Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 3, 1934, p. 2

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ha2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 3rd 1934 r tubes tested free with weslinghoilse tube tester we have added for your service the latest webt- mgliouta tube checker put out by llvn tube manulac- tuier and luslily accurate do not 1ft a pour or weak tube spoil exceptions of the many excellent programmes now on the air phone u or bring your tubea in and for yourself whether they are able to give you satis factory and efficient results we have the latest in radios on exhibit see us for anything in heating plumbing electric wiring or water systems do you funuu need lo be put in skip for th win- to or maybe you rued a atw on we have a burnt of used fumacai of cutfeftnl raalua fe sala at a low price g r mtjckart fo 310w georgetown house 31sj saaassssassbamaam m si s jp rfi n n rrr mi rti twrriin watch our window for weekly le cream specials longs confectionery kl m afxmoauam twacy in lining memory of jame lurbarrt tncf alio ld gcfobtr 2nd lsls driver sli iutury we lovd him all no toaau cuii tell how much r loved htm and row mu ood lovj him too and thought u bet to u4l him lobw vlih llim u kt fttlhir uother and ttaouier qltn wuluma ashgrove a young jkoplea rally u hi id in ilaraby uruud church on thursday evrtilnj bept nib or tli young poplaa fcociahw of the hoie clr cult wilt luv 11 tyr prevldunr four group namely dsvotlonaj ml- ionary auavnuilp and local re foimfd and a ut ol tuilate qli- tlons kimd to th group to uutfr liui toitii oltfu lfwl ui coadiuunliy unajtnf vhlch all iwinj ttw en- jo a uuaj hail liou wsu iptni tisj ur ur and un buynum of pot iv try vtuud at the home of ur aitd urs d y wright u lew uv tally day au cwnrd m thr runday tchool lat fcuiday mununtf nut ihm of he lilly day rvir hunday tuiuicilt ajouju tin- world tiad an lnipuluf mruvr- or au uu itutl outfit tull tll vuuni voruet cuilrrvnr in urant luid hut area end lira flank hudilfu and e dauuh- irr qld uiit a fcevk 6ith tur bwtur urs a cbrwian of oraiu vuu ur and lira tlso uwntui ur and ur jo tuoar and mr euoara hr oi lowvllle atfy hundiy vlalluri at the liom ol ur w o wiuun ballinafad the ujor llountaln tchooj vu stii reprnt6d at in whool fair which vui hi- id at llmehouie urhgol on tujwlay aruj u turiiuj in bing lag homr a nrmulb- hiur of tt r pru ttiu oonun unity tui unsly rrp rrwntrd at the annlrnary urrc at ctuirrhlu on ikinday earning alut at thr tujiprr and rntfrtttlnmrm jo uandjiy rrnuyj all rrpon a vtry trlpful and rnujoiiir tunr truuitmlvtna urvlfr in thr unit ed church on uunday at hlch lit wnddwu will prrach 1u ha almu rracrtv hu kihenty ixrnth blttulay and uiitm to tvubrata uir tcnt in uil ay the wxtb of the unum church nvt at his home of u j p khit- aood on wdrwday aftfmoon wll ur w v wiortui prrkidlna ura klittvood took tu crlpiuif uuon which u a oontuiuatkon of thr uuj in th ffoaptl of ut john to o ttw uluton lund gtru uaryurvt ulnruu and norma uckactjiu tonj a rry plrailns durt ula i tela uliortlll trav a try tntfnit ins and irudruc- live dapfr on chruttan intrrnaiion jlm thr rtporlw to thr roll call vat a vfry helpful part of tin rrml- intr ai each member mpondrxl b rrlatlns hy tx aaj tntrttd in uualona arranscmrou wrrv madr for ih autumn thank oftcrtna to take plane about thr middle of octobrr and a vrry kind invitation reorhrd from the clporcetoan auxiliary to mrt with thrm at their thank offrrtnij