Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 16, 1935, p. 2

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pw2 trie georgetown herald wed neoday evening january i6u1 i93s p solatia orange pekoe blend will prove a sheer delight to lover of fine tea salad a tea news from the riyal drug store shliotrery sale contmoes tnis wttk writing pads r i5cio re 25c for 1 8e envelopes 15c or fc boxed stationery at half price cykwk ml toe kidwsya 1u aj 11j4 v -ouiiacafo- fcoai tuurauvlam ott hclbrfu tw hutuxms tooth run taw ho hot watam botttju oawma cotoa ixuuu ibujui klluoifi milk ruococjira umatim svnaw iu tu- tfhkx tw i uury hak f om ilu sw la mtirt aovai khurr tuitl maccorraacks drug store ra bcuvas oloauufoeif special 250 special permanent wave croquignole spiral combination lbaltod tinie only lyla francis beauty shoppe phone 141w georgetown cbiwguacousv hockey league at ottituwa areaa a a ivr haliw thurday january i7 bkgloatovg ve nottval rrixxyiylum va wooouox monday january 2iu hoyau n nvubc it noeval m ihtloeovt thursday january 2hh huhh is v wood mix iwaoaovb v steimvixlb lltiulw is ui it in huouau tiiouf60n in tovtsf bart thoapaon ho departed thl we january itth iftm although a memory la all w have vi thilv h wul new die who did so very truly live cxprwiinx such faith and hop a ha passed by what more after all could anyone ids 8utr ortta w ajr u tke wotu mat at the horn of un w deana otiarlee 81 vrlday wnln last to begin th work of th tuv jr the nnskunt un vanatter etsplad th chair and tn tha ajuanea of ulaa coventry tha opening exr- dse were oooduetad by lira wtnfljkl who reed ft selection from tha study book jasua and ourwtvw by waa- thsrfesad and lad tha gathering h prayer ills betty bpelght brought a beautiful message in urn which mad a fitting socompanlment to the devotional study anuounoamant was mada of tha oomlng van of ulu uoaamond dun provincial held secretary who will ba tn georgetown tha weak of lb asth cheering letters were received from ifrs rlui and lira llaartweli writ- tan in reply to message of ivwpathy raoalved durtn racant ulnau maa our union tha presidents reminder that an nual fee ara now dua brouaht tha usual churful ruponsa as did alio tha suggestion r the us by mambara of tha household nledja cards which rttd thus deatrlna that our houa may ba a sanctuary in tha mldit of ufa and btllavuvx that tndultfervea in aloohol la injurtoua to the indlvldusl manaoa to tha home and an enemy to tha nation this housahold does not countacanoa tha usa of aloohol for bavarua purpoaas within tte walla ifantlon was also mada of a autasai- uon prewntad by dr jannla antilay in an addrvas before one of the to ronto unions recently in whtoh tha apeaker urged all temperanceminded orcanliatlons to place before tha gov- aroment the necessity of makirm the teaching of scientific temnaranca eomciulsory in both public and lllh cbhoola and of bioludlnv it tn the uat of examination aubjeots at tha conclusion of an interesting discussion ura a ileeve doted the meethw witt prayer tha irebruary meeting will be held at tha home of ura o d dayfoot oicedir lodob af a am ovnckh intttauxd itie offlcers for 1045 of credit lodge aj a ait- ho 310 georgetown were installed as follow last friday altlhb by rw dro e v narraclouch amlstad by vw bra aeorge yord and w bros hugh dickie t w cole w t evana and l uarohment wju- a o robinson imux oao bobson bw d p oriehton jw w pord ohaplflln rev w o o ttomtttoti treasuwr or b oouoo aaeratary oao pord director of caw- uoslaa b v barraclougji senior dea- ecu 8am uukenjua junior deaaoti k k young to j banford as w lealla 3m k u langdon tyler a t uukiy and i tow a w uo- untook w fa pord after the inaultatlon ft banttuet wu aeirvad in tha lodge rooms and the uttl taut lui fimiumnoad by w bro a 0 ttobbuofl an orcneaua cota- ttosed of wambeti of the torn kttnea 6oottlih hand provided mualo at tha buvquet the qumat pairu awn by tha watehman toronto january ltb tha old political pot has started to slmmar once