Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 22, 1934, p. 4

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p4 the georgetown herald wed iiesday auuwl 22nd 1934 the proper care of your automobile cam of tlu finuh all auitoafcauu oaisimb umuo dull and fadvd wbn lky aw i j to tt vcalhsr for a iw tawatlw th ultra vtou ray of tie ton gradually diiinurao uis aucdfonuinjf lbjrdtnli in th ftnuk euajnr tb loose ning of tiny paehkua of ijjmwit- ctanttuudy csuud eiilkjftb or weathering- ul kwalu u uj toughening of lu hjrtb4lly fensooth and ilwy finiah- tvfcs tiny parlieu of plgwiil utrtw with an aminmuitoa of dat umj dirt fcur oat tk aurfavc ef u fwulnjf a ula krd ua vtlcji m c5 trajtu ubl it is a muuli u believe bow vr tkat wbtn tide filwka foimuwi ovr ik finish cauiiinr it to appear lull oiwl fsjisj t at til oflly thlno that will bring it baek la rflnlh lfcg of court if the wrathennjrha uin permitted to pncru until it uu ptvttrald through to the un itrrota- rnnuhlnu ncetry but just a lunir a there u a laytr of ik omrlnal rnlsh on thr car tt rata b lit4 by poludsing uwt ran fdt rjj th wwivovsi of ut traffic bn and th appluatuia of a eortwtjy formulated plujt ta rtvw lh utr or tk 6nlsk dy betty ilarciay uny of our uuwt common tunj- bk v like carrots ir cora and uanaaw may be mod- up into evlkloua coai una t ion ttyiu ho not dpnd entirely bpan ajt and lpor u flavor uw loui but a lull sugar will come in hasdy aiy col snough to fhrn but nurrly enough to seoiruualr the flavor oi ui vfjuaufa ami odd u dj- riurg value j uw dull aaj ta asj yajt- j cum ogju4l cxmt i t mxkml ult ishxur i 1 tnuooq uljx i cuu livmii bd crumb 3 labupom liur uix a mi uu com and trurnffki and puux all into a fjtriwi ballog ilujl fapnad th crumla owr tl top dot ihmd etlh uir buiur and baij tn a moovrbu own lor oru lull hour thla la a m ay of utulilnf wft orr com or tomauml carrtj aj rv 3 ciup cuud carrot i cup cookd pmi 3 tallfapoana nour i itaiipnnn aalt u iaaapoon prporr i laipnnnj r ist cup mil boll th carrot until urular coa- blaa wkh tto cooiud wu khaat and ii etlh mcltscl butur or malt a tauca of ui hour butur milk and unonlni add ui cooked carrou and pmu rhau and urw hot vajuiu imhkn vuh rvwi rus i prjfg podr for vanlua junket 1 pi rh cup auiar cup whipping cmun 1 law or 3 amall navel orangm prpr anllla junket according to direction on pa chill in ra- frijrator whip ih cream adding cup auar juat befora th cream u atlff whan rrady to ber top the junket vtlh uu whlpom cream and acroaa th cream plac ouon of oranga i u oranga u laru uu four s aaotlona u amall ute four who aacuona for fch duh of daa- aaru bkam ib adaftabu food vitamin d prcarni in bran atlmu utm thj appttlt and hrlpa to tona th intaatlrua tul coourratlng with th buut provksfd by bran in aid ins normal aliminatton iron an other alamatu pram add atill fur- thar to bran a health value for iron la naadad to build good red blood and to prevent nutritional murnu with thaw health value firmly attabluhod th hourwlf u fortunate that bran can b addad to u mrnu in to many llnwnt and appealing way i can b eatrn av a cereal in combine clot with other oercau aprtnklad over aoupa a a crisp topping for almwd fruka and aa on ingredient of many kind of bread cakes cookla and puddint llr 1 a recipe for bran rauln bread which you will find dhctou and auy to prepare brua bakla bra4 i 1 cup auffar cup mohuawt 1 cup aour milk 3 ubtaapoona melted ahorumma 1 cup bran 3 cup hour b taatpoon toda 1 uupoan aalt j uaapoorut bajunb powder la cup ralatns bau ess allghtly add ausar mo- laaaaa milk melted ahortenlng and bran filft flour aoda colt and bait ing powdar ulx ralalna with flour and add to tint mixture beat well bake tn ell greaaed loaf tin for 1 hour in a moderate oven two de gree y omv of the bcvt of cocktailit 111 rtliim once more of the tomato uaaon la a reminder that durlna the put year wherever ctuudun products were ahown at the vartoue eahlbltlon around the urltlah idea it waa tho canadian tomato cocktail that took th country by atorm not only l th tomato an outstanding thirst quencher but raaearch ha ahown that tomato alt in the