mrrttna the octo brr mertlna ul be hrld at thr homo of un a uckay dominion of canada 1954 refunding loan tks mxnitttr of fimnei egttt for public tubteripha twoyear 2 dondi due 15th october 19u ittus pnu 08d0 and accrued xnurtu iutdtng f 47 ta hvitunfy fiveyear 2 bonds duo 15th october 1939 itna pne 98 16 and accrutd itifsrul yuutny 00 u matitnty elflhtyear 3 bonds duo 15th october 1943 luat pru 97 00 and accrued xnurttt yuldtnq 3 43 ta maturity flfteenycar z bonds due 15th october 1949 iitur prxc do 50 and accrutd nurtt yuldiny 38tta maiunty prtatlpil payable without charae to lawful mosay of cuuda it tha htad ofita of ut hank of canada ottawa or at any of lt brascbaa in canada uufmt yab halfyearly isth april and lsui octetur la lawful nuuiey of caaada without uuuga at any branch in canada of any cbartar4 bank denominations twoyur bonds 1 1000 flvaysur bondi tsoo and 11000 blghtycar bondi 500 and 1 100 fjftmtvyaar bond 100 tsoo and tljooo cosh subscriptions all cash aubmcriptiottb will b mubjoct to allotment following tha annoubcatuant of tba plan of allotment payment in full for tha bonds aliortsd muit ba mid promptly af ajtut delivery of interim certificates whcb will ba affactad oa or about 15th october refunding subscriptions holder of victory loan 51 bonda due lit november 1034 alter datachtng and retaining tha coupon due tat november newt may for the period during which tha lubecriptlon llsti are open tender their bonds in lieu of caih on sub scription for a like par value of bonds in one or more maturities of tha new issue and receive allotment in full with prompt delivery the surrender value of the victory i bonds will ba aa follows 100 of their par value on subscriptions for the twoyear 2 bonda and tha fiveyear 2 bonds 100j of their par value on subscriptions for the eightyear 3 bonds if affected on or before 3th october and 100 of their par value after that date 1001 of their par value on subscriptions for the fifteenyear 3 bonds if effected on or before 6th october and 100 of their par value after that date holders will receive in cash the difference between tha surrender value of their victory bonds and the cost of the bonds of tha new issue the eswunt 0 iuj liu i timifd to jsojd00joo jfae lain ia autberiaad tihdar act 0 fit pailiamaat ol canada and both priacipal and latarmt are a charge on the coaiotiiated kevaaue fund ol canada the nroeaeda el thi loan will reiite hjijssjso dominion ol canada s bondi maturing tat hovambar 19j4 the balance will be tued lor the gaaaral pur- poaaa ol the covarnmant including the redemption ol ahorttarnt traaaury billa sohaerlptioaa will be recaivad and racelpta iuuad by nay branch in canada ol any chartered bank and by kacogajxad daalara iroat whom may be obtainad application lorua mud copiaa ol the otsciat proapectua containing complato datalla ol the loan application wilt not be valid 00 lorma other than thoaa printed by the king a pilatar the aumaeriptloa hate will opaa tat october i9s4 and will eloae on or belore isth october t034 with or without notice at the diacredom ol the alialatar ol vluanca dshafaiiwy or vwaucm otfawa 1st qrrtma 1034 esquesing fall fair at ceorgeiown fltldaa am kivumilay oct ui iittj ufe hk1 umy ok i vj ytuth sjjanv hmxiai f atyuactiost iinci ruiuay niotrr frul und lutuiday of ihu k an tie djsir of 1fauue ong agricul tural haruty ulr at otnjrion rtur ufou tn tlw rluory of tlu uocuy ha a uuer lut of prli ut n otft itd tv trur alih iiuny li idt- llu