Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1935, p. 4

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pa 4 sun life asworanee company of canada sixty fourth annual report 1934 assurances in fohce duou si 19jt ii748w5 401 i in im jll t ik j 6 tkta tin lili new assurances paid fob tmjlsl income d1suuhsfmfnts txctks ol income ovek disburse ments ilswlja payments to policyholders and beneiiciaries du1m 0i ywur imc sftlwjot suoworjaiikatlon ttalkum assets wjjt4716 caj elun uufci a aj ir lrfiubtftmm llltat4ull4mul4a fy jf i la l ai mul i ii uabiutifs mliliisl flu lnp 1iu of ikrf m r r t fry wot iwniil sm li u ftf- fcl til pxfy paysjau iwy i i paid upcapitalu00o0m aod labor at credit oxtiiii hddtw erecuat 13249729 rufrv i for ilppdatlca fca iorlgag ami ffal aufce s01219 wbplls v us tv touikm af u a sj uoj la uaat taji b wiib u- uit aiutvj by tk i j a j tu ixaiiaiua of uui aaj u caafa vui ik lm atiafifij bj lu iwpaulrau l laaawasu cj ik vtruaa rycnuu of cffcti uj lb nstluaul caaasllaa j ur- rtri n rlnim vjuj lilllui law um vtutj by lb fol h lrj frrn atl hgn ial oua i mifl sbaw ta jwul lk piulu xamtuac art sun ufe assurance company of canada western can ad a ki excursions fttmamsuututtuutt cuhmo dailymarch 1 to 14 ktcluslva cknt a mile each wav ooo0 in c0ao4u onlv muf at atnaitin il rt i w tt irfr tf i rjff j f iinifinr mj j1 tjnj fm aaau 41x ftf baupbill canadian national more heat in your rooms fftt ftflf tf f citttf itr- blue coal john mcdonald queen street georgetown hamatafcaacmmbaat n a robinson live slock dealer sod buleher norval uve stock truoong all loaul fully inuired phonei gcmftiwa 101 is millinery and furs fall and winter millinery el a bis reduction in price the new coss1ck sport turban and triangle scarf at gg set halt uadetoerler furs i furs i furs i all idiuli of fur coaui alio fur coati rettyled and hauned by expert furriera misses claridge herald block uptuii goovfftowti audlud hutloezokb witu deaknm to defend nun arimt tba umpletlon of uurruise which only aervea to poison hli exutenw bachelor club hu jiut been ortfinl- ud to midrid boein otis article of tt0 iutut wad u of lh mttby la uuable to wiuutaud thla tsti the club at aa wtrao- xtutlag ahau bir all iu ln- sm to bs to an hms to bad the dellnaueut back to the alnlaiit and narrow way the aajd delinciueat ahau be liable to a una of m the elub iwomlsei to be popular ontario produced about fourtentha of the canadian commercial atraw- berry croti in 1s34 srituh columbia threetenlna quebec twotenth and new bnuuwlek au vova booua combltia4 onatwtbt i toe goorfcetown hcsmldl wed neaday evening february 20th 1935 peter heals a lame man twawh at vgmnm hworny m i4u in oolioo lu rhrt jur ii buvrr jid acid haw x lutt but kuh aa x haw tf x thm u s 8 lfairton paboaoa aeu 9 iio 4 a- ix no eouy trhuura la toy bind i bring to thw toy iciotf x hav no myrrh no frank lnotaao nor fold nor ctufcart that dotb prelouj edu tnfold but uiu on thing x offer th uyalf utd y day to rv say uliow ud in any way aj i and n-d- xcufkc toy airt x py uy urvlca u th trvuur thit i brina to th bay unf wlnlfrd klthaidi shortly aur vj tky of vmuccmt vrur and john t up to th tfcuipu to prey thry wr tuowar of chrtu but at this unv thary hid do thought of brakuyr with th jwuh crurch it vu only wtin paiweu tion flrov thei out and whan th protiltta of ui trwataunt of 0titu oanrru oroaar that uiy wr focad to lfv judaltm ttm to othav- llan compuilona hd fall th powr of thr italy lipirlt but thy kvi up ttiir devotional llf to orovr that thf niw poatr b not la thy wfit tojdthtr pfobably bfouu lhy had ducovfkj thai prsrr la paitnatmhlp hu adtld porr thay ot at lhr oclotfc- in tha afttmoon the rruur jkour of hhyir aoaaad llaua uld hav- biu of prawr ar touj for fh lual ffrowtr thtr prayra w a prfparallon for afttoa thafr ert 0u in th aarly epoatouo a tndl calf that thalr praywa sw tha por of court lb wait to th tkamnu to pray eharuhlnf