Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1934, p. 4

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pa 4 the gcoxgetown herald wed netxlay evening november 14th 1954 ju2ykx to a kaudc a mavad cat tab co to feet caajriad tdy tstaj hakad tny b lting od tt did x kttyf v a haa nv bit of advkai knd u thiav toctst hurt tea faa taamjad vltfa kmt x t6ld faf ihtst trcubb fcd tauw catt tmp tula hom wharj y6ura that uxackl cauvl bmttlab th fctcvss eloud fcary i i vhlsparvd flaahiaal uw to look at uad fairly oot juart atuh your tra u hooawt klva taaaulu ithhrtf for haauktr or ttxri x told hsr w1 miric uuat b just hrtj bsiusrvtng and lortraj uataaf th afid ow hid ulkw a trulaa talsi be tki ail kuri tunulai allmay b baauad vtth a kul slargam 8natr afivtmliilxo rob rjun indian rain wuaku aerial bomb- and various other wirkjaarfcofcatr havw bd culmlng clwlu for uk r- an rainfall tn fourth astid should ua be otauud frocd lh hon or liat- wltns th eukk ruh in vukwuln vhr th following wont id atprirwi in uw crnturu inur country ldr wanud about 1 inch of rain tor th coming kmktnd tn th vl tnii of trad hiver and lh rl of tii country add ilfrt- toitksoa trwd uiwr wu wi hour after th paper nt to pt- half- inch of rajn fall at trwd hiwr ft wu l ww all noaharawum wlsomliul and 6aow rain cum a fa days utr oa which e cult unuuahiogi draw two conclusions t tn do of tfa ps hu baarfl vssu ibkw- usiiud it pay to sdini- u b komaiber th urycu built for txx ha u old enough to to your trftdfalhr kruschen strikm at tim usaal caiim of fat try kndbenat oorexpesm if uaai bbbiakky f b uilftrf vual tit idvaj f 1 1 diut tt try cut dfifu ut latilad tujdli cf tb tcnajbca cuuu ruki i ak tl b it vuuu lutu tchtrf tetlb kfajfcl tuial luttlc irf tw trul boltlr cm ltulm tllrl wiw4t uut uu4m ran tv- mu rliily if hi fdioyr lb laainrf tion it unkr not wjy at itrf uuul flurf cf it lut at ur tout of lull tlrf uiftuji luuirrnj uuiutrt4 if ou tuvtutiru ui kruubm u1 bat trt ctj to lotr wtilj kruatjo tujt oj bw fteu l lo urf d u tfulm uu ut eiotmw dukw 4 ur luuutra ad iulue liy if c0 u ux ffltiailv rcovlatfd uf uuag it frw tui uottu our daj tul wtll iwfflulty rtand your nuuuy ua ycu ittarn lu luuuur pil uous lh titatllajuno a dafiijo ctic iys uut uw iwtaw duapiwautui tn uuata and ww tooa la thliial cf lf- piaat w wd hit feo to kituau lo aav u- du- bpfwauamuat of tb hott tlw bocsw ui tfa old azlm of t0 cfffatcuoill 60 u bkfavtoat uvd tekc fw ijtm4 haw ooi th ftuthohty orw ut chlldiva lhy forumty hid thav ar bow tpiwd t ml by wha ufal lha tabw ot vt femlnad 6gawt cuahfol td uj kind trhkh uy for- aufly lavd to mu by authcaty aay uuapu to autfjotuy imm uuiiny uufed fct av aceg th hud juaai fao kaao uwtf cad fctiropaaul cuaiokj tn spti of that aanofliufftatrt it euy b tukad vhy rulaf by low 1 not so mni- ful it to uuuu u u not ocafatnd wttb mub uld 0oahu alb hka u ui tso aueiiu bkb tsntm both bo jid uu cat th pwaaaat diyxlalol tvlbufi the christian as a church member no wonder he felt and looked so much better lulf ib fan bbj lulf uf4tu l cmukiutlj flt tmnu s fflllrr tup ialaj ji otr atmubla u lata a tt uu ur ttlau- it iihiimj b lul oa tkucuu tt rniprmltiimiwr of rartaiii toalr prcitarstlub tb omul of iikfa waa hiwwn 1 titi imul baluidj juatliu liw lk nltr ho tau tfluna a llxmi tt tested mtul lr rouot at rd oifpuml arul rvd ruiourlns outiar mam ounj rll uuiv donuil no vihultr b alt punk at tlnw llr glifii iba toalr aiul rtlunuj in tblrlj ilaja to bat bl lummi iftltd aaaln tt4t aa no duu akuul lupruvcj kaaltk ha b lird ll and frli il iiu unj lat akotd tkat rd lufpovlm ami roj nlurlnj eutttr bad atribtalr urraj no soodar b fht and kl mucb brilar wouu too ilka t uttar tcot wuu yoo ilia to b two inla about alodr or vod cf rlavt tkn lata tbl laaiad tonu- ablb pravajaiubb uoafll to b tortf rt4ua atwunta it rwlora- tall balni bj ituraaaln tna