auimilauon of huviar food and increase reautanccl to eobl pneumonia and men like uu th tomato la particularly helpful in promoting the normal growth of children however that may be tho canadian tomato cocktail prong into popularity of it own volition both on account of ut aimpllciiy of l manufavctuie anj it enticing flavour 1n tomato cocktail u mode from to mato juloa with amall amount of billd aptoa added aooordlng to taitc aiwh a cloev allaplce cinnamon and red pepper aunplemented by the required amount of alt and augar to make th juloe the tomaloe ahould be allghuy pulped with a po tato nuihar planed in u covered kettle and allowed to heat on the atov until almost boiling after the fttilp ha reached tho boiling point i u ready to be pauad through a juev to remove the akin and aeod u u imperative that no time be loot in the operation because exposure to air will cauae a lot of the nutrltivo value of tho juice the juloe after training ahould be returned to the kettle and bo brought again just to boiling point when it u filled into hottlm or lealera which have been ltept hot the aeaied bottle are then placed tn boiling water for a few minute 3 minute for amall bottle and 4 or ft minute far larger otuw tomatoes put up by the cold pack method are ideal for making juloe during live winter montli yor thu purpote place uw tomatoes solidly in clean cans or widemouthed jars odd 3 lewl teaspoon of salt partly seal the containers and tinmen in worm water bring uu wuwr to boiling point and keep it so for 35 minute remove tho container from the water completely seal and allow to cool crop report iwlou u be fuuiul a hrut j n h- ti ul mult lr tiitarim iulud m ilu iteud ortlrc u tlu lunk of uumuji irxun it tijju- uitdir dji u auj i6u twrwialin ilu irul1 piwuf irwuu u fctruiiii o r tir iutl mi an u tutd uil udtuiutd rtuluie u norturn alb rta uiul uw inttr luui uuttlrt thiii ilir m iluiili llfakrmt rmti mw lfiw- nity ivi t in but u t itd lju to ukl ufirtit mxl rjuju indu alluii itouil u tlj- lrvlfl uloal jultl la tiuuiuj uuifly otrr hut u lxu r tlu- tm4tnmriit bruii in aiim rta lit cjufbrc lroslmr u ytl trap vj liay tuu hetn tur aiul cuitli 4 iul bey mi of barley aim oaf vluci pio mu an bcu ukt in onturu tiail and siu- lme iaui danuise to crop in tutor uctuuu partlfuurly in oxlord aiul norfolk couiitlr oraln tvancttuitf u ttrtl iidtuimxl aiul thm lung u grnrrut uh lulr lru indicated cicin or full a lu4i in ujc ltantlmr jiuukt the lia crop a a stiole ho iruvcd wmralut br low average oaia putiota and roou progrrijig ajujactonjy in llrttuh columbia fine iuthrr wtut lihrrmltteut ruin ha been favour able n crub lnti rrou in moti dl trtcta and condition griarrslly con unue uulactury uciail fulloa alberta nortlieoatent area kaiiy town wheal prcmura a fair irld lale crop and coarte grain air light alberta fioulluaatem ana- tt- wlwat crop u light and roam train are poor pasturage and foddrr crap an ahort alberta wfalrrn area in hi uouth rarly un wheat promuxi fair yield the late town crop hort the augar beet crop 1 pro- mliing wheat yuld in tle rrnlrul uccilon nlu be much uglitrr than uiual in llu nuntwni outr ct uie crop ij very prumuuig lukulchiwan northern area crop ar a a mull of the nvent trui and dioujht and yu id will be o t r t tuui prrv 1 juily anticipated lattunigr crnerally u fair uakitcluon uouthem area crop are poor with u htrvr ocvragt cut for feed and ttu uvrruue leld and grade lo palurra art bare and the feed problem i terlou many dutrlcu uanltobo thrruilng fa commenced and fair to good 1 if 14 ore indicated our the purvagi plain along the lld ithrr valley and in moat northern dutrlcl crop are only fair to poor in arena of tieav lct acreage and tome autrtct 111 be ahon of fed 104 urra bene- tltod from reornt ruin piwvlavee ej qbidm loepl in tome wet ion of tlte ea tcm townahlpa uie hay crop lia been good an average lrtd of barley and oat 1 in pro prct cutting l grneral eaorpt ui tt lavtr tit lawrence vol ley itoou generally are in good con dltlon and making prore but u moat tectlon rain t nwdl to avurt an average crop paturuitc 1 fair to gaud tobacco u gruulng a ell and look