Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 9, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald shtyelcbtb ytu of publication tn gurawrt hcnu wwinesday evening january mb 1918- 1jj0 p annum is ajtual sxoo to usa the gtorotown hoau ifirnbtr cansdiln wckjy niptr cnr tin tu standard tu clag pau r and uaj 10 sjh 1iiaui er and mail jrt pm humi t for toronto 9u pd- bundayti going at posn cr 140 pi 1ujmi bus for toronto til tun- ikngtr sod uau jaungcr 1 jrfiigir and bull ioufr ir tiunday wm4 gig nwtls uall and ptuunsif ix u and faawcgjar lid tu im pji- a pjb- iiao tun ita ul luvl ilougetown w4 cut 0i am t1s aja alljj am bo ajo jj din l0 pjsl j pffi- ao pj sii pm is pjw flu pm 04a poo loii pjn 11310 am b dally lxccpt tulurday lulurdey oojy l tuturdaja bundaya and uou daja eautehn stand aiid tzuz bee lwst ww it lonci y hltou directory ix uov dale barrister sod uiutlug oeorgstown ontario offlcosortgory theatre uldg i11u ui kthvctu u lanodom huiutf kiujw netary rvktte writ llortgaee sfoosy to lou oak iiain titim houlb phone u outrgsiowo 8wimbiwms trippgn uooay to lean tvtfsphone ui liaurf own aia muajtrcom uansv bartisst eta 1u boy bl vihauawaui 04 e rrutr money ljo u kdvuttoook oordon oraydcn us uatn st north brampton tlfrhnfts taj harold ii lawrence loblav fri brampton taunhoa ms v b vatfton djjl iiij oeerietewa oct horn- d to t except thurday frank fetch ucvnssd adonokksb it otaauw vmi u buua vwpi flrrtm ohiimibiw mru ourgmttra lrl vcu owo cmiunma monuments pollock a ingham suooutors to oaur wortti gmlt oal dlftu mi rtua ims itupml our wotk in ofmneoad 0euutj bot sxv pwmllalufe ymoohe vavourablv tut protframnw to eradicate bot fllfii la m66tlng with favour amonjpt iiauod county fatmiira julowlnfr th hmuns ticld during uu week of december loui cnvuera were ap pointed in ftil geotionj of the county alany of thoso reporu nave now been turned in and we leam from j e wtuelock of the local offlce of uu department of auricuuure that thu reaultj to date are most gratifylnff oo many township unee hone ownorg have tinned up well over 00 tlranff in uveral caaee nraotlcally 100 have ktauetted that tlielr horsoj be treated under tre plan u outlined it la quite notioboblo that uuj hoku true particularly tn toot long where horse were treated a year ajro this ipeaka well for uie emclenoy of the treat mant u reoommendoic at a meeting held near ttnatchbull neuon ilclaugluln who had lua bona treated early in the year stat ed w only regret u that x dldnt have toy hone treated a year earlier if i had x fel quite lure x wouldnt have lot a valuable mare which died from bot larvae a few weeks before x had the othens treated xn the new survey of trafalgar towtutip the reporte turned in would indleate that upwards of mo hones will be treated this year with simi lar retpotue expected from other see- tlons of the ootmly uie final result be a real decrease la tnf aa should be i busiuwi serve the best tea sa1ada wut u an liujaof till quulon jijj uh i nii to trj uuprraw court at cui ndj lo dfcld ox i wkt wrtrt riu muwr cjim up tn cojirufuoi l h paittwnt of rtlitt tnonlra ttf ouimx ooitnnuiu ronutula that uu luilmo uif iiullan villi ui do minion ckjrnmwiu clainu that try nir a nut w paral and tllslncl frtwi lid jju ujir urf uartj of uu- uctnlnum cltj en nwnt otul lf tw liu rrim cu t flruli that u kuinuv arr ind ji th n tii doailnlon tnut lj fur t rrliff for ui ura col anlrt in up ungava ktlon of qlw uv thf burn of c40g00 u tnolvd pathfinding rutuj u mi7 tl ajji c ucwhj u tm ivw