Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1935, p. 2

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pb 2 tke georgetown herald wed bedy evening february 13th i93s bokm pajb8 at st jotph otsslph on thursday january slst uas tou and uit gordon tw crf o0rlown a s0j3 davld oor- don btzn mrnrrfu at victoria ito on tudy rb- mil 165 john uc- nb milfolpl formerly of cuor- town in hu win year sjuuatmai at lumuton on sun day swb kkh ibu robert sor- fcrk ucuutfr glen williams oantjary jjjaies uyuon oal 0 acton senior business bun and an cuiaandig citisen of th fwwunlty jtmu liymon passul away on imday liu at hi horn wj low street after an ulnea of two ttoalhx ur uyinoa tuu not enjoyed gdod bsilth for lorn tr but uutu a couple 0 months 8iio was able to be stout and ta tut pile of buslnest a saa of th uu chsrle fiymen the dmud was bora in actoa within a laotit 0 hi uu residence and haj spent almost hi emir ufa her u a kten butlneu man and a pub- ueapulud cluiin in evry part ol the cdiidunlty rl loss wlu b mourn ed bawld his wtdo who vu pruw to faiarruge ulsa fcusalrfh uc- hurton ha imvm to mourn hi paiss- ins on daughter uarguerltv and two una ctsru of toronto and lfjjpeurfcorj si liome oo ton john p away about 8v yvara ago just as ha reached manriood and uiu wa a dp wrov to th father and family wo sitter un kowrt oaunbau of fisult sle uaru and ufa j ucoul of ouavi and two brothara ur alia bywon cf- htn woa uan and ur john byraon of klrkland lake also remain to all of th bervd th sympathy from a wide cikl of friend to out at this tlmv prtmm kobzbt r sscatttcal after being in poor hsailh for aura tlm robert porgrave uciluur a lifelong resident 0 oln wullshi pssstd away at th lioma of hi djhjhtr ura john px ilarallton oftanday fcrb 10th in hi 73th jrar drceawd wai lh oldn1 ion of the lata ur and ura ilourt ucuuter and wna bom at uanbrrx near ivlfr- boro coralnz to oltn wullama villi hit parrati whrn quite youni- if farmed prsrtlrally all hu uf on th farms he hrlpm to clrar lilt vlf who was fornwrly ulu annlf itor- too prmritrd hlm two yar tfto llurvlvlnz ar thrf ton u j lie- uaiter of toronto ttc rotwrt uc uattrr of toronto ivtwilvc ivpt idaard of toronio uotor iwlfe and ow daughter un john ivace of hamilton rxir brellirr and four litr alo iurvhr iumusi thoaia and ula uy in llrn wlllltrit joseph detroit w j ifjiokan waih ur itbfrt vance urandon uan un wnt iutinu urllta hun and ura o fi outhrte toronto the late rohm uruaster wat an honorablr man a enad nrlkhbor and rwtwlrv throughout the tftnm unity 1u- m a memhrr of union itroivtern church and ue funrrat unlr e timdiy were eondutird by hit pit tor llev ur uafdontld of norval ttva pillhrarrr wcr lurry lrwlt to ronto l uarohrwrnt jotin h uc- uajjtr oordon uuiiln cltwnre uuj- lln clifford uulltn ttie irmatns were interred in the famjly plot in olm vllllm cenvtrry the way to juris your idraj and outtutdt u to look round and how far they hae brougltl ou news from the nyal drug store mk nyal weekly special iu milk of magnesia s mint flavored 16 ount liiji 60c value 33c a new ti1uill vi 8uavino vue wasdon1a btlu lui4 r8e blut ut hitkitf cf tea huum buam ff lm a hllultu untaia taaim- a u1uj 8r italian bau dliibif dmj tlls vila u bcuaapt tk iui coo uveb on ii chocotax lit idral lsu- ut r r4 w lui tla isf rokiianr tooth rastc lazf isu u ihniobdb bauam or uvbbii th lilftl luswkou ahumpuc s ue i1js maccormacks drug store wl dclivck o to narrow atrempted holdup at acton garage cuier uahsiuxx o- okouie- towm najulxy klum dowm iw attftuet to btor kuina tn an aiumpud holdup it tint tyhr aarage at acton about 1 oclock uaiuruay night uwce nervoou atiuutur bandiu ll pollc through a uiua ctiase axrou two countlu and luiauy cbcuptvl uiier a fourmil daxh orr jioncidd