Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 8, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wadncadey evening may wt 1935 pj3 local news personals announcing a very complete range of mens ladies and childrens summer footwear all white kid all white calf and combination effects in dress shoes sport shoes kaufmans lifebeuy high quality running shoes and sport shoes for all occasion 1 brill co cornet- of mill sad mala st phone is georgetown fresh 91 9c spawribs ol9 cat iraae ma i pork c i chops 25tb pork livers 10c lb boneless veal rolls me fc stewing veal 22sc shoulder roasts of beef prime rib roasts boned tail rolled uookmxlb cheese 2 bcote 2ge scm8kb shortening 2 lb 2se ui9luk raisins jou iw uotl- day at liu ottaiae 6w it luv your toil blank tn th cw t raw oontmi in ufor u cd btoufdtvy uy lllh mftwa h oo um lluj hid wllim m fatdh pd uu crim oort sml- ban- td lb rot at uooofuk fcbd itofabs drtaf ni w muld ijjixi vjry tautl tf lbo l9 botnt w feoituly mtu mttltrfhja swwnu ouvd uiidiy iiakcfcj u uw at 1ti w ur uilkr o laheuj- iuu tufcirt u1 b at bjfws iujday uayy lllb thu u b of imcu1 loljt to buy of budlsib a bntq cl lb o0rt6m wfcfcwll cult will b laid id th rautwottu faltulag q0 ttuiidavy uay ui kwrxyt biurld is iid to aiuod tta annual puuu school oojacrfl will b held id th iimmj mod u th school ca ti njajr and twidy uy lath tad itch comai4mla m 0 pata frlmttaj- of lb itwb school baud uu vuua luitmi applies- uoaj wr r6ilkd for lb poaluoa of htuaulku uauu vacant hf lb ligation or ur jit ukf iwi uuluai ywiwij tuid at fort cfvdm uu lrrtdy afct uw cocd0uuoo nullsd u talk bsajtipioa cfcoral srcuty with u points laaeww cidemy kfid with point ad 00rt6ti taotitt fad wuh ti ptteu jla cvmooriul otadliwl uw tb utew of lb wctu bui b imbl is kfiau t4lt7tktfub cttumb 60 rvklay uiy 1mb u otisu cud tvotra hu ba ud a oar- tilii iovluuqa u t44 t hwy 06 a iocul utt lu b tdmi t teaday buy u b uotbmrl riiin 1 ud xd liu of tx- t hto wmk wd vtaucvs b town btr w wbmisr of riktntm ft vuuor id tbvd but k- mr ukd mit ahbur tywuu of 1ialo achttt ckandky u blr wtal tyidmlib wtt s tu uad tbotspmcl of wild imbi lb vaofc ottd tib mid hi lorrl blk- ba ciiatulj of toronto jpat utf b6lldy tetib uw un cim uuw of ookixkh wj lb fcttml of urt- i- w famu uu lulkmd boo fd korid um wd dmday orali win 1 1 ormt uhl toiya twy of twoota taii ib boudy bttk wd ilb blw oudy burttd- lv tad llrt uaid hmmri of owd boufid miu bonuy tth ur aiad uh o t uaujuy ur and ui jdwtu wiiauoi fld u u3d mrt- tubnu of toroot wr bmbuy viator to lai u and uh kdry fchafrrtifl of uutob tow mk ood vuilov ilb ur ud uft wrl wnyu uu v u john ufrvffm ukt ur tad un a t utuurchy wl um rluy od bouur utf lo tkfcdjl to ur ud ura j j olbba od ux jiuu twxt tuv ivtunud btta slur nnding ll frtaur la narvu ulu kiu ifihna of atoiwy crm u lb tut of uim u01 iuid uud uaflpauld o ib bm cod ur and llt w k m ud damshu uarsrvt of kuattutd w mit d vuuort u cbw uit- ullijs- u and ur w sl wfcuoa ud u tfftaw ar botd agiia arur lpavdto7 th tiu to avid ad lb tkxjlbtfo feuu ur and uf 8buu wilfc an- twuifv lb iiitiiwiiinl of tbtr tlitft diuihur aiioi to ur twrtuk twd too tldit toa of ur ad un- dod- toa uouni openlj tb swldidff to tax uu jub h ur and ura a u uii of uoatnal spaa lb mi tad ttit ur and ur wu barbtr uiu u prtor to lbstr dptrtur for to won lha in tb kirttuh tiu aad frau ura joho aaaob of sttvthtovd w br alabtyaiaut blribday oo tuwdiy uay tm uarty oa- aratulauoiu fron a boa of frtmd ar utwm to un ajnlu ad oiay ah coaitdu to oajy bmlih