promulng the applo yield will be uvort rodder com 1 develop ins rapidly but rxqutm mure heat and molaiurc prmtaee sf oatarla pall wheat production 1 conajder- 1 ably below average due to iiiut kul- ing and drought while the yield i vatic widely the quality l good liulc and oat ore aliouig average yield of good grade btruw 1 vhort i com i in good condition and ahows aatufactory growth hoot crop re quire more mouturr the apple crop will be light and the yield consider ably below ovcrao fhe codling uoth u lire v air nt tn aome dutrtct orape are ixing well and all varie ties are progreing favourably rarly peache are a fair crop elberta i and other atandard wul be light iaaturov and uftrigro uhlle fruah- eiwxl by recent rain ore at 111 ui poor condition and require addulonol mouture to atunulatc grownh to bacco plant liavc benefited from re cent ruin but l lie crap u potty duo to drought and ho juftirxl roiiald- rrubu damage from hull mariuaw prosuira in prince edward bland a good crop of hay ha been harvcatod a hiavy yield of oat 1 in protpect and root crop continue to show mrong sapid growth in ntw bruniwlck tlm yield of hay ha been bclou avtrago oat ore maturing rapidly cutting ha comaunood in onu ectlan itoou are n ported to be proiimlng aatla- fortonly and mrrum yield are an tlclpaied throughout nova beotlu the hay crop 1 ifctlmuied to bt from 30 to 40 below average pocatoo and other roo uru growing well apple are starling to how some colouring scab aiul liihect injury i well under control provlne of brlluh columbia culling of groin ha commenced and on average yuld 1 cipectcd harvrsilng of late hay crop aa de layed by ruin und the quality 1 slightly inferior to the first cutting tomato crop of good quality und yield arc moving freely to uie can- tveriei and marlau potato and other vtgetubte ure pkntlful apple nrv alxing allfactorlly mid picking of uorly laruitu u well advanced prrwiit tatlmutid yleldj ure a fol low appu 100 pear a 00 plum und prune u of uveruac pajtur- ogu i hood tn maa dulrlcu wotluf 1hekc bc tataeuj t it ii not fur bay if that i fear death for hocratet akj all tlwt u to y of that how giving up tliu mortal breath can mean but intnuuv to immortal day o- night rlemal with hemal tbvp llear tluttl toy uiluule roneelt i fur tlvat tlio i lou v10 lovt hu uk tnav lieati tuiull porlkuu of ttuir ihtt upitn my bu r would tlten be dark and i not twt io imuj a chum oi ining ijuilutr would ihrlt u ixiktu iiikl j 11 11 1 and i nt t lure to ting nilun of iuyt oh to iru fear torn me iumn- hut ttlirn i m one wth all ilw alter vou ktlll will um1 1 arh neviuwn day aiih lauylitir ily eleanor ortliam olrly sughtly stout my mother gay im growing beautiful ttie brut regarding her you mean beautifully i will a uuou yktaikku tlwuaht viaiturb to uulia ur urprurd lo vr trulnd tuptanu uolng the lieavy ob that me usually done by uuctor jjm oler machlia ry lliey an jmibd to aulclt tlpltajiu- lift lieovy log mitli tluir jluk lruw urge lud of lumber on link truck and work id in tit abuul tlj ftatiauoil uwuuui lir lwo travel uuk uilo uu ii urn j uitile wmi viutch uw u- 1 tm 0411 u vtiu u tay vt out j a- uakuoud hut u will to oil urt 1 t t uorhl tlu u one oi the mu t vlut l of ilixmi it l a pllaul a iaiu majl a hard a iron aiul our ma otjy the ire are ft lied like our itn l mwlng ttum off tlte it nib lumnwxl off uu trunk und ut tut iluu it l lluu uu rl pionl lafd ourt working tiuy othiriiiuj uu loi to tlu bank of u mrr 1 r to a iailtaily lo lv dellvarvid 10 llu- aiinul al tlu- itaiigoou aamlll a irfrd of our hundrtd ilepluuu oxk all are uojrfyj b old joe an ruphaiu marly wvruty five years ol tow fotnou au ovir uj- orld a uu- tiiuiifr vt more cuphani than any man or beat while joe dor4 not ac tuaily rork he u bou of the yard and perform lii tok with a ciack- llke prrculon atitch frw men could nopy joe tee to it tlu i tr ele- piuuiu do ilu-u- aork promptly the right sy rum uu- time uie ehutkj blo until it again announce uu noon hour or quuung tune in th late u fir moon old joe ilip along the una of elephant to bat the uulng out for tlu morning aark and in uu than uimt muitue uie