Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 5, 1934, p. 4

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pfc4 tk grordelown herald wed ncxliy evening september 5th 1934 ooiho tumovgh thk will onuhf th tlwnta u broken by teisfciy kin downfall othr eajru shudder to knost ttt victory of uw sw lbp off th proud monarch crown mwdfettly th mx a ouirrml teauparti buck to and list boni lying cai th pound wuh fauitsc of ti inking clvauw and htp fro tsanwv and uui th vataquiaium ts loaded on sleigh and k tu vay to th mill th whirling circular uu wait tu hacked teeth viciously txruw o workers vww monk brained tnot brautlfully tb will tooth edvfra and tma aw uouuy do their shar krt u u ttacksd in th yard to dry in uw sumtiwr air th taotiry wot for taw ttw lormt fotot it kinr tb buirrl found a tww hotn felrd around thf old throne sing aftr th tmun drying th plucks to uu tip ww go ttwj on to th butcher knlv whrt uwy are sinoothed up jlwi to 8ooa u u in a rw rov ifeirta hi itading of fct lui th ay lljfci footfall bid whwi th tlpj u1i wrt ww not all kin in lire hut lil through thr mil must bo ou soul bukt x a wp rut r us train in uj will show bom of us warp at wwtnj bom of u tlvow hollow heart iu sooj of th clearest grain la found under rough gnarsmj baik afur th pain and lumvoll o th tnlii w nurf go through w cots out buer mud ood appointed work to do o lf oolwl o bu two siltcruss did thr doctor have to put in ray husband after uj- fight with your old nun lau night t eu u wrll when the doe tor hen m poor husband carried lo say h 1l anny ui eol a i in fiiaohlnt aaioktty kilvutonr what a fearsome rnrmy of nan according to popular brlsvf is buwr tip ui kiij of bean i tli coating of heiluttttf and repeating rtlws to thr wtcm iu1u and vauvya iuls w- lulud in an alarming tvclmacsoa of hi number the tauhty grimly u fallen on evil day and uu aursou disappeared from la loniifr eueo- uv rang ruvpt in ui protfctfd arra of national uark and tlw tooi n mow rrffion of ilu- or northern lluny atjif lai- of tuiiifosotrd ailrlc by uruily hrur luv lvji telj in juuuicatkui of uwlr ruiiiu tuujli r vet tally ttlutr vultorh to thr ueturu i ilu ulcm rjatdd hlvti tip a an rruro ttw pajicr mountain mm err vulina lo tr vmrd uie grluly dinr for prltury und liwlr xiuririuxa e rurally caiii- ridrd blth ju- ur uf modm na- tumlliu u uif ilfict hat b lvr up lil tiy attack nun uiluul lutkorjvvjtl of jurt uwu pijfctfuj ua may ui tmw lji a dihfmit kwa ttwn u tiuiiun ijitrudir u to jut wlut riiaitui luji proonulon and tq ur cut tlu- ufi tdr in uruily country ll ul u r ii u ifivr u orouchy old iwhitir or a motlter ur cuii cuti qulir a uulf urtr ttu crluy crtatnl ua iu fvj ui vlty lw tlkmild tfltc aiiiutul in iu on hunt- iiij pn kiow lo ojifilnj ou two wiia and ot uu fourtix ltd folic hezeldab levb his peofju bcktogo ltulual u4f i uunly tiuj oolduf text ood u grtcloua and bociclful 3 ctiknku w 0 ledflcw pah3aoe 3 ctuoturlo so 1 9 13 ilo iu i miur her frua dy to day ajui livr tny budni at uiu buoi- utrfe gale knrlitu in prayer and not nhgmd to pray ilu lulouu of ul- tlnu lllmntnlilm to uuniruul mutmurs du aay vlulr ttu- runul age featch and vail longbllow rw om uj cbyh 1 tlw pou atcg u an auxiliary to ttu cl urcti it diantmiuia rillgkx ihitilcutiunit nukr pomiju rlukwi i d ufhtion and utu ruup tfiinliw oy ctiribpundmc carrwi iaino4nc inuu of nwvtiuiu roiivhulotu auj rijuil bttvjli und by malung pcu- kilu ttu- uitrrcjuiur oi uua lpb nujlqju uaditi in touch with w ojiotlur luiw liajullcapprd th tnod- rm churcji would le if u had to n t rt lo ui ilow tnuiod of hsu- kuti day tun trtun had lo be nium by lianj and corud by run- iuifc tiuldy w nat u utllilu ol ulrronh ulrplnr air mall and lil