Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald skrfyejha y- ol tjh 11m gmiowi hotu wejaafclay enln muy iktk 1838 s1js0 fcaa annum in adrascal 9x00 to usjl i u hot afaetuaa cnr tim talla ftuuoir an uiu l bu fiina r and hail 111 p wwngjr for turotlo u uu sundmf a tolaa rai ivwiaw for tcrauo iiwr and uau wurujrr uuiwlay uu buj fwfir tu pa iw um iu gu lit 1u iu dm ftstwa uavs caosoaxowrf wu eari ja lb u u uu ala la urt lia pa iim akl u oa la dm u pa pm at pm u pa il pa 141 pa aabtssh av7aniuju tlua era h tohoi mu directory i mov bau nmriaifiii oolaria oooaaony toaauaalda kill at uhntia h umoboh llihlif ih hir muf thmuu ihfu uorta uut u laaa odm4uia aut aunut hyaa w iwwauaxa bk3ukbmm hnfciiu himihiti wiimj a makat w ukmtivmio rjt uoucy td loaa t4ehasa ai maimnm iw aajarton g ap brothers carts per scuarw foot by aion s ik eanful uacte f uu faw tiuttarfala to uuh uwy elumleally aullaua ikomuoh talklmj and niiuuhg by liquid tejul ut tke tauukt tenlay vd 1m you txlht i aa law pftwlm use lof stack hloh stanafd point jwoduc flgum you paint en s quart foot hernia folt this bouse outside jud caker awho ttulfea wbaf a duralla ed ptowo ht oallbo t liij um low uolti hotu pall 11 u or h opisly uav so bnialmuulu osd rt 890 to 930 fuan 4 pr qaltaa oa coat c ta a boat gtj vkkni auoaabu colon uwil will ijlw on o ouafactlaa ror woodw ixoorb tumi itukfc te buy l ooa b ilwd oa 101 odd em foc4 laicw oad cmmtl it boa be feo ovy lo um ibat a child cob apply it with fcolua riuu bpiod for co wll uav bo bruftkaoilfj od cum la 34 aoovra doof4b color hbrwul luwim vftembh wtu ho tov aay vojaulla9 of tautio or ftwfiu fetufoom to da ttttlotaf brotkan tbptufiiw vaiaub h u pal tfl color wotr- ptgct scroich proof ouoh and dur- cu kay to apply asd uov no if you want a really touch porch fiauh otic for low brothsri porch paint will wlthttand oufflna of fsst and furaihiw faiow to and wour mod to u du ablo and mrvlcabl oalori s ut lfd psintfng snd saw monty t ikwynttrj on ru btaia bdj bjui kmuly to tlw rvolnf whu hi cttnuoa tun u low ajuj th twliuht fchdr r fllla in ui drriwv ilfgkw and th wlrj udtu docm h ttjm my whlie ti ftaun vatit uul lax i no hear tufr lly calilag and hr foouirpu on lh uair jlwj uk tuy prarcfu ctukbr tle uuoiins old clock chlmn ai mm uwim tj ih ilalrwoy drtiiauig batk forgo rn tlaj in in iam plight lift iii eckmlng to iir kiig oicr vacajit chjiir i can war awrry uughuj- aiul brr fooutrp wi iw ualr 00 bilmy lumtr mtnlng wiuu lh imp wa bumlit low aiul hie mournful truli ti u4- iuu 8j ralkd from u to fo 1 can har tur in wy fancy wilt- hr lutl piaylwnii hu uunniru or it mtiur rtrp ajbj rjf loottirtm on lh tir now ltia alhijiig nrath lh ha thotd in tltt lulkd plot of ground umw lh ttmtly tvya ctatnr tlound aoui lw grmuy kouthl to tn tllnt only wokn by th cidrtu tn u atr i can htar hfr oulhfui cutur and tut toouuv on ui autr j wuiagioq uuuiuk r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown cook luruw ka mi bij su fifiiri fclmllu e ttiur iiuha u xdsud disk oantoo onsnlna uj una it notb ilrawplwi yvuptuuu ts iiuou x lawiffiu lotu uuudltlg brutpton tupbon ms r b watuur das itdj otih iiouh tal ktttpl tkunday aiunuou a m nielsen cufopncior xray pnljilh ttirtbt oa hf rvwinmn iuh o4vg4t0u um t i tj ms pja frank fetch ucenuo acomonitjib iw im cuuitt tf vhi ui lauw prompt btrvlai 1f44rta4awi ohgiunbua w r to ovgtown l r pot oowa omiuflham monuments pollock a ingham suosauon to 0tr a worth gait out dniihm bmiit pttmmmu impact our wort in omen wood ogugury adio repairs vh u utiuj to mm b ui ma uwmx a inlais uk kwtim katumf b ymrt fw u hugh lindsay eat tfct um wi4k notice re conrl ol revision vtka twtua uut a oouh ef oevulou will be aiii in uu uunldpil oom aeoitowti t 6 pma ou tbt nth bav or iav uu to bur upmli eouwd irtliut tta uuuuwt roll of uu at p a hatuuaon oiuk sojmllif la ilieut ibaul uu el tat cwuj dub d vutii van uw 1 l luasy ol baa ad ml domittic oil eatirlrit shortening 14kntlih 