fielda when a nolcn car tlfy were driving akidd mto uic uiicli ol the no 7 llulway two miuk urtt of llramuton unvlni tnio uw runwuy oi th ir- vko tuiion at acton the bandit lit a tiud to euturt money from td- wuid iliff in clme oi the auuoo ut hit muxilr of a gun uxjjiahlk- another auto drtten by l uuftiikiw actoji had pullad lout ttw tliiiin one of the bandlu waul ed to uuwnlo car tirppad in and jjirantxl a gjn agaiiiu urownlowr iiu tjirr moved owe lo the ufown- low car and aiked wliat lia wanwd out lliownlow wot afraid to tprak- tta talkr of tli two men who lxt hie cr iww behind tylar told hiss to come acioi- tyler turned out hu potkrtt to tliow that ha had no inuniy on lilm and the nun drov u4uy alth hc sauoru of ga their oujy loot tjler pliontd chief if ucltirwn ation and clilrf w o uarhall at ueorgttotn clui uiirliall com- nut i wl ring a cur driven oy a ll criyp utotgelowd waiud at a bend 1 m tlie hlgtiway within ilia town lunlu chitt uj ratal 1 ralud hit hand to ttop a car he thought taight have brcn tnat diltru by tit liiiw landlla wrjn the car neaity ran him cava lie dkii hit gun and ai the car alew- txl about a und tn ttu urwt almoat overturning he fired at th ga tank the ajiu apparently had noetfact and uanhau took up the chu with crippa tjcar th pint una sl of dramd- ton l he bandit drota uielr car into a ditch after a ahort ikld on uk alippcry pavtmenu aba th car ihry ran into a field uanhall went on lo nrampton to acura i pone and tramo ocdcj flay llod um orampton who wa on th look out for th thre men gave chaa uuough th celda th lhr men apparenuy aeparal- rd io turning north and thr othrr golna aouth octkar llodgion in hoi puttuu of th two captured their overcoat which they threw off to gain apeed chief andrew llerkaa and a roup of brampton civilian took up th pursuit working in ralaya thalr track were tou on tho flru una eaat hey apparently mvlnji turned toward toronto the poue patrolled tha dia trlct until dawn wuttout reault tlie car in which the attempted raid wa made wat atolrn from toronto at 4 jo pin uatumay and belonged to a u llohuuon is llumber view lload th ooau picked up contained a picture of a girl and a boa of am munition for a m calibre automat la putol description of the two man torn by tylrr tallied with tho of hodgion al though the third man lo the car wat not clearly ween by any of tlte purturra pure food store 2 tim garden patch whole kernel golden cora 25c toll tin country club brand fancy soclteye salmon 33c flat half lize tin country club brand fancy soclteye salmon 20c no 214 country club brand tomato juice 10c 2 tini hereford brand corned beef 25e symington fineit quality euence of coffee per bottle isc 2 x 8 oi bottle club house french style mustard 19e 15 oi bottle butternut brand peanut butter 17c 2 x 14 oi bottlei croue blaclwelli catsup 25c domestic shortening per lb pwg 12c 16 oi tin homes double cream brand custard powder 25c chase sanborns bullc coffee freshly ground lb 33c choice fresh fruit and vegetables smoked fillets and ciscoes a e farnell phone 76 we deliver centre- poise riding in vs passengers located close to center of car three major engineering principles combine to give to the new ford v8 for 1 935 what ford engineers term the centerpoise ride these principles are correct spring suspension involving equality of front and rear sprmg flexibility proper car weight balance and pas senger weight distribution location of passengers close to the center of the cor utilization of these in combination as prac ticed by ford engineers achieves for the new ford v8 remarkable improvement in riding comfort without sacrifice of either safety or stability see it today at our showroom a e crpps ford sales and service phone day ornlght 2s0 main street