Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1935, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wedneaday evening february 6th 1 935 vicronia winter golf fstival golf 6b nuklm ffeod court flrejr fcd grwtej u atrtialgy tad uwotit u id tntter lx4 wtibetetrasia of wwib i lb- to for tb ikawentb hauej vtoartfij of tb bdffmi uuwlaur oelf lre tawjtobturd ovtum mtela ed tfcistoeiibs liake u wk hay our at vtetert sic vwbruary ftt lure of sutsur gau ferriage it tdt golfer nrt ell tart of canada aad tbe uaiud mtim not o meattoa kuro to rpmete id tbl ao9 ftmou tour- umeat inaugurated tevw fi to v7 tb ttartj hotel vte- loru fcm tw oiaadlta fesuhe railway whb a view to ttiltag lb wuu ikmt canada baa to h course ea vaarouver til and wealber eoeuloee lbs i tboe fartber soulb la ww time tbere u bo lack of prti s end toea of lhn rank blab la lb world of golf troefau t e w utalty troby tttll fraj lb cfauf award but lb bui 114 lu ba algoieeted greatly tb vlrtorta cbaiabar of cotntrc s4 up lie rtfi ejp a tbe reward for aa obb aua- teur etaelotublp tbe iwalty cup beta for handicap blar la um and voaeae dlnuloea tie ui jtet uettoa aoltd mil lab colaafcla tporumaa added bla cup for teler dutrtct la tnatebee plaved for by fourei tttie asd lb victoria hour rlub put up a bidoaa to- bnwl to revatd ik fair golfey who turned in lb best grot qualifying aeor and tb vic toria golf dob end royal ol- vood oolf nub also bav tn blul la toereaalbg lb array of silver war to mora ibts fifty flea peter preaches at pentecost vor 1im ik wevgirt abort end tricky 0k bay court of tb mo tor oolf club baj bj 1ob u tb are c tb 7th dnprf foursamfbt with al wbruary tftn laclualv tyoot fchowt tb flnt offa tb u w ulty cup tboaw uay club hous aud lb opr ilotal quick heat on cold morninqj steady even lieut hione 12w lor blue coal john mcdonald qugghstweet ceowgctoww millinery and furs fall ud wtiu mukatry u a u ndudioa fa ptiot the new cossick sport turban and triangix scarf at gg set ku h4d4ootjr furs furs i furs ah urub of fur coaui abo fur coau hmjua aaj nrjasd by cspeh furtbr misses clar1dge htrau blotlc upttaba gaorgatowb qusnapshotcuilfk i study your composition it t aulu abvlau that alaturaa f omim of aaapla ar aaimali u0h aa tb bar akoun abava abauld ba ukm with th eamara in a fcarltantal baaltlaa whll arehaa blah waurfalla ato abauld b varileat u tbwbpapen caraararasa art boumm sharply erltleltad by tboa who couldar photography aa an art for vaioua faolta la com po sition ilifctlbj ahadowa ate thaaa critics uay ba rliht but thsy do sot atop to eualdar that tba nawa camaramas moat taka hu plctura whfo ba can cat it and oftaa oa tba run ua tha pktur of aa indlvldoal or action ba t attar aad haavaa balp him if ba rateraa to bia elty ad l tor aad aaya sorry cbutv but i dido t tat rtiit plclura of tba mayor baibg ilunad tba bub waa 1b tba wrobx poaltloa tba ahadowa tar- rlbla and tba mayor waa id as atro cious poaa wbsa ba waa struck oohl sbuddar to think of what would happen to that caucramaat tbara la on polat bowavar wa can alnaara from tba nawa eamara- mao and prodt by it 1b tavlbg mora ibtaraatlbc pleturaa it u tbla in clude only tha principal aubjaet 1b a dletur is otbar worda if you ara taking a pktur of as individual or a group focua tba una oo tba prin cipal aubjaet and forfat about tba sharpnu of tba baebtround or tba surround i at acaaory bululnc or wbatovar it may ba uulaaa tba baelc- t round la of bomb tmportajua and a part of tba itory if you ara taking a undsrspa pto tu dttermlna bafora you aboot iba uoat altraetlva vlaw and cobmb trata your foeualni on that pot- two pleturaa showing two wall cow poaad and attraetlva acanaa ara worth many snapahoti with inna uerabla polau of poaalbla intaraat tbaa thir la tba abana of tba pic ture to comldcr tttrat of all tbu la eontrolud by tba way tba earns fa la bald vartleally or boruonally a big b watarfall tor instanc or a ins la flaurattandlbb ib a high door way obviously should ba laksn wltb tha camsra la a vartlcal position whlla oa iba othsf hand a land- acapa a hard of cattla or a acaturad group of paopla should ba loappad wltb tha eamara hsld hortiontally allboogb tha right eamara poal tloa baa baaa chosen trimming may ba advlsabl to cut out unattraetlv or anaacaaury data is which war not notlead la iba