fruajni uu u svkuli mtak ata btni u ib r al o lobw ctti im u ih aj cf uffxr ovy tj tn of f ui u bjiovk turn i oiiih it apiaj of tu doimio li itw tm 4immm was to fc uuuofj wtl of uw gtmi uin mj it tt to tu tf ijwh of uitm il kit tta tl c u n muium to ftoilu onti vkfc dosmiu ih ft u toakioitka m imod4 fonishucf tij dm bui at itj t0 lw uk to utp inlmi lw lf40m cf uu u uttut vurvif iboofe it wburt k g to it uulj of itu int uik m oaj fkjti lit imp4u iti liak cf umuiui ku mu uu coatlua u ih4 ciuji pofu todtf iku toaliu u njxnuil 1 ib fm it ik wk koli moi ikui ou bjimm ikfou utimi 9ual to ilspou taoum lit am u ft ih fwkmi utlf mllm dawuio i rr iij rj uiudfji lotuibi muxj tlw ibi eus voi nhm uw iflflf of ifc ptomb t o oewiriiij klt ifc f rir butluo ub of ikt uik bank of montreal eitabliohid hit head office montreal modrin rrpicient vanicino iekvici uftmutf litywn lktwaj ofmlui gw bnticfai j r smith matuga parl vou really ought to come to florid with me this winter x had a wonderful time there loot january won a beauty competition deatrtoe no i think id ratter go where there moiw of e crowd editor did you aver write onythina before t auihore oh yea i wrote a oon feulan etory once editor did the editor wnd it back authoreu ko he oame all the ay from new york to bt ujuij to meet pretty wife an etand in divorw courli it at the old old etory e torw and a iackau can never agrw husband roaring u he fthook off thr rntratnlnff hand of hlj attorney lie herr don t you call me a hone i better times the crown life annual report for 1934 detail of which will be published in thle paper three weelu hence will be a trilling indication of the improve ment of buslneea conditions generally and of the rapid progress which this company in particular is making aa evidenced by the following facts i big increase of new policies issued big increase of insurance in force big increase of assets big increase of surplus opportunity the crown life has an opening for a com- petent district representative for georgetown and vicinity previous life insurance experi ence not essential but standing in community and ambition to succeed are essential a real opportunity for the right man apply direct ly to e j s brawn agency supervisor crown life bidg toronto crown life insurance company r kuuxtiunu fhou tue fxht pju- u llfei med rturv ooovtt nikji to the ruuul hint calm and tone wlim memory uuu tir uam of 1 j ajiu uu lill lou uick again wlun mrnicry u ua nnvti ui miw of dijfc tiat uui have cooe an tmpulu uxiit u uuy llc mil d lite u lilm uir u at cliwtl ttlit wi1w ij iucj4jil u30n glvt lu mofe anbtw ukousiliu of glooni wi tir ouui uisd uniui arc on tin wilir life txtk pa tlw bloom lutnlndihl uiil ju litrw tiaj td tli lruui luaica lioiue at ufcf tluu the mlu of life wul gnnd jio mom with thr tvatrr that t put a luxury umu u throuti lhaw hulls lludr ruji wlui numory lore we mniuilly an tij da gon pau ttm lball let urn no htur tlu- cjiou i ufiru lu mtaruity trovn u it ciun stu ujtlij pour itrfwlui pale and uii llam ltkf ilu moon ai midnight hou tre foiuipt nvinorwb wm tike myuia or pliauuuni of tli mind iteflnctloru fnm ihute utnr of life uuj urn lia lrt behind uke nirkfrtna imn uww utjtos trju none in life muir happy hour iuvnpd withui that myutc thrlne the wat of mrntaj poer how lmprrukirii left upon ui mind lly unui that long have put oin rrue thr urn- emotions lly the uiado tht lhey cot is brj ond the uyos of knowledge or irtrnc to railatn and u one of nature myyttru dflgnfd to long remain uclntoih