Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 2, 1935, p. 4

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p4 wvx ovmmxjoomd trod tt paper ovkokad hid for b navcr beat hk wif us nw triad u tab i batik tk ftuttm ei and tw mt vy brtllw ud bs tudat try lor fata uo uwn ww bo rj to lfc pre to print his tttzxt h i tto georgetown heralcl wednesday evening january 2nd 1935 ttw pp olookid hint 0vw dp tfl tfcebt ii bfvrf slipped fcwy trocd town with all uii ha could feet it nw toad a mullfwi nrwr vrot m irimtk pemy bo uh wwatat uuch about hies that th adttor could toy and th um i think about hint ttis th oedkwy taan who til dory u th wio and u- muwydt of tvry jn aa i pay tia uuajx u tint- th fernuai or th cra6k sid tit cuxu uvnul a ton ti papr cvwtoub- anon pw cortwrtiort ad call itwluuj iw w fry ku utj ooldfcm tcjtt and ju mld u u um oob4 altot to and i will soak you io ja fulwa cl ha uarit 1 iv uustsoee pafstuoe jua i km i liu lit m ittr elartou i ood patt po kr all viouartov in tu briar toe wrf- yt u floui m1w wry 6y wiic vi at tvwoi dmm all it y fiv ssrilaa uw a uojvaemlly ptidtt th jprwttrtwt of prcttm 6urid uat what h tfcd oi ell to hoo will th ium oo frotn ker appou to tk two ma u forty ol a j b rwtad about au la fctiiwwtoot but if on u mik iai ar to muim bi powr ha by oontpuily cadiauuw uia olhar tew li koi luw a pwfi eui but t hd thli omouity lor buuy tn shkji lrati ehuu taruuo ill borulit andrew ml ft dwtpu ol jfan ti aiptlu bod hu uuca ui plrqi ol urtfetdin th wwld bvw oood twdiiy itet lii- fui fafauy wt6miual tmka tin comblwuon tn uw twkldun 0 ute lud imr tvw 16ukw ft dfc- eipl h v6uu in ill pvtibftbtuty hw un on oi u- max chuw of oyw- oftuu it b uld hat john mufcln uu 4cnjad uw rpuutva fiiud ol lcbkms uoppy u ctt hto boou and ukuv k to ubononry drowd ttal tn tt wf ail lh laau of th wry qncmt w1j- sptr bid tn bun tli utual quauum of a unly bu but oppohuiuty em to hla uikwr th tuition of jmi of outln ctt th iwu foroud ftnd prfoud- 4ho what 0jut can do for i faulty man rut ofrhlalilaiii tt 4j pur did not com to jtmim hm own inltlauv but on tha tnvua uon of hto trotter andrew tb ar tourbt of andrv aitar mwt- tag vlth jmu and uu conndmua of tdm announcaaunt thai h had found th ohrtmt app4ld to ptatar intuad of duoountlna lua brothflr cnthutj- osn he dcuim u lnxltt for liunlf and anu 1u andrvw to jiua doubunu andrew had built up a reputation for reliability and tound judjmew iuul imxr tu pre fllspfm to brltove m brathnr cre dit for winnlrui lvlr u du in btrue meaium u hi brother andre ttiu wom ttwt ttvatekl ly utirk that an drew etor did ecr afterward hli reputation a oba acllned by that of hu more dwinoulahjad brother but th career of looter wu mad poi- ftlblo becauw andrew ird him u ohrtfit one of the tncentlvw of per- sorul rantfrllun la that the pwn won may arhlew mare for tt king dom of ood tlmn tiie otirlatlan alio uacu another to ohrlal by r ot pfayabal icfwot andl sd temkxaluy and apfaritual parceb uonu wr bad fcr pr jfiilbhej in hint jteua not alow to akani um krumbri of the tma jm lookd uponhlai kni lookiiv at him until h taw bun th dah oi kwa aoul ftnd thea aald thai sim on nam vould be fiind trocn a kd tnenk ww to ophaa th amualo ord falch trouud bao orwat bi ttar ft rotk whan tvtr nru but ctihet h w anything but ttadffct u ft tctk- l vi uapul- tv