby and vr i haar my heart repeat th amhtra will bunt again in tlame and x thai and her tlttl timet and ail one mora her brief tweet nam i bart oookiley tn new yorfc tim wtdnino on a tuxttaonc rost btlmd by th growing tendency of hi fallow towniman to ut th new pipar for wwrythlng but advarilalng bouth dakota editor recently aaked thu partuntly tn a pag on boa h a eumber of your family died would you tend out th obituary in a circular letter if your wife enter- talnad would you run a ahd on a eksfian ot th movie ahow ii you win to nlarg your ator would you tu folki in a hotel regtiterl if you wejf to fcav wedding at your hout would you tack th new on tele phone pott than why in hack don you put your tdvertlalng in th newapanrr tool tf uiefl of honey in twv of th incrtaatng favour of canadian honey in th market of the world parucularly in oreat britain it la inuraattng to remember that the demand for honey te not oonnned to private consumption but extend to vartoua manufacturing trade auch aj eanfmuonera baker chemlate and th mtertng trade valuable informa tion tn thl retpect hu been aatetnb ud by tn lai empire uarkating board which point out that th two moat ued pharmaceutical prepara tion containing honey are oacymei or aqulu an important constituent of many cough mixture and honey borax the honey in both these pre paration in empire countries con form to the apeclncatton of th bri tish pharmacopoeia and 1 known as purlled honey honey 1 also wide ly uiad in th manufacture of pro- prtetury cough cures balsam and lung tonic in addition to the employ- of honei in medicinal preparations on british ohrmlat elated hat a small quantity was used by him in the pre paration of toothpaste of 16 lead ing manufacturing chemists in tlit dulled kingdom ten warp using honey in quantities ranging from half a ton up to 100 tons per year canadian honey ol course showing its du pro portion among the world import in th confotlonery trad th pro ducts in which honey most commonly occttirs as chocolate and nougat but it is also employed tn tho manufac ture of tofts marlpan goods turkish delight caramels crystallised gums creams and pastille in chocolates honay is crueiy used to form centres m sugar confectionery it is mainly used as flavouring though it 1 also said to impart a carta in richness to th fixture of the various candles bakers end biscuit maker use honey to ft limited extent tn making cakes blsooults rusks and gtngerbread tuelnly u a flavouring dark honey i used for colouring certain kinds of biscuit while honey is said to have a preservative effect in cakes and gin- gerbhad maintaining in the product palijqfr moisture during the lost few years in british and aeuropean restaurant honey has been increas ingly included in the menus being served in midget containers or some time loose tn portions restaurants which maintain a counter trade and that their sal of honey over uio counter is stimulated by the serving of honey at meals lost year 3315 0m pounds of canadian honey was exported to the british market greater oooperatlon maw consid eration for the whole eoonomlo otrue- tu if the necessary path to modem prosperity sir jufch btamp ovfcst the tllovwwo coalh ijy hetty uallciay out duor mrtu uic mru1 to br re numbered whin pirpajfd by tome ex- pertrnotvl camprra uomrhow tliou glowing embrra tuu maju power to blend the flavor of common lood into a a hole that enrapture iltn and ruu baron and rugs irak frlm fuui mud roulm pots- to oil common jet all delicious than here la that delicacy nuued on a long pom ted urrcn stick of sood the tcouli thrrad over the itlck alter nate unoil aluru of meat potato and onion and coll it iurfauh ksbob bouthrm ctrl elajjorallng bit upon uie outdoor diji wnt u inald as city chicken adult campers often mute kit camper e delmht tn the open from email pluor ol uuugt lamb or tender uuk tomato and union tiloe or anjthlng uvutlatle uuil will toast and blind thnad alternate tilers an t fork or pointed stick turn and toast utir gtolna coals mo ftanu or urmfcet until the meat brown then rpj lurther uaay for jouer cooking until done ii a dloi fit for a king in the hamper have a cold vacuum jug of well iftocicnod lemonade fruit punch or toed tea you can not al ways be um of the quality of ester at camp or picnic sites- buch bever age vui quench your thlnt and the quickenergy value of the tugar used u