Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 27, 1935, p. 4

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a- pis tha georgetown henu wednesday evening march 27th 1934 wh a bit of hustling has shortened your trip and youll be home well ahead of schedule share the pleasure villi the folks at home call them on long distance 9tj dltuar uli tf of linu tkb j u u bjjt th ml ti trilug you rui ujl 100 rail or o w u unu u otk s di ru b tw froal u4 ol ir duvwy may 2nd and 3rd thar a m glen la th fiw- lanm where x fin tola wd be thar an auld kirk th on tha till aid x weiry tair ta la a low lyth uook la th gremryexd drwlily tnd alnv mfcf th but 11 of a x wmd a we jlsovtwd stan thar an auld boo eu id a houow half hepptt by a u- at thai door th urtlerwud lu sltu blooms for th be bui th auld roof 1j saliiy secit theres nam tm kit to e and tt thatch ono to au fciobui ifs lhg bee 6ttt and lah attuilu tteth foreign sky in dream x thesi a tn auld tter kirk lb iur auld tb fclrt fca fur ft- dream a at euwa and th tropic tun ws ray tv boo can tu x uubr on yr it inirt ion theres bu toil htto for to auvlmiwo wettaxves axd onwu wlb attending ft hotkey fcaatf n frequently bmtn cm of th support on lb eld remark if x wee out lhe td v to and t0- how easy tt u for m to say th utoi thing to th great sua of ufa i ho often w think we canae lut whs th other f ellow t whg hi trkv- and of court tt l true that tea tlmh thru go th imihfwal do fat better pertpeclle of th wtol htua tlcsx or th 0th hand would do u any b4u if eu pmttiv that of th wkw v bould ui to ulvli jyylf1nj bk 0t ih 0u of xlf u ht ttm fr puwl it m k dltfatfrat vlnt of 6aa puj thftt e miaa w en b ffom thit di- txnt how w ihould hiv doo dif- fratlj pouibly thit u th ru m too wty uuiy of u put forty aw to proa to fcdvu th ounj- faparfully if th adruinf doaat tovolv ftny coafftmloa sj to hu tool w ad of ounulwai hm our p4d ixksr- tunltu priotad thniamlv4 for fcui oca of th draatiaukj to thl d- ughtfu pmtm of gjvnixf tdrte u ihst doi r ofua ilk th duky who vdt to m m utr a h row to to th uyr uld twj doiur th whit for uld fiimbo lf th idytot uuvvttd huthln dotn grijmid bimbo x alnt gonn talt il v th otfcr buow u utu tlow on uklng our tdvtc wcu ufa not b too hard on hint do w uk u ourlwt x dont suan froia th othr fllov x buao our own nrty trtryon knows vhu b or h ought to do w cant quit et ounalvc to go through with th denying cr preparatory procm ehleb would mak ua htalthlar or walthim or wuar do you euppot it can b brcatii ar a utu ttlffnckd about bctng told what to do and that hav auosvd thl fiuntal rbauaia- tum to go to far that v vfi rauot our ovn bttr urga to ouratlvir do w ding to th fooluh notion that only weaklings naad to b toldf if va arc capabl of adrulng othara and non of us ai so dumb but what w know tumcthlng helpful th othar fcuov dorsnt than why dont v 11s- tra mora carefully to our own tnnsr urvss and giv ourulva sons eood adfrtos and tak ut urllng hs- argus ilara you rnwd your mbtcrtp- tlon to th luraldt- our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogs booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery a business cards prompt work low prices when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair coat that ia the land of printing we are qualified to render we have modem type facea a wide election of paper atocka and layout auggeationa which will enable you to attain real quality character for your buaineaa or enter prise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish asaist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 j he georgetown herald leaaooa from tk life ud letter of pder mwnllwil vrnilmm biiy fn ii at tatt oocectf 1xxt onx in rm and in knowudg of our letd and bairiour umim chrut x lud v usaaom kajmulox i wl 6 il a pwut liia o u u to lodayl o cloth tnymtf rtty purpo t agaht in uuuan clay work uuougb toy j- rty attvnathi work thiouch toy rnsaitinsis thy nobfilty wok uuouab uy fulfil i pov erty of souj tfcy grof toy glory and thy low ktr th toonth bam bm studying th ul and iml of 1st- cr this wk th imaa ts im- to b a rvl of th arr of this llkbl thouait ftuuty spoau r uaruad humllhy throusb humlli alloc 11 a an uxipvtuou impul- sk