and lxauahi but ju4 bllvd that h could be tewd untu he uld b ttirt and feiron ilka rock thouvii esa jitiolrjd ju by ittjtm hloi ais by y hisa tn the and tu did u up to hu nau and mifud th inslont and eonfl twk of ohrut- fcspw cfttl i41v aiur earaf bad uat jmu for tn flm ui h vidwuiy hptunad hi tkrimi taol j ui oaua into afidjvw and oftllad to obol 4af ooni w arutf to fcttd i tll tawk you fuiiew taa u ui uau td not vt amvwd ha v tiwnly atakm upon hi way jua aa uwttinj u to todwtaaa ixttat dlucult taiet uu of ttlwilo fami ftnd bo to living takh to ood thu voik r4ulra kuoud wx4 bt- tewanoe and th uuat nrliwi- nmi- at ui outai hur ma tar fkmd qukluud for ium a uk urf ohrij pormbnl to hmla hhn to b- cco ui velhl kuuitooi fttvoth u a procm of baroaung tun u rulwd calatof nune0 by takaa and failure cuvloptntf tklll by prorwlv meaa aad rmalnk trw to a tud purtuaa fs a bn on th dy of ksuueoat amud atntw bow onrut had taufthi hhn and halpd htn to beon a tucoaa ml oi tnea tvu bnmia li whtlw rlahl or on ktr aj- sy mad up hu mind tn ft huny wtm h a uwttad to baoom a diuiiu of jraua h uraliwy lett ta nat and fouod chrfaa itu r- markabl growth tn chanuithr and oapabuuy vi tn part du to hi native udomt and hi aaiunj tfu wtodd th bur ranmly oaurf of hi eoni ohhat hi uncouth but hi eourai frtatnad in ruaa va undlmlnlahad but u h rooud tn patttonal airjvhanm of otkrwa truui and torn lui qort of uadifihip aofrhatid bo in uau hi ieadarddp a axmelwd not lor ptraona advanewouat but aolaty lor th eauw of gtjul the atory of rsaar life u full of aneour uwwi to popu who wonder if ui uv ih to arv any uvfu purpoa in lh orld uany a par- an taty to udky y of a fa diwwiw d by tpijw futuky of arfort tli way in whkrt ohrut mad a btrona rwoureafui eonacrat- ad man of t4r bid u hop ver for ourwhaa what oturat did for vu 1u u atul ahl to do for thop who truat and follow him qanllmm far ptofciua 1 which would you rather have bun andrew or tttt 3 who flrt told you about oriruat i are th kpat character chance euddrfi or alov 4 i ohrutun aowth both onriacjoua and unoonficlouaf ft what nan fishermen teat- to aoul winner a coexmkmdakuc wakmlno a pair of mature llolitetn cowi ovbned by d o dun ion ilrampton ont have just qualinnd in the 303 day dlvuion of the it op akartra kunidlu duurmand brad by u nrorn norval er 13 om lbo milk containing m1i5 lb butut while ilruorh httella arms brad by w h daldwm uulinlr iwrdijr- el 13 til lha milk ahoainj an aver- mx lt of 3 81 prr cral rat ilath reoarda cre mads m taloe adoy milking in the 30s day dlililon the numbrr of hoes oradnd tn can ida during ju 50 aeeki ol 1034 endnd deccmbrr 13th uu 3 870 oil com iamd alt swdm diutnu ttir cor- rmnondtng period of 1033 all ovr tht u arowoup and childivrt wiu hv auricd in jury tevnciorary ot praaneau joj boauw aotoon ha failed to 1u thai ft ar in tne oanti of dnmkt handri and uquorfuddlad vkkai u as deadly an lntruueat as a tnachln kuvi to th hand of a tenyearold boy and vi ww thw any tn- cu for inlkattn thr 1 no ex cu for allowing 6ntu or any otlier prirwn to liandi a ear vhil dnink- th hbjdbclll old oak who uvi hu ear at hotn and take a taut w4w he o out wuh uie boyg tr- ulnly unt douw hhnalf any aood by ida induumw but at ujt he nm th cwomiey to take precaution agalmt harwinj othtra in u caa a drunken drlvr can prwty wvll be