flndsr whan tha pletur waa taken tbla can ba dona by masking tha fllm whan it la prlntad to allmlnata too much iky or ohjacti at althar aid of tba plc- tura that may distract tha attention from tba vlaw you had in mind at tba lima you took tba picture oc casionally it la advisable to trim away tba background altogether and mount tba principal subject aa a cutout on tha album page ovals clrelaa aad panel ara abapaa which suit varloua typaa or anbjacta clrelaa making attraetlva ttamaa for portraits tba alt of tha elrcle aad its position wltb regard to tba hand must ba latt to individu al usta but wher tha head la not shown 1b full front vlaw mora spar should ba left on tha sld toward wblcb tba faca la turned trimming will often enable a draatlo ebani to ba made in tba composition of a pktur trimming tba print at top and bottom to make long narrow horizontal pans la oftasi very effective if you are not quit latlahad with your print usa four placaa or paper aa a mask and you will readily tea if trimming will make a great improvement try it john van aimldbtt relieved gtsr boy fcooua hovesvt u ad- diuub0 kv ukutcnavft oovubmoal if you speaji to a boy about camp ing you wtu ta his eye apartde as if raoactlnc tha bright glaam of camp flrta i you uu him a story of a baxkwoodiman an asplorer a ploaaar on soma distant frontier or of aoea lauly pathflndar in th wild of tha world h will alt suant anrapt look ing at you and drinking in awry word you aay talk to any boy of moun tains and valleys graai lakaa foraata and waterfalls and with vivid pottle imagination h will real th wind of high place on hi chaak h will hear tha stirring of leave ha will aa btma on tha wing and catch gumptaa of that furry ewtrtfootad creature ba ha read about but has never aaan ntvtr ax amsas so kaan navar ara purpoaaa to high nawr ar tdaaia ao untarnished and navar la an outlat ao naoauary for all thaa tint fraah youthful tmpulsaa as in boynood that la why i walooma thla oppor- tunlty to apeak of tha finaat waa nil uon for boya that aiuta in tha wortd today th boy scout ad tta na tural love of boya for tha outdoor all thatr longing for good eoiaradaahlp all thalr haalthy daalra for play and advantura and complatert ajrpraaaioo in tha boy scout organlxauon but van mora important than thaa la th inculcation of all thoa cjualiu of haart and mod and body which maka for nod elttaanahl a boy scout la wltrallant tu u loyal h laarna to b utaful abova all ha laama to aarva othara by balnlng tham thou lutaniot to ma thla awning hav only to read tha anundld scout coda to ordar to hoognlaa bauar thaa through any worda of nun that by tiiauguraung a campaign for th ax tension of th boy boouta aaaoclaltfln in canada and by luulng a challanga to tha boy soouu to tocraua thalr numbara from a to not law than 100000 ilia rvnallanry tha oovamor oanaral la randarlng a sarvto of un- daraualad importanoa to thar youth of thla rvwwrij every normal boy want to ba a boy soout and my own admiration for thla great youth movamant and tha valua of its trautna la auch that x am convinced that tha wfcola duty of a rather to hie son ha not bn duchargad until that boy haj baas encouraged to join tha boy soout or- ganlfailon ror that organtaatlon will maka a true loyat honourabl uiaful man of any boy it will maka him in a word a good scout than which no higher trlbuta asltta in canada thar ara hundrada of nwmlu even now when thar ara no boy scout tha mora you know about tha alma and idaal of boy boouta tha mora keenly will you undaraund what a groat lota that la to tha boya of any community but it u not x fl aura an irraparabla loia it la for tha grown up tha adult tha parent in vary oommunlty to maka good that lota that can ba dona by anthual attlo cooperation tn thla campaign and by a aerioua effort to maka avail- bt to all boya tha opportunity to beoom boy scout andthat wean not leatt chat money will ba n try era growth u potalbl uay i therefore urge all my 11a tenera to do all that lia in thatr power to make the expansion of tha uoy scout movement a gloriua reality then when lord badenpowell the chief scout of the world cornea to 0nu next soring he will find not ea ooo but many more boy scout re presenting the flower of our youth tn every large and email community to every province ur e w neatty the