aud tiamtat l th wub of au ur john wahott of tooclo auf- ffd atrck oo kauar tkiodiy ur wataihou u to his mtb yar and for tdany yar on of oflwoo hot atrtud dtlfatu uu old frtonds in town cruh hla ndy roovry uuur jo wuoox uyaaiold oar- wtiu aon of ur and ur l wuu oaorguowb addd a fifth dl to hi otunaioo at th tuxau otd uiulcal frwuval od mday tb yount wiul citn ton th gold budal tarwiiitf tard in t daw of 19 for eonutuu udr it fin of aj ii now ha a gold kdao a uiw taudal and uih braaa wadau for prondncy ur joph vounc iu his aotonip th piano nnamt oa bilksr taffifcfu cuikr thsr was a good ttsndano ofcrglon lt-u- suchr on anrtl utu vtwn thirty tahts of play ooainsud for tb pnra and njoyd th dsudous isfruhurnts trvd by th udua the udu prist va won by ura cain and uu duktnaa hli th tttsns uru var aardd to ur uarlow and uu ann llicaty th ludty prtiu mr woo as folios u ucata brtdfs lamp ula ohui uacai bunfcsl atnai twdrrykki ircalua at at a tvemt aod4l twdtr of lb ulcb school botud u which uj tb hvaurt p nc lb kvdcxao uod of ur hjlnh ktom a bvtndpal of wirimm miafa bthoot to uk awi at th and of lb acbol yr l was tarinlttd to lb 8md atuf tiooikurabl qurutaa u wj t7d that ur kwrelouab abo liurvw ur h4 and uk bb to tuld th pothiod for attothw r a u boatd tnuod cibralbur tiw tkbo6l arimh auurwaiy btutt at a lau hktotlxv it a titrmd by ur brtiougb and iotvud by uy wnihim that th twiciutlod of ur kctm a ntindfial b aoitd by lb kioafd but uut la w clou lhy t oord lbalr aitl6d of th tty on yr of faithful and bcw tervk fthkh ur ho had ai to th tetonl 2 ib 2ke qw ibaliku ihif bran 2 plc 28e ctl1 utx0oob honey 8 lb pall gfe i com flak 3 for 2ge tomatoes nth ripe green beans leaf lettuce extra urge oranges 2 tb for 2be 18c lb 2 for 17c 40eand 48e dot we sell for cash phone f f ni tr we 28w va tf atav deliver aaatkah avahbm ivhtib tumouqh window rtujnlsj t hli turn oa uala st koita uut rvutr niitu ur frank bkm tunvimd sua noviay about ta uw kltefcw th tntiuur ran la to th dialncroan and u urkm mihas t th from door of th tuu ta hiad hla otf djmd throuah both th ordlsiit wtfldov tod an outildt tofmtndow brmldng th elau cijku n chiu but was unahu ta wtuu tna rugmv iu caud oauf uanlull eho took up tha pur cult tad ciuiai tha pouo in outlnh tn which dlraeuon th man was mb ta hud ud to th amtt el mut ouchar ho aw hi hoa a bantjofd if j tajcan to tha hal ton eounty al at ullton by chimt uanhall and loatad that chart twailnny and aataftns i tut hla trial al ullf 41too toay stewarttown oa mdar lay im st john av pjl nut to alwt nt oooata or ha eoaunt a thar a a food at uodanea tb fcuowtnf m alaotad and initauad lion praudasto enjllih vnaldant a taanant lit vlotdnaldant m ilobblna ud vlofbhtldut uu f jan- traaiurar uka h satttn 8aertaryi bmm ballinafad a good nprantailoa atundad tb mutinti o tr italun frkbytarr alu th annual bmunf of th hal- ton pnabytcrlal ol th cnttad ohukb vhlch oonvmd at acton on thur dor uay and all npomni a wry profiubl tlu th uay auung or th icajir halpm uualon band va hald u th uana on saturday aflamoon tha praauunt alma uclenary dradd tni thoa takthf part tn th pro- fraauaa w uarauartu atantnar uanarat btnclalr kata allan and norm uclcachnl th uiailon band ar u b oongratulatad on wtnnlni tha bannr praatnud by th ualton ryaahyunal for tn aaoond tlaa out of alahtaan uualon band lhay r oalvad th hlahaat paroantat on th yaarti ork th wootan ulialoaary sootaty hald thalr annual quuttaf tn th forour uathodlat church on uon day altamoon vlth a vary aauafutory auandano and