man who tomritnu tpok bmiar ti thouatt- at usvm h was dilw by his uadr abov th ouur dls- eipla and than h would do i thing ttortuag itrodg rbuk ii had good rsason for -u-auuit- ton cuiai had said thou art wt t and on this rock l wul found ay church but ksur had also haard th words oh tha uhlod matin and tifor th cock crow thou ahau dny m thrifts u u out of his own wphnc that h wrot in latar ujs to chrutlan coova bidding tbanf to huabte thaasslhs undvr ih tolghty rtm of ood to cau all thstr car upon ood to b uoar m vtguant brfausrf su hfc a roaring uon is abroad smar was a man of abounding ansrgy capabl of doing vry nou and vry faolub things tora to b a uadw b had to uarn through painful aitpasruaots to ta a uadsra sans of tbllity cishlibfi x 1l hiving lat oonfldnos tn hhtuslf pwitr uarnad conhdwio ta ood had avpsrunoid fvpsalad tofimmm and ha trustsd th ood of all grac though b had aad tatsuy b uttr doubtsd tha validity of hi tn itlsj call on th ahor of th lak of oahif unstau though h had bn h had duoovarad that ood could ausngthsn and aatauuh hlfli intlaad of staking glory for hlmsslf h was no raady to ascrtb all glory to ood all of whlzh rasans that it taks ua to aak m christian whan ftuf rsspondsd to th to- vltatlon lrmilo iu ha was only a bfflnnsr whan h prsazhad his grsat urmon on th day of tntacot h dsuonstratad that h had bast tralnsd to b a fuhar of asn xtn- patient at dslay as a dlsclpl as an pool ta could writ calnily aftsr that m har tuffsrad awhll fsstafs confidrnc was basad upon bis talth tn ood htch had oom to him through his psrsonal axpsruaos of jssus christ th ban who bad bsan afraid of tha taunts of a aarving maid at th and faosd dsath by cruc- utnon bsad downwards butb eour- ags fc had uarnad froes christ rvw paopl tak kindly to dis- ciplin epaclally is it diificuu for strottatirilndsd nargatlo paopl to lsara restraint wtsr victory was mad possible bscaus b osasad to us bunsalf as th central figur to th picture and baoam an rwthtn for the mngdom of ood sar this gnat ideal b became wtlllng undergo rigorous disciptln lie vans d to be bumslsas tn order that ta might be an efficient servant of christ not willingly did christ re- buk peter but only for bis good pater was one of tb tnnsr clrel that group specially trusted and consoled and yet when he spoke or acted rash ly christ did not bseltat to show him where b was wrong it was not all rebuke however a christ told peter x have prayed for the that thy faith fail not tha risen christ also sent a bsasage to th dis ciples and peter even after hi de nial christ appeared to him aiklnj htm th ausetion lovast thou a and commissioning him to b a lead er and taexher only tb result of discipline can raooncila ui to it peter caught tha vision of what christ had for him to do and fitted himself for tb task oesnrajealatft is- it pater had known comradeship as a fisherman on oalll but a new ax- ptrtenee of tt awaited htm after be became a dlsclpl there was tn- timat companionship with chrut both individually and as on of th inner clrcl of three thar was clou fellowship with the eleven ill triple as they want throughout judaa m galilee after pentecost there team work with john and fellowship with th other apostles john uark later became bis fsuowhalper when peter went to antlocb bis oornrad- ship with paul became tntlmat though their points of view ware different at first they baoam true friends patsr referred appreciative ly to the writings of our beloved brother paul and draw lessons from th aiperienoe of th great apostle to tha oentuaa this continually wid ening fellowship helped patar over come his youthful faults and become tha man b was tn later life tb christian church is above all a fell owship in downtown congregat ion in a canadian city two un employed men are giving fellowship to man begging for shelter and food the group is growing and men are being redeemed bf companiotublp and brotherhood in tha name of christ orewtav u w expect to grow physically and we spend our youth developing our bodle wa need to grow mentally and we pend many years seeking education raw of u are so oonosmad about growing in grace though what we are alive for is really to grow souls peter grew