aiihiiuld uork and hall kliuiuk tlu n will im tlgh jumping lur lioru niniichxu- poutoc root un lurwtmtk fur udu and ccntk mn luriu sjnw lurwahor pitch tug ikiby tlit old tinu uddlrrti con n t lufto numbir diusj a prur fur tl jivtt fmil ht mutr uujui tlu- djy ul br ippud b ttu usnd uic lorru i nt iftcotu in luifji tuu ru i hft prii ai 1 rutita t uiw if uirrj- fl t tlirulniil ihpr ilind tti 1 halt tttll u tltr muteuy willi v hiito iiiiiul ajuj trjjiiy atttn ft a tun ull of winch rombiry u pio 1 l tun f 1 t ibod cmr lu luja kuir ut porion i t lutudj vuull ut a im 11 j ft 11 ttitd mx a iiuiujkl m itrrr t 1 b- j dui in tlu own ii ill ll rn ij nil t in ul ui all ji iiniml tt mhj mi lr aiul a lm 1 uj iui 1 unlnxi llult tmjttuilvmi aj t 1 xm con u itkina ut ft pit j lit it ull tin urvio tn iht ptui fur ttir lljm t nikojvinj turvuaa alivh wttr bnli di kotu4uil uiuj ful uf tl t p til f ii unluitlnj thr hrv i iliilllinir iticiur tf acton au tit jmiui muciiit at he ajuina un 1 lul rt t ing tl r llsxwr ing tlsr unlet iunid b ur jaw ph lujuji- it at iu orrkrs on liun clj moil li ii h fuctor ptiaftird aa at lit altutia un duiidii aflatruxjt t hr ti ulna tlu- piraf iwr ut lit itxiw a uir ilr jon it du n l nor uf t tract- church tcronto r w tu4 1 j bcuig lultti by tin- itivtor uiki ur lua itnunt lloth churclu- i ir txuutlfull and nullity dtit jltd kith tlu- producr of rlrld and urui n and trr cholra rrndfrod thrtr imirmnt purt of tlu- unlora brau tuull lou and a a ht ottering of nniim- and thanluuhtng to ood our 1- ithrr llu burr of oil flimd ulfta hill ui ttw r ut ofoir ctiurrt oroructoan mi thr mtciu uf un atlrudlsv hill txjliiig alwu in iu daugtur uf mr and mr j hall uf gcorucloun bfcumi tin ltsd ol flfdriltrk nor nmn uatlmra ion o ur and un y mjtiirr of culidon thr crrrmon a ia urfnrmi1 b thr ihvlor kr woo ttiomiiaiin ttir churrl misktng u brautlful wltuig being de rcr 1 i f r tin haiitm llmlor ur jack cirlghton plajcd tlir rddliia mu u tu ittr atruliu of tlu ard tting rruiicli llr brldr rnlerrd uie hum in llu arm of lirr altur hu yuir 1 rr m marrutff uir a frocktd in u liti rirpr dn made 11 pnnrc w hnr lth fyrnch luce lllv hr lona flowing vrll of ilk ntt u caugiu at the hrad with ii luct cup ut u orunur biocmx tihe rairlod u inrnr bouquet of premier torn uim iil uf utrvaluy uui aunt hull ottrn hd rcr uitrr u inuld of lienor and aorr a bot of ptnk orrfanda modi on lenj srarrful lint a alth ro or rufflr on thr hktrt and rupc lihr wore a w turban and ahttr atiora and alocklns and canvd urtarcllf roar and maid rn hair frrn thr btooma gtft to thr maid of honor vas a tlhtr compact xilm o lory lillaj of toronto coiuln of thr bri t madr a charmlna floarr blrl drrhatxl in t1io allk tlowcrrd rrrpr jtlloa orflandle hat and aorr thr urootm uift a rilwr locket oho rurrlrd u bokrt of jrltow and bronir mum thr groom wu tmdrd by ru brother ur walter mather thr tuihrra were llr j mall jr brothrr of the bride and ur c uathrr brothrr of the broom after thr crrrmnny a reorptlon wa htld at the homr of the brldr par- nu mr and mrs hall ircrlvtnjr a ulatod by ura uathera un hall uon a bov1i of navy blue error and satin ttllh blur hat and a conmge of johanna hill mara un uatlier al- ko aorr nary hlur atth black hot and oorubr of ri w after the rrorntlon mr and mm mother irft or a motor trip tl rouuh ontario thr bride trailing in u blue ault atth match inn acreuorlir thry will make their homr in causton out of town mi uirt prrarnt from toronto uimbton brampton