th rteh tnultuona of thrtf lubrw forvfathari but thry it auo a fouora of chrut who hlfiutlf prayd eonatantly and uusht hi uiclplaa to pry w voodar if fouowvra of ohrut ixayd the xacda vrfr in th tvmpu baaly aaj baiuy s what exlrtmaa of nlaoty and po varty ax wan la daily uf i u th chrutmaa acauon aom paopl war buytna pruanu eoutog a 1w etnu blu othara r pufchaalng eoaaly aarcla a f doors away lsopla to- mg tar rthtt pau buudlnn whuh coat ml of doliara a boy worfca for ala doliara a safc la a tkyierapar her on bu of daooralion coat aia- un thouiand doliara ihopl walk- lna lonf dulanc for lack of a atraat car lttkt aaavcroftdj around the n9 raodcla at a motor thw kaailla tvlotcd frofii thalr tofiwa as atataly church buudinga and fl th4 archi tactur rank hltfaar than ufa thla contrail u aa lonf in jaruaalaa at th cat of th tatnnla calud kuautl ful lay a lasu baajgar it curawl that wonhipoara would b ganaroua thartby paylns a aurat tnbut to th tumanulng poear of rallgloa w ml that in una tru worthlo miut banlih want wa naad baauty in buudlnaa picture and motor can but vtn mor diwd curlty and plenty for all rvwer thould b cat ling rich whll thrra ar to many poor luuaioo ahould cur not ac- omtuat thla disparity th fait hould be noted that u waa th apoa ilea wto went to pray who helped th baegmr who could not help hlnualf bum tkaa aiaaey x- nearly vveryon baa drwuned of be ing fabulously waauhy and going about duxribuung gifta lavlahly to ttou tn need douwlat tf th dream cam tru it would not be good for cither giver or recipient it la much belter to provide work than iw- lief to arrange for torn form of 41i help than to beatow charity in fact thou tn want ax often to craat- t i ni of aytnpatty and encourage ment what him them euat la an ututudo of callou tndlffarenc en th part of the more fortunate sviand- hip may be mar helpful la the end than coin donation veter and john could give neither allver nor gold to tie lame beggar but they fan heal ing and hop which meant far mora often aptrliual atilitanc la the pel- mary need of thoa down and out a victory haa to b won over aalf before trey can matter clrcumatanoea chrut had no money to give away but he did give love truth and thered hi faith in ood one emlle may glorify a day on word new hop impart the least duclpl need not aay there are no alma to give away if love b in th heart th baa irrauia tl a man on crutchea with a apralnad ankl went into a doclore omoa lb doorman and elevator men offering to aiaiat him a ban waa put back into place and th patient walked out of the offlc and ran downatalra carrying hi crutchea unuiad no pereon need od to recommend the akill of th doc tor demonttrauon had been given when pater bealm th lama man h knew that the power of the xxoly oplrtt had been fiai t th man wa able to leap and h prelied ood th crowd aaw th trantf ormauon and were convinced no other avtdenc waa neceatary man who had bean curried on a atretchar now able to walk wa oonvlnctn proof in our day changed uvea ar th bait recom mendation of religion bad peopl mad good are incontrovertible artru- menu for the power of faith whan broken home ar reelored when worldling become worthlppera whan tntemperat peopl hhme tamnerate and when cynic rhrwnt ufechangera a community begin to i notice that apottollo day ar her again oure are th moat effective advertis ing for a doctor einners mad into aalnta ar convincing argument for religion th ceeftar stan ku how easily ivter might have used this healing for personal end i in- tead he utilised the incident to pay a tribute to christ brought beforeih rulers and elders peter did not talk about himself but about christ the presence of the holy spirit in ft life la a protection against pride and am bition peter disclaimed th pease- slon of any magical power and aald that the cure had been done to the name of jesus christ of najcareth who had been crucified and who had risen from tre dead lie