hundred or more elephant ant on their way to the litkt alierv they oek hi two line one line walk to uie inlet the other from keeping up a continuous move ment juit like on endufc belt lach elrpnaih pick up in hi trunk u selected log and gar along the log pile a lu malum driven guide nlm to uu right pile and direct him when it l tune to drop the tog uicpplng over to th end of uu log pile uie rlrphanl losers hi hc4d guns along uie log and if it i out of line punchei u with his tiuk un til li 1 tralgt all day long week after ttrek uie elephant turd keep oil piling log according lo tlxe ana urude wutout any human aid except uiat of tiie nuhout wluxe task it u to luep ua animal the mmtl dl- tanot apart ulipplng about in uie mud of uu wet suaion hauling log in the very dry iiaun of dep dul tht ckplianu work right lioura u day wiui no voca lion aiunding a lleume uhctliei forty fllt or a hundpod rar hand linu log lg utter tlie ard while hun dxtd moix are ruwung in tie rivtr nearby tiue toga are rruutlve from ixuxn to taenty uichn square and uurtinvt het lotiii utepplng theia- to aelwl ju i the le and length log lu u handling uie rli lihant lumber ouay nil day lonu loaty but aurcly ptrformlng hi aoik our amlll yard aro very nouy plaoc villi uir hum and creak of machinery uut tlc yard in jumuooti ctin itry qukli only uie lnun of uie largo aw brtuk the aurnce for uie elept ant tou an and an uie onl sound beinu the voice of the mahout ho alt ujion the animal back and aha appear like a utile boy perch- fd loft but whoso command are faithfully obeyed by the anunau waduig uito tl e muddy waters of the river uie elephant lift the large log out of uie water with their tusk and rag uwdi into the large open shed beside the utvmui they walk on the rolling uncertain logs as cosily a if it were a proved road and man age their toacra or leg and broad pads of feet uith perfect surcnos in handling uie logs elephant 1 uork alone but when the log have ben saacd into lumber two elephant work togilhcr to pile it up th two elephant one handing on each end ol tlie square of wood lift them and lay thun down in perfect pltos they use their link which have been srortcned and curvod with saw and flic to rake the timber and their trunk- to push them into place when the whistle bloas for dinner tho elephants instantly leave what ever ttcy arc doing no matter where they un and walk off to uie feeding yurd if uu elephant la in the liver lifting a log he drop it and turn toward hi dmncr ncurly 01 try ejephant has worked in ttu log and lumber yard twenty or mom year jomo of them like old joe much longer lie has been hero nearly seventy yean ttonu of uie elephant have boon trained to perform a trick which sur prise visitors a uie party advances toward an tlephonl he will throw hi trunk forward in an alarming inannir wrlcli causes th stranger to run but uie ikphant follow and foon overtake tho person lie wul not stop until coin arc cast upon the ground 1hcu lie pick up no mat- it r ahothtr they are between logs or in uut mud and calmly hand them to hi mahout then he turn and vtulks awuy av if nothing had happen ed uul not until he ho searched out und found the very lost coin in our dumb animal hoses pnavche gods love vtwiuaal 1 adfam kakjy uhi4 la abw4 task clofjjin tvxt for fkkl u luved tlu aorui hut he nave nu mly u gihii tu ii uut kluwuitr bfiuvtlh ui ulru t1 mild iul urult but luvi ev r las ll im lift jolin 3 is uukon pahiladl lluia ii i 4 b 0 14 4 9 anwuig i main ran 1u- rurv cm u rial 1 t br rviryvilurt a my f lid ii mu a uiyrud hj aiul tltul i ivi r vry iiljrc i aijtid lu kuul ut hiluijht of tlu in j it ihui r i art tit llu win i in lu i i ut und tiull ji i tlod hath iui iiljur hung to di a u wh in j vtllltg vstlui i niw lultuu un tntirrtuij in u id f u iu i tlu halt a future i 4w ui- ii lbu tilt need op a change more than half the plcasuro wi have in contemplating a holiday says a writer lv bom of tlie instinct of change but changu dais not meun mtroly the trahsfennce of oiuself und ones family from one pluco to un- otlicr par too many peopu court dlsuiipolntniont by that interpretation every