Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald shtrtlgha y cthtikmxon 1bgmrfownh muxl 20tt 183s sljsope annum in adnnc 200 to usla ttw c hnli jmi crr tim tjj rwwtf fo ttortfcilo 9m pi yomr opportunity to meet dad consult tie tip top tailor stylist pmcr tad hhbvni tl tuii itlu iih m aw u tutu luv8 oraeofcrtkinf ibri ul sji toj u 1114 l ijd u iu nja itt dm xu iu- tu um llxio lm a duly bvt kuk irlj oiig k1stkbn tahouid ylum s fc if ml u lamlt troas directory ie bov ojus bakiaia uj f ift uusctoea oaujto oocjr440y null ud ulll si kfcrtmctu u utkqdom km uulu urai ta lba omou uiia lurwt tteuui wimwani lliaiiii llr him aihirt hjw huioc w aiaumiimon71ul uobtf ia 14ab tvwmloo ml omli 111 a bu e at ulkaon omjivboh uwbbkb jivboh ta a u nmiitki e rttat huh k oonkm angles ra tubs h hartb liugua tlifioii ta bnatua nucaau ma ttfftni hmin t in t vimnl ttiwtir a m nielsen till r t isilum curefirtttar xray drufuo ththpiai lur flmiliit hour t i tj tm 9m ctiiil ibnlu fth in frank fetch uoows ftdotiokns to iw cwauu vm ul uba loaiet ivhai oultuhjua uitoutjwn trl kmt owffltiihnhm mottumen is pollock a ingham sucmunn u otur wortb gak out dfejjaj b lutahl nw mil xbjcmt our worii la orinoo4 oisuun floral designs u rihima illlmhl hicu wmohtfu j farmer lltiu rajyl i htllp mtua at you homfuilv lrhaim ru wnd hi damsvd teyf y teit mil oon b doit but to b mul hi dammrd luajii bb wmbwm ii rrmt ft work mi a ikt- fh if will uk or lha itlndt lb quuu kllmpllv obi fbauj iiowvr dblwr to bhair ibb buj llowvf thar la bap avaa rof philip m tnara la far no uauy otha llltt ehlldmh who ara gthm earad toy in ibla litatllutl coutribuilotm to uulal thi arraal woju ara ttaadadl bowavar ut af mouwy rroui you will bauoai mr cr hudgin fu will be t eur tore tuesday march 26lh up i tua u ioufttl ijr k llojju tka ttp t09 fwolam ul klu vull our ttarwtw ha c i y b eaiftj wlifcjwvouliaitaai fcw waai f thi la twi any 4u4loaa f wyu bbte v color prtaialii4 ta g0arihij tm uiufit of mr hudjla aip t4 uof couh4tlfahiuulf frblll- lloa sod ta cwj u iu ooa hw taaa fcy jmu tbouu tm to our mora at uut a compr buora yoa onsvf horlag and humuf clolhaa utwa oojuna than aw mak up tha tip top nrrlnt snj humntr ranfli mun atyba bttr ull rtnfl and ualth yat itv orlra rt- main uj1i for your unrtrltrd choica d brill co ttwuta 167 gcorsetown exclusive dea1eb fob tip top tailors aafortf to lha canada baada art o naw vurtt7 of earaaj train eajj ba otfarad for aala tn canada undar lla vuttty najb unla that vhty hij baan llraruad by ta dominion ulnl ur of aftieultura aftar taau eon- due tad by tha caraaj dlvulon of u poblnlob exxtrtmantal finu lawyer you aay that lha nana itoim era of vary apaclal and rar bread and hat ta why you are car lain i hay era your would you b urprtsad to know that i have few of that particular hraady pmiacutor no z hava mtuad lot of than us rr wafer wanxv u it worth whll that w joaila a uothar urahn hla load on tha khin aida of uft la it orth whlla that wa lr at sh othar in bucknrta of hrt that war to tha knlfat ood pity ua ail in our puyful ttrlfa t ood pity ua ail sa fc oua zh othar oid pardon ul ail for tha trtuidlha when a fllo w4 down poor btart brckan hrothar hrcj o tha hart wchlj at inn r than iurl and ulahtur far for o or or wel wr it not u in thi bruf utila joumry oo ovrr tha uthaua down into thr lkw we aivc him a fuh uuud of a ur pilt trr laullnj tha hind to ba and aulda ror ttr and aya in diut at hli tul look at lha roua taiutlna tch othar look tu lha hard all u praca on lha plain uan arm man only eukaa vr on hu brouwr and dotaa in hit hrart on hi parti and pain bhamm by lha brutaa fhat f0 omu on tha plain yetcrdaty song bv tiiavkm waloo u it worth whu thai a uitu to humu r fj duatr ood pity ua atui tlb loo ooo will ua turabla all man logathar ul uavaa tn a giut ail of ua huablad down tnlo tha dual asoitt covntv councils tha propotii to aboiuh county- councils la quit tn un with the nol ley of eoncrntraiion ao much in uor