claued wuli a murdvr and anotxw tvu to rhicftbr 1 uuu bhll a mana uuuor wtu by tu lntrfra ww fch or anarch it r- talnly blurs that haubrilji pwcubui uw u haedd hm an enwrvncy artmi uiat ealu or coordination of hnda oil th vhari and on uu brak acufior and cluuh plal h1igk sunfish of sha vault lftti c4mui vrv ll h i i il n ruw ctr4iur rjtwr tku t ttit- t ii or inh it it mi il hih wjlttl ih r i turf li iturfly- ind i- jipli ihr t ait d trfcnl in r nit il ujii ii uj rnl- tan iv i ti i r m i r it i nut only of i r nu lut int ul ul braull li t ji mh j rf int 1t it i11 lo rviu tjvtu iter hp i rt vuurtu llw mol i t uh i f f i ii i i i lite temper tu tind tiff md uikir ganaqian uk rammj tfrjre ai now over 9jq fur farms in onada over 80o0 of ultra blng fu4 faruu tli total value of oy anlmau on th farau u nsa ly 7 vjojboo dollars in tli drly days of lh tnduafy kilrtiuan wua diivctnl clofly to ui kuvrr forf but allhoult uo kind u u1u ly fj of iittat ua- partano other kind of furboailng animal at blng railed uiooiully on canadian fanau a a matter u fact during tft lau uue yfdja more nuakrai akbu were cured tn canda than any ouiir kind tn mink in particular un h uirlv in oaptlvlty other klruu ol antmjle ralad on ui hum include tafloaon akunk martan tuher ooote r lyna hlch fnt wrawl nu tna mukkrt and bvar nmiu u a nrjut of oouth amrlcs and an- othrr native chinchilla of lkolvu u no being rtud aurraofully on uie north american continent- mlw bank hll8 th wew bank of canada till to far oontrarted for are uli 10 a jtfa to 100 tttj and 1000a ttiry wui b fl incha long by 3 lnchr 1100 bula wul carry th llkneai of kin oeori ui tioo bill nir dolui a uaodonalds ulumwi and the 1004 bill ui llkanr of ulr wufrtd laurur tti 1 all be green 3 blue orange and 10 a purple ixtu stabt on t1ml how often 1 lha rctrutk made bi pertotm preparing to utlcjid a public meeting sautartng they won atart at the urn advertlxd tia ccnunon luu th praouce of oommencutj at or 0 o clock meeting called fur eight tliarp that many conclude that th meeting all not be called to order ax the time narood not ui- frequently prrurui who are to lako ihjt in the program are among uie guilty ui thta retfard hut in every community there are persona who be lieve in punctuality thry are on hand at the appointed time and arc required to wnu nlaf an hour or more until the meeting u cullco to order and then to be du4 urbtd by others uho enter ujh litur in ttut daj when active men iuji utnun have ui many tiuu uiion thrlr turn ttiruttr cauuleratluii uio ill tx ulmjn xiaji ouicrwlxe profllab i utttrum luive been illrxj by u r uulirfrrrnie ol u o uio cnhui uiat uvey wxin t ixan tiomr i ir tyro a iirttl unktlnuxl minuter ukul uc 4i koii uti hf luidn t ruiiu u i ct irtli urll ax eleven oclok hk ui ui r ul1 uiat 1m alttuiw vtui td until mr imil mr uric in uieir mvhj up aiui uemly inlomird that hip mrvln fchoilwl be marum a the i hum r ilmr imi mailer who ui pi n rr wlio uluiu to fo ion irii ivlw pru lire thoe tn ctuinje of mrrt lnr uld nimler a good nnlf to uu iuui other rommmiilli hiuu uivdon gleaner so that our visitors ivill be sorry to heave m we are going to invite people to tblt country we must be honm with them courtesy costs nothing end is one of our greatest tourist tssets let us so treat straqtrs within our gales that it will be easy