Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 3, 1934, p. 4

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p4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 3rd 1934 exquisite quality and flavour salada ilt eaal flll fro t gwd t esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday ocl sib 6th special prizes i j co b w u co ft 00 1 oil t 160 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 4 00 1 3 04 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 10 co too 1 co 3 00 00 j 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 co 1 00 3 00 j 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 co 3 00 3 go 15 00 3 co 3 co 4 00 3 00 300 10 00 400 3 00 i 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 horses i ufigij high oupot in t a tkwfc upj x bliju turnout road 1st prtw by l l fwlt ttajrasra turnout smile by jl c antwrwun uj ua ijuy drlwr by uconictotd oomunat uu1 ft ti dhvvy uoa in lujnau iw ilad itarte by w o lie ty and 11 lunvi v tjawt oaantrau hozw odluto 1st vmur coat ou lira and boou oualnfc 2nd j w onetu 9 aatttouluiral ilone on us in by jon irving iniinn 0 otta uao iu by d urui haa ft go 10- ttaat luavy twtm co oround including heavy draft agricultural and crural purpor ui tloxd en any artlci tniixliaid from llaiwy liajru cansnany 2nd ww ctf any article uurciia d train i fa ij ilutis company aiwnt a d huffi 11 iut oclt 3 year old and under sired by iniuani by whl umuuh to be deducted on ou wti sjttvlos fa ft 00 ix iw chyddsis uart on ilela umwd to owrtlm by kail h ufjtlnnon ftj00 to be ddurfaj from oat 1m on overtime imp 14 ltdw potato uac 14 by o j nci 2nd by w o urowiuvlie is bawl bprtfiaj oolt sired by prince of pmdau by j o ollll to be deducted on ttrvtoa t ft 00 10 qui rider undst 14 ycu riding and handling horw cattle 1 bart jry nal by credit valley creamery x ut uegiatrd tthortfioro wmal g hoisuln ksunale ft iuml ayihihn kveaals f kua group oi three dairy com consisting of oca mature oov one tvoyar old hrlfer and on year ling to tw aired by pur brad bull msjfcu and onyx mantel clock value 11500 any family hav ing eon a t kulon co iihm pru at a riair la ibm not hgim to compete 7 iw lleef animal 3 years and under by ucdoiuld and natulan toronto bfct vaaj call by toronto elvatari ut prtu 100 lb of call dual valued at aoo 0 uw uoutala hull any ajj ond la lullan couniy by kolaa uclan 10 iw oilj anown by uoy or olit owned in llalioo oounty 60 tat calf wi ahowmaiuhlp by iv paul aur cup valued at 11000 and by erwin 4b ckuliam tl judiln uaf catuf by n il urowna qalury qtorgt- town boy 19 yan and undur u cov clvinj moct muk at 4 o clock day of jir by t u uii sheep and pigs 1 bat pan of ftn wool cheep not lot than 4 atiwp 1 mal s fmala by j oaaumout 3 u pi of lcaa wool tihwp 1 mai 3 femajaa by k v lurraclouftb bait po of onu any bread 1 shear nun 3 3 w umbj by lorn u uulun 3 00 3 00 i miscellaneous s 1 but 3 lb butter tn k prlnta by it d warren ft 3 00 x x uam pair drecad cufxjn by o louy 6 00 x x ifaavlut pair bamd kocfc cockercla draued by n a ltdblnaon 4 00 x 4 btet pair dfuad otdckcn by w o anthony 3 fto it x beat pair draaud chicken by a j blackbum 3 0 x x baat pair dtwated cluduai by p kcrwy 3 0 x v bait pair drauad cnlckan by tho byiuu 3 0 k x but drauad olilokan by jamiui graham 3 00 x 0 but pair oraatad chicken llaltoo cream and butter co ft 00 xix bt dnasad chicken by uorruon uotora ffoods 3 00 ii bwst 0 bray itajohad pullau any