Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1935, p. 4

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psb4 tim georgetown herald wedneiday evening march 6th 1935 news salada tea now has a blend for every purse yellow label 28- lib brown label 33c lb orange pekoe 40c tt lb ah umdstm fj ftof ctmmm txrom6w o bknura the are ft ivw popi abound who ere kms ionth to uie ft local pr lor obvring- all kind of x- fumi tucb u i asked the pdhlthf to ttiatvabitou milling h ot 1 6f- dnrf th for one yr end did tot uk to have u tnt ertrda p 1 cudat auufitm for it vtf iw uwdt ef thaw ruinvunte it might b aialad that bad they wished the pap rlisooollnuad ajj utmiii subscription should first haw b paid any piruo who take a paper reguliiiy from the pot otto or null- box whether to his nuu or another or whether he hu eubcrlhd or not u reeponiible for payment u ft par- ton ordrt his paper discontinued ha must pay all arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until pay aunt u aid and ihso collect ths whole tajwnt- tsrtajii fezalut 11m little thin caned habit i th strangsst of kit bwa tw it kwp us fa 11 vrip mi fast that v never atop to pauast and tt hu to many be rings on th life that i and u bold ui without l whatr be the tjtw 1 we learn lit vicious wava it take ui right along and wtr held within tu trip and we go bons wrong to wrong or if in vax of working w do from day to day dm thing that com before w in the uw h ritual way will habit u ft eoladid thiag u th things wdaim right but if tt spoil our life sir wd better trt tt light attd form tome other habit tnat will kp uj from tbl lit and vtli k to guide our tc to time elul hilt whm th maker of ell tutu lldd out fuldifitf luind rw ui mry uuurid fooutoi of ft koul boid uatt and hu lvn full tvonil to id ui to th y whr th terrains cf ft hbtt u ft vtrtu hit can uy a j uckiihl in ft court tht u ft uit pmali fcul lajld oumpny vl khixaud td wuxrfol it turril that th kaw did not apprwlau th uuaid txmxds- ln on hlj und wnoo uy frraa im got ft call to anotht eburth drron itow much uor doj ouau btt lvrwm thk hundred dollahj rvflcoo vou lhould b bum coo- sntcuou in our unguu kinon vouftu haint had ft rail ftuu sou hu had ft rtsr three major canadian problems i tariff apiculture and railway tjtuatlon dlcuts by e w beatty icc ix d chairman and preident canadian pacific railway urfles unified effort to solve questions threfltenhiit intcirlty of state aurtri fttrtutttr busj souly m6 tn ftotuj ftooboblto kd of to eouftlryj dwpar ftotmutloa of and wlair and uor axil tpplkalloo of tym- jmtfcfctujlly lowllasot tbouibt to b7ioalturfti problems and th ttptfiftiiloa of canadian railroads for tn purpos of oosrattoa as u oaly bmans of ovsrcotnlbi th brftat duaatrous dfct ttroctar ersfttad throuift pubito ownsr- fcblp wsra tft lhr buor by e w luftlty kc ud chalr- msaand rrul- dsot csbduo paclflo blt sy durlbjt th court of s foirful out lie of this eountrys problmas b- for th r toft hoard of trad on htb- rusry fttb lviumia nsia his o- upon th 1 firm founda- tbia that ft unlii of individuals individual roup and tactions of th coun try to th wbol btal is in only a road for th rutaro ur dsatty appaalsd to th country at lartft to mali thl than th dombuting- sot la approaching th problsnu of th day aaala volelos his slnrr bsllcf ta th nlttmat dsalioy of canada ifr baatty uphasiud th nc- atty of ft mutual undsrataadlna btvaa all taction of th eoua- try and insutsd that should this emsetlvft n achlstad th unllsd ffori of all elttisns would bo far toward aolylss problsma whkh bow taraataa th tnuarfty of th stat is th utm of thu araumsnt ur baatty fait that h had vry rut to discus th tariff e it i oa th uh that th canadutt racirie ttallway was most dscldadly sua- esptlbt to tbs sffsets of unsubl tariff conditions qlv m a tariff policy advantafaou to th caatdlaa national tuiiways and i shall b quit content ha asld ur llaatty was nslthsr ba- llavsr la protsctiod with no limit nor ta fir trad lis bsllsvad in th maximum of national waul in fairly diatrlbutad amon th eitl- ubj th canadian tariff should b on which would kaep ojr la- taraal and aitarnal trad com uaad at maiimum ur daatty llluit rated ma argu- taaat by cltna ths fact that can ada ftajoyad graatar foreign eoumare par eaplt than slthar of th two mor important aro- artcas bspubllcs namely tbs vnltad mat and th argentine and aald that ba would ilk to as th preparation of a tariff balaaea ht which would its aa analysis of ths affect of ths tariff on th total inooraa and purchaalng power of th canadian paopl and urged that la view or th present position of capital and labor an sxamlnatloa of the coaomla soundness of our tariff policy should took to future im provement rather ihaa