tvo qullta vara mad nady tor th hal ol aunollaa vhlch vul b anlpoad aaat nonth any eontrlbutlona or aoondhand cloth- tnr tn food rapalr will b iraurully raoalvad noavai uyu ouii aavaral nlo aooraa wm raeordad on jutuia nlahu ttt w wuaon vaa th vtnnar or th handlrap avanl an intarlub ta match will taa nlao on thuraday nlfht uay uh utvaan two uaua ol alaht man aach all nambira or th dub and vlll ba eap talnad by ur uuatlar and lb h a itobnuon an tntartacmf ahoot la aspactad th aooraa for th vaak ndtnt uonday uay tin ar u fol low w wllion m w hobuuon h r johnaon m t uovdan m k j oouop ai t kobtaaoa r ituatlar at w vaujt ii 5kyl have your eyes exinlned b tulyir un unllk oauiuiy wwv i ar bs ufu utua ar accural to th wy df hnmr you look up or down in or out ttltnr lan ai hduosd la nriu and ay told at th aim prto all ow oanida bo on utorons or ousjlt o t walker ro ortohxtuit bvuiattf ucouijis humjiaa a b u lourg dsdo itou omriauwa lb awtaj wataaalay af wr aumlli or yaa nay mm o walfcar at fcto aau la braaaalaa twid houm crw lkm club umrmm th lom hall vas puaud to lb door lui thurday and smday nlbu tfcrj th oedtfuovii uon club w- tehud lx uwwy a rvu of fun as arrantd and prodid by k howlyn waiwl th fiiuw of tmlamm cm w v orant th fjawiupt vr c v uucormnk davbd druhtoa john bh0hfd and naiph tv1m tob taaj naua wr uot iuuus to- bud and tiaabo hu th chorus cutiyusrwd of th following korslan a jtaarchfiuat cllhord tulo arthtt h klkr arthur o ttrut dim iwlawbirltr oorton h lau hobn h tfetw winfuid whssur ak ttrka harry ital oyrtj tiranuofd vvuiwd ouj wuuata la7 akhur j bkauoal thooia tuiaa llihod o ucluj harold hau tufnld wtiiawr uu jit 1 laavtu bnldd tt lb piano tb choru j good and f tatwarid wtia aolo wli by uanr hal arthur o habtwt hurtlll iv ihawha mh uort aad aiahtbo th cta- iu of jots brfcjta ifllartftjtaf yuil oraat ud th oolofid boy oauaad tmy bhy lauah and bot th um guhtn tn th but of tutuor 4rt two u a court aoia jwh hsac and va tvoduod by lunld o uoctur wtluaiat lob oordoa t fu wlaaald whmur and robm a -uih- vtth jud tyard utwhliut ptuldlm wm dun a radio oddity was acud by feonu j toftt f itao whw uakhaauht brother vi tafrii kt hal huu ttaltaoa and how vva part four a nowlty falur antllud apco vu was aupuoiuily u protd by lulian tuuiuurt john k- thomnion alfrtd tttuddy tti fswy bans huun luuttoa kalhuan 1a hal alaa j tost p ban whlr viowt e inrau uakhisunt llrother ulsctlon b- n aou r as usual highly ap- laocal talrat tu nsnotuibl for tfc ntlr nrogtaa and all psrfonasd thslr nriou part wu thy prortdad an njoyabl cntsrutnmsnt and t th sata um asaisted th lions tn rais ing funds to carry on their vtry worthy child sslar work cmjnchmwa fctfiufim tni b ebfc uui kl wd u kw mily 1 tk w f ow par faetsdi uy ksw ikat w or ta khmi- tm ii s kt otffv ctamll fuv woo thomjiton oruetor third sunday after eastar uoly oora munion aja sun day school 10 kja- uattns it a acvctuoaaf t pjq th synod of th dioo of nlafara uwu tn mthi oa tuesday and wednaatiay nut 84 alba cumi fltia wuuajh thlm sunday altar kaitar uoly oommunlon 9m kjat buntuy athooi s pja ifsonf t vht umehoq3e tb mulay fi-wtna- f u mo lqiituu atud jwfivoxart bwt kt ura cbu- uurs- tulbk be maariyauk nit to taa bart id tliotlnrl f bbkmr lbl t haild mchv mx t lb uay haiimnf urt warn oody llld irmldmat um ts lliiaiaf ut viotx4dcfit un uooovmtt ihd vtopnidnt urt- y j botu dwtlijyuaualjraor ur mrttlj diathct mowjkaiallw ux suikxi rkst aociajr o6trk- to sat itinn took plao and krr iaihul lor fciwitrtw ktiium klodt bainfoj aud