Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 16, 1935, p. 4

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fv the georgetown herald wrdnday evening jnnuary 16th i93s cockshutt plow co i gypsum ume a ajlabastine co 1 particular and unhufd opinion on im tkon j apaculalivti induabialf do rtgun t j amos barber co i memlxm toronto stock fartianaja 25 kin stot w toronto unaw jhrba txuraoau johm x bjuurzii wto mo 1 more lieat in your room blue coi i john mcdonald queen street georgetown hfcti i 1 hi millinery and furs fell khd wlnur millinery u a u reduction la piia the new cossick sport turban and triangle scarf at gg set halt madaloorier furs furs i furs t all iditd of fur coal alio fur coal ktlyted aftd relined by eprt furrier rf tm misses claridge hatald block uptuko gamfatem have you taken advantage of the herald subscription offer snapshot cuil i roped your box camera dn4 think for one rwln- uu that you cannot uu yaur boa esmara in the win tar the snow win was aruapad with boa eiwiri using the see end ttop in tha flreslde seen a tle exposure ef ona second was made uslno tha larosst stop with tha aid of thrsa photoftood lamps tiiouttandh of ikopic of all uies aro very much interested in tha fascinating hobby nf plcturii lablng own bos camnraabut bllovo it or not have permitted an inferiority romples o crimp upon them ne far as roipurt for tliu porformenca of their cumnrua la rnnciirned now that really inn nu rldltuloui it la truo navorthnlubu 1 1 cut or a hovi writ tun to tho hnapaliot guild uth a tale of woe uhout walllnu for aprlns to arrlvo to make a contort ml effort to improve lliolr pictures ho many ownura of boa ru ruths mom to bu of din opinion that tho aim mutt ho li in in b tllto hluitia ho fort thoy should try to tulio u plctum what la to follow la din uud right at ra lull i at you und you and you with a boi cam ura if it u lilhtirnat- ing in poucoful slumlior on tlm tlonul shelf awaiting the arrival of aprlnjt and bright aunahlno go got it dual it of and bo auro you wlpo off tlit laps carefully with a soft dry cloth fat youraotfa roll of aim and start shoot inf thorn aro mow intorobt- ing winter pictures waiting to ba made with a box camor than you will ever bo able to lako if you llvo to ba ga old oa uetbuaolah ilsm em ber too that tha old nibllcal paa- aatro atlll hnlda good beak and yo ball and and it will not take much aaaklng if your oys ara open under ordinary conditions you can take instantaneous snapshots outdoors in tho wlntor or if the day la too dark and dreary thuro 1b ajwgyg tho old reliable time on- poaure if tho day is clear and bright you can tabu action picturos providing you unap thv plcturo at the rlabt anglo and aro not loo close to the subject picture can bo taken ludoora at bight with a box camera if you use eua or the inexpensive photobaih lamp a little evpowtuontltig may ft uacoawry until you know what yoa can and cannot expect from your bo cauiora and if you ire a real amateur you will got a lot or peat un out of the experimenting thu follow with u lot of hnu oquln- mont dooant dentrvi imlf tho pralai for ii n unuauul iiktun ua ihu real amateur who nwn ti bos mm- ura and who ihrough iiirxxiuiiiii and thought guta u i no lout pit- turu under advurat rondlllnuii lmk at the himdlng of ihlx tultiinti llilx wot- it if you liavi hvllttlii our cumuro by dlmurdluic it fur tlui wlntor yon own it mi upulogy tor forcing it into tho unny or urn in- ployud tha uvurugo box uimiu on mita today hutt two atnpit und u tlin in- poiuru udjurttiuiit ihu atop open- inge control tint u mount of light puaalng through tlm tuna nuiiiikt ono lh lortir atop or optnlnn in for hiiapahola of ordinary