a kwmlcner l just ehat uuwant for d strenuous day in the open take iwtt calut tootlw kuid that will stand rough usage such as herm its or tour mlla cake remember that weet foods and beverages arc fine for immediate fatigue relief after long hike or drive here u a recipe for outdoor hermit that i am sure will pieost a hermit and a guus of lem onade or fruit punch will come in handy if the camp cook term a bit alow with that outdoor meal oetdse isetwuu 3 cup flour 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoon baking powder pinch of salt cup shortening cup seed rapine eapoon cinnamon teaspoon nutmeg sift flour sugar dating powder and salt together add other ingred- dient then add enough water to make a panic roll out on board cut with biscuit cutter and bake is mln ute dib you alu stop to think t by tiwn b walt howard c blood prraldent ol tho norge corjorlton ai among its many sdvcreltlt we mould not over look certain bencnu from tho post de- prw slon chief among which 1 that it has caused the average family to discover anew the joys of rating en tertaining and living at home having lost its saving or suffering from severe decline in siiurlty values th uveragt family u now more interested in tr-r- oancrshtii or goods than of money it rraltsi the wisest invest ment to br that tttilch pays dividends in happier healthier more enjoyable homelih the tremendous increase in rltctrtc rcfrlgerutor sales l but one indication that the public u showing moro interest hi home comforts and convenience thun for year before the depression ytant in which we all wint without o much no give rise to the ntwd for replacing many things wltlioui money to replace and anftcr all new wants the average house wilo hciltatei to cximso lersell to sulci influciint at a stare until she has studied compared and mentally purchawd tho c thing most desired because she furs sin may be umptrd lo act ftfnre her budget permits it thus nlwuper advertising u vll oily i intlal to reuctt and impress her during this imiwrtunt rrlod often wciks bifon hr actual purchase wheh she is keeping her buying do- sires much to lurtclf it u the only oconomleal mid effective medium by means of which t u can be resclied en masse informrd and iersiiodcd to expose hersolf to a selling influence newapsper advertising ts therefore the great chopping ulndow into which prospective buyers look each day and uttroced by the values truthfully portrayed therein become compelled to buy newspaper advertising s thn one authorllativo source upon which women rely in making their advance shopping comparisons and woman controls tho purchase of 85 per cent of all retail sales h is therefore in dispensable to any manufacturer the batiui contributions it make in rals lih7 tl o standards of living and in in- traducing tho puulic to new comforts and conveniences stamp newspaper arjevrtlilng as one of uw moot essetit lal public services of the tlm forg pflatadifrpoic owca hroas bar la trouis ciiasld erobte ksowudoe ol sod lntfal t cs ojj which m4lly epetnud by ma utp tcruss ih dommton sod us iiusi- ed stay in long hodvnuwtkjo ol slssa hfoui t 1h51 fctih ik licpuno ol mule treaties idi gnat ivluin and ike ualied sislee ivff tint the 60s ttu fitrert i trio ol sum have received modera tduesiloaj and hsve travelled estftulvy la llurope ind aslt belore coealno to the d slswry was sbollshed la tke 70 spcak1ng op affnexatvon tn the oood old dsys tstd irvtn s cobb the anertcaa huauetst srid wrttsr la sa bitervtew wy oood assertcaa clrurna thoooht that tooiur or tster csjs- sda yould ot fed up wit the british covcrnaueit sod would be qalte wllllao to be aanesed- now ll sresu like a pretty oood idea lo revert die thing maybe lot ol our problem wuld be tajvfd ll canadj sanetrd th uiued state if w had your cansdlaa uws tad outbade ol nlorceauat tlupuones in canada cnad with i 16oc0 lauphosee has 1115 per 100 ol the pofwlitio ooly the uaiud state ttceeds caesda t denilry ol ulephones with i64 per 100 ol poptusttaa germany with s 74ji mm and great britain tad northern ireland with iw6ji97 iilrphones hsv a u0f number ol telephone but the avrreoes per 100 ol rwputatioa la those countries are ave and 4 3 respectively hrotue with i is 160 telephone has density ol 2j per 100 ol popuiauon the islsti report thows there rt 3 4 telenhoa aytteau in the dominion ol whuh i 57 te owned by cooperative