Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1935, p. 3

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saaaaaaaasaaaaasasa a aassajae i sasyaassawasaaai the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 10th 1935 fv mn n i ttmim nimin4nit n 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ittrr iveu spring suits worsteds tweeds flannels 1250 1300 1830 ou may pay more tjian we are billing for thece new spring suita but you will have to go above these price levels to get better woollena or finer tailoring a for style youu find no detail in higher priced suita that is not duplicated in these carefully fashioned suits these suits come in the new grays the patterned woollens plaids and stripes in blues the newest shades as well as all of the seasons newest browns and tans sizes 34 to 44 d brill co phone 167 georgetown vi run 1 1 1 rtinirr i mt n irrrtrmitrrttt esavanntssi ssst jstufasi aaf mmt pring jwtu spareribs 2 lb 25c rum ncvso niui boaitdio shoulders i hams 15c lb i iselh prime rib roasts boned and rolled 21c ft thick rib and shoulder roasts 14c boneless veal rolls 18c lb legs of fresh lamb 23c lb fresh rhubarb 2 bunches for 13c new carrots 2 bunches for 15c head lettuce 2 for 18c cooking apples 30c basket fbincebb soap flakes 2 for 27c oiielfh wonder soap 0 for 28c soap 3 for 10c kl ueinz ou fukleaed pickles iboi jar28e breebasu aaadaldi spread 10c and 20c uvmaxa table salt 2 boxes 13c eggo baking powder 10c and 2sc we sell for cash phone p i f tsfk we 28w duliv deliver 2tmamm alslalllililbllstliilllkiallllislsllisibsjbbslalbalbaliialslslbatal save with safety at your rexall store fabacidb issut crystals fr 1 b slmllk us ik inu tootll fast te sstntbiif oil bslra beevy ms si mumacapb far bheatseiie fatal 1s sssssx obdesul1e8 tte sss has mji hbsrtas cress a lsve tabs this weeks spinal hint haul vablkts ike ideal busll loom bbu8iie8 lb 1 lr tie bilk bavkb freveat bans reg mo lor he bath ciiabm water gefteaer reg iso or iso dtt chases nebvb food hacsuutk tablets lam vex bel batty ea8teb oiuu got year while uis seesriaieat is fsu so ii nnu cod uvea on fuib r mm ue mas robbs drug store won hw bsumt ibs okosmsrowx concrete work x am ttwdarod to do eotunts woric of sll kuult estlmste tfvea free of chart u you require saythliur la this has stuns uie w2kw oseras at ooonotomi uu tf rewardi hs00 chuh rftwant for any infor- butkw lmkdld to th oabvlouatl of the thievea and recovery of m ft air hoaa and chuck itolwi rotn our tne air tsuus uodiuy night bbalahtt oara or ohuf aurefcall wwsi u local news good sttltuy ithij keater bundy iut- ywut flimtu tsuaod opme od uay 11 not before gatgman will ltd on dssyufat bavin time jim tiru- daylalht bevfe tun wlu be h- fectlv la toronto april sain plp bind variety tourt in th ofbjory theatre sunday nlaht brtwaa sunera bread u hev- lna k- tie run thau tuyt have you tried it orcrtitavn hydro rtivd a ch1u u lityrsu oa lu uui to buj- th annual concert of ooia town pubuc udsool u1 b btld cb9 uay 14ui and ult wsuitsvv fcio omfhawu paueja to sut llvsiiy oo uy 2od and tod ln lh urwn jsili luatu crowded out oj thjj uaui will ach tit iif a c yousj of lumilton grand coaducur of grand ixdi looy j oolajio vu a vut0st u orion lodj oo uoody aliiil- th rtlur uun of th w o t u eul b tld at th ha of ltra ufrtv on kiiddy anru ilth al 1 pa- u support u hon club in lhalr dnv to u ltflu or thslr ivvu 4u70 uiiy wiuh far dajucuuw- ui artlmr 11 tyudiji u rainar of th eumuurhul dxuil suot in to- rooto uvtt u robbed nd lh pro- pllr ur a o- llrjuu wrfly wouiuud uit sunday nisjht losnj fcnjsjcttoiury u mkbratlnj lu fifth antufxary lhu sk tad and in udfj4g uh lh wuttwn u uaklnj an armjvrsry ttpciaj fruh fruit ljlud for 10 cafou try on you uj b aut to tajoy it- tbosi a laujuln of toronto aanufarturcr of utaumu a postnj autsautut for cosii u tn ton on utufday uh a vtsrv to amtirltll tynv on to ft this fusl to oorivtoa ou pip ihould b bumad