referred to the tradition which jesus also had men tioned about the atone which at ant waa rejected in tre building of the temple but which afterwards became the chief comer atone very similar had been the experience of christ he came unto hi own and his own received him not neither synagogue nor temple wanted him but he turned to humble folk and to day million serve him a their leader and lord qtmtflaiii far riirnatlah 1 row much time ahould we apend in dally prayer 3 xa it possible to have a world with out poverty 3 when thould we refuse to give money 4 why are saved alnnera a conclusive argument for the gospel 8 how do you explain ohrlate place in history auajltti ooc kaotto wav vowajko taaxrrr aba hmhhy doant in aihy mdkau that od ar wfihitfnl but u do taaawtt that you h ft eatrtaid wr and dmah abont you that w akht to baauty lrrtuilury kaodaniai had a fclrl by barf ehaurm hbd per- onaiity tnor than by hw lock and th on aurw wy 10 a kabrt plamjir ptrntoaailty i phykaj wubanaj httfihnhtr that rilutty la th rmaaifiiil to kasatth try to alr lb am nuwbah- of hour acb blrni ai your tamilm at th a tunaa vry day and 11 a rorihl abtount of akicu ombtlfi aar- da all wiaet and thn toayuiai ty- trai tart of tmnl on fiatuuday taat oaauly aa good as wieint half a mil taach day haa3aabr too that a haadthy pahrun u luuly to haw a puauant lbpoaluoa and an mukl psoi ailty both of which ar rrj in th baauty gau a bd duootvl vm put wrtnklw aeroa your lor- head and arouud your t and ualaw th coroav of th fceaouth tllnj duu lntad of up mo on faiiod uun una but the la mij to be aald lo favor of troam line b tide popi who haw unctettaiiu tour diaqoajtioria gaflafaijy haw dually ob pivwalllta not that you haw to be a varttabl pouy- anna and to around fctab rry fiort to b tah that uraoad too bui you cmtt rwrio froaa out- buru of tamipr and auilklnr ipajkl and in lhur plao tuutltut lokr- anc and grirlniiifiaa a purpletopped yellowjleahed tur nip haa been grown in aberdeenshire scotland for the past too year haa been found by atrlcuhuraj aclentlsti to be reiutant to clubroot disease the origin of thla variety of turnip u unknowit toiiaaarfoent buhoal at iivjr uatra tsacnd to th memory of jfd uatua who died auut tux lac- in widow d u uvea u t ky ttrt ha ry aitrtotlfat for rood wife and nu to be ec r in portland uin j fotmd thla rh mil heto who ua bee wa conquarajd by th diarrhoea- at burunttoa vt benaath thu atoa our baby uy ii naithar crta nor holue 11 livd juaa on and toty day and eoat u forty doliat thla bran to mind th en eons- poud by th not bum on th rlisth of fr ajxfwjr 1 tl f litre he th bna of tktfoa and wfaaoto cu1 w ul hlw oi tla th ativiolm o sour badms or dh du bvu mak m in germany alto l coud this grawytrd hunior at auaaafrautducb auaudawmhn u ft atone iiwlhad aa follow bioaath thla sod ihar us a pal was known on earth a oood old val tt devil u hlm wtlh ft thui41 up hu fife and auh pmochl- he felt miserable ahermeils axxxiei lntfetio resjanrorl by kvtiftdieia tt trmttaiahit which put thla bian rlsht must aurjy b worth tryina la wry ceo of inolaeaulon tuid wtiat b fcavys nnwo yara ago x tunvrvd vry much from uuliatlon loa of an- pthu and a most trvr puv in taay back irood ioured in uy ttomacr 1 fil taiou busaarabl bitay mil and had no dojr or apillt for thtfl a frund advuad u to try fclruwhara sails x did to and x am moat hatpoy to tttfy that after short una x uu th grwttst rlwf x continual taking krutchtn till i ftlt uywlf quit behur and a ntar man i fax aa ugrt haartad aa i did twenty yrars ago w b what rrutchm did for hhn it wul do for trtiody tu who tutfra froa tndisu6n a h did tn fact u that th luti daily do of klrut- cren tint ttimulaue th now of g- trte jutca to aid dlasatlon and uvra w2uur a coadfalct raaruur and un filling luminal loo of all watt mat ter everyday nan rnfe if aw lew bale vera wm a- aj wfd aafta at puk hoa taav aih i aavuaia a kiby 0j ihata af fan