Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1935, p. 4

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pbo4 the georgetown henltl wednesday even inf march 20th 1935 an hd tain at th union fetation tharua d th buatrura tilchfction x hold that thin wn mighty ted and tomato or other it tnad him tad thai fcgwd man ha uthwl toy kn tyy know what wrong with thlngt mid be tvw bt in fihu and the old boy abd x alwy got whipped when z feoi kinil polk have forgot bo to stand on grid vrbu hard luck socks a oa th thla the too taiidii gtoanln not fcaough uugha tod many cp hangrr too many but hi fever i hip to think of nothtn ehih- tt too many xprt ullln ho com th whole blam world u oo th bum tbarv too tiay popi with as aiibl id ruth- lulu to a dim sood lit f aa aooa a folk quit hanging 00 a youll iilnim u id dan good efcap lv ot uo uu for golf u fenuf hut i sptafc th language jut th yharva too f drtv an too many putt tbaty cold ft tod not enough guts you tint tay too but if you wu win rd dans aooa taaxh you no to lb wasnt eullumd and hi ord bui th ld boy id to know id tun fiattttw prove fifillatlc po to uany things tn ale of town uw height of king ta o of thlidrto in th tchool th akuil dwvvlopaunt of fool th talarue that patron gt th numb of abode to wt th wajlb of lucky mill tra air th drloi of ben and mining ahare ail thttiga below ri4 things above it ttmi to a utiulc prove uut bo statin ie wwr yet appraised a aingl violet kuurd th glue of an ey or proved th sorrow of a tlgh blatuiie never caught th gleam that uiu on meadow stream or weighed th anthem of a bird in for aitla devoutly bnrd tualutte mf pro9d a toui in hlh or low in part or vhol ma bauty paailon honor lov lto9 auch htutla cannot prove i aioo il wll tn u tti lurald u hal ton county but dhulnf uadlum uu our oolubin and tt ruju i gam tax to fetjtu hkw ttiauwav km oktaauo wvnu from kakolln tax and too- lor lktu fund in ontatio will b put aald for hlhwy purpom atart- iag at watt wtth th nw tucal yar on april itt or prrhan tarllcr it tea tomuy announcwl by itoa t 0 uaqutn onurio ulnltur of high way with an aaimaud tttuddw in fund to tw collmud from tuotoruu during ui coming yar it wa inu- maud that th nw yom would nd th auadily mounting highway wbt of th provlno northern ontario u to wclv a ihar of th rrvrnu ap- poniond on a fair a buu aa po- iibu th lovimmrot ha ooumud about lliofioojo from uotoruu tn gao- uas tax and lutnaa u unor 1633 h wplitnad- th highway obt of th provlnc hor tomtud until it had rachd 1uuojo uu yar approxluauly 3fi00fig0 of th amount coufctd itaa motoruu was from catolln tan ouolin tax for th put kotrtdbvt omrdlbrr and january amounted to uaobck or 60xcq or thin th ccrfpothilng prtod in 16h-w- uotor llctuwir vvouf amounud to 3wi tor th ilk period or an iranvur of almotl iijjmooo wlitt ahodt iyt th prvwnt chaotlr condition of clvtllxatum as e rail r on this plant is rauaina many potvlv to on- drr lau bhlllwr it it hrtdin wr tn th good ltook tliat ihr dj- t ruction of thu ratth il b iiuian- tanrous it will rotnr without aim- ing tlrlrntuu trll u of oir poulblll- tlrs of u6m such caisrhun through irrpag of our grtt bndir of urary vhr into uw fkry mrtti of tlv earth tirn an rnploun so enormous might occur that our itlanrt would or transformrd into duit and go drift tng through the ether for counties ages elihout form or cohesion we all admit that the unhrur is con trolled by a ureal usstrr mind and author of mankind and all thing that grow and hsiv form can it be a fact that the dirty who brought mankind forth from the void may be wearying of the warring fctlon and peoples and l bringing these aor time upon us as a warning to ua to return to the more umpl faith of our fathers- it is reaso to plac this construction upon many whlul passagas as many of our church even have ceased practicing th umple faiths which they btlvd and preached 15 years agoplethertoa ad vane inspected export of dreaud poultry from canada for th period fraa january 1 to uarch 1 ltt toulud 34jlm bom th amount for th corresponding prtod of 16m vas mil spriwg miluribr all theuuaui taffetfa and straw for trhirujfa wear killed tor a imagination can be ktnnawly pow erful and it can have rvnuurkable f- facta although a man may be in perfect physical halth th buf that a certain dlseas ha