pa4 tko georgetown herald wtdnaduy evening september 1 9th 1934 thrifty housewives buy quality sa1ada flask from tn gfdw esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday oel slh 6th special prizes horses a ilukslocg up j filnl high 8uppr by htti iwiaoui tnud lu pnu by u k tcli ut atsinr turnout 4lngl by it it anderswiu up umu lfi4y urtwr by tkjrglosn coating iu1l ut datuvary itatm in hartau bt uo4 ilofw by w o itattry and ii iums iw owimj hot oo lltn tu taur coat cote dro and boou oiuipr and j n onmij qaaat agrtouimrol lion on luln by jotji irving liillon wuato uh 1st by d iwu hu ft 00 liat ibavy twtra co around including heavy draft ajytcullur ud general purpose ui 10 00 cf any trud purchased from ijuwy itxrru company 2nd 1500 off any article puiuiaud from liajawy lurru ooaapany atot a d hum 10 00 dmc out yaj old and under sired by isrtllhuit by wax bwnan to b deduoum on nt hears sarvlot 6 oo iub clydmadala uant on lutn stinted to overtlm ly nu ft uminnon 30 to b dsducwd frum oil u otf kihuoi imp xa4w foulo uo u by o j buck 2nd by w o mrtwurldg bat faprtcg oolu sired by prtno of fvnulai by j o oujui to be deducted off servlm f 0 00 girt tudar undsr 14 years tiding and handling liorsa eouldfl 3 00 cattle hast jdfbay jsamala by crwdit vauay creamery kfaai uitti llhoithorn kvmalc uaaat ifotsjaln waal uaaat aybshira ivmal uaarf group of thr dairy com confuting of ona matur cow one toyer old hrlfer and one year ling to b sired by a pur btd bull a ouuola and onyx martial clack valua iis 00 any family hav ing woo a t fculon co llmtad prut at a fair ba 1u4 not uglol u coapma bsi usf animal 3 yaan and under by ucdonald and 1111140 toronto bawt vu calf by toronto elavaiore 1st prue 100 lb of oalf meal valuad at 4jj0 t uouutn dull any ag owned in llallon county by aion uclaan bat oil shown by boy or girl owned in iuiloq county m law calf w howrnaathjp by dr laul ilvcr cup valuad at 11000 2nd by frwin it ooidtam jodjlng uaef catua try k il drown a llaacry geonic- tovo boy 19 yaoia and under cow grtngmoit milk at 4 odock day of fair by u uaua ft co ft u u ft go 6 00 100 go 100 3 00 3 00 ft co 3 00 300 3 go 3 00 3g0 3 co 1 00 13 00 3 00 400 3 00 10 00 3 00 3 00 sheep and pigs i batt pan of fin wool flheep not iam than 4 ahorpi 1 mau 3 famalaa by j baaumont 3 00 3 but pro of umt wool bhaap 1 male 3 fcmolaa by b v bajtbxlough 3 00 bat pan of bnaap any bread 1 thear ram 3 ci 3 i umba by lorna l uullln 3 00 miscellaneous s i but 3 lb butur ln u prlnu by r d warren 9 3 00 x 3 uaat pair draaud chuaan by c ltvty 5 00 m 3 uaaviaaat pair barred rock cocfcrrcli drmud by h a koolnioit s 4 bat pair dftttad cnkktm by w c anthony it ft baat pair dreaad chicken by a j ulackbum u but pair drokbd chicken by p kmy x y bait pair drwtad otikkan by thoa bylu v t bat dfoatad ohlckan by jamaa araham k t but pair drttiad chicken llalton cream and buitor oo soo xlo bait droatad chicken by uorruon uotora eooda 3 00 ii bast ft ttmr lutted pullata any brved by bray lutch- arlaa 05 1 day old uilcka dallvcrod any time in 1au u biit in buuar in 1 lb print 1st by d laird bad- aidatabu valu 1300 and good by dominion lltoraa 9 lba ooffea ix bttt u do whit bucuiu 1 year a aubaenpuon to pail oufttu it bait 14 dot brown bttouiu 1 yeara aubactlpuon to brampton gonairvator u bait u do buna 1 yaar aubacrtptlon to peel oaaatl it baaat u do oookiea 1 yeara auocoriptlan to brampton ootuatvator it but doa butler tarta 1 yeara ubaorlpuoa brampton otanhrvator it but vult tarta 1 yeari eubacrtptlon to peal gaseua kit but i bushal of table apple by btraeuvula croamery to ba dellvarad but buahal of oooaa wheat by wm oouie btreetavllle 3 00 but buahal of northern tfpy apple by stone si wellington nursery company j w fjproule aaent lofk worth nursery atock to be delkorcd ruxt iortnff when chattn from the aaent apple to be delivered at 40 wewnoton au toronto 10 00 loaf of iiomemade brcao by ouelph oulquer udiaa hat valued 33 but oauactlnn of iiomemad baking 8 voxletlee by zauera ouelph cood valued 34 baa flolletfrt of puiry by cnaa w barber ouelph 3 ft lb paua of lard k90 but t plea i appla 1 fruit 1 lemon pyrex plate- and etand by it if thompaon ai co vaju plea