raj corpuu and rad mbiuilnf matlrr of tba blmml bo rarrura in ika ud itraau alikb mut u bafit op to iwruial numbara u lb parenn u tn uituu baaltb an1 vltatlij ala laalad tuow u df wllilama pink illla iu to tab at bnana at rolk or at bualnaa uarutunwtulrd fur all n frrl rvavdovn ortlrad narrooa or low or arr undraalbl uf drumll baa ibu taatad toaldr wllilama pink 1111- 1 rlr nil- ii quick heat on cold mornincjj steady even neat all day phone i2w blue coal- john mcdonald queen street georgetown all aboard palmertton wingham orangeville london lutowell kincardine owen sound windsor and intermediate points detroit port huron and noribarn mkusan reasonable fares tickets and information longs confectionery georgetown central ontario bus lines limited read the heralds subscription offer on page 1 oolcm tcf w at fcibrt of hi body fcptaaluu 8 w uaaoh patixnr uuw i ii at u u not bl4dna4 to luuw trt thou thyulf ait urnj tru y mm mvw yu by oiv run yt by taro e tfcd hot to th uiny l it itivti but only to uu all tti joy that lmwa on wh m- toudud would b for mlo coo and li- who holda thii filth will urlv with flms and adent touj to woht out hi own prcprr fcd by working for th wlwil wudoni of uw tlrahmlnjs- tuh u u chrulun aw th uu of ox earth thy should ttuki oihr iuoplr thlray for uulr irluitoa tliat u th flavor of chrutuna uf uuxill bttraet othrn an taadpjd pwo i a poor reoobuoindaiuu fur any tv liatioo th uly diruthina wrr u lit or in sofwty tlvry luul turli nvy and joy uiat unv imt a uw to any coeiaiuiiuy koamuu otirvt un ajv a djrf to u- tntliu4li ojntury ehurcti a iuglou wrtir art umt ulniy ivr nnt of uu popu atlrtullnat hinrh ti tu iauar at brat iiajid til n- tnta flvtit ridbttrnw of aiuriluul nurtl horn hav- rid uiu qujltty uf iji- and hav grown jd tliy aiv hlu- ult juu tuu guiw flat it u lai- mlbl to make bait lint tut son tlat ball abin und many ui chrut un af liardnd naaiiu furtlur aplrltubl appeal v in alnuwl vry oommunity tfjr ar on or two csinuun blu ttand out a ampua j hat rvtuton ran do in a ui rhjuntly clirutun vlrtur ar tfawfrlbvd not in th ahuract but in lrtd of th ui of ur or lira ho and ro uiwj ii anyoo may rflot anolhrra food njk but can only radial our own a uatch ha a uttl bit oi tavosphoru on on end and can glv a cuall amount of utunorary luiu but an ruktrtf bujb ha llv currrot running through u and ran fftv a bticfel light contlnuouuy eionu ohrutlazu ar uk fuihllliu ahln- tnf only tntrrmutanuy lt hatury aoon running down a urtn chrut un it i win ficrvt ohrutun ar loncrfact ohrufiana tbra u uadawiuaf radlotily vrons if fml oowpajud to oooavai our ruiou faith a rauatfouft iradrr wld that ha would ma th world if h had twenty fully coaaacraud urn lunuhrt- uwr bay fabulou amount of toon y for national advertising- of thelr produou ohruuui ar th boat r ofluwndatlon of th church their good livaai crcau a dlf othan for ilmllar quality of us- tt troubl u that th avcrag ohrtaiun ha not aubutrnt du- unouvtvua to be iwootiud a a ohruluu chruaj kioouragtd hki follors to good not that thry might win honor for theulw but that thy might bring glory to ood thar 1 a fau mod4ty that rediiow tn iprcadlng povr of rtugious falih r4iwikib ti a oaa th day of xvnuooat about thra thousand popl wr rroclvnd into th chruttan fallh what wrn th nnt atrpt th oonvtrta could not b left to u th ohrutlan lif a individual the fir of a aarparate coal soon gom out th anoaues having leamad u much from their group tellovahip a dlsctple of jeaua orgbjilbfd a fellowship th nrw con- rt met to b taught to aharc in ohrutlan frtendahlp lo rcoatv aac nunent and to apend much time in prayer we reoelv aomethuig aplrtt- uauy from group fellovthlp that we cannot attain alone w must of counr ha our time for aolltude to enrich our aplrlta but v mm alao ahar in felloahlp with other what e ourtelvna receive from ood th aplrltual iii la