attacked hint can convert him into a total wrck can ven bring about hi death for eenturu th native wltcb doc tors of africa and oilier primitive countries liave told ton against whom they hav tiad a grudge that they would die wlthlp a oertaln time ttielr prophkiea have been bom out th hapspas victims have simply watted away kvar and imaglnatioa hav combined to make a deadly foe although we in our highly civlui- ed world cannot be i to such extent th same sort of thi con stantly happens in a uuer degrse consider for instance th somewhat amusing case of th gentleman who thought lie had swallowed his false teeth if rushed to th doctor with a badly swollen throat and declared he hd forgotten to lake out hi tseth the previous night and on awakening had discovered them mking- appar ently they had slipped down his throat th puuud doctor could find cause for the throat swelling and could not local any false teeth rntuauy the sufferer went horn and found his m using twill under his bed the writing of his throat then rail idly subsided such is the poer of imagination hut perhaps the mot amaiing case of this ngture took place in prewar imrti when a rekbrated surgeon ob- tulnrd utitsiuin froet th minister of juilue to try ar eupertment on a coiukmnm rtlmlnal- the crtmlruu wu told that he so to br bird to death oonssdertng such an end prefrraule to the guulotlnr h lubmltlrd lie was then taken to a room blindfolded and securely strap- tvr to a table by the doctor and his autant the ptiyitclan then gently prulud srvrral of the mans wins with th point of a needle and at the asm time turned on a nearby tap so that tlte water splashed steadily into a batln the criminal judging partly from the prearranged conversation of th doctors and partly from th splashing of what he bellved to b hi own blood thought he was naartng his end it became weaker and weaker as the minutes tkkad by ii cant last much longer now remarked one doctor in an audible nil per blowly th condemned man got weaker until h wt no longer conscious within an hour h waa dead yet he hadnt lou a tlngl dop of blood except tn his imagina tion an equally remarkable occurrence took plac tn italy centurlw ago when oonella the duke of perraraj taster offended his master who dacldsd to get even by giving oonella a great fright ii sentenced th jester to be put to death although he did not really intend to carry out his plan oonella was conducted to th acai- fold and hi head wa placed on th block ho waited in dread for the fall of th ai uut th tiacutloneer according to his instructions lm fall a tingle spot of water on th back of his neck th moment oonsua flt th single spot of water fc died for hi imagination turned that drop of water into th first touob of th rasor- adged a airer oiuzra litothawt prime ulnlster r d bennett and denton ussey campaign director in ontario for the conurvadve iariy exchange romnlim- enta at the rwent rally of the pedrratton of young canada coruervath clubs held tn tcronto hiaiiwav timurtu uoat an uprrirnced motorists who is an observant man tells us that h thinks hie cause of for too many accident on tlie highway la th unwarranted as- sumption or good dflwra that th cars they are meeting or overtaking and passing are competently h ltd twry motorist knows that there are few who dtv a competently a h doe himself but he mires and he cjuxdd not that all th other can will be driven as confidently a hi t being driven the effect of it u that going at thirty mile an hour and meeting an oncoming car travtlung at th same speed ha does not gtte an inch f ril ing that a foot is ample room betwen two speeding cars thus masting each other no doubt it 1 ample room a good drtfcr could readily dimon- ttrate- yet th two car could imttlly keep yard or four fet betwaen uiem at th moment of passing th paved highway permit of this when confident driver c at th wheels of th two car neither twena an loch they almost rub hubcap uometlm however on of th driver i not con fident but i nervy jumpy timid not yet listing lurmountad th eonscloua- neaa of his tnaipertenoe lie ctn driv a car perfectly ha can pais any examination on drirtng only on thing bother him th masting with another car driven at an illegal speed and taking vtty inch of ii half of th road th slightest seen on th part of th nervou