ad not taiio to th public dump wh th wind vtitually bio lhni al tyr tt pauk and into adjioiait jjrl vata proiwny th park u a u4 at lh pnmot ua ffoa old papv uoen frou th dump th lorn rjw scotluh band taw bsma wry fortunat ln batng ahl to atcur wulu ttopint ulu dra- toonj of fihilbum oct- to play for ihsilr vrand military hiu in th aratia on anru mui thu orthaabra ha bn cnafad to play for th cooilnj msuoa at erin ur ua waukar prawntad tt lurald wuh a tuit which h dls covrd u an old drar it rmdj u fouost lruh fuluf soclaj wd- ruday rvb 4th lud town hall oorgtoii auimibitftff ac- th uckat was printed in th herald of fie up to dal v hkv tvn to locate any pron who sat prauot at thu aoclai th tucutor of lh lata t jaeluon 2nd un craauaa jual off ko 1 highway at york koad ikbool u1 hold an rirnuv aal of farm and farm clock imnumrofj aruni fumllur durham arad cattl and cholo olyd horua tuaaday april itth at 1 oclock tarau caibu j krr ausulonatr phooa acton ibbb 3u7der had an aod- dant fih cut her ooma kov ah um crcaa com balv fiold by uc cormacka and flobbs druj tuoraa ilrttli oaae afrwil fjili thu u your invitation to a dano to b hald tn th arna otorgetown on rytday april 13th under th autpiosa of verdun rabakah lodft ko 1m haw lurmony orchaatra of plaoei will aupply th muato hovauy danoej ana rood refruhmenta ad- tnuilon 600 tax includad it personals ur and ura john rtaly of to ronto vr vullora la town od bunday ur chart tuockfotd of drayton tpant th k tod at hi honw hmrm ui u ulttfcsju of toronto vulud with ur and kb b it uooibfaou duruia lh wiik utm- wot tyudau tpiot th wk ad at tli hofos of hi aon ur a is tyndail in toronta ur cilkr cobb of waahlnalon do aprnt th pau k at th hotti of hr daienta ur- and ura b h 1rolbborl un c v- wluiaua uft on uon- day for winnjp to vult hr fathar who la cuu m 6h will b abasmt about a uoiilh dr and uia w u aocnanllla of lailbury rr cailasd to lows uonday owing to lh tbatb of thair uncir th lu otctt uoufuoo ura brucai llitjda who unovrt an opanrmiioo at ausilph iloutl lui month and ha bn eoovalacla ax th horn of lwr mothartnlaw ura uiudan of hornby fwturnad to har hom uundjy much lmprovd lassjijby lshuab fjjg t j il it adami lca ilrsjich pau zona cwnmanor of zoh is ifulaltod oinoira ci th uajor w d liharp pot of th canadian ltua col o o liown oforgatowti zona command- and p i wrlaht acton cuaarai d y d kueffer waurloo drtwr of lh aiilouobu which truck and h m itcr boyd toronto on ko t highway on uarch atth wu nonar atad from blam whan a ooronars jury bald at oeorgatown on saturday aruroooo tau undar dr j a uc- niven acton brougbt to a verdict of acddantal daath at th adjournad inquatt w u long waa foraman of in jury irwrrto cuuktcu jumott cuoik iuattmitw maukvtvrch on tnuraday and lrvtday nltnt about forty junior boya and ttrla from th sunday school ovllchud largw aiwlunoaa with a fin randartnf of the oparatu ow th rainbow- it va a trip to fairyland th rwinm and eolourad uabta mad anryona fwl thay vara in lulnbowland th aoloa and choruau vara tn harmony with th ataga and wmm au playad thair paita wall from th tinjaat riraniea and dawdrooa to th aury quaan it waa a auooauful at tempt at thtt kind of work imdar tba laadanhlp of ur laird choir laadar who had th conspiration of tha sun day school ulaa uaud ucdonald aotad aa planltt and ulaa batty bpattht a ralry quaan uucfc cradlt u du thoaa who train- ad th ehildran thoaa who mada tha baautirul ooatumaa and all who aa- alatad in any and awry way to maka tha program auch a dallghtrul atiflcaaa huv lctea r4 al orajkswttu zona cosaiaandar ool- o o- uiown a u parr and j t smith war at oranvtu uu thursday wkan th rcily formad branch of th osina dian ijhn in thai town waa pit- unud with it charter- ookafl urown waa to charg of th oara- mony ttura ar now ihlrusjc voti in zona 11 stewaftytown i of muapa i wadl w qulta a numbar of hat dawlopad tn tha laai hop aoon to hear of thalr foapu raoovary