Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1935, p. 4

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p4 the georgetown herald wejbnjay evening march 13th 1935 kffioimam raicw rj4i llv efw j j kum cwjj uuy ota w yiw bj fifv utms gajy ftfeira frvarji tir f flg hb standard six li canadv lowaiftftatl f uilyepped cor j it is a qwvfolrt ikroui and through t tt ictdiag feature taduda i sjwovj bid psoas eagtor for tackowd power gad evwufiftrwi 33 per ceat man bo- www than last fur loi cou tat ato- ua oil uid upkeep streamlined bodice by vtaa widt taahilr vejve upholstery and attractive vltint appointment mor ujm powerful taootkir broke bozji la til atbt nodrtftvulutloa safy fa ladshkd ad ventilator xbnwj raw nw lang 11 ojung iytu- alf- coolcd generator with voltage coairol improved duuh coaw la tad iniprt lb 193 chtvroui staadard sis today drive if uy th performance ad tb ridel youll ad ui wg rootay fujtiy or every ladi a depeodime economical chevrolet cuc a genual motors vaiui daymond motors omby bock oroaorrowm for economical transportation kt it their anniversary and youve been away a long tune and you cant be there in person to congratulate them send your voice instead by long distance nothjag but your voir nn give km the right touch and at the reus la the fatal beget of ur directory show you cm talk 100 allet or so for ti utile u 50 coat ore heat in your rooms icoo john mcdonald queen street georgetown djunttcs fos tub ttqupty by hetty barclay condition axe improving but evwn yet thrifty houoewtve are tnterwud tn taty dlsha that do not put too great strain upon the family pun ii are two recipe that will ouroly appeal fiaeapal bb leaf 1 potkag quicksetting gelatin deoiert pineapple flavor 1 cup boiling water 1 cup cold water 1 taaipoonful onion julo 1 cup cooked bom chopped one 9 tablespoon aour pickle chopped an dissolve qulckeattlng gelatin d tart tn bollinjt water add cold waur and onion juio 63u11 unul it baghu to thicken add chopped ham and pickle pour into loaf nan and chill unmold on platter and cut in thick elicee to serve fjerve fl plaeapel ceeeontt gnosa 1 package quicksetting ajejatla deaeert pwooppl navor 1 cup boiling- water it cup eugar 1 cup milk 1 cup cream whipped 1 cup ehreddad oooaanut duuolve qulckeeiung geiatla dee aert in boulig water add augur chill until u begun to thicken add milk mixing thoroughly void tn whipped cream and oooaanut pour into mould and chill until firm serve i milk duuebts oivb ctnldbsn bubh uoubt lunch riuvfl wh0lksohb and attmlxnq llow to get enough nouiiihment to to the child in the few minute he u hams from achoal for luncheon u a real problem the meal mutt be eat- ufytng without being a tax on the dliretuan and it rnuet be eaay to eat quickly a milk deaurt nlu all thaw requirement and give the needed nourishment tn a moat wholeaoau form here are ome eatytoiuake inexpenalve deeeert of thl aart war ranted to appeal to the youthful toil orange uerburae ooitarj l 13 cup tt can eweetened condented milk s orange 3 eggi 3 tableipoon granulated eugar blend eweetened oondensed eugax dlred pulp and juice of orange add wellbeaten egg yolko- pour into but tered baking duh cover top with meringue made from atlfrlybeaten egg white and auger hake 15 min ute or until meringue i brown in a moderately elow oven 335 degree 0 serve alv bokelec pudding 1 13 cupa 1 con eweetened conderued milk juice of 1 lemon m cups graham cracker crumb 3 eggi fllend together aweotened oonden- sl milk lemon juice and wellbeat en egg btlr until thick add gra ham cracker crumb place in aher- bet glaue may be garntihed with whipped cream and nut meat bervea 1k dfvftii paaaefr fn bu atuck in anow- dlrlt we cant alt here ail day driver what tn we gouur to dor driver fed up well ttiakln k ti tnow ttout nnxbofo -tv- ot oil buod uniu ww m tfaf- fa th huibul plan nothin u worth th taking u it dewe bot