an eltpi with two foct aolltary retlglon ana aocial re llglon the new tmtament uya greut atre on th fellowihlp of be- llawera the old tvaummt itreuea th id of a nation and th new ivuamnt emphaaue th td or th ohuroh both ooncepu lndlcax th nd for feuowahip cirirnalml 4145 thar u muoh muorutruction a- bout eoumunlim ft ao happen that th ktualan tjerlmnt tn eommu- nlaea ha beun inagurated bv fore i anttreligiou it u quite conoalvabl that there could be ooauuunlam bycotuent from ohrut- un uotlve thli wa th natur of early apoatolla communlim in jru- aalm which wa a nobl espart- manr and did not uit very long why did it tallf u may b that onomle oondjuon were advene or it may b that ohrutlan idealiim wan ed we know that only a few year afterward paul had to collect mon ey from th oentila for th aupport of the onrtatlan jews in jrujjm- t u ralher tragic that thl oommu- nlmlo affort failed a had u auc- oaeded much economic dutreu in liiar hutory might have been avoid ed- evldafluy human greed wa too atrong to allow thl idealutlo venturo to auooeed out if ever mankind u to be free from out throat compe tition and organise a society that will adequately expreu human brotherhood there will need to be a alrona religlou motive in many oountilea today industry u onnuilaod on a dog eat dog hula thl can not last there u plenty for all upon thl earth if by cooperation uutead of competition adequate du trlbutlon could be mad publicly owned aervloe mich a the poat offlo schoou electrto power water ayatemj point the way to a better ex preaalon of ohrutlan brotherhood auraeumbaaia 4 47 there are eight hundred rejoicing text in the dlbl the new teaia- ment especially echoe joy and glad- nea why haa thu to largely de parted from modem religion it u because there ha been a revival of pharuaum a living by rule and regulation mlulng the joy and ad venture that come when we trust to the loading of ooda spirit xn many congregation religlou work ha comu to mean cajoling people to attend re- uattou aervlos against their will when there u real fallh and fellow ship people do not need to be coaxed lo go to ohuroh in jerusalem the convert a could not get enough re liglou discipline day by day they went to the temple or had meeting at horns alealtlme became an occas ion of gladneu thou early ohrut lan worahlpped ood and attracted their fellowmen bo great wa the appeal of their radiant life that oihera wished to attain tlu quality of life alio and dally there ft ere ad dition to th church longfaced christians are a foe to the faith fmlrtng for duetuaiea 1 why are soma religlou people in- tlpldr 3 what u wrong about being a se cret ohrutlan i xa ohuroh th friendliest place you know 4 which u more to be dreaded com- munum or competition 6 are there many glad chrutlanb in your community metnoraea banc impretasioffu of gorstown high sckool ltaiml fraa lsu wal liy iiuwam v ormm wihi x oottutntod in 1 th jauur wu ur linni a kindly old uml a rral riend to tit boy but after s ytur or so lie femve way to ur hi j ur vlm tualned th poitton tluougt ur ju pit uaber on of tlu truum uf uw txiujoj and prcb- tiuy j4w of tlu brfct friend- tlu vrluuj rvtr had ur tuater was huiiuwluit tiivrii to drink and due u u urvuu tveord which h had tonu of in- lktj tre liaif fiighuiud of liuti oru injia tnoraln la liu tlie boy iroai acton cam down on die train u- luuaj including andjrv artlmrs liul lioauoervule ldsln vmntu ttie fusyth boys uu1 uu-w- rt ia j uaatr and tdyself wiun we got up to uir ixltool we found uu fiimii ull lotluvl and krnor wa rn uniuc to tft ui afur una db-a- mj b u what waa- bt to be don uc trndl tu rtuu a wlado- and i uiuik rluwr tat etanri or iu ritmiiiu nlllt vt ui flrat and oikrua1 m tlmtr aiul b- u4 rj of us tn ur hljlrr turd uk- uiutll room at uu tnl ui thi ujt lull ftdicnt to rtiu i u hi- roum ur slurping id 3111 ikunnurvulr