ln tha abunc of our church organ- lu ulaa yvanea jkinaon ura caah ry ably tuud tt poiuon on sunday un ibath and daughtar vara car v tutor in th vuiaga on sunday uu uitcheii of r apant ounday with frunda in tha vulaat tfcara waj a uicoauful danc hald tn th townahlp hau rrtday vnlng uu uary jstnklnaon apaot sunday at her horn bar a3hckove a vary fin w1u maaung waa held on tuaaday apru lad in th sunday tchool room whan luthal so- clty and hornby ladia vr our gucssta an kilter worablp aarvtoe waa followd la which lh praaldant read th call to wonhip and ted ln prayer ura nun and ura u waninj took th aedptur pauagaa and ura j tlallbody th kaalar ttory then a musical number nrta uagdalro waa aung by four of our ladle beautiful thought on kualar ker brought out tn th roll call th rwt of th program waa given by our tlaltora iti- tmaraon kcrd from uethel aynopalaad tha book uachaer by agnea scott kanl thu atory waa mad ao real to ua that wa almoat uvad with the two jevuh girla thla tru atory to wall given touched many heart and ita laiplratlonai muiiftt wtit not leava ua aoon after thu e wart favored with a plaajung aolo enutlad living for jatua by un- ullton nrown a happy-half- hour waa apanl together in th uaual aocial manner thera waa iuch aplrndld atundano from all thra locutlea with ur prad nun prealdlng the yjui held their devotional meeting on sunday night with a fair atten dance th worehlp aarvlc waa in charge of ulaia uaxgarat otffen and zeta araham and ur john ruddell th topic on where la jeauat wai ably given by ur fred kurt and revealed many truth an imtruman- tal waa played by ur john bird which waa much enjoyed th bull oats llama war ducuaaad by the prealdent and tha meeting cloud with prayer haitow akauza kaascjrs ott fticvcm vcaju ad rirrtwm lajoiu th grand jury at ilaltort avuua uonday brouglit in a true bill ageltut jamea currt of watton and albatrt e- uurphy of toronto- on th diarga of armed robbery and theft of a car on b cui uu on tuaaday thay wt tub untencad to ua yaara in ktungiton penitefluary and fiftaan uuhea in the action of tha huom and kju uurtgaae corponulon of londoti agatnu uorru saut oor8town and saimuel olmjjatst uuikoka judgmanl went to th putlntlff by default u o slapilu of use firm of salter ulapeiu and jewell appeared for lh puintltf ltjloy dal kcc oaorfa- town acting for th defssndanta ibbiiabgigiagibigigiagiahbf s s us fir ctdukuaal frost fswacj macuaa for sprlnf s plows harrows cultivators drills w ksm sa low s7beel vaxm wxoom assr riaa ul uis ls bilm vtusuh laiaa fcs yssr hsirsss m u bhirswlar b slli jnotveitlson j pbone 14 georgetown ibbbbshaabbaeaaabba watch our window ro wepuy ict cbeam khaeialb avp oomrbotlowbbg aiiiwersary special frb 10c longs confectionery k umehouse tfu oitular meeting orth womna inatltut a held thurulay after noon lau at u horn of urt o l buphenion a good numbar present th ueatlng opened by tinging th uapl leaf stormrver fyr in unuon aiur which tha mlnutae vera read and adopted con- ablerabl ducuxiion took place con cerning tha acuvluea of the woafc and waking preparation for tha uuiicaj kulaj an fvcvuent program had been arranged and lh paaword for edmluion waa an cachang of plant or wed ur r j urown read a paper entitled a uotto than aoma irutltule eong were enjoyed two guu peature pr4srt un cuiince haoi anj ua armuroaj of georgetown ura ilayee gave an inuretlng talk on initltuta woik and how th toe let y ahoum help u neuhbora and uv armmroog adareaa on paptnnaklng from pulp and watte doth addreue were gvcat- ly appreculad to conclude th pro gram norma btrphcnaon eocirtbutd a ulo and uuriel and ltabal piano tola each then ood ui th king after which lunch waa urved tha womans tnatltut innmmfe an addram by dtck oa amateur oar- danar of radio and rsortlcuhurel ao- dty fame to b hald tn th united church uonday evening- april 22nd ko admiulon everyone welcome question on gardening will be an- iwared but muit