will- tnlrrctlad city cfflfllli and oooa utktim who are alwaya buiy davlunf utma plan that will mean mof grin for tha mill of tha urga urban on trea u lha county council of ihl provlnoa war aboluhad evpanilon of tha provincial drpartmrnu n twon- to and a multiplication cf oeoca ould naturally follow lion aari ou ivro than thla would ba lha wretuns- of povvr from lha hinda of tha popl who have aiwaya thown tiiat lhay ara quite capabla of hand ling their municipal attain and plac inff it in tha hand of civil tenants comfortably aniconcad in richly ap pointed omoaa tn toronto far from tie prohlfnu that conoern tha pvopl of rural ontario and luprtmely indif ferent a to tha manner in which tha lolution of theaa problem would af fect tha welfare of the naopla back on tha farmi or in tha vulaaea and email town county council hava their ihortoominn and make their biu lakca but they are clot to the people reapoiulvf to their need and wunaa and they do the builneu fntruited to them honeetly and with reasonable economy thl is ao mora thou can he aald of tha btf politicians who muddle along undar tha dilution that they are statesmen and often end by making a pitiful met of tha trutt tha people have placed in their keeping one doe not hava to leave the province of ontario to and in stance that will bear out all that w hava been laying and one doe not hav to delve very far into the past that dehajiga i ti 1 it u i jt i i u i k ntl l ril i ul 1 lur j ii riii u rjiu4 wai f tu gnvt im lalfvl lua huu luu li i m iwr ulufe it utiii hjiir- u i 11 rjuttv u gtijug ulllui i tuhtcb i u 11 u11l ki uaay 81 j tl hjiljlmtll t u billa mvuum s irtita ii 41 l grapefruit s for 25c oranges 37c 47c doz lemons potatoes 21c doz loc peek main st phone 3s7 georgetown lie au j i r iuvi i i uif it ujli r it ljie tu ii m u il tier knowt m rit m uugul ligl tly vttulol i i luillig houljtll drvj of m hiiuj ii drauuitlr euritfiu tf im inj tbp uoll aft lui i n iu uiudr 1l im italulj lluiuuwhui i i bud la tlil j id uftdlr jul fur wi iuo b- rauw i out tut war u llilbk it all th euw lu ii iijuimh qtereuiua by uwtulr rial i ura id my huusa i rvalli doi tiyllrfv you huuw viet bo ouie taiurh ldrta in thew ubl ale luutitta uli juuva lruaia curb a rsduiitly dlffvrvi t iriui la it jour smt ta plrturva r lrallr i dual biutw ceibapa it just ibat ive gruno into tfca bsllt or rtlg aad rarrv it oa aay fro tt wudlo too after a yulr glaora at ker hoe- taoa raually ratuarked uell wlatetee e tt iubm yau ve buwaosad aarelouslr i ra- ambiue lia i brat aa you kw forlora and uohsppy jou tqlad t raailsad utar it at aa bwauu you d jul wp rated from itmul nut tin baa la all wound dwaat itr tea i euptua it it by tha way lb bnaleaa ptirsuai taa you heard rvoai kj acr lavtnla g 1 ten head aboob a tlaw nagatlv not directly i beard it al be gav e hla job to co berawbaa i ate red bat i r own him ha dldat fen apar at the duorr waring rajojil h renrh wind a upas tha tread lan were spared daieo etor ilulnlllr appointed fablaa raft tnuile sounited faintly ob low dtiigiitfuir lavinla cried n ortleatr laov vea htrtense aald laadlog bee onto tha terrara i thoigbt it tnuht b nice aod it a pat riot if tbey r a lilt la group fn m tha artiste buraaa af tka onami t tnent raluf agency ah therae ura klbarg j neflsa ma dmbmdi will yoor lavinla wasnt eooactaua of baa go in nor of an j thing else la that thronged area eave lha ta ftgnra aba had eaddeaty gllnpaad tbara be neath lit e carta trve be stood brown hair trlnlblown hatoa movipg daftly in hla long fti gvr a a be lad tha nasi rlan ii ult ullnllj bar ufu formed tha oaoie a a trlf wave ef ml led feeling evrj t her then i ion ease waa beside her oar more latreduclng someone for tha neit quarter boor aha bag oa cbanca even to glance la bla tlrae- uoa nut moving imaax tba gueata ta aicbaaga social issenlllaa bar though i e war rooetaatly of hlax at last hart en t guided bar to tba table where they would hav lunch son it within a