Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1935, p. 2

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cas tbo gearsotown herald wedneeday evenina may 1 5th i93s news from silvers this well we feature shoes uixy liaee ol mene ladiee and children shoe mutt be cleared m order to make way for hew unci when we open our new etore- in the near future now i the time to buy really pit vi able shoe at tubitantial uvingt watch our windows for weekly skoals h silver wkare yeor dollar cm farther phone sts georgetown aeaaeeeej atiessesvs news irom the nyal drug store last chance for a baby turtle i rex wu a aw tuuu a u wval mam mu a u aataaw at rm raw ta agf ewal aalll ruuy clapps baby soups ad vegetables 18c na feeling lazy i take a spring tonic creophos atrengthenlng tonic 1100 bottle nutritive hypophosphites for rtervoue debility 100 phospho lecithin the ideal nerve tonic 9100 elixir hematinic enrieheo the blood 9180 wampoles extract of cod uver oil 9100 tumeez 9100 mu3keekee 9100 pure coo ljver oil 0e and 100 uvb oct oocvoh tit am valcablb maccormacks drag store oboboai towtt field bay at georgetown uaear eueteai otatmma wp bud la 0arra ftrit monday july 1st ihiuii rati shmu ladaabfi monster parade baseball tournament motorcycle racing evening entertainment dance in armories bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj i bedding plants huitiiic baikal and window boste filled bedding punb of all kind now ready the barber floral co s phone 47 georgetown we deliver m lllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtll h qff s may 19th in orcbr to make neteteary repair hydro will be off on queen and king sis george town on sunday may 19th from 8 am to 1 1 am customer are kindly allied to ar- ovwiorkvj cookaafc amsa wfaiwh ktxvs bmxkx wox at aciaa kvkxvm somkv the wctu rotatories i ait wu id last ettidav vaattl ta nbrjtaniaa ohurth cuon wttb the praidiit sr vauuutw hi the chair tfil twrouofasj sarvu wu dieted by u or uowesd a dalighllul rriitfal fr t eaatribuud by itliiag oorie b i wlua prtw mono buohaauoaa ktout davis ud um cook the e- orapanuis bating wrt- a i howard end ur rtfij4d paul th oratorical aamttlod cif tfc coo- uu wu ta char of ura w o uanhsll and th war ovat forty cooifwtuor tb rwuiu w u folk inutrtavmulm lat prue winner of ulvr takbdai ksalyis boaty aeortowu sod pts hruc ouakma cworgetown sid prlae dorothy johnston litimhous grade u jf ut prt emuy lid ley quo williams tod ftaat onu bvmuii liitwhoiu tfd otod i jr iu ptw billy lmi cwafcvtotftl tod pfteaf dotie daluua oitflumu ftfd prl uikftl ullur uoffvtoaiu judjm for utulortcau contmt rr hv a o w miftfuaui uu walr- mux uu ucdommu krto ura a j onm wu in chu of ui fetiy aiul tuaalrr cue0atuloa vtikh iwilud k fouo iu1u boutla enul ft iuud jolut on jn lvmul nd icm kortutt ii of h 0 no 9 fcajjuiag uratw limul duwxi kuu kumlry uorvui kyaiv aici 0 u no it rqit iiiet kvburvorad ft brfvu vltt fthho1 reinai1ng uorii fauui h if fcrjluffclag lm woftoa 4 9 kaelmlag grid wo uuhw 8 8 ho t rmtifte accordlnby- hydro commission esquesing council buwftrilmrxt ifey lfcth u4at oaudu bld thair rtculajr l la vlttrtj ooaldcll- bcuauaf joava uixi cuawatotd uiful uuu hkwai rqibatn ord ijln wldij omffvcmu fcutimu ulchu h ha ft kbqu- lufl vm lltllflukk cuofbaatmra umd ft luua dvrmlui a a ha 9 ejuewln wy ikahhurt b b ho 9 rqhwtng7mtuu kuo- tutuao u no 9 riwitailni hfrna bocju ut uihim itatr cuarulmru lad addlaa hofo tt ho it ciflimiliai trd kun urdiuu a a no it bsuuiilf tat eiuyuui kliu iwi judf for cbbavi and pcutltr and ura hutt omftwa ofilttlalty hju a- at mm 1 alfrtd k bart ukxuam ridrtl of icrttt dud uay lilh aba vaa la bar tlktyawuad yu twlm hamad bar tnt buabaad ckaiu ofajit dlad ia yaara im aba a uaaibsr of fcta unltad obtikb and wu axuvly cannaetad wtlh tba vaii- oua sooaiva