breed by bray hatch- eiotvos i day old chlx in dellverad any uma in 1s3a ft 00 ix bait 6 in butter tn i lb prlnta ut by d loinl bad- tiif valua 4300 2nd good by rvi etorea 3 lb oosaa i 00 bmmt do white buculta t year uhicrtpuon to pi oaaatu l fto but do brown bltoulu 1 yoar suhacrtpuoa to bramittan conservator 1 fto baat u do- buna 1 yeata ubacrlptlod to pael oaaatta 1 00 baat 4 do oooitica 1 year lubaorlouan to brampton oomarvator 1 0 bait do butur turta 1 years ubaonpuon brampton cocmrvator 1 0 ix bast yrult tart 1 years lubacrtpuoo to pmi oaau 1 50 six baat 1 buibal of table apple by blraauvuu creamery to b delivered 3 00 beat buahel of oooa wheat by wm oouj streouvllle 3 00 beet oufehsl of northern upy apple by btona it welhnaton nursery company j w oproule asnt xloiw worth nunery atock to be delivered mxt aprlnff when chosen from the agent applet- to be delivered at 40 wellington bl toronto 10 00 but ldf of llomumade bread by ouelph outfltura udlea hat valued 4 00 beat collection of llomemade baking vartetlw by zauera ouelph soode valued 3 50 beet tohfhwy of paatry by chaa w barber ouelph x ft lb pall of lard x3x beat pie 1 apple 1 fruit 1 lemoo pyrex plat and stand by u ix triompaan co value 4 00 plw to be property of director 3x beet dlcplay of out howera by o p heady soode valu 37 beu layer cake by uathcwsweue ouelph 6 lb glaw iar of nose brand tweet mixed pickle 1 00 flx baby bhow by inspector n guthrie gold iu 1500 and tlfto baby under ib month ft 00 a beat trained pet euiibtted by country boy or girl resident of ilolton county by percy beau 3 00 3 00 ix best tandbound uhoaf of oraln to be bound day of show by u williamson 3 00 il beat display of a rain in uheaf not leas than 3 ahoavea aheaf to bo not lu than 0 inohea 1st by a e kmeu goods value 1x00 and xio0 ft 00 fiddler contest old time fiddler 1st by j uobean suods value 1300 3nd by ae wright goods value xiao ft 00 largest homily on ground at judges stand at 330 pjn ut premium ham bwlfts abbotlor 440 and goods by carroll btoro p 00 4 00 best collection of jlomomode baking by ii c lic clure done by lady in esqumlng towriinjp oonalst- ing of 1 layer cake 1 pie vi doc tea bucult u do oookloa and h doz tort prize silk bed spread ft 0o best pair of pullets in tabic varieties by w j campbell goods 3 fto beat display in llall by bonk of uontreal to merctiant or monuf aoturtng firm 6 00 best oouectlon of vogetablcs 1st i3jm and by budds depl store ouelph mans shirt valued i10 3 60 beat u bushel rod clover by morley puit 3 00 bet u bushel alfalfa seed by peel seed orower 3 00 best 10 las clover honey by george currlo 3 00 best loaf of bread baked by girl under ib years real- dent of esquesing township by george carrie 1 60 beat layer oak baked by girl under ib yean resi dent of rviurepg township by george ourrlo 1 60 if xlaaai beet toi homemade bread georgetown lie raid 1 year v 0 x isuvott u do freeh eggs ooorgotown herald 1 year l o0 x beat and neatcei 1 lb butter oeorgetown herald x bos kifhel table tumlp oeorgetown inuiut 1 year w x i jbrwtwt young ooobo not less than 13 lbs i x articles to beoome the property of donor ix 1 ix it 30 x31 ax 34 ix 34 ax w ax x40 x41 x43 by j 3 50 1 00 300 3 00 3 so 300 t 50 3 00 1 00 m feuowakip wliri qurisi ooldkn taoct in nw ami i in you as llir branch cannot brr fruu of llulf rxofpt it abide- ui til vtiwr no ttuiir ran ph- cpt w abd in mr jn 1ft 4 lkfiflon pabbaot julm is 1 16 o ucud hon of