prealdent of this great movement for tha boya of canada ha himself told me with what enthuslaxm with what joy and with what a profound tenia of our duty to and responsibility for youth he ruu entered into thla great cam paign for our boya and x know of no finer tribute that could be paid to the governor aeneral juat a x know that he himself in thla year of hi de parture from canada would with to leave behind him no wore fragrant and enduring memory than that of being remembered for generation to come a the uunlrer and the tnaugur- ator of thla eplendld campaign for tha youth of canada tha country in which ha hag with audi chaita and vigor distinguished himself aa reore- senuuve of his oraoloua sfajeaty the bung 00ldr text thaa pwut unto thaot kpnt tad be bavptwj try tai of oj td th namai ea tuns diriai tof th rtwnlnton of aim and ye ahall ttwtv the girt of th kioly ohoai- acta 3 u lkaaom pabaaoe aria s isu m41 x tay to ell taun far and nr tnat la rwri again that lie u with ue nov and hte and tver shall rtaaln and what i say u4 tach thla mora 00 uu it to hu frwod that aaan to vwwff pue thall uwn hi kiogdoal without trkt trns by cthhia wlnkvortlt a twauli m v h admittedly pvur ptvaxlwd a grat ttnaon ort the day of wntoot what nude u graatt oo factor wj that he had a dittull inamuae lie rlalidtxt tr fact of chrut larl4- fcvur had a laag ppartum for the prvmchtng of hi pmucou ur- mon 111 coafalon of faith enur- d tnto it hu wnul of chrut and hu threefold puwls of loymlty vto umtxitd had given him an cntouonaj quickening tn audtmc auo wa a challenge uany ptlgruru wre in jruultj for the ceubratlon of the ivatt of ivntacot and rllglou frcl tnj ran throughout the whole elty of jualtxi tkere had bn much dt- eutalon of the crucutaton of jawue and peter eeuht the tntmt of hu hear- v by ttarttag whet they wr tn the mid of you as ye yourmlvre al to know peter had paued through a grwt eawrunce he waa estaed by a eat eonvutlon and in hi sermon he 1 a greet purpo that of wuaeta- tng to the erucalud chrit and the rua tod- the content of the nue ee made pthr trmon forceful a cow eag uu why are to many addrtaat twuy dullr le it not becauae the speaker make ao ehajjoage to hit auduneef if the audience la favourable the apeaker ukee auent tor granted and 1 the audwno u houl the anwker trta- to be oonctliavtory and avoid dis cord apdertnuy ptr tnvltad eon- ftict- with no thoughts of tact or peraonal immunity he aremad haarre of having tlain jetue with wicked hand and annourvd tnat tha one whom hey had killed had titan from the dead we ulte the full challenge of tie stales whom ood hath raued up having lootad tha paina of death beaut it waa not poulble that he should be holdea of it peter believed what many of hie hearer did not believe butted of toning dowu hie cwlara- uon ba attetted it la matt provo cative form the preacher for the day waa to filled wtlii the holy spirit that h watted no time aaytng pretty nwhlnga hu worda had a keen cut ting cage that made a clearcut cleav age btwwrn what the speaker and the eudlenoe believed tba maaiteual tttekgresru all public speakers in oddretung an kl neeu to undtrttjind me lac o oactground tnlnalng par intiance vnen a ieaaer of a government matx an addrct he muu recaon wim tc partlten trtduiaa of hi indivuiuai ucaitre rcacjung beck u may be tor lo or wree generation tni baca ground may be a fctip or a tuoca u tne cate xe apeaksr la pretenimg oompare tne diuerenc in ouuooat be- lbean an auojeoxe in apft or in hutiia today toe tp of peopie are unprctuiaied wju 10 quit oil lnni p peter knee the uppaj o jwua nutory and poetry to a jerutaiem audtenca and te used several familiar versce to rtlnloroe his argumant- uavid aa one of the naroae of hebrew hittory and when peter wa am to and the tame prin ciple tn a ptaun that he had been at- terung concerning th nturrecuon of chrua it made an etlecuve argument aa a rule poetry u not aflecuve in a aarmoo clien tteuaute u 1 read or recued too rapiaiy and the audience cannot follow a streag ceavteuea uu a good sermon should be like an addreee that lead up to a motion or it eaould b a rnordniing of argumenu until tne command may be given porwans llerch i peura tarmon brought retulta uany ttrf not produce ratulu tome may noi even be aipected to peter apou wuh aucr atrong