Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1935, p. 4

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pe4 tbe georgetown herald wedneeday evening april 3rd 1935 jb win features ittu ftaaat otnuutt cat sat mm lfitm iuui poh 1033 11 uute ctnolat ohm you iv tint uaoaa buxum laahue not on ol wmeh can you ot oa iay other eu la ctv- fouta price claa1 tuna top hilr bodytie bnt ml alt wei body tm ceuiad la ti low prfo luidl kaeejlcuoa co fiut afld oooiioril felue tltae ekitjbie be valxls heed rjjx uaed la eoaily cej1 weauwpnvij caueceaboued brau1 raw koh vjuloal waayouabqetajiuitiiuahirlaoarofi lowpdoedoar eee tad dhv tkat oar bjoe you boy i cu11 li today el oar tkowkwau hhttfl rtou djhmj ijtf ix in i avy ojub ow oievroiet daymond motors phone 60 roney block mala st georgetown may 2nd and 3rd qlsnapshot cuili cloud pictures uft order roofing now claude add muett to tit beauty el the sky include them in wry plotura ciiuy teda rr imoi that too often we forget all about the beecy white cloud which add eo much to tht attrac tiveness and beauty of a snspabot tha average amateur will put forth great effort to aacure shsrpneaa contrast and good composition id hie round subject and than com pletely overlook tba poulbllltlai ot beautiful cloud effects on tula that really add to tba interest in a landscape picture is elouda suppose we ara taklrjg such picture and uii a film which re spond only to ultra violet violet and blua light we should not be abla to distinguish between tbo cloud and iky if we give enough expoeure to ibow detail in tbo land ecane thla is bacausa tbs light from tba blus sky and the wblta clouds is vary rich id light rdya to wblch the film respond although clouds and blus sky are both rich la ultraviolet vlolst and blua thera is a uarkad difference between the two the lights from the elouda being white actually contain however a lot of green and red light while that from the blus aky doss not than suggest a way to effec tively show clouds and sky in snapshot we must ttsa a film which will respond to gretfth or to green and red light and put over the lens s altar which does not let through tba ultraviolet violet and blue the green or green and red light from tba elouda will thus affect the film while practically no llgbt from tba aky will tat through to it and in tba nnlihad print tha clouds will appear whiter than the aky soma aim is aensltlva to green light only but supersensitive nan chromatic flint will respond to both green and rod light all thooe alms will therefore show up tho clouds aealrwt tbo sky if used with a yel low altar prom time to time you have per haps board of flltor factors heres what it moans since the filter cuts out soma of the hunt which would otherwise affoct tho film a longer exposure must ha gtvon tho amount by which tho csposuro muit bo in creased is known as tho factor of the filter it la noted by tho number of tlmoa tho oxpoiiuro muat bo in creased whoa using a color filter aa comparod with the eipoaure with out one tba deeper the yellow color in the tiller tho moro violet and blua it remove or bolda back tho greater tbo factor tho more the exposure must bo incroasod as you will no doubt surra lac there are various types of aitora and each type has its limitations in choosing a fitter you muat make your own doculon based on your general requirements if you do not want to seriously consider alter factors thore is a flltor known as a olty filter used extensively by amateure to photo graph clouds in a landscape with no increase in exposure time libit of this filter is yellow and the other half clear this filler can be used without increasing tlib exposure bo- cause tho sky is photographed through the yellow part while the landscape or general subject is photographed through tho lower half which is not colored yes you can even get clouds with a silver lining john van guilder per th lath year be tale duties we are selling and erecting for eastern steel frajaelt tu bealty braa ossaa vwgwi and the 6pandabu 6uinnfut comb oabxb fob ugiitkina conttol ffw eatlsfaetery watk talk to gilbert sinclair leegtb b a rfcsoa ttsj new ceaspool diichaa and ilriam to dig old caaspooia eistaraa aaa cleaned on short natlae ajeo whlta- waahlna and any other wort don iajosswiuiana boa v notice to creditors la the matter ef tha estats of andblw anyuonv lata af tha town ef oeerfstswa la the ceaftty af it flrnllethsiij deeeasel notice is xieredy oiven that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late andrew an thony who died on or about tha lasventh day of uarch ims at tha town of georgetown in tha county of llalton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned so licitor herein for walter anthony and fred howes the executors of tha last will and testament of andrew an thony gentleman deceased their names and addresses and full parti