few yarda of hu ul and hla men she bad heeo eesuhl tut a moment when front be hind her burst t rth tba rich wild strains of harb yjtt played upon a violin her heart missed a heat only to resume with a furious pounav lnt that drove lb hat blood into her throat an i temptea ha bad wen bar then for this ua their love song the one h bad played that first night they spoke of ioi tiny dear girl t llortenaa waa leaning anslnuely inward her tout siiirrtly eaten in rsel don tell m i v been etui 1 1 en ugh to bar thing you dlsllk lavinla smiled ma retired eome thin in dental and mechanically pl bad up a fork an instant uar and luoule inatrument waa aitll llortenaa finally uggaataj they go indoi r for dam tassa and liqueurs lalnla rose raanlutaly and with mt a tmb behind started serosa tba grass hi hud heard th quiet clatter and nulle or ietartur among tha miiblrlane shortly lhay would be gon an i thla fantastic interlude but a lienor soon noul would be out or her life again ead avaryao would hear or bee angtgemeat to telia aaron too tba brllllaat young pro ducer rhe reached ii nortteo last tha others had all g n in aa insistent uiulse gripped her and th turned alone by lha ararla a sleek trunk was llanul violin yet in land a mask of infinite aad bltternasa waa upon hla rare the deep gray eje gated toward bar brooding lavinla a sob was barely au llbta over the closelrliiimed turf aba res utrtlj to the man beneath th tree sllsa pro ut found llrtnse seated by tiers it in a far corner or th mimic room al plntf chart reuse and snioklujr th i ve lucn looking for you i rallied ills prout lleres the en noiinrenient you ebkrsl nie to type ulll you until t read it nowf o r i1ih h rtense smiling just a i it no i nli a n t flenrgla yu may aa ualt tear it jip thi lad it con true uuu um xi4le lly called away imciiib or of wmiip music mini iniiulc i took the lltvarly to urraiigw for iter kliu may be data nd wall in uflnlul bafiuic ef abuuy a scotsman holding an important job in tti city waa always being twit ted by an english friend about hi nationality by a curious chine th two met on a holiday hullo said the englishman how on earth u your omoe manaalnjr to got in without youf fairly wrti eniwarod th boot cautiously vou ua x left two eng lishmen and a welshman in my place customer your dog teem to b very fond of watching you eut hair i barber it gint that swehrrtr x nip off bit of e4isl0cnai mu yaxui yakof cekl kvubv wa kciuui wuij at pctmilatloa of slightly more uisjj un muhoa popl txi ax 1 1 19667 motor veiuciea in cn and in iku the ust year fox which complete oittcul statlulca ar avail- atuv tch liicl owd an avars4 of 04 gailon of gamlina in operating thaw vthlcue owner paid au average of au pr tabid in guiiuw laji and rwuimiioij la of wnich ui gaiauna uj rtpraacctad oo an aterae k3s per vilucie if th arcije mueagw per gailon is ouimal- rd at li mpj owners paid a osct every uir iamu aj tut on their mo rn tt fuel which in ciuiadi tn 1u3 twouim in am7 765 to th coifer ct itie nine gowmucts tu lajt suutsd in auvrta when tau uni per gallon was imjkhsd on april so lbi2 uanitoba folloed suit uitji a one ccul uv on april 37 iklj uniuu oulumbta on fvwirwr 34 wu ftun three cuiu quec april i iwt to renu ittnca kdward u uud tiay 1 1w4 two mruu ourw apiu ii j5 uur cenu nova ikotu usrcn ii 1u4 tfcr cnu new uruiuvick apru ad ihd thr cent while tuikalcnavn tea the ust lo adopt u an llay i 1c3 with a tale of tnra cent per aailoo ulnca llian ltiru hava ud ouida in tha dlhereni province until now ll it l sight cents in prtnc d ward ziund nova ucotla and new uunjick tmrn rente in manitoba and uituih columbia hila uaska icnckan and alberta aie railing u rem ii to sawn cent and qutbc and oatarlo hake a sin cent taa doftm advcariuno fayt tti mou common question put to on editor is uo you believe adver tising pay to ansstr in tha aixlr- mailve 1 only natural lor any wdtor llu bxaod and butter t derived from ui income received for