uuu peters grel cctifeaaioc isosalustej lusjt mmday bha1 drive haitlv new vea8 htooan etuutmrnt of umvu dubs and noarda of trade in ontario drive tufrly move announcd from queen park toronto ilotary lions and kl wants ato joining with the oo- larto lufety league and the board of trade in aporuonuilp of a province- wide utfrty campulgn the toll of the uu four yearslag lulled j333j injurrd and property damage of ww 417 lias teen biax onod on publicity which keynote the ttnmlng to looli out for children llerind the campaign and in aoopr atlon with the oryanlxatlona u the uotor vehlclra branch of the depan- mrnt of llighwa all rar driven are urged to co operate in the movement to reduce acdjrtua and ie nuvultant deatra injuruo and pi crty damage start the new vear rlaht i annua befobt of uotlalc of rcixoe the annual rriwrt of the luuon and reel moult of itcfuge oonunialon for tho paat r haa been recently la med tho report atated there were at prewnt 03 inmates in the home u of lri ure receiving the old age pension thire have been 13 deatlu during the ear from natural cauaee ctiullal cxnri dllure to date haa been s128 6 ahlch tncludr purohoae of out buildings cream separator wag on and sundry extensive repair parm efock includes 4 horse 34 read of cattle plge poultry root apple 4 000 buaheu of grain 30 bushels of alfalfa seed and enough hay and straw until grass grows again a fire gong hod also been installed it was es timated that the buildings ere now adequate for all requlremehts and in good repair o that no further capital expense would be necouory for a number of years holy land j old 1iatbxda oux wav bcfoftz rcilndly code op boy scouts that uie youth of palestine jew ish uaslem and christian ore for- geutng the age old antagonisms and hatreds of their elders and accepting and living the brotternood code of the rapidly growing hoy seoul move ment was the statement of stephen a ilabouoh world traveler and for merly s oaulean shepherd a reoent vuuor to ottawa the boy seoul movement in pal estine u breaking down the religious and racial barrlera trot have ealsted throughout the cen tunes and already ruts eliminated many bitter prejudices and misunderstandings between uas lem christian and jewish boys the visitor from palestine declared when i was a youth momem and christian boys never thought of greet ing one another with a friendly word we were enemies by virtue of ances try and rellitlous beliefs and when we met it usually wu to fight today thanks to the boy scout movement boys from moslem jew ish end christian homes arc meeting on a basis of mutual brolrrrhnod and understanding through thrlr assoc iation in scouting and instruction tn the world brotherhood principles of the liny scouts code the boys arc learning to play the gnrne of life to- setrer and to forget the difference of ruoe and creed this was true not only jn poloatlne according to ur jlaboush but equal ly amongst tho youth of ttanstar- danla syria and iraq and preanised io play a possibly important part in the ultimate solution of the racial and religious problems of the ntar east tho schools colleges and universi ties establtsred by missionaries and missionary societies were credited by ifr haboush with fotcrlnir the de velopment of the various boy scout troops st oeurgoa cathedral and school at jerusalem and the ameri can university at beirut were men tioned as notably active sponsors of the movement at tav k the cause op rheumatism tsfmnsl relief from ktluumstbat can soly b shtclsj by rsaoov