conviction that hi con viction became the conviction of hi a4adianoa hi word waa lai all tne houto of israel know atturadiy tne result waa thai hie hearer were pricked in thalr heart and i peter and the other atpottiea seen and brethren what anail w dor peter waa prepared to answer thai quattlon lie knew exactly what tha uext tup ahould be ill anawer was that they ahould repent and ba bap- tlaed tua promlt wa that tha con vert would receive tha pretence of tha holy spirit lie ut tham know that thalr conversion waa not momentary axperleno but would have significance tax future generations ue warned them tnat they had no aaay fight on their hands aa thatr en vironment wo all against them- lie summed up hla mettage thus save yourselves from this untoward gener- tlon do peopl welcome that kind of preaching today a pakue oeafeaiuev 41 peura dynamlo personality entered into hie historic tarmon but let ue not forget that ha and tha other altcjnles had bean praying for day their heart were prepared for tha holy spirit to ute them a great religious celebration and dramatic historical event provided a eontltlsed audience those who gladly received the word were baptised and tha aama day there were added about three thous and aoule lett week letton told of peura catch of one hundred and fiftythree nthae but thu week tolls of peur catching three thousand oonverta truly he had become fisher of men it u often said that autistic are no true test of religious influence but tha plain fact u that when there are no conversion reli gion u usually ufeleta and cold peura hearer were to moved that they were ready to ahow their colors mo longer would they remain in tha ye but fleiitrvthon they gladly received tha word and publicly pro faned thatr faith secret ohrutlam may ba alnoere christiana but with out public wltneae we withhold aome- thing of valua to the kingdom of ood qaeeileae far plaemilia 1 are there eermoa hardened pagans in the pew 3 which u more esectlve penuaalon or rebuke 3 do you ilka poetical quotations in sermon 4 should then be an open forum af tar tvtiy termon 6 what chance have church members to witness not a rheumatic pain lorj years 7tyer4u mam praiee kkuachen a men who once suffervd severely front rffumatuiii writes tor a long time i urrd with rheumttluzi and at one tune a laid up for about nine rtu about five yrar aao i was advld to try krutchrn i did o end luiv oon- ttnud uilna tlirm excr snee krui- ctwn dul ihr trick aa i havp not had a rtrumallc pain lor oer four vrar f am nearly 70 ears ol ajr and tetl- lng fine and b1hvs able for my day a woik thank to kruwhrn ait krutdn dt cuc oua tlu nvdlr0lntd rrjwtal of urlr ucld which ore the cauw of all rtin malic trouble it lll oli riij tloe i k lolved rryuau flran out cf ihe tn then h ou keep up d r little dally dote rucf uric acd will nrtr fart again aunt uaty rtelderthruah of u ridge aaya that many a gbi u tingle baeauu ah eoumnt atay awake while a weff tilka about tikneelf youth oarilng do you think you could manage to live on ho a week sweet voting thing ye a week but not much longer reeponiibuity la put on the ahoul dare of one who can bear it in trying to improve one may be come duoouraged by attempting to do too muck at one tune druggist to farmer wife da you have a hog caller on your farm mev vptfe vee tha dinner bell am cdiyoa uxcairru j fffftaai netetpeper column ertur who uted to be a dally column wrtur was ulllng hi readers tlie other day how he did hi wrlttng hi excute for telling them a ha maintained was that there at a considerable public curtotuy about it 1u tald that lie uwnt about all over the place for 18 hours a day taking not on utile nondetcrlpt blu of paper of things he taw and things that people tald to him then he tald he came into the otnee and ha read hi notes for an hour then he tald he tat down to his type writer and in another liour he liod the thing done com pic u then tald he ent home to bed we remember thinking a e reed it that it was a free and carefree ren dering of a method of nmtpaper composition undoubtedly authentic especially the bit about going home to bed we are unable to report in this more auiure place similar pub lic curuulty about the methods of more regular newspaper writers tn tha ara uon of their blu and piece w have found foe our part t