year there 1 perhaps nothing more de pressing than tho lght of o many family group at tho suamdo during the holiday stason who arc obviously bored past murmuring wellintention ed but suffering from soclul starvation a runted they have a change- of air of scene and of some habit but lacking the change of society they lack everything that makes for a suc cessful holiday family life is an invaluable and delightful thing one of our most chermied institutions the cosiest way of taking care of it 1 by brook ing it up occasionally and the best time for that operation would teem to bo tlui annual holiday thoro u really no sound pocket wis dom for uu art of holiday for each one is a separate problem ttie best or all vacation is probably that which come upon you uiuware investors have nlr turaew pour acton investors realised this week on an investment made several year ago in casey uountaln operat ing by nd urate each of these men purchased ono hundred shares of this dock for flfio and placed the certi ficates among tlielr other paper th slock is now bt ing bought at 10 per share and the original investment of iao u therefore worth 116000 tlie local investor who aero fortunate arc moars j 11 lclshman w d tublot j w janus and a uocann of ouclph und friends aro congratulating thtm on their profitable turnover ttu stock ami sold here by mr kenneth ourrle a former resident of acton who it is understood is also a stockholder of mucl larger proportion ip th com pany preo press two negroes word urtfuing vou ulnt got no sense said one no tonw don what dl head o mine fo head i data no hood luggoh dutb a button on top of yo body to koep yo bflckbono from unravellln 111m i hope you 11 dance with mo tonight hot oh certainly i hope you don t uilnk i catne down liere mere ly for pleasure i in turn in ndiidth 41 nut rkji id he iiulliin of jjjuk cartur a imtta- iu riituru- tu a u it lirtll pi a hal ton hlmi r cuuiiur d with tlw aintgjlly of ljypt liul a if chui ciiudian ui nracmnt uinai tt i niumwl itage if wi tuin lull long i null liuna at ul ut tuit i ihuirtunllu of by i id u 11 ufn h fur hi nrrutloni to cunu it i doubtful if an futuit sljie jiu n ftill ijju s nirikinj nn opiurtuniiy fur ltu j m ttu nn uv ha tllwu to tlw lull il aifxiiatuai in ifctf7 11 r jrwlti l4uiw lun now a lui if lilkit ry but ii fa rvruud lie ijtloni oiui in i opt lie iutured lariul i a youil t did e mrully ilttxl ij tij btjuj i lu- molli hiu at ttut lu u h n n- ikullim llu faith if abruham uik oiimi t fur iu ui u luatkwt l v w itukl b uuuut iiilbl bljluhi llibnu it lij ji in like duiumf ilntuli tuu ui il at u unlf du plait im uuhi i ih- chrimii ttuxt i tlf tt i iltkr iijtloiu u thu rn i b mu- th their jiiy klriut cin i v uit fun tut in ilali j xl in t m i lkoit itiauiv ixir il kl ul m uu d impul jt natuoal trautuw i 4 ttu- rrliabiu hutov f ural ft i u fetxj u uu urf co iri ov wt t e rr ju4l t llwi trlded l rfloull liurruuiuud a tltry icir by id j i i tlaa i uj lirvltible thitl ii- y alioulu be uirtuuctd by i hell nviijn iiuiil tl e moii nrruikutii uu i ml ijci u i tut u irmnai t miuiud true to tlu- aorslilp of tlu- uns i i i and llvlntt oud iuuaa munibi a that uw mrnrlful pro l tic o ood hid been over tl tm ll pu ur ed oods attitude to irael a i tit of u pannt taking a utile ctlll in 1 ii arm or a dt suing hum i h cord of love or ut u stud h irtfd drlvir taking ih- vokr oh uu orn to eniblj them to rut fiucli waa llo r fuilh in the love aiul meuy of i jicinjl tlod a nation altli uch a i n il filth had seeds of uiratntu ui f wr atudy in thu ituon a few aori ft ii nt propt n bit c inuil i nu uibt that urarl hod lulrlarcli pj nn t and riviiliet atm trroujhi i il rar held tliu ful li aiul r i n ru oi lorul influence tlu wo il n iu t- n t ir to bear ureal ir i l in kucrevdmg cciiturk uutne urry a 9 lltua wuliird hu tlu- lo fium m raonul citmiicn tlie rurru ol hii mf vuw oiimr l o n ful ilii t him inu ud of catlna l i of timer lloa iidtinuxl lir fi in lavery and ttxik lur back to hi home lie dared to jv that ood mould fur uive uoph lit that uimt la rue lusrt txj falikui tl oubii iuael often utiit umtu and uiwhi into