oud tit lovr- uiul faitli r i ktd tluu uiou ouldt buid our hraru tn urothrrhood of rxd our lldr brother hum tthou lri tsge v ciarr our kindred llvri w offer ttwe in uroiturluxml of prayr thou dldu the wul of tdm vho unt the froiu au thou nav4t u u hr uiu tde ut brothrrluiod of love ttou uan of oauw o llt tlkou ut again ab4r wllhln eontrol uuyu our brouwrtuud ot uen fw cktuua xm por ui pourth qusrur of thi wr th xt for tlrf inwroatlonal vnl forw ixiuau u trtudlxri iw the ciuuttan livc till ttiotftt mull be ttudud cloi agairut the bock- ground of modem life how may w live irw chrluun life in the uitdt of a ikulir uwielt how may c vk iptntuil value hen our uuy 1u furw n to coiuktrr loooey valuta to rorutarulyt tl c an rr u tril cvrut jjhilli powrr lor tlioi ftij vamraily cttlrc to ttve a curutun life our pjiahl i at ktut iui ttoiw ctian that or the flnt century on turut who llt cnvo ir rn tlrotuiwot of ttie luunan lonnu ther are no arw4l clirutlwa in materlalutlc imiuralulle rnluibr utlc and oooununiulr lutiona w muit leam ho to pre- nr ire ctuuuan iprtt in lliu actual vork aday burld in wtikh lu flts uoi f- ts i 1 it u ood u1 for us uut ou uve thould be frultrul wliy du t ivtutate to believe thai tiw ur- laden with cjuitera of gratm to the autumn leave ui in no doubt to ood will for ttv btbiw vine it u rfitanxble to axiuine that ood u pjanntny o quke out tlvr fruitful too curt u ti absolutely vun of this he uv all life in the light of the will of ood ivrhapa cru ira- ion why our ihi tutvr been rtla tufly unfruitful u that vr have been trying to live our own lite apart from ood chrtit did not try think iprik or art apart from roriielouineu of the will of ood make this puln to hi duriplea he uid the 111 ultra uan of a vlnedrr ser pruning a vine the purpow of the pruning u frultbrartng the vinedreuer does not uaite hu llmi pruning a dead vlru- we may not rellih telfdlieipllne or ood dlwlp- line but both utv rwentlal if are to live abundantly and yvld frulu of characdr eperlrnc and service it may be that e aliall hav to give up lev r nil things that we very much prise in order that our uvea may be made more fruitful fruit gromer does not heattstr make an annual rjjlmate of the yield of hi vineyard luve we any de ftnh ayatem of measuring h fruit fulness of our uvea cktbt warh is li u how intimate and personal cn the words of jeius to hi duclplrit those sayings are part of tiu fare well addrrui to hi disciples before hb tnut he was taling the w holt future of hi million upon ek vrr men well did he know the tempta tion to which thry aould be eiixia ed in the hebrew ronun and oirck society of their day but he offered them one ifflrleni safftguard abld lag fcllowihlp witn flnuelf they were to abide in him as the branches abide in the vine over and over b repeated the word abide or re main to abide in christ is some thing more than to make occasional vlslti it wo said of a lady who had a formal and pat ran ulna tude to religion that she kept the name of the lrd on her calling list no rich spiritual frultfulneav can result unless our fellow hlp wltr chrlst u taken off a weekly month ly or prmly bails and put on a dally hourly momentary or continuous bail the vine ran send sap to the farthest tips of the branohoj but only when the branches are in vital union with the vine sbirlusi mite ftll newspapers find it of public inter est to fumlvh itemised statements onoemlng the eatales of dead men christ was