cossatiue i 174 of these belaoln th provtoce ol sstist thrwta and 703 in nov ocotla the leupbooe wtre mlleao thwaohoal caa- jdj u over 4 750 000 indians on incj1ea3b ivflliahy liar i coosa new tl wit wuu usecass departmeau ol indian afalre oacul believe there are mart lodlons to canida now than whin the first white mas land ed in this couitrv the last ceniusajve the total number ol red men as iwjo contiderabtr dlseeenc ol opinion ho from urn to lime been eipreued a to whether there are at many indisrts tn canada as when ireoch end lirmluh utturs flst came here indian depart merit bead are inclined to the belief thai there are more ol course it con never be definitely decided ts the indians who roved through the prtmsvsl forests were not worried by cemus tskers- veby feminine seucp fclembers of the hamilton hoard ol control tmlled when cajnrrouer bell told of un uuurwr reported lo him that th wife ol a man who ull eoo and own un automobile sold relief ticket given to her for which money the later prnt on permanent wave lhe controller mild tliat he had reported the instance to the relief ottucr for in ve inflation i know myself that the huiband of lh woman own a car ind lo i void tuipl clon h iti rn it in the com try said controller tlell who did c h alve ihe woman name mix voub ovn sm ill hotilri of perfume with dlrec- lions for it luiiy for vario u cdonu are aow beinj sold lb parts outlived 1tw uheitlneuh it look as if the onurlo oaoatto lift outltvid iu usefulness if it ever had any the oasetto is the official publication of the ontario govern ment and apparently before an act can become legal and operative tt must be published within its column ttus was proven out by tit recent freer beer sale which was held up un til publication in the curette in it july 1th issue the oaeetto contained 16 pages with 1st page devoted to advertisements of tax tales lists grab- bod from the local papers of th pro vince and inserted at an excessive rate the circulation of the aaieue l prac tically nil end i maintained for re venue purposes only and give no alue for its high charges it hu helped to nil up waste paper baskets flood heedlty may to tome extent make up for bad environment and good environment may to osme extent make up for bad heredity ittveloek ellis when a rule of etiquette ados no thing of value to beauty to comfort to ease or to happiness it is a use less rule which may u well be thrown into the dlothlemly post cruises to west indies via scenic st lawrence down the hctljucuqutf anu ttlwtoftlc huvcjs whuu wam wuuwir hv j4cquitl cast- ttrh to hjm tih l castlb tuvj lulanuu it u not jj ry lung aun vrn a lung walrr rrul t tu considered a luxuiv srui could be undertaken only by uw wll lodu but lilt trrcuvrloi ment of tnouwin ktiaiiuhlp iravil a uw rate iki u crujj u now adiv lmifcud upon o almoii a iwnu t f j tl oe wlio tuti lo ltttune tmvtl utsi mwl reap the tu tveflt ol grratrr tualth uiid liapiiliiss mtultlng rem drcidi j clinge of alnuplieir and uriuiy an additional factor of ronuljiaui alut to tucti travd u tie opuinui il 0l forming frttiwlthip at j and lrt of call lilrh nfttti bieoeru ij- lung end oivn up bw avenue- of in 1mit and ttunuuis a ctuii to lie wea itulie via iu tit liibrinew tuutt offer lueh u c utnge at roniuaralliely little tot ol lim and money rurrjuig the ac iiunuvi into art a totally dirfrrrnt fium accuktomed txenet and piolng u 11 north the lime and epne involmd hut ieii tt l fhurose i vrry modi r tt- fur oi un athjirclothr pjxonu r rcrmly irutriu vou don i turn t be rich to take crulu- to uw carlb- tvun thus tlie fattonut wuhlng t i n 1j y as many fttaeinuting aivd varud fiatuif tis ptiijlu un a lids hull- diy cruue lietr prrnsl uek und thr beauties ul nat in- are combtiat tu ttie atrrut rarnut do brttrr llisu iilic ttir lit toiennre itennuele n iju jojnaw tool brmw rruue uc fodlii o victor l eke ju n iatn manaii r of ur canadian ma t ii t ilteajnih tills rrul i ki- tl lough gtrst lunortr areas of ttw i rtlt ufutwuii ombauk all tli uoiulrr f muutxl ll irttnrn ut im rj a d dm mcir uaooth tropai lovrl no n ilrd into nr urund vsratl n hurl a cruuw tl i da sll the churm f viurdy atth tttr comforts of todjj ui d mill rhsiisr our a stl n jiul trm tutu vacation liaiipjwis hjiiu g from lloniiraj rety otiu t wtxti i ds tlie lady flomcr arwi laid lladney cruut linen n rr the mighty ht lawrence- itiver