to be property of director display of out riowere by o p heady gooda value but layer cake by uathewiwelu ouelph 6 lb glaw jar of rote brand wont mixed pickle baby bhow by inepeetor n outhrie gold lit woo and 1240 baby under ib month but trained pet exhibited by country boy or girl raaldent of llalton county by percy lealle 3 00 boat handhound bheaf of grain to be hound day of ahow by li williamson but duplay of oraln to bheaf not leu than 3 aluuve aheaf to be not lata than 9 tnohea 1st by a e rwnelj good value moo 2nd 9300 fiddler ctonteat old time hddler 1st by j mobeon gooda value 1500 2nd by a e wright gooda value 93m larrat family on ground at judge atand at 3 jo pm ut premium ham bvlfta abbot lor mj 2nd good by carroll store 1300 beat fyiio4if of llomemade baking by il o lie- clur dona by lady in eaquealng township consist ing of i uyar cake 1 pie do tea biscuit doc oookla and h do tarte prlw allk bed spread is but pair of pullet ln table varieties by w j m bart dispwy in itau by bank of uontreol to merchant or manufacturing firm vt i oouactlon of vegetables ut i3ju 2nd by budda dept stora auelpn man alurt valued tlso u but it bushel red clover by uorley petut 30 but m bushel alfalfa bead by peel bead onwcra x40 but 10 lb clover honey by george ourria mil but ijoaf ot bread baked by girl under is years real- dent of esquealns township by oeorge currlo stll but layer oak baked by girl under 13 year resi dent oi ttfliwalng township by george ourria ft 1 go 3 co i 3 00 1 3 00 3 u 3 00 j 3 00 i 3 00 3 co ft 00 3 00 j 3 60 j 3 oct 1 1 00 3 go 1 3 go 3 00 j 3 00 j 3 00 i 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 j 3 00 i 3 00 so 33 but 1 34 but 4 00 3 to 3 m 3 to 3 to 3 00 5 00 3 00 i to t to 3 00 400 3 60 37 li so 11 s3 34 4 00 3 00 1 00 9 00 3 00 5 00 400 ft 00 a so 000 3 no 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 60 i bo 3 00 1 00 bv j ix if pore- x beat loaf homemade bread georgetown herald x imiyduu do praeh egg georgetown herald x but ud neatest 1 lb butter georgetown herald x but bushel table turnips georgetown herald x but teaued young goose not uw than 13 lb ff j articles to become uw property of donor mmmmmmmmm isaltji couiueu ruler iuruluauj vurm kaatauy ukmt lbbmbi vuyta hv tiri cxqluiu tvjct ttwii wilt lup lilm in iwrfct iwtuw wlwirf mind u uajrd un uur becaua iwe lrutilh ui tluv lulali 34 3 ujihon pafuaol ualal 31 10 nun i u ilw nuiuiiluuu staiul h1i1 m mtruli r i and grand uiukliu out urioj uv laiid aiuj i tujid a low atne calling otir tluia it duikr und ipjr coitb up lutflirrl oimmt up hulwrf frum lie kmtaiul and uw tlf krun tu vsln puruu of slf from ui ouilud of wlf cmu- up huhrrt come up uihrl kalsmoj pulry i hvfjuip lur was so vitally kllgtous uuti vom ui politic ii could not kvp out ft poiitlca laue oh rtll elous dvuuiy of tw nailoo was a fuw tiw nation vos lhratnd by an tinaiion frum afayta and onr poluul party ccunswd making alllanor wul cjypt isaiah thouihl tlult tlaf rurt ftlls fkota ml u du u for one reason wypt could 1 uk rompu with asyrla ut a mill tary way and further an fntaualuw ulllanop with etfyjw would corrupt uw jiwlj rtllan the chariot and norwmvn of apt lookad urong but rjyptun uifliwnfw would unddrnuni juti munjtood it took cour to wktiaiand uo egyptian party but lulah as fcarle and urgrd pfp to put uwlr truat to god ruiir than in kgypuaa axmambot lbcaiue of tu huh btkh and brcaisw ut u frtriuutlp willi uw rulf ualalt wa able to pejtu hi mi rhrotlvrly today uuue of thr gralrttp4top leaden arr former sol diira tlwy know at first hand hai war 1 tliey know that military pre latbojuyj u not ttw ctuef guarantn of national safety th character of ttte iwoplr u the b2su defenoe wkxl gas caausu da i 3 now the egyptian arr men and not ood and tiirlr hon are flesh and not iptm in other words spintual fsxton arr more dfrtslv ttian maierlal forom at tr batti of the umi muiury advantage wvre rry one lidwxl but the sxronger side did not win at present uu rvmrh he ureal air fore but w think tlut ltrituh naxional oharaoter u the rral force uuit of the brttlsh navy if half the rffort were put into th producuon of character that ha flonr into the reduction of arma ment