concerned with the moral and spiritual charctcruucs of living men ills two outstanding tests of frultfulncu were love and joy what absurd tests compared with the rat ings given of men ny financial com panies i yet if there is any one so cial fact which has more than an other been demonstrated tn recent years it is that wealth doe not guar antee satisfaction and happlne borne of the happiest people havo little of this worlds goods but they have good will towards their fellow men and they have an inner joy that is radiant christ gave men knowledge but he wo eager most of all to teacr men to live in the spirit of love he found that this did lead to joy and happiness wo speak ol him as tho usn or borrows but h uas the uan of jays well h experienced spinual satisfaction in life because out of his great low came deep joy leaving only hu paltry garments a an estate wrat a rgacy ho bestowed upon his disciples when he said these things have i spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full the enduring prundshlp um while jesus was saying these fare well words to hi disciples thry mutt have been thinking what a true friend he had been to them he had taught them talktxl to hum singly and collectively kept them at pcutx together had shared llutr hardshlpti und solved their dlmcultle this u the trull expressed in the fine cana dian hymn what a friend wc have in jesus dut jesus wan thinking of another phase of their rolotuimhip he stressed the fact that thty were his friends that was the bast upon which he wmicd tho relationship to rest as friend j of ht lu would not need to give them orders they would want to carry out hi purpose a friends he did not need to huvo se crets from tlitm ho had told them all that ood had mado known to him they had not chostn him bux lin hod chosen them trat they should go and bring forth fruit and that their fruit should bo tmperuhablo crrlsttsn history is tho proof of tlu fulfilment of christ s promise to his disciples and friendship with christ our uoccplance of his frtmidsulp and his acceptance of us as hu friends is the wuy whereby our uve may bo made and kept fruitful questions far discussion is your religion on a wnlcly or u dally basis 3 how could christ expect so much of hit disciple 3 religion is friendship with oaa tlirough christ discuss this 4 why do many christiana who know much about christ s truth know so little about his jov ft should we try to measure chris tian fruit fulness in ourselven and in others i borne men are so thoughtful that they rent a cottage on a lake to tru wife can get out- of the stuffy kitchen ut liouio into a stufiucr one earrueatng rural school fair svl linuhouse tlu following i a lut of pru win- iuts at tlu hi ril fvltnel fnlr held ui uiruhou4 i ii ibpt 2uli oath ilainur 1 qi elmer hurt lis ititcj u bruce lindkay oath slteuf ivit lulclile kiuohi 1 no hjruy oac no 21 i qt btty u irklujl 1 r i lm r hurt 11 rue urul- luruy oac no 31 hurklk idir jtjirin wluit qoui itlichlit jack nublc iliruii uliiiii ooow 1 qt willie ueaf wlllk rut puid com juuf lull otven wll- frcd joluiuin ijlru tier uw4 1 com jinunle litark uabl lluikholdtr verne wttetrr lotato doolc ntoo ituddell ai- x wrtjjit hfiirlr wright iv atoc irwji cobbli r quc-tiw- ii id ii iu1m1 lljluioil idiu fry tr mitnsvwujn hsdtvu wufnd ji i n oo 111 he itourtvon turtiji aj4t wuw jju ilo- ti ii hjfll u11 111 lie u jjcr bnuth brrjcr vtui- n al i nome curniuailtnd jcluuon h jly 