to draitio at tempt to correct past error emphasising- that atrlcultur waa th primary industry and olcln his appreciation that ajrlcultur in votorn canada was passing throunh a psrlod of graat difficulty ur beatty uld that govarnmantsl asslatanra and that of private business inutltu- tlau had oo th whola ben con struct vs n may aay ha added without boajtldf that the cmerjiency ro duettona la tralgbt rates volun tarily mada by toe canadian ttuulo hallway for farm relief during tba past five years rpre- uot losa in income to us of at laast 13000600 there war two neoaasary ttiaaaures looking toward psrma neat recovery first hero was what th farmer could do and was doing tor himself to raako tha farm horn largely alf sup porting through tha uaa of batter seed improved methods and tba expansion of livestock opera tion secondly thoro was what others could do to help western agriculture the capital invested la tba farms of canada must re- eelva returns if any important bloek of capital was to ba regard 4 as said other labor could not hop for tbs ptrtttanence level of wages tde faith above tha eartuat of ubaw on tha laud ur beatty axpreaged uuwervlug oonjldeuce that fcwtvate business would find ft md now being eagahy aoughtjrkereby it could render tuateraf uiumce to agrloullux folflttdg out that th cenadua psopl pay for the railway ssr- vk wbuh thsy reoslv and all lb costs of oovsrnrornt ur usstly cmphsilkd that uia rail way problem wu la reality th problem of avary individual cltl- iro th cost to th public in frdxht charge of movlug a ton a tulle in canada waa as low as la any major country in th world lnhnpplly th rull ad vantag of th tow rats was not retained becaus taxa paid or to b paid to meat th annual dsflclts of th canadian national lutlwars muit be added to th actual frsliht charge th real cost oft transportation ta canada was not as cheap aa it smod to h or a it should b two cur rent suggestions tor tmprov meat la opart ting efficiency first tha sdoptloa of mod- ernutto aqolproant and secondly a drastic reductloa la waces owing to the bug invest me at in eilittng 3ulpmdt and th dlf- ftculty of finding capital to finan ce aaw equipment b indicated that progress along th una of lb tint sujtreattoa would of nscesslly b slow ur deatty argued strongly against reduced wage and point ed oat that railway employ spsnt waces as welt as earned them its felt that railway a well as other wsgee war out of una wlih th returns to th farm ers for their labor but emphasis ed his belief that tha remedy lay in an lnrreas la th farmers esrnlnse rstbsr than a lowering of th standard of living railway worker another sug ceiled eolation was th proposal to increase freight rates the freight rate tread was downward and uf beatty would greatly regret to te aa increas la rates until everything possible waa done to el ira in t waste th argumsnt that rhare waa an wasls in transportation and all that the country needed to do was to await the return of pros parity was not mr ueatty eoneldered ound restoration of business to the blah isvsla of mm would not com as a gift of hea ven or overnight bat only as a result of national industry and thrtft beatty replied to argu ments that under his unification proposal lb canadian paclflo would tak over the assets of tha canadian national while the liab ilities would be left to the cor am turn t unified management will do nothing of the kind the physical assets of the canadian national will remain the property of lis owners similarly the liabilities of the canadian national must remain tha responsibility of the government and the liabilities of the canadian rsrlflo muit remain that of its owners however if the assets of both companies are admin lite red by a unified man agement an and will b put to tha waste of competition and the owners of the canftdlnn national win reeolve more money with whlrh to meat their obligations the fact that only 36 of the eicesslv debt of the canadian national hallways was due to the errors of prlvato capitalists or any arguments dealing with errors cither private or oovern- mental would not help the situa tion of today interest charges on the canadian national debt which in 1019 wero 38 oooooa last year wore 192 000000 no man capable of facing facts be lieved that tha country could carry the burden indefinitely we thn people of canada owe directly or indirectly to private capitalists over 13700 000 000 on account of the canadian national rial i ways system we are going to pay this been u bo wo promised to are you going to allow your judgment to be warped by com- pi ok arguments about doing jus tice to public ownorshlpr or are you going to oaroo with me to leavo the ownership of the cana dian national hallways in