tsju uw taut why build til ciua tloribu u woa unhtlldd amt za td we build th woril uril e tb buildr olao gtowa kwttl uaikhom dacumom or nxw ctiauutmcy 8n ttixt of tw storol foully end to of ctonda pttaw tdlnuur ore poud on the new p-p- tux ricy put into circulation oa uondoy uat by the bonk of canada rt cutall aw bing pubtuhad to guard tgfllnrf ivsi gauaufim nou- a ukrtw of pvioom cubrtlj granddauikur of the klog and uuho wui dfr on th t0 d- tukxilnauon tbe prtue hunuurv portrait are aa two of th higbr d- jt not tur john ucooa- ali nrvther of ounliruao p- pearlnj oa th 60 nou and bir wurtd lourwr ubeni priu ulnl- ur trcm lta4 to nil oa the tux note it highou whuh the tunk of cwnd will uue the u cf the new not wtll be a tuwelty for canad tht uut taent being only lath laag by vt inch vui thy wtll b 4- proatiniuiy th ti of the pat imiud btau noita fractio thotter but wider kou cf uxt dw- nosilnauea wuj be available in eng lub and tn wtath th color and datignt bauij oaactiy the aw tn kuch ovmkrilnaiton u prtnud in toft raref uliy tho n ahad bat that 1 conaubrkbly nvir ruuoa tn color than tn the eiuung not th ooea 9w u irwn twrt blue am otuijw una purple tsoire dp row ftfty brown wtth a ahod of rd loce choroute brown ltt oepu and ijutfe olive gren a portrait of ulna ow appear on th tl note wtiie oa th rwrw u on oluoncal femal figure wpre- tenting agruulture the tl not bear a portrait of queen uary tn evening dru wtth diamond tiara and wtklaoe oa the reverse 1 a figure of uercy to the right of the ngur aiay be oa on airplane a loooauilfe croist on arched bridge and an altctrle train emerging form under the arch a shipping aoia balanow th cwlgn a freight ataaaer tug and danidi be ing shown on th is appaare a lkaa of th prtno of wala la colon unl- forl on th rvre 1 picture a symbolic figure of poser tutij ad a dynowo and holding a oudg hoa uer tn the right hand xtou the uft foot appear a gard hl th figure ie flankwiad by a wourf all on th uft and a doa oa th right with th power line uodlag to duunt mountolna prtnc uary tn evening m and necklace t rprtaud on th face of th 10 not a clootie dranad fe male figure niblaue of llanatt u on th revere alttlng above th horn of plenty taken from a recent photograph a portrait of prince kliaabeui appear oa the faoe of the wa oa th back tn dp rose u a male figure the toiler eahlblung th product of th vtaat fitldt to a feaul figure repr- wnting the bpirtt of agtlcultum to th uft of th awwffttwlljyt oo the foot of the wm 1 a portrait of the duk of york an allegorical fww figure depicting modern indention indicated by radio and broadcasting appear on the reverse which 1 brown tn color th duk of aiouceatar 1 represented oo th loos oa th bock of th not i a mala figure child and ship symbolic of th method of iranoportauan used by industry a shown tn the background tt portrait of r john uacpon- old appear oo th 00 th not u backed by a sepia brown female fig ure repreeenttrur th product of field and orchard on of th moat recent photograph before hit death wo used for it portrait of bir wilfred laurter which appear oo th race of th higheet denomination th 4j5m not oa each not of ewerr denomina tion appear th word ottawa tuu lftu and th algnatura of o p tower governor of th dank of canada and j a oeboate de puty governor all th printing of th paper currency wo carried out in ottawa tvtc dinrrd from lrioo ooldeiw text proyn wo tamde without eeoilag of th church unto ood fas him act u ftb lfcasow paboxok act u hi th heart adue th eytit of the autumn of shattering bloom winter of polo wherefore i am omured by the uur one of uut dingy taomlnga i shall out of th icy furrow of my writ fiuddenly lo the heart rvr trusting it valiant leaf t bra iteadjnon itey uru f if any peran wrre wruing an ac count of ilgnlilcam eeau la hit fr of grace tw tuiht uln by uuing or dicteuint such a btalin in lluksl uuuounl in