for them to come pit aiant for them to stay and difficult for them to leave can lien cvei yansdat toumt iifivihci rcpreicnt more thin a rcat inuiurry from which everybody benrfiti they provide an opportunity tn create wlut the prime mini iter has described aitlut feeling of neijhbourhnc winch u sucha vital factor in bulldlngupcordial relations within thefamily of nation yor both ttute reatoni may i urge upon the people of canada the im portance of ihowing consideration courtesy and honesty to guests of our country let us alt do those little acts of kindness which count for so much when one travels in e strange land we have a beautiful country we roust keep it so we want our visitors to travel highways free from dis6gurement walk the streets of cities that are orderly and clean and find at the end of every djyi travel an inviting spot to rest canadians should turn their attention taw to the important work of preparing for nevt years tourist season es a nation we are advertising abroad the attractions of canada as a holiday land we must see to it that our guests return home with only the happiest recollections and the determination to come back again and again anr should we forget in planning our own vacations that there are beauties to discover and friendships to be made in our neighbouring prov inces we live in one of the worlds most glorious playgrounds let ut learn to know better the rich variety of jta travel attractions ijk trhlstljt canadian fttyjftv i oitsuift cshsjs iuuimu or uiuiin uutul utiau tic ii it 1 11 1 i it ii til lii urtmth of d tfuy rlj i m0 i- u il i r hjv itnrjy ihcvl in th i i 1 1 w l lltw u i iu ij i 1 i in it rniirdy ujiurg a are r pkhic i llourvrr k tu jrfl 1 ml fn of tmngulir oiijy a wnird tn ikil u miul r id hit- nj oull n and an i l l tl it t i ha wltuh hiiolv i lr i it in unnaii on mia mouili if l pi m h mux im ill r nj hli i tile kaj merrd i i t it in h ii u f i in ltl i ui t r rrl ppi jn lmm mit i i t i ir if ill l i kit p it t i it wkuh li lixvoie i 1 v una u pj uv wnt t a tiw miff l liiluur hflj lk auf i 1 i in tjlm tfltim ujllir ii io i c ii lit fi io t nd pljy ih kli j i 1 i n i kit out ol lu u ur lie i if ik 4 ii uuher itrjrr y rufr ul in tic injy tupfuue iw lfth walee aui fltt vqulred uciuu tij hu ut fj till cilupltv tnsnrect un you molortng tkfoih th cu i try und a km or ruiuey or a do of j it hui io croj lh nud ta root ol sou wt do you do tup on th oil unj i uys uuh sen lidi all if you hip- ln io ciuth i he uu oui of the aniavil or do you do up blih e view to allow ing tlie crejrutt to live a linle loaqtit ii oj piutf voofmll on runntno over fcclmitt on the tiiyliay thin yookave a natty djirxttim to uy ii mildly and lor one i don i tor io auocuu vttk you rhrir wi u tu i lrty aofak ai cruflty in uxn hununa and i c4ia ttonovr wkether o aot tuth people ca really be truttrd a nil wbo u crul t dujub anjjiuu ahould oat be qlvrti place in deeaal tocuty k fcfcouu h oitrulied anyooa who vaatonly sad without luuiflcjilon or iiniu kilu oc of od crveturea u devoid of sam mgi- k aiy occupy a jnroouaret po- tltlon lut in ike tyn of cod who l creaied all living thlno thai bua aut be ratrd ettrfbuly lov dow 04 pae- orapk aapreu your fwlinoj or are you oar of the motoruu who tuai tl uvr ud anum o run dowa a w taalr sackvule tribune blils aid