mora and with the ptvniler batav on the job to add ft little ipic to tha mutturaamd do tome of tha- tlrrtng hlmsalf thing ara brightening up along tha ouaena park front tha prnbier mada hie tint appaar ansa at paiilaiaant building on prt- dy afurnoon and thraa houra altar hi arrival tha fouowlnf tntaramt anrtotmcanvsnla ware uada 1 opaolnf of tha legislature session on wadneaday pabruary 1mb wuto none of tha frills of past yaare a raduotion of tha murau ri on all farm loana from ftv to four par cant and an extension of tha prlode in which payment must be made 1 refusal of tha govemmant vol manlee far the upuep of ohoruy park reaidmo of the lieutenant- governor a rafusal of tha cabinet to approv a royal commission inquiry into tha aamlltu jarvu case aa bought by attorney general roebuck 5 appointment of cant w i rav neld vx3 aa nargsajuatarma far the union of tha legislature 0 strong possibility 4hat tha pro vince will shortly enter tha money markets for a loan ttiha went tha highlights of pre mier llepbuma first day back at queen park after hi return from vacationing in tha south tha pre mier declined to make any extenelva comment on premier dennetts new deal for canada opening of tha eeailon on february mth l an important announcement but farmer will be more interested in thi decision of tha eovemuant to reduce interest rate on farm loan lion duncan uarshall ulrdstar of agriculture stated that tha govern ment propose to reamortua tha loan now outstanding with tha ari cultural development board so as to ease in many cases tha interest and principal burden of the farmrrs in volved and at the same time provide the government with a better ehanoe of salvaging many loan that at the present time appear hopeleas tha reduced interat rata la retro active a from november soth last und will apply to all past loans and to any other which may be negoti ated in future mr uarahau also in formed tha press in an interview that the legislature at tha oomlnff laulon would lie asked to pass a bill enahung tha province to take advantage of tha paderal uarket loans act of ittt owing to the fact that tha ottawa rata for farm loans la five and a half pet cent mr marshall said tha pro vince was prepared to maka good tha one and a half per cent difference be tween the ottawa rate and the newly announced provincial figure of four per cent the ilepbum government la going to carry out ita intention of refusing to vote monies for tha upkeep of the hdutttiantgvemor residence the premier l determined to keep tha money in tlia treasury and effect a 40om aavlnar and so iii honour dr herbert bruce will have to dig down into his own jeans or get tha dominion government to hand over the dollar for the upkeep of ohorley park and while on the subject of money it la believed the government will shortly float a bond uiue of oonalder- abla siw premier hepburn hopes to get tha money at leas than 1a the cost of tha last floatation the dues- tlon of finance and the need fori town couracil meeting ilastt mmtta or ou oonmcix amd frlatarr ott mew wavo okmstonav thavovxju ad- taumm totcovmcttuam hue mxwnm atrmxctattan aftmwkxu to kcestt jamuastv tan tw ita council rt at 11 oclock bhl tsvtnbrtwl pramtit mayor ato- ban rfvw clrw oouriclllor a k- pprlrl a w devi t j c ams- urotyr p nutkbum w y tknuh ttir tnubrs took twiarauan of ofilr mayor olbbon in hi inaugur al tddt to itvbujay of council and to tny d uon of odu a your praajaili oaltrf for th yar 1649 it u fcuy pltar to know tbau i thill l aaoeuud with ley fotbw o0llaual jt clraf kitd mr ttobaiht alw mr hlukbum uf atxamuond mr davta and mr btltli- all of txs i am comtrrfd wul b aorthr rprtnultvm for ifr waid in vhlch they have bfn uh m in uklng ftu cootwutloo of tha hmobfr of th oounru 1 natur ally ao not iw you to vlih iu on til niautrt rtfrtamlnz to pub lie poury but i mould ptwutr irr coouaurd pufwtusjuy and nvuur t- undanw at all nwottne so that at all tu vr mar b fsutiur vun ow wmv in return i shall ttukr a ttwjsl fttort to arranav