was ui flru u itiumvr ttu- bimjy of ur fuaur luau- uit b ut m tike qtranui to hu tmiiii llif mim wo over uu cru tu wrr uu- uuir ujuj hu iivl wen ji liita tuuuy jji a riiair wr boy km ut ilitjl and luulned thing i ui ly iwiriuit i ly llwtv bus uxni iuuuit v uuy lr autf hihc vu ur tjum of uie bua c4jtu1 uu im uptown aiul hum uu rojoiuur if lc mitllj- hiat hi uut sjxil tuklitg ijurue uf tlu- fjr uumc uf tl ura nutdr flippant rrtaaik about eld liuur lie iau sotaeuojij uf a rraidl tud uutir of 0u boy lovfi htm ry miwli i rxall tww annoy ixl ur ouutu was at uu- k of v tult djy a aarluxuuig uj uie aulijlrt- tu luid dncuiid a iuilf holiday i dont recall the nam of llr lihtt- a aurora ur but 1 do remember lluu lu and ur boys dldut gt along rry well icyruier they were con- tuiuihy annoying him and how angry he uuvd lo get tlte hut luillor i remember was lloy and a dnajt frundjy old soul in tlr boy 1 beur lowd turn and i myulf reardud him most highly w tiad many inumal tik togruier it u lla myself a uetluidist churchman and w had majiy thing tn common which ulirn dlud when i wrote on part ii junior loavlng in july lu i included for matriculation th sub ject of oreek on ui last day of tn toronto anna kuiwr u married and living in baukattharamn euxa uoquen u married to b atwding euiam of oeogeioam and her name u now lira itaxkerud albrrta u- donald aiul knoevnej douon are both marrlfd and living in toronto th former urs wuiumson and th lat ter lira lirowti and so we could go on and on but we biiul slot i do ikoiw loiiu- ouur lamur iuilu of the dfur old oiool would ulve uwne of u nu of us tiirlr euterlench and imprrjlon i for one would entoy uiem imuwtlklly it may be that if i can rvcall o titer lnicrrttng tacidinu at iutu futuie tlmr i may ur editor aut fur your tenirotjiy onoe asaui the georgetown herald oilers yon jrvi fficjotttyt awtn- moncy mailbox father say every time he flttt a peek at junk yard lt mak lum tiiliut of one of mother iglada writing a orwk wa th final tub- jt ur tutn earogay wa ui praiidlng rxamlner k recall uiu final examination day it wa oppre alvcly hot in midjuly when uu uu paper hod been written i wa wandering around th achool and ur lloy wa using th ho- upon th uwn i puued the remark to him how refreshing it would he to have a bath with the hose it agreed that it would be all light and suggested that i prepare myself for the bath i did u behind some of the ivy cover ed scrums and what a cool refresh ing bath i got and the water wasnt warm eluuu during th last two years ixyrtle watson and i came down from acton together on the early morning train and uccalluiru livery at georgetown used to meet that train pretty regu larly quite frequently ur ucoil lum jr e pcctliy on disagrreahlc mornings when he hadnt a fare in stead of going down town empty used to ask us to ride with him and h would drop u off at th school i shall nrtrr forget hi great klndnav in doing this for u penonal references may not be in good taste but i am going to take the liberty of reciting two or thrrc thry nuiy or may not prove interest ing one time when coming down on the morning train i bo psvaing be tween two cam as boys we wouldnt stay nut we uiiully nent ti time bcuren acton and oeorgtown wanderhig all over the train and at that time uer were no vstlbule only between pullman oarv well on this partlcuur morning a i wa passing between two cars just a we were go ing under the wnlte bridge may cap blew off after i got oh the train i had to walk hack up the track to get my cap before i could go to school it wa fortunate for me u wtm1 further up tre track near llmehouse for instance one other cold winter morning i caught the train at acton just a it wa moving out and got on the atep of th last pallman car i darent to into the car so i tat on the step dur ing the 13 minute ride to george town with anow whirling