gabdttta bh are much valued for u koaey walch they produce but accordiae io lb report oa honey of lb haptr mlrietloe baaxd birs ate of un ttau asor vaki aa pollinator than a hooey oatkrrira the value of bte a polluufavt baa bwa cuarly dimonurated la avany part ej jutkalchewtn uhrre polltnahng inaecti are scarce ta ut aprum kuay ol tt lanwfft have lona found ii aeceuary i kaad pollinate thair melona aad cucuav bira but thl tfdlou work can be duv penud with and better reaulta obuina when a coloov of beea u put ut or oear ihe qjrdia a number ot saavatchrwsa oardentra purchaa pvckao be 9dt iprtnyl io have ihem pnllmau thtlr oardia anj trull treea the ba noay be kept went m afiao weaeda lla ixutwj by awlr ju u j itge llatb nawjd ajw qlaru llaw low over 10 ear qo a oung iiun rutitod niunannel o i tell waleflua ool to ue the uirj i rtenda and rebilv inew lh t lie v t uurveuhrre in alrira flil j a jntut ii i doctor in lotum- burg liirr a i f irmer but ihtlr lnloriaa kan uji v njur vi imvcrr s booli by h rrunn rwj n ipcs while aad m u1 in i ll all 41 j cjulll poaa- 1 in frfrrrtue hi r tfj i 1 kiuh uits the wat lloo uiaa who wj fr frlj me vjd tell how a he prttwd ffir- jfd on a tttl of eipofjllon ihroub krnva colony he cvw uin an inunena tr ctcf l hj urn ul ub 17 xo jj f ir txi j vjiwd art ajiu of tl uart wtf oo i j v inuk th thr i n lnh nanv la tucii remote and imu trr uctlon tj atnrj rl lh r oilf j th hle owwat uk he kd p ied thl aasf for ta sav uni of theep unj me di i not n i rr u tipmte- bn ofdffrt ite tl vhua uul t unoe oil i rtue ui onlaeto hi tor v tilt lit d io lmrrm4l and alii tre1roth kind of trula wub tna- jny he d iiibd lf urulrtve llrf i irv ti iwj t 1 1 1ih of ly rve urvprn iu tint wai s el ti jud lor nun nr in a 70 sear uln h t peril mot of hi i e pu 1 and i i 0 wth in i hn i il oi ii rjw cjrrff involvei ihe cl and mmonnt af 17xm dieep 1000 camtr nj t fl neqrtvea uhoae unaaoe ilr ktuyu hil tni r th at llwif d t not iiwntloai th aaafi of ttrf run itotn wjteiloo ho had tuerud i p m uh a tprt al h a larni named far li hlntplwe whe he menhnned how wf tli4t he h d been deitint in j jn mowg tfktrki ih idetiili aa eaty a uphew v rjy doetl hj of alerkm e r lred lie urwle uvj heeeair denmu in ohanneu uq and found nmt t qua hi y it a oetieral medical neat ti toner at well mr remerheted alo that i i untie reod tiom hit dent 1 and f rd f ji peaclum aad tnnfc farai uvaiheee tn africa e the ttory nm pl uhed de hoe t rj hat rtrired snd u now llvion 1 i-no- t nl mjhout the tu honey ulto aecuied r and cro af bftka blbliai valuable aciuid i g to llie iuritt oervica ol ta canid in in vrrnmint denarunenl ol the intrn tl r u hl ol lie stlka aprucfl nitivt tree of llrltlih columbia u toft r ii tu u ik nij t ildt nail eatei luwv ally ull it tjn be a i ibid tmoollify un iii ll uke iq a tjtlny luatrt it ukai enjm u pilnla and vntnlihli wtll and u la in tlimind lor venter plywood lock voodrnu noveltlet and luya alnce u poiiiii friar tjlulnj quatltle due to ita ii 1 rd itrengtri and lijlilnaaa sit- ki i ru r i truth i ivourrd m tie orv ilru ti i ol atrofibnta p4ftj ot triao uuu ip rt piddlrt la ijf ra trunk a pjjr 11 d ippjratua etc snd il hlle net and tinilorni triiute logethar wttk ihe fact tlut ll wlthitiiidj varplno bvaktt it s iultit te wood foe table ion dsl boardj and oiher waihable