0 t ijjtrfl ituiktioldt urnnipr victor utarrrt pred id urll n1a rnr oitioiiv ijr now uir mm crvj wiling j nsoii uvmj nxnii uj wjutl hiiiti ivver i ik j un iktiijm ijttfrke cku ouilru tjulc lxu104 i wiry lljiii4 t r t j mi i u tukrtjl wufhnd jot n tiurtl jl i iv rii divrr4iui iti-tfju- ii u jui ales fonu iersiuu htjuritl fuglc iua ll alhirt lluixell tturo treitir ill4drn luirv n u ki i tun cuiuins alruttn matuiold w01id jului- ii luitlui hliridunie jaji uruki lliurd plirtuuth llo cockrrtl ii j httil nmtm kudutll uatwl lljinvi ilnriyl ilinouth itotk uuet t j hlcele clllfurd wutrr ijui ilirkhmlrr w ilir l kkerrl ediia 1 rt t litxla hill ottin hill hjkjiii pullet edna pr i ir ii hill uln w tnddtte xxkrrrlkcw t- ii kuddrll irwl huddell donald i ind 4i white wujulottr pullet pred itucotll noii lluddell trdd llrot c 1 xi f tjh efavirtor ouok jork nuble 1 isorvl llnow calf jeru pred ituddt ii nrw- t n himldcll murbrt lamb donuld lindsay ilruce llndia harold ilroan iuuwinaiumi calf jack nobe nitttnn ituddt ii prrd lluddell hhowrruiuhlp numb wilfred jolin- rcn hirold ilruwn oonald uiuluy north ni uiy applet llmrr hurl ihlcij llenxllth hojd hhortul xjacintah nptilra umer burt john lloarrun hden ueredilh ilno apple wufred johnson liobel itteplienson bertha flliel- bounii whl hi ptste of rv lotrialo teddy urovli harold brown aje wrlcht yu id pumpkin lie mice vgjuttom queente holden annie holdm it pumpkin norman jvlcdoriald jun kcolt dorothy vanflret ilnuiard mjuajt tlna wyr jorn how man wufred jotuvsan citron joanna luuirtlll jim klrtt- iwttrtck ldna prjvr lliuk mrlun lierthu hlulbounie ilorothy vanmfft annie holdew wriailtf fourth claukujil rwdi- r ida yrytr htun devreaux umuitf turd ctig doeouiy bile wluu uclaugluln edna rrjer writ in 3 second cla- jdtue ilo- twrutn beatrice creamer lilllsri jolinum wrting nnu doi jim klrkpat- iick hobby uiuluy uarjorte ucllon- id wnitng prtmer trd tlrown ivui i urkhuuler ilirtura couuru druwiriit a patter fourth tlii anna ilnortul add in a noro ii ark i miluiiun ur lwuig thpd cuu dwtlgii lor l i ol nm harold hrown dorouiy jlii j- ii ines hctut iruwing tecurul cuu a tulip i oaie norton ulluu jahilson hun- id lijviii drwlnj pru tla a toy or pet icii funllng ah oordan hobby liuay drawlmr prlnwr u ball victor hrrut uawl ittndcrwml clan nee t rny itcpt ember breukft altnuiidvr i rat k uoljy cuu joaiuii ithortui ll i burull wltds licloululn ikrcjhy julitiia n siolly cut hun mutans lillian jmuiwn i th nurtoii ra hltcliu iul i mrit ssndtrlchea lome fnii k luitkihs cousins pam oous ciulute fuw ituj llcott uibel llorkr 4dr j u prwik i lute of party sindwklvev wuja mrlaiuuhlui uobw ruriirruioti mu irl ikepltei um tit cloth len ivveieux ad till 4 noro vule fuephefuor a f ictory cotton spron uury tuf- f sn dorothy joiinson itaxhael uul- i n duties pin bag douguv prsjik i u ftltchie uhel nurkhokwr a tuffed oluloth toy or doll jean druse ltmr prank vwor fitarrct xunual irmnlni it rnorttorvl cross wltllr hilrhlt- newton huddel don- ild llndsa a colli ct i n of five knots paul drake nlrk t urn luchsel uullln a window ttltkuovd luiortlu ii nice llndt jtmmie hobertvon a puatklne model of a cup arvr aucer victor iterrrtt kleanor cook i iu harding collection of primary and soon- rtjry nnxlou wred wilfred johnson fvun timet hurt t annie llolden a colltvllon n leaves of haidaood tree vlono wrb ter uoule cutu ldna prrr cuts of different breeds of live htock mabel ilurktoldrr hulh rmlth