onanliajlwii autvtttaj ar bar hatband to aoua lunld and arthur grant of toroato and two daufthtara ura dougaj ouaafotd and ura a huekaddar alao of twonta tba funarai u1 b bald oo tbuiadaj to erto ob albounosb o ooftoom it wu at nooa uandaj uu llth ittar an tllna thai wtftnitad for two yaara and ooaflnad bis ta tla roott for aavaral gaafca thai a u- icnowa and aaiaaeud ehlaan awiaa- dar o oordao dlad at bla boaia domroourt apartfiwntj torocto tba daoaaud aa born oo january ut lam on th formar oordoo kotaa- auad lot m bib oopchitafi tun- ahlp of eaauaatttf naar aetoo u wu ooa of twain four aotu and aiibt dautbtara wboaa fatbar and ootbaf john oofdon and ura oordoo eat bonorad plana r of tba diatrlm bavtog eoma to oanada frob bsrimaairhra aootland in tba yr ltm tba fami ly all tnv to manhood or eaun hood and tba paaatnf af auaandaj laavaa hut two ulaa itaun oordoo of toronto who anion vary food haaltfa um uvhw ualooha gor don of edmonton albarta now r urad in hu aoth war tba aubjaet of utla brlat attatb laft boo ow fifty yaara ata altar apandlnf aonu tlua ta tba pratrta wovinaaa whar ha vaa uaoek with hu old afhnftlwat bir doaald uann in tba ootutruotloa of a nua- bar of mr nllfoad llnw bal ratumad ta ontario and want tnta tbt lumbar bmlnaaa la tkittoa uara ba aai us hla hoaa havlnf uarrlad balla uftulllan who family had coma from ayrahlra wmjivf pt ura tbay tuovad ta toronta about a quartar oantury aga wbara ui oor doo bacama oonnaotad with tba bona of bootland danavolent boolaty u auprama organlatr aftar davotlng aoma year auooaaafully ta tbla work ha ratumad to tha lumbar builnaaa in which ha oontlnuad until hla daath ut and ura oordoo had two ohll- dran john a ana tyna of manhood who loat hla ufa in tha war vranoa april 4tb 1911 and jaan ho wu har falhara matniuy and ehaar alnoa tha mother paiaad away two yaara ago ur gordon wu an honorabla and altogether cattmabla eltlian ha wu a devout and aetiva member of tha preibytartan ohureh at avenue road and later at oalvtn toronto h wu on of the few who in thee dan apeak tha guile tha language of hla father and thie ha did with eaaa and huaney cr flfty yaara ha had been manager of tha annual i game of tha quito society ur oordoo wu alwaya a etrong tamner- anc man and alwaya on th right tide of movemente that war for tha welfare of th people in nolltloe ha wu a luelong liberal tha burial took plane thla afternoon wednes day uay iflui in tha family plot ut meatant oamatary toronto th aarvloe which wu held in calvin ohureh wu conducted by tha pu- tor hav joaeph wauan there war many who cam to pay their rapeota numaroua friendf ahowtng their apeclal regard in beautiful floral i tribute church news sartg4w l knaw y aaf utat u waaaa y ytitd yaataaln aarvaaf u kie hnnaat y ar t wbaan r f audjthea aat ueat tum 91 jft rlgfitiiih o o bi oaargva obaftj hv w thompson vourth sunday af tar kaatar italy communion 6 avitu sunday school 10 aja holy com- w union it aja evetuong 1 rua corporate communloo of th bona of st aaorga at eleven bl alaaav cliwreav olaaa wulua iourth sunday after eutar bun- day school i pmit bvenaottg g pja magtbt caaweat sunday ibth j5rioe at 1 pm- hv o r gaater pftator vtfcuail gkmtb rev r w huntley afinlaur 10 ilu sunday hfw and bible jlaatw 11 ajn- momlag womhla beruoa for junlora v tun kivanlng arvlaw ur noituu eaurd chalrj knid tt dpuyr ion o w uunu w a wllboo oaorpe ourft bffmedad at th tulla t5 taatuelm of but fcbatheg wr twad and eonfiiaawd oottuduulkauone wr rad from dbparuawt f uiinlrioal abain w1 txtabon ooeaipany toam of uihoa uaaoiplotaaeau taif wncii o- partprtnt of fubua wua mi at itaruhona doarttfbpt of mfatew oman k kluott jlatakloa hardyl and alaul lawaoa uod by l l idillua fcaoivibd fay w a wluoa that th traaautvr pay th ruef aivounu u bratoud by the italuf omoer