italy or iiilur tn offttiny vt it may well be that ocul and rtuglous nuheueni prnt gatliertng strmgui are mate fraught will 0vtuiy for the future of mankind in the first century the tune of wliirh this wuoit wlu itrrod agrlppa had great pawr ium an apouie languuhlng la pruon avent uttie or nothing yet the cluu tion moveouni iepratid by ivur lias long outljtfd the itomon emplrr the llomon govemmeru hod gr4t powr became of pojjtursj and mill lory orginliatlon but the crratltu hod a goprl tth lovo nut spread as a ferment end with a tpint of lote and good will that woo adhrrvnte to the faith th liottn empire with many future to oomawod u de pended ultima uiy upon force while th chrutien cruirch teetrd upon truth and love it maf be that th aorta sill finally be rid of bar not by any covenant in th league wstloft but by a peoples kvrbwnt for christian brotherhood tmee t 11 fvter th outstanding iradrr of the christian wo in prttoo o utur prestige did hit group of comma have the apostle however wo not alone he frit that christ va with him lie had also another source of comfort and strength a tncrvulng prayer was made far him by the church wo one can lu how much those earnest prayer helped peter we tend to underestimate the effect of prayer peter had no doubt that some power othrr than himself waj at work lie attributed hi ewcape from prison to dlvtn intervention during the night hie chain were loot ed h drowsed and wo ud out of th corridor of th jail into th cuy ptnding himself alon and fre peter atlrlbuied hi deliverance to ood those who live adventurously com to have strong individual faith in ood a help a man who had read many skeptical book said that not all hi reading and reasoning had bean able to make mm disbelieve that twice ood a hand had been laid upon him and that ood a spirit hod spoken to him there are people who nave had such direct and drftnil experlenc of ood a touch on their live that they con never again doubt uary u not mud- u known about thl uary who lived in jerusalem but she had a greet influence in th earty christian church fih opened her home to the followers of jesus and mod her boe- puoilty on evangelistic agency iter character may be judged by th single fact that prayer meeting were held in her house bhe ha thl other dlm of fun sh wa th mother of john uark who wa a fyypenlm of paul and domabae and who wrote the second gospel giving peters ver sion of the life of chrul uark wot fortunate in his companionship wtth great men peter paul and llama- baa and he owed hi acquaintance wtth these men to th hospitolily of hi mother home no word la re corded that oh ever apok but ah etui speak through th writing of her eon in th long hlatory of th christian church thr i a brilliant succession of preacher thinkers and writer but th work of the church ho spread and endured pcrtap more by reason of th fiumbl and unher alded work of women who haw mw- ed meal furnished place of worship and residence taught claose wade vlilt and have never asked for re cognition or reword doubueae utjw waa proud to give her too to th aer- qusnapshot guil i casting reflections miftncm subjects h photoflash ao a mirror will bring out that price i ate smile of youth ltou may think you bav hauated the supply of picture possibilities in your homo but the chances are that there aro count lose interesting ubjoct you have com pletoly overlooked it 1 the udubual that attract at tentlon but it i naceosary to us your ye and a little imagination and ingenuity to ferret out th iccpttonol view angles ate and get pic hire that ahow individuality ulrror picture for instance ar intriguing and offer unllmiud po ibllltte it one will do a little ex perimenting- lets take th above picture aa an eiamplo whan focusing for reflected image only it i neceaaary to add the dla tonce from the mirror to tha sub ject to the dlatano from tha mirror ti tho ian of