radio lan a fw jnly ur liny aiiuik tdn talk non- ijpu olio gf l uitr buul ft tvw uau chulantly uitnj uu trail fcurr of ur m tjjj ocv m a var uj ax fy runt of ay wtwn uilwr up liuwvti i project ltr- ofun budr of tlw ludonk whuf an udult uttujv ctuut u uinwd many cub hutr txrn tuccn fully nurrtj a idiuiial and lutrmlr pt lliium biarh luujlly ctuuidrrcd fimcti itut djtigeroiu oftrn bicoinr kpul and unrrlublr hi cjptltil 1 vlrmnilr nm lh a tamr gnuly liiu twtr bvii uuivkiad of tnoxti cry utuily adam a ftunou rliaracttr of plorur djy in tlv luickljn tud tarlou gruzly piu 4omr cf nirh li tralnrd to net a waichdcy and pack animau nunvrtxfc gtuilir tuwd to ujt prrtirncv of man fwd about hunun nabllallon in tnr national patkv uul to grral u man rwi for hu rr4lp pruara aitd u ajiy tuv uu uulrr brcxjmr in tila noural atau ul1 ren yc uurr arr ciu in our knl uxur of hu tlfr ojid ijiblt w j ilink in our dumb ajilmal ilur you imwwlt bbbigabbbbbbbibahbaigbbb8bbbmigvbhbahbaahs hive your eyes examined tulyr uwt unlit ordinary trcivtj t a ta slyto unjj are axxurnl to hw wry j s du vtmuwr you look up or down in or out tulytr lrnu arc s hkd id prtc and ar aold th iim prlc all ovtr canada llo get 5 thwd froxd u u v tu tulr lrnua for thr aamc prlc a any on 5 ta twotuo or oulnh u s o t walker ro s owjmrrsin etciiobt ekcuiiit auna z 5 rt k u sour oaoo tsoai oniniitn a iai w tmi s tr ia u w mj boll a unaf u ui iaw k gw iihuiiuubiihwhiiilllilx more heat in your rooms cm ifftii- itt tf ttey ilue coal john mcdonald q street georgetown 5 whea your radio needs attention s pimm febiembw that you have a fully qualified j radio service engineer available locally w hugh lindsay s meaber radio manufacture service and official s radio service mene auoclatjoa j biuuib hj oaoeoatoww a hmiihbambabbbilbbbbbbhbbilbbiiabbmbbbal ii luy factor 1 rrad hi london tluu tarh rooming aii ar uor uudrnt itwuui of ooauauiucauon tmt put un uivaluablr injrumwit of l ubllclty tnjju ijuuu of uu church wr tiatr a htoy to tell u uu- luuun wild wr mutt tll u far and near in uu rnuu attractnr form poiblf adverllsiii u lijh ufcirnt to itvltr a rongrvsutlun but grnuln apintuaul- jilm ituihat publicity ran sort a pwtwaj pw f i immrdloxly alter ui clou- of uw aar in ttfll fward much about nrciulruulon tturr iu to in t iww luiwn and a new earth oo- rrnmrnu appoind conunllt and nimmiuuurui and much vu donr uiruujii public oik fnancd by burrurl manry yr on ui sholr uu tf on iuu fid disappointing rturfly bfcauw uu mind of thr pool crnirtvd on bujnau protprrl- ly tli icit of national mtlfare camr o br mounting atock quotauona and too 111 tlr oonaldrrailon wa glwd uc duration and ruglon in our uudy of f4irrw hutory e liat bfvn pay ing attrntlon lorsrly to uu proanata but llrtatiuh u a btnj ho law uu nlrltuil foundation upon utiid na tional clfar mutt rrat tlwugh klnif of judah tu invited th wparai- od northrm uthm to coin to tlu- aikclal puifcoicr ftut tn jruaalem thr mulu alul hur a own of ptrliual unity cvn if tuuiocai unity could not b rwstortd th remnant ml tn ttamart olur thr aaiynan invaijon might b more auacrptlbu to a rrllglou appro uy a friendly mretlruj and by konjuplng toorar u unr of unity taould or gained dy counrlilna tngethrr common pur- pocra could br undrrtakmi and thr aoul of um nation alrengthrnd uaraalax 0r araur thr appral to thr put awakens trong unllmrnt i low oftrn makr rrfrrrno to ui ptonarra canada or to rr formation iradrnv or to flru otvntury chruuanal flow titun in old tratainrnt 111 rat ur rr- ifnucr u made to thr ood of abra- luim lajac aivd jacob wr tdrolljr i r puu forurttna the fault lettdcr und rrnumbrrlna utrir vlr- nr chiefly thrrr u much in uw tury of uir puu to uuptre u cuuragcoui