adwruiing spar uut to enter into detail in an cllort to convince th inquirer la an act that is noble tn purpose so many item stand directly in lha path of an effort to eiplain th point to decision that la convincing under th cir cumstance action iruhsd of word must b th factor contributing to lha posillvo proof of th amrmatlva an aser advertising is an investment in i butlneta it 1 an art that rquir considerable thought and study ba- caus of the toany diflerent fomi tn which it can b used th outstand tng form of advertising is thai of us ing tha columns of a newspaper aa a medium of reaching into tha home of buyer and prospective customers no other form of advertising is a aura- shot and permanent as a wu written and duplayed advertisement on tba page of a newspaper uessaga in a newipaper l aa permanent aa tha home for u linger in tha bom long after other form of conveying th message have been forgotten any form of advertising la batter than none at all but a xbmu9 on a hand bill i toon destroyed for hand bills are substance of litter that mar the appearance of a well kept home ckuuequently hand bill era soon destroyed iladlo carriae th message directly into th horn but only cars thai ax attentive receive th massage circulars or form let ter reach the address in a personal arm but only th address in all probability will read th massag mumped messages on gift etc- b- come more a hidden or eaavji ood than a valuable advertising mjutii advertising in a newspaper reach every member in a bom and every person who visits that horn whan on member of a family read a new paper ha carefully lay it asld for some one else to read every news paper came a message that 1 of impottonc to soma on and thl of ten result tn tha filing of newspaper for future reference neipaper advertising u a medium that can never be swelled- urtmn- ton conservator prlcf dcacriu ux owuiart lif ej uteewillml lkllr slink hist ami fob what you want dont b afraid to ask or wfcat you want seem to be the motto of a large number of modem young peopl me young fellow who stand on th ttreet comer and by raising hi thumb indicate that he want a lift is representative if hi request is in formal hi thanks are lately to be equally so th other youth who ap peal to housewives to subscribe for magaxlne they do not want and have no time to read in order that h may receive help in getting an educa tion ts often equally free and easy ubout asking for what h want and take it without any undu display of gratitude dont be afraid t oask for what jou want analyse th nil bafor you adopt it the beggar on the it reel comer la not afraid to ask for what he want but you would hardly make him your model would your au the dead beats who have beoom to udepl in dodging jobs that in th most prosperous time they rarely have on ask for what they want and ask for it loudly yes you obtain many things by asking for them but do not imagine that they cost nothing you may pay in self respect and selfrcllanoe if not tn money a be tier motto l don t be afraid to work for what you want the young person who adopts that a hi rule of life goes much farther than th on who ask and let other people do the work iiintu on v1s1tino your dentist observer in th oheeley enter prise give th following timely ad vice to person who find it necessary to visit their dentist the advice ix followed may help 1 when you have mod up your mind that you must go to your den tist prone htm at once and make an appointment for th earliest possible minute tills aavea uulau brooding plan to arrive about ten min ute late for your appointment the purpove of thla strategy ta that if lie happen to be finishing up with another patient at th hour aistgnad to you you will be spared the ordeal of sitting and thinking of the ordeal that await you 3 do not try to brave it out let the dentist see your anxiety then unless you are a professing christian scientist lie will probably show you a mud mercy a he can 4 