umuw of thr council whn it 1u b jaoii ronvrnl tau tor ou- attaruunr- it u a cllmjluiv tar m to announr- to u- cllura of ororsf ton that tt r nnanrlal u tut ton hu trn ihghtry lttiwpvd our dvbmtur tnobd naaaa and bank lnm srv tdtly d- craulng but unlau ttw trtajury or- partmmu ran tnska all rurtvnt and put dua cclwta of motux due ltv uuniflpalitr utu situation rannot br riaiaftfilnad or unprotm upon i sajgfnt u th nvobfrl of council that they again adopt u- polio iwvi upon last year by malorrly of bufitoi dufcnunulcui caau granu this ha ewam corulair able aartng to th ratpawn o ecu this dor not include th oeorbumrn ptr dfwrtmrnt thry u9 an organisation of mm ro by lhir amfbncy not cnlf dtractly tf fw uuuxanoj praamluu but bw1 eflportant of all tney ara prouctors of uf and property and their volunuar sarvlm ara vary mmcuuj to thl coa- taunlty i am firmly comrtrwd thry daurw spmtal ccauldvrauon frora the uambar of thl council and cttums gnarau in tn nr future it u ay tnttir tlon to introduc to you for your con sldarallon plans and ipaclnfattoru for a utter stnat llgmlng nyti in tre ukalnaat saction the capital aapm dltura would b assumed by i ha hydro commlailon if tha council dactded to proowd with thl civic impromnrat if with th coorhtrauon of my rol- uagum tn oounctl in pursuing the poucy of strict economy in eirry ae- palfiunt and prompt sttmtion vtn by all uum tndbud to tha munici pality and providing no untoruxn e paidlture occur th ratrpaytr may be assured a gradual reduction in tax ation commrntlns thl year at time it has bem uppermost in my mind the lack of inurett tur raxpaytr tax in their municipal oowmment they should after elect ing trxtnlauvr of thcu clolcc not be unmindful that it 1 their money are couectlng and spending they should know th facta not take thorn for granted for tn tha last analysis informed and active cularnshlp 1 the beat garantae of clilo etttciency i am making a sincere appeal to all th churches industrie organuatlaru and paopl generally to assist in any way thay can that w by our untied effort may have a happy and pros perous year in grateful appreciation of tha good will you lava eatandad to m in the past i wtlrorna this opportunity to thank you for the conndenc ahlch i have enjoyed form those whom 1 am trying to serve and i assure the people that i will make a special ef fort during tha year uu for greater achievements for th citiams of the town of oeorgetown uotrd by if- cleave seconded b a- r speight that tha clerk be instruct ed to hold a nomination meeting- to fill th vacancy in the council on monday january 3 1st at 730 pm and if a poll l necessary to hold an elec tion on monday january lath iftji carried moved by p p blackburn second ed by w p smith that w do now adjourn to meet thursday jan nth at pjn carried 1b3i council met at i pm mnv her preaent mayor gibbons reeve cleave councillor a d parr a- maclaren a r speight minutes of two previous meeting were read and confirmed mayor gibbon expressed his appreciation for the cooperation of the member during the pait year h also read tha following communi cation from excouncillor 8 m buck mr j gibbons mayor oeorgetwn ont dear mr mayor i am sorry that i cannot bo present when your 1934 council meet for the last tlmo on monday morning next as i would ilka to have expressed to yourself a mayor to mr cleave as reeve and the different members of the council my appreciation of the honour or having served tn some small way an the council of the town of george town for the year 1d34 i only regret that conditions did not allow me to finish my term tn a manner more crodltablo to me but under the ctr- oumatancea i tried to do my best this i feel you will grant me aa a comment on the work of last yedre council i feel that anythlnn that wai done whether it has since proven itself right or wrong was done at the time conscientiously and sin cerely believed to be tn the best in terests of the town no doubt mis- take were nude but in my opinion they were error of