Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1935, p. 3

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p mf nli 111 i tba coraetowd hnu worlowrjay evening may i5tn 1935 k3 k- announcing aibbaibwaiism a very complete range of mens ladies and childrens summer footwear all white kid all white calf and combination effect in dress shoes sport shoes kaufman lifebouy high quality running shoes and sport shoes for all occasions local news omhw buui amuiday mjdrt teuj b tf ea oii ud ulii utru oa buuuy tnaa lull 0ormmn pit hd wtll hold ud dy la oaoiatom a july vdmi hmiill led kill hold a uhr id uu ami tinwrlay way lut u us imd nm lad ntiab- d brill co com of mid arid moid su phone 167 georgetown pring 1 jxwdk etit fi bocks b pork chops shoulders 1 wi i utrdi i maui i c r- u u lvrlb i iqeltt i 25c lb prime rib roasts booed and rated rump roasts round end boneless veal rolls 14c fc 22c 17c stewing veal 2 h for2 sweet clover butter guelph creamery butter 2 lb for 4fe toetatojako k for 2fc i cocoa k lb wurrftu m tte i miewi4miz r cofidbf 2for2sc 1 vinegars 23e 14c cunuuofi milk 2 for ife pumpkin loe oranges 30c and 40c doz we sell for cash phone sf f fcfcf 1g1 we 28w tj dui deliver ooming uuj iuu b tw pn ttatuway twit brttataa va w- lowu- tt uu and b thw it hauler making of the wxj tu will b hu at lb bom of ur w u uarhill ca stiday uiy ituj at l pu to lulte 6 thl lpojicajy funny comdy utw lb fcunui oi ui uoj w tod tau uukuy but adult ehll- da lit it uu uwtuijr ox iuiioa llalmua udrt ahtoruiaoo hld el ulhoa ur wtvy lash oi 00- u0 appointed ttf io union county at th eung of credit duutcf ko u ioo hiid 61 ttmatod ut wdiwuy st k vua- cv orioo lad uvtosowo elud dis trict impuiy ornj wtrdwl cw graiulatlotu eniij tture a a good pirtui la th olui co uouuy u ooi u o- brto ix lrfri ltfvin riitl tu vweing tuxd at hon odit oo bun- oy wsfsj tluqdd lo huilm itr lkivr cw 4low wha ood puua u blu b oc of uw imjwmml paiu it uwkiu b idy iuf ocals4 bboui il cod oi juoa in our tpon oi tb itia jut u buuiud tut m4c v o tookd ih m ot oi tt gk vui liaa uiat mmfwl id tba ditfcd till boai w4j uudrf fifel drtw at oakvuli furfwitfi tb wsioi nt oi ilfioa fjurub cbuku will bou u ef jl q booou bl la tt frfnv roobs oi u cbukli oa wtur- uj uiy ikjx fkm a dw ocu vuj brtn joj tfufid tw wo uracil bpuihi th biuisd eadub ho voh tflto u rak hrkii tuu la ooriuen reeuy uowl uion jud uun ti ujiioo lut k aad u wrtiwuj to mi hn d tii boeth in plilxluij7 it u anninjil ttal tb hiitoa coomrvaul auoclauqb b1u luid uomintln oontvauoo in uuloo on jan ui tb uau ol dr k tl atuwnon th dwnt 6btfair wyj k- john lrvtc of ulllob art mcnttoiud as probabl find id is ur a otari pip uaior of th otortfttotm mp iluut ha tattn 119 nil fvudru in town and lcom him a a cllutn ur blvrt hat bm auociaid with pip bawl for yr and art looking for- personals ur ewlun hju oi uaatmml u vuuiua u- fcilini jtyu- urc wat yvadau kptnt th hmb tod ufc f rutfda fas ttorcot kti o barow erf wotoi u vuilhi iit uia w k- odu ur o0r fioolbm 6i ttmxild n th gim of ur kul toutw dvw lb k tod ur j k cm oi tmnat apcot th pk iod id iowd uii hi ckhttu u and uit t ui kail bbawy and aon jdha ad rjthmrtl and ur and urt fcjy ar oi immit hr w add vuuoi4 in tovd ua aiurt caiy ad ton faw hrfujrdd to urflr hn id sofkund laa afur icjig tnmj k in lovd- ux and ut tl v ttarrmlouh felu ami frd uoouj lofenortow tat england tofcm thy iu tdtod u nt to boniha- ur j a uaffca wft thu burn iam tot m trip to twantd ii call liou unnuj lonlahi and wtll b aunt about tfto tau ur bid bjkr ha uocwftiuuy grduij in cniuj sfitn ring at th uejhttity of yofilo la th r- cvnl aiaalnailon ui and uja uaurio uiiwk ura ii wruu ux a uubwrd and uaur ikrry hiudd anat uanday with frwnd td taus ur and ufa w ilhul and dun ur uiit awl uut oi kvasuord fcf bujidy vutor at th boa oi ur and ut t ilili ar ur jatsi llarrfaoa aj tlb lt oontrvtory qjihtt at nvarkai od smday frtvttln- and uaautoa od 1wu twdlnf bt uiyvmn tmiu ur and lira wufrw cow uj iluua ur and wra mis cw and ad hv and ur john ctol ei ttoato w vuitora vttb ub cbi 00 ttondvy um wat oxmalnchaal of uomhy no ta ud hr dur ui thdd 00 th fch ajflafl oi si i3 townahtp rlihrtftd tm tout urtfa- day quimly at tar hoe ea uonday uy uth pouk sai omzmi lh annual conotft oi th pubua bthaol as ila in in roon of th tthool ut nht th proaramu ftjf oi opfua a p4ant ei th twpir and tone ftbkh had bia poard for in county rwuval of uutto in th oprit th oolda whuu th chlