Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1934, p. 4

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pfttfb 4 the georgetown herald wed heads y evening october 3 1 at 1934 what your telephone joetforyoov coil v clock u t4 tu uut- sumun6a wi wut beol ool coll tk vwuttnery for sick o liuid slock kffrfcps you in touch with v gt qtkk vvlc on polr port for iklmv eivobwt vw lo of oo t6tjoj ohou ad k4 yoi u touh vwt your n1gfcbourt ud i ii j e bcstrano su uim tajitajy i it t- r ii tj f i uj ab ike cfiruw t twj ail tw s llj u twtfaj si wk lij uuvy asj ikes- tubshfal jirtw lira cwutj sy lkl tk j lsvsw law uag tk wjj kv lua wuloa ltl ilkt i tk uik 7ij vai telephone j nml quiclc heat on cold mornincjs steady even neat phe 12 ne w bliie coal new fall millinery we invite the uu to bupect ournaw atotk of fall millinery ia all tha latest designs and colors your patronage i olictted misses claridge hru block ufmuirt georeetown btnsixav ow ovs woods m he our wood of hsealocfc maple bin litd and birch 6mr lord our wood and thine bw be their bubolbw mmtat their rippled lake their pond end wry laughing brock thai crystal that make rainbows and foa and hfupi for trout kurtt be the trail that wander in and out among ttny boulder drownd in sort wn sea of velvet buwil oli bw be all of thl bleat be the trood and they that dll thalrtn the acoidlng squirt and hu gentler kin the friendly chipmunk and th tlm- id haw filut b the graceful mink the shambling bt eh uat on hu caw the drumm- ing grwue the haw that lew tin iky th whlwfoot bsoui th anlkrd buck that pat- proud and tall wuh do and dappled fawn but be thy alll lord u- lha ooda for nerfct krvub4- for bald that hau tha loui tn care and at ia t kmd thafai for fragrant eooj and ati proa thuiulirbolt and flau fkka gaw and lut lroas aalarw- frou iflmnt dom drouaht and bluht won all uua u uncuan fron ruth uu hiht that givaa to 6miuuon valuy sua and nounulmkw o04 huu our oodl asarai uthur ouiuraan in ww york arald tttbuna try kruschen now at no expanse to you if yol lunvr trot ikrurnituu wut ua kimbaao or bruiitu you tloulj try aouuuat hilu tliu away uku youf dnifxut b gtfiiri a lrll uul of vaubfbea for a imjird tic ocj aik lid for tt icnuua cum rwkiu bufb coaliitti a ruur loltw aad fki e trul bottu aflw uja tu trul bottw tofiluum uk tbt uww lotlk ial you v aot cof4ily tonvtuvd lial kruubm u1 do wry tlisj claiawd for it la wltb ewt your dniijlai wiij rtturn your inofcry if you ula luk li rguur puk uoojwf-j- bl tiloat of poixt tdoifv a to kruubtab ettwtlvte for u 119 dj txt couotrua oiu la ku twa foul tlu t lij u1at irtulil u kjuuhml ttrt your jzku kittout tbby tt ujmiy of frr tiul loltua u umilfd- john mcdonald queen street georgetown 4 all aboard palmerston wingham orangeville london lutowell kincardine owen sound windsor and intermediate point detroit port huron and northern michigan reasonable fares 4mnuax ukettmo 09 tnbtiwrt roal yu ujmd at oa wauocal oancrat uhung of tha canadian hatlonal inuttuu for th wind hfld hi month tha bla tmuh annual fuport coartnf can ada and newfoundland waa rynt- d kuviawlns tha rtport for ocuru particularly find thai 3a09 tljvl ptreona rud in thla tvovlnoa out of a total rutrfttton of 1119 tat canada thl inrludra all ai froa tnfancy to uu oldmt rrutfrad blind prrton vho to wkm ago attained hu lotth birthday anaiyaina th raut rattan fijur it u notd that 3a l are 10 yara of aa and over 111 an between 31 and 10 yara with tli remainder of uhool aa and un dr utnca the aducatlon of blind juvrnlwa like tha alahtd la th r vporulbuty of tha provincial oovcm- ment tha canadian national itull tula for tha lulnd u ooncamad chlff ly with tha adult blind tha liutuutaa itoma taachrra who aw thaaualvaa without auht have bmo aptly callad lha frontuna aol dlara bacaui they in moat instant ara tha nrat to help tha naly blind pmon in hla or hrr effort to rrgatn connarnha and lndpndanoa in the face of one of thr mou jlioourasina 1 cxprrtanoa in life throuahout thr ytar undrr review s full tune and 3 part time home trachen save lr- torn to 14 blind pertoru in ontario they tauaht them to read and wilt drallla or uoon type to typewrtle to make batketa of all dracrlpuona to cane chain to make feather articles thonged around the edjea to sew to knit and crochet when ooruldriina tha field of employment it u stated that thoe past 10 are unemployable becauae of age while many betarn 31 and 10 years of age lunrr duabl utlet in addition to bllndneu whlcli make employment impoaxlble and other n this group are married wo men who are engaged with their houaahold and family duuaa kevcr- thalaai 311 war cmployad in tha fac torial or omota of tha tnultute on nei stand in varloua centre or on job located for them in general in dustry by tha institute s placement officer and operating oanoeaslon stands in hospttau public and muni cipal buildings or industrial plant in addition tt home worker bought supplla at oott from tha balaaroom department and tha majority of thaw war rmiia tn tha aaie of thalr flnlahad producta tha library loaned 13 m volume in toboaud type to u active blind reader tha provtno and in addltoo j143 coplat of tha courier a monthly dralll wgin pubuahed by tha inatituu war aent to blind readers desiring thlb partodlcal social ser vice or afurcara waa glvan to 3m blind paraona who individual prob- laua ndd apaclal attantlon and advloa t3 blind pertona war at- autad with supplementary caih ta il and over mm mora with relief tn kind special service of a varied character were extended to 1400 bund person in tha three rt dene operated by tha ontario dlvl sion of th xnsututa tn toronto and hamilton so blind man and women without horn of their own lived in comfortable homeilka auiroundjtnga tha pravantlon of pllndnaa de partment of tha institute enabled ms paraon wtth aerlous eye defecta who were unable themulvee to afford the neoeatary care to receive the opera tion treatment or glaasa raqutred wtth tha result that in th majority of caaa their vision waa aaved blinded aoldler tn ontario num bering 10 war given aftercare and other service by tha institute under arrangement with the department of pension and national health all thu work last year coat 1163 511 while direct cash benefit to blind people served through earnings from employment located or provided by tha inatuute or cash relief a- mountad to over 1337 ia9 00 in addi tion such service aa library home teaching aftercare prevention etc were given without charge since 1039 tha institute ha advo cated government allowance or pen- elon for th unemployable blind par ticularly those put middle life dur ing tha past year a united request on behalf of the blind has been ao- compllahad and eympathetlo consid eration ha been given by both do minion and provincial government repreaanutle it ts hoped legislative enactment will toon be effected a partlouur boon to blind voter u the right they now enjoy to chooaa sighted relative or friend to ac company them into tha privacy of the polling booth to aulit them marking their ballot at dominion election in ontario lianltoba and prince edward island the blind voter enjoy thl privilege for provincial and afunlelpal election a well tha inttltuta waa instrumental in bring ing about theae amendment to the election act tha deficit on the year operations in ontario amounted to 1311414 the canadian national institute for the blind is a philanthropic orguil cation dependent on voluntary con tribution from the general public for the greater measure of it support courtuno voycsu uuy we bio ui that a more slbipl and u txprtujtt bay of compiling both itovlncutl and dominion voter lliu could be dcvud than ttuu tlch ha prntunl fur aome u6w iutt but it will not im pne