beat yourself firmly in th chair with your body rigid drac your feet against tha bottom of tha chair and clutch the arms despairingly you are then teody for the worst olve a violent start u soon u the drill even approaches a lender spot this will sometime secure you more lenient treatment particularly if you are a lady and happen to be in clined to hysteric if we would ktulde by the light of reason we mutt let our mind be bow4l6uu d sndu 1u ooldcn ttoct sanctify tha lord ood in your heart 1 kur 1 13 lesson pxbdaoe 1 wtsr 3 ml- a picket fromo on duty a mother starvad for iwr brood tiociatea drinking th hetalock and ju on th rood and million who tumbi and nuoa- 144 the straight hard pathway trad bom ceil it cooscratlon and others call n ood haeurt caxrulh a b ctmfratty t wlicn peter wtou thcaa words h was living under th itoman empire wruch had a huge handing army yet tw spokr of a christian oommunity wherw tliota in lite feuofcshlp sere of on nund loving pitiful and cour teous returning good for evil we bho study these ard m tn a world ilia l ls mejidicg billions of dollar upon armament with jspan steadily uxirailng iter military stteoglh la the kau and with brtialo and franc b an air define alliance can ft be coo tent to be mesibce of fami lies and coogibailoo and local com munitie where love and brotherhood are practurd whll th artd as a whole organuw on a policy of sus picion hate and art buely this is not what e mean by lha tlngdom of ood the tplril of th beloved community muu spread throughout the nation and among the nauoa- th league of nations i a concrete illustration of cooperation but in world needs a stronger spirit of good will to make the prteot or any fu ture league of nation successful christian hav on their hands th laik of producing a world order where truth juuie and brotherhood shall reign bnle 0g daya 1u these thre venae at quoted from the thirty fourth ptalm th word are about thre thousand years old but th principle ulll hold good we all ax anxious to tov ufa and sa good daya what keep ua from itt chiefly sins of th tongue indicating halrd and fear in our hearts in stead of being positive la goodn we are mors positive about evil head th newspaper and tea the prominano given lo crime denunciations threat and conflict of awry sort actually th modem world ckw not jirit ty believe in the law of love to prao- tis it in all th relatiatuhlpa of life lock on door elaotrio burglary alarms theft insurance submarine warship and wmpg plana tniy cale our siaia of ulnd personally and internationally on this basis it u impossible to be in lota with ufa or lo see good daya we are really living tn a mad world where wars of years ago cause hostility today tha cure ls for enough peopl lo make th great adventure of living for brother- hood and peace war merely causa resentment leading to mors war only the undiscourageable good will of christian tov can heal th world hurt oar f atlucae u it peter was writing to christian con verts who knew some thing at first hand about persecution it came ti them from two angle from tha jew uh church and from tha komai government peter set forth two principle oo was that if tha christian were good cltlanu not likely they would be molested th other was that if they should be per secuted they were to rejoice at being persecuted for righteousness sake and they were not to be panicky or des pairing even facing death that waa the triumph of ohrutlan faith and courage for which they vara lo strive twentieth century christian need thl same heroic attitude afany of u have been living quite securely with out making any great tacrlfio for our faith just ut us try to withstand social evils and financial injustices and wa may b surprised how thick tha fight may suddenly become it may be that if ever we ax to hav a varies world there will hav to be people who put their principles before love of life the erasure of th pro fit motive of munition makers has given a new