action m thr prrarnl but e muat not br aalldlrd to br merely as uuod a our anmtora we atand on thrlr ahouldrra wr have advan- mf und opportunlllci uch a uxy hud they may be a wamlng a aril a an incrnuvr kiah did not hraltate lo recount the falluna of thr father and to worn tils people to unprme upon their an- cralrul record we too may ere clear ly uu mluofcm of ux nut the greed that all too often tut made buunnut nrartlra uu nauonalum that ha ifid to van the trotananum that ha uealtrnrd the moral and cplntual luuvr or ihe ohruilan faith we turd to hear lteackloha word do ye not like your father we have more light and cxperlenc and w jiould be able to avoid and correct lome of thi mistake of th pa-4- tli urey f go human conduct may be improved by cattinff a nobler oanorptlon of ood thote who thought of ood a a uan of wax naturally were mill tarlauc rhoae who think of ood a the father of ail mankind may be kprcted to develop international symnathle tho ho oonoelv of ood a merciful will themwlvh be come more human we must re member however that odd mercy 1 conditional upon our obedience to tun because mercy abounds u the dtrvll logic lie that ins became of mercy l like one that wounds his head because he ha a plaster he uutt in because of ood mercy khall have judgment without mercy uercy abubod turns to fury noth ing iweclcr than mercy when it improved nothing fiercer when it abused nothing colder than lead all aboard falmerston wingham orangeville london listowell kincardine owen sound windsor and intermediate point detroit port huron and northern michigan reasonable fares tickets and information longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown central ontario bus lines limited wlven it is taken out of the mine nothing moro m than lead when it is heated nothing blunter than iron nothing sharper when it u whrttrd the mercy of th lord is upon them that fear him uercy u not far them that sin and fear not but for them that fear and tin not mastlm and ibttrvuwa ii llrslkloh aiicoeeded in convening great assembly ideas were spread that purified individuals and cement t d national unity much may be done by gnat meetings expectations arc urotued und sent of fellowship la tnuuidrrvd uy mean of modem uumportatlnn and oummunlcauon great luuianal and intemallonal con vention may be held the real prob lem today i not to got a croud but a hat to do with the croud when assembled sonuitlmea more effort gboa into advertising than achieving in some meotlnffs too much depen dence i placed on oratory and smeclimaklntr often a humorist oaicluv the oar of a crowd and o uilnker unheard uany religious lea- dors admit that their most effective uork hu- been done in persona in terviews rather than by public ad dresses individual work is by far uie mora important yot how many una wilt gladly spend ten lioura pre paring an address will cpend even ivv liours preparing for an interview tolstoy siitd why not tiy the tie- ulopmont of uut individual f the nutte cannot bo atronucr than weakest link you must build up the individual before you build up the tiote wo seek to alter conditions rather than ourselves i suppose be cause we and it easier question for dlscuialati 1 wluii ufio doe your coniiregatlon make of tho post atnoo 3 which ratiit come fltst spiritual or eoonomlo reconahniotlont 3 can tiu past furnlsli fitandanls atlcquau for tho presentt 4 just what does the mercy of ood mean to you ft which helpa you more a churcli service or private meditation business summary tji following u a brwf sumuary ofaifornislloo rvctflwd by ui kisnk of uontrral from its branctw ihrouthout csiumu under dot of august 3ird wtui lartctriid by drgrcr of ratduimnwr slscknek buuiua ui canada