georgetown w c t u owing to a necetaaxy change of plan lira a j oneill again very kindly woa hottei to tha women christian temperance union for the monthly meeting neld laat riday af ternoon tho president ura vanatter wel comed several visitor including the guut peaicr captain howell of tho ualvation army and ura and ulu utephenoin of llmehout whoae beautiful melange in aoruj sh only touched the hem of iii garment brought to all present a renewed aenae of the power oi the living loving lord captain howell addreta a aplen dldly challenging and inspiring me tage wut bturd upon a atudy of tha ufo of queen etlhcr who in a time of national peril was met with tha challengo of the queatlon who knowcth whether thou art not oome to the kingdom for auch a time at tiuar cither aland out in history at an example oi individual courage and effort one- ro for the take oi her people deckled calmly to aland out egalntt custom planned wisely and faced coruecjuencaa unfalteringly the speaker reminded each of u thai we too have individual reapon- tibulty to accept the challenge of out place in life a courageously wisely and faithfully a esther btrcming the educative effect of law the lamented the present liquor legislation tuggestlng at it doee to youth that indulgence in intoxicant l not a harmful practice one urged that all women recognise their duty and responsibility to dltoountenance in every possible way tha use of al coholic beverage lo vote for men who will put the welfare of the cltlaen of our land beioro party politic and to pray unceasingly for the conqunt of the righteousness which exalte th a nation it wa decided to leave the rongementa re the visit of ulsa duff in the hand of tha aubexecullvo ura a uecvc and ura o u day- foot were appointed delegate to the annual convention oi the ontario temperance federation to be held in toronto feb 31tt and und in honor of our guest a social half hour wa spent when all enjoyed the cheering cup of tea served by hottrtt thus bringing to a close pleasant and profitable session the march meeting will be held at tho home of ulsa coventry obituary john mcnab malcolm a former resident of georgetown and norval in the person of john mcnab uelcolm died in victoria b o on tuesday feb 6th in hu mth year the late ur malcolm taught school in georgetown over fifty year ago ho also taught school in norval and was bookkeeper in noblea villa for a number of years borne of our older residents will no doubt renum ber tho late ur ualoolm e5quesing council uamv stllstr axcouwtw taxl uncollfcclfoi taku wvttkof o auslb 8tmrttown rb uth last the- council held their rulr toon- tidy mung oa monday afianioou deputy iliwve l l uuliln oouncd- lors o w uurray n a- hofamsou ajul w a wilson wr prsnl tave oeorge curru prsidad at the mt- ing the minuiaa oi last fcrssallng were rd and connroisd commiip w d frooi depanmanl oi juihwaya janklna et hardy sir a l nou and ur 00- uflhall j t uoved by o w uurray aaooivud by n a- itoblnson that the trsurr pay oeorge k soltott on account 7t1 town of uilton ssusongt uisre of division court fe for latt 113 ix board of hydro ootfinlsalonart oforgeurwn olen hydro lo dae- si ljt tijoq th uunietpal would tuppue uu j h boiuh 1 cjord turd wood for council chairiur ia mil telephone co ui31 ttm wt ilea total m i- u iteonatt hu- tratlofi of blrtha uamafcm and deattu for 16m u09miml uoved by w a wuson si by u l uullln that th trsuurr pay relief account e- orespstn grocartaa auppiud to o lutio 1131 to c curru aii to u ulaugruln mm to j zanatu tfi to iv twraflnl m to v hlgo mj to j uliarp uu to ltossiw uoi to j durante ja milk to durante 1163 total ail i j l kf rvrlow groeertm auppliad to hilson tllm to o uasiq iso u k casudy uiu to j hharp 1455 durante mis to j- zanatu 1413- to