idolatry and tvll livuig clod aould not uivt up hla mrt uikl ion god a in urt via touch d aiul fuiultuiei io glun tin iiptrunce f ood meny u both in dividual and t iti iui wliuh one of d m b nut f il thai ue haw txt li t rilv i n und itlwn nieiittl clujiom whin ui huit ixin unfaithful lo our imai wi i ti pportunllli not ac ording to i it dienlnu but by hr ru nurcv ui 1 tx mtj 1 1 l hi an u n ill ui und u i mpin tilo u uri runwl his of d mi i f r lvt m i und of vt turn tn i 1 1 uhiiil in piu tf lutlonal wlilhiui inul lii on an tun in buh uvrnulnu dohtiucll m iniaht luvi bnn rxpitliil b il ttuti u bun u iiiinlhiin in fuel ir qikii rart t linuli r limn tnni hrurt ttie ilmpl at un i uu un piofourukal kplminnn in ttilv 1 urn ood ant iu man tlu lkl on in die nildat of uut iulimd that ful li cunnoi uo but tluit fur ullh mutt go national ueuoralian 4 8 tlu n 1 siuhuolng uk rary beauty in some of tlu writliik of llostu 11 uu both ioii und pnucher and tlurt ure sob in hi apeccrt- emotion ucllod up ui h heart und brought to his up woidi of truui aiul cliarm he apeak al od as tuahnu a send ing dew upon the gnu as giving urowth lo the illy apnadlng bruncho to the olive trre und fragrance to the mountain aid ilu lllustratlont are taken from the hill and the rvldi und they let u huve insight into tlu aorklngs of ils on oui he could feci ood hand upon the nation and he could ice the biuutiful and tinder thlna in the world of nature that re minded him of the working of tin bplrlt of ood drooping grain reviving an evergreen ine a fruitful vine jduv wo know ood in that intlmau way cun wi ftet mire that ood spirit has touched u when we find frur re placed by fulth resentment iron formed into love doubt chunued into confidence in uie i plana hon of our higher mood to be in the nalm of luychology only or doe nllgon enter in there t no doubt us to hofui answer lie aould su that oods uplrll in mercy touctu our splriu when a nutlon nuahu her oul it is through uu direct action of ood hi the hearts ol men men of ksnse 9 dr moftutl give thu trandatlon for tlu lust verse of how a brief book murk this you who arc wise note this you men of sense the kternul deal justly with all tho up right fare well under him but sinners fall in youi judument is such u faith the murk of u man of senw in tho eye of sonu mich u faith u ttoiuumc wi must decide for our selvrs a short view may let u doubt but a long view has mode many topic bellevo that there is justice ut tin heart of the universe and that in the ultimate btniioknco and omni potence arc joined our oan bruit live have taught us that there l u moral order an eternal difference be tween right and wrong tills l 11 c bail fur mortilui und in the end it 1 tho busts for religion also a child may question thb and ask cndleu questions but wlun we arc old enough to become mm uf uusu tlie imtun und tlu will ol qihi becomo iru roxl upoir which ui rot our fulth tlu holy oiu i at tlu heurt of uitngs qutstloiu for llluusslou 1 whut was thtro lu the chaructor of the people of israel to produce such prophet a amos and lloscu 3 do cuuudlun newt pa per a prim sulbcitnt foreign noas 3 doc thu mcitj of ood mi on any thing real to you 4 is the economic diprosston loading to genuine religious rovlvul 5 what may hosea tcuch us ubout patrlotum new auvl toftuailora fo- urw busy fsumer 4jy ttmltf tf turk- j thu rti if imihtlimluui tf tin proil i- 1 1 nil ting lurnlp ihu fi r intn ftd umu vinks la ion tlu roo urt iiuhd i tulnlil by tlu dlvui n of cm ml lr lin provi i dial the iiriitu it i ptutiuuu a itcirj i tt initrl nth luki jiji in in turnip uurinj tit tni iiiin uttk jiwi lliih tn iu c iihkmi in ijiii i p i iw 4 tautrvl j 1eu rul parik4lr tj pwutry lact und milt jii itll h ia i hm r wtf jih1 tl n i ir m im i i u d in i mti ji till u ul un i nun- i t u jld liiulh tin viini uii ii ii a llu vii uil htduii ill l hi bml ui liuhl und living in iaak uirfi iivut dur jim tlu 1 law to u tlialid lhlllt 111 uldlary tiaji u it kill il mill n bit isiiiuniiv u ikly the unet an ikm j hint aj xt lluu tuini t hh lo u l ulll iu t un- l tcllvi4d ft pjti tivd titil or unju latur kllll iimmtui