the bands of the public since they could not possibly got rid of it and devote our entire energy to rinding a method of making the burdltt of this ownership as light slhto to tha people of can- ndar taking it that aa business men yon will not wish ta gamble with a burden of railway deficits whlrh already threatens the fin ancial slahlllty of tha untlnn when a reasonable sltoruatlvo la available i havo suggested what seems in mo to ho the only ade quate courso i ho unified man- agetuenl or the two major railway systems tha umount which can be saved annually us uot la eotae bright day to eotd was calculated by offlcera of lb canadian pacific lull way and thlr figure tallied closely with ibos given to th hot el coos mis sion by the 1st fllr ittnry thorn ton and by ur r w rtlr- weathsr of th canadian national hallways uy esltmat was based on the traffic conditions of 1930 an oterago traffic year nd on that basis i put th figure at 175000 000 filr henry thornton who opposed my plan gav ills est inula a 0 000 000 and ur kalrvealher tuggrsttd m 0o0 000 for a year of normal traffic in justice to ur falrwestber i must state that be has since said that be told the commission that hi estlmat could not b reallied 1 believed then end be 1 lav now that mln can be ur dealty aald bis proposal bad met with much criticism that no on group of man could properly administer th unified railways that he was talking of setting up a great monopoly that rates might be raleedi and that be proposed to throw thou sands of nun out of work ur dealty disposed of th criti cism by pointing to th efficien cy end loyalty of the employ of both railways to ibe supervis ing body set up by the canadian government to control railway rate and in connection with labor solemnly pledged himself to do everything be could within hi power to prevent such ft de velopment savings la this re gard would be made gradual try wisely and coasidsratsly aad without hardship to those now dependent on railway employ ment ne aald it u indeed my bop and belief that tha methods which i suggest will operate ta prevent an even mor disastrous period of low wsges and unem ployment than that through which we are passing surely the tabor leaders of this coun try are the intelligent men that i have always found then to be and will tell their constituents that waste of ths eountrys wealth on useleas services can damage no one more certainly and more severely than those who depend on their labor for their living i venture the pro phecy that as events develop sod the increased thought being given to the aubjact produces us effect railway employees generally and particularly tha recognised rep resentative of organised labor which forms such a considerable part of railway staffs will not only recognise the inevitability of but will come to urge rather than to oppose some such mea sure as i have suggested as la their own best interest stressing that the report of the recent royal commission stated that some of the commissioners would have preferred ft pita which would tako tha oovem- ment of canada out of the rail i way buslnsas and that the cana dian facirio waa not a bankrupt undertaking but on tha other hand a thoroughly solvent one ur beatty went on to aay uhst i have suggested and suggest today is that we should plan to divide the net earnings of tho unified properties to give to each group of owners the not earnings which would have re sulted if each had operated their own railway together with a fair ahare of the savings resulting from unification there is much misunderstanding in thla regard many have confused tha total net earnings after unification with tha savings from unification tha earning power of the two sepa rata system is a matter of rec ord tha increased earning power of the combined properties arising from unification is an other matter uy plan eon tern- platen the division of such in creased earnings on a fair basis this ta s matter which can only be settled by pff be tween the interested parties but obviously the shareholders of tha canadian pad f to would have to concede to the government at least onehalf of the net gain re sulting from unified management those who have said the cana dian paclflo would claim tha lions share have either mlsun- deratood my proposal or pur- posoly misrepresented it t tn conclusion mr deatty again minted out that if such a plan tad been adopted 20 years ngo or even ib years ano the national debt of tho country would ba hundreds of millions of dollars less than it was today vou and your children will pay it ax you la favor of piling it upf psjler preftche to gentile oglxxx taoct ood u w rpac4r of potoas but id ty tui he that f sareth hint aad worul hghuoiianeaa u fcoceptad with