in grac prom being a rough crude fisherman a man of oaths and equally ready sword be be came a great leader in tha christian church the preacher of tha day of pentecost and a feuowworkar with john and paul peter grew in capac ity and character ifnn ha grew tn tha knowledge of his lord and sav iour jesus christ we may perhaps get more hope and announcement from the life of peter than from any other of tha twelve disciples ii wai not a perfect man but ha was a grow ing man often he required to be forgiven but throughout it nil he was likeable and sincere ii shows what can be dona for a man of robust per sonality by the transforming friend ship of christ peter however would be tha last man to ask credit for him self all that ha baoam and did he attributed to tha love of christ tt him be glory both now and forever qtieeusft las ftlswlnii 1 why is humility harder for some than for others 9 what kept peter true at last 8 how may we vet dlsdpunet 4 through which organisations have you made friedar 8 how late tn tife can spiritual growth continue tassl dat am dkvix om a covntey waxstjcy surtlng a a print dil on a wjuy newapapar ah thans th ufel hour from m in the morning during th asasod whan fim had to b tit until in tb areola with th fcmorpuori of wednesday night when w nrinud th pmnvr tlta tt wu 3 id th toorning co too amovptlod was th following thursday bioming when th stsg left at ft and th papers had to u da- litstad to th staa drivr thar was toore- whan auction sal bills wra printed usd to go about and tack ttn up in th pcit offu in th barrootns 4 to th hotel bams and livry titbit fl price was fcl0 for 60 quarter sheets and that figure lacjucud our valuihl ssrvlcaa when som on ordered u bills end paid for thetn w wtr ulty cehain of getting paid that k for th 1 io wolud truls our pay mlop then twpi th offlc floor picked th j nick brvur out of tit cracks vaxhd th roturn ou the ptmim dsuvrd th pap tu yr town ran down to th hotel at the comer and told tt foreman when th bou was coming down tha tuwt ahaad of urn in th momlng st the ousxk ads cland the lamp chim neys and tsamsd how to dump a stick of dry typ without making tt into pi oa prlday mornings w cut tt lawn at th boi house fvd the cat there when h and his wife were out of town for a day in th winter um shovelled tt boss snow and cut the wood and gwoerally swiped sppue from his rller laamsd thst it was nscauary to have dry wood to start tha fu tn th momlng and got into th habit of taking packing boxes from th back of th store next door also piacas from the 1imcn found that th wood which dsunguant sub scribers deurd to uttl accounts was ner vry good wood th tras from which ti was taken were filled with great knots there was a train ing what was a training jurtdiord u-tcon- herald wt- vhzm esttcal hju kcn uanv ctsancstm km w vkastk th fergus newallecord mskee th following reference to on of th pi oneer waekly newspapermen of txis dlurtct arthur walker wruht edi tor of uu uount porest confederal passed his aoth birthdsy last wek 11 still has good health and strength and still actively edit and manages his paper h tells nothing of hi own work sine hi boyhood on a fsrtn north of rwrgus but ha men- lions torn of the changae that ha has teen in the world sine 1145 in cunwnt vents wars inventions and customs ii has teen the coming of th railway tn ontario th telegraph th teuphone th automobile th airplane uj resping machine the tractor th wtrcleu telegraph photo graphy tha phonograph th radio tle moving picture tha talking pic ture ll has tn th spread of the use of chloroform ether painless turgfry disinfectants and insulin the dluxnery of vitamin education al progress dvcioprnant tn printing the ipread of total abstinence church union in canada tha uoody and other revival rnovemerda bo he asks with good reason what change the immediate future holds styles in vuloh lied whit and blue colors that come into th twln- of english people whenever flags ar m are tha most popular hues it happens for th flags of the world red is used more generally than any other color tn flag- making followed tn order by whit and hlu next tn order but much lass popular than th three leaders are yellow green and