ourlph oalt and alton umehouse tin liri ivul jrot of l itiumi vulud thr vicinity on bunday nttftt nu vrnrtablr totks and floors vn withtrcd and bron un uonduy glv ins tvldrnct of hw comint cold nlulit and naming ua to gamer in uk ujrcun lutnet tlu bcjuxj vulr held at unwluiua ii h no p on tur day of liu tk a wonderful tucaui from every angu it u rtlmaud ttsrr wr trter 4fl0 piopu- in altrndknrr tlic rutrlra in nil druartmrnu ne an ttptionally larir and of vplmud luullty dwpiu- thr tumrner dainh i luu tc kill uctlon ivptharntad ud t ac uiuwl carrkd off a sood a of puliiu and pru lime- a school nlp4i toaw tio point mliah i very gratliytns in virv of tn vmn itlon in all he rntrwa ocj tu il having ovrr 60 polnta to hta ndu wr rvtrnd rcnaraluutloij to lia doru unclau wtio carried ott r pruu tn lur cui for jory uu- j mr ind uim liosirt trout loisdun ir ull0ft vlu mr l uaikhall i hunday ur and ura h law njuj iaidn ui lu run to via ux u r and un a mill un fiuiulay ur oro acuma o tcronto u uilljig mill ura hnxktsarrur thu nk uiul laliuliig lur itoyjr whurh ia mjutiij cjultt mi lmivuvfrurnt on s uimurunct ur uiwt ura c laui and iwu of atuiji uilrd ura a uihdill over w na end cu u uj muihwtary urvkn ut riimhill ttirn tit no church wr- u tlvr viutrit cliurtli frn un hmniay c urtli m-tvli- ui ftluj tw tlkdran l a lulsday id vifw u uiht fury rvirca m olrn wu ji un lutly day u ohunrd in thr i bylrruiii ot uich iai fiuiulay lat l l r umidl cuatom nurnbit of t huiul iy ik lux j orinrd tlir clsolr und di i rfutfo tlir otmmnrnatlan with anlttm rntltltd huudlng fur i irrtuty durum tlu otfrrtory ulu isbtiy lunrtluru aiul uu hrlrn uc tn n lulrikd vrry aarrtly a tl hark ti tlir iinephrrda voiie i llrur a plaauu part of thr pro- utam u tlu- prrtantatlon uf pint i r it a- liuitdiiy itcliocd awrndinor to wr jt an olvtn ouvr ohrn and i i n bouthuial and to llttlr jtmmir hidun iu u diploma to uu ouvt hrn aui i ituutrd by tl paator r prrfrct ctmifh ailrndanre durtng i llr tar hrv lr iloim fate a plmdld talk on our oltu to ood ui doris adam spent flunday uh un uoarkhamrr end ulu uar- birrt tlir a lit lookout club held thhr mnntr ty mrrtlrig at llva home of ulura uorkry and jrule cioa on crulay nuilil ut after the buiinea utrt of hr prthirvun ul laorune u ftnuird tlam lth a aolb ahuli u vt r asmtly irndcnvi a olhr thvin uavr a piano aoui ii nd mlui ltt-ui- ultclrll eavr a ery krn4 tultf latrr un uir work ot lid ouijt t a rontt it on naming pluei aus t nkiyrd later and ubl j uir croj rrceitrd the prttr cxosing fair day ttvr olloalna mrrchnnu wul cloae ttw lr pluxra ol bualruua from 3 piu- to 4 pm on liaturday oct 4th bilntf oionjctoan pau pair day k u latnadon lawyer a r pumell irroccr itlchuniion hard ware urn p umlth boou and atora j it rid luudaarr xtclkan ax oo irnrral atorr llobbai druj ulorc thomikou llurdaure lllackbuma uin purnidiluiia w t tvan iruuranre carroll a limited lllllcoa liar brr a ueauty uhop a e wrltfht butclur a e itotiry ixpalrtna and ataiet n it urown bakery wm hufi roan barber jouph oiboon barber irwin at ooldham butchrm dr oollop dent lit dr wauon dentist dr ltunc denuu ulbta clarldgr milliner the oeorsetoam herald t llgatio fruit atore dominion otorra uaccomtacka drua tltore d nrlll ac co- urruihlnoa lllntona jo tilery tuore wullanuona lurber uhop uac iurber uhop si duliard room wm king butcher ii o ucclure homr funiuhlnga ileadj c to ii 00 tkorr kimdiiad uakrry huddella uakrry o t uuckart plumber rlrctrlclan p krrsey liuurance