we might ba much fatrher sv- head tlie armamenu have actually barn increased and at the same time national jaalouaie and fear have txvn auginented a race in arma ment mean ultimate los to all con usant ttte hebrew haw made their contribution to the world pot by military eiplou and imperial oolonl- union but througli religion literature and science ttiey hat been difctlnc- tlv in th field of moral trey td in the warch for a spiritual religion the real weapon of our warfare arw pintual and not carnal the war machine of uu future wtll have to reckon with the force of corudenre and faith a a matter of fact the poaer of both egypt and assyria did not but long while to this day the hebrew race continue to mak great contributions to the higher lif of mankind uaa aaj blr4 4 ft isaiah wa a masler of metaphors part of the charm of his words is che unique way ln whlcr he could see the unwn ln the ven he pictured the strength of ood a that of a lion the ruling classes in jerusalem were as frightened liirphrrd but isaiah wu confident uuu ood would protect his people like a lion coming up the mountain aide ready to fight at the same time isaiah likened ood to a mother brd protecting u young fluttering across the trail to put mar- uudrra off the scent the mother bird collect food ror the fledgling ln the nest and wul even aacrmoe it osn life if the young birds arc in danger that aid lkalah is the way ood loves our nation in interpret ing parables and metaphors it is mivjuary to observe the point of comparuon and not try to push the llknr too fsr isaiah took ono thought concerning lion and birds and uud them to illustrate the character of ood on the lips of o kllled sneaker these nature illustra tion tterr effective uany apeakcr itowcver have found that metaphor are platform pitfall unlet they are iwd with great dlicretlon tartdug to gaj f initead or turning to egypt salar ururd his fellow countrymen to turn to ood they tould btgln by dlafard- jna the idols of silver and idols of gold which the had fashioned by their own hands and turning to th- unseen holy ood who is a uplrlt if they trusted ood and obeyed the will ood they would be defended against the assyrian thl wo u great assertion of faith but it proved to be true isaiah wa in the minori ty in his war prediction but he wus right during the a rent war there were many predictions but turning over the nle of the newspapers taenty years ago wc find that many of the predictions have not come true isalon risked his reputation on his belief that national character ana obedience to tight were the real de fence of his nation though the assyrians were coming down like wolf on the fold wttn great wealth and huge armies isaiah continued to maintain that ood was the sure de fence of the city of jerusalem it dared to say this although a few years previously the assyrian had overthrown the northern kingdom was ualah justified by event an uneipeetad faeur jli 3a 3t the overthrow of the aasyrlans wa nrui of the great event of history everything appeared to be in their favor ttw jews were not a military people and the defence of jerusalem were wruk yt the aasynans were routed ttcrc hat been much dis cussion a to what happened host probably a plague decimated the as syrian army accounts of the lncj dents are found in hebraic egyptian assyrian and greek record in the morning the bodies of 12ft 000 assy rians lay upon the ground herodo tus tells of mice nibbling off the bow trtngs and in mythology mice indi cated plague blnce the day of sennacherib other armln have per ished in an unheailhy malarial dis trict in that region whatever the uctual came of death the people of jerusalem attributed their deliverance to god the faith of isaiah had been vindicated there is an unseen ele ment in international affairs beyond ou power of man to control 0 wiltons far dlseuaum 1 which 1 more dangerous arma ment or dlsarmamentf 2 how for doe national strength de pend upon national charaotert 3 is there any contradiction be- taeen strength and tendemeu 4 is it possible for the christian re ligion to give world peace 5 napoleon army wo destroyed by moscow frost and the spanish ar mada by a storm at sea