enlibu7 btsa oyauita aa a 4at 6nab ttt pawllllaw rfatjtea filtu lira aataf slaw cat co th rvoort of th bun uf assur ance ootepaay of canad published to b6thr colubin and th ruajka of u ptaaldaot xat ahhur u wood at u annual mptlnf ar gratifytnt frvidaao of an bnprovoiet of con dition th report rvtlacu a return of ronndnc and a marked trend to ward racotery la buifnta bataua of u hue lawatmant of th uf aaauranc compahaa tfl buanta wo- urpahaaai eovaelng a wtd dlninca- tlon of mltfaat tt haallhur condl- uona lo trad lodlcatad la this hrftort make aneouragln fdlng tncrwata tn new auuranc and lo rwpayiaaau of poacy loana twr tn po tarrminatlon e rducwd tlanianni nw loaunt ail the dmonatrat that uf insuranof which pfod auch a bulwark of tthnajth during prolonad and trylag condition u la turn aawptof full pace with th fofcm of economtc rcory wor life insurant acutrf th problanu of rehabilitation ar utu tea challenging than that of th dvpraiilon th prant dlmculty of paopl varywhr to obtain inwat uant at rtauneratlw rata of lntar- eat and the record of dpadhuiiy aafshliihad by ufa tnsuranc crgtni- tlona under ttra haw of lai great ly incraatad th demand for tnvat- bunt lnsurance and annul tl at th tarn time insurance coaipanua thani- self ar faotd with th wry condi tion on a big acal that ar mak ing th individual tnwator tncra- inty annuity minded uar they can u rauad upon to maat th auuallon in th tarn coapaunt way aa tn th past a atrtklng fact maruloned by xrwl- dant wood tn hu addra la that of th aeaumood which th bun xjf company paid out to poaryhold last year td wo la amount than aaom with an averag of taaa than tto that fact vividly indi cate the tnvaluabl piac uf tnsur- ano hold a a aourc of fint aid to that of modest clrcumttanot tt u todaad a rathar algninoant evidence that com of th problem with which government today ar areppung trowing out of concern for that la bumbl elation ban lonf alnc bees anticipated and provided for on aound baau by our injurant com panlaa th wnaral character of th report 1 not only satisfactory to th policy holder of th company but encour aging to th bualnea community at larf qtsnapshot cuil i dont forget snapshots at night a few lnmsnalv pheteflecd lamp ar all you naad for indoor ploturaa at night diagram right ahowa preps r placing of lampa for plctur left diaphragm opening 1 ajj shutter eased 126 of a second altiiouuii you may not be one of ttioo lovers ot the great out door and prefer the warmth ot iho old flroplaco or furnace those- cold damp wintry ovoitlnne tin r la nr roattin why you ahould not enjoy your camera for it la always roady far action in or oulii re an all wiuthor frti nd tlnio itasai qukkly and bofuro wo rcallto whero l ha days and wooka huu g no tho air ba ins to got n htll i imlnty and wo aro thinking of thorirdm thi yard or thoeo pltae- ant lricn in tho cur aftir rilnmr thi n xt tltr o mnnllis hnwavor aro id for antnahue at night in ftio housu and if you have not a roady exnorli nu d tbo plousuro of this fitclnatlng past i mo you haii certainly mlantd a lot of fun und falud to follow throunh an your amatour photographic kimwloilso tb hoyheyhldoho dnya of youth are th once wo always ro- mmbor and aa enajvahnta at nlcht aro ao eaay to take why uot blart in right now and mafao picture records of the many happy wlntur evattlnga at home all you ncod oro throo or four phot oftoiid lamp for brilliant illumination and a ramora with an 6 s lena or falter photobood lampa coat only twentyflvo cent each and aa they are good tor two hour of picture taking tb coat per picture la negligible per the beat rotulta you ahould use the modern super aoneltlve panchromatic aim it is available in all standard slice let auppoa that mary and you are entertaining dotty and jack and everybody la u happy as th four some above aeem to be let mako ft snapshot at night of your party the diagram indicates tho rolatlvo placing of the subject