timxmcrrimd uovd by h a hohrtwi bavavuh by o w uurvay that th tkvaauuv py it liouaata 1 tyawwrttftf rib- boa wo k ofnn uanepoirtauoa of uen to and fca work vni bui tvutibone oosipaity aaloit x uli i1a4 total tlfc miwlftpal woild aupolue ww odniad uoved by w a wluoa aoondd by l- l uuluo that lv be to introduce a byuw auditors to audit th towtuhln counia quarterly for the r laxa and hut aald byuw be no d a uru time oarruj uoved by n a rouiuou aeondad by u w iluriay 4hai bylaw ta an- iwuil audltora to audit tha yowiuhip awcounte quaruily for the yr lau iiavtng ttrcn read a hru tliaa b now rit bevtond and ihlnl tlaua and pjjjd nul that tli ourporau wal be aliftctwj uiereto cattlid uohtul by w a wluoa awoandw by l u uulun uiat lb tvauurar pay tlva road alveh u pi olid by tt hod ikineruilrndriat ftlwot- caittad uomd by u l uulun afrtwiad by w a wluon that th tfuura pay count y tvaaurr re rauaf fund tlmii carried uovd by o w uurray aaoondad by h a aifnaon that lb tvamturer pay j k whltalook 8ecrtary hai loo plotfrnane aaaoclatloa a1am aua lasaon or paytaent on tajk toao auatin lvd on oader of harry wooda w oaaning av of oaorga ourrte tlbbi oautid uoved by w a wuoo iaoaaded by h a botanaoit that th town- lhlp ba uuured vufa uosdai of lon don at a prwmlua of fcaadad cairud uovad by h a hvsbfttfcrwi booadd by o w uurray that thla council do now adjourn to suai on uonday june loth at 19 am u a court of hevuioo or u th call of th k carrud stewajrttown the aacond annual banaiiet of it st john awa wu bald in attew- aruown ball on saturday uay llth ma hail wu butifuuy and teat fully daoaratad th paat pnaldaat ur juk h itrown wu in th chair aftar a delkloua repeat everyone lotnad heartily in oomnumlty hiialng tba chairman then gav an aadraa and a tout wu tdw ta th king th roll call touowd ta whfeb aaeh peraon pfaaant etaod g thatr same and addreae and otsoe if any ta th aypjl a tout to the church wu ntotoad by wank janklneon and raaartdad to by uy ur wrry mjumi who ffflpliatti om irouaf people ahould attend church regularly an addreae wu cleaa by our new praaident sea twauaat a tout ta th evvjpja waa pro posed by uarald aiater and raeond ad to by jack thamaon toroota a new act punch and judy efcow ta which popey ttgurad th beta wu given by flairy smith of ut daanla a tout to the vttltora wu propos ed by norma smith and waonded ta by auneau lutohen lakevtow the benedlctftn wu given by bay w o o thompaon oorfay dancing f ollowad rev ur waddau hu returned and u tt gueat of hie diiafbt acre m vanatter ur and ura w shortlu of oeorge- town were th gueeu of uiee joanna shortlu on sunday after an abeenoe of aeveral uonthe ur and ur prank beaaje have re turned la their horn ulaa cook of oicwtnge spent stmt day with the uleaee uary and birili ura robaon of ouelph le eoetvllng fw daye with har daughter ura v w shortlu rev uurray of hamilton and rev lundy of uerr war callan at tha uant on thursday tte voung wonlea rally which wu held in th united ohureh uu- ton on thursday evening wae weu attended th repreaeatatlon from the society here waa comprised of moat of the ttcecutlve membere and uvaral others sunday wu observed u uothera day at tha morning service in th united church a choir of mothare lad the service or praise end elso contributed a special number the addreae by rev ur altken being specialty suitable for the nnrulon at the evening service which waa con ducted by the voung peoples society under the leadership of the cttleen- ahlp convenor th devotional period wu led by pred bhortul end wu a special tribute to mother urlef im pressions of the rally held at uluan wetv given by ur j p klrkwoad and pearl ucknary solos by pred shor tlu and alma ucenery were much appraciatad and th topic which wu on temperance wu taken by ura altken the neat regular watlng wiu