by mi tmj- a ikqtv of enumerator at work and ofotrauriug ui woik at toronto and otua itut ptvrnt fnunwra lion or louiig swio laruly to be a mean of dlvirtwulng a tot of petty pat ronage aa uasld by uu oodfrtcb xg na a great oral of trouble and m- pente ould br savl by th adop tion of in wunlclpal vour lut for rdnil pmrpotf they are printed every tar and are thus pretty cl up to dair and a tjwlal ivulon could be ttld jliit brtora an election 10 add any further name and bring the luu into imt with any tpecial prouuoni of the rvderal tanchue act uy lomr simple system of rrglura tlon or rrvuion suppumentary int might be compiled iih little labor and unsll cvpeiue th municipal uu twtng uud a far as compiled mak ing the compute printing of the new liu quite unneceuary only corrrc- tiom and additions being noted it is cuentlal however that list of qualuvd rice tor in sufficient num ber and in printed form should t available before election time we rre in onr of our smaller fl- tlrs ttie otlirr dsy borne eighty or ninety enumerator were compiling tlulr ork one of thtm told u tx a prttty tlin of the job there a a lot of ttorit til whole of the name had to be written out the n mux ration ould be only 111 but irat meant an immense cupenditure lor the country tuftguard of course hae to 1 used against frauds in the 1uu it l a good idea to hae rrpreentatlve of both chief political partlr concemed in their compilation and revision crop report tickets and information longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown central ontario bus lines limited oltxph wimtch paist annolncem jtdceh the folio in a list of judge ha been announced by the ouclph win ter pair uanaurnwnt for ltd obdcblale itlchard l- otarr aurora prrcheron and belgian dr p j houuird weston heavy drtiuahtbqichard l starr and dr v j hauard light horse dr p o orenside ouclph and j olatlery toronto bhorthorns j t watt oora hereford and aberdeen angus w ii hunter orangevlue uarket cattle j u oardhouse wctcn lincoln cot old and lelccatera wm clarluon weston uouthdowii llompshlrea and ouf- folks- d licnabney todmordcn qhropahlrc and oxford cecil bprlngsled calstor centre dorse u and cheviot david kelly ghttkeipeare uerkshire and tamworiha h a templar durford- eainabury oupj wild ilrant- ford and u w pearaall ottawa oralne and com prof w j bqulrreu oaxt ouelph and j w uxuay bead branch ottawa cloven and orauaio l b pal mer seed branch toronto potatoes prof a w uason oa o ouelph liedlterrancan breed and chan- toclera oeorge robertson ottawa cornlah oame oame bantams bantam booted japaneae polish ulueneur and aov a w tyson ouelph luiode island hods java jersey olanu prench dorking bus red cape and atuoellaneou except chantecler wm cairer londa- boro orpingtons except white wyan dotte except white silver and part ridge and asiatics w j hoberts hamilton bantam sebright lioae comb cochin and brahma write orping ton poland and hamburg t j kuey london itocka white bllvcr and partridge wyandottea wm codman london uulity pens prof w h oraham oa c ouelph turkey and water powl a o taylor ottawa pigeons leslie ridlcr ouelph ornamental rabbit and cuvle w j teale ouctph below will b found a bruf anal ynopcl of telegraphic import r- clvj at um head orflr of the bank or uontttel from it branches general the yrara wheat crop in the prairie province vu again fight with yield of other cereal uo tn low fuure the ttlniate of the do minion uurvau if utatmice plaon live teheau production of like prairie lrovtnces at 305 000 000 bushel or a bout the tame at hut year whlcn roanures with an awragv of 3s4 060- 000 bmhel over the pat ten years coarse grain on die prairie acre a 1 lain crop with an estimate of u guoivv bujru for oau and ucu0 000 buihels for barley slightly belt 1 hap lau ejr in queu province the yield of liay wu slightly bflow aerage vuh hut of cereal and