k iljuu lo um r f ur iwiu if t hit oil uiul rank cc oil wlluial tuwitutlp tea tea wutliav w4 pruuru lo hi ii etwji int un jkiw 1 i imt it tin lit i jo mill ij uvihn luinjjlii tu li w mil m i ii 111 i alllllln ctll i ji xiul il uruli hi tl iu t it i xoiid fow of a hr 0 ij 4 i ilu third i 0 hi uu 01 u u ii tl muhii llo ultli ui i iluu tj jh tl u iul li wtlr 1 i i nn hirnm u uv lu h h la iru r in i i i tn 4 r i u thp uvruj vt ul nstiiim turivid i tan tiiu i utt t 41 11j uu m i i j tn i 1 1 uivd cut in u tn wiln- 1 n hiti if u u 4su ul ul 1 t i it ul tith uiun in th in i l it ul dta ill till losvllli ii inu t ilu iluu t tn uu j iu v i it pi u if uii utklii u i vi it r lut i ii pi ilixj piotubl dut o hi ijtt uul luu uir not ulloviid to 1 i inn on loud idi ut night iluri ur m juuaanady i lot mil f lorn hlji toad in ofiuuio un j vim t lotki jin a- u ul cultula ihui u n ul u tlixjooo ould bt id lutml ui mi lull lb udiuli an i uiwr tnn putunl aiul uu- cm if ttnd ittli l grraily ntlunxj will hi aluium of paalum fuliliiu iuilciul livtl it uiul uk a mjoitt of ntlutoj fttitl ontiul co th thu uan pp ur to law mjny fruimtti w ikh unukl uuirmit it trial ui other munl- tiiulltita prepare for kail troaa to insult having a supply of itttuoe xpliuch rudlvh uiul chine a cabbau lor lull u j uu utxj kiioultl be von at this irm lit varitiiia ttmt uu bt t bdap ed uccoiding lo the uomlnuui llirtlcul lurnt uji tii ii d hupd und iteuni utluci rvjiu uf d ninaik aiul lrln k juli nu biuiud chlhti und imil cjiniu rubeutie and ucmul iuinlp while or ikuiui ulohe radlsli tu iid iu iitl bt quia dry ii u imp i am io opt n uu drill and if irrljution u uvallabk apply aulbcltiu latittr to moliun the oli and a boon un lu land hui dmd to 0 to not be ick he 4idli u ahould bo done tarn aeeoaal puiniuiu ini ci mucd irom a mean ot liwlihood to u highly luclalisid t inim utile biulnt uodtrn form uig involvib a conideiobki tavestmrnt and vtiy fiw uoplr rrolls the ex it ni of tlu rupital in i fitment of even ttu uu rase farm thu invuatmeni i-cpue- uut of man small ictall and nianufuciurlng iitubluhmcnx yet uu v ikt majority of fuim ure operated u thoul any kjttm of accouiulng ur rtcoiu unltjj adequate recordu ar ki it it 1 imixnluu to determine dc- fimulv tlu coat of the vatloeu farm oiu rations und a knowledge of llu ttni or prodtirtlon aill help prcveitl l ilu um- of farm aceounu and ikuiua ulll do u gnat deal toward reducing it cosl of production below tl i m innu price dmcc tlie farmer iii no control over tho telling prlot hi tut ajuinallvo t to rrducx hi tonli uf production to uio muilmum uo ruiv uav tlu- kialuturuuis lisw bml at it uuuitif tluy point out that whlls the ul ral luive a ur uajorlty tn the ii miw tluy liavint a majority in uu t nun try hue liberal hxve a majorl i y of 40 over all in tlw llouw in uu voting lioivfr the liberals luut jihidi u rau foe their caiulkute m1 uu gonrvullve ueund i3 u v 4i and tin ccp m 060 a i tul f jtjouo ajultt l uie libtral rlrun k iniy not lu but uuv t tl uutu un i uu in thla purtleuli ilu i ii luuiwr anybody u ntituxi l ii y uiilirt tljir nuy u i all saist uay1u jlu iaufmulj 1 u lut of ttu date- f lu pull pkuth in tin dutrut ar n ir oil 3 4 lum ikpi 17 3j lit ti y htpt g is lurkluiu ikrpt lavlv uji i jw ux iklu li ij irjia oct 3 1 ix ii in oct j j luuvah oct j riu ik it 14 pi iljlmuil jvjwn oct 5 iruiul valuy 1ik jljj ii j mr lb m so ji lit l uiu iu jo lt 11 n rupt iu11 muib l-l- ot 4 1 u al id iwpt ib io mujluid tu t jo tl maul t roil tupi iu ao tit uut vltm tupl ii li rkii liind tuitt jl 71 i ii it tip j- ju 1aiu i a li hi pi 4 j mldutiliu- lujm la it laiu uit 1 3 llu iii u ll t in i rt n unly r y ki i i tui ult ii will tot tu u il f trlju 4 a tali u- lunnir tilut v i br w tmi t tlj dji uul u i uul truln a r i ud tlu wind in hiiul u ull tlu- i i wltut btrrible crime ha till man comi nit ted ho has done nothuig he was merely an tmiocent bystander when tough jim tried to kill a man and wo ure lioldtng htm as witness aiul whcrei is tough jim lie ii out on bail paxkag bass tiuti an upptuxlmuuly 8 000 beca in a k und und tt ey may be ob am- id ui package holding