ooaasutku uadj tb a- of bbtb srfavjbjtuiaa aud omud chukb var waj atuod- ad fiohday and v id th to of jvblw at th viillmf oburtb td th ttarntdtf thi bkat tntmbtm wjr i6sivd into uobriartthla a a buliaaj uy u s obvarrvwad td vmhoi forus of juahllitwl qtul ft husabamf jtaoidd lb narad aad tenia ta tearti othdm vtfalthu uuuoaj or at uuttr owa puivull jlb udt protpim tj a rda faatuf uauii- all antto6d that any gnod iuhvct ooaid uot but hdar aad v- iwxuta ur and ui w t ulll of toronto bod out during tha k and iu b clluaaiu wlh u for lb jnntf ur stkhl burton waa ukma t outly ul durtnf lb mmk and rwhad to a oaorhord hi- ho on manhntnj hhd found hi gotaditioa txriou that h aovd hlitt tnirtwdlhaly to oualph rti hsr an oortloa was haliaai pirfontwd dhkh ha b u tjavkj to far and th patuat t iml1xu a li a oaa b aapud ur and un joiiivaod and tonu of uw ehiidr vuuad rrwad of th k and at tftao and teonu ura a ooony and ttarold bot ua vk at th eotuasa vuuor aotlod ow th wk and a ur and ur u fatatlly of twocta ur and ura w u uliiu fanity of sbraaioia ur and ura arthur and fatatlly of vamt wi muu and f amfly of toronto thaifisoa and and house furnishing specials curtains a laraw baaoftamawt ol laca ctrilri cream and ecru the uut in curtain net pet pair tlxkx 1128 i jso 178 trp to 4jk fancy frtlkd curturu s1js0 s178 200 x2tf frilled scrim curtaina 39e 4e 89e curtain net a lovely range of cream and ecru 26e yd let 7sc yd fancy frilled scrim at ife yd cretone 36 reveraible cretone auitablo for draalno and curtain 28c yd 45 reveratbte cretone s5c yd 27 fancy cretone 18c yd 36 havy cretone at 20c 28e to 80 yd window shades stoct air j6 4v ai avx 52 36 k 6 ft air 6ie 7bc 100 3 curtain rods single or double draw curtain roda 10c to me axmtnster rugs 27 x si aarruntter ruge 2j 4 6 x 7 6 axminater ruge smf simplicity paltcrne ibe agwa f o langlevs cuarrt aad dywrt mcbean co ffcooj4 wedactv- dominion stores sunday uay ltthwjbjeet our uotheno kv o b baatar putor vaitaj tamfk hv r w kumly uinlsur uothsrs day 10 ut sunday school uothar day order of arvlo ii aju uomlni worthlp junior r- mon psrtod taken by wmbr of tb sunday school t pja evenini er vto uulso by th choir all ar vloom ur norman iaim choir tfcjt fwirs sprut rnu- froa uty mu salmon pihttt comoc 19 rolled oats 621 grapenut flakes 10 tomato juice 314 ovltinr smnlltinsat med tin 8 habitant pea soup no 2 tint 18 ricrtmello tea blue label mbpkgbs pur estrada i jjo bottle if e shlrrtfta jelly powder pltg be handy ammonia pfcj chrutles fig roll lb ib chrbtlae family sodaa mb bag 14 chrbtlee chocolate bitculti lb 8t magic baking powder mb tin 24 cali and cirf trie sr ft ice iia ot mafe leaf mime laid sp85 ricuuiixo correi ii t 35 renew your subscription now jure food store 2 lib pks pure lard 23c 5 lb bag touted flaked wheat berrue 28c 3 plcge sugarcriap corn flakee zse 3 tine croue blackwelle tomato or vegetable soup 28c lincoln brand choice quality red raipberrie in heavy eyrup 19c chaae at sanborn bulk coffee frealily ground ib 33c i lb bag weitona honey cream graham wafer 20c i lb box weiton engliah quality biaculti silver jubilee variety auortment 28e 1 ib tin gold medal brand coffee vacuum packed 30e vi ib tin gold medal brand coffee vacuum packed 21c 10 bar caravan coco caatile soap 23c 2 pkg princeu pure soap flake 29c 3 cake palmolive toilet soap 14 5 tin croue at blackweua tomato juice 26c 2x 14 or bottle crowe ac blaekweui ctusup 29e fresh fruit and vegetables garden and flower seed etc iwmhalmmhmmhaimmwmrtnwhnmlrtimmmmmmhwah a