judgement rather than intention and x have no hesita tion in saying that i believe that every member acted at all tuna tn what he felt was for the best inter est of the town kindly accept for yourself the reeve and the other members of the council my sincere appreciation of having had ho privi lege of serving with you all i alo wuh to express my thanks to mr p a harrison and mr w marshall for their help and cooperation during the year to yourself and the incoming coun cil for ims i wish a very successful year tlianklng you 1 am very faithfully your bholto m duck moved by a r speight seconded by ii cleave that tho thank of the council be expressed to mr u e pleck for the uork he has done on the road near tho paper mill at hu own expense carried moved by a 0 parr seconded by a maclaren that we do now adjourn carried georgetown win riproaring struggle from new hamburg locsja gauw struts of ttwe goala in ntflhlcat rmu malt- tit sua 7 to 4 nwhjl tem win two straight frccxa huiabarg rvtillon junior here frjy nih hurrah t geo town uon inur mnuate tut i ye the herb scott outfit of the otla protfd their suivrlortty on the u vtr kev hamburg by walking light out before m fairly crovdal jiiku uui nigiit and taxing wv game 7 to oaliopuu lru a land of new till and a ure ind utter wjrldgrc lown inlrrwfuute letttt bried lia u hiv iluuuuk ujuiid and tow u wd ui tiu uy ttom tha start tur full muuiua uy teuiuiuud 4 much ui uie pturv wl rn tin cdu ten aauui lurtn at viun tiny cud the 3 lui1 ifd hie tfjnj 4t rrmailubly cuau conuiltiuu the nj lte clxdutoj uiii lutd uit to uhdr lajl stul thr fat pace uklulftd ui tlic lociii r tilrd only o4i iiuilty in uie game ijie fun had iurrl lun to utilr it litu jj tttieu u loci ujuiil ujd u uuijt uf rujies lefotv li vrlvow lumts could get tartd i uh- a dufrtfijt trm out lheie uun duil we iw m lit pievluus gume j irom u ut uxd ouxc pp utui iimt luid to am and did ku ilunbuni drew lo onajiir iwur tin tir t of uie period but th locals coum no uccjv loi vw in cm wxui nuu puj but a turuad back by ilir tn th nat about hill llirough hamburg scoird tfe rvinuiga fut goal o bootiiao 61 tuy the tbonor near the rod of the vitod wukuuon wbd had not been en tite ir beio in this period scoffvl die tlelng goal and crtppa came back a icv fcreoncib later un a nice lcio from hi own blue lln to put hu team one up the period rndtd i to 1 for 0orgtod and lo it rnt u into h secettd lrrtod with leorgetown having titit ndje on the play but tiio1ac a vriluiru around the nets tun and un sisln they had tonderf u i ooportunlue to sjy imuo lo th woul umiure but held their shou too long or failed to find tr opening act ing a if there 6 as only on way to fcccre and that ea by carrying the rubber into th twin dtngeman opened the scoring tn this period for new llamburv oowlsnd uwn look walth a pat lor another counter fur the locals at this point walsh in troduced a fluke goal when he lifted the puck abote the ughta and it fu inside the maltora net to the urprue of eeoone tncluduig himself ti local oeferu a aomewhat fteakrn- ed at this point when anthony who had not hid a rrat went off and bcharar and o lioman for kew hamburg manogd to bang in to goal from elate in the score a tied at hi end of tre second period clromrtoam new hamburg 4- in he final reel the new hambum bo lookrd letfvrary from the fa purr and the local boys began to chirp up ft hen crpr putted in a nosa from anthony ward urn milo rd on a bratulful rffort and ant hem look tmta pau at the goal mouth for a third counter making the final tiorr 7 to tn favor of the local ilut dont run an ay with the idea that hew hamburg rre standing a- round picking their teeth while all this wma going on tl ey were in thcie battling may at times it was calling for all the local defense knew to keep them out all players on both teem turned a fine brand of rotkey with ex cellent combination and dever-atlck- handllng anthony and tost were outstanding for the illue end while while the bowman brother starred for new