u uclaughiln alii to i uerannl i10u to w 0uht mm to v itlgo a1t lo b- hoar i1s to a nova w to c currte ido total iioaie i u uannatt oetru upplud to wo dickinson m 10 if itcbaeuon rowru supnllad to j ilrndarsoo ttj7 t h tssrnhlu grooerle suppllsd to j- lurgraava til jt llitt uaw gtooarta auppuad c vivian tn dc 14c in jan was to tal uw un xcam ttootrua aupplud to a t liovurtdg milk suppuad to j ilendaraon woo p wagstan milk aupcuad to wb allan in dm dh in jan 94k to j ucquarru uu to a norton in dk mm in jan uu total llakj charlea iloberta milk auppliad to u uclaughltn mm to t oaialdy jia total h 44 a i uacnslb ahoaa supclud j hilson uod to l sarannl tlae to u uclaughlln uu total i13s j ii iimlth wood auppuad to j hilton w0 to ww gordon 1400 to c- vivian uu total tssm it o adams u ton coke dllvrd to u uclaughlln uu ii ourru 1 tons coke cuuvertd to j llargraava lltad t nobb hauling wood for wm gal lagher ww ura nelson milk auppuad to wm gallagher 1143 c k hill milk auppuad to j sharp uu itichard parson milk tuppliad j hilson uu 0 nadalln milk tuppliad to j zanalta altj to v hjo wm o nova llu total isjst wm oilman milk auppuad to uoquani uc to n norton vim to e vivian in dae tic tn jan wm total i4it d urtu footwaar auppuad to j ucquam aio- erwtn a odd ham meat auppuad to a norton tn nov wo tn dec ilm in jan all j to j llargraavaa dae tloo tn jan wm to n norton in dec lie tn jan iltb to h j ihmm tn dec i1j0 lo j ilandaraon wc to wm dickinson ilia vivian u33 to j uoqaurrle u45 total illm d t galloway meat auppuad to u oeraflnl tn sept 1100 tn dao 1c0 to j sharp tn dec foc to u uc- laughun in dec mao to o ourrt in dec iftc total wm john graham muk auppuad to j hargreavaa utx wm scharik aocaru auppuad to o campbau wu to j uoquarrle iljaj to k vivian ww to wm auan ww to n norton 10t9 arthur norton lloe total a54ja carried uoved by n a robinson wmrt by o w uurray the treaaurar pay tha road bhaata a preaenud by the road lluperlntendsnt weeev carried uoved byul uullln aaoondad by n a hoblnsoa that this council sinks tha rate at s mlua for getural butlnesa with i mlu for cuqclt-uo- tlon lost uoved fay o w uurray seconded by w a wilson that the uncollect- able taxes be written or the rolls as rvoommended by the auditor amount wutov carried uoved by n a robinson aaoondad by l l uullln that this council do now adjourn to meet uonday uar 11th at im tun or at th cau of tts reeve carried norval norval junior kwrmr tjid institute will present thai eoovly oocnlng through th r under dlraellori oi ura r c bhlpp on mdy rb- is in the pariah iuu norval- fletc1ieu- a hall fletcher albert hall passed away at the home of hi niece urs a 8 wal lace uocartnoy btreet orangevule on oaturday fob and at the age of tt leorx decoasod was a son of tne late ir and ura albert hall ana wat bam and reared tn halton county he was unmarried and is the last but one of a family of ten in his early ufo he engaged tn fanning near uu- ton but retired to guelph twenty year ago three years ago he mov ed to oronsevllle to take up residence with his niece ura wallace deceas ed wot a member of dublin street united church auelph and liberal in politics he u survived by one slater ura b uoourdy of uilton the funeral was held from the home of ur and urs wallace to church- vllle cemetery on uonday afternoon following a short service at the house by rev hobt pogue tjje pallbearers were messrs ww uoouvdy clarence stanley and harold hall cart saun ders and robt uoourdy omngevule banner ulu agnes macphall progressive member for southeast grey old the house of commons last week that wore than titty per cent or tho peo ple of grey county suffer from ftohre due to the fact that the county hu bad water i ashgrove last uonday turning rvb 4th th v p 8- held a unlqu