black orange which eppears in tha banners of three countries about exhausts th colors used in tha worlds flags one coun try paln usee purple- brown doe not appear in any national flag as tronomical device are favorites of flagmaker olara ere used by many countries and there are suns and moons the latter usually in the form of crescents itraxu make use of a circle of th firmament showing tb southern cross and neighboring stars and th southern cross suso appears tn tha flags of australia and new zea land alaska has placed on its flag tha oreet dipper and pole star other countries use characteristic symbols afghanistan a masque cambodls an eastern temple lb hepubuo of le banon a cedar tn papal stat crossed keys and triple crown ger many a swastika aiam wtlt ele phants and tha soviet union a ham mer and sickle tibet shows the sun rising over a snowy mountain doubled up with rheumatism could not wajk hlmtelf nor bnuh hi hair so bad was his rheumatuni that hi friends declared lie would nwr work again although he is 10 ware old b proved they wr wrong head what t says i am lvaly year of eg x christmas i was cocdpleuly doubud up with rheumstum- x could not brush my hair nor wash myself poopl said x should nner work any uore i am working harder than a young b lodsy thanks many thanks kruscheo bella i tak thatd in my lea and i have racommandad them to many i could not gt in or out of ud myself nor su up slut u tn work now 11 hours a day sometimes kruscheo flail h done it- oj juwumxuc conditions ere th ruu of an excess of uric acid tn tt body two of th tngwdienls of icruschso fialts have th power cf dissolving uric tctd crystals othar tntdianu auul nature to expel these dluolvd cryttals through th natural channel in addition there are tull other salt tn tcruuhen which prol meittstlon in the tntst tod t here by check th further accumula tion notemly of urte acid but of other body poisons winch urwunoln th rvslth- r it ubtuqav wftu bxb ov rmiend- lirs elisabeth potter of uuirklrk and ivsn pord her boy friend cele brated their birthdays together wfdnrtday lurch ivan u on year old un pouer wss led fears old on wednesday xjra potter was born near burlington living in thst district until she was about satenly and moving to st thorns after her husbands death tn 1011 bh mored to ljuirkirk last fsll ib it fsutsslet it looks to us as though th present trend of buslneu snd enterprise u all wrong from th humanitarian point of view today th business which can cut wags to a finer degra employ fewer men or wosasn and thereby sell cheaper and inferior goods is the buitnes which gets th trad wlss heads are banned government bodies are floored because they cannot as a solution to th problem of evergrow ing relief lists- to our way of think ing it might b a good thing if tha oowmment instead of spending mil lions tn relief dole would srt to work to subsidise industry and farmer on two points first for th wage paid to employee and secondly for th num ber of men or women employed this subsidy if considered would mean that it would be unprofitable to skimp la bor and wagaa xs it faaslbui st siarys journal argus psucefl in england a letter id on of our exchange last week mention some of tha price that are being paid for food and other article over in england in compari son with those being psid bare eight honpower pord cars cost woo and sevenseat limousine 4jt0 butter costs uc i is milk i4c a quart eggs 30c a doa cheese joe lb spples 4c to ue a lb back bacon 33o lb average cut of pork 33c lb average cut of beef mo lb average cut of lamb 33c lb potato glad for u3 lbs suit of cloth gllm to tmo bread slb loaf vc sugar 13 lbs uc gssoun 14o to 41 o gal the average working man earn 130 for a foriyclghthour work weak bytes dag a lady had a favorite pet dog which she called perchance what a singular nam for your beautiful pet said a visitor and x would like to ask bow you cam to oboot hi oh at darwlad languidly it was named after lord byron s dog you remember when ha speaks of it and says perchance my dog will howl this auaxxno agk canned pea hav the st of tha pea stated on tha label of the can no 1 is a vtry small dm kal b larger no 9 auu ursr and to orb the tut of peas in no