born m 1 huns of rar ago and fumed from live rsrllett hutorkal dss of janqur cartirr t a great artery of rumrrurci eitd oihe of the scenic tenders of trw orld hrrr is prfented during tte lo full da etch sayguuig and irtumlng background of runanc- redolent of the day hcn adventurous itenchmen planted their first colonic a live lug pull the liner a ay from du pier and tiu slilp gets under way we pav us if in review the asi water front of montreal with its mu of docks and wluirvr grain eljvatoi and interrttlng panorama marked by llu beautiful tuui tower of notit ivune calliednil und the ruuurd bock ground of mount lloval sumuiunted b its great cross on the right it ui lcngucull un tlie lioulh llliore once a fort buut in la9 lo protcit th wurneury from the msrauding iruquola induns a ft mile further on 1 liouchervllle selgnrury uranied tn 1073 lo lie governor of time llivrr vutrtuiei in fslr meadoelund en the him aide of tlie river is nrat vlaluu its parish church with its two tower u one of thr moot beautiful edifice in quebec ut iu on the south shore 11 rs w re he res famous in hutory oiul bear ing a statute of modeluie o vercrcrrs the heroic girl of 14 jtors who sue crssfuily defended thr manor ho aw agauut an iroquau attack on thr tame tide of thr rlur and ut the entrance to lake bt piter is flortl on the banks of the great hlchrlllu itiver one of tlte cmef tributaries of thr bl lawrence whose hltory llnkj canada with th united bute litre the rlvrr widen out into one of the moat btautlful part of the lit lawrence known as lake bt ier dotted with nmcrous picturesque is lands at the mouth of the bl kran- els itiver u furt crrvler a military fort erected in 167 as a protection ogatnu the indians from the south now known as notre dame de pierre- vllle ulcamlng through the brood lake we smj nicole t which possesses one of the oldest house in the coun try and t an interesting cathedral town on the opposite side ts yama- chic he tet picturesquely in magnify cent farm land folnte du loio i nearby a plruant settlement and favorite resort in summer during tht lnvaion of canada in 1775 by the american forces this village figured in an eicltlng sklrmuh halfway to quebec ctty wc come to three lllvers with it miles ol docks and csoellcnt harbor founded in iftm wltli a fort to protect it look ing north we see ohsmplaln founded in 1870 and still o cslm and peace ful om it was over 250 years ago hero begin th first red cliffs with the blue hills behind opposite a little further on i cap la itoche near where jacques cattle r made hu winter head- auarters on hi second trip to canu- lon shores near here stone cliff appear and in th distance faintly rlm the lauren l ian mountain along the shore are old manor houses which figured in the american invasion of 1778 batlscan lies on the north shore at the mout hot the batlscan ittver which runs back into the rich un- es plotted hinterland of quebec btc anne de la perade and dischambault are visible furt iter down op the samo side whlk opposite i point au platan built on picturesque utile ter race wo notice a slight commotion among the ships patsengeri for uu arc up preaching one of the worlds greatest engineering achievements the que bec llrldge which is an object of neverfalling interest and uonder thu bridge ha one of the imigest cliar- crntre ipan in uie world and is tw feet above cktreme high water level as tlie ship approaches tlte bridge an optical illusion 1 cnated and the passengers get a thrill for it seems impossible for tho tall masts of tho ihlp lo pass under it just beyond tlie brtdgu on tho shore enters the chaudlere itiver down which during tho revolution ameri can force under benedict arnold urnt to join montgomery a army be fore assultlng quebec close to the mouth of the river are tho plcturtuqu chaudlere rails on th opposite sldo is thu flnt hint of quebec oily ilotv u ulllery an ancient village founded in 137 quite eiose to tlie frowning rock of quebec and itoiaeuing ttu oldtst manor hrrn e still standing in canada in a nhorl time tlie slilp arrives oft quebec one or thu old and most pic- tuntquu cltlie in the new world dramutlrilly it overshadows an its rocky height the wifi historic rlv r from winch it present un almas mediaeval appearance quebec city was founded in 1600 by bamuel tiu cham plain in 039 was captured vy the urttlsh and ft yean later was