12 avtmim tomatoes 2 nivtim 5 avlmer pumpkin h mltm 9 tri ccualy fuwull ddualu from drunpton qtow town oiwlph and axioa tmt uu wdna4diy awning u tn ihwlnlnn lloul acton and drew up lb follow ing tthsdui for tna coming uuno uay iuh acton ai oualnt unapton at oorstcm ugy uuvotorbtoera at julon urasipiton at auftnn jung ut anton at breuoton 0ortovn at ouipli juna blij julph at djumpton jun fltli actou at oorgtowu jung tui ouglnti at 0oraum urajnnton at acton juna i3u- oualnh at acton ogorgatown at luampton i jun iflth acton at bsunploa owilnh ai oforgttown jun 1 8th acton at outlnh i jun mth linmpton at oorga- town jun knd ckorgwosn at outlpn dranpton at acton i jun win ouelnh at acton otnrgalown at brampton jun 3gih oorgtown at acton luampton at oualpiu july d aulnn at brampton july ith acton at owrgsuwn july fttn 0orgctovn at uamptoa acton at outlph july 10th jiraanton at acton july illh ovwlph at ocorsttovn july hth oraauiton at oorge town ouglph at acton july lttt drampton at ouelpli oorgtovn at acton- july 30ui acton at drampton oorgetown at ouelph i july 34th ouelph at drampton july 11th acton at oeoraatoim i ttacond and third team play twit tao out of thro and winner of thu uric play beu thrr out of five with flru team if panlol by mutual agreement of the two club a winner mutt be declared by aug- uu 18th kind of buuful my warioh f jomnoh ifjhmil i t i g t jilt i lur1 a i lift an r ib- antii a rvr llf ljlw ii ut i 14 til j tl t ki ii lug l- an 4 llrl lrfvtil halton presbytery aylrm soim wklto aylav slv 4 pci niu ife ayuii tai julc nixu10e aybwwub btcli n tu 13c ayur dkfj carroll 9c awuw kwtucliv wewjf baan n t u 81c tj if ayutf cut aipamfi 10c aylur beans ayuur gaua buiaa i u ckaka vorn ouabty ayucr fancy gauaa wax beans v 10 na sw tla ma tl 10 10 oxmai wuj social iilati 10c anal math msldki naiv 10c htlai cosltta spahclll h c pat barly 3 ibi 13c paul barly 3 ibi 17c hawat cadif a lcmot oil lf fisc maay flawau soap s calici 10c pimim saia flakci 8 pbi 89c tender leaf rai hf bb i mlnuu oat ftakes irhallpif 0 tlwettaahdohly h p sauce ahla tl aylaur oalarla peaches 17 pricots t 17 aylurn bartua pears na8t 17 carrolls erin ur and un d ucdonald and two children of oakvlue ur and lira j hall and luue ion of port credit grunt th holiday with ur and uit hurren i lira dave uckchnl ura dr lvona of leamington lira andr mckechnte and un purdl of to ronto were holiday vultora with of and ur abbott utuin 8 e artf9n and son hav purchased th farm lot 11 con 5 fcrin towtuhlp from the tat of th lata agne durt ulu uargtret bingham of oeow town pent ui holiday with her par- enta lir and ura w n dlnghani ur and ura robert ucenery have returned to their horn her alter epandm a year at deep gov sidney uo they report a moat enjoyable time and pieman t vult with friend and relative enroute to and from the fooatt ur w ii oroaby quietly oelebraud hu uth birthday today way hth deepiu hu years he is about dally and l keen and alert we jotn with th clluena tn tending congmtuu tlona and with him many happy re turn of th day advocat cabbage 9 lb tomato2ib25c ttiihv yen wv bananas oaueu kjp t doz full juie mtv j qyz pineapples 20e 23c isftsfl 25c 35e hum ana jajay main st phone 357 georgetown nollco to dog owner there are allll a number who hav not yet aecured taw for their dog u lg neoeuary that auna be leoured at onto alto tax notice that all dog runn ing at large in georgetown after uay 1th wtll be dattroygd or their owners fined the council has instructed me to strictly enforce this law w 0 uarbiiall it chief of itoltoe i r il vi lvd jojua uruiin afiw all 1 1 it i un t of iaw tart fl urlf sajgia4vd ad llui vh ura ttll flcj in u auwl v wfcj fti ii iijjrv to l nurdnl a ii iiimiur ntr1 ble arue all mr w- nittlrv uf fcljujtao itul m rv t u rjll blt ilji lua f t ii tig i- llllftllavl fu i 4 igl it llul laat taar artlvflllr rreala4 ii iff llu1 ulf r i kjr j4lu arul t m- mi ftti irfon laib t all