llomburg oeorvetown ooal alcdtt defence anthony and hall centre walsh ninas ooiand and king sub tot ward crtpna and wilkinson new hamburg goal pfaff de fense binueman and bcharor centre o bowman v tngi u bowman and held sub kropf brown clchler milton referee d nrush milton hide livers the intermediate team did them- 1 selves proud last night and how i they set uruible to tcbre till period tnded icon leu the third frame vi just a dull iu the previous wie as far a lkkky sat roikenud acton mad u lntr- ut nj for uulr ujpporterj wlun uwy iniijjid to ban j in three more goals walter uuruji nl uoooey getting he soils tle total tried hard to a la ui en uw ixonnj shwt but he kojij luilj ojji hie um ti ott lliioj licnv acuii 8 0orvitan 0 tiyr ujumi atton rioji uutt de ft je gtbbuns and kenner centra iiii aiiuk n morton und lltnr ulv 11 m rton wo walieri ior goal it xjiaiduii de- fctitr hjii und collier frnlie jtiilr ln- tot and ward tub walui wutmjut lltiti crtrlitoii und a lliie e llii iti n llru i uuwji erlatki 5 hufvbwg i dtutt ion j ujn wciriii hockey lejir i iot 0peiul uji liulr tej rn la t 1 lijy ujhl uu hilahut 4 t til got 4 aluloujil hit umiv u lull 1 1 t idjc i tie tu c u j toll u4 die btju li jh1 ul til anna tlu tdr iltr fuu hid all one tuuld iuk lor tiuiu ilevtr slick aujidiui r lun jotliiie tiuk and ui mu cxiit tuw htlulaiialuml ifcuiy owjtioin utrt mote llnlsliru u- hariu tiie uu and puiced utttf liuha viuu lljuuurg uutw auuy many cj jtim u -on- by mualifcj ue h ihe luttil uam scoird three toui ui um iutt pinod ttw ucoud us uorcuu ajid lu the luuil reel both i cum coujred tao koala uiridctvou il uu ouutonduij jiujfr fur ceorguown ahu lvcrded uu yltiiuij tlarrod for llillsburg lluui iiiul kvrra utie tn ur lima- lljhl nimiiutj iufclf g lul teemed iu be impu b aavca ihr kccie ut the end of u tutty miiihiu ui ooort3toa 6 llllubunj j ckonjmon ooul alcott dclrns laiulrium and wtstoo center ur- keni wuiga itiddall and wuroa subs uurcn llidl kinuwr u ockicnl 1iu1 jxirg ckii hurley ccfcnxa lluiucr und juhiljjn centre wtlck ttuija rld and lverdtu subs iuu uaidon jd id muian uitd wlkhi lleltjce lkrf toct ho usut itickuu imj ursdiey provided a nice luiluu eji bit ion but fauud to pax the puck o tluir nam- ma to tliero- luie miulii mati tliurux fo goal wouon pljjcd a tiedy game defnue holuuig liia end up well ou turuitu and ii utnoiik hie tor of uu uu coal grlur wllcc a era game both bc- ail is forgiven boy could come through lis taaapuy that caoau lpjrt fans thought o crltkttcd too atujy tho luck of team pi- in tho fergus game hul ucek beucvuig that too iujui iuiu la devotod to uu bund of uilnj and uuj teampty ultcr a a nsult it u oiile that the are correct in somo cuab but suicc an atiit u put on a iur wltlt a goal ilatf hai been encouraged to pus the puck the player thai pa uic puk fur teammate bcore rccchtj just as much credit to lho eca of the public a trx xorer uiueltuhneu is maa drairablo and it u our opinion that the playmaker is of more value to his team than the wrour he throws a ay chance after chance to score himself and this is how team play in mod possible a u general rule goalgetter seldom aid tlillr tcumnwue the idea being tt allow them to do most of tha shoot ing tl ere wo a time when the pluynukcr failed lo catch tha hrudlinc in amateur hockey but now more and more publicity i given them a playmaker may no have a i number of yoai to hi credit at tha m brumr veiil o uxb but ulu u offiai we anew you j by nu loj1luy unwiainjiej card of tiiankh i wish to thank person or persona who entered my residence on butur- day jan 13tli between tho hours of 11 oclock and 3 oclock stealing ten dollars any information please noti fy chief marsha mr tho free- etono market street eoonotny u said to ba responsible fori the cabinet turning down attorney general roebuck request for ft hoyaj hwulry into the otarvia notce a apeclal meeting of ttia halton protective association will be held in the court house milton on tuesday jan wth 1033 at 330 pm for