l u ibt causs of iha timibb ktuuacafd ihartlvsly cusium tha blood of uric act t ami other unpujitue wbkh r poison lbs system bu al fl caaiultt vul slvlng liuiwjisia flmt mlw tnak nsln biai your tftslauat today rumacaps rhi8umat1c capsules rebb8 drug store w oisfgsjewsi ooldcm tc3ct and flimoo ivr uiiicrd and taid thou art che chrut tha boa of the uvtngcod u thsjw 16 19 lujoh pasoaoi luke 0 11 m 1 lour 3 s 6 ujj uitfx tould cry us belter ur to cntma uie days viui iip ttuu face the road the wind uie rain to hrd uie calling dtpl ttuwigfc set nor lww nor apjue 1 fear yet fear i owply too lstu daut should grt atul slatm me jm 1 sit idee rscdesvous- tvj iutklag it is uuocracy can count luwl bat luiuuh wuji u4io a uuijofuy oj iuxmiu uie uuiu of u- vyujs bui it uoni mh uicuii uuj fiiu- or uu wruu 01 im lmm it saauiiuuui lup- puu tuat aiuivctuo ruuu una uie uujamy u uiaug sjui ua tnlioil y uu iijjtu 11 at uw tunc ot uu cuitiiij 1tuuppi ifh uli iu u pupuku vou uul uu takui tit oaiuio w jwiaoa joaevnuug ju uur popular vioit uoulu tiuvs osvjl uuuaujuu litey aouid tuivs said uox jvuua u jutui uui ujpuu or lujai or jnu uuui ihey should iutvo bem rigju ui miuiuxujg u jawis e man uf toico ium utaut1 icmpojai to jul ibsl- luiuut luuphsia out uiy vould 00c iusie brca aue u atoxe thy he baa gjraur uian any ot los hctoee of nu iav ju on several vtvs l iu 0uir jrom uoads tuu bocami iiluu out he never ccomo to be ui ulirftsd in uj opuuoua of ths man uu u4 siiut suuiiy judgmauu uiijuy lhoaod the in lor lujtuer uluuiuuoai ftura axil alaas jcaus uas muiu ouuttirosd to n a lew utouiougcly tuaa to stn a hurried and supcrfidai qenl from uwd- an larly 0sd 1 rue duxlple baud having tutu lu u u unniiiiaie svunjtany 01 juaus fur ixvtiui tnomjia 6ji iu a pasitiuu w livu a coiuukrvd judanuim cou- uruhig thsir aluur iuuy hod laaid uie ords tcu him ui vuisl aud at itst aiul 1- tw to under buuid his purpoi it a as by ttuur uwuu tuat tue woftt uf oiuu would wand or toll- rpg uu uutucuug vilus oj m croua ua ou tu uu4n pau nodiy whom soy uuu k nmr lusie was tu a qiiiuiun u tioor and uirvou l hp uu uiu 1arii jb milii uavo glv cu uuj uuu auser but inuar tooii wonl out ui um u frm ausaiikl lur u ail lue clutlu of uud sue ttuids sincitar aud oiuiu ixjui uuau uu same i jnlfyn lue auouulu uiit li u a uiuuo iicii lu ouivum jar u10 dittuoa uaause u aauutu up uu long mthl racial iklux icllgiuuji llopu ut a tirimnni jo- uvcrtr aio luune llrut has a aauco rujtfx f liiii in lur us th 9 h auu iui u l uut me of jesus oj tsxarvu and all his work lor man- uirougiiout oinote huoored juus thus does tuuory ouricu uie uuuuuii ut a uue or a wxird lis fslb of pale zl zl hur was lue botlcr lor having tnuui- tus t fllnn ui talux wu ivcr fully know uuu know uu- as lsprciu iu u iou num 10 uouiuii laiui speak u- it may be uuu uu tauve utecjplae wuiuxl lu urald uicu ouuvlguuu tor and near mn juiua counusllod f i pe wmi tlu- luy bocaue u10 ume was not yet ripe lur a puluio aunouncemcul lii 01 a curuar of giwy lis saw ahead a pautttay of pom u iming to 4i tna at the eiy hour when his mon- uj of work with his disciuios sp- pcurou to bo reworded uo did not uuogo ruaxluss but locod toe await ing cruu what burprtto us la wo uund of chrui is his t in cuxiinuiaiiccu 4 hat would tuvg elat- ut ouurs ho saw life rfiiy and saw it wtuuo iheru was neea at once to ootruct ulo strmlnriln laeflis of uu tuscipies who may have been expect- aut of on curuiiy king e more glori ous king uavid frankly thay were told uut salvation would oome