culars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and tha nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after tha twentieth day of april u35 the asid executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased awjj the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received no tice dated at georgetown ontario this twentieth day of starch aa ibm lfcjtoy daix h eoucltor to the eeld toaculo koualz hi ufa b worth ft thotsght kt lorine yormivin foritin aad awjt tha wblu tba bla brmve had bright tad trtt and me fine uotifal with a tltoy thm twaih will eom to yoa with tweet ttmmm as you sh sail tipaa the uaefarurd sc yotlotnd by thoughu cf foe made toto frladj by xtiat and all ufa bhuf iw you hdnlry wlihalmlna tourf the heavenly father licl i vmtim mmity wfcj hi i asww v us ootdtw rtxt like as a uximf piuth his children to the lord ftueu thest that fr hlal piia uttfiost fjabdaok john 14 tvm as wider skies broke on his vww ood btatensd in his trowing uind each ar h draud his ood anew and bft bis otdsr ood behind lb taw tha bounduts rnie diiau in star end bioiioa iky and tied and as his jjnl grew gthsi its dnaawd for it a it-tale- ood a rtw troaa the dawn of buman history bud have tried to vlsusliw ood tba almighty has been iovnmud with tha sun tha wind or eitn many nations nuula idols of wood siooa or outai fuln the tud of socaa obw live kpnaatatioa of ood the orfieks and ttomans developed tnytho- kwgy full of post leal uauiy and apii- tual truth and yt laulng in tonu- giuus moral powr children even ctuidin of ctirutlan parnls crests their own awntsi tmae of ood teas itnwjnj ct f aa akin to the man in the looon or fancying him to ba a glortoajd ttiflu cuus jmus snt down to bedrock reality tn uachlcg about ood lla epokai of that power in which use and aova and hava our bstng aa rather uis ductoias tuajd this word froa his un so ue quanoy thai they bacasa curious to know what ha really jat by it ttey war not trained tn abstract thinking and could not think of ood as a tjolrtt a fores not ourtelva mik ing for rtjhischirrmi they wmnied to see ood ftuup spoka tha mind of the twelve when he said lord show us tha iruihar forgtunt thai like uotea they must endure as lnf hla ho u invisible a smml tli ood la our put in a much deep er sense than that of llfelfr physi cal paternity is not of tha atv of this truth w can undertund it only if we appreciate what is dona for us by a human father if ta la good a father protects his family teaches his sons and daughters dlacipllnae them encourages them lays upon them increasingly large wsno ties until they utvutifsrwl hla pur poses and ara able to eoopersie with him intelligently and voluntarily in like manner is ood helping us to grow souls educating us through ions pro cesses of growth not impatient over our slow cwvelonmant but hslplng us to overcome our mlitskea and even forgiving us whan we sin there are soma people who ara dabarrd from this interpretation of divine provi dence ttavan of the misconduct of a cruel or indulgent father it la ft high tribute to joseph of naiarath thai jesus so frequently spoke of ood aa his father and tn tha prayer called tha lorda prayer began wtih the thought of our pather jeaua felt thai tha universe on tha whole was kindly thai tha power back of tores and matter was intelligent purposeful the king greets his canadians caw ada oeojfaoe the pots by th one of ood of ort twitaia fiwland and tha teituh dominions beyond the etaea sumo defender of the piih totwrtwr of india to all to whom thew framu shall eomtf or whom the same may tn anywise concern okexrrujo a paocfjuiatlom whereas it seams to us siting that an opportunity should ba ahordod our lmlna hubjocts the people of cn- tda of celebrating the twmtycuu annlvertsry of our accesuon in such a manner as to wanifwt their fkvot- sd attachmet to our throne and wr- son and their thankuiness or the manifold bountus and treat mtl4 wtlth under the blealng of almighty ood they have enjoyed during our lulan now icnow ye thai we by and with the advice of our privy council for cansds have thought t to r- just and do by this our proclamation rquau that the archbuhope uahops and other titular heads and the clvrgy of all rwuglous onowlnallons throughout cansda when they ts- sembla in their rnctjve churches for divine urvice on bundsy tha ptfin of usy ad iftxs shall give an appropriate avprwauon of frati- tuda to almubty ood for tha mani fold bounuse and great mercwe which oar ijoving uubvcts the people of canada hsve enojwd during our luign and further know y ttist we on and with the advice of our privy council for canada haw thought fit to appoint and do sppolot uoa day the sixth day of luy ad itis be obervd throughout our do minion as a day of taneral thanks- givwig end rejoicing on the occasion of our uuwr jubiue of all which our loving subjects and all others whom lh it rc msy ooncvrn are herby rquirad to