aaent e thompson lnauranoe agent c j buck butcher ucdonald a hughle billiard lrlloy dale lawyer uu pruncra dcauty parlor uaple lruf dairy bbbb11hbiib cent sale wallpapers dont wait to do your decorating later in the fall or next spring buy your paper now and save many dollars 1 bedroom papers 12c per roll 2 rolls for 13 bedroom papers 20c per roll 2 rolls for 21c think of the savings you pay the regular price for one roll and only one cent for every second rcjll living room paper 35c per roll 2 rolls for 3fj dining room paper 26c per roll 2 rolls for 26c remember the dates oetober 3rd 4n 5ui 6n i robbs drug store phone 76 georgetown w c ivuey flour and aj kn ixcduniid machine ahop drlmer laird voodcraft j u uaekenxlat ar hon lumtar owintovn lumbvr co y llrnham iruuranoe w j campbell hour aiul ftvd tuall uamwuu an evening of biinub arranavj by u vportk oommltttf provldinl an mctilriit rtmrtlng for tlir group la wdiuaday evening in hr urttvhiru all game here trloaly conltbtrd and kept tlw wtolr group on their oris an invito t ion to attend thr llalton prt bytrry pull ilally in nurllngtun on oct 3 voa extended by a letter front thr wciytry boys work man- uu r uiid uxnr bo ilan to attend ui liter allan law calld tlve riacu- tlvt to riit thunalay evtnlng horm uf ilia uioup plan u talu a tlnvt aid 4iur e u iart uadge vork for tha it uu n und will htgin rljrt away tlu ldu of badt work b to be con- ulind more fully ttu- ur tlu tittatut mtt for darus ion of plui ai d tu cluiollng cf ma on lliuisday i veiling tuo tram com ijj iuch 4ji for baakrtball com- pjllllon fit lrlolin arr ttie ildi cih a n by lit captain wlis v oaptulio u ilundrrltafv team i o luddall aubcapt j lanmi ruin o long j preuwnod it ooldluun b kmmercn a urlll j cftftll tum 2 l uandrruin j wilcox k uccurnb r p johluton d juurdaln v cuuve o oollur a wiiuk hlur captain j flargtnt tvam 1 ii uarlartn kiibap k fliric h vurey k uocklord j harlow o bargtnt w la inur it ucunvmy trum j j bargriit l arnold v wright a biaputon u kmnrdy j kraimhrad if harlow j lkitr ulln wlli u- hiaj in tht urui- ourat a long as arallier ifrmlt thanksgiving meat f z j specials at jtmll m bay yoor mau and poulfry for your thanksgiving dinner special wellington brand creamery butler 2 lbs 45c prime ribs bed m iselb choice rump roasts beef 1 3e lb tender round steak roast 1 7c lb mneut qlautv kill porterbotise or sirloin roasts shoulder roasts ol bed mealy pol roasls ol beel 19c lb 12c lb tender roasts ot veal 84 1 sc lb fresh cut veal chops 19c lb fresh shoulders ot pork biu 14c lb fresh pork bulls 1 7c lb fc collage rolls 20e h choice legs ol spring lamb 19elb shoulder roasls ol lamb 12c lb flank ol lamb lor slewing 9c lb al kings and gd ihebesl sausage 2 lbs 25c umu limu htlhsnr isc lb brooklield loal cheese 25c lb best quality mincemeat 2 lbs 25c maple leaf mincemeat i lb jr 38c cooking onions lolbs 19c choice cooliing apples 6 qt basket isc phone 27 wm king prompt delivery 1bbbbhbhbbbbbbhbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmbbbbbbbbb1 ayutar pi pumpkin ckafca quaihy ma t tu vustt kctchup beans 2 t lk t9ef sgts cacasiut bar biscuits wtlbtrrflllt sssd pound 0e haraas da lusa jellies auartatf ptwun 6 ff- 25c fancy red lalmon i rubolih own hnbhkmihv butter 2ibs43 fibht obaiie pine hiimi cllah potatoes 15 ibs 13c potatoes 3 lbs loc onions 12 lbs isc free deuvery phone your order phone 357 carrolls limited t main street georgetown

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