way depend on the quality nor the quality cm th iflflue waentng against adul terated maple rttoducra the 1035 crop of maple ayrup and maple sugar will toon be on tha mar ket for the cap 1 running in tha maple tree in eastern canada tha ur and certain sign that spring is just around the corner says it i wheeler prult commissioner domin ion department of agriculture it would be well for everyone who da- sire only tha pur products to make it a point to see that th container la stamped pure usple syrup or pure staple sugar for many attempts are being made to sell adulterated maple products tha uapla sugar industry act and regulations explained air wheeler state that no person shall manufac ture for sale sell or offer expose or hold for sal any mania ayrup or maple sugar that is adulterated or any sugar or ayrup resembling or being an imltstlon of mapl syrup or maple sugar which la not pure mapl syrup or pure maple sugar unless the na ture and origtn of such sugar and syrup shall be clearly indicated inspectors of the department throughout canada are keeping a sharp lookout for those violating tha act tha penalty for which is a heavy fins or imprisonment stories in bible are corroborated on of tha most important corrob orations of the bible during the period of the kingdom of judah wasd true known at jerusalem on llarch 13th with tha discovery at tel adduwclr midway between deershelba and oasa of archives with hebrew inscriptions which gives the names of the mast famous israelites mentioned during that period in scripture the discovery was the work of drituh archaeological expedition hea ded by j l starkey the final is re garded as of unique importance be cause hitherto the dlcovery of writ ten documents of the biblical period has been tha only available witness of the inble stories hitherto the urea- of the period of the klnge hai led only two or three inscrlp- mis the remains or the kingdom of judah period would date back to be tween 000 and 800 dc my motw gtttp nut k by betty torcly ysars ago while toy toother wa still living x vuued th old rwreefwl with uy family th favoriu diebe of uy youth uh tbcwder and pmu- cake with uapl kyrup wtw of court presented to to by thst alder ly lady who knew so well uy like and dislike but uother was modern ah sarv- cd other dslntlee that sh bad com in contact with from ttm to una among them was a pi so delicious and so unusual thst x insisted upon her rwipe th other day i found thl recip in- an old not book her it la tn the simple wording of an sldsriy lady who borr a local reputation as a cook- ivrhapa my readers wtu find such directions taiy to follow they will surely and th pi aasy to est ustkeee or ni trie cup orap nut coesr with boutng sater put plat ovy and ut ttetm wtill cparing ft v cup sugar eggi pinch tall l cups milk teaspoon finger pinch nutmeg ural all together silk egg baiter put tn double boiler until ri our into uncotervd crust and bmk like pumpkin pie when cold hasp wllh whipped create sweetened and flavored with vanilla kusyej has steii buc of ham 14tnch tbkk cut from center of ham 3 cup moulrnm td crumb i tablespoon rnlnrad parsley i cup tomato julo spread bread crumbs ovr ham ptinkle penvy over tt itoll up and tl pour owr tomato julre adding a liul hot water place in bilng pan basting occasionally during tb two hours usually required for th baking proorsa uumswrj yaitrfg any housewife mad a frwnd on busy days when the simnty bat ttm enough for anything but a hurry- up dessert iter are thra taefpa which are real friend in need easi ly quickly mad and so festive look ing that th folks wont dfa they are eleventh hour diirts cirtewi taa taew 3 ba cut tn small pteos s cup powdared sugar 3 teaspoons lemon luie 1 egg whit stuny beaten s cup cream whipped 4 cup moist sweeunsd coconut combine banana sugar and lemon lulc chill poroe through sieve rold fruit into agg white then fold in cream and coconut serve casaaest ageieet puaf add cup powdered sugar to 1 cups stwed apricots cut in quarters fold tn s cup cream wtuppsd and cup moist sweetened coconut chill serve tn sherbet glasses and sprinkl with another cup moist weuned coconut usy be used a fullng for tart shells serves yvaaaeai daslgu 