take nouca and to govern tbmlfre accordingly in tmtimooy wheraof we ilava caumd thaw our ijhut to be made patent and tha oreat beej of cn- ada to be hereunto amxsd witoaws our itiiht trusty and night wu- luovd cousin and ooutusllor v4r ihr kiairt of tisathnrfrnh a usiber of our uost itonouraus privy council sought grand cross of cw uost battngulihsd order of saint uichasl and saint oaorte formerly captain tn our territorial army governor oenaral and com mander- in chief of our dominion ot per at our ootemment house tn our cuy of otusa this ywnty- svnth day of pabrutry tn the year of our lord on thousand nine hundred and thtrtyflw and hi the twentyfifth year of our ualgn dy command o ii oaiiah secretary of bute for panada tba case as gasue uia ueupbon often conceal aa wall as reveal truth what an imperfect pic- lure we get of ood whan we think af him aa a king or a judge or a feudal lord or an army general t these are offices in which the intimate psrsoasi relationships of s family are lacking christ would have us think of ood as a power with whom we may cooper ate christ did not take any indivi dual credit for his achievements but attributed them all to the grace and power of ood it is whan we feel the working of this power in our own uvea that we become sure of ood beyond possibility of doubt the stars apeak of infinity tha rocks of eternity but through the human spirit reason will mumory imagination conscience aspiration foresight man gate hints of the nature of the very ood who is a spirit light u light whether tn candle or sun water is water whether in drop or ocean love is love whether in child or mother and spirit la spirit whether tn man or ood tha glori ous truth is that man and ood an not strangers enemies or rivals but that ood is in man ready to help man to be and to do his best ood a spirit awaits to help us aa ha helped jesus a prims um an old testament r bad said like aa a father pitisth hie children so the lord pltleth them that fear him christ demonstrated such food- nase tenderness sympathy and love that men felt the only source of audi a quality of life was the eternal spirit of ood a jewish lady said that aha could think of nothing higher tn ood than what aha discovered tn jesus this sense of oode presence through the companionship of christ was not to ba limited to the dlsciplee nor to the yeara of the earthly ufa of christ lie promised to send the comforter even the spirit of truth to abide with us forever it is this spirit of truth the italy spirit who makes us so sure of ood as oods bphit dwelt tn christ so may he dwell tn us xn tact it la passible for us to feel evn surer of ood than the srtplw did because throughout the christian oenturtee so many have ejrperienoed the presence of ood through christ that promise to the dlsciplee has been fully kept the comforter the holy spirit has come and abides the christian faith la that ood la ilka what jesus was a trviliiifn llm pagan phlloaonhy has often repre sented ood as elusive aa dodging hu man contacts and defying human quest christ spoke of ood aa seek ing men pursuing men for their own good tha hound of heaven ood la seeking us with a father heart of love and we become sure of ood when obsymtf cytno 8 highway the repairing of tires on a highway should be forbidden under ft good stln penalty juit why ft motorist will jack up a car and proceed to re move a whiwl without first getting his car clear off the pavement is hard to understand in heavy traffic it la simply courting suicide all too fre quently we read of a man being struck down and fatally injured while changing tire traffic otsoere wont allow u if they are present but thsse chape cant be every where the practice is sil too n and if the motorists are foolish enough to take such a chance legulaiion should be provided to stop it says an exchange this is quite right in cases where there is room to get off the pavement but where there is a narrow shoulder and a deep ditch it is not very easy to do we notice that nearly all mo torists get off as far as they can tn such cjicumsisncfa we have lively recollections of being in this predica ment more than once and have a car ta sympathy for the motorist who has to chants a tire very often the car has to he partially on the pave- ment if it is not to up over too much and passing motorists we think are ready to make allowance and swerve enough to get by here as well aa elsewhere coiumlseratlon considera tion and courtesy should rule have you renewed we make our response certainty cornea through love obadienoe and action xt is whan we finally surren der to oodandh that without fear we are able to call ood paiher and feel at home tn hla world it is ooda love to us that calls forth our love to him jesus said if a man love ma be will keep my words and my paths will love him and we will coma unto him and make our abode with him ood doee not