around my ear upon my arrival i was however none th won for the trip one other morning in eummer the morning train travelled so fast into oeorgetown that it went some con alderable dutance past the station before it could be brought to a atop of course it had to book up x wa standing on the step facing the engine which was then backing up i alighted before the train came to a stop x oat down without intending lo do so uy hat my book and my lunch went in three different dire tlon at the instant x landed the lesson wa not loit on me x resolved then and there that when getting off a moving train in future x would al way fare uu direction in which the train u travelling whether going forward or not it u interesting to recall just a few of the former students at this time edgle oowland afterwards dr u e oowland died in ull ton two or throe yean ago after practicing there far a number of years clarence dennett when x last heard cf him wo ruling a iwtponslbu position a a department manager of eaton btore in winnipeg ilarold ilolme u proottdng dentistry in owen bound wilt iauby u a druggist in the north western sutca oul hume now dr hume u one the public school in anoctors tn toronto edgar and wil bur dolson are both dentists practic ing in toronto uyrtle watson u married to a teacher in on of the niagara paut oollegut institute uinnlo dennett u teaching entrance class work in acton public school and haa a most remarkable record of suc cess with her students in the entrance examination ulnnle holmes died during the past summer at acton after a moat gucoeavful teaching ex perience ui the public achool there oordon henderson died some years ago a manager or a clerk in a bank out west peter yemen dtod in bas katohowan in 101b during the tlu epidemic and the paper at that time duclt ut some length upon the won derful work lie did among the foreig ners in southern saskatchewan ho died really a martyr while serving u school teacher adviser mwltcal at tendant and nurse anyone who knew peter yemen can well under- atand the life of usefulness he lived and the selfaacrlflclng death he died john h cole dlod in burks valu in 103t a most likeable fellow who spent his entire ufo doing something for fiomoono else tlae hussall died in the fall of 1633 after a moat suc- oesiful teaolung experience the but ib years of which were stunt in to ronto john cole from acton died in pcbruary 1bs1 in toronto after a auo ooisful business experience in fftoa work tna canadian west has claim ed bpenoer early wtio married mary hunter also a former pupil and percy heed for many yearn now and both uooesjlfu i uudehrfand percy jjl r g wlu ihi oiu tt cmlruni rtuiirtrrtclif bl canadian cliwu- tn thai iu manu- fitcturr due tut impair uu nutrient in tlu raillt liuoi wlih u u truuv mqnt u tlu- protrlu uf uu- mlix u- body bulldui ckttutit u pivsmt tlu- chrbf und u ui ctu u mufc from wtwlrmuk almost all the outtariiit will tlw taijxuuj fat oluue vluicht- which u indupen- uabu- to grmu urn j mrnal devflnp- rnsiit ctute sko oumalns uxnc of uit water olubte vitumuu and nvu ttu- onn4 ml matter so iwury few tuluilna bom i and ttvtli ofu- ind ol uuvu rmtuuua lumtly ull uu- tutiic i n hjk fat ui cru ualllm uf millt il wijm tu iinv iiuiii i ilkiiomnutrly une thinl prutciit tiutlilrd fat and otic third uatrr ci if i t a ry cnrrntnind form jf fund bjul tamikjmxl with iaivt tinjtaln fiu u iimuouji it mall tiulk mak i it en nvrnknt u nuu- ut to uofe with propf- n rluhjj- wul kni t long llrru- ln ood nmdulon and uu- many ii ui ulileri lt cap be uftod glvf vaiuly to the diet whut ttitludt a gfrjt deal of this food prpm uw tarwiikiuil uf ute luiuutk p r cuu ui uu grratiu adsniagtw is uiat it i in be urtrd in iu natural itat wltiiout any time ubour or ripm nulrtvl for tuatlng cooking or pr- lurinii it fcr uu table in mini ituropt on rjoantrtf rtui-u- u oru- ol