arucu paying tim ptpfib tb phrau pacing th piper whll others call the tune u colloqulaluai djtlna back to the beglnntoos of the legend of the pled pip ol i lamella in the thbc ueotb eotuy ii means to bear the ea peat or loo ol someuunj froa wblcli oiher derive he betumt either voluntarily or by conpuliloa conorev used im rramlasbodindformlolupiy tov lor love la 1603 it wa used by ha oao ta herat hi u rideua la i6s1 ta it preaeat forai hut aa earlier tu el th phrau cao be traced io molure who spoke of paying lb piper or others b tunc la kl play la coiateu d hioiseym babblegguo gibls bannhd sport olrl uktog part to offldal aauv teur cotnpetliloo la new south wale are to be duquallbed in fulur u tbrv do nol wear uotklnoa and cotton ttocllaoj at that girl cricktiera froa lb south syev rtey club won ibe city prealtnhip sad were celebrstlno their victory wbia du eaecutlve commute alter a hurried bwt itiq dliquallfled them becsuu they kw played wlib bar uoa- thai oppoaaati in lb fliul wboa leflt had bw oualy covered with cotton wu the winners canadas wipulataow of the populauoo of canada 4aj pat cant are rural dwellers aad jj7 per cent reilde in urban ccouta ten year to lh proportion were 50 5 par cent rural and 49 5 per cent uiban th uraeel proportion ol rurul population u louod la prtnce udwsrd itlunu whir th couav try resident represent 76 s per cent cbameast and west 0b occur oa canada auaatlc ceatt aa well as in lh dominion pacuu waters but much th laper catch i mad by brltlth columbia flthirnua soau of the catch i canned bul lh qaatar part la aurkud in the irrih fona mim star oh uv you ui youna man from the literary asenry who propoaes to writ my autobiography r youtuj uarv vn ploow and iv0 callad to obtain few faou rtlm blar good heavnat i dont want any fact in iu dollar bring health to frail and weak up la miuknlia whim iorllliib lain and purr jrch air la utuniuuiti i ml lha klutbolia htiltiu fur iiiuintiiim p jllill ittuuuu umtllmklllll lit hlllll tliu iiiiii murj lillv chlhlfui fl mid till lil ron i fkiiujuuijillvtw and lliwpliitl iir toiihiu llifihi arti tt fiiul bum ivuh nr arf aj on ttuceo arc but fiw nf tliu imiihiio in ihma uuillau wlut tail liav aiijititiiit uiward lliulr limp tiuh w not rr wbniu ilia wlioli oi ut iiiuluiiimim u rtuuiatfril vm tin- ultfitit uun mil u io uauv iinukuuln hi uitllurw teuii i iiuhltuiltmu inut iihib in l ii utnivoilty of wurin lioarml run ilnm tur dnlluru uiuy w lurtiiithiit uwilib aiufh to funw uuw ovir a i ihiiiiaiiiil iiiiloilh urt ihiu nr in un j lmiiu mit iuuiimularuii ulv willi mi il w ii in wiiii i vi l ooutw luu u liill of un in i in liuirui a omiu liuiltuu jj itroet iorouloll hnxed chance and skill fwit a gas contrary i law u c ated tar caia any aeopririoe of s burtneu place w imiallt a n ime o vlird cbaitce aaj kill la lulle to be etwtrqed wtih kctetaa a cornman naming houte a deel ton ra dered by ihe vtirto appeal court al oa- qonde itau indie itee appeal of nltk treetaaa aonat hie onvuuon on a charoe of kaeptn j a rnra- ojon oaaalng houae wa dlamlawd the jie involved oaau wlittb defrnsr ktli waa played statply far amuieswnl d- irnte counsel id the or did iol coca wiihln ike wording of ralied ckwee anj tkill ibe judk uld it waa opesld for ihe purpoa of gain it waa a oeaw of add ct ince and tluil ii ihe statu say ut so tl