g illeruur tglrig au miig li ur i ug xl44 tu jrwt ln foragrd aivt l gurrtd u ibt b rap gla ttwui art talure lo rtjt fwl otuft jung i adwd joh liue luauy qutlf at tl th of luaga uell uu utlu ur vr umly llartllngly it luit our fault if a rrufe ha rvpuia u aae ll 4itt rtdr t mte ae you uy i lvta surwly wuwlr bvuticd a ii lllntilw lt t riieei a eetli g mp urardfl ta tu u- ll bllh pn mlfcm hal ihe silt fc iw hi i iw grueud jftatfjiaa baua ran kvp trying i tupo on t nao th roaillla had uka irtia luallitg i ffrrtng ir1i- ib1 itfetalnlt ifritl at it ai ii fu allilliig lk limn uotu4li whi il e mxjii la nltblr but win a rl bll9 1 lltjjn iftaliur fuaun aud wwki had ttrufaled prsjrl rtirwd aa1 raged j imfhua llraab rh fo by hi mu- n iii to inaf the firm i pli liiiia f ma ilavp tuutoiliig nlrt tl mu that rtwilng aaa twaivtvl it txgan by numtntlng ihf krlac ii dh irkteblngly oo lb tatrl all tfeea tv ul i tab tn ta youag rupl i tw niiirlml br it bii juu tike a llghiin fimlly b aald huh ae r l nw the crow t sat lib- a irml ai i nl breath log mate whlllag joatji ua llraun lft ta ring and ewiasiltad hie bmfhor rommliteba now luteo udl sad cnturaen b beajnad upon ble puura tb cost mitt a sill doubla abaoiatly ot ble la rath irli if a eoapl will walk up hr wllhla tb est tar nilnutee ami aluw thernul lo inarrlm juat ttir biouih laill an i g nllftuen he teob out bla flarxrulf wateb arul marked tb tlta llairway around th audi tori ua a yuung couple ro bmltailaglj wkl imrtiig tli girl uuk lato hrr sat again but not bfor jcphu rrgun imd ap tied br o m right along- ft tofllad far- hall waving lb watch right ihla way there unt much timer tli young ram aaalaled tb bjtanl girl to her feet and ld her traatblla tn tb ring triumphantly joaepbug rtraitn tmr his ciurr away vturvy birllmfiit who wrr theyt wondered tb crowd mo on aind to hnow wall ii in i rtally mailer they war youag and in love anion coold that a brtmlhlna liuab th etrrua bend ticgan i il libengrln a llltl bur- ingly attvntanta drafted fves th i itu a pprformera and trsaafnrraad by in niugle of quirk rbang apikpard taking ihrlr plure with quiet dignity ami linn th brit with a grvat bou qiut or nw mill wirln hr llltl ilarb lull but ivrj tnelyl he rbks wen ilwt ly pink and biic waa drvous it nd a lit tl afraid but there was oft trn iitnua twautj about hr that hi cm i wnacil iintt appro isl lit tie darbocd lirtili iriiiibllng they k htr lo ilnlr in urt and loved her and imlh i ui h r tin i wti t over lltilf i dl in i matter about tin gnu ut jut a g nwl looking young man u uttl stiul by the wih ting uent on tb gifts uere prewuithl jotfphu llraun luu mini the irowd lmaiud the tirldgroom iiiihh and the llltl- lirll liliilisl and aralkd tl i weddlig waa over the crow i alghitl n llltlf rtgrftfiilly aod the ilr um w ut on u it lie in th coniniltt hh m hi lirl ligntnin iwrgnloej with iii 11 lllllllllll ihblllft uoin f h i rlna mi i tm ling otliera for taah ai ni wltli hi ir llille rattletrap car pto ktd lilgli vrltli booty the young on li ilnni nvauy alone into the night nd tin n a qnli l roadway ribboning into tl i dwptr slmdowh of the velvety night tom sal i the tittle hrlde anug gllng agulnal till tin a i durb uhuuldfr do you think it una gll right t hure aglil tom slipping ida trni around hsr i was awful at anil ahe an id rem hllng a little in n immhrunif i thought ma be they d urn at ua or uotiielhlng if the knew i thu dlilul make an rtiua about it aald tom naiuiinibly ltu jul ald ibey wan tin a couple tu gi t mar riiil i its wondarful elgtnd the girl willi ull that iiumpj mil till ilmui prlii u we ran tuko imb from audi mury and gel ua u riumi and llo ti uether iii you gi i a ji b wur wild loin tin llnle tar ruttlid huppiiy on and rom viat it utiu kind of in inn ful waun i it mtlltiif iiiiirrleil all otur agulu aftwi llirm nam lu u tw -b- a in sporwuibao of in toty r vcara a hyurulld rule of ou tw- knej hxns oeorv v and flllaafl lury th