rootv jood while lie apple rrop a fur tw low a vent j c in ontak oie yield uf fall wlieal was poor but that of prmg gruitu v uxoeliat uttir tluui average hay was w of aver- xsr with fodder com and roots a ood crop but appli and psoxlie much below average in u usri- tunr province tlie hay crop was con vlderibly broa uvrrage and the yield uf 01 reals restrictfvl by dry weather tlie apple crop su light txcept fur late yutd lit nova ucotu which will tu brltir ti an average ihitatoe wcit a la 1 lie croi ui urv hruuswuk wllh loir yuld m kov kcotla uivd itinc ldjd inland in uriuh columbia rrop isnerally ii of uood ifld sjul quality and matund uvnal trek irlrr uiao usual pfovtiim of ontario although abuurmauv wu ir wlirur mud liravy toll in fall wlirat uiid mradou and a niutuniuur drouglit udvtruiy ittrc rd jtoinu cfop favourable west her uttjlnnuitf in tte rally au tumn mltigsltd the condition to i gnat calftit lrdwt g lit reull for tike moion tunslderohly ahead of tally anticipation a yvld of spring graui of ti cue rally good quality wa uimewhut better than average hay crop mr ium the later cuttings sroulg some improvement but the total crop will not exceed 0 of average tlte yield of fodder corn from an incieased ucrrag au btt ter than atrroge and wui aiuu u orlettlug tin hay hhnrtas tli ontaro department of agricultuie ui lufllmuiary rttlmau hos llua the yield of pull vvrral at 1000000 bus- ttel from u let acreage was down cempartxi hh uu year oau and barley from a aughtly tncreaied arrragr sho a combmed yield of m70jo0 biikhels compared with 77- 00ijoo buslteta for 10i3 root crop urr an averagr ylttd with toatoc bttttr than avcnige the aptur crop u pljced at ao of lau jeur pro duction the yuld of peuchi uiwl lil unu a artklmuirly m of ttmtagt and wan in the nlauuia du- trlct heidi d 11 of avrragt illuo grape arr mmefttiat in exor of ust ir yli id hlle hi tea ard rli ho a diirrajjd toiinaur the pro duction of all yuiull twin u can idrrubly brlo normal an averom ylt id of uood quality barley tobacco iu harvtlrd plue tobacco from a 21 rrducd acreage k un rtl mated yield of looooooo pound of fair quality aguuut u production of 3300000 pound hut yiar infants colds relieved voj klw- u mut j4 a ktr a j whed a hju kk oat wu4y y f kuof tks ti u fcy ka cf ud i v iuly ow lij44a atd kj tkv ua m im1 k-jr- 1vi fcijj tkijtl do ts i bkt4 tajy u fold bat u lotfal llktit laiui t- up4 ait aad v t-av- ubys ons tfcuu j j t riv g a 1 g t fcffa pu pvwimil babys own tabiets tax sale ih tka harrcat u tw tvi tuw f laju fw jlram 4f tvha be ike ywwbmkju u ik cae4y u ualud taltt hotice that i have pee- parvd hie lut of land for tale for urreara of ta la ute said towiuhlp or xuqjaing and oopy of tha sakl llt usy be had at uy oine to the council cnaubra at u village or litesarttown la the said towtujup of tujuiajig ahdvcuthwi takk notice that tin said lut u bring puuulwd in tit ontario oawtte on hauirday 0tour ath uturdy hotsur lj and futurday dctmr ut ikm and rtutllut taick notict uuu unlj such anara and cot be sooner paid i shall tn complianoa with the aiinminl act procwd to au by pubho auction tha said und or so much thereof a may be rtnmjy to discharge the tald taxes and oot at tha township hail in the said vil lage of fuewvttowa at the rour of un o clock t the foevnoon of wad- rwulay th nlntf day of january dated at buwartlown augua oeonoe iyflrtp trurr of towtuhlp of kmuaslng twth finest home light na you ever saw 1 the new rtoleman lamp ih axx ci ttrueca we are frmnk to may we have nevr an m fuwr or brif home light truyi the new colman lamn its ut the thine for turning nlghi iaorw loio height hours thl yaam the new cownan lamp are ttvoe bouttul and finer than ever bwior fitted with at tractive uirch- fyweit ahade and handaonwl y ftnlfchrd have common silk lite uantlea that rwaiat brvakose coi but one exit 0 nlehtiouae uuty