mhipjitih in uiinllghl thu arond oponlnii or inmllur stop la for hnupahiiu of dlatunt vlowa lirach aionia anow without promluunt durk iibjottu in tho foreground und cloudu only in bright biinllglit during thu wlntor on da with limy aiinllulil it la beat to uso tho llrst or largo top and on dark day it uhu tho aoc ond atop and u very ahnrl llmo ok- poaure when making tlmo cupoaurna tho camora must be plucud on a tripod table fence or aomothlng solid bo that the coinuru will not movo when tbe plcturo la lukon you aro ovor look ing a lot of plega- uro if you aru not inuklnu uue of your box camera so got it out if you aro really intubated you can top in most any uloro that sells camorae and photogruplilc aupplloa and got free literature on taking pictures at night indoor during these long winter evenings and you will bud it la one type of indoor port tho entire family will enjoy and speaking of the family thata a hunch for a ntlgbty important pie turo vou will have a lot of fun taking a picture of tbe family group and in later years the result will bo numbered among your prise poaees slonu try it john van ouildbat to tv ou ytam ibrae to um kpbtkud hfetn jl tt iiaun of rnitiit and aoctf whfd ny haaui nlud wtifc joy of ufa axal toy 6iua vj auhi wi iurs to u hapw uw i lloura that bioutft4 bw irtauluttru wh w lh ee uai mul- and voter dre ujt u ktndll- rua lfie to uie lowly hour vou gw llouia utu mnd tnore uun iiau tiivln wlwn i u u e world uuoudli a aoi- and ula wj uranayly wntw and fine a libras to tha tjuirt hours you gaw lloura that broudht u ra unin w liart knw warfaily utulrr uilr and waa pjrful wiuun wy lu luwa to au u tioura ou gv that btuju du sottwtiuiu oar vcr thar hours i gite vou uiankj and uh ou fccll ow ver uoruev ih a cucakekt nx now iu lutaald lld llonwr of ui toronto uxpl uaft la anting a tfr- ry pw to ell ctiallyr for iut t loowly uruwd tu bidman itunojs in ui pflt riupawn lt ytdf prrullly rtra vault rn clow itorwr havtnt a total of 1u niuiuir tth llont oonsihrt s7 alnutrh a poor fcsiend wtlh but a month of ih pra- u gone tha sturdy toronto rd hsd wsa wvan mlnuu ajd of irvtn vnv of bi louta the uur had unad m mlnut at uut puuii ilomar u 7ne turbulent rvdhad u turwcr avay unind bis total at appaib- lualaly ue aao tlm uu jcu on dmmuf 13 uu yj- at uoton toll- ovtng the famous cruh btn kddia bhore and irvtn rac ufuiy iior- ntr acqulred two minors afid a milch foul ihla coming when he fcuad fihore after the collmon utswn u ruined umln and the toronto vt arajl km faj lruj mo one has ever termed homer a foul puyar daapiia the nukbtr ox panajtue he axulw lie u of tha eitrteuly rugged type a heavy body- thmiktr faartau to a decree and plas aa atrsnuouily on foreign u aa at home the unn bad nun u apntlm in hockey today svraly aa throw- btck to the daye fchrn play was of a much more virtous nature than prrvalla in tha tlnue euds aevere injuries and arraata ere ooeimon in the earlier due of hockey on one oc casion in ilontreal the famous tod tuan wka dauucratily cut down by alf bmllh a memtwr of the great ottawa ulherttttea and bmlth ia jailed immediately after the game when profelooel horkry oj intro duced to toronto kui ugo via an exhibition game nrway lalonde now manager of canadmrna alahed odle oleahorn now a refetr odmin- ulertna a rcuiy cut bpraguc cuy horn iltaled acroaa the loe felled im londe with a blow that neceaiuted ighteen atlchea in the scalp lloth palled and fined the next day taeaaulaaa w daye walter umaul former famous old- time player hovered between life and death unooiucloua for days with a fractured sicull the result of a blow in a game lie recovered when art rosa got 1 600 to play in a game in northern ontario