be held on th evening of uay the uay meeting of th women association wu held at th horn of ura y w shomlu on uonday after noon with the president ura w uc- tcnery in charge un o thompaon and ulsa joanna shortlu taking the devotional aurcuea aftar several items of business were disposed of ulse wlua prlca gave a very delight ful solo ura a vanatter contribut ed a plana ealo tn her usual pleasing manner and ura starretw hading wu appreciated by ell th reanotue ta th wu call wu a hint on making houeeeleauiltig easy after which una c baewlek and ulaa j given served very delightful relvetjuttawta the june masting will be held at tha home of ur henry htlts ur and ura pvank schneider of ouelph were vtskore at ur clayton alien on sunday usees kail and haul wealoh of kitchener were vlsulng at bare william boouat teat week bon voyage ta ur end ids st v baiwlough who aall ta gltnd far a holiday thla week ur robert addy returned bom aa uonday after hla very long atav id christie kiospltal we au hop to see ur addy about our village soon we are pleased ta hav ur jattc thompaon back in th olea again af ter hbstay tn the horthland we are glad ta report that ura ueadowa la alowiy impwvtns tn health ooflgyauaslian ta venlly hadley who wan fiwt ralaoe hi the weand grade in a deal of aavettteei in thai oratorical cutest of th wxjttf to oaonetawti aa prlday evening uec between sixty and aeveuty tntvee in ajenviev cmniurf wwr dacoraud oil sunday teat matw day j board and pupila honor btatirfael imodpej mm ttailpia fcoaa axcirtort or mrrbf- ahd pmcaxwra- tktmt ow pktoav atvkmimo after tnlyotm v of fjlhfdl and afaclbot rvl u wtivclpal of oaorsvtowil hlah hctiool ur halnb hobs bu uthwrrd bu resieusttoi and wul tllduiah hu dutim at the cloaa of th ptcfcttit school wrm on pridsy eroitli uu an lnfomiaj htbrlnr of brtwmti to and uuee bundrd pupua wpupus mfabere of the tuikool hoard and kumi u uubud at th arii to tfpr in aou twsll bwauire tlielr adpr4la lion of mrvlow tultrd by ut uoas u a teacher and tllum tt- rolkmuag adda rvocd the hoard and pupils were rd by ur c u dayfoot aitd ur luniben ultoon trtlvly ur w v grant and ur h- h poulu on behalf of the hoard prstantd ur stou with beautiful tet ul matrlmvl golf clula and bag whlla tla prvtent from hi puptle wu a unanly rtuj trovflung lag predated by sarah wullau and uugirtt luuk gorauown uay lh ibj5 ur halpli hos ha goraton itlgb tkhod dar ur rot in vtw of your iujniluii of lit pflrulpauhlp uf tlie itlgh uchool alter twentyon ycore ol oocupaikcy of that doajuou the bfumbfrs of the hlgli ttfhool bojjd rvl uvst the oo cjuum calls for an sppsctatloo of your aervtom during utst kmig iwrtod vou ceuiw to cuqitfjqnk sluirily be- tot tiw outbreak of the great war and uwre ilu been no lengthy period during the jfcar that hue clspd since tlen when the affair of the lugii uciiool r not affscud tn soaave way by the forcee that wre brought into aoion by thai world uislung uruggte this inevitably in- crwuad the numlrr and importance of the problems that came before the hoard owing to the naoasadty for strtngant economy tn war time miichnvded improvsmeols and even wpiaownents had soaettmse to be twertd in the pou war drpresslon periods certain readjustmsnu of th work of uu school which made a consederabl in crease in the duties of th leaching statf were found necessary in deal ing with thai and othsr problems arising from the quickly rhangtng gondii lone of the tunas the hoard wu often elded by your exprt ad vice and on more than one occasion your cooperatloo wu radily given to changae that involved sscrlfloe oa your part the dutrtct from which come to our high school la small than it wu tn ltt partly due to the extension of high school instruction to town not far distant and partly to the curtailment of train service on he railway