tho purpose or organising- an association lor the protection of fowl at we might even drreat acton yet und why not t bill anthony ptajrxl a whlsbang gome lost nulu and was the most outstanding player of either team this new hamburg team are not m slow a the score may indicate but un u hardhit ting fast skating bunch those flashy sweaters of the new hamburg team dldn t dazzle our lo cal boys much maybe that la why acton had aiich a hard time to defeat them by a 4 to 3 score oeorartowns nwhi tram defeat ed liuisburg in hulsburg on monday night by a 7 to score the n wji l is supposed to bo a lunlor league but in the game at lllllaburu the illllabury team played three orand valley intermediate players why is there alway some team that have to break the rule real amateurs play for the fun of the game i fcrtn will play here next tuesday niaht in the nwhu dont mis this game it will be a rare treat mulon juniors play here prtday nlftlit jan 18th dont fall to see the junior opener if you miss a good game dont blame us ere telling jou now oalcvllle junior team has dropped out of the league leaving just milton und georgetown in the group grand valley ho also defaulted in the nwhu in the chlnguncotisy hockry iragui- gnmei trro on monday night btreeti- mlle defeated number 10 3 to 3 and floyal won from woodhllt 7 to read adevertlsemcnt etsowhere for gnmes thl woek and next aeloh a leergelowu 0 acton intermediate team loolu 1u irndnrs for the intermediate group providing fergus dont show orne extra punch in the next few games having hit washed the local team on thursday night last making their third straight win the wuather had been mild and tho ice after uie first period was any thing btu in shape for hockey it was sixty minutes of rough hard en taking hockey with acton well up o the front all the way the players had barely warmed up uhen tost drew the flrit penalty and acton took advantage with two goal lorry and morton tnkmj the honor although down in points hut locals played more a defensive game letting acton force the play and taklnj thu breaks when they came before the end of the period aibbons had scor ed again making the score at the etui of this period 30 it was impoutblo to play hockey in the second period the ico had becomn sticky and the player could not carry the puck goorgotown had their allure of this period hi play tiuiough caaails national hparl why ju lociouc token wond place to hackiy a canadaa notional sport what has modt hockey tho game u h today t because it 1 csentlally a canadun game played from hallax to vancouvir for canadian because although hockey 1 played in other countries especially the united otatca moat of tho player are canadians trained in the art on canadian toe it u a gamo that quicken the heart beat and appeala to thousands of red- hlooded canadian but outside the gamo itself the local nouspapcre have added much to tho prosperity that hockey is enjoying it 1 new paper publicity report of games played and 90 on that fill tho great ice em- porlums of canada yee it hau been the press that ha done more than anything ebc to divert lacrosse to be replaced by hockey aa canadas na tional opart hockey club and arena beard beach decision after htrlke threatenetl olnce our hut lsauc eye of all 1 port fana in town and elsewhere tune been on the local hockey club and arena board at a meeting of tho arena board a week ago it was decided to rhnrae the hockey player to bkate on hiturday night at tho arena and the players revolted and planned a walkout if the board did not withdraw it decision a popular ulcwm lost week oa no more skat inir no more hockey tho viewpoint of the arena board nns that although the boyj were asked to pay on saturday nights they had the privilege to skate any other night during the week providing of course there were no hockey matehns and as the board were behind in their payments this would help a grct deal financially with three team some fortyelp it player involved the hockey club nrniment was that