is on a iwlghur grnrral kv- fl uuui a ar ago the drtnond for capital goul lias not jrt brgun lo follow uuit for ronutuptlon gouu wkh aiiyuilfut approacjung u uwi- dcurvf of buoyaiuy but llw urnrrul scale of production lia brru nll rnalntaintd and in uu seller uf cto- curtrnt tlutl prtvalls ui in -r- luuional affairs political and eroii omlc the outlocji fur canada com ium favourably uii that of nwl fomnurclal counttua at uu pmi n maxcn hpr of a bountiful harvt 1 not to br rnaluid taking uu ixamnion a a uliou crept promlw 10 rqual prrbjp rvr4d iiioj- of uu year thou i prolonged drouulti oer utk to ttu ftorp and i rmtral prouu ho rhardvd grow- th and ifdacrd tirudurtlon hu- illuajuluij a fuitiwr utbuck lu 1 1 ix nt atk ute oulluok u for u gftutlit largfr crop of hrut tliait li t ytar iu uu wt nortlu ni iih ate blng rurvrtlrd tit uontl ccnditlon kcd grains and ute town nop iicsevrr lunr rmctslly suit tud durtruf rvornt vhlu ttu fund jnirnial uiustktn for canadian wla fui rlolkrdly lmpo4d umuv rr irnt wrrk thr camtnrr aruuxut im by thr dominion hutruu of llta- u let on august llth u idjuttuv lu luu tii csinoda ulotu conijiand uttii 317000000 buuul a yttir uuo or jujcoocuo li ui tf cuiutduii itual in lu unlud ulutrr u in- rjudrdi as romidnd ltr jlttoooooo u year liitumiuill lias turtlur ttimutrj that caniuu w 111 marki i cim isjuoouoo buifttl ui uu- cam- tit yar tompartd vui abbut lit mnjuio buajh last viir and ft ill sr- j i urr prrluip as hljt a w ol uu utal nport trade cturntunxl ftllh xi fur uu past crop iar ttu- pricr rlirf- tn thr sfcond in of august be yond ttu dollar mo ik as a dmnul c dlsrourulrig of tuxtlur droufit uan frcm slmou all important coun ru uuxigt largely aprculsthr and ubsrqueriil dixoujiud in pui iimtr luia brn a marine atlffrnlng in tuitris utters all tndlcr of trudr rrvral im lmrmrnl orr uvl year some ovi r unduiuiti of two yar ago car loadings arr a good barometer und umju jradily uurrau to august lllh loadings were 2m220 cars tn fieri of idu and 49 414 cars in rx- cra of ifcjj of uiu uurrose 35610 cars wtre in loadings of merchandise aiul 74 063 cars in mlsorllanrou firtght ltuj rrummrnt of coal by all luts bem avy till year re- qulrbuj 170jb16 cant bring iflfftj cart inure limn ui li und 53 177 cor- tnurr than in i03j an evidence of tiu g un in industrul activity in mov ing on si products si ml moir cun lutvii tiiiv j ear uxn rmploytd to august 11 ui and i1asj mon cars in movuu3 on i u- tail buslnrs l isptruncuui mid- mtnnur quiet and has not urn lulp id apprecubly by touri t t runic uhkl i lluii mining optrutlon cuntlnur on u largr sculr mpeclilly in uu- gold iu 10 v und srvirul mi gold mlius have irxntly nauird pioductlon uogr the lumber in- i dutry nutintaln uu unprovimtn of notm months notably in uu rxpor trudr nrttsprint production u still taniung aril ahead of last year that m july bring 203 j i tons an ir- trra of 15 41 over july iqjj in ui past uven motiuli uu canadian up it of xiijosttl tuns uu mi itraur uian in uu- jmciiluig yrur a ronwquenctr of uvc grnrrul uc tivlty tin nipluymnt si uiitlon ui july shovwd untuovriruiu our junt by a ftldtr margin lltan in any pn viaus july ui ttw thirteen ytur oti uhlch tic official record now txicnd ttu 8 710 imployuig concerns from vhlch nturua are ircclvxxl in uu dominion uurruu of statistics n portrd ml iu ierwns on uulr julv staffs comiund vilh km 751 in june in incrra t fthlch caustd tie indtx to rise by 4 4 point to 1010 hcfl looi as cumiurrd vvlut un arug t atonal advance of ubout two point in 1m1103j commodity prux wrrv silgtuly down in july from june but turned upurd again ui uu- nral ueek of august grain reprclally wheat have been strongly upward but live stock and animal