th most tmportant foods a labour r at hard manual oik finds a noonday mral of bread und rlurr solfictrnt to train tain hralth und trmgth for lus work and it ptottdra a high prroentag of body bulldm- aubslance ntuied by ui growing girl or boy in canada rhecle u usrd more for il flavour than as a main dlsh of a meal but it could rry advaniageoualy b givrn a moir important pure in can adian duurlr it can be procurwd almost anywlurc aiul at all tason of the year hmrm is m tmml offr llut will imv you m v a glv yoursl mtai voiif ismlly uhuvg etijoynm mmi ruhsirirnrit ilt wkou year tjitottfr tki if all you kav jo- stkcl inv of llusi himoiis mjiiiuiiun n r i w rvdl you wall retv the wfwla 4 pmxm- taoni f earn year from tha data w ncrv th couport kara u the amailrtg eeinbinatien low akt good old fcaomfejnow i had 12 bottlea uf whisk in my cellar and my wife nude tru- empty the ronunu of each and very bottle down ux sink to i proomded to do a my wife united and withdrew the coik from uu flru bottle poured th rontrnu down u slak wllh th em- riorptlan of on glav which i drank i uwn drew ue cork from ut sac- end bottle and did likewise with the exception of one glass when i drank eitnlcud the roik from th third battle emptied uu good old boos down uu bottle except a glass which detourcd- i pulled the cork from the mouth of sink and poured the botu flown the glass when i drank aom mor i pulled the sink out of th next cork and poured th bottl down my neck pulled the bottle frcru th cork of ui neit and drank one sink out of it then threw the rest down the ghu i pulled the nrtt bottu out of my throat and poured the cork down th sink all but uu battle which i drunk pulled the next cork from my throat and poured the ink down the bottle and drank the cork wall i had them all emptied and i steadied um house with one hand counted the bottle which were twen ty four bo i counted them again and hod seventyfour and as the house came around x counted them and fin ally i hod oil the houses and bottles counted and i proceeded to wash the bottle but x couldnt get th brush in the bottle so i turned them in side out und wahrd and wiped them all and went upstair and told my outer half all ubout what x did and oh do vi ive got the wiliest uttl nice in the world uuvimlw1 oaiujaig 1f q 1 y hatfarulham 1 n fm ifarthu 1 oiif ouret- to ybui thu wonderful offer u avail able to dd and rtw subscrib- era to thia newppr we gusrvnte til fulfil in tnt of all msgailne iubunptirna and you hav- ptrtitivc aiuranr that thl a generous offer is manly ai rrpretented re ruwau will b extended for full terra shown fi ualt cowoh tobav pteaw rllp lit of uoojjinei offer rhifbua x public- llobt del i red- fill out coupon remjullu cad tie men 1 eruios i puase tend m the thrc magaiinca checksd with a ywari subscrlpuon to your nowidjpsr nailb bmrxt onuro town and province ills you must have had som narrow escapes during the war bailor i did hiss ills did you got that soar dur ing an engageouoif uallar no uu x got that when i broke an engagement tohaawonsts in the vtlug oseneury of dagtn- ham rjaart is to b found a tomb- ston on which uu bit of advertis ing copy appear iure iu john steer who whan living brwwd good br turn lo the right go down the hill hu son kaept up th businsa still and a liverpool plumbsr knowing uu alu of advertulng of almost every kind saw to it that a tomb- stem wsv arvoted to hu fathar-ln- uw with the word inscribed sacred to th memory of joseph summer almr known a the best of plum ber bucceded hi bualnes by thomas bhew who u the deceased e soninuw new seaund traveller our editor recently received from a young man a letter asking please tell me why it u that a girl always close her eye when a fellow kiise her tlu editor sent back uu reply if vou will send me your picture we may be able to tell you th reason asass 8 a s aia bt a