t so evea ll 11 un i aa wins ni allty prize unnar ireeie js year old phytic li r tor ol montreal who ws ilu n 4ii uinner in the canadian divttion of a aerch toe beauty tontett ennductrd by ii tlly wood nation picture tor pny mr pre i who u nearly all fret tsll waa bora in sullierlnd and came io canada ui 1926 he has puaed screen tssfj aucceufuuy stealing watcb phom sea an uneipected obitacl 14 ha been dis covered unda in the way ol the reallxa- tloo of scheme io provide partitaa with aes water baihlngby cnnstructloo a pla line between ihe channel and th capital thli plan wsa submitted to th dty uthortdca some time aoo thee did not appear to be any aerloua practical ebrt tlona to it alai ll has now been nauiad thai lb reautatlon of lb departsual of cuttoma nuke ll quite impoatlhl to r- mov water from the tula sound laav taitle but an authority oa thl subuct suert thai ii is true he recall th hl lory of ihe salt tss in prance and aisles ihut a uw hqjiuu aleallna salt from th u waa paaed in the 18 th century that law dlatppered with the revolution but ihe regulationt baaed upon ll have never been abrogated they are not applied nowaday but the tuct remain i that ii u till foebuucn in ir mcc to hrlnq anv part of the sea oiliore prom lo daily 1 eleflraph wcotf famous bono aad bold it tor sono accenluf t author owa stoey on looklnj ovr th paper left in hi detk by ii iruld lake who recently died ti i n ember ol uie editorial katf of the duly i jt pre of london till colleague n novcred tint he uai the author ol oa o i ljljnd a moit p putur sonai in yisn i ik t nou c lliuo me itila is the no uhlch la uld to have nuidi john mt cor in tck famoua end for ll dure u dututintirv evlilence io the iffico the author received h5 snd ihefl huuot ull ituiut the ir mucttom 1 qoi more for wrltltig un urucl iihsttl ihe aong th in i got for writing th souf he oacc said to a brother editor th ettlmiitod value of uio pxalo crop in 1034 in canada 1 placed at ntno million dollars lower than tu 1033 dosplto tho higher production la 1034 tuberculoal glviriq ground stat govcrnorcaneral tli tomnio llnatiiiol tv tviiiaujab llvna ilia iliulula iiommiui fur oss- uiui tlvtw ami tin- ummi mury lhutltal fur coiuuuipilvi c till inn liuvuauitiuucu fiupikiruir ami frit ml in ii n kinlhney thu furl ut llfulioroiiuu fiu- it n nu rtlu r j 1 u ll iiurury fiu- tti willi li llmim 1lit4iitli in ttiouii wtiu urn tnliiliiii u m lit ni uliiu im i 4 foriuiiultf wliu li ivi full i n ilitlitu in kiluri uliulu ho null hi i t u lliuia htmulu lu luiily iriini t lli nl-iin- i ii un i m mlilitli iiuvo lit j ii in in urn tun fro n l nf itioui imtii i i ul tulurvuliiiln ik uli mllh i hitilm i lu vinrli or tin i iti li i i il iiaa luvilt lliltiixllliil nuliiu to iii iii i ln nu nl iitililiiu it l ut till- in ii u in ll llv luu uii rlim luninii t tiiiiml mil ilm kiiiiit nr miiiilliliiii i mi jimiliiiuuii lliul iii in null u tilu tli nu in u ui nl timl ami ni dinui n llilmi i rail mill lliul un iilljilil or mull i m in in h fill iml u mm m rv i uuilttll mill li utlll mm 1 1 rilnf l ui mm lt hut klhrnifw ii uiltdfiliiib ilium in m in li kiluil- t nikl lurntly ill i ml n tiiiihiiiiid mii iii nl tfe u- ul ti ii ui ttt h oiiiuiiia wuttt j on i m in t i ii i a u la y uaink r ei m liimituu j cumuli ulrttt loruutu j the georgetown herald