hhn acts 10 xb 9 ucaeow pajmaos act 10 u4m dnuu are ibeyt dut ye cahoot stay tsttt or thnut the euvo back for ei hour i truth love and jutke u v sly return with more than earthly t- btrlve if ye will to seal the fountains thai d the berts- lhrouh aad spray drive back th tun from ctvn thro bid this btlgfauer taamamt stay luiicbs u cwvwwsl u is ood ka nude of one uood all th n of tli earth vuow uowtt rt buck and whiu race have spiri tual edowmsou of th saue ftuawy certainly th white race ha no monopoly of hllgloua capacity this u th iolid usls for tnlaalcau appeal uay be nucw to the iouls of twii in fetvry country and chute ood u no rw6ur of pmoas but ha uvuhed his gifts on ail mankind humanity has the oat creator and we are sit and in the image of the one living ood toe ba way to study oobpejauve ruioa u to buy a ur wt and becoais convinced of the spirt teul asptreuoas of people of evry rare and nation- cerutwtue te a uni- vnal fact and ae or uocfatt uns- lau cod pus ba fsvoruoe this truth is accepted by us but in wters day it gave a shock of noeuy ur hiuulf had bad to hate a vision to bam th uasoa ksaul spot fauich of tils ufa tin leaching that the kno- lrdj of ood wes bot ft huial right of th jw but was svailahl for aratiws as u yx tvea before paul rvached this conclusion ksrter was teaching it wwuwu vuh tecl both hutory and geography witness to the pension of th ohrutun faith when jue talked with his discipu tn oaiiue no on ffould have cured to picture a new era with the nwl making history and twin carried frost country country until it has now be world wide lie u tord of all- said peur of his leader this eurtng faiih had great inhueaoe upon the place of chruuenlty to the hosan strnptre od the surface it appeared that the caesars were tupa and that the ftooiea eagle was lneincihle but ohriue kinjdoni of truth and love has proved more enduring and influential this u one grat reason for the removal of racial prejudice and ill will if ohruis klnftdou u to be universal we must not try to ut our own race dominate we are all brethro snd bueabvrs one of another a lady missionary who was born tn china and who has lived much of her uf thefe tutse that she u glad that she has had the si pertrnce of feeing loosed dowa upon because she u shite it helps her to undenland the fsung of the who are looked down upon tor being yel low the christian religion u in clusive and transotnds national boun daries and racial distinct ions ivepswie aad sgilis jl cj two groups of man stand out tn biblical history in the oid testa ment ths prophets rose to a very high level of spiritual reugtto and exprsat- ed many ideas closely akin to tha teaching of jesus the picture oi th buffering servant tn the fifty- third chapter of isaiah is forealeajn of the experience of christ and the ufa of jeremiah illustrate many prtndpks made dear tn the new testament- ths christian soeuee felt their kinship wlih these oid teal a ment nhophst who bad prepar ed the thinking of the nation for the fomtng of christ vet the apostles had original work to do to them was committed the gospel of christ to preach the novelty was that thsy had a religion of axperlenoe as sell as of ideas the heart of the gospel was christ himself who had com manded them to preach and through whom they had reoettad forgiven for their sin the prophets were forthtausrs rather thais fotwuuers and the apostles were mas asm out to preach the gospel of divine grace through ohrut the apostolic- duty of w u one frort which no christian but rightfully eoape we should count it a privilege rather than a duty what wisp ib i tf 44 u at ft student canferenoe attended by a number of young canadians a ra ther paironlilng attitude was nw for several days to a swarthy young christian from india one day as a matter of courtesy he was asked for his opinion and apok in such fine language with such good spirit and depth of insight that the other in the group were surprised and at once duscarded their superior attitude whan peter preached the italy bpirtt descended upon ths oentlles and the jews were amend at the religious fervor and spiritual capacity of those who had been denied the advantages of judaism words fall to describe all the meaning of the coming of the lloly spirit these new convert ex perienced religion they felt i change of astute the presence of ood became very real a spirit of love filled their hearts this is the surest cure for racial jealousy and national suspicion and vtrm when we are one in christ we be come one with our fellow christian ths epirit of pugnacity is soon replac ed by that of cooperation and fellow ship religious unity u necessary to banish the aar spirit sectarian and denonimstlonal rivalries are of the same strifebreeding