valentine so cial undr th leadership of ur harold water and ur john bird a carefully plsnnsd program wa followed opening wuh a worship aervloe of scripture and prayer thtn tfsmea and contest appropriate for th evening were played on of these a uotlorf song entltud down by th old uu1 stream ceumd much merriment another ipwlsl feature was a valentin nou ordce an added part to this jolly evening wa one hundred educational illu on cansda tupplud by our pastor iuv u ityre on tuesday t w u rld their regular meeting wuh a good alien- dac th roll rail wa anvweid with a thought on lrawr and lh elhotlonaj exrrelse wtr taken by un- c ii dick th atudy ehapu wa given by un a j huddell and un- clayton wuxn favored ut with a solo what if it were today a aultabl leading on ulision work tn alturta wut rrud by una n c- wrlg- glmwarth punt werv mad for a sysrui to be held on wtittfulay wb mth th v p h held their devotional meeting on sunday night with ur jack huddtll presiding trt worship aervtce included quiet music rrtpnn- ilv redthg by all irrpune psa 1u 11j by ur oeo huglta prayer by ur harold slater a story the ulractr oi tleauty by ult u hull and a reading by ulsa edjth wrwle- vorth in th tvgular part of the suun th mlome werv wad by ur rianci thompson two musical number a piano instrumental by uu isabel wrlnletworth and a solo by ur gordon mrayford tt- topic th light of lh uomlngt wa ably given by ur jack huddsu special weekend jf f 1t g 9 q prices at a vb az3 fancy quality meats fish and pfovisiorig special welwott brutd creamery butter 2 lbs 55c church news seristatw txt abeve all taking the auail a faith wharewlui y ahau to aai u tmtvelt all ut fiery elarte ai lb wicked kba ft la st geergva chureli rev w o o thompson rector seuagesinm sun day holy com munion am- sun day school 10 am holy communion 11 sun rvensong t pjn corporate communion of tha son of st george m the eleven oclock celebration bl albaas chare glen wl septuagealma sunday sunday school 3 pjn evensong i pra sunday kingdom dome easter sails cfaawh wb ifth subject thy by the pastor rev culled chareh rev r w rumley ulnuter 10 am sunday school and bible classes ll am uomtnjr worship tha great commission of christ to the church sermon for juniors v pm evening service uuslo by the choir old hymns for the congregation all are welcome ur norman laird choir leader thin rundown pimples wnt hundreds have added from 4 to is pounds in a ahort time with o- o st o tonic tablets ciontajnlna blauds iron yeast extract of odd liver and calcium they make rich red blood tone up entire ayatam clear up com plexion ateady nerves give new pep and vitality peel better look more attractive get o o b tulfl tablet at swoblvs dftug stostk fusiie 18 caeegetow oastd ov thanks ur and ura starry hayward of tenia cotta thank their many friends and neighbors for idridneas and sym pathy extended to them in their very aad bereavement by the death of their dear little son tarold laweranoe hay ward choice rump roasls ol teel 13c ih mealy shoulder roasls ol prime beel lie lb terracotta it is our cad duly this wek tc chronic th sudden passing oi har old lawrenc hayward infant son of ur and ura harry hayward who passed away on tuesday evening last being ul only for about on day this was a lfrrtbl shock to th parent and tha community the funeral took plan from hi father horn on thursday afternoon interment being in oun william cemetery th sarvloe were conducted by their pas tor the iuv ur hodgvon of chelten ham unttad church the casket was covered with flowers from the family and friend th pallbearer were uessra prank hampton herbert itoblnson donald parker willi wu klnson we all join in extending our deepest sympathy to the bereaved parent and friends ura h puckering and son stuart and