there were n other group that made more money for tre acrrm than the players last enr they had made isoooo for tho arena and thought this privilege hhoutd be granted furthermore with trree teams two in tho ojia the nwhu team nnd the chlnguecouay hockey league playing thou gamee here it left only about one night a week skating excepting saturday night on saturday night lust the board and club member me and after much ttctiulon ft resolution was pass ed in favor of tho hockey cub the platers uere allowed the tdtating privilege for the sensor a long as they had a team in the oh a also that they had free admlslan to each other games week end meat specia at kings extra special wcllingtm rwd creamery batter 2 lb 49c 5 prase taitt rktf s cnsice stoakfer rab 1 l halt ftt resds vl elb clatu cuu tf brisket or mate x be fo choice romp roasts 13elb extra special tmtur cnj hkia illiii breaklast bacon 27c lb shoulders ol fresh young pork i a ai 15 lb choice roaua of veal stass 17cb kilrlaetwi cuid round steak rossis 16c lb i prime ribs of bte beef shanks baaa 18c lb cottage rolls 19c lb ixelklou flavour counljry style sausage 2 lbs 25c finel qualily 7c lb bologna by ik piece 1 be lb i brooitu loaf citee 23c tiptop umtuj malt syrup ttrift soap ftatua at hop bavojred 115 txtter iucu 5 lb pbg 4g special fresh lake herring 3 lb 20e fresh haddock fillets 17c lb english kippers ise pair fancy quality c1sc0es 16e lb choice smoked fillets isc lb red salmon steaks lc lb red salmon half or wbou 14e lb hculko ucattino lj ibaujl it ik juicy texas grapefruit s for 2sc sunkiit oranges qood im 3sc dox large size 40c tox genuine spanish onions 2 lb isc table turnips 2 for 5c potatoes 2 pecks 19c phone 27 wm king prompl delivery uttihhhihwiihheiehhhhaltihhihihiblmiliuuhuhhihnhihhiihihhmihhgia dalqutitah op the cuvuxh the annual meeting of th daugh ters of th church wsa bald in tu oeorgaa church baseeoact on uon- djy evening at the request of th president iftas harbart th ksctor opened tha maetubf wltn prayer and fiiiirfnil tha chair he snoka tn ccnmendalory terms of tha good work done and the loyalty of tt daugh ter to the church ulu herbert thanked tha daughters also for thelr loyal support of her a praaidanl tn financial report ahowad excel lent work done and aarvto rendered th elections show the following ofiven for lau hon president ur thompson vlca- praildsnt ura olbbons bacretary ulsa annla hau treasurer um y brandford chaplain tne rector assistant chaplain uias edith dltchneld after tha dlicusilon of plan foi tha yera work tha wtnf adjourn ed atih tha benediction rheumatism s lilikdmatiklli boratica uih new trcbimcn kobds rnrna htobk 5 rumacaps bt rjcoaoes oavcoxataa annual the annual meeting of 8l oaorgaa ounday school ofohastra was held in the olvurch bisamant on tuesday evening jan ith kauban viceprfldnt presiding alter mlnuta and reports had bean read tha elecuona were rjroceeded with and resulted in tha fallowing hon itesldent kav w o o thompson hon vioairaaldents j d ksliy and vf v bradlay- leaderjoseph oarter prealdcnt y d licnauy vicepresident h dalcke becre tary treasurer lloyd bander- hi- librarian ft eaaon and oartar boclal oommlttaa qi outer dick luddall and elsie bullock- bick committee o davti and steve emmeraoo it was decided to hold a concert on january 30th after brief addresses by ut carter mr llonaliy and the hector com mending the oroheetras good work i adjournment took plana to the bona of fit oeorge club hoom where t delightful supper waa enjoyed lohve biflcs band rxkcin omceia fob iw at the annual rseetlna of tha lome rifles scottish hand held last week the officer for 1033 ware elected aa follows uiuicai director ur a it perrott hon president ur b btona i hon vice p residents ur u e i pleck ur j aibbons ur a j oneill ur w borbar provincial paper uuts itesldent a herbert vicepresident w leslie becre tary- treasurer o brandford committee uen t kason ii king ubrartan h hale assistant librarian w uendham trustee j bhepherd 11- h- thompson