re stored to prunce in 17d thu battlu of the plains of abraham finally envi quebec and canada to the urltuth in 117ft american revolutionary forces under montgonury und arnold attack ed the city but were deflated by ilrl- tlth troops and local militia tho famous citadel ut tho top of the rock commands tlie bt laurence for many mile while tlie rampart the rlgli gabled roofs lofty spires and narrow climbing streets give quebec the charm of an old world fortress city yvom this point to a part of the river beyond metis lr it be daylight we tee tlie fertile isle of orleans just below tlie ship passei along tlie south kuk of this laland w glmp hon lir irtney full which or over 100 frel high than niagara on tlie north thou about ji inuitt frun quttvc city 1 hu amu tit iu tupr tuit u1 bu fkiin tn uilp tpcauu- of uu 14 c f orlt aiis lite amu- s u uru of th nmu famui stmnr in uu- world kacli iur it l tlu- wnr of many miraruloub cure und hm uaiidj of l il urm jwinwy tli v ry suumier ut w iu oru i h tlie 44u to tli dominion iuvrnnuut quaruntuw ii ul ion lo kiartwtaid u uunttnaaiiy jid on tl noun bliuit ll- lank uf it iliir iw abruptly ov r ijui fwi nt p 1 iiunikry ki un as cam tout in tut- hu fir t uf u numur uf almi lr uii arttchiiij ttidlttajy away n uliuaiu in ttoud wattwr ljmu- 4j ic cju be uictrjud fruui uu j 1i btter luuiwn us uurray llay h t usl uillus uf touruu not luvhg a1 ti-4- ujiu- t4uy of u1i1 1 it tub cuiadlin villaur on tlu- uiutn xiuu an komaurajts itittr du loup uiid iu pretty turn in r irwjits uf caruuua ut 1atruk al d notie dana d isiilage wr iu tl nu to tudojuc llrt vl ited by ljuiii in 1101 aud by chuinpluln lit tuu und in img ttir iivrr u nj o fit of p und its tifrrljuum bantu tt i 10 uit ubutr tlu water rtu i luttiun giandvur ullulu mfl it tliu tttntui ut tt e rru 11 lr cap i n y utd ihiil ar- iuitv wrll ki uwit mil uu amruu lakllm 1 ultlmmtu iiui 11 lou luk ulu i nviu si a vti i rtiiiwiui luwn ltiiiu i tin 1101 on lur ojuij sidjn t i a ip uui un w rattirr iu ii unl 11m tluttrilnrm boat and af tt dtuping tiu plui tike hip mukr 1 tr n j 1 it uid hilluw tig tl 1 c ua qu ti cluu1 ut ut j v 1 i p 111 ut ulai hie riilrf ol wl un an 11 tu and uatanr wu k iow 11 t muni r it oris vine icallj ft ijit pull t wr mi on likr uaipi l u luim lujil 1 1 r tlilp 1 iu kit ttu- ujuth fjiurr i ai tl ml luiud and 11a tuot tuul 1 jiiu ul hi hurt un lruv incrs tutu hu ut uf can kirtuig tlu- slum i ruluric nova utotu willi uu thr pa tr bat k u lite tourlsl parautsi il capr hit un uc tre now ui llir b uud atlantic jiuj our nest purl u ill u iluullton iwnnuda wjicrr i arty twj day are tpent luimuda tlu- coral island uf the t urih atlantic is unique one drlvci inrouali tiu siipcls ul hamilton the c ipltul belitnd a tpan of iiorus drlv in by a ntgio coacl man which re- mind one of tin oay nineties and is so different fium tlu hurly burly ol tliu tnoiuruid wotld ui which w ll ju t linagltii a pn tiniuy whrrr tluru ii r 1 no uutumubile to duae and w litre iiuiiipinailuu i nially by carnage or uuik uitliuumi fur unit mailer a litmii un ii a nilgit iraversi lift mmla itnl to 1 ud in a day jtouiei and othri buldliit- ait made from tlu coral hioii ul wtildi liennuda u 1 mitd and nut with their white 1 1 iuvd roof anudu the green cedar which abound throughout the rosdt ait c iilkas and cut uirougn th cortl icck wind bttwtrn odar groves or i xlui uf ud at wl viliibf clcanckra whit flowtr fani liar to the north nur uily ui hot iiousx grow in pro i 11011 rurywheu and then an all klis u trie sea bo clear is tlie water tnat the wonderful marine vegetation may br torn plainly at a depth of thirty fiet und uue of the uitngi tvtivutu hould do in bermuda u view tin lordiiu ui iu depths of the oton through cru of tlie mrim bo turned txiats provided for the purpose anoilur town af un pur lance i ut oeorttc foundid in 1013 situated on li cuurgi a uiand which u cunnect- iu wiifi humiltun island by a stone cuuw way und 1 about twelve miles lium uamlltan tlie natural attrac luiis uf liennuda are endkss apart dun thr txuuty and remarkabb vuruty uf iu ilkitalian ther aer al to tit mots marvellous cave which having txin ughuxl und mode easy to iruvcist hold ihe visitor apeubound by their myrud crystal columns and jiowwhlto tlolactltc ualllng from ikrmuda two and a luilf days arc spent in blue caribbean waters and tlicu a call al nassau capital