product uerc down und there were small lasses in tex tile wood products the metal group and chemicals on the wliole raw materials and producers goods wen firmer with consumer goods lower general prices are now higher than at any time mnee the recovery set in ui uaroh idij and approximately are at the level of the spring mon th of itul the action of uu presi dent of the united uutrs in nation uluuiuj silver has this month moder ately strengthened the canadian mar ket and has given silver mlnlns n decided fillip the upward trend in canadian foreign trade compared lth that of lost year continue though july a k active uian june the total standing at 1100031 000 compared with 1b764000 in 1033 and s7u730- 000 in ibm increases of 153 and 38 j respectively vor uu sew n months januaryjuly 1034 the creases are ml and 17 0 respec tively over the tuo prrocdlntf yiars compartruj july with june imports acre 144 143 000 as against t4666- 000 while exports wire 154 131 000 compared with 158048 000 the fav orable trade balance far uvs past seven months stand at 158333 000 about 11317 000 higher than ut this time lost year economical dainties lly llrtly llarclsy delicious desrru md not br ex pensive llere for liujanc air tr-c- lpr of dljiea uul ure dtcujfdly ec- rwjintcjl uiu jiltt as dickuvdty d itcllhla ktksj lntus covrr 1 imiitul of prunrt with cvold vilir aivd ut itand for 4 louv oruin puiu i and nscrvr tlu liquor add cup uiujr u tlu liquor und boil until uu suuar u dulvrd ilum- tuliui if luoiuary llace live drauud pruiu in a cuvid cauuiolt covi t with lu liquor und balu in mcdrau tmn j5 durtes f 40 inuiuu tallfsrsda rvww febuy 3 cups cooked proiu 3 u ihilrt 3 cups soft bnud crumbs cup gnuiula rd aujur i cup butter cinnamun pit pruiua and due parr y ji d uuj twin anpm uu uurd iu dcrid crumjk in bakma dish tovtr unli liulf bf iviiijining eruuuu 1 1 ii nnulninj puii sujur appl itirr and mi n tliuumut cover tit crumb und udd prune julct r dun aiwl luikr ubout 1 hour in iimhi tut oviti iijdiurfa lr i corn li in food condition and shows katuractcry vrovth itooi crop w- qulr uor tnohtur that appi crop will be litht and thr yutd conldr- utly b low averts th codlina uolli u irevasfot in som districts grappa an sulrw wrll and all varie ties ore progtln0 favourably early prarjui wv a fair crop dbcrtss aiul ouver slandatds will b light- iumurt ind aftrrgrass while frrsli- end by notnt rains are stilt in poor tndltkin ond rrqulie additional mols- turt u ttmuute growth tobacco planu have bincftttrd from rom muu but uv crop u 4poiy due tu drouiht und has tuffrrd con ider- stile damucl from hall lrutfstha tuiui wv4 ttu rout of preimlal snds iiscli i dirndl thl 1 and fuld blndvj oftui luiirttatr hi ground to dipitu f l ur or five fnt tij- roou of uitlt vited can srnd up nrw uuiot ulirn uvy or cut off to deph of 18 iiiclw4 qrt p iiiqualibw trf uir rill nrd enfl irate prriinlsl utdt if hli tvpr oth method uf trudlfa ma d4i iuitrd urtnnijl id u to kivp dusn uu lop gvuntt by fn quint rulluatluo and ixlumi th lond aloud ui lite roou anott rr i lo uppl a 10 vr en i jjutlon of uul nn cliloruta ui tlu tuu of cuu mlkui lr squirt rod ofau milk irtw rvrrurdat kw rtjai lurvr 1 kfrw u kvwy fwwklp lableiixmis oisiu line ikinmlsl sow thutlr oru of tlr ubupuwns evlo aid milk t ttllm llk r lublrina eld vulr to j nak tlva a l uu pnui nujar il au jj unn now u rr t lev pnoii gialvd wmui ind u toiiiship tn ontario ikjt or umk ilkiioughly isin u luxj1 lo a u tj hmtui ot nw i oiuv in a urwi guu clullna mji hamburg suprvunr ol aerd imp c- i if wimd tlsli milk may u n c ontario- i l in ijh f vipoalfl milk y ll4u y utt irodurr u t1j u an isrlleiil mid inril drink l1m 4ur u w t hun wd if ou v a pvioinlul