attractive nvodfel prvwd m low ae i w hhaade extra the couatun lamp produxea up to 300 ckndlepowvf of clar eye uvinz lt4t liht thai rjjy protects your tight the bind of htht thare nej in every home btop in and have you dlr demonairftte oae or you see your local dealer ob wiit1 ul tut coleuah uup 6- stovg coupahv its toiouto ohvabio advertise in the herald ii pays potato iuuveht op ib 31 according to the preliminary es timate recently issued by the do minion bureau of statistic the total production of potatoe in canada in 1014 will be 4131 000 owt from 68 boo acres or 63 cwt per acre aj compared with a revised eetlmato of 70000 cwt from u7100 acre or ul cwt per acre in 1033 and 48011000 cwt from m4 0oo acre or 83 cwt per acre the average for the nve years 10381033 by province the yield in cwt per acre are tn order a follow aitt- last years figure within brac ket new brtiruwtck 138 ms prince edward bland 130 tloo url- tuh columbia lis m nova scotia 113 t01 quebec 011 1010 on tario 600 so uonltobe m 631 alberta 53 u baikatchewan 31 001 there waa an increase of 1m par nt in tlie 1034 potato acreage over iat of 1033 in addition the yield per acre in canada wo 33 per cent higher in 1034 than in 1033 to that the total production u placed loa iter ctnt above the 1033 level appropriate they were exchanging yam yea on ohrutma eve 1016 we were in jerusalem aald the auule aye retorted angus en i guess the shepherd watched their nock that nlcht ne a robinson live slock dealer and butcher norval uve stock trucking au loeadsi fully buukw phonet gfrtowrt 101 is mew utrcajkllikc tha in italia ay history u repeating itself and attain a nine jtant prwlouly the attention of steam road execu tives u focuuwod upon a streamline train not unlike a huge caterpillar but ftlth the speed of a luvk which u rushing acrot the co titnrnt from lo angele to new york 1u oper ating schedule calk for it to rat up the 3j0o mile setuiratlnit the pact fie and atlantic seaboard in ms hour it a cm novtmbrr 1st 1035 that ite cunudum national hallway pioneered the way in the adaptation of the oil electric motlvt power for roll ay use and construct ed an ollelectrlc car which made a dash arms the continent covering the d tit a nee of 3jjj7 mile beta 14 on t real and vancouver in 61 runn ing hour thl test trip proved once and for all the feasibility of the di electric motive power to meet the trying operating require ment of american rallrood- the progress of the new union pacific train on it tut run from coast to coast will be watched with particular interest by railway official both in canada and the united bute tald w a klngaland vtce- prcaldcnt and gcnrral manager of the canadian national ratlaays who at the tune of tlie oil electric car trial run wa acneral manager of the western region where tin outstand ing performance of the car wa hown in many uay the test are stmllur gpeod was not the prime factor but rather that of the en durance of the motive power and it capabilities under actual operation condition in operating on a tchedula of 73 hours from tidewater to tidewater and making the run in five minute let than 67 hours actual running time tte ollelectrlc car set three world records in rail ay operation the dletel enulno never stopped running during the trip although the car it self might be standing at a station a fiat never before accomplished the actual running time established new record for transcontinental peed although a special union pad no train in 1006 ran from ban pronrisoo in 71 hours 33 minutes and it was the arst time that a alngle car propelled under 1l own power had ventured upon such a lengthy run apart from thl a new power which could be adapted to railway re quirements received a severe and gruelling test in other ways however klngsland polntod out the equlp- mtnt vui dissimilar the historic oil- electric car uclgned