of the ualtama islands which lie to the cast of florida and the north of cuba rhl group of island may be called the cradle of the new world for it was from ban holvadar or walling island ute re flashed tn lb durkness un tlie night of october ii lift a light which wo th first sign to oolumbu that he had discovered t great new world and which later be came tlu ancient horn of plrat and buocanrtr this land af hidden treas ure have endeared the uahama to the heart of every adventurer as h set foot on the sands trodden by henry morgan captain kidd john ttoch known a ulackbeerd and many others who sailed under the folds of the jolly roger nassau on tho island of new 1rovldence u the capital and principal port should ths viiltor desire an active outdoor life the clear nand beautiful water sur rounding the uland provide real yatchlng faculties excellent fining and the bathef mecca ftmoui liar ad uo beach has been declared to be uiuurpazbed tho world over a further two day voyage ln tho curlbbcan brings th vacationist into the port of kingston jamaica where two and a half days are spent before commencing the trip homewards an ncknt legend ha it that jamaica was used as the workshop of the gods and lure was made and tet adrift all hum islands uf the curribbeart whlct urr tach in itself ut beautiful jumulca the island jiwcl of the currlbbean posetse in itself almost ivtrythlng that is an attractive fea ture of thu other colonto of tho carlo bean the ngul ulue mouutalns that rise to a height of 7000 feet above tea level wreru all la cool peaceful und serene there arc also broad val- uys tumbling river and brooks luxurious vegetation majellc color of land and water and almost every degrte of climate shading off to the mots temporutr until a regard climate out might imagine oneself ln nur mast northern regions in sum ntcr liutory and romance greet u at tho very entrance to jamaica far as we inter ktnoston harbor our ship liu rally passe over tho aubmcried city of pott itoyal reputed to be im wickedcut city on earth rendcbi of llu bticcuiuers and emporium nil mirt of tlulr illgotten wraith which wai dibtroyid by earthquake ln 1104 and dlsuppiarcd under tlie water of the harbor jumalca capital kings ton u in many resiwcts a compara tively new city with u colorful cosmo- ivoiitun strtmt life that never falls to inttrot among the attruottw spots nearest kuiuston are tlu oardotte of hopo mid castloton n vi castle hag wulk und fipuuuh town a note- vunrhy trip ts from kingston to new- utb it 10 miles away till rood winds up tlie mountainside to an ele vation uf over 4d00 fut unfolding to iil eyo as one ascends a vista of mountain plain and ac 1 that only can bo described a magnlilcent spanish town the ancunt capital of tho la land founded in 120 wits already a century old when tlie pilgrim pather uindod in amoruu lying about 19 miles along tlie coast from kingston spanish town may be etched either by motor car or fain mention bliouul bo mado of maiidevllle in ths hills manoaque with fern oully neurby montego day cloie to uhleb is the famous batliliig resort known as doctor 0ve among the many ouur delightful ptsvcm to visit 1 that exquisite spot cavlstd th blue itol thrn ther u that beautiful tud uni que pivtj known ut dunn trr wium frnlt and salt wmi- bsthing may he eniortd almost tlmultanous- ly ilosjrtnst uvc and tb baths at milk uivr are two other spot which hie tourtvt slvould visit while ther are always the sugar sstsus wltl tlvelr kvil ullu bairuuia plsjilauon iuvis of gniefruit cajangbs and coco- iti and tlie biu mount a ui cohte hutri within lou mlus from kuigs uu is aio uu dude ranch at kul- mouth oood iu pi a 0oo act cauu ranch wlilch has eery faculty for iau uig to tiu- tourht and vocationut 1 ud and nabud ul 1144 oood huiv plaututam has all the cluiru of cm urus tma vkhlie cairrliia to uu uwsi modem nwdi al un travller bnl on rl aiul a life in i lie great oulduor my of scop u alfurdd here fur uitli r fishing baliung or just ijji ailwid haunj an aiy time of it ttu isltur oiui lias a ciilr of many hun motor trip from kingaoii u hliihtful purc or tiay take any euu uf u ailety 4 ujuijay circular mctur rip li an tlu cjpts4 tmtrtcaig auaa uf uu iniiijuluj 1410c und el u jtek ui lur tgiui wltli utfc to hm urfcav iwlarfuisi the ship liotaud uound call are uude at tl some island ui tiu- it turn voyuge ahorduig pos- um