order as nation- oltim and racial domination ivsieeeiea anal sweatlest 47 4i as a fisherman peter had learned when to draw the net when he had von n verdict from his audience he did not allow ths impression to fade away but gave on opportunity for definite committment his oenuie converts were baptised and took their place aa members of the churoh the outward rite of baptism was a symbol of- the tnnsr spiritual reality of re ceiving the holy spirit always we need to renumber that spiritual pos session is more important than formal profession there are church mem bers whose names are on a congrega tion coram im inn nil but who have little personal spiritual experience what we are seeking to religion is consciousness of the presence of ood dally fellowship with christ a grow ing surrender and increasing miklanoa by tha iioly spirit our spiritual in heritance cannot be kept in an in stitution nor in a book nor tn sa crament it is a life lived by faith through the power of the indwelling spirit of ood xf our religion has reality our ftisoeistes will feel the cleavage of our uvea much more than of our words qmmhbhs f er placwselau i are the white races eufogant 3 ana christians christian toward the jews 3 in what ways may t witness for christ 4 what race pudioee are to evid ence la canadet 5 distinguish between spiritual pce raslon and ijrofeaiiont teeoherwttobert if wu an sj ways very kind and polite to all your playmates what will they uilnk oi youf hobeh of vtu would think they could llok uer why his headaches ceased wife m kreckta la bb ctllcc if could not undenland why the headsxhw he had bw subwt to suddraly eeexed his wlfa told him and he at once sat tiown and wrote the fouowtog letter i am at years of age and twr since x was a boy of ten years i was tubjct to very bed headache but tao veers ago the headaclwa stopped for tahat rraioo i did not know i was surprtd when one day uy wife told toe i had bn m kruuhm sells to uy coffee for owr tao yra i am still using thetd as i know of nothing flnar for the tu j t ibedaches can nearly always u traced to a disordered stomach and to the unsuspected rrttnilon to the ylol of stagnating wait buurui tihlch poison hi blood itemote thew pouans pritent thrfit forming again and youll newr have to orry any mote and that is just how kruschen sail brings swift and last ing retuf from headaches tcrusehso belts aid nature to clranse your body completely of ail clogging wul uat- hastb on uens clucking as on hen to another i doftt mind ulling you that the ihasa are sadly out of joint ah grumurd hopping rather dejectedly foos a speck cf chair taken mktakrnly for grwtn dx dwr ur clucked back the other hen what in the vorid has happrned now its moat disturbing th last time you acted that way was the day brfore th night when lhy first truked hem into sorking mer- time by pretending 11 was daytime and using electric lights this u far worw my deer vou know thee human beings once got as lova that everything could be don by machine now thry find it doesnt always work something alive has got to be baxk of the msxhtn dus es machine i think they call it i dont understand im afraid fluttered her friend do be patient and stop interrupt ing m a man tn connecticut it tales a hew ktrtglander to think up such s thrtft plan makee his hens spend their nights thl cold weather doing a calorific stunt to keep the en gine of his motor car from freesing ooodams that sounds ctreadful what ekft it mean though this man froaa connecticut found that th temperature of a setting hen la 103 then he figured that two hens would be os rahfvnhelt now every night tie sticks two hens under the hood of his automobile and the en gine turns over as sweetly as can be tn th morning its a downright sham clucked th other hen there should be cods or something to regulate it if there are any more letters left in the alphabet the next thing you know that mane wife will be using half a doxm hens for a flrelet cooker when she goes to church oo sunday morn ing the chrtatiao science uonl tor suctymocrrv in ovwo it is more than likely that a reel protlty measure with the united states will be one of the important ususs in the next federal election propoeale are now being cotuldered by government ofnctsls of the two countrte with a view to drafting a treaty it seems rather anomalous that the projected measure is being sponsored by the conservative party which led the fight against ileclnro- clty in the memorable election of lpll however time dare work many chan ge it is understood that canada will seek a reduction of united states tariffs on catlis hogs milk and cream fish lumber and other natural products and la prepared to give in re turn freer access to canadian markets