auditor it h thompson w am boclal commluee ii hale j bhepherd the executive oommlttee of the lome rule bind wish on behalf of tlvc band to thank the citizens georgetown for their very hearty sup port during the past year it 1 sup port such a we have received in the past year that ha cantrlblued much to the succcs of the band and luu alto encouraged the boy in their duties toward the community in gen eral thanking everyone once again signed the bend committee church news scripture text we have also a sura ward ef preuheeyi w hereunto ye do well that ye take heed aa unto a ugbt that shlnelb in m dark place un til the day dawn ami ui day star arise in year heart pet li iv cflery theatre friday jan lary 18tb student tour its iks m t ion an4 ukitur a hulul tnu el um sj umxrlns chulm batumrtb sad jlmmj datmku oddity little feller fox news treasure chest stars for 1935 saturday january 19 the dude ranger tlmt st zmus grry fuatl usuil a srfm hukstai t tt9x bolr uurlas o obla coimv iu lucly e4 illckry uwue tuunshaud uusry oporu tlc oolf ctiapur 4 kit carton on the stage elmer dan larry salley maa and lonesome jim the crystalien from cfrb crazy vaer crystals program usllaat at 1 tuesday and wednesday january 22 and 23 what every woman knows the wettd famed raauttee by sir jama barti starring hales hay mrrrie melody the millers daughter treasure chest hollywood gadabout com no rebftl leads htentuus thcahllte ifllavd mitaamjnnimnrtamag s save with safety at your rexall store am sal dk ciiaum buckle vs rxtayica kidney and ftlxs ts uveb rillh suxtvbe is s7a lls uo uo and iso firk 8uokebs tmttu oiant iuubuy uvea oil oaraiillu rrvelnlualu flb nraoldnr no sso is tar ii m more raw raaalh lonsur olio rl voilod lobooro vvarnaaloa iwjitat1ve9 comt in sad tr thl arosilnf plpr foa will b bndrr no obllxsllon ikul lit prlml at 11 m to or olw sao ml 11 ntuiiautx purotoal browcn ucxall veaht not and yttroal 4 or iso kouil a is as iss is oa 1ij0 o tie uo robbs drug store phone 7ft u deliver rb bsiau hi or ocobqetovvn whhu0hwmhhha1hlllilihhmmwuhhwuhitbiuliumhhbmhf 8t aeorges cbttreb nv w a o thomiuon hector beoond sunday af ter kpjphany holy oonunuiilon b bjji bunday behool 10 ant italy oom- munion ii autt i ejiuttu 1 pal i bans of bt aeorge corporate com munion at eleven friday conversion of st paul ual mmmmimmmmiiipib i watch our window hob weekly ice cream specials anil concectionebv lonfls conleclionery 22z ul albjns thureh olen williams beootul hunday after epiphany aimdii behool 3 pm evensong 3 pm holy cross church bunday next jan 30th d am baptist church suiulny jan wth eubjeet how hhali title man save u preaclier ur n dablu united cfaureh bci n w rumloy mlnuter 10 am biinday behool and bible classes 11 am morning uorshlp bermon and hymn for juniors y pm evening service this la a service of sotut for choir and congregation the theme is crottits mr norman laird choir leader everybody welcome kuan preabyterlati chureh bev a l howard sxa pti d minister runday jan aoth at 10 m btimlay school and bible classes i at 11 am and v pm tuibllo worship i when bev d e modovinld of jobat central iivdla will preach mi u h young will be the organist i i on monday evening jan aut llev d e mcdonnld ulll be tho guest speaker at the young peoples ban quet iialton county council 115 the following member will oom- noso uie halton county council for tho year 1035 acton ileeve e thedford burlington iteeve goo h ilarrls deputyreee j w biclcort awiotoftti nddvtt harold oleawa oakvllls reeve j hewson deputy reeve j b dyers muton iteovo j irving nelson tofttiiuilp reeve oeorge thorite deputywove john uonlven ntusagaveyii township reeve duncan campbell trafalgar township ileeve victor hall deputyreeve norman gilbert khflumlttg ileeve oeo ourtie de- ptityrecvo l l mulutt lite pounty council wtll meet at mlltoh on jan nd when the war dmi will be chosen it is sold that ileove campbell iteeve ourrle and reeve cleave are candidates for the

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