tlu oppurtunlly of renewuig aoquauituncr mad toulljjound and irini tjain the punoruu uf beauty wti eh ynj lid uw buaars outward ikruiui ut ia gjum u kn tema i uiuu iwrqiuda the wand of c and utuiy uiut tau again fur v days uu hutaru bt lawtvium- isi k to port m uontrval unipeluig u uuhd trip ciutw of uniiig imm hi esjiitly oi day llu lady luurs of uu- tuu lian natjunsl liuanwjp have try mtuiu tatrianmt wfiun are all out d ijrh with ivvo laitje porlliuir 1 1 hipjxj with tuds and the cul 11 1 and tervlnr arr jf ui beu in w cl llmr 4ieui f trill ties aiul uw tuai ulutictkuis en roqte tlu pubhc ulftnd u umswlud uppueiunlty iu mjoy a rtal halday at uu uilrn anikut o- dujilkeud elsewtrtr arm t a rul which will apiieul tu any iu- sin tpjnd a hu idsy away fr n l mr wi t-fi- nrraoary ripijua uu 1 rurnd tilt wofild and im in dtscusaliij pruiemi prruuitl ai d nations the first thing to do is to grab liold af the right end of the mukt one obvlou trouble in uu w tld today is that we or trying to iltub iiold af tlie wrong end ol the tick putting th cart before the hcrr we are trying to cruuige xyttems and it i cbviou that this i ructdurr is not ftotktng wliyt ur ea 1 r we ought to begin at th other end it u man is a tsddrlwr it wul be usrlrsa to keep on changing tlu mnke uf car for turn what has to happen is that th bad driver must ut made into a gaud driver uirruuuly it u quit uveleu to at tack criticise and try to change mrm or socutlea if we ignore the whole motive force behind theuw tlunga that l men and woaven the men and women who rook up what we call lyslems who run them we have got to change th men and women who consututc govern menu it government is not a slab of me thing inanimate u 1 not just a t rm it ts a community of human being who juggle with tariff and money who make up society and commerce and run them vou cannot just chang th world en masse you have got to change the men and women who consututc 1 he world and here let us face the fart that you dear reader for that matter ail of w people who make up th world what are we uolng to do about itf clturn wouldnt you like to travel and ste th world llohunku no i believe tn ihe bni- llurh od of man it would b no satisfaction to m to nuke a personal inspection of the some old family troubles ell over th map 44 all aboard palmerston listowell wirtgham kincardine orangeville owen sound london windsor atul lnumxtilt point detroit port huron rat nohwi mkmma reasonable fares tickets and information longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown central ontario bos lues limited 13 2 iiii j i rrnitti 3 ji3x133 3311 j3j3l n a robinson live slock dealer and batcher nerval uvestoactruaong all cra fully ibhihki 1 phonet gebtewb 101 is tlcrtrrrirtrtttttn rtrrmxttritnirtc surnrner millinery all straw hats soc and 100 misses claridge herald block uptub gseteato bbbbbbubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbalbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbt the romans had a phrase for it caveat emptor meanlne let the buyer be ware thu wmnl uaed aa a bit of balm lo eate ike ancient conacience nor yet waa it placarded in the booiha and alalia of the market plnce it waa a piece of everyday knowledge born of dearbouqrit experi- a ahopkeeper knew little about the aource of hia merchundiae thia tunic he bought from a trader who aald it came from byzantium so he sold it aa the lateat byzantian atyle tho trader told him the dye wu pure tynan it wouldn t fade so he aold it aa tyrian dyed but the buyer knew the reaponaibility waa hia own if he guaaed wrongly or hia judgment waa poor it waa hia hard luck today fortunately there are aafer guidea than the blunket warning to tet your eyee be your market theae guidea are the newspaper advertisement in thia newspaper they uro a catalogue of the beat val ues in town signed by responsible firms if the goods are not all that is claimed for them their sponsors would need tp beware for no business can thrive on u one time sale or on dissatisfied customers a signed advertisement is in a way like a pro missory note the advertiser has made a statement und affixed ins signature as a sign of good faith so read the advertisements before you start out on u buyingtrip moke this a daily habit and see how much you save in time in temper in money in shoe- leather

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