am m mm aaa aai new fall millinery wa invite tlu ladies to inspect our new dock of fall millinery in all use latest designs and colors your patronage is solicited misses claridge herald block upstair geowtowa iiiriiiiif if itit wtt 9 m mmmmmti notice to creditors of ut ratal ej cecelia lavnnii tat ef us tews f omrgstswa la ut gjmbty af llaltsav kaxoatsr avft- xetlbon8 having against the ut of th said oeoalia alcooll who died at th town of ooorgeurwn on or about the twenty- eighth day of october 1134 are re quired to send to th undersigned solicitor on or before th first day of doodmher 1034 full particulars of their claim and any socurues they may hold therefore and take notice that after the first day of december 1031 the exe cutors will proceed to distribute the mild estate having regard only to the claims of which uiry shall then hate had notice and that they will not be liable lo any person of whose claim they win not then have re ceived nolle for the assets so dulrt- buted dated at oeorgetown th list dsv of october 1034 kenneth u lanodon oeorgetown ontario solicitor for dr campbell isildlaw and dr j hugh laldlaw the st executor tax sale in the mattes of ut treskra bale ef land far arrears of taxes la ut snawtuhla at emm la lb csaaty ef isaltsa take kottob that i have xwa pared the list of land for sal tor arrears of taxes in the sold towdabip of esqueslng and copy of th tald lut may be bad at my office in it council chamber at the vllusx of btewarttown in the tald toamsbi ef esquesing and voivther take notffie that th tald list u being nubushad in the ontario otzett on bauuday october 8th baturday november tod and saturday december 1st ima and ruktheit takb notxc that unless audi artvmn and oou bt sooner paid t shall in compliance wltb the assessment act proceed to ull try public auction th said lands or to much thereof as may be neouary to discharge the said taxes and oou at th township hall in tha said vil lage of btewarttown at tha tour ol ten oclock in the forunoon of wd- hsmday th ninth day of janusw ibm dated at btewahbmrd augttt smh imi oeoitoe lefllilu tibsiiiraw ol towiiaulp of tfanfrti raib aajsjusi mmmu muumu s mmmzm m aaa a a m m4tmm advertising is good for us that dusty picture of an optimist and a pessimist the optimist seeing the doughnut and the pessimist the hole is just a way of describing most of us some of us habitually loou on the bright side of things others of us on the dnrlt side always there are those who have a melancholy pleasure in faultfinding and so there are always those who look upon advertising as an economic waste and a means by which the sale of in ferior merchandise can be promoted it is quite possible to discover wrong things about advertising just as it is possible to find wrong things about water and air about books and speeches about motor cars and aeroplanes about schools and churches about canadians and scots men about knives and forks advertising is news and information and who shall say that it is wrong to communicate news and in formation it would ben pretty dull world full of dull people if there censed to be a dissemination of news and information in all ages and in all countries those giving out news and information have attracted to themselves at tentive audiences and this is as true today as it was 1000 2000 3000 years ago what stores are busiest is it not those stores which gives out most information about what they have to aell the public is daily spending money probably 2 a day for every man woman and child in the trading area covered by the circulation of our newspaper or say 2000 for every 1000 persons so you can cal culate for yourself you a retailer what ia spent daily in our own community for food and ahelter and cloth ing and for all the other things limn aiara in irbbrra iji

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