thultr in bloom jdu may tijw in k p an tsrluiil mid inril drink hi jit n ulu me undimourl lud stu a i ood bevrrofr artuinpan- i t nit at lvukifuld milk il i di nk very txiunjihul tlab rutr ulsd tliervrs li on uu lirr tec u on of an ordinary r ii pur utrunfr bid crup lruuc und ctnlrr sl h a uuop of cotlugr flutu circu ciuew uh ugmrnc ol irui ui making u double row of mmnn tltj mrwiiu sluhikl hav til tnvilipii iiuinbrunr ninndi tiaii lui win u marascl ino chrny ihrvr with u siet irrnch drr inj on tinu lit r duuloiu uf plute ataiujt a inouiul of jrjijio suutd tsmlsji wiui livis und a slier of tiard cooked rj and to mall pranul butter and j lly sanduicho arcotnpiny with a brvvragr prefir- ubly orungt juice trrasurr tissts aii nm 8i fl bananun cup oru nm julct j table- pmua brown mgjr ciiooj uvoroiiiilily rim uinunus uitli brown ir iiud klnv ikikt lanututs in hkin uu it 15 mlnutrs hplit kin iun fully down oru- side ii mm pulp m ih and add ju1c4 t m was in um- fuld tlu- pnviou fur tlu plant can br controlled by farm practice ttu root of uvr pemu uil w uiutk will not stand brat km- pirtmrnti by prof j r tlol t of uw oao oitlph shoved i tint lterr un roots were ripowd to tin by a mimmrr falloa tfey ftould n one day out and burl y lire uu td tnrinj crhm which glvr uu- pinruiljl uia thutlr a cluinoe to rrui ir ul sd full wheat hay and iuir cmiis if tuuvrated in time i p the plant from wolrm to rid ill culllvstlon u not so rrfeotlvi ua mmrr rultlvsuon ttu- autumn u cooler and dumper uikl sugar llrtum to skin ut unci while warm its funny but you never litttr of a man marrying a woman to reform her pasted pint flapper i sec uuu ur qo- lnuo the octogenarian is dead now what on earth in an octogtnarlun second plapprr 1 m sure i luivrnt uie faintest idea but trey n sickly tot you never hear of one but he dying always on dorr whenevi r i iurt to talk about my india duy i um reminded of the time uiirrd will us nearly midnight now malthhutllow ph islaki i plri 3 reus 4 tubliiiootu cunuoarch t cup sugar 1 cup orange julcr 1 tubuispoan lemon juice i uuspnon grated orange rind cup water j tublt spoon buuer 1 diirn marhmallowa luut org yolk mis comrjirch and mihtir combim ull ingredntus c jit maiijimallowi csjk ut double ixiiler li minutis fold in hie marsh millow cut in mall pieces cool riuct in baked pu slirll cover wltr m rlngiu mudr of white of cffg and j tubl imioivs kugur and brown hgliliy in u 4ow ovn with thr ftftr export season close at rmnd thrrr are indication ujii llwre will again be an actlvr rxpnrt trade in cunodtan rggs to the fciltsh isle umuw o uv ijuskuisofpwwusifromuvsur uu i aav itssaa ttsby uw tsut xd t ksy sooa ssbxth ssyt mr t twdy t miu- eod ha toroato tfcsa il lltu tsusu rov th saus of fnlulass aad ik t kllj bscoass when you land tlist bi order and its ur to msn mors alary e sndl you know how had theyll t at hers tsll thsm by lo dlrfiata a amd lt thk kssr tlwi good rhjwi tiow vul u ao a m fmmt ud lm4 ou- fcfjf u ta iutli flf if y f tmmm- t ves ull wuk isjtaiy 164 mlu4 ot u 4iy lor u utb u u ut m iw lilti k trt ewm oik new fall millinery we invite ihe udiee to rupect out new itock el fall moliatfy in all ise latest designs and colors your patronage u aolkited misses claridge herald block upttain georgetown unfortunate too bod bhakesprart wasnt bom in london why co decause i mild ic am on uut exum re i all kaiu da ttu following is a list of ttio data of the rull pairs hi this district arthur oct 3 4 barrio bopt 1730 ohcsley olarksburff bept 1810 bept 1810 colllngwood bept 1315 drayton durham oct 33 oct 13 fergus sept 1415 oeoitaetown oct 58 a rand valley sept 3810 hanover sept 3031 lutowel bept 1030 bept 101 s uarlulala oct 41 meaford bept 10311 midland