years ago the preaant uruln manager was out down in the firu minute of play and was unconscious half an hour lie went back into the game and was out down again the xalondejoe itau feuds were famous a generation ago in hockey they produced one broken collar bone emtal by lalonde aooree of atlchea from cut later the two he came team mates and good friend on the canadian team tha late uhuue uooufen of toronto who died in a wartime air crash and duke keats were trucu- irnt pbuvrs given to swinging their atlcks on little provocation in their heyday as stars there have barn many other players of super-agorm- eive and quamuome leanings lio had some rttfht to the badman pro- fix but hockey today has no more of those the players recruited from college in instance and of a fine general type are more interested in winning hockey game in compiling point than tn inflicting tnjulre on their opponet skill has replaced brutality there u atlll plenty of hard rugged play for hockey will al ways be thai type of game but the bumping la for die greater part fair and clean wimtfctt bpobth castas if im says theyre a gn aaaet u hsaaly winter aporta are a great ejuet to a girls beauty a cosmetlrian re marked the glow skiing bring to the oheeka ana tho active vtvuciuy that skating impart ore far better than any number of facials to stimu late circulation and exercise to re vive a tired body or sluggish spirit this coming from a man who primarily is interested in the aalo of face treatment and salonsupervised exercue ehould be a woruiwhuo hint for any woman naturally how strongly you go in for winter sport depends a ureal deal on the place you llvw if your back yard la covered with anow and your favorite lake has uo on it for mon ths at a time theres no reason why lou cant ski and skate several time a week if you live in a warm climate you might plan a winter vocation at o far north resort if thats impossible how about making the most of the aporu available to you bwlmmlng riding golf tennu und all the to- called summer snort ura just a bene ficial now u any other time of the year be sure of ooursc when you go in for any outdoor sport to give your complexion adoquato protection tho snowflake may be lovely the olr invigorating but you will got oa much benefit from them if you have given your face and throat a thorough home treatment using tliauo cream of coune just bofaro starting out unique oakdop tiianku a defeated candidate up kincardine way blossom out in the local puiwr a follow i thank the friend who voted for me on election day and u4ule i wo a loser im a winner in a way ive got rid of lot of trouuuj and i dont regret defeat no public sin to answer for nor obligation meet ho dont think im downhearted or go around feeling core for some gat in and some got out thata what the election for to my friend who didnt vote for me vou were my llfeaaver and i thank you very kindly vor juu doing me this favor angus arahaqi- kvaetly teacher now if i tubal root 35 ft what dlffewnc wulle that what i aay who oarear home to stay tiy ikicmu glumn mil tt uat irhc rji4lu c i i imulit kit ullllit ffi ii- i i tl i w i- n -ul- r jih utth rirl a j nix irirl iilll ilrlll ctttht ii tl i- ii inl j tllil u jl r iwt ii ii ur i tri- i uiur il it will ilr t n i tlc htji 1 ljtf tula- ii lijfi tftjui uitl i uui lit a ltfr i h llfr j uil tull ilr- t 1 ul 1 ur lli- tlh ui fcv 1 kk bi iti uf kult w hii lit- hl lir uuttlkv bl11 lirtl to til- r uimi iu u- 11 ui tl- liu hlij fxl iu um uut if t 1 tul lli ittr wtlti tti r imj i lt lallj u11 tltii iii- ii- v itl im tbr tir ituu tbv liaj fxiiiw in utl tl f kulh ftluu jilu lluffd ul i i 1 i l dlu tud l- i hirittnj fruul lr l itd ulf