driver may pile both car in a hup and li it hip- pens th brash overconndant driver wo th man who provoked the swan then ls lurtly no tense in keeping thre inch betwwen car that meet at full speed on th high way when th width of th high way permit a dlitanoe of thr feet to be kept- star weekly misses claridoe hiwjc blodc gftofffttowa itom cannerl for fruit and vege table on th farm and in rural cen tre arw a recant development of great importance and pnulbuula it is es timated that in iw4 there war about 1700 registered establishments oper ated in quebec with a production of probably case th movement i spreading in ontario where imam case wer produced in lua our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogs booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards prompt work low prices when you want printing you naturally wont good printing promptly done at fair coat that is the kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modem type faces a wide election of paper stocks and layout suggestions which will enable you to attain real quality character for your business or enter prise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 the georgetown herald s b t i writs siy i trootisil wiifc aooath kirn usrya own tshuu as iut- t iui ore i ksd kalf tks bs ik araasttaaiioss was rltkud br rliug snastlps tloa tubys owa tsbuu mmtsi wu mti devwloplaa kiiuk ws uk tkaa nwtjag isisu aad psrfsmhr saf foe all tfea tke we bsb aaiuiuf tiis fu ba8ys owjl tablets canine pctuioturs i could nol sew a bullon on her vuxuu wr hclpuag wtth rhu malum at one time slie thought alt would lose the ulc of iter riaht liand hut a blessing tn tbe fuim of kruvctun halts tut her right aa-aln- i was sure in a bod state uw writes in fact i could not do my lujutemork i was w bd with rhru- ktiattun in my arm and hand i could not sloep at nights and i thought i would lose the us of my right hand i could not hold any thing nor could i sew a button on liy arm would go dead- i was ad- vlud to try krutchrn and irulde of thrre wk i found such a change i hsvr krpt on taking it and now i irep oil nlaht thanks to k ruse hens help and relief urv j ii tvto of lie ingwdlrnt of kruscn halts have th power of duuolvlng uric acid crystals which are mpon- uble for ifieumatic aaony other tn- givdlrnts ef theie tails aulst nature to rxprl these dluolved crystals through the natural channel iionehty in buillnewi serve the best tea salada tea vou qtirn hear a man in business be ing centurod and cntlcuod by other i wiih blairrnefil that h 1 dulvon- rrt a crook etc how unfair i in uume time ago hi rradcrs of our thrr days it is no eay task to b dumb anlmali were given a picture iwmu upright and above ceruur id of the hard life f th alaskan sled un juid of endeavour and to be dog tlier u jet another side to above criticuin is simply not possible when the yotmosvcm udio uokfe raiemot iummx a uubfty call vok ftcttool uznulttaaxnt by batty barclay whan th children com horn from actool bringing friend wtth them th nouaewtf aklu and tlnu aw taxed to keep an adequate auppty of food on hand liar are cookie a nourishing they ar umptlng aplcy fruity and th cak 1 on of thou daliclou fruit loave that would improe wttt u tf you could macag to kp any of it for mor than few day bemgeeatar vu oiltli t b oa packag dry mine meat and v cup water ballad almost dry 13 cup butter or ahorttmlng 1 cup sugar 1 agg s cup flour s teaspoon baking powder teaipoon salt u cup milk break wlnoe meat into plac add oold water plac pver heat and stir until all lump are thoroughly broken up- drug to m brisk bouj oonttdu boiling for thre minute or until mixture l practically dry allow cool cream ahoruning and auger add egg and beat vigorously 6ift flour onoe meaaur add baking pow der and ajt and alft again add dry ingredient sutmatly with milk to first mixture ulend thoroughly fold in cooled mine meat chill dough four hour roll to u inch thickness on allghtly floured board cut with cookie cutter bake on buttered sheet about 13 minute tn hot oven 4w de gree yk uakee 9 down cookie reek cake 1 0 ox package dry mine meat and it cup water boiled almost dry t pound fat aalt pork tt cup molaaiee 3 cup flour v teaipooa god 1 teupoon cream of tartar cup hot water u pound citron finely chopped break mine meat