e farnell phone 75 wcdcuvuc ashgrove thoi altsntllof th tilth annual pmabytarlal lamtlnf of th woman uiutonsry society at acton uay and war ur ft u writht un waller mrowniidh un ja bame and un lurt wllion th wshyury nut at acton uay and and ur a j ruddell was th appointed rttaat ulu jean iiher uu bdlth wrt guiworth and uu lut iruhar ar attendlnf th tltll oonfareno al oualph oaxj uay ith oth and loth th vjh held a social on uonday venlnf uay oth in honour of th paver jubilee of thalr sfauetle tha ktof and quun a patrtouo worehip aarvlc was obeervad with epectal acrlptura and a poem read tb oollmtloa taken was to help four students of th llxmlllon oonfereno with thalr education at albert ool- leg oamea wer eniowd for tha rest of th amnio and lunch aerved cjjnwiluams our youni brlda urajarold ban- natt waa elvan a narty andmlafial- uneoua ahowr on vrlday evanln at tha noma or una natal walkar in oaorsetown ur oannau noalved many lovaly illu ur and ura arthur naaumont ura john llapburo and uw ka wullama attended tha peal oeanary avjtji banquat bald at clark uam- orlal llall ivirt credit on tuoaday avanlng ur and ura oaorca alhn ur and ura roy and ooraan all or uarkhau war vtaltora at ur and ura olayton allen on sunday ur and ura oobbla and shlrlay of toronto have been apendlnv a ooupla or daya with ur and ura jack iu and ura bandy norton at llaullton apant the holiday with ur and ura yred norton ula t jonea arrived in the aim on aunday rrom neland to apend oounl of montha with her autar ura oufot at olen luven butteri brayelda and mayfiau 2s f oxydol urt ok s94 tsbalaf calav tear 5 ui g 3 flour peaches p g soap special savings s your usnigwt lot special prlcti on quality flour 33 dominion stores between oharlae bt and the publls school ladlaa wrlatlat watoh iniuauad u a on hack or watoh hevard under piaue return to herald oooa itp rar aale ice boa and kltohaa cabinet in e oellant condition anply at llarajd offloe atp felalaaa lar kale doolay potatoaa lor aale at too par ii r wt hutfuia lot i ath laaa rln phone 4 rll oeortttowu up dareea waaial wanted to rem a tardea phone iso oeonetown it vara far bale all pure wool yam lor aalej any ahidee reaulred alao wool bouihtl at ualton woollan alilla oeoraelawii near ohm atatlon h maat waaiai will buy hor injured tattle eta laiurtd ahlmaia mutt be loeured ta mediately a meat uuat be in perfeot oondluoo alao trailer or trailer ohaaala wahtad vahatter emk ranaa mob hill oeoranown aat wanla our liberal eaab eommlauoa aalee plan enable you to datermlne your own moome caned moat lucrative aalee propoaltlon a card will brtnt you oomplete detalla or thla money makin plan hon k herald omee t concrete work i am prepared to do eottefeta work of all idnda kiumatee ive free of eharfa if you require auyuun in thla una phone alla wskar oeorte bt aeorietoara ta u notke to dog owner i there are atlu a number who have not yet aeeured taw or their doe it la uaoeeeuy that earn be eecurad at once alao take notice that all doe ruhh- ln at lay in oeorcetowa alter may isth wul be daetroyed or their owacre lined the councu hie lhauucleti me to airlctly enforce thla law w o uabsuaiix ttt oaier ol pouo flowers for mothers day cut flowers and plants j wear carnation in your buttonbole la rarniunbrance of mother flower on dliplay and for ail at mcclure store for balance of week order taken for filling window boxes and hanging baakela barber floralco phone 47 wedeuver anwaawaaaaaawaahhiaa georgetow

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