itaiiod tftyury ejtb juiuiluka coalcacf td tb utuwd cnuxcl u ciida g h ta atv- lop lhurtdjy uay 2nd itos patid ujoaiuaouuy a tuajultoo of loyalty and piijd tuappon to ut ohlatel- ttoe ou cotuhmcdoa ceafbpg aaiiad by wfikh ln rrti haa bvcji ourkad hi toih annlvexuy of the unit- td church of canada will to cib uatad by u- holding of ehudi tnanluaiivtng urvlc in fr eiiuitb in italuao wmbyury on ftaadiy jujm th when a uclau thank-o- fertng ui to rwji- a radio bua- 4age will to given by lb uodihor luv uichad kourla ou on uui- day owning june looi ffd thg uapi uj oardaxu ttaroalo wbar a grt gaxhertng ot poie ul el- brst in prftj aong and pobua tptjltlug the ptograu fuiowthlp and uzufytng tptrtt of the pau un yan and ddlou thaaaulv to gwauir tervlc as a furuw part of this aaytntion undur th elieuaci of the otivraj council th iilwit of tb oonfarwooe spwu to attaaod tb ut bla oi wbv bith tauahe at oabvul fapt 16th to tnaugunl plan lo a special vmalhm of tvry cocgrfgauoii iter u m fiuju ablinhot chalx- man of llalton knmbjftery gsv th eauoni wiulbvu rph and th fu- lowing pauioraj rhirgm are aute- uonad by wmbytuy r w uutaiey 0onhoii tnvttad by laid- w ucaaortal congiajglton mff 0oiwoan lutad church tnvltad iuy y o ckarend ua umuton ilr o il auilghtoa of waurdown tnvttad by ort oolbore uoltad church waurdovn uaud ohurth tnvlud rev il h dodgtoo of itamlluo luv o l loot of aetott lnvitd by fudg4way unltad church acton unltad churcil invuad rw e u uorroar ui ltu hd ujdatty a maoluuon ag pamsd unanlirtou- ly egprtftaing unow apptuuoo f th amebnt unlet ci uaw u w uualer uv o h knlgrion and hav o l pool eld whli sarvtng tn iluton w brury and wlahlng tha vry buiuog on thatr proavm live field of aarvk th tuluuct oonuflllls for iu ton pfmbyury will to ipvamud by hav a uaooowan ua- broau and haw o v kallytloarvula hav h w uumuy in hi report en ctuuuan kducatlob mads th follow- th aprtng rally of hilton voting popl aaa will b bald ta uuton thursday tvoning uay tth 3 a snaeial chrtulan avtufatlv amies will be bald during th annual msetlng of hamilton oooferenos at ouelph wdndy avanlng uay for young peocle g th bummer school at ryarson beach meats udt year from july 11th to torn a memorial urvlo was bald tn ap preciation of the ui and servlou of ux w a bavog of oaktiu who dud during th put quarter ur savage waa a member of th official iioard of th unltad church for many years and had rendered uaaful gar- vie both tn th pmbytary and con- ferenc lb will to greatly miuad two convention a choir oonwn- lion and an tudera and uaward oon- ventlon vr anticjpatad by the ap pointment of commiuaea to inaugur al the earn i i r tkt fall year in this biatrial wa a uluog and enotlug for coauw bucj rtieu gvaatati jo meatly ibwg oabaal gattgw and thg de1ttdjbl bijwitlav cow cawm wst uatnuttia coittuot lw mikutlitf wh iau to gilbert sinclair 0eguai k k i km ttll if nature u so smart how corns the hair you need falls out and the tamth you dont want have to be pulledr e why la it that the humane society arrested a man for heating a liorae and dount do a tingle thing to ft woman who itittea her dogf lame back s fc baca umiiunaii wlhbaoohajgmuitkly to g aoatta dauo wtoum rumacaps g tutp tmr vous town just aa a man is oft time judged by hi clothe uus community ap praised by tu envirocmant and chat environment is at onoe the npoaul btilty of every member of the com munlty individually and collectively th home after all is th starting point for th most affective re-beautl- ncatlon of the spot dasnoltad of their natural grant and where each horn t beautiful th fulfilment of com- preheulvw schsms of beautlfkauon on civic or community line is made comparatively easy mailer th iu of flower and plants oo the porches and walls of a home tn the gardens and tn adjacent spaces ta not a matter of mere show it goes deeper than that in reality l unites at tla root of elvtlliatlon beauty represent th supremacy of th higher over