into piece add cold water plac over heat and atlr until all lump are thoroughly broken up bring to brisk boll continue bolting for three minute or until mixture 1 practically dry allow to cool out aalt pork into amall cake fry at moderate heat until light brown and crisp atlrrtng frequently- strain fat and cool cream pork fat with augar add molaaiee blending thor oughly blft flour once measure add soda and cream of tartar and alft again mold in el iron and cooled mlooe meat pour into treated loaf pan c by b by 9l lnche bake it hours in al oven soo d chaeelato junket wub chiposj kwte and whimmdl cruii 4 tableepoon chocolate junket powder 1 pint milk u cup whipping cream li cup augar chopped walnut oreen inaraafthtno chettlag uake chocolate junket aocordlng to directions on tjackjge chill tn rm- sertttor when ready to aerve whip cream and add gugar mbtlair well place on dish of junket and gprinue ehopped nut over it a green tuaygauuno cherry ddi color to the topping- the picture of a do life alaska which in ail fairiws to tlaf itoiit in alaska alvould i believe be prrientad also let any group gather tn uw far korth about the roaring heater tn a village trading post or in wane cabin for w social hour and the convrru lion inevitably drills sooner or later to the one topic of unfailing interest in the north dog out her in th wats th latest movie a new typ of car or eeroplulv a modern dano step all raorltv their fchare of atten tion uut tn alaska it u always dog that set tongues to wagging and light w rather beaten faces with a glow of interest dancing 1 a popular form amusement during th long frozen winter when miner fishermen and protpector gather tn enforced nets at the river settlements wailing th breaking up of th spring lc and open water agln to go about their business of gaining a livelihood- a the frequent dance midnight 1 al wayi th signal for u trrvtng of i hearty supper then with the drink tng of innumerable cup of hot black cocfre tongues ar loosened and dim dene i forgotten all grow loquaci ous each oldtimer iran forward in li place eyes bright ready to seise an opportunity to plunge into th conversation and the subject under ducuislon is always dotfr one after another old sourdoughs tak up the tale of dogs that tlvry have known thry trli of hatrbrralh escape from oirakliig ice on lake and river and arctic sea of thrilling rescue from blinding bllzurds and dogs are al was the rrscucrs wise stronghrurtrd leaden doss with an uncanny trail sense of these they tell therv 1 not a man in th gathering ho doe not owe his life to the grit and endurance and aagu- clty of some leaddog end tn th possession of nearly every speaker som veteran of the trail pensioned to a life of eas it give them away these dour crusty appearing old sourdough when cm find some halfblind decrepit sled dog crippled from counties fights and freecr nobbling about the cabin after his master and receiving now and then a lowspoken word of reco- sltlon or oughlytender pal i ehanl gtt my first exneiienc of this kind of insight into character a woman friend and i were en rout from th kuskokwlm river to th yukon travelling alone with our nln sled dog an unexpected thaw had caught u and w had had particularly bad day on th trail for hour w had been wallowing through slush loe and saturated enow behind our exhausted dog team chiliad and soaking w hailed shorty wayeuree cabin juu at nightfail a a haven of nfug there we could be aur of warmth and food and shelter eskimo boy unharneawd and cared for our footsore team while tn the inner room of shorty doubl cabin besld a glowing heater we stripped of eoggy sealskin boot and wt fur garment and got into dry clothing then famished ready to devour with out question whatever wa iet before ua we issued into th other room from which came th tantalising fragranoe of boiling oonm thar the coffee help yoursel ves to whatever other grub you want said shorty curtly indicating a well stocked cupboard i atnt never cooked for women yet and rm not starting now our spirit tank bone and mus cle ached we wanted only to eat our nil then creep into our sleeping bags and fail asleep all along the trail our aourdough hoet had put forth their bst culinary effort in our behalf we had heard that shor ty wa crabby but hew wm an un heard of phenomenon