it peaks well for tba st ending of the school under your prtnclpauhlp that in spile of the louts occasioned by these changes the attendance is actually higher than it wu at the beginning of the period in review whatever may be the outcome of the current movement to rwlse tha curriculum of our high schools that it will commute a complete course ending in graduation up to the preent time the course of studies hu been directed towards examina tion for entrance to the unlveraittse or ta the profession of teaching n u a result the relative hi ruling of these school hu been ranked by degree of success won by the students in these fnty- amoni large number of students who have graduated from our high school th past tao decade trcre are many who tn the departmental mamlnahont and by their achietementa tn aftar life hav won distinction for their alma ualer whether your work u a teacher le judged by this test or by the annual report of th high school inspector it is manifest that your instruction hu attained a high standard however irksome at tlmee may ba the enforcement of hatfui in school yet its attainment la a vital necessity in certain cues severe measures may be unavoidable but the ideal form of government is the ea- arclse of a power that come from moral authority thla can only be the product of long continued associ ation between teacher and pupus through which there hu grown up among the student such a regard for the teachers opinion and respect fori his fairness that their tmhnatln le towards a proper observance of tt rule it ta pleasant ta know that for mare the order and good government of the school have bean well eumtihm one factor in producing thla result hu undoubtedly been the spirit of harmony and cooperation that exists in the teaching statf which tn a large degree is the product of your methods of administration in the sphere of moral authority example is ever more potent than precept and among the formative influence felt by tha students who passed through the georgetown high school none wu more potent than that which you aborded them by the eaample of a life governed by prlnciplee of honour and moral rectitude we would place on record also your ready cooperation with the efforts of forces that are working throughout our province to eafeguard the moral integrity of our youth it le the wish of the membere of georgetown high school hoard of the stsh of uachare and of the cm- sens of georgetown and district gen erally that you may long live to en joy a weu earned leisure after your many yaara of work in tha education al and cultural life of the province of ontario signed by the members of the board or p r watson chairman e v harraclough c a dayfoot r a pouus w v grant john bingham georgetown uay 10th 1035 ur ralph rosa bjl georgetown high school dear ur rosa we who are your pupuj at the urn of your wttmncnt from the u- uv duties of your twoiession desire to addreu a few valedictory words to you attempting thus to express our feelings towr extra special wellutcton bnnd creamery bulter 2 lbs 49c slwulder reaal of young lamb ibe st ii c leg- ol 23 lb veal 17ekv veal w uuwfat 2 u 2fe ri le imm veal chops 2zc h fancy red salmon i 9 k 27e tutu kmcul freeh shoulder roaau ol pork 17c lb ftab fotu butte vtry liltu ham- 21c lb extra special dute swld duaerte pure lard 2 lbs 25c should ol pork 17c h woe iv 4 kabe cotuae roll 21c lb freab lake trout ro thuridey and friday freah caught from geor gian bey ffi haddock fuue 17c lb smoked filiate 18c lb freak new cabbase new carrot freak tomaleee honsbtowr asparagus califomu oraacae good tire sdc did florid grapefruit 8 for 2ttc bbama sardines 8 tit 2se tnu truiu w fenli sri miiwj pkkk ijirui- r 28e jelly powders 6 pkge 28c iw wui awaj tomatoes 3 tine 2sc h ujm bae creamy cheese 2 pkga 28e