the camera and then aut tho focua accordingly it it i desired to include the tab led in the picture with tha reflected imago tha focua ahould be oat for tlio dlatance from tbe mirror to th lens th amaller tha ian opening the greater tbe depth or field and the iharpar will be both image of course tha nearer th eubject i to tho mirror the lea is required in tho tuattor of depth lu the picture above tha subject were about two feet and th camera elk foot from the mirror aa both tha eubject and reflected image ware to be included la tbe picture the focua wa oat at aht feat tbe dia phragm was oat at 11 and a photo- flash furnished the light it the figure and camera ware lu a position to ahow only the re flected imago in tho picture being taken tho focu would then buve been set at the eight foot distance mark tha diagram ahowe poultlcn or subject camera and photufltuh when tha above plcturo woe taken attar setting the focua of your cam era at the proper dlatance and tho dlphragm at fit set tbe shutter for time aipoaure t do not have any bright light in tho room riaro photoftoah lamp tn ordinary floor lamp within reaching distance fri in tbe camera as designated in din gram be sure to removo tho h mtlo from the lamp take your pmtilmi at the camera and caution your subject not to move prow tlio cable release to open your shuttt r ond 1m mediately turn on tho photafloah and than quickly cloeo tho tiliutter and tha picture has boon taken pho- toflaah lamp are made in two stioa coating ib and 15 cent each for this type of picture tho 25 cunt site should be used in amateur photography exncrl mantlng becomes the splco of ilfo and you will bo surprised ut tho in teresting effects you will got in working out stunt pictures on gloomy rainy days when outdoor activities aro taboo results in some instance may be rather grotooquo but you will nay a lot of inoxpon alve amusoment and pictures that show individuality auyouo can tako the ordinary run of picture but it requires a little ingenuity to gat the unusual that is what you ahould hoot for john van quildhit a barber who had rheumatism tdbewwsfccatrit a barber feho had ba a tartyr to htuntum write 1 have beta a toortyr to rheum- uun for some ten yvora pox uv ears i wo so anwud that tt wa with th greatest difficulty i wa obi to carry on toy buonru f buy say j am a barber by trade afur having uud nutaerou renwdirs 1 wa fin ally advuxd to try krukhca i am pkad to say that oiler having iwd kruuhcn far same welv month 1 am now littr frmn ache and pains tluai i have un lor tota tea yean- in fact i consider 1 am rid of rheu- matum tlunlu to icnuchen tuju wxl two cf uj higrwdimu of knuchro iu1u ate tli uost effectual salvenu of uric acid klown to uwdical sclrnr tliey uuy dull th uiarp edr of the palnlul crystals lino concert lima into a hamus solution olbxr lngrdirnu of lift lulis have a stimulating etfrct upon the kidnry and suut uieni to eupet the dusahcd uratic nrdles through the natural channel vie of tlw faith alfcda u tl wlist run be uid about hhoda flhr dkl ro da very much hardly enough to ruin a place in the story of in apatouc ag yet shr is in th puture uii2 was a srvant in tiw liouse of uary and whrn prur knocked at th dour of the gate sh went to lulen to ducowr whether it was a friend or loetlie gate wot kept locked to fear of persecution llh kcogiilid ivter vole as before hie arrest h had been a gtiut tn th home oh was so orod that uutssd of un locking uk got and utting pter in she ran and told th others that the prisoner for whom they had b praytng wa fre and stood betoe the gu they told her that ih wa imagining thing but sh stuck to her story and investigation proved that sh wa right evidently ithoda had broom talent led in th christian cense by reason of whel sh had uamed from th lnmte and guest in th horn where sh worked bee tng christian at close range she wanted to be one on