oiu or man pound but the luopound te ap pt ir tu bt uu mokt popular for all pjtkuu tin re un noacver many bcektyptr c pec tally in eastern can- ud i ulnt pruler a three pound pack- uu- thinking uat ttu estra pound of bor will enable uio new colony to butkt up more rupldly llu i says lit c 11 ooodirtmm tho domlnoin api arist rsihrlment with the two slsc ot paekuiii do not seem to warrant this assumption for thu two pound ikickuyt will usually build up a rupldly und atorc just u much honey i do uie thnepouiul package if tlu bo ure young and uie lo dur ing trumportullun not excrulve there urv enough of thtm in a luopound luckayt to care for all the brood ttat tun be producevd by the queen and uio colony will build up just us will ululoul the tkces worker mufiestlons in preparing h heave for tutndftltlaa in cnniuctlon with khiuve for competition j a carroll superman- dttit or agricultural bocklks soya llut in the first place consideration should be given to compel iton rules covering sleet of vluuf etc a muil- mum of right inches ui diameter nu oiu at hot this mcuiuremcnt ut the center binder freedom from duuust and blemlsln u talent ml und only luuel true to variety ould be chotn borne ex- hlbltorn cut a number of sheaves in u good pari of the fkld uiul from uum tiuiko a mlectlon a much bet tr auy i to chooac uidhidual stalk from standing gruln this may bo done by walking in from tlie stubble wlcn cutting l hi progrts plant slioul i be cut close to the ground wiih a pair of scissors when two or three ttmts tlu a mount required for a sheaf hus been colli cted u srauld lie placed on rack or tabic to dry protected from ihei weather particularly ruin und ilea a few board on treuuu la in a loft or drive shed should be sultablu a piece ol clutu cloth or other hi lu material spmid over the hcuda wo ild ulford protection from birds tui7 traw in un exhibition a should be siripptd of leuvek or uu this may bo donu by taking u mull handful of 40 or 60 ut a tune in this process uny duaused or faulty peclmurm should be rvjocud i ho round fotm de ired miy be uctuitd most easily by uio use of ft mould of somu kind uoiim exhlulu use throe hooiu nulled to u bar and kit oiien at tlie top for tlio entrano of sums thmu hoop should b eansiderably larger tl un otu aizc re- quiied for a bound siiuaf tho next step is to place buulars und draw tightly uf le i which u liarp knifu should bo suid o eun off the butt squarely any tnwi which may break leaving tho lu nds hanging douit my bo removed with scissora lubbons for decorative juirjw es may bo added a box or cratu of light but strong materia lu should bo ttmui und pre- ferubly provldid with hhigod lid a aultublo sihj lor wheat would lw 18 inches by hi inches by u ftot outs would require a larger eratc probably iu lticluk by ib inches by fi feet while u shorter- uok uauui u or barley a collar should be plucod ltihide iu support the head vud ol uu sheaf concrete work ruiasils ta pro of tkarf if you rquir any thin t in this tin ptiokti ui s waucer wi at uu floral designs uj wuni ktk bui u4 aiurtwi fbicea beasomablb ha im j farmer gbslott bt qtatftuvm ail aboard palmerston wingham orangeville london littowell kincardine owen sound windsor and inumwjuu point detroit port huron reasonable fares tickets and information longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown cefitnl ontario bos lioes lunitdl suiti trier millmery all straw hats soc and 100 misses claridge herald block upttain gsetewa printing service what you want when you want it quality printing catalogues booklets letter heads business cards envelopes social stationery folders sale bills tickets menus statements if it u quality printing you want at a colt no greater than you ulghl pay for inferior work then you will give u the opportunity of making eitlmate on your next order for printed matter no job too urge or too imall our lerviee department u at your call to help with byout type selection and form of preientation there u no extra charge for uch tervice simply phone no 8 the georgetown herald georgetown telephones

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