4 ripe banana cup orang julc 4 ubleanoon brown sugar 1 cup shredded coconut peel ha runs and cut tn half length wise arrange tn layers in greased baking dish icx orange hue with brown sugar and pour over frantfa sprinkl thickly with coconut bake in hot oven until fii are tender ad coconut la brown serve immedi ately serves 4 according to the third and latest computation the canadian wheat crop for 1034 u now estimated at hfiatt- 060 bushels the revised estimate for 1b33 la w1j0300 bushels the 1034 potato crop la now placed at j5- 000 cwt comptred with 4j74oooo owtl taate and smell u carried u utt hralne hw 1aaijm mimuta science wearing its savenleague boots is making history every hour of the day and tt is wellnigh impos sible for the average man to keep pace with its giant strides- truly the prophecy of daniel and knowledge shall be increased is being fulfilled in an em fashion in thins mod ern time unit people says oerajd heard in a recent lsiue of nasha if ags tine have no idea of one per cent of tha startling thing that hav been dis covered say during th last de i would like to enumerate a few of them by using their knowledge of radla tlon men have begun to make new plants and animals by radiating scods so bringing about what was thought to he impossible and whst bi- has been called rightly tha trenxmu- tattan of species using other radia tions for medicine germ in a pa tient blood can be heated to death the patient feeling as though he were having a feverish cold an angry ap pendix can be tackled without cutting into it simply by focusing a ray on it and so bringing fresh blood to it and killing the bacteria there with a sound wsve a h note too high to be heard you can pasteurise milk by actually ahaklng tho bacteria in it out of their uvea even a mouse put near this note can be killed because though if cannot hear the note its blood positively con geals at the aound of it sugar and starch two of the prin cipal ingredients in nearly all our foods have been made out of chemi cals the way they have been made is by using ipectal light to build them out of uneatable chemicals but these first crumbs of artincal food are unstable that is they tend to break down again into chemicals out or which they were made- and which we cannot eat the search now is to get these crumb to stay put xray and electricity are helping us to read and reconstniot the past with xrays we can now see through mummies without undoing their wrap- old pings and sometimes see what on egyptian died of with electricity we can bring together again cups and vessel coins and inscribed tablets which look when they are found like so much dust and slag for the elec tricity csn drive out the decoy from the metal and bind the dross together again electricity can not only recover treasures which seemed gone to dust but can also make real jewels out or what soetns worthless dust the eleo trie furnaces of today can turn a few pinches of quite simple and cheap powdered chemicals into precious tones the use of ultraviolet screems has shown otherwise invisible radiations standing out round the human body the whole of ones body is surround ed by an electric field and more than that each cell of the body has around it on electrical charge welch can be measured and on which depends the life of the cell and so the life of the body everything we feel bear am to our tuo louts prom the past the bill introduced into th british parliament over on hundred year ago by richard lfartin member from oalway and designed for lbs protac- tlon of dumb animals inspired chris topher north to pen these significant thoughts it u not possible to define cruelty to animals so as to bring it within the salutary operation of law i much question the eincecy of law to protect the inferior creation against th hu man lai thst protection be found in th moral indignation of the people written over a century ago the words or the famed scottish writer are equally true today particularly the latter sentence which is th most expressive eummlng up as it does all that might be written on the subject of the protection of our dumb animals form human cruelties thoughtlessness and carelessness not thst north decried th value