the lower of form over matter bo much so thai if the world were on beautiful garden and every inhabitant in tares ted in it there would be no more war every human being la influenced to a great er euant by his suiroundlngs than is generally realised when there u harmonyand the harmony of flowers lymboitias th blending of tre higher impulses there can be no discord children reared to love flowers have thetr hearts tilled with love for beau- ty and thus hav leas room in their heart and minds for the things that hurt and destroy still another point of view th piyvgreeuven and thrift of a com munity or municipality are often re flected tn it appearance bo 11 everyone help to keep th town look ing it boat milton on wednesday at th boston uans the marrlag took place of catherine jean crotler daughter of ur and ura samuel croxier of uu ton ontario to archie held service ion of ur and the lata mrs jamas service naiaagaweya township hav horace kay officiated the bride looked charming in a light blue swagger suit with matching accessor ies and carried a bouquet of ophelia roses following th ceremony a re ception was held at th brides bom th couple left on a motor trip to detroit on their return they wilt w- slda at nasaagaweya th many friends of t j brown druggist will regret to learn that he la under the care of a specialist from toronto who has advised air brown to take a good rest for th next three months in order to regain hie health a very enjoyable evening waa spent at th home of ur and afrs oharlee readhead lowvllle on saturday uay 4th the event being th 3ut blkhday of their son vernon mo arthur about ss guest were invited ttie evening was spent in progressiva game the winning lady being ulu mary dunby the gentleman clarke readhead consolation winner went mr clark readhead and gntleuau aeorge readhead at precisely utua dainty refreshments were served tn the dining room the table preelddd over by mrs elmer lurbottle and unb r coiiuon aunt of vernon assisting were ulu alary ooultoa ulu hester readhead and un vol- ma norrls a birthday cake in th eenine of the table ut with 31 candles wade a very attractive set utagji caljaiploil sudd of old eciitruati6a wtuth u adiacviu ta th hajht way ot the cajudin waiioal kuii- ta thcfaiab tb rocky uouiautii toiog to lb old c3fiuruukfts aaab tvtag of twetfu maaikory aul b loukm upcaj thtsl ttwaa wr uiild- taa that one iw um ah build bia to which h biad frlaoeuhlp that will uu whll life edureg be twaih thetr roofs of odar aiiaaw h uiarad hi bunk with wfi took ef tfkiaal d tplad u occupy imfiohaviit plavcw in th ti it lotas circue of 0a- aeu othra with whom h workad and shared hartwupa and dleooeaiofia u lii iinmjkd grm tn th vluaity of ihoa old rm that shajuead um througli th day cf eocutruc uoo to the old coiuirueuoo aaaa tho aid ruins are tiuoudd tn hlrtfarbaa a h ue them from a trua wta- tloa palhaps t ptctiu thoa cejnp tiuad with hundrad of yotmg sm3 who had com vu to b aid blawt a railway iodtrd troak lh side of mighty mountains lo boe tunau and bridge tuibuvat iuvamm to lighl roda and inindie in ortw ll ouiau might pecajtm wttb lb uuauius of motwo lijupviauod fsxilium at tor coaardand u was an scwlwvnrt1 wbar vw man had to uand oa hi oa fewt it had to make aood or hi bieai a miuing frosa lb parwiu eiaiur and tb lioie pla ao foaht strang frwnckblp aprag up tlmotag roefcmen wpikwi chaunraart iaok- or povdermeo and totdjsatkaai u was not so much the wt a man had thai ooujuad u was his abluly to pr- fort wat ob and hold up hi d with lh other fslioe that told id th main th re young sa sagaat to wort deeply wleratted h th totti ci man agaifiu th chwcuhtaai ut u gli way by mountain swaa storm and slid liar ta ihsa crude log cabins which formed their camp lhy at slept playd and fought and many tim fortsad frtaaclhlp whitij stbu fcaiu to th casual ctoiriar peatutp thru old campslts are yaoral to ihoae who knw t ileal wheal thay t4ad with tli