lights and camera for this particular group for a different setting you can place the lamps accordingly after you have located the group tn tho tinder and the camera ta set place an ordinary floor lamp with tha ehade tilted upward at position a as cloao to tho aubjoct aa pos sible but out ot tho range of your findur lamp a ahould havo aock ota for three photon ood lampa two will do tf you can havo tho lamp within throe or four feet of your sub ject tho i lent intt nalty lncruun aa you plai a tho lights closer tn tho subjort and docrtuacs when farther away two photo flood lamp ahould bo pland in tnmp ii hrshatl on homo lamps cannot bo tlppid for directing llsht on tha suh ct re- movo tha shade in such cutis noma sort ot reflector bart of tho lamps will throw mora llcht forward a white cardboard a pillow cuss or even a brlsht dlshpan beld directly behind the lights will bolp sot tha diaphragm at 6 8 if your camera is equipped with a self tlmur out tho shutter speed at 1iklli or a second turn on your phot mm d lamps take your position la lha group and clkk it hua made a snapshot at night for you if you bavo n box camera you bad better uso n photoftusli lamp not to bo confused with photorood lamps uoree what you do placo the floor lamp slightly back of and a little to the right or left of tbo camera rtv movo the shado and screw tho photo- flash lamp into ono of tho sockota and be aura tho current la off as suming you bavo located tho group or aubjoct in tho tinder open tba abutter as you would for a time ex posure and immediately turn un tho pbotoflaah lamp and after tho flash of the lamp close tbo shutter at once simple onnugb ian tit tho possibilities for indoor picture alt lug are endloas and you aro mint ing a lot of fun and fascinating plo turea until you try il jonw van quildkn that first branch bank and 500 more uo- t-q- tw mi ajhra ltt th kxta aa st- ti ljrttiji ui ijit lual nut ffwjj a ru u tymlr of it ukjjj ji urf fftvo ai mujj ux cxiai u d j uu lxwuc wj u tia 1inb a i j lalits tfcm laijtt fcjue i uj i krik aa vi vwl aftrreuj tkiu tuaa- u ta lfj t ju to fiitai aaj fitjtttuitt t i at ajtt taj ar tof it tati twj tkt j taaa f apt w ulj a fctu trfj ja rvl j i 1j aa it b ot lain i- fclk o c j i wa lu iu j w datijatw f ujojj a daoifa w awk j uj j lu allj u uri ta t i jf sj toarw jklfmarfj n a iy uaj uieajiv tofu fux uul 1 rijt tuj4f vrr vjo laactj tnij r aulk biauk i uar aiak ti ilaujid j aj uj uilut aai fl t ta tl sua miw eat itj ixjmlunfrafcjt tti a ujju 4bunuj tujfj aalaaf a it i ju uuml aa qlit t bank of montreal rstaslisnrd ten iicao olficf uontrcal uodirn l danking tttvicr aaouuomui i i ovt gwo tuadu j it sunff bauajjst 4 nowa ftod lnorolali6ti for us buay feutsur th fcaaes nambt the ltel of price of farm product la a matter of great unporunc to tha peopl of canada it affect tb purchasing power of th lagcst alngl group of the population and thereby limit the market for larg quantlile of industrial goods in comparing price over a period of urn it it ratter difdcult to establish exact re- latlonihtp therefore tlitlisni us a dvto known as an index num ber this number reprwtent th r- lult position of price at a gtvtn tlm a compared with thoa in a period when condition ware fairly stable and price of th different groups of com modi tie occupied a raaso aatlsfaclory relationship for instance price tn tt year 10 have bean used by many eutuuclans as a period on which tobaa the com- parttcn with other year in x20 th index of field crop grain and vefatabl produota wa 04 compared with 1 in um in 1u3 th index tad droppad to tl and to 15 tn janu ary iftil xfcirln law however th index on to 4a and in lftm ranged between u and 1 barley cv xhaahaat barley hu competed atrongly with wheat aa ft revenu producer on on tario farms thl grain holds an im portant place for several ration it la a comparatively high ylalder ex- pertment show that mixed with early oats returns from