urt it puckering have return ed after a plrasant visit with toron to friends glen williams the young folk of the united church bible class held a tobogganing party on friday evening at ur beam uany spill and thrula were experi enced without a cajuallty and a most enjoyable time ws spent by au ura beam entertained the young people afterward lunch wa served and thus ended an rnjoyable evening th sincere sympathy of the olen l extended to the family oi the 1st ur robert ucuatter on of our old- eat and moat etteemed resident who passed away this week ulsa uary wagatatle returned horn from tha hospital on friday and la progressing splendidly after her recent operation ura ucolbbon returned hems on sunday after spending several week tn oakvule the regular meeting oi the avp a waa held on uonday evening with a large attendance the visitor of the evening were ulsa rena ail uu dorothy eltton ur cfcart uercer and ur uansel ketchen of the peel deanery and district local council they provided an instructive and interesting program lunch was served by th members at the con clusion attention i you have till feb und to hunt up that fancy costume for tha olen fancy dress dance four prises will be given watch nest weeks herald dav of fftayxft to be uajtch t once again women of all denomin ation tn au part of the world wiu unite in a day of prayer program for which will be practically the same in every country this year the theme of the world day of prayer 1 bear ye one an- othera burdens and the general pro gram was prepared by the vicechair man or the international utttlonary council the baroneae van boetzelaer van dubbeldam of holland special attention is also being given thla year to tha program for young cople which was prepared by ulu arjorls trotter prtnclpal of uoul- ton college toronto ai the request olsthe interboard committee of the women ululonary societies of can ada on the theme a new command ment it is said to be a very fine and very appropriate program for youog people and it la the hope or the com mittee that the youth of his country will meet in large number for atudy and meditation sprxlasskould of frwiri pork f or jtoasunj 14ib pyk chops 25c lb spareribs ise lb special boneltm and roll choice roasl ol veal 17er fancy quality fish special i ft lw hng smotud finnn hajdic 2 lb 25c special frith hstuock fillet 17c lb sawlud f01u 18c lb fancy quaes ise lb english kipjvh- 18c pi 3 lb 20c choice mackeral 12c lb red siwort stilt at ibetb red salmon by tks pie ise lb frejr oysut par jar 2se tomatoes 2 tiiu ise salmon apricots no z tin 16e pineapple no 2 tin 18c vhlow ukcl salada tea 28c baooknild tour checte 2scu swsy wrxas puitui un tli 28c nrtor aor wuivobzd malt 2 tin 118 blue ribbon malt 3 lb tia plain 1 jo hop fiavond 138 s phone 27 wm king pfompl delivery mmmmmm and ffas cottroh you will receive a beautiful 11 am package constating of 100 alse exquisite oardenla pace powder and absolutely free a bottle of oardenla per fume uaaaf act awa latewaaetaey oetsr and this co trow you illj receive a tube of tuperflne shaving cream regu lar value uc one package luu litre i itoior blades regular 23c and one 4 ox bottle supertln shaving lotion regular ftdc maaafaetare itradmey offer ladies special 29c and this coupon you will rclv a beautiful otft package ooruutlng of s oa jar darlen ail purpose cream and 3 dram bottla darlen oar denla perfum uahsiafure fifrsawftrt 08r robbs drug store thursday friday and saturday only feb 14th isth i6u phone 78 we deliver milton we ae pleased to report that judge elliot who fell in hit home a fw days ago and fractured his hip t do ing fine hi many friends hope he wul soon recover among those who attended the fun era of the late w j clements her on oaturday were col f 1l deacon