only 40 ton the streamline union paclno train con sist of a autcur unit the power car three pullman a mall and expret car combined and a buffetkitchen car au railroader will wish the union pacific every success in this endurance test ut icingsund con cluded if the schedule 1 kept up a we nope and bellevo that it will be new world record will be achieved and aa many improvement have been made since canadian national blneere adapted the dlescl engine railway operation this test run of the streamline train may have important influence upon railway equipment in the future teed ored a youth hod lust driven home from ootlego at the close of the term did you pass everything asked hut mother anxiously everything but two motoroj they must have had uirplane motor in them camera club comment pond mother will the pliotograph be anything like html photographer yen madam but we can easily altar that new btenog its from my boy f rlcna i bos noticing that the paper en closed in the envelope was absolutely blank why uiarea nothing writ ten there new btenog sighing i know we aw not on speaking term right tr when it wife lows her temper her husband catchc it canadian writes of cruise ttwugbt of travel to far place wber bot sunny days make nature a covering ru tuore rtasooabl tbsn fur coat are colncl dvnt with hie sound of coal rati i ton inn cellars to preparation for the long wtoter and a viry timely bo k tbat will be of groat assist ance to travel minded ptolilo baa just appeared it la and ahtp and oeallug wax by alao maurice irld published by usemlllan lat year the author ahu is a t anadlan journalist cruised around tha world id the canadian pacific liner cmprrt f flrllata and tbl hook i colloclloa of bis imprrialuae a companli nabte intriguing mrt of hook lo which he ha written delightfully of nice sod uauithty ttiln handled a hard working camera wtth becoming discretion wad argues id the muoiirr tf kipling that the colooal a lady and judy oflrady arc uier uodr the bktu the uadltcrraneao i gyp india where the author 1 uncord with lord and lady willldcdaa th malay peninsula llitlo knon t am bod la thins japan evn ifollrwotal are among t the place bat wrltee about india a country that baa suffered much at th band of those whose trado la writing cornea ta for aoroo rather ruklah debunking tmplc nlthts and tropica sea rom ta for nine rather good description hlmi le bonuly adtenluna aniook tin simile homely people of hall dovilop th smuilnc bnilitlr that thi vtnmm of thl modern men are vary interested la steptoa and otltar illkeo thing a lliirmn pouell notd lltirury trlile f the munlrral htar wrlllnn of and ehlps and aealtng- wi aara lr irwin hu tho hklit uhlrualral tnurh lavalushlo for ruch a record a hi sine it rouhlihl til in not tml u reaitmlmr uliit vivid but it forget what is not worthy if r m rnbrance it also rrovldi a nit atlraelvi niodlum hv vthlch lo bllmulate the interest of iiioo nho have hith erto been com pel led for one rraiuin or unothrr to enjoy their travels abroad vicariously on lanuary 10 iho jmtta if urkuln i tut ukaln on her cruise around the world vulttrtg the port th t pmvldrd the cipy fur and ship an i waling wax her 00 paitcnpir will see tha kcrnrs lesrrllied in the txuik exrwrutrr nnunters 1nillar to ihor reonrdel by iho author and liirlnu it o lit day tlic are- away will rill ut 32 port id different countries tor th utit do not 1 1 iko r l nil- ihl relcuer rtcoaimcnda and ships and staling at r th who do it i n irnrtlnl it i i m tsji surprising results ef frequently the users of the condensed adver tisement in the herald marvel at the results achieved the coat is small these small advertisements are universally read and often accomplish re sults in value far beyond the cost of an inser tion the georgetown herald phone 8 ifc ailmmi hli

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