an inhospitable alatkanl and then moving dejectedly toward the ttove i almost stepped upon a big red alad dog inrlnkled with gray ii growled low in hi throat and shorty said sharply look out i dont atep on afurphy question brought forth murphy story th old dog wa alln with rheumatism nearly blind and tooth lea but for many year h had been shorty leaddog together they had followed one gold etampede after an other faced death on river and tun dra now their trail day were over both man and dog shorty ran a specie of road house on the river uurphy wa pensioned to a life of eaie every day shorty cooked rolled oata and aalt wlmon for him aoft food that did not call for teeth he lay on a deer hide besld the atove rumbling uneasily of the lusty day of hi youth while shorty stepped carefully over and around him uurphy master couldnt possibly be a crochety a he would have u be lieve we privately decided and to it proved under the mellowing influ ence of atorte of uurphy and of early day he thawed reluctantly and in an umulngly abort time had aet be fore ua a aavory slew of reindeer with blueberry preserves and dellcloug light bread of hi own making uurphy statu l not unique in every cabin along our route or travel we found aoau favorite aled dog an joying special privilege in hi mas ter cabin while the rest of the team were comfortably housed outside usually come rangy battleacarred leader of former days thee inmate of the cabin of all breeds pure and miked tralni imported from the state for ipeclal qualities or epeed endurance or intelligence but now time ha leveled them all to the gams itatus pensioner 1 e c forrest tn our dumb animal wr know that for a fact a career tn buxinrus u no exception and since th daan of commerce business men have comtunlly been accused of corruption or yront eertng of rtf plotting of chlaal lliiif of cheating in periods of pros- trrlty criticism may almost disappear but villh the recurrence of depression and hard ttmre critlcunu and con demnatlons develop with renewed fury how we like to pas judgment on the other fellow for torn years past there has appeared to be a de finite drift away from mercenary gains other satisfactions from sharp practice to clearcut moral consider ations from ru inlet competition to rooperstlv effort from mak labour suffer to make capital help share th burden although uen kronklln th great printer of year ago with his mt pays to b bonost code modified cautiously by cod help thou who help themselves h may till be th high priest of business men hi philosophy ha nevertheless been billing th trail for a higher standard of bulns reulloruhlp we do not know what th final solutions of the porblem of thf ra will br but they will not be found by indiscriminately damning buaincu and the average businessman or any other social group smith jmiu record her own uutnu tills pie u absolutily burnt norgh did you make it ac cording to the trutruouonj in the cook bookr norah no maam w my own vernation open heakon for muhkrat 1u5 koutheun ontario announcement is miuie by th de partment of ooma and fisheries to ronto of particular of th open sea son for the trapping of muskrat tn tho southern portion of th province of ontario during 1015 as fallows in that part of th province lying south of in french and ital ia a iii vers tond excluding there from the counties of essex rent llgtn norfolk llaldimand wetland and lmbton and th district of varry sound and uuskoka from th uth day of march 1m5 to th 34th day of april 1045 tncluslv b in th counties of essex rent elgin norfolk luldlmand wtllend lincoln went worth brant oxford ulddlesex and lambton from th llth day of march 103 to th 15th day of april 1944 tncluslv and c in th district of parry sound and uuskoka from th 1st day of april 10u to th 30th day of april i0j3 inclusive the period during which 1u4u resident trappers license south ern section ar valid ha also been extended up to and including apnl loth 1045 to provide for th trapping of muskrat during this open season a o a o partrxooe partrtdg of wolverhampton who ho been appointed england vicepresident of the ooodyear tire it rubber co of canada limited ut partridge who ha been for six years director and general man ager of th ooodyear tyre st rub ber co oreat britain limited will take an active