liuuugh effing and tfttiflrt and in uo ouur way the uoa of man could uot escape uie lot ot all humanity rauicr must he sutler mare than tte uvurage man he was to be pmlkuhl uirough auflfliing ou garmbdsr u ts oliruiion pcopu hao to tread the paui the alaster trod the servant a uot above his lord if christ had to oilier his lolloweni need not look lor pathway of roses ohrta was vtry frank about this he told his disciplis and oil his future followers uuu uuy must take up the cross and follow turn dally our natural im pulse u safety tirtt but christian liv ing calls lor tho readiness to sub- ailrgo wli luttrtut in uut acquisi tive society in which wo live ue are templed to bo attracted by getrich quiut sujtemoj but as wo got older uiid discover tho real values of life diameter comes to rate higher than cash tlplriiual values are rcaluod by mirrcndcr to uod and loigotf uinots of self uirough enjoyment of tho tier- juu tipirlu once uus conviction as to our life standards is uhiiiiuhi our fear of scorn or crlucism voniahes oiirut did not hesitate to give tue life humanity and his followers can at uast publicly ocltnowiodge their ol- leguuiu to him it is wlion we tin- ruuirvodly commit our lives into the keeping of the ssther in heaven that wo got peace and joy la our own licarts clvtliiatiaei corner bteae 8 8 we got glimpse of rotor at differ- uut btugoa vust we meet him when his brolhcr androw took him to meet jtsus ttien we see him called to bocomo a luvhcr of men at oassaroa phlllppl wo hear lilm making hie great confoulon of faith tturty years lat er we find him writing a letter ttlit proclaiming the same faith lie wu not hnmihl to declare his nll both by spoken and written words in biter ufo ho aake of christ as jio chief comer mono the words had temple usocutilous but for us it is an illustration that suggests uuj cen tral influence tn nlnotetn centuries of huory the church the dlbui and the spirit of oiirut liave bean su premo factors in uie aevelopment of clvuuutlon in oils hletarlo process wo may have a place looter speaks of peoplo as living stones building up a spiritual house we may tuive an active part hi the oagolng process of building up the ulngdoru of ood on earth we are neither silent poh- nera nor supernumeraries each one of us lias a part to play some speci fic work to do in order trust uie total plan may be complete quesuehs for duennlea 1 wtiat b uie value of a majority voter 3 what does the title christ mean to christians i llow was christ a man of bor rows t 4 is the necessity for surrender the same for aut b why does onrlsie iwhuatiaf aadur and tamesgf ftcuool okt jobil th tiouble with youui a win who knows boys roenuy i4 la us youthfulosaa if th aphor ism nvda efplnatlon he added ut it be sold that a prtue crusrturuue of yotuh u an urge for activity if opportunity for lu evpretsm u not fdwa utrough sdioois and jobs ar unavailable is u to be vondred that uhadjutd boys and girls eupcrlmeiit in fwlds lha uod to cooluot with uw and odrert tti dangvius eg for a youth u the prlod tsjieo he is reaching adu- irjnne and ojly maturity staus- tlcs prove this in england and wol forty two psr ciu of all psfaons found guilty of indictable cringe ut er wvre undvc cwenlyona in the united btatea acoorduig to drtiart- meut of juatlce reports twouihdi of ail orrasu for crturf involve per sons btan ttrua and iwnty tour and thaw iv aus old wad any othr the probwm 0 unadlusted youui at one oop lloy and girls like thsir rlderj ore not cut to one pauem hut any