for a wide range of manufactured product of tha united states such as tron and steel products machinery automobile parts and textiles xb view of the imperial trade agree- menia of lau and of the fact that greet britain remains canadas best customer it will be interesting to tee the reaction to the uother country to canada overture with the unit ed ststesimooe heformer lyrtstyatt kk rrau tbe four sh of dairy em1 exported from strllish columbia to the orient this winter consisted of m head of ayrshire heifers shipped ebruary 1 to a dairy tn along cjcng ola hundred bushel of potatoes shipped by the boys and girls po tato club at nominlngue vjq to montreal sold at 11 cents per bag over the current market price because of their high quality and uniformity new zealand was ths principal source of butter imported into the united kingdom during 1034 tup- planting denmark as ths premier ex porter the principal business in osnrmllin canned fruits ad vegetable to soot- land is in solidpack gallon apples and harnett pears e e the dominion experimental sta tion at uorden alan specialises in horticultural work especially in the selections of varieties of fruits suit able to prairie conditions among ths apple now doing well are twelve which were originated at the central experimental perm at ottawa name ly uelbo patricia joyce oaletta jethro kelvin mendel pinto herald atlas horace and rupert pilchard oil fed to poultry at ths rate of two per cent of the feed mix ture during the winter at the do minion experimental station at scott bask eliminated leg weakness e according to an announcement the canada oaaette the government from february 15 to april 33 1du will not levy customs dtulas or taxes on passover bread or m or on the following matxo products whole wheat matins hygienic matsos thin matzos egg matsos matxo crackers whole meal matso crackers matxo cereal and hysienlo matxo crackers imported into canada between the dates mentioned order roofing mow sw tbe eatsj year id taie baoettl e are setting snd trttlng for bbeuy bre omsj rwiw and the dependable ksflnmrlas corrcst cajat irou uosstntfto cowtstot rw atsfutwy wwfc take te gilbert sinclair csv b ft 1 tiaae ttj1 itailwav ticstes bujoito ovkat two vabbs lono when the average traveller steps p to ft railway ticket counter to pur- hose a ticket he usually receives ft piece of paper of uulgnlflcent propor tion just a little strip of few inches at the most if however you were to receive sin and a half feet or railroad ticket you would think that you were really going to do soma travelling tt was a ticket oi this length uve long est ever issued in vancouver that was handed over the counter recently at the ticket office of the canadian na tional hallways when a lecturer step ped up to purchase truuportauoa for a tour throughout ths west tha traveller was edna jacques who left on a speaking tour of western canada under the auspices of the associated canadian clubs her itinerary opens at pouce coupe in the peace ktlver block and the tour ends soma five weeks later at vott wuluab out suafxefis can ad i aw railway caxkssautstft wis kslmysujav th smallest railvsy in canada th hunuvlll and lake of bay hallway wui this year orubrai it thirtieth anniversary while march 6th will mark th 166th anniversary of th granting cf the charter of th london and oor railway which was to be built from london to uurtington bay and then westward to ta navigable waters of lake huron thee anni wrurba are dealt with tn an inter eating article appearing tn ih march luu of canadian national uauways magaxne by h it ayr the tmau- eu canadian railway has uw operat ing prohlems and no snow blockades it operate with to englnre a portage railway between north por tage and south portage dally except sunday from uay to september carrying passengers between palry lake and peninsular lake tn th lake of bays area the london and oore hallway was nvr buut ur ayre recall because tn march ityf the nam wu changed to th orsat wes tern railway this line afterward be coming part of the canadian national system infants colds relieved abut liint yea sultm eesuy eot elg it urttiltaj vu4 l vntom auasb oat- wtly hsys iii aouu iks tbsre u say eia c sau j sde uabys ovrtbl aad aad tear are a grasl kslp tfcwtsssdeof wouweettatksssav see ealy for cus but tor fretful- ia lodimtlaa aottstloettn teoubus aous upm ih usitye 0w l aad sue u rtiit jtdaboi aiiaweta ptis si f wiih amf babys own tablets delicious recipes fr why do so many mothers detlht hi preparing enticing milk pags tor their family the raaeoo is obviot as such desserts whoueom and readily dlld are ldal for both children and aduils and should be included nulariy tn the mily taaaia then toa every thrlrty bomecdaksr take into