ltlrrl t i bfirn but wtlb bl old iufjtf titi i lila 1 id kliutli sod liiifi itrtih attil salod uoluijslrvd llilm gilt ll t iiiu wfco usd huu bl uttit abl oiislly turbj btuj dud siki tkn kad wfl liliii fu go 00 bar are wan iuflos in iuriir tfc wlwlf illlu i nl biuu uut lb loe srtiilr aixt wiili um old fulw d guruli lil tuln trr tu wart unill- imimir taj ii itiat u ksd kild ioul it i m tllf djii lu ftul hi nrli uiili jnhn ilc uad gvuv iiki thv ruth ran tun htl outlt to b pjquhsai slid will bf ltk old i114b ttmugbt til illeu wlf he luruvo to lier jt t-r- 11 yoo unlit tio ills olliet wlnttl klr ublu litf bruwn ry itattitog with liapitiorfc u by l foliu e plao ut ruiirwl osol u autts uliy i but com bar hi i e itiute btik to tell blm that i aas clltij to ata und etr go agalo lie gv iiiti tu lu a fiurprtte i rvally frtnl to fifflft hhu dldn t write but irml1o t fnfnt a l am gulug i tll him i ii liake xm up thar b aald brkfty lb rluunitillr rar ruttlj along uvrr tbe fauilllur rtmd through lb louti totrttt aloua ihf brook up ow ibr uthklfu ridge end into the atkj the girl iii u utile allaal oow if lulo brr ihouabta had roes crifio urtts tnt oltt ttr pleasant or llmufhta of uulmppjr ihtogb that tuuhl haw bhiiprmtl tbe mood passed buwvtrr nihi she turned to blm i am ur hebe lone me viuxikh ii a aot n 009 ah uld euftly tulf to lurlf ivfliap 1 wasnt kind rootiiib in him a jear ago but thvn it aaa dutiriitt ll old unn ooddrd werf a ill tin tliar hw aald ltortly as l whirled th tar off tbo 014 in road down a lung i ml una linmd ra i rvraembar thta road the girl aald qumiy thr auiig into the opea through itic in4a and brrnre i turn lay a wtdv rhititillog old house hospitable till in iu ulr of brthhllng huturui but th uihis were bitch in the yard and the gtumm bud rari tbe pulba and on tin tonh uui a white sign with lli- ril for im if lie envp o utile cry of conaternu iliii and atuml ni the algn tueo mlilrlil li 1 ntllf1y unn htm wiml lima ibu nnun ilr ijim n im- v hut iimh impihhiilv w hy liil uu brlnif iur baret la john oh it iunt bet it tanl he hi if looliil mi blm with bruwn vjpb full of tr rillf fur m mo likikil at hor with mid jnlin ttiin in bnd luii- fntn hlu fttir hound wbuii mi in in n tin thru to in joti i didnt illume oii mi uiiuh jtt i d 1 1 nu ahonldnt liev rtimo uii thiii mt him in ibf lurli lie buhl blutiilj tiu iralit uiib tr pluln with u miti und john huh u liiiiu wo ull llkil ulnco he ttu tl kld wa you un mi hih ruil uud tin- 1 1 with u hlwrlug tnnmr vb ininiplid uknlnxt tiira tu dnul oh it cunt u hi wlilrlfd the iiir uuulii and ut a iiilil pnif wnt it milium hm k at tin mull roiul lu- turncil to tin rluhl uud kitplim tin aunii rupld ikv unit mi ibc tlrl ut lil liniihlit uaa aobblua juu ll und llu iron in his hrurt lw- uu to htflcii iliifhm b1ii riully liimilm it hi- old hltllhfir i ndit i in- urea woodlmul uud im ail iu m id und tin ronl iiilni tmrid led iilonu u winding drlt und into tin in- nt of a whllo iuiiiiuhi in- o pliti-i- but wua 1111 up to dud lurnurh hiuu lit htopttl hie cur lit pot lil- ihiihi on lr ahoiitdir i tti- blrl i llndti hull ou tor hint jiur so 1 thouuht id ult jnu u w oil i fit nuilll illhiut it llow llltlm i i lii vou roullj om tht- boy mil i- tln iuu i1iim nini a mil hrihirvd f npptiinil niiir tin lions flnnil uud ibiii ullli 1 nliimi inn- riiiiulnu up tin u hjdrlid hhli uii inurtlciilute it uud lu llir iiii ikiniiiiit huh hhiiuu from lur mul und uullu hilo ulroiig oh john- timl ou rr ull ihul tin- miwiui iiih niild ni ufter l in nmiiiiir or tin biurlh of men tliiii in full for upi h und iiiihiiint mil 11 mr lnwr tiiiind hu m i huid rillng 11 lltili- uulll imi inint lu blu iiiouiihiji- tbni tliu hm tin