were those special act of god fiji islander are very fond of fjanadlftjj conned strawberries this canadian product has a very wide tale in the fiji islands canada also being uie chief source of supply to the pijluii of freh salmon and smoked n 0j xlbu share of bank of fsmdi filutrvfc of the ilank of canada lu amount of 15000000 atv attired for public laibcrlption by homiuruuu tajat u itludiu uuuiur of fin uiu- ttu uuu arc of tiooo iach uiwl ui orfi rxj at pur not uiorv uian 10 uiaiv nuy lw im id by un ptruui and only prroiu uho art un- tuji tubcu uiuiiuirily rvvldmt 1 caiulx 01 caiuullan corporations coji trollod n cunooa my 011 tock tiwi prvuioru wul nuur a wkiftprxd munt in all parts of canada ui tlu iau of ttu stotk of un tnuitutiuii tu ahlch parliament lu rntrustd uidi powirj aiul repojuuiuuu- ulftctu die inancul and tcononuc atlfri ol canada llie band u authorlad to pj cumuuuw dniuiuu form lib prujiu alter provukui for ivpink depricli tlon tu at the luar of 4 iur on pr annua iiayabie jiulljrjrtj u turh 1 cuiuklerd to be an uttrac- ivl rvium ui tofoparibun wuii ruin uoeft ral un hlgli grack uui tifi aurplua poflt arc to t upuj 10 tlw real fund of tr lunk or pj into uw curuulklated juiiir runu us pruvulhl by the llahk cf caiwd act tlae subkcriptkm iui will uiun 01 uvpumhrr mm uiul iiuj on or u are upuinur jla hie ajia ui tulug otfervtd umulluiaroujy in tvr part of canada on uu 17th uuiai and wutlur ut not uu lut u lo twfore ikiktirttwr 31a tuiuidjiuib- will be guen to all ttpiillcutloiu pu 1 d wt uuei than mutnulit of tlu dav on which tlu- ibrf u uwjx1 bubmflptuilis ore iv b oialutt di tvctlo uw liuiultr of fuiam ot tawa and miu be arcomiumtl b ujj initial paynum ut iij60 fur ru liarv and by a alatutory drcljmikiii arich form part of tlu aptthratltm term rvidenclng the rjijlpility of u applicant to iwvouie b shut houli r ttu balance of the auurrhmkjn piloi w7a0 a sjurr bill u iuable on january 3rul iui on or about whlrli date uc hank u npicted to com me nor oju ritknu ttu- oirlcuil pruuln and applxj lien foruii arr obtainable from ieu omoes bankft and otner final wuu lit- ktltutlon onf of ttu impofiunl tunrttun to be perfomud by ijiauhckur u ttu ructlnn of wrn duvnor who wiul ttr oowmor and ut iwly otntnuir of the hank form tin uoaxd of ui rector who will autiervtse and con trul the conduct of uw builruii of uu hank ttu wwn directors an to be rlcctd from dhrnuned occupa- tlons us follows two wtuiu chief occutiatlon l in primary industry two 1 ka chief occupation u in comnurcr or manufwcturiag tline whom- chief occupation is other than in primary uuluary or commerce or manufacturing in the by lav a of the bank which raie recently been promuigauwl by uu govrrnor in council provision l made for uw nomination of director b shareholder and for notice of auch nomtnatfcuu to be mailed to each shareholder prior to ih hare- holders meeting for the conven ience of tho who cannot attend meetlngi pnnuion u made for uu rimlatiatlon of their ote n accord am with written instructions which thry may give to the ulnliter of pin- tcr one of uir first ucu to u takrn the organisation of he hank af ter the btoek has ben subscribed be th nomination and election by shareholder of tlu flm board of the outlook for rag csportrra to ot britain thj fall continue brlaht jiy the egg and poultry market itt view canadian grown root ravd com pare favourawy lth ihe bet im- iwrted d in li ability to product irontublt cnji migratory birds act tlu nation iurk ibrvuv of iu d isutmeni of ut interior ottawa hu just uued tre revulstlarw tv- gurdlng ularatory hilda for the cur- rm year li3t a kummary of tiw regulatlona a tluv amly to ontario fallow it oftm silabonu htmlib mw utu kuuu hsta fckml wllwua vr jarkudt in tlu jurt of ontarki lying north trnd ua of uu fmicli and uuttawa itiu r und alui uulud nj ml tkior- 11ju luy uau r lupltmber 1 to u otmler li in t i ju- of oitfurto lying uuith ol uu i nutti unj xlattufta ilner li not uu hilling any portion of uu i in uian iij ujirri- htiumtwr 11 u li c mla 1 i i luer uisiu north of uu quebec coclinuu- wimnp-4- uj- of lt caiwdun n- ikjiuj jlailmu ibpumbtr 1 to ix- omber i j lupicinber 1 o november 30 ilohld