statu to th peer move ment a saletlaal vleiary u m only true religion can produo the quality of cltuenshlp to make ovtr th world th soul of all improvement 1 the improvement of tha soul it re quires changed men and women to suffering society to imbue our world suffelrng from war debt and depres sion despair with tha spirit of christ u a gigantic spiritual enterprise th secret of power to do it 1 her he- verence christ a lord in your own heart th axparlenc of the in dwelling christ give a nrwg for such a time a this if christ live in us by faith we can give to other a reason for tha hope that ts in us this witness should be given humbly and not dogmatically or with spiritual pride or ulfaawrt ivencis also the presence of th indwelling christ re sult in a quality of life that silence criticism in a certain community a banker was asked for hi opinion of a religious group ills answer was they pay their debts government are unlikely to be hostile to the chris tian church if tha church members are ui intelligent peaceloving and socially minded that they constitute the greatest source of th nations moral strength our o real exawala ii is iloa much people are ready to suf fer for evil llow many are ready to sacrifice liberty for crime to risk health for indulgence or chance po verty on gambling 1 th devotion of mankind to pleasure greed and war is worthy of a batter cause christians may find pleasure in devotion to the service or the kingdom of ood it ls really much more rational to run risk for right than for wrong it te no great hardship to suffer for right it la the way th waiter trod th servant u not above hi vaster nor th disciple above his lord the croai is a demonstration of physical defeat and spiritual victory christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for th unjust that he might bring us to ood being put to death in th tiesh but quickened by the spirit to the eyes of the onlookers calvary meant defeat but nineteen centuries of christian history affirm that it was victory it is an honor to endure hardship as a good soldier of jesus christ th christian life is a war fare a warfare against evil and a warfare far right a good soldier is ready to face wounds and a aveteran u proud of hie ecara qaealleiu far dwiasalaa i i peace possible tn a world organl- cad for war 3 llow do sin of apeeeh prevent right human wutlotuhlpat 3 u persecution good for the church how far doe your religion influence your eulzenhlpt 0 hint ohriitlan share the cross of christ mot lord to ui alone w turn to thy croa for umy fly thar a paltata lo uara fow to live and how to dl sinful on our knee we fall lr us a for help w plaaa hear us when on the w call aid u in our tlm of nsd untcn utftson tha keeping of lent is th putting forth of a man a hand to quit bis own paibkm and to push tbcta aside that the higher volc may apaojt to him and the hlghar touch fall upon him it is th making of an tmptl- net about the soul that th higher fulioaa may fill it perhaps some day th ker needs may ihemmlv be oom and dignify themselves by be coming tti tobtk inlernrvlera and minuter of those very powers which llvry once shut out from th soul there ui be no fasting days no lent tn heaven no lcause we shall hava no bodies there but lwcausa our bodle there will b open to ood th help and not tha hindrance of spiritual communication to our souls- obituary vvtlxiam panton word wa rvcelvcd in ullton oa wednesday last ef th death of uajor william panton tn vancouver uxj i result of a heart attack uora tn kilbride u ear ago lisjor pan- ton a a resident of wilton for ovr wenty ear bfior going to tha wst- ror aixty five rears h was cwrfc of the county of lisjtoo ll was a founder of tha ut clair lodge a ii am of ullton receiving a told medal from grand lodge on th oc casion of his fiftieth year a a mem ber it wa past run principal of tit culr chapter ii wa a mm of cunpbellvul pish and oama club and for many year official scorer of ullton