are tarry to tay the almost universal in cidence of a popular delusion xl teemt to be summed if the thing u worth a moments conjecture at all- thai you just alt dom to your type writer and hey prealo the bit or piece u accomplished all these column of printed mat ter which appear in the paper day by day which are nnt of all visible tn time and space a writings done by the hands of writing men and women they are just ao many fortui tous rabbit otu of the magical jour- nalutlo hat that teems to be the general idea but we shouldnt be making this mild complaint if it were not the making it permit u to aay tome- thing that has long been waiting to be tald about office visitors they are the people who come hi and by all their speech and conduct infer that you are not writing unlets you are actually slogging away at your typewriter in fact they infer that you are not working at ail x tee youve not been working they aay or i see you are not buiy for a minute oometlmee they want to know what you do with yourself tn a newspaper omce when you are not writing what doe the editor do said one of them ood bleat hi heart betide writing the editorials well there u no making any head way against a popular delusion of this sort we might aa well own up to it that we just down to our typewrit er and write whatever cornea into our head if we said that we took note for 16 hour a day hike a column writer we shouldnt be believed if we said that newspapermen tometlmea had to read as well at write somebody would tay what for we think we had better put 30 under trls and go home to bed your last chance in i is s ii as a awawa seisaaraweai the georgetown herald offers you trzk tt i rw if ra 1 monymailbqx hr st a rami effcr tkat will v you tnonay otvai yourself and your family uttlnf njoymarrt nrj htriinmrit the whole year through this is all you have is do notice to creditors la ik ullut tl ik but l joitm fcbcluu 1111x18 liullul vu ut 1 hunl la ui cout o uftlua rtptrtomktr dnmha all praotu havlns claim ualjut tb itt or john ifcoiur luuu lat ol th vllur ol norval in ui county of llalton daprmlker d coajml who dlod on or about the 6lh day of october 1034 ar nqulrod to und tamo by realatorod pait prepaid u tn undertlimml aollcltor on or ba- for th 6th day or pmruary 1039 othrwu th estate wul be distribut ed without reirard to their claims t a llutcllinaon ullton ont bollcltor for the executor hilton january llth 1119 it floral designs wnauk ihmja basket aaj all rtaral wattj uadj aaj allhrml mucei beabonabli h q j farmer chas dawbon ruugv cul flowers polled plants and floral designs phone 68 georgetown ofb nltbtal hah l w tmlw stkli inv of llusilammis miiiiiics arid you will receive the whole 4 publk ttdtis tor one year from the date we receive the coupon here it the amailrtt eeinblratiofi lew price m tvtadaaaa ua 1 1r- iv kdrui tt4m 1y i ctwiihm tfarttitswurw tilrlisiihiiifaivi our qfirgpli w vehll tbl wobdrfful offer te avail- able to old and new eubterib- er to thl newvpr we guarantee the ruuuinbeflt of all msgailne ribrlpttona and you have poaillve ateuranc ibtt tbla giroua offer it exactly a rqtmmtta he- rwwale wtu be uteoded for full ui mail couhm todav aks assfttf htss ptmm clip lls ol uipulul after hecllo j pylll- ftoaj deilwl rtli out roupoa rereully cuetuofesa i ulcm i puase fcv m the thr maaailna checked with yves subunpucn to your rtswsiaper htbu bthdttolt bf d towh and hovincz owing to the number of subscriptions that have been coming in and in order that nobody may miss this offer we are holding it open until friday february isth 1d3s when it positively will be closed our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogs booklets office forms prompt work broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards low prices when you wunt printing you naturally want ad printing promptly done at fair cost that i the kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modem type facer a wide election of paper stocks and layout uggeition which will enable you to attain real quality character for your busineu or enter prise be the job large or email we can urve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you with auitt you in planning the work to be dona phone no 8 the georgetown herald

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