part in th affair of ooodyear in canada and will make his headquarter at the head ofnee of th company at new toronto for uu uu w la lab dutrttl wa ore ulllngt snd eroctbis tot eutohi 8imi mult fmlta bmuy bra goau wrtw snd ths dennuubl b1iinnfiat coptu cable fob uoiitnina contttol for mtlilsetmy wedf ulb to gilbert sinclair autttitmt b k 1 hubs iui have your eyes examined tilly lens unilk oeduury ttllvu fclmls wm fast styt unut are a urate to th wry fed whatever you lujc up cr dwa in or out tuiyr lnsi to reduced in pu and ar sud the iam prlce all ever canada ho few thaw froea u a we sail tuiyer lwuv for the same pe u any bs lb turonto or ouslph o t walker ro oroinirt xawi twucumt i i4ibil bojiar duvo ihkuue oriiilii i f iwm hitiih cv ha r m v fcikw u ui tsb b i h m o t tyt l ii n i m castle trelhewey special imuf oa rtutaal amos barber co mimtrt toroolo stock fthisrn 25 kins street w toronto joim b mbawi faihoia no tisi more neat in your rooms if a i tfftl if blue coal john mcdonald queen street georgetown qtsnapsuot cuil flower pictures b photo loom veur newer may wither rd die but a pletur ef them will live forever r would be quite unuioal to find a mother wlfo or homomakar who haint a pot tod plant vase of artificial bowor or an object of art la tbo house that for on reason or another ha bocome the favorltu plowur arc much hue friend you no doubt uu and respect all of the friends you aaaoctato with so cially or you wouldnt aouk their companionship nor accept their hos pitality there t invariably how- aver on or two you hk particu larly wall tbara i containing about them that appeal to you tbolr vary presence cheer you it may bo their personality tholr manner of arwoch their conaldoratlon of othor oven tbelr idloayncraalo or many other thing roforrod to and class i led un dor the small but greatly publicised word it we cant any that flowers have il thala atrotchtng ttilnge a lit tle too far but thvy do have a way of becoming a bright spot in our live wby not keep a record of tblr growth and beauty with snapshots vou can tako good picture of flow er with any camera in the house or outdoor but today lot dlucu pic ture of flower in the bout proper lighting is the foundation for good flowor photography it ahould bo rouiemberod that shadow aro nocoasary to properly reproduce form tn any graphic illustration in outdoor photography natural light ing i depended upon to it i rjecoa ury lo wait until the sunlight come i from the right direction to got the proper lighting for your subject in thla respect indoor picture taking hue ii advantage vou make and place your own lighting i aa a ganoral rule bright direct overhoad light le hot daglreble go i tho but result ar obtained wha lighting com mor from th ildng o as to east intsrllng artlttlo shadow bucceaaful flower photography hag been mude quite eaay with lb in troduction of super sensitive pan- chroma tlo film thl film provtdoa uaors of rollfilm camera with the edvantagog of eitrumo apsod undor artificial light and complete color sensitivity bertofor available only in cut aim and plataa tbt aim aeo- altlve to all color record the va rious color tono more in lb varia tion of brightness a men by th ey th diagram above ahow how the plcturo to tho right wa taken it i boat not to puco light directly la front of the subject for in doing so you will generally fall to get depth in tho picture you will notice that the tray uaod effect i voly a a background 1 tlllod against the wall and not flat agulmt it fly tilt ing tho tray th shadow to tho right la mad possible and adds greatly to th depth and attractlvenos of tho picture as shown in tho diagram you wtll need two photollood lump placed id ordinary floor lamp with the ihade tilted slightly upward if yuu cannot tilt th shade remove it en tlraly and bold a wblto cardboard hoot or ovon a bright dlshpan be hind tho lamp to serve a a reflec tor you may want to do your own experimenting in the placing of tho photollood lamps to got shadows that please you most after locating the eubjoet in the finder sat tho diaphragm at 01 and tho shutter spend at 1 so of g second and take your plcturo your flowers may wither and die but the ploture will live forever john van auildeil have you renewed your herald

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