iiiohii ulrl hould hiu fur t ml the poet at church robert bum attended oliurcli one uttiuluy and liad dlluculty in tocur- inu a seat k young lady perceiving 1 is difficulty made room for him in her pua tho sermon wa a dv- iiouncemcn of slnnora with liberal quotations from tho scripture to verify tho scotch pastors throats ol punhlunent tho young lady appeared much ira- rcbsed and not a little agitated uiima perceiving this took hor bible and wrote these lines on a blank leaf foir maid you need not take the hint nor idlo texts purue tuoa only slnnera that he meant not angels utoli as you christian bclence monitor ituioeetiee uttle elslo was being taken to task by her motlier vou bad child i just look at uiat jam on your face wluit- twor would you tliink if you saw me with my una and checks oil ameared with red uke thatt flsjo considered a moment and then mild iflnocantly why id fink you wit tein to tuiuttbty constipation ended forever wocxsajl flrtj at pesriiadrsetit remctly willi prrftct frankjita u woman forr fcmov nt wrltei i liave sufftrrd from constipation u long oa i can itnutaber and taieo ull wirt of tjoiitvhkj lit uant ii utatl to do gouu at flnt but ulrruard to luve no rtftct ttwn i liitkuht i could try krucmn tn ay uj rvrry mumiir ajul i liive dune u for otr a iar f am uliud to u ufur tjic llrvt nwjfui i lid no irv rv uouue with tttiutnutun and i ilivr fill trry lit 1u11 o u ii icru clirn uil 1 ntuit rtxtpf in- n ill luiinj u loiidltioii o uirr- 11 1 rljxjnlui m r 1 it j1i in kinviiii it im iltu mi 01 in a of triiinutli4l t iinuu u 1 ir uin ir v it fjm u tiiui lut rjr of iii ifll kll iii llill 1 llud tu u umiiiulr louir lit uloli tour of uii ttin iiii 1 t ikt 11 ikikuhum- of tiie ilii4ld 1 i ji f mirr it r itj ii1 ihu j jjtiu i it i or w avens imm0rati0n uu i t1 ntw laj uuwi ii ilifuutuia nhj u lu tlu41 ri rt n 1 i rt ii in ailirul ifd i u i t r m i n u 4 i kjllr i 1 j i t 1 tn 11 11 1q 1 lit d tl t l lid iuil vfllila0 i truj i 1 xiit id diy bfill it jni id ill p ill ttton of tt do- ii 1 if kilt 1 pomd aa dquw ih oolut lor hi ounufututd 00- iv ciul ltlr r nt ahrr due traialeo t pon timtj- nl iki prtifutly ad a4 fnrrmdly ffiidr ft ol uvrul ihou- p d ttj trti n mi irnj tkr owe lusj 1 1 winning do 1 11 jt ilry failly cctiu it i tit ii it ol ifir ituuuui hiilrtirrnti ull tl my c6-s- p4hhv1 in tit n iltcr of i port wllf the ixdniry rnmmici 1 irmr w4s s-lvo- ird by 1od hvd it rotrout ilu- until kc coiitieoed ihi it thr on ir irth btuat k howf gjl tntrnuty or durjtloa ol coiomlc derrrtuoo pvta a be eo 1 1 idm or niin in tiifur oovfrnnvrwls h truniflpihtlf incldnl illy ms dofnla- lin l in trun ifpct qnreudy wsj unhlllhtily fqulrprd lr a polutuu far in orru of ihr low loljl rj i voo000 nl lli innnct d bmhn involved by uk orttoot oulpmnt rtttat to be carrud by miny ihotuuimt mori- broed shoulder thn i hot which nre itruoalui tcd l dl nuot eorly ehutmo culture cave dwew hmsla ef vtou ww uvd n aos la auska wall prwnd rrmilni of a peie klonninj treniri i limo culture have born found by to ipdirlno wotlofl oaar tht coluirt l 1 irif t in auik de ul- vfilly ol ivnni kanij rnuwoai hborta in a nummoih cjvi uhlch apeanauy lisd hn uud si n bun d vault tie erpa rfilton dluovarrd 10 aktutoos sioee eite iid limps shell pfodots fraeatreta tl wooden armor crud canoca hooowt j eel nl loo a ru jdl and whsuoo uusre blade som of ih alflftofuwaretaastictuaat itatv of prturvatlon kijib rrvturvca de laouaa la tharf ef the aapcditlon ami by the ualwrtlty v uum and the unlvtrtlly ol d fuaaik rrported the cofine ware alnrly hoi lined with pueks and covtrtd wtih a bra board the bones ef oa of the kadis wee towrrd with lun end tht face was p- urvad