be aubmlttad wtttlng and given to attendant door tha harmony club regular meet ing uonday night thu week waa ao cial tugbt- uautnaied and churchill young aoplaa socletlea were invited and turned out tn good numbers lulunafad group had charge of tha program ur uirkwood took the chair and after opening aaerclaea a nloe program wu provided aama wera enioyad for an hour and to con- dud a real piasuant evening lunch vm aarvad to about ilnty ura oody our moat able mutlc teacher treated tha parent and frtenda of tha children who are tak ing part tn th uuiicaj keetival thla avek to a recital in tha united enurefc wedneaday evening tha children perfortnrd their pan tn an excellent way and both aurprurd and pirated thoaa pretant all axe hoping for their aucoeaa tn the competition the kennedy family of ouclph sere vultori with ur and un win oowdy sunday th ilobuuon family of ouclph with ur and ura w a lax ura uarthail aprnt the mk end with frtenda in oeorgctown ur arthur hu1 rrcelvd a painful injury while at ork with a hor and cart having th mlofurtunr to be run over he hu not glvrn up oik but u obllgod to limp when walking tittle lsonrae haueli waa hurt at tchool during th seek and waa null ed to the doctor llh what woe feared to be o broken arm but on examina tion proved to be a bad epraln and luiamrnta torn tie wae cared for and u rrcovfrtntf new advertisements te feuuro oomcnr th lome biflea cscotluh gave another acllit pragrmm in tha urvfry thaatra on sunday to tha delight of thalr many batrwia councillor a karr waa the able chairman and announ numbute aa followa ood have tba king hymn uarcb oolotiel boay band overture luil pi r bind panled by uiu uaude ucc walta luna itand oarman sand rha hungry triva uandmaater fenott m king a blmuki a herurt w uk t cautn- uarch colonel wajd band clarionet quartette the oioorm h fccing u klhg a morton xx riddalll woveltytha wtiutwr and hli dognand lugimeotal uarch the ru ore coming mala tfa uapla leaf j-wv- balxthafsad th happy llalpara ulailoo band held their april meeting u tba uanist on saturday afternoon with a good attendance and tha prealdant alma ucnry prealdlng tha ecrtptur reading and tiory were taken by uarla tul and lleta allan arrange ment were mad to hold th annual quilting oo uonday uay gth and a tvlreatuent coenmtltea appointed tha topis waa oo child life in india and alma ucenerv raid a vary in- tereatlng itory about an indian uaby joanna shortlu and vera longitrct aang wry awaetty and a ahon artld waa rad on ctrtuian stewardihip tha naat will be a work meeting to be bald on sauler uonday uu cocke many frtenda wtu be pleated to learn that aha baa taken up realdana at her old bom fob easter houpays 1 very special kauand a mmmi i i sm ballantynes knitted suits nw styu new sua new arrivals bs6s i11jso 17js0 dresses martha washinftton dresses cotton taffeta mercerised striped goods best prints 149 180 2th a lovely itnge of house dresses at 9jc silk hosiery ladies silk hose heavy service or dultoq at 63c 69c 78c tloa 1125 ladies sult crepe hose special at 89c navy blue sult hose 100 kid ties navy blue kid slippers and ties cloves a urge assortment of ladies kid cloves imported at 1180 simplicity patterns ige afcto tor lanclevs ctsansrs sd co pfcortem we dsuvsr dominion stores c a ma ii as lahcstr ms tail uhovius j seed far kaie tw buahel aoed barley and too bua hel of aeed oata apply prank aipeck town lin near norvoi station 3tp rr sale quantity of velvet aeed bailey apply clarence anderton phone eirls aeorsetown 3t seed pefateaa irlth cobbiera and dooley potato for aal alio 4 geet end i gender apply roy burt photo ul r 1 oaorgetown tt baaa fee kaie a quantity of timothy and alfalfa aead for tale apply to ii w karly morval phone georgetown 7 r ft ltp a mm of money in th publlo apace of the bank of uontraal oaorgetown apply to th local branch it far sato baatty aleotrio waihera recondl tolnad aa low aa 11 m down and tso per