lime undsi a tafcty wrap book lot wat von kathleen it tbertc hetty hrll ton tleel n imintf nomitetltion joanna hhiirtui ahi pmnk wufred john- biory uuing tiumt r uurw uphrnofi ajudo scsuy joyew ap- plryard- tuory uulng cooua jj- oorij ultchu doris bmlth lwrcne croa live stock naming eonl4t xomer hurt cllffoed wuter donald lmd- judtiut school duld brfmkfaat helen drvervauv pfegy kawuuiju ida rryr uan tliey uy hiat rudlum u al way iclvuig off parts of itself and yt it never get any le s neigtibor i that u tliat tlw sort of jun they otigrt to make money of usth professor now ur ziuh guard if i uy thrw wgv here and live etnrs here low many iggs will i have sir zltchguanj twlui a queitlonmi glance t i dont bhve you can do it sir 4wy4sves k4o jcjaoojc eaoq4w- j4fr4wfr4wflfsw est electrical work jj a i am prepared to do electrical work of ill kind house wiring motor repairing g electric stoves irons refrigerators conuatcu aiwn purr if rr la only i docket ou the g wmino pon a 13 noou houuk ii richard forster john btittet gioigitown centamile round trip bargain fares sat oct 13 rom georgetown to tortovto chat am bam la london ingrrsoll woodstock ptiru ilrunlford hamilton ot catharines niagara palls and at intermediate points alho on friday oct is to whitby ofthawa port hope cobourg trenton bellvule kingston onnnnoquc duxrkville ptiicott morruburg cornwall aglncourt uxbrldae lindsay ptterboro campbtllford newmarket allandsle colltnuwood urafo d lunit ortllla uklland oravcnhurst brace- brldiii hunuvilu north luy and all intcrmedute points auu3 to all town in n ontnrlo on line of temtikamtn a northern ontario luy nlplulng central rly and on ca hjy to kupithkahlna a hearst fun tlckrts and information from agent t344 canadian national hi pot a cent tftw totvn agcvt 104 villiam ltnoiaswlu ouui fruil firm f hum bu trut k otil of nm ruiiun neednl s pialup tr re lteniritt a teupboaa ell at 10 s ni be u lit tlte reulred part by bus t 3 t ut an i tli truck wss bark in mr lie the following mueittns saving hour valiru unir tucanl muuej fkil it awu imt utml here and theso ji i ipit ii u j the vt irld id ttie t iqidl40 larlftc flarijip lniireaa f unt- ata can u rouoltd upuo to esa- turv iks uusslastluii ut stay t- levm ij i vlbtsr also ujuu jrwia a nirul writer uia la lh rruimr la uw lulrtauibf rjlr outsiau tliijr pn pl sns sirsos tu fix fj m uii dywo aod wrote a ur u lkb la ulu lrstd by l4ottititi be egad shb bla wo tauira lilltd with sdiuitotr luteiirma up o bum a hf uw uiuir ua eniprba lie tills uoj at ip sod ual las vii tie uy k u ua uscmll laos fall iim tors llal ucllaj htataa in bsbtlsl woulj flow ifi 4 4i as tvea irwater vfuiuoh la ixa pttlctuo of jots 4 haitla u tfce uuiual lift of u va ij fioa in t brtiu illot ufure the ufs tlbdarwritt ea assoc la tloe j toroet at tba itural vurfc hoisl recently the ervnra if amerteso base ball plsfara la acriadulrd to sail frum vsi rouve ocd ber li afoird ifae 4 ttnadlaa 1 trifle liner loipras uf japao i r ao all star tour cf japaa i bioa aed tba pblllbbiaa judja tod ura ksjsaaw uountalb lasdts may also b la lb prly paotogrsrksd la a group fcr tk first uma aisce tby ware abot on tkalr arrival la canada f isara ago hu lscellsaey to ovror4laral liar cicallsacy and ibelr aider aoa sad laughitr wars sbsppsd oa boar4 the eb yrass of llrttaia iust befora lady bessberoujh si bar aoa aid daafbtar sallaa for luroo r- ceatly atgrepristtoa if oa dollsr was taade raesatly by lke