tragedy of the christian church has been that often there ha been a great gulf fiord be tween mlttrea and maid a social barrier that has made christian re- utlanshlpe difficult true religion cannot thrive tn on atmosphere of clot division and social snobbery jocmb ie 11 bcloiars have attempted to depict jeeiousie and conflicts tn th apos tolic church but we see more evtd ece of brotherhood and good wui after peter hod been freed from prison he knew that his own life wa in danger and that he would be a danger to uary horn if he aiayed there lie therefore uft jerusalem and went elsewhere but not before sending a message to james and to th brrthren this wa not th bro ther of john who had been put to death by herod but jama th bro ther of our lord who bad been given a place of leadership tn jerusalem peters message woe more than an act of omctal courtaey it wa an er- prrsslan of brotherhood and good will th christian fellowship entail many dutir and respanslbultie but it doe hive a rich reward tn fellowship wtfe prison experlenc wo bearable when he knew that a household kept up continuous prayer for him and that james and hie old urn fellow disciple rejoiced in hi eacap peur had been warned by hit uaster not to expect an easy life hardship over took him but h bore tt gladly be cause of th presence of christ and th fellowship cf christian qttla for ihtfawdf i what or torn significant social and spiritual movemente todayr 3 wa th angel supernatural or only a messenger 1 3 la genuine hospitality waning t 4 which 1 worse caste or class 3 why wa jam mad leader tn jcrutalea a clluasatr of lie pot do you think there l any chance of my getting thl poem in your magaiiner editor there may be im not going to live always news salada tea now has a blend for every purse yellow label 28 brown label 33c 14 lb orange pekoe 40c lb aft u hi thmlt rtew stjlvxj fcfai j a aa sito have your eyes etoutliied tulyr l ore tctumle to ewtaory the d wbeaever you look ua or down la or oul tulr tiniii t jj t i ta toraato or ouaiph reduced ta price and ar add th t prloe thri troa u a e oat tuijer laaa for u ail cwr cwnda tie fcw the u price a ofiy aa o t walkejt ro miuhimulut b4 b u momma uoo troas tli it ti ht balk to fa mmg mdathuutkilbibl f opportunity to acquire prbae tnhilug lnv offering hlth dtgna of afcty of principal uu- jag 6 to 10 pttoaa tit wue for wsguttoiu amos barber go mmduor toronto stock esdiafif 25 fona slr w toronto mom b bakbsb bj4 uk sp miilin 11 tbauteit a tallella and slraw for immedutl wear misses claridge herald block b b b it b m bltb i georgetown jj mm j to dbvelop a nations resources ie 1s4j followleg ike ualo of upper tod lover cbasja wbn ike rsak oesosj a brsotb si torosfo to iuccmj toe irocy tktw sod euibliikrj oftct is aloe oiktr calh of upper csudi ibt llmounble ivurr lucul ibf phtluat of ike bink nplileej hy tha direaon hsj eaurej upon s policy of rmhiiihlnj braachss cr ageacui la ike uua wra province tbe leguhnire hiring confrnrd on iht bink impottuu ulvibihaadaudukurj ilnowilon and tmploynuai of e luge cipltsl tbe basnl inutsd of caactntruing u all la the urge dtlei tli li ro bt ikilr duty grsjuilly to ruttad ikroagboul ike provlac the beatau dulvskle a tkt ueoubytlmtuibwimriucjrucliiiuigmcussf such polatt ibj fa nub locslkiei u appesrej u ihta bw calcuuisd to aonkutgr sod suili lie igrlcukufe tod cou eitfc cf ik couoiry to dmlop lii ittouket sod ro pw- moc ihs liuiuie of iu npoitsbls pnhlualoss even btcive ike unioa of upper tod lovtr csasds the luftli sought coniuiulr to aacoursi ikost boon i tndr whkb wouu coonlhwe ffctivslv to the op- bujumg of the couauy s purpose whkh it u tuonj todirsi ever bank of montreal established hit head office uontrdm uodihn bppicient 0ankino sobvicd lha outmnu of 117 yn kucnujul opcnlioa geotge bnucbi j k smtth uluvtgm i tinnntnyt

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