ulatuinu tlun li a tloj uajjjtj uirough- tut ilu viar un wooa ducks uwuju ciaiu cuiu willeu aodslu uj ijiul iluwr lllaxkuuled and golden iaiur oiur uud laur vrlluw- nv avotui uumiujurs knot jl ircuf i jluuldlau fvulia h irfbinl runutouca iiiul all uu 1 1 ijiuj ji ptundid wttr un aj- li vjjjn in uunr ujtrdul ihiw 1 a ilijd uuuji uuuugti- n th it ji on uu folleauiii luui- uuiiii li 1 tli ai k ai kjei 111u4 nu vulnoar l-uiul- oiru ouiiumolv uulu ilium ja rs huuit uullt im- ntt lumn niuarnaitra tuul 1nu ii tlun u tlud uujjii u rough- t uuattl- catulrtu c ikjjl4b citckpoi fllcktia flv- ntrlira ufoumuk illiuulllaatjlldjl kinuh uartuw ulm1s utk nnntnjk vi hull- bat- nulliatcjua oiuh a itobtiui ot 1 ikt a uwul- h iulft tunters tumloe i liruilu a virtxj warbr waa- uliiua whip puorwula woodpitdu ra luui wiii and all ouur perching blid tahirh ftxl nllrely or ciiirtty oil lnj4cla vo mi un rjtall kill lun tuptun injutv taki or mulrt any nugtuiory nmt blidi during ttui cuud tiion und iu per 4111 shall itll esitou- far jh ofltr for ult buy i rod- or truffle in aii ouiratory game bird ut any tune tlw taklnji of the rusts or rgg of mlgralory uurar mlaiatory uumtl- oruu and migratory nongame bird la prohibited ttu killing hunting capturing tak ing or molektlng of mlgrauuy hisec thoroui und migratory nongame blrua tlulr mt or rggs is proljbll- td hu- iortiton ot migratory game bird killt d during uu open teaaun u ollowxtl hi ontario until starch 31 luuung ox n molun ha llsalu duck 16 uym 13 urant 13 iuu coota aiul oallinules u in the aggre- tutt wlum or jackanlpe 33 woodcock and not more uuin lift woodcock or 110 duck ln ono scaion our bj absjlssu ttu urf- of automatic auto- load iiui swhrl or nuctune guns or bat- tr or any gun larger uian number lu inime la promblud and the uv cf any aeroplane poaerboot tad bout uoundrd lie bird a deco iiiuhi hflht and shooting from any htiri dmn or motor chicle 1 for- buldi n lrnoiut ulng blind cr decoy for hunluig migratory game birds are urimd to con ult the regulation for dt talli of uu restriction upon this rmtlod of hunting tlu- 1kxk inj of migratory ga me blid eurlkr uian aunrue or later than mavl u prohibited the lunalty for violation of the murai ory bird lia u a line of not than time tundrcd dollar and not itsn than ten dollars or impruon- miiil for n term not ctcredlng sis both fine and impruon- rrunt more i3af in your roomy vrii ifenf ttt c w 1 tnit hurt ue co john mcdonald queen street georgetown wi nimrn n nu r 436 all aboard ff palmerston listowell wingham kincardine orangeville owen spund london windsor and intermediate point detroit port huron and northern michigan reasonable fares tickets and information longs confectionery phone 80 georgetown central ontario bus lines limited fall exhibition of the eututting atricuitunj society will bo held at georgetown friday and saturday best stock exhibit west of toronto magnificent hall exhibits high jump or horses steeplechase potato races on horseback f udu and gntli oct56 s 8 s 8 norval vt cheltenham lacrosse game horseshoe pitching contest baby s old time fiddlers contest lucky number draw prize worth 1800 2 priii for largest family u snndaand u 3j0 pja surtuy for many ollwr special fruluici te prue liil lome miles stilish baud ol georaeloum ini be lome bihes scolllsh pipe band will onilsh musle darlafl the afternoon admission adulu 38c automoiu 28c cuijrj 18e dance friday evining oct 8th town hu soe a couli george leslif jr percy w cleave wm a wilson preaidcnt treasurer secretary iiuiiiaiiiiaaaiiiitiiaaiiaiiiiaiiiiiiiiiui bbbbbbbbib btttt printing service what you want when you want it quality printing catalogues booklets letter heads business cards envelopes social stationery folders sale bills tickets menus statements if it u quality printing you want at a cott no greater than you might pay for inferior work then you will give ua the opportunity of making estimate on your next order for printed matter no job too large or too iraau our aervice department l at your call to help with layout type selection and form of presentation there is no extra charge for such service simply phone no 8 the georgetown herald georgetown telephones