th wwniumi exceed highest yield obtainau tram either grain separately also tn ana lysis u u shown that tn carbohydrate and protein barley compare vary favorably with held corn barley u also the north country corn in nor thern counties whe early frotta ren der tha growing season too short for tha production of tart crop of corn barley u found to b an axcellnt substitute it trows rapidly and is th shallowest rooted of all th cer eal because of the two point barley doe beat of all cereals on ground which i insufficiently drained and bene u cold and backward tn spring in recent experiment by th department of chemistry oa6 it waa noted that the hlgheat ylelda of barly were realised whar it follow ed a root crop the departments ex periment with fertilizer on bartty showing a big lncrsat in yield where fertiliser were used ar tmuoftant la view of tf fact that this province last year towed toijooo acre of barley ptue fa wed tb fcfdlng of potato to liv stock povldea very satisfactory outlet for the lower grade of th crop bacond flrad pot toe may be used aa a fad for hoj and alto tn limited amount for caul sharp and horua aa a sub- stltut for grain oe- piga th pota toes thould b boiled mixed with th grain and fed with other concaruratae a protein supplement naad to b fed with this experiment indicate that u lake about uo pounds of potato fed after cooking to equal lw pounds of corn or barley kor tha beet re sults tn swine feeding th proportion of potatoes in th ration should not be greater than four pound to on of concentrate potato may fur- niah half of th dry mailer tn tb ration for cattl and sheep and ona- fourth for hers dairy cows ahould not rroetv more than about u pounds per day aa larger amount may impair th quality of butler pro duced for fattening sheep from two to throe pound dally should b fed with the brain ror cattl and ahaep feeding th potatoes ahould b chop ped and mixed with the grain and ahould b raw they may b fad raw to bogs particularly brood sow if tlm and labor cannot be spared tor cooking cuter and grata seed aaatkat li til change la reported tn th seed situation in eastern ontario seed is continually moving from locelitlae in the ottawa valley wher avauabl and consuls mainly of red clover and tim othy only a small quantity of tim othy teed remain to be unrtfffd and most of this 1 held by growers for local sal timothy aed price re main firm at lie to 16c pr pound fled clover aeed groaers are now be ing paid we to aic per pound batli no 1 grad alfalfa aeed la moving rather slowly on account of that re maining for sale being mostly of poor quality it 1 expected however that in th counties of russell and carle- ton wler most or th present crop wa grown it will and a ready local market later in the season no 1 alfalfa ta belnff bought at lac per pound in touth- western ootarto tha ibm crop of clover and grass seeds was un usually small and practically told out more than a month ago that re maining is larfaiy of th poorer quail- tie and small lot held for local sal price being- paid grower bail no 1 grad rang from lie to uo for red clover ik lo wo for alfalfa aoo to 2so for aulke ac to 4o for km clow itc to lac for timothy and lac to joc for canada blue grata counter check books for sal at th herald ouc vr la tatk year to ufa dktriet we ar ailltng and erecting for eastern lltel iveataeta rrataa baauy bee quia rergw and th dependable boinnrtat coweb cablb fob uohtnxno corftbol vr sauafeelaey week talk to gilbert sinclair ownlm cat ftiaaa uii mew cars feature mfetv and beauw with both tha six and tha elahtl modem dealim added comfort in- matahally larar and roomier olili i creaud oparatlutf aeonomyand naw mobile praaanta two beautifully i aollditael turrettop bodlea by etraaialliiad automobile lu 10j5 wiier ara ajt effarad u tha jbm wo ua old mobile bight bpaieenitar sedan and mow u oae of tha ouauobm

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