and w d gregory of toronto w b clements leave today on trip to vancouver bo and califor nia and will retum horns via panama canal a pioneer resident of nassagaweya ults ellxa it darby died at the gen eral hospital ouelph on uonday born in natsagaweya a daughter of the late robert darby uu darby apent her entire life tn that district and for the past few year had been in the elliott home guelph the vil lage of darbyvlue was named after the family she was tn har tsth year robert edw uay weu known and respected fanner of trafalgar town ship died at his home saturday in hi 63th year he was a member of the united church hornby and tn politic was a liberal ura uay died two years ago surviving are five sons and five daughter clayton tra falgar township earl and roy of detroit lloyd and stanley at home urs harvey patterson zimmerman edna bolton vema uarlon and ulldred at home the funeral took place from his late residence on uon day afternoon rev b eyre conduct ing the service interment wo mode tn the hornby presbyterian church cemetery champion rondeau park deer are soon to be moved to bruce grey and slmooe counties where it 1 hoped that by mnktng them more plentiful an open season may be passible in these coun tic in a year or two twenty rinks compete at geor bonspeil ctruxbs raou rurjuhindino cities and towns enjov a dav at rjeoboetown auena m enuuaitlc bunch of curler thit took part in tha boru- mu held tnoronrctown arena hut monday twenty rink were preunt from urrouruurur cltle and town the ice wo in ideal condition and competition wai keen throughout the entire daye program th final rejult for the day were si follow lixblluluiny akin oeoiiaetown- ucwmrlltr iklp lvliuaibtonladd klp uelton tmwur skip oalt slater skip viotoiua hamilton eurwaker iklp btuatlloorm toronto benson akp pehoua dunn iklp thistle hamilton loanon aklp vkhods atkuuon aklp oeonoetownerwtn skill amaronknliht aklp brampton aplen aklp btoatiioona toronto ellli aklp obonoerown tuck aklp palmerfiton may aklp uraupton imrr aklp rioiuiond ituilbmlth aklp obonobtown squires aklp oran1t0 toronto porreat aklp oamea total total won score rim 1 23 3 1 30 15 3 3 at u 3 39 10 3 30 8 3 30 13 1 m s 3 18 31 10 3 is s 1 33 13 3 3 u 18 3 31 11 1 x a 3 30 13 3 34 s 39 3 gfory theatre friday february 16 the key raaaibm tt tk rrub kavlt otarrtaf wuuisa wmu cartoon buddys trolky trouble comedy two lame ducks fox news saturday february 18 tomorrows youth a alary avalla wttlt ejo uoe mau vita asj wuoly aiwi snai urn tl at srotwl aij otorrias jolu mlljaa uartaa fir oaj imeue huh comedy murder in your eyes cartoon dog show scenic citadels of the mediterranean ualuu at i sal tuesday and wednesday february 10 and 20 the white parade a ototy tt aladml knee wan of hurt ray a oclril bran tt oml otarrlas lerctla vmb aas joha kolm merrie melody rhythm in the bow pepper pot hollywood newsreel coming balltaf drunnund suikm buk ourrtas baaou calaua uraodway iuu tui uyrna lay and wanur baitor watch our window fob weekly ice cbeau srecials and confectionery this week strawberry sundae 10c longs conlcfjiioncryrs winners op frizes pihtt prise brampton with s games 13 plus second prise granite toronto with 9 games 10 plus third prise thistles hamilton with 3 name- 10 plus pouutii prize to leads stratriwna jvoetor aagrfgate aoores5 uilton earl aggregate score 81 chkmelnsmuawrmmkagatgatd goow it ttrathcaaounrniita ytraata aoort quality first and last from the grain that makes the flour to the baker that makes the bread to the final loaf quality is our first consideration and our last a complete line of choicest s bakery products watch our window for specials each weekend i haddelvs bakery phone 16 or 13 main st georgetown

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