phone wm king pwapl delivery m feelings towards you if in doing this sir we use old and muchused form of expression realise that we are investing tn them new depths of sincerity we congratulat you on our own behalf and on behalf ol the many people who have passed through your high bchool before lis upon th oom pleuon of fifty yean of teaching and influencing canadian youth teach ing i a profession whose most im portant aim ta tha leut apparent that aim being the development of an educated people the development if mo gradual that many teachers must become discouraged but we your pupils tusure you that you hav aid ed materiauy in that function end we appreciate ta the fullest extent th year of conscientious effort you have expended in the cause of edu cation so we otter you our own trl- but and that of our predeoasaora none of whom hu gone forth into uf without feeling your uinuence we think uoreover that we aw hit more fortunate having had the bene fit of your ripest experience w tender you codgraiulauon then but regret le our most acute r reaction u we retteot that you arelploaa with lnunnent withdrawing from acur work andioenury u and that another must supervise our studlee uay we assure you sir that you hold a high place in the thoughts and tn the hearts of your pupils a place which wiu not be nil- sd by another vhslsvr th future ufa shall not forfat you sir we have passed through your hands un der your influence at a tlm in our lives when minds are raot auicspttbu to influence when ideas are ready for moulding and whan a genuine taste for knowledje is walling to be whetted we shall not forget your help your enooursgement of original ity and your honest short ta make us think also we shell not forget your subtle humour that eharaotatis- tlo which msde us woaew if you were always laughing at ua just utile it is our earnest wish that your years of hllrvmeot may fully raey you for the work you have don ar us and that your retiring shall not mean a sewing of au the old tie w trust that th new life you are embracing may be lived naar ua that tha bond of respectful affec tion which connects us with you may be m mm and strenglhened and that we may be atfoedsd eppoitunltlae of meeting you again and often wuh th devoted wish that th fuure year may hav much aatitfac tion and contentment ta state for poo and with the assurance of our daap and true ajteotion w are ever your grateful friends signed on behalf of the pupil of georgetown high school reuben t salmon president percy a sax vicepresident paul barber secretary and oo behalf of th axpuua rase ic caaatoil ur rose very feelingly replied and assured the donor thai their kind words and handsome git ta would be cherished u happy memorise of tt years apent at georgetown high school and with the good clusena of tha town there wu community singing and short speeches during the evening by chairman dr p r watsoii itayor joseph aibbons warden harold cleave listen o b dayfoot k v ilarraclough w v grant h b pou- lis membere of the school board w h douglas and arthur dayfoot upupils ulse ptruon of the lligh bchool staff h l hutt w t evan and if davidson au poke tn the highest terms of ur rose u a teacher and and wished him many years of health and strength to enjoy his wellearned rest community singing during th evening wu led by ur rose with uu jane humley presiding at the plana m dueta by uuu doris beasey and wj wiila lrlce with efxs a l howard accompatnet were much appreciated w a skit by usssrs jack thompson wj perry bu and richard beaumont wu quite amusing and caused much hearty laughter cake icecream and ooffe were served to all present and a rw social hour wu spent in muelo and dancing grlcory theatre fridey may 17 upperworld eiii auriaf wum wliuiau ojaj baiw aai alary aala comedy off the beat