they wer tow ihsir only horn during maoy ft ttury stand out a aiuitooa whaanaby ihsaii men msuure th fhirtsni that hav taarfcsd th last quart of a cwntury to the conurucuon man thy ar igndmsrfc in life it waa wall atoi- tarad tn thaw old camp that b ura vtuoasd th imawulty of uu udder- taking in which h was playtnet part hosever minor that taui balaht hav been hatw h am foofcad fcuto th future and saw th smooth road- tod wftch would carry luxurious pa- sqar trains loaded with jig liar lire travelling between ocean ana ocaaib or heavy freight trains loadad with wheat from alberta sunny parkland or lumber from the fsclso siepaav smoothly and safely that trains would ride over rails and brtdjaa ihrougt- tunnels and along th shore of mountain lake oo thl roadbed which h was now helping to build a h looks st thos tumbling ruin nam recur to his mind shim suet as dtaoa and uorrtsoa rtveu uil- udg hogers and ktaser and maay others ii wtll think of that fraud old man of construction tom whit who spent th beat part of a long and useful ufa in coostiwcuob camp it that crumbling wall could soaafc what storte they could uu ot eour eg and hardship of adventure of tragady and sometime of death there would to storis to tplaa of sxcoupluhmeul loom men found th graveyard of their reputation along a rightofway through the canadian rotkl others by hard wortt and courage and rnirrffiitniat mad a national reputation for lhem- selve as railway builder and ftn- era rom their camp at uu ff h a otitoa now chief engineer weatern kegion and his statf saw to th on- etructloo ot 10 mile through the mountains prom uuiadgea camp on th thompson known a the oraat- tng aome more of th heavy building sell villa were directed evom thaw and other camp th battle waa wag ed against faulty turuuls mudslldea waahouu swollen streams and tb thousand and one other dlmeultia that enter into the construction en gineers dally ufa on th firing una that was an era of construction thl generation will not again wlthee small wonder that the oldtimer regret trs passing of the old camp knowing u he dose that moat of the old gang who are left are fast hear ing th twilight of uf soon thay too wul have passed then th old camp their memortee and most of the to whom they gave shelter will have passed into oblivion but the men who lived in thos old construc tion camps while ufa remain have the satisfaction of having uved and worked and mad friend la their shelter during construction day and of having buudad for th benefit of canada that the country of their birth or adoption might progress with the progress ot transportatlonby t o voting jasper in canadian nation al hallway uagailtt acton nina case were heard in polio court in acton lett thursday the docket for this week is much lighter ura herb cleave and ura beasey of ooorgetown visited with ura il u- wilson lost week uf leonard atkinson waa able to return last week from the llospltal in ouelnh and u now convaleaclnf fav orably at her home here ur and urs j p tarry and joan uaruyn tnd donna euln of urontford spent the week end with urs it bennett and ulu u z ben nett the architect and some of th con tractors seem to have lost inurest and energy in putting on the onion ing- touches at th vaioa building and completing contract when the car driven by ben wal lace went out of control on th high way west of acton on tuesday morning the machine was ditched and rather badly smashed the driver was not seriously injured general sympathy u felt here for rev and urs c l poole and george tn the death on ivtday of ux poolea sister mus mary e poole at nor wich ulu poole had been tn iu health tor om month awe png helen and you sat beside a post at the picture show last night uildwd ves he dulnt even try to hold my hand for cumrjitttltaisr hguifordt bfwti of myttb ifotiey back for first bottle if not suited au dealers e v fauqxvikk drumtul

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