baseball club uajar panton aas formetly oaner and editor of tha uuton champion hi wife lulia uckenjl daughter of tha itev can on uckensie of uilton perdaceased him eight wan ago he i survived by ua daughter kathleen of van couver uona of winnipeg uarlon helen and jean of toronto ura ken neth duncan of toronto two aoa dr k i panton of vancouver and uaurto of toronto interment took place in toronto erin when drawing lo off th mill pofid last saturday afternoon jama and oscar llurren got into a nasty pfdl- cament when th horse and front bob on th sleigh broke through th tee at a spot where the channel take a sharp turn and had worn th lc thin it took about thirty men to draw the team out unto th to after the harness wa removed the team was sharp shod and one of them waa badly cut about the breast either by the shoe or ice and is still in bad condition both horse suffered from the chill of if lea water fortunate ly no one wa injured un w c uccutcheon of toron to i visiting with her daughter ura oordon corbet t and ur corbau uessra oran and wilfrid orundy of toronto spent sunday with their parent ur and ura hoy orundy uu uargaret ilingham and ura ucquiggan of georgetown spent last prlday with ur and ur w h- bingham ir and ura r fiomervlue and ura hale of grand valley hav leas ed ura d oibsona realdane and have moved in advocate acton uu violet laird of georgetown spent the week end at the home of ur huffman general sympathy 1 felt for ura jas uoor and uiss clara e uoor in tle death on tuesday in edmon ton of th beloved son and brother ur arthur uoor ur r d warren uu barbara warren ura j l warren ur and ura c it warren and duly of to ronto visited with ut and ura john wood on saturday last night a wall attended meeting of acton branch of tha canadian legion was held in th legion halt the election of omoera for th year was held and resulted a follow president j u ucdonald first vice- president d- o arnold second vice- president e- llarrop treasurer dr p w pearen executive wed cole to daylts oeorge uusselle and e e uarr zone commander go o o urown was tn charge of th elections pre press milton un irev joseph barnes passed away at oahawa recently bha was formerly charlotte lousley of tra falgar township the only surviving member of the family now ts ura a blbbald of hornby uu uargaret natheraton of tra falgar township was presented with a writing desk by the v p a of bethel church prior to her departure for to ronto where she will train for a nun in wellesley hospital asking that tha amount for relief be raised from to to 30 cent an hour a deputation of unemployed waited on trafalgar council the council will not change the present rate uu janet ueruues a wellknown and highly esteemed resident of ull ton for the past 33 years died tues day uar i3th in her ulh year de ceased was bom at pusllnch she wa a member of knox presbyterian church tha funeral took plac on thursday afternoon interment was mad in uoffat cemetery cham pion pobest tbees this la th time of year that far mers and others who wish to secure trvea for reforeetratlon sliould send their applications to the ontario por- stry branch trees available for for est planting are whit erd jack and scotch pine larch white spruce white cedar elm white ash soft maple hard maple red oak bauwood carolina popular white willow and walnut white spruce norway spruce and white cedar are also available for windbreaks the free distribution of these trees te for certain definite pur- pasas namely the reforesting of suit able lands the improvement ef de pleted woodlands the reclamation of unproductive wastelands th protec tion of slopes hills and light soils form erosion and drifting the con- aervation of water flow and the plant- iflg of shelter belt and windbreak for the protection of crops many people feel perplexed be cause of the municipality of church es and the conflict of their claim john dewey

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