snapahote fon newe cartoon tom tom the pipera son saturday may is the band plays on lifui ului abtan a tk ba aaj u aaj illm lariib a ww wa aumai iuw vmt cartoon toyland broadcatt chap 9 young easlee milt el ipja tueeday and wedneeday may 21 aad 22 the scarlet pimpernel ktarr ay giwam owy ta uary at uw eahaat rfljlfah tllnin aa raaal u ul lame aaj arala le tew rnirli ataawfau ilarttef latu awiri aae hejto oawaa scenic medbury in wondere of the world song hit itory gay old dayt coanvoi oa han ariai- mm jaau oanar aai waiaar aub uu taamir etu tau caaur ta uaa dak rtu oiiiji aria watch our window i tarn wtjouy tea caum awjixij awn coirfgciomw thb week oriental pineapple sttaoae 10c longs conleelionerysl jlilbhbhababiabbiibbilklihhhabbababbbblbbbbaihl s save vv1th safety at your rexallawows j r faixifl dikfl at sltaupton aptsb buosy iixnaait james r pallis former ujp for ivel died at brampton on uay llth after a brief illness in his sixtyfourth year at the time of his daath b wu surrogate clerk of th omtty a position he had held for nearly ten year ur pallia wu taken iu in hi offloe on thursday uy 3 and had to be removed to his home where h sank rapidly bom in brampton son of the late james pauls he had been a lifelong resident of the town and wu a member of one of the early ctxoel- slor lacrosse club teams in 10u on th resignation of b charter up from the peel aeat in the provincial legislature ur pallis contested the byelection u conservative candidate against a l ullner of brampton and wu elected he wu again re turned in th election or 19l and sat until 1010 in hla earlier business career ha wu a weuknown cattle dealer and breeder and within tlie last fifteen yean did much to develop tha real estate of the western aide of bramp ton u wu a former member of tha brajuston public bchool board and at th time of his death wu a mem ber of the brampton high bchool board of which he wu on tlm chairman a staunch pieabyterlan ur pallis had been a member at dif ferent time of all tlie omdal board of the church a former ueater of ioflto lodge ajr ata aju he wu district deputy grand uaater ta 1910 he wu also a member of the orange order surviving are his widow formerly jessie pletdler four daughters helen and jean of toronto and ruth and joyce of brampton and tltw autat ura uargaret broody and uu mabel pauls of brampton and una prod dawson of toronto the funeral took place on uonday under uasonlo bus- ta btejntttott mcadiuy cutiu aoar 1 cakaj u vacuum amui aa w ribii vatal eaiaa i at i a n a a a vaaa la u at outtii utrue urea mix tt at melat aa rawivbxat w- raat vllii lue tla vwrivu hu vmiiar rwau team bred kuk u milk at mimaiu tamb rau alb far u pvaa cwahtaai lliwlitr ar aaai- vkb trar will lie da sit- muvk eooo ta uateaws anttutmo u 4 at aowhrw wall aaa oataar lie u lvaumuuu uand lotion uy bliaeian oil ia m vaa cabin ckmelaca watb thlaail u ia wawaal uuk at wirnilu 1 attaa ti aa la robbs drug store s ritonb utre dauh fa baiau luav oeoaajnomi puke food store 1 lb fin castle floor wax 21c 32 oz jar tip top pure orange marmalade 28c 7 jubilee chocolate bare ataorted ibe 3 tina crone tt blackwella soupa vegetable tomato or asparagua 28c no 214 tin aylmer brand tomato juice 10c heinz beef steak sauce per bottle 26c heinz cream of spinach soup per tin ibe heinz strained vegetable tomato spinach or prune per tin 10c heinz old faahioned picklea per bottle 28c miracle whip salad dreaalnb mall bottle 12c large bottle 21c white roae brand health bran per bag ibe special baking molaaiea in bulk per lb 4c 2 lb dutch seta 26c 2 pkga princeaa soap flakea 2fts s cake palmolive toilet soap 23c mahjpi aai 8rr isaw baal varataue mewav aai lure drew aam fresh fruit and vegetables -ar- ji a e farnell phone 78 we deliver

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