week tovaetlgate our 0 month fre tit pij4uchardaona hard- war u seaj far sale extra hardy no 1 ortmm alfalfa alto no a ttmothy no 1 for purity all 1w4 crop jotn alexander h h t oaorgetown up see far b a quantity of alfalfa bad clover and ttmothy aeed for aal il r brown lot 19 con a eavjuealng acton ltp ladya cold wrtat watch without bracelet ftnder picas return to pott onto georgetown it rw sale strawberry aaparagua and reap- berry plant in choice varietlca irian cobbler potato grown from p b i certified aeed all priori according to quantity r if hunter norval it ammummmmmm week wanted will do houaecleaning and waih- h kny bnepherd aaorgatown ualn at south vaiaae ar awwtlve fraae tkuraday ail 11 lb cattl wadaaaday apall l7tk taeluiiva special asatralua ffiittlim raisins lo brooms 33 39 kirks catib soap 5 chipso 2rtsl5 msil white beans tomatoes y corn syrup 62 3 pork beans xxq rolled oats 7 z5 dosumom rroau teas vw bsar fs ssss domino ujt richmellojgc richmellof din lss1 hlb 2 yllaw lalxl ulb39 40 golden tip hjb tib shiulrrs auortxl special pva bmaalas aa ladlaed salt 5 chloaihated eckirrs uue sha rowoeb clotubb unka w h law h bbasso it ss baniflussl sa tm itbzx wool rt u jelly powders 314 p g soap shredded wheat s red river cereal p1 23 classic cleanser bon ami clothes pins cake or powder tla 5 2ti25 3 o manyflewere soap cmv 5 special rsasy qasaay lobster uvisa 39 bead fee gala velvet barley oac 73 oata and o ac at barley mixed banner oata and velvet barley muted a quantity of millet apply j a uckan ooorgetown poet onto or phone cheltenham m r 31 tip rr sale double recleaned and graded ojux 31 aeed barley uo and tan per buahal liberty hulleu oau govt graded 34 and 3 cent per lb fancy quality no 1 alttke red clover alfalfa ttmothy at attractive price order may bo phoned at our expert wil liam com ar bon seed uerchanta btketivllle onl stp easter ull1es tssssassisssbsbasssassssbissa 25c per uoomor bod we have only a limited supply so order yours now i for your convenience we ore opening a flower shop in the brooke block on main st easter week the barber floral co geoboetown f speights garage phone 279w day or night spring is here our accessory store formotorisit invites you to ume ad tee our ilod of far accenaries here are just a few of the bargains we offer at money saving prices whiz cleaner and polish 41 125 batteries it flak iieavy duty haftebies uaauu assraatss oar law prw 1j flake heavy duty bahtebie8 is suaths oasnutlss a auasy saw at 495 795 it flat heavy duty batvebie8 u aualkl oasnuum eaj all ar bslury t now wuh ihu haacr battery tkksi cam ur estra ealsaual iai as hsl wslsr lualsni hakv al- 1 qt tlsata ilisr uiiush si bss it sai as hwsui spark plugs dsasau bssiti nan olnwslsu saj a c ts at every ear utui eatitsi la statk si all i debuu mas aiw tasniblaej suslauly eae year gel si say else stj bel sr si hu motor oil i qurte eeaied euu luserlsl felsrlas ou no belter eu ear lew arlee aer cu also sealed uervelabe sad sealed ueji ou la 1 qash esas tires tires gases dees ael senall as is uil ear fall lias el tires esny laj steek ever h dlwekut ilua a s us line ss lew ss635 vbiick ownebs we elstk all tuea itatlt tine sad labea hill twek line iwa miss w aus a tewlrssdmedu ibb bepaib bus while they but kaea 10c liquid bolueic 11v brlafatea up th eld ear wuh an l tvtu vvuiz nrtiihu and reachap itlu at 7 zzz or ua tn whiz ju1 beauty yin cleaner and nauili in s uparat una at m wuir peilahuta- clauia- specially preparej fay thla woeh 85c 98c 49c radflush fan belts jc- basal ler badftubu aisy ssm ysa deusrs uler so oesas sjvc rsdulars sad beeas lasai eleaa fan beits fob all cabs fbom uww sleek 9 dlkshot sbe baa bella far ears aad iraesi we stsek osslisla far sll aukes al valves ahe bksha clalelt fatbits beshass oaaasellair beds rblaa bias ale just call and see us at tomrtc anvmawhe we jftgg parage in georgetown and

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