of auch leglslstlon 1u trier that he be lieved in the force of public opinion and the proper education of the peo ple to a better spprecistlon of the right of dumb animals as a more potent factor than any elatute that might be written into th laws of the land again he wrote x know nothing about legislation but x do know some thing about humanltjr and cruelty to the dumb creation is practical bias- themy and will not go unpunished obits of cruelty terminate almost or necessity tn atrocious crime tha carter who brutally flogs his horse will brat hi wife is not that equally true today aa tt wo one hundred year ago pew thoughts upon this eubject are more expressive or more direct in their tone and implication our dumb anl very interesting i dont believe my husband has ever deceived me in his life said the pretty young matron how long have you been married t asked the bache lor who was beginning to get gray around the temple e three years next month and you have perfect faith in your husband thats vary interesting x assure you if x could feel positive that a aweet beautiful woman could believe in me as you say you believe in your husband i think i might be tempted to ota but i havent said i believe in my husband or have faith tn hlml you just sold he hod never deceived you yes but i didnt say he had never tried notice to creditors km tk tafttsw f a eat ate ot axdsww amtbosfy him f taw twem w c ba tsse v iatj tof he hi- ttiethaien iaema ucmcx a bzneby oxvesf that all persons having any claim or daw mfa j- q4 kjt andrew an thony who died on or about tb lsventb day of uarth lass at tb toen of oeorawtoern tn th county of ualtod and province of ontario era teejuhed to tend by poet prepaid or to deliver to th undervjgnsd so licitor herein for walter anthony and pred ho th xcutonj of th last will and testament of andrew an thony gent led sb dwwsled tbebr nam and oddfe and full parti cular in writing of their eittf and statement of their account and th natur of th fcuritlaa if any bald by tbeeo and take notice that afw lb twentieth day of april lfc tb tald xatutors win proceed to distribute ui asts of th asid frkhtm uaosj th persons anulifd thartto having regard only to the claim of which they thall than hav had notlc and that th said executors will not b liabl for th said aisau or any parv thareof to any peroo of who tulm tkay shall not than hav received no tlc dated at oeorsstown ontario this twentieth day of liartb ad 133 lejioy dale it solicitor for th said exsvutof ljrttffcvjgetables ft t flowers isrf ti iiittiapage mffayden mrwai make more money wild brays xtr a profit chicks the new nam -jctra- proflt that w have given to our top grade of chicks this year isnt hut a catch worey it means exactly what it say our xire-proftl- chicks do make you mora money the chicks all com from eggs thst run from 35 ounce per dosen up to 30 ounce and 33 ounce per dosen and w know from observation and from trapnest records kept at ottawa that thee blgger-than- average eggs com mostly from bigger- framed deeper bocusd birds the chicks inherit th extra vigor and growthlne of their mother they hatch bet ter live better and grow fast er they gtv you earlier broilers bigger cockerels in th pall bigberbodied stranger pullets at laying time and a larger average eggsis through the pau and winter we hsve a good standard grade or chicks too that are outstanding value at today price hatched from atandard slsed eggs 33 to 35 ounces per dosen backed by bray methods of breeder selection blood teat ing and incubating alao a few started chicks and 3weksold leghorn pullets that will give you the advantage of earlier hatching com tn bray chick hatchery hione tu brampton ontario recleaned barley we offer a limited quantity of redeaned and graded barley at 03o per bushel cash fob our elevator sacks included or we will exchange this redeaned barley for barley of sal table walling qaaliiy at the rata or 1 bushel of the former for 1u bushels of tha latter canada maltlnfl co limited peat of balhoki street toronto ontario ioie neat in your rooms i blue coal brsisa hy sltetrb wirratuawsr otr john mcdonald queen street georgetown

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