coma to us in haste to make an annual courtesy call ha le ready to mska our hearts hie home and abide one of the greatest things that jesus christ aver doee for us is to share his wi of ood that we may trust and love him too paith in the fatherhood of ood ban ishes fear we have not received the spirit of fesr but through christ we have received tha adoption of sons whereby we ceil ood paiher t i- fee deseaaeleai l what la your thought of ood 3 how has modem science influenced our understand ins of the fatherhood of oodf t how le it possible to do greater works than christ 4 do ww welcome the spirit of truth a how may ood dwell with want radio repairs vaa im biul u ma imv 1 m ml alaala utikl lftnl it ftth ut la hugh lindsay castle trcthewey special letter oa requetf amos barber co member toronto stock exchange 25 kins street w toronto john h basbak tszkhunre taddllu was constipated for soyears womanv long- search tot a rsnsemxw the trouble with tooit hamtrhw for eotutipfailoii aa this wooien found is that they give only umporary rail ifsvlnf i last found a bwnaumiit corrective she writee to 111 us about u pur upwsrd of ad years i wa ft victim of sxute constitution i uid practically everything that it feu pomiibla to try i admit i vs a chronic ti and ewry new rrawdy i trud hjpd for a day or two after that i waa jost u bed as wr three months ago i took my fini taste of touschen belts and awry morning tine and every baornlog so long u i live my first duty upon ruing u uy kruuhen i horuruly fel a dihrni woman uy bowel act to the clock and my friends remetk how u i am locking uf only rjrrt u thj i dldnx try icruschen ar see luri a u kouschen haju u nature rctpe for mslnuinine a oondulon of uumaj cleanlls4s tha six sslls in kruuhnt stimulate your internal organs to smooth regular action your sytum u thus kept war of those bepunut hkh allond to sxcumiilsie lower the whole tone of the syatem wm a man recently enured a restaur ant and ordered a bleak when the jut rd him with it the cus tomer said im afraid ycuh tave to take u back for i find if e come out without my purw of course interrupud the waiter ho- twplitd the un my fls tsajthl one of tfle best chick values you can buy rtollaji for dollar bray -iora-proai- ehitfce cflf you one of the bast value la chicks you en find anywhere they are not the 6baptir chicas you can buy but they da the ounce that count most to producing rarround poultry proflla i they uve with frw los during brooding usny cus tomer report lomia of only 1 or 4 chicks out ef a hundred j the cockareu grow rapid ly and are ready for maiiat in the bast possible time tiwy make a to a vi la broilers tn or a weeks or to t lb- itrrrl chickens in the pail s the puueu grow large and mature early uost sray pul lets twain laying at i months old and ofun hray flocks are laying ux at months i the else of the eggs rapid ly increasee once the pulkt nomrnerifie to ley during ft months including november and dec one of oatf customers traded out only doses pullet eats from the entire production of 109 hray starred hock pullets one of the main reasone for the success of ursya xlra- proflt chicka le this they are hatched from egg welshing 15 ounces up to 10 end if ounces per doaan they are hlfger than averace whan hatched and keep on growing and maturing tast er than most other chicks of the same age stop tn and get a copy of our pre booklet bee for yourielf what oray xtra-proflt- chicles can bring you tn dollars mnj cants next pail bray chick hatchery hoke hi brampton ontario the molar doctor says sfra la in tlaa air yotir knob dhov took r start ridrf fd it sled oa anj ut holed it yu7 or bacb a ood tun-tif- lt aa axpert mac- tank do ttl kov and protect you ajatnai inlmiot woamanabtb special crease ana tune up glloo a complrfa strwie dealer in chrysler a plymouth cars see twi now do diaouy s mills garage and service station 82 geoelowd custom hatching baby chicks wui la aa frm t mr oj uuuu il mhi dia fcua aa u out ilajr uib lit aa yes i ul hi iii at ttk i4 i i i iimil adolph sandusky 0s uuiu uaa w kauhrrom ma to r ii ibmm chafa 1 miwhmwtmiww1wi spring millinery all ike uteat in taffetta and straw for immediate wear misses claridge herald block georgetown fti 1 1 1 1 li m 1 1 ii r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1iiai fiia itt rr bank loans to farmers and merchants application for loins tram responiible fumers and merchants needing credit for business purposes are welcomed and promptly dealt with by the bonk of montreal this banks approach to any credit prob lem is helpful and constructive if you require banking accommodation you ate invited to talk over your ideas with our local manager bank of montreal elubutbfcj lit head office uontfthal hodwn liriciint bankino sbhvicb ui ouicaai at ii yarn suouiaj opmiioa oeatg bmbttii j r ssatih -j-

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