adult dors a rval rvtw wlvo hisie it posiluu for a young su r to rrmsin in school vttu b u uie bit agfricy for life training uiat uxitty has t tnolvcd and when scfuol days are crwr ttli rdsa art suitable emplovueistktotarun lis gaune thi sowst oe will thcr la no task be it evrr so bard no battle uiougli ever so leotf but u uuk may be tksoe otad the battle woo if your will to cocucr is stracg thr ts no truth be it svr so thsq uo change be it ewr so kstt but uie truth may be thought obd the change may be brosbl if ou will to blaster your f4 twrv is co wi be li rmt to havksi no utmtaeie fcw so high but the tea may be sdud sas tte uosuu acmiswj if ou have the eourase to try there u no sin or mbstmke of the bsssi can luep you from rdih yotrf goal if you but up the aource of uxat d0 hidden force wiuch liu in the 4iim of your soul itaseuune ouuxsp and l0f are oj making out in your rtc sw equality ot aaxast uiuulpt sinut oh nowdy it u neck and neck whea uuvtiioa conus a tr wu at lau liave to be tliif llitrj no wonder he felt and looked so much better llstf id fas and lslf braui a aecsuloasllr flt duak a rltrs lai j ined u utlrr stuoenta to farm m 1l ism or rllol 1 1 wj i ir i im a 1 tile tlau il rrruikerailir pi r at a certain tonu- rriruilun it furauja ut vkkti waa iiiuvd to bat liood- tultl 1 g g isi tir iilrltr llrrai ll u uug uisd s tt0l ss ttj slut li ei uul i 11 i ri u lr at mfn i iilra a alirr nn fuuikd veil 11 w 1 tual u lrr ir frit ur k at llt ii his gtieu ll llfli ittl 11 i in ii imf ij 1 bava i tl i lrri e tler wa ll i i i- li r tl brnlib ha b fcrd it and ml it iiu uxhi ui l vr1 it at id roriul sti i nj rul urlnj natur i id itrlblnjjr i i no oiwbr he frll arwl udjd h tsucu brttfr woiitl you ilka to fl uller toof wouu j u llba lo la ha ataln au ul tdr r m rt or 1 lajl thrn lake th rated tt nle vl uh rrdeuilia tifiirth lo il i rtj ti4w slu unte it mtorwa ttrll ul f br inctrali iha rv1 r t iwlaa ai j i i urltif uislur of lb bithi tb r rarilrra in tba tl kh atrrtr 1 i i i 11 uti fcapt ij lo non si nun tre if thr prvi nuln rntwm bratrh an i hat ly tm trtfd lonl- l ir u un 11 ilru pill- i u- 1 llr briber at kiiror si mllrar or ai i uslnaca hm 1 1 rndnl f r all b rl mnl an otrrtlrrd i rr iurl r are i n irr right yor drvli fc- ttilet ireird lor ldr w llllan pink i 111- prw fior uo have your eyes examined raduoi tulyer lenses unlike ordinary fctjlvtl taliie are bs btyte lensee are accural to the wy whaoevsr jou look up or down in or out ttuytr trintsi on duoed in price and ore sold the same pries all over canada ho ftps then from us as we sell tulyer lensee for the same price we any ts its toronto or oualph o t walker ro ohwlllwui ktesuot shcu1ist 1 i u to mx boeare omto sroaa aiiminra an imil j o urn mtr wen o 7 trw u kit tmtm r in niwiimiwii cockshutt plow co gypsum ume a alabastine co pertkulsjr end unbiased opinion on use shove speculative indutlrisls on request amos barber co members toronto stock exchange 23 kins street w toronto slemtmr putiur joitm r narbzr ttlrpnoks bilnllm w usu swa more heat in your rooms ffjl icflt mfi f ctfjff wi blue coar john mcdonald queen street georgetown i m sjaisnisrims aum iaaiai r millinery and furs pall and winter millinery at a bis reduction in price the new cossick sport turban ano triangle scarf at gg set hats madetoorder furs i furs i furs i all lands of fur coats also fur coats restyled ami relined by expert furriers misses claridge herald block upstairs georgetown

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