offers you tr k jit tw hyrt m rr 1 m0nyvci mailbox her if a real effcr that will save you tuenay 6rv yeurmrf and your family lattinf cnjbynmnt and ntrialrimnt the wbsle year through thli it all you hv to do sclid uiiv cs ol ihtsc lnmous miiiiiiu 1 1 h 1 ii e in it n ti and you will receive the whole 4 publics tiens for on year from tha data wa reeatva the coupon hera ii the amising combinatien law ptlat uulunf m luou 1 jr fjll lyf riciaijlia 1 yf i i nmaeim hejeaie peejecawy 1v kuulluwu 1ye lj ciehshits hvjtufcile fcejhfaabmagsut3 ajf our ouafirtue l vahit tbla wonderful offer la svsll- obte to old and new subscrib ers to thl newtpaper wr ffuirante ire futtlllmenl of all rulgailnc subscriptions and you hivf poaltlvo auuranc that tola generous offer i okitclly as rrprrscntcd he- nenvalj will be en tended for full urm shown mail couom todav pteaw ellp iui of wa pat i mi offer rheefclan 3 public- tlotu derlred fill oul coupon careullu gentlcmm i enclos f pteaw tend bm th three nujtailiui cuucbod wllb a vaara subscription io your n i r najii dttrr on etfd town and piiovinae new aidvwtlsements ta kest 1 ftooaud rouse on john st nar auelph fit com tnleocaa food gar den apply to if o dayfoot pbooe 1tj oaorfetown tf ta raal apartment at baptist ohurth par son a apply to w r smith pbon 17 cmorgttovn u t sua one half of tioubl bom on uur- dock ot poisaulon dae 1st appl tcirphon ft r ib oaorfitown tf par ful malt barley vd to suppltsawu jour oal snd barly vhlch will tin doubt b lilatjf tn prlo v4 prtosvl low it u0m pr ton bujic- w u liraim di oo norval v ttartj wsaud cord wood cut into stove wood by ire cord wood splitting hand saws buck usi and c rots utaws shar pened at reasonabla price ray luvptierd georgetown wood for salk cholo uapl hardwood ajul 0dar hall at lijrht prloaa order uft at a hums or at my hem pbona use prompt y attended to a ll vino stove wasuj nasi ouapool ditcba and drvdsia to dij old oeaspooj cuuraa iiiojird on short notloa aiao whli washinf and any other verb dooab janva wuiiajb hoa 1u oafifiatflatii wood for sale oholo hardwood ifapi and be muad soft wood uoat rsaat prlcaa apply jack tost prion 4w oeorteumrn tf wood for sale choic llrdsood boacb od uattl t u00 txr con lllud wl um per mid iuu uio pr eom j wunoroan why do all the big business adver tisers use space in newspapers and cooperate with distributors to do likewise jj wsla t av- 19 stz- 1 the newspapejl get the moat effective advertmng retultt for every dollar pent 2 the newspaper reachei more people regularly and in ahorter time than any other form of advertiamn you can do 3 the newspaper i the preferred advertmns medium because it localize the proapecta attention and encourages patronage of local dealer 4 the newspaper no national advertiser linn ever built a permanent ly successful organization of distributors without the use of newspaper space 8 the newspaper reaches all the classes of prospect regularly and gets the quickest and best results for the smallest advertising investment every successful merchant is a living witness to these facts which he has learned in school of business and advertising experience asic him about the value of newspaper space he knows if you have anything to sell advertise it in the georgetown herald telephone no 8

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