wi wr able to tlsuaquua it aa that of a very youno voaua uu d leouxu lutrd plan to signal uab3 bruatlsla hope to gel u teach wklt ot n4takboaxe ee at dudjy ruaet driush iclaatuta hone wtthui a ahar time to be able lo unrul mars with a lioh bram of istxo00ixo oluao btuloa candlepowtf ii lhre u any bvtno bttoa on mara with latrlhaoct eneuoh lo re- nond ihry hope this slaaal will tftdta lnm lo amurr prvparutioos art aov uader way by l roup ol aitronomcre and lavaun va tuar a ut low u on ol ih scuauatl who lire interasttd la the project the plan is to construct three projector upporjtus capable of profrctlao the nsosl powtrful erulkul light ray ever createj end trcu these three nrojectofi co tie aummlt of junglrau in swiuetlind the lunafrau bss been selected for the tite because there la adequate alsctrtcsl power el the sumout hi addlttoa there l aa oburvstory oa the esounuin frosi which watch cm be nulntatoed lor the poamblljly of return aljjnals hljnali by nedns of this powtrlul ughl ray will vary we shall send morse code nuiiaacs said mr horry price bead of tin- uriiuh national luborutory of paycki- cji rcaarch we shall project lofrared riys various beets suth as paralul bjis conical brum will be used to pierce the stratonphere and beyond we ire ceruln thrw slonala will be visible on mart and ll there li any intelligent life on the planet the people there should be ibl to ue those alanjls we know that there i vegetable hi on mera and tht lower forms of i lie such ut perhaps insects and reptiles wt hope there are belnus with capacity or coa crpiual thought if there are they caa hirdly miu our signals we shall signal mar dally for aut months over that period we thai vary the time of the day or night during which n- signal to that wt can synchronise the it favorable unve lor mars to receive tl irs ha a short day and a long night aitronomtrs and obiervalortes through out various parts ol ihc world will be ask ed to be on the lookout for algoalj e pcklal lights from mar goitsb a sign ol bdainsf crititrc is a sign ot bruins according to dr icortje w crllc cleveland lurgeoa or crllt told the american asioclatloo lor the study of goitre that tht disease ii mi illy ufftttcd those ubo uud thtlr lirilna rstenalvcly not everyone la smart mough to be ulllictrd with it in bis opin ion contrary to general be ilr i lie aald tltiltre rarely occur in the lower races or rven among the lower types of ctvlllis- tlou it uldoni ulllictrd auccetsfully laiy plruws criminals or morons goitre pri marily orlnlnutet in tin driving eniotlorul ti litre of tie frontal lobe of the brain and u not u thyroid oland disease at ell dr crlle contends lie thyroid in his opin ion is paulve aad has the dluast uh noitd uoon lb contact wmi motiiub eartlf councillor mrs stevenson of csssv bridge ungtsnd apfaklna before tkfl nillonil union of tulld lor qllieashlp ti id the ln ldcil is a cottage and a ii irdcn contact ultli tin- soli j esuo tiil lo human lilt and not in ig so endears i man lo his house u be uhle to sit ut dinner und watch hli milly eating cauhlloweri und patatncr v hlch he has otawi hinitclf in cimk igt we are supplying cottages ol three l tfrooini kit- ihko baili oo lc at from 1192 to 12 05 per week und there la a waulim hit of i klkr families the cottages coil uboul m200 pow t prom till sun upon every square loot uf tit earths mirluce the iuii iletlvcrs 175 waits an ordinary roof 30 by 30 cct receives heat energy tit the rule of 200 hnritpoutr ll u lomputed ihnt enough tiinlinlit ftitl on lltr deck of the atlantic liners to drive tluuu at full speed 3 our business i is printing letter heads sale bills 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