vasv eouvsr chy rruocii oj u bobj- tul arte for il purekas from the caaaolaa i antic hallway of li acraa of rtimof way pro- party at ktliauaao tuaca aaar tke nrlllia columbu city tk hru uelatoaa applss o ik wua for dutrikuiloa utioagmoot tba doalatoa from victoria to hal liu vaot out ra- racsauy ctr ruadiaa pacific law la trains or 41 ears tba fruit is raaoriad to be la woa darfol wvadittoa ood this aaasoas eelh wui nauatals taa groat rsaataitaa ikat british columbia fcaa sos hr h asals twaaar the raasdua pacific five char frwu tbolsrablp award to roill naharaln hsatds vlrlal luo of unatraal vtd ii w raid of vvlanlpas td albert or at aiptla of uthbrldga all soas of eoaipaby am ploy w are aanauncad as ibis years wlbbsra tba sebulsrabtpa are raaewabla vary yaar up to five year it tba aoldara are eatltlsd te tall ataad lag t tk rest hlibar yaar taerv ts vary elsar vtdssee of rstara to proa parity la can ada o to grsatsr fasllag of eearvasaa was a raesat tfsets- ratiab of lord ii iff ownsr of aur brftlsh trade bapsrs thai aay ethar eubllahsr ib tba tin i tad ktagdom lotsrvlewad aboard ts ifiapraa of britain telephone prom avsry state of tba ttnloa asvs avary arovteee of tba ho- mlatoa dalacatca to iu 110th eoeauunlcatiob of the bovsrstga oraad itdge of tba indspendeat order of oddfsllnws asasmblad ta eobvantlod at tha llayal york notal toronto raeantlr thsy were gretsd by the ljautansbt oovamor of ontario uayor of toronto and the wood for sale oholo hjlrdwood uanlt and basoh mated soft wood host h prtoe apply jack tost phon xlw oeoegetown waataj maw oft ditcba and drain to dig old oasipool eiitarn te cleaned on short notlo also white washing and any other work don jam wullaai boot 150 wood for sale cholo ifxnl iiordwoad and oedar ralls at right nrioa order uft at a hum or at my boo pboo uv promntly auended to jl uvtnobtonb wood for sale oholm llvdwood bmob and atipl u oj par awd ulud wax hit pr wm tuil tlu par tort 1 ummkvroud t uii oiuma vrtrutvrw lv 40 frfuca taxale in the matter of the traasurr- ral ef land for arrears of tia in the tewnshlp ef esaeatiig it th ceaaly of llaltan take notice that i hov pre pared the list of land for tola for arrears of taw in the told township of atiealng and copy of tho said liu may be had at my offloe in the council chamber at the village of buwarttown in th said township of esduealng and vurtjnai take notice that the sold list is being published in the ontario oabctle on uaturday october 6th saturday november 3rd and saturday december ut 1034 and ptnttheb take notice that unless such arrears and oasts be sooner paid x shall in compliance with the assessment act proceed to sell by public auction the sold land or so much otereof as may be necessary to discharge the sold tajtea and oasts at the township hall in the tald vil lage of btewaruawn at tlia hour of ten oclock in th forenoon of wed nesday the ninth day of january hufi dated at btowatttown augut 2mh 1p34 oeorioe le8ue traagiifoa of townahlp of ksquaaloj the proper care of your automobile auto top moulding 1 notiieit unrig to uauu m u cmr of your autnui i tl it 11 at totj fjhc iliru ruit crock alucil ll nvitjlilirtg thi u dnjig- i tl st exist on on tt w rvcent modal eats on ol ef tiuxt i the 1 t f al kc eovertf tke tfctjr t p nf tl i car und eutenle duwi tjie iji on th i t wi r caw i ota aif hi fv rir i- ni 1n a par i on tl lp an i fa ifim t oie e-lr- th nvouming in previou brtulea it u th ii a tl