bept 3033 mount forest sept 1030 orangville bept llta owen sound bept 31xi pabley bept 3531 palme raton bept 38311 bhelburno bept 1b10 tan o0wvs new and itiformalloo for um biuy fsrni oood aaatrs far hwt cusr trt- conducted in uie prult pto- ducth laboratory ut the central ex- rlniinlil tumi haw shown that ilufluji nibston beoit wuitrr dald- in unvis russet lion pare u and u blind of lun lavl and flpy ore ex- crlhnt vurulles of uppli for making awert cldir the prvluntnary etrtunate of the toal imndiictlon of commercial ap- plirs in cunid 1 in 1033 shows an in ert aw of 1107 80 barrel and 13- 45iik0 as compared wlui the finally nvurd tlmate of 1033 the 1033 ttunatc art 5j20bo0 barrels valued ut 810 404 800 the finally revised es timate for i0j3 i 3737080 barrel valued at 17 007000 cleanlruj lb urn llass at uu time of year hm houaja should be thoroughy cleaned disln- rtctrd and tshttcw ashed at the poultry dlvuion central experiment al farm uu following whitewash mixture has been usvd with satis faction biukt btihcl ot lime wltr bolt ing water utroln and udit 1 peck of salt dissolved in warm water put 3 pounds of ground rice in boiling wa ter und boll to a thin paste dis solve pound of powdered spanish whiting ond 1 pound of clear glue in uurm water mix all these well to gether and lot stand for several day keep nvtr u portable funuir aivd upply hot wlj bnuibr peat and murk a koureea of hail orfanle matter wlun the form miinun kuntily not sufficient to niulntaln thi or- i unlc matter conuiu of the soil ut a mtisfttctory level ptal or muck may u uved to nmlsti that important canstltiunl tho best way to employ ttuse muterluu a a source or or ganic matter u to first oomiwst them utut manure for a period of four to fix moid hi before application or use ttvem in the air dried condition a litter to soak up the liquid manure tn und ubout the stable an added advantage in thise tnutnunu la that the nitrogen of ttw prat and muck is to u largo deirrth mulered avauafah for plant use early topntn of turtilpa ttie practice of topping turnips some weeks bcrore uui date of pull ing in order to tue the leuve while illll green in live feeding of livestock ho been common in certain parti of tho dominion ond tht quratton ulutlur it t on economical opera tion or not has bwn settled by prao tical demoiuit rations te data ob- mined sliowtd that tumti from th non- topped crops had ttw hlffhor food viiliu- the inquiry ulso lumulux sutl factory evukneo of the murkod growtli of tho uniopptl crop during the latter seeks of th sta nn uul uavt during tills ptrltd continuing to unction aii liimnt und stomurh ro- hultuur in u heavier l lei i the prac tice of topping tho crop tvni utlu or a month iwlor to tlu date of pull intr hufi bliown to result in n louer yield ur aero of nutrltiha uiul uioroforv nonecoruimlc ueekly crop report pull wheat production is ronautci ubly below avcruue due to winter killing aiul droublit while ttu yum varlib utdtly tlu quality tn rood burley uiul oat are owing uverugo yicluu of rood eiude qtraw is ahort printing service what you want when you want it quality printing catalogues booklets letter heads business cards envelopes social stationery folders sale bills tickets menus statements if it u quality printing you want at a coit no greater than you might pay for inferior work then you will give ua the opportunity of mating eitimate on your next order for printed matter no job too large or too imall our aervice department u at your call to kelp with layout type telection and form of preuntation there u no extra charge for auch lervlee simply phone no s the georgetown herald georgetown telephones m0

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