ccvuldeewtlon the hlh food valu of milk pudding to rvuiloii to its low cost and appreciates the fact that uou douru of this type may be easily and quickly ppad from materials available at all snimi of th year muk puddings will find continued favour if varied by using dlnvrvat flavourings by addli a little colour ing or by covering th pudding with a meringhe keeping m mind that foods should always be attractively rvd additional rectpr for bilik ovwrti may be obtained by writing to the milk utilization brvue dlry branch dominion drpanueot of agriculture ollase- me kic yilfcf cup no j cups milk i tablespoons cornslarch l cup mapie synuy 3 ffiat yolks j egg whites cup maple syrup bui rice in salud waiw until to- der bcaid milk to double boikr btlr conuiarch amooth in h cup wr syrup and add gradually to the hot milil utlr un ul uuture ihukeoa and cock is mtnuise add rice and well uaten erg yolks puce to buturvd baking duh lifal ea whius untu hi gradually add the v cup maple syrup and spread owr pudding uea in a moderate own smcwgrm un til cwucately browned about is aln- utes fw taueapoont coniiarth i tahuspoon hour 1 cup sugar teaspoon salt s cup cold milk t cup hot mux 3 lemons grated rtnd and juue 3 egg yolks i egg whites mis cornstarch flour sugar and ult with cold milk add to hot milk in top of double botlar and cook about m minute stirring constantly until mtsture is thick add sou of hot mis lure to beaten egg yolks combln ed with lemon rind stir into pudd tog and cook i minute keeaove from heat add lemon juice and fold to beaten egg white i tablespoon granulated feletlne 4 cup cold water egg yolks teaspoon salt 1 cupe milk i teaspoon vanilla 19 cup sugar soak gelatine to cold water make a custard of egg yolks salt and milk cook stirring constantly until mix ture coat the spoon dissolve gela tin to hot mhtture cool and add ftavourtng when mixture begins to thicken fold tn meringue made by adding the sugar to the ettfiiy btalen eg whites turn into moulds and chill cb in late seaakd cwa poilow recipe for spanish cream melt is ounce unsweetened choco late to milk when making custard mixture beat with rotary egg beater then add egg yolks and salt ceftw ggiasa cveaas poilow recipe foe- spanish cream using 14 cup coffee and 1 cud milk as ikiukt vka1u tooatlftxsv our rs toawtbar haw basal besucii- rul vou have uen paueoi you have sswfs the fcood together hi the eddytnef ftdvwtare vou hew fargivefl much and hndw- we have found laughter oo the tfaanef- tog highway and aomatinkes hi the shadow we have wrpt abd always when the dark skis have we have found heewtj whr oor chudrsii iws we have aharml iowiums toatber like cflidred playing by the we have made castles watebd the white gull wheeling and uft the salt winds blowing strong and fe jafe has been beautiful uy low with you bitter the hour wtwo we muit say adieu c frank fisuale impartant time table chances kxtxcttvsr sunday makcu igtj ruil tofoenutuin frow any agaht canadian nafkonal but if man builds a better mouse trap now he u to busy making spee ches that he never her time to make any more buy chicks from big eggs it pry7 pilbrt day ura demands gif all the ad vantages to chicks haichad from big eggs fugegg eotkafals make sartier broiurs or usr thenaverage market to the pall to thee way they bring higher pricas bigegg pullet chicks make ugfr dpir- bodied uytng birds to the pall with ftwatar capacity for high production and the abuuy to uy big eggs investigate brayls jtlra- profit chkae jo this double tuirpow all 0ftrrocur rjbicks are hatched front exs over s3 ounces pr dowsa up to m and 3 ounces rr doaa oonw into the halchery and see for yourself the sise of the eggs our xtraprofu chicks are hatched from our incuba tors are now running and you can see the eggs tiht to the hatching trays oet ft copy of our pvee oius- trated booklet it wwtit ut- ur from many of our test years customers showing ths ouutandlng livabulty and grow- thlneas of bray xtraprofil chlcks to thru own fiocks last year these chicks were called pounds uoo orade- w be lieve the new name describee them more exactly bray chick hatchery 1 raons iu bramptea onttrio j tn m our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogs booklets office forms prompt work broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards low prices when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair cost that i the kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modern type face a wide selection of paper itoclu and layout suggestion which will enable you to attain real quality character for your business or enter prise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 the georgetown herald

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