i fjl e if rvt taken tv if will lvrp watfunrur hufi evrptuallv tart eracl a lra r rrt f r t crarka l si rig the rvhtlllig 1 1 t t- top of rw ears sycsjiorjly ovvvkip tlu w ninuliing u al it la imp rt- ant then f one ihut tie nxuuuling on lop of ou- car lie invpjctcd frt quci tly to waled fur t e rrulb if tl crack is ciiua t in tune it ts comparawvily mi to biaki u raksir all u ut i rwvaikary 1 to ii mi it with a waterprouflng mh ur i tru ajr may ul j- uel for stupirif i ak at tit rrar vndow or for repairing fiji lurmlnll i p fabrtr in npiint if j i ol rau d by a eiar ette lutt it it ooly neceksary to srp sorr of tr scaler onund tte hu lay a imall elotli patch owr it sruf thrn bpply nun of tt eoca- ourtl 1ff yi- hata1hblblttwhblhwwwuuhhuuuuwalblublafwwwuwwabl have your eyes examined jkj1 rttvh mlaoie in h ktvto tllir lenu unlike wdlrary frlsvvwl fc sw i ktto l u uurutc to tttf- vry ej bhuutvt ou lik ui ur dup n ot ikt luiyr t uw an ruluced in pekt kiji i r i 4 uj a is i r all over cji mi tk w l tlrfiu irem us as r if 11 tuljr lrl ij u iuiiu pnr tuiy oia to torunlo or uuitpji o t walker ro onounrmjut cnuairr kwctuiin bu u b u noun data bloat wni tk j or 9 fay immu o y wlto u u ha4 to fcfrmla bmhkihhhaiiabaitbaafibbhakjaaaiiiihaiibaba attack the cause of rheumatism bivitl i pit alii uobt f hvj hi 1 1 r ftlv hi iwuuu loliusi a ikllrtil titiluui iuii itluttru ubruihillu lite a u aehm i muuln ikj lb suut aaxj ua 0e 111 mb4- ttw iklt tm wuail hiibo l 4lri frwa il iuull j lot- imi bm4jbu la tru o j u ttealauai bttsswipi rtllet ike bjin ahiu nsmilsf iss iiiiu tt i bey tenula avs nirsiful 4iui fcr air- ftllc llunjred cf pepi ksie ttulb u is quuk hiuf tliea hj iku ituunt mur usrt ike t iiubt l4y aa tej uhesauiu ha pains disappear z backaches sciatica kidneys m u ei to i aj a 4 i sm ik a jul a ttiwp4wry iiutf siuo44p hit ioi n b4im aj hir ni ljbt4b anj fu fcllua- mist tleanw si uaaariiu 411k aa ii ihruoiu itnle euanubg aiul fs kit a4llan wt ullui 4uiz msaf w aiujeu y khbtas ike huaeja u s mdir jlauat i 114 rumacaps hcumatic capsules maecormacks drug store r4iaurity dasuia drag hlsee phone 327 georgetown it i 11 il it ii h11t11 111 him h1i11i1 n a robinson live stock dealer and butcher nerval live stock trucking all load fully uuured phonei gmfftowf 101 13 rfrlwirtttrrrnwitlll nrrrrvrm i i rfirrnu innt rain -snow- or shine we deliver blue coal when you tvant it john mcdonald queen street georgetown labgiaaai um nhhitntim nmimiimi hwii finest home light rsl you ever saw siajsl us calaaua 1lmai lsmf cbalc olhtaullful sllvr ioaa nr cowilonv bn i cj ibi willi aitrau llva pare link n i abailt the new coleman lamp in all our kpiienc w are frank to may we have never eeen finer or better horn light than th now coleman lamp lta just th thins for turning night hour into bright hours this year th new coleman lamps are more beautiful and finer than ever before fitted with attract ivo parch- rrumt bhadeg and handsomely finished hnvo coleman silk- lit u uuntlea that resist breubage cost but one cent a night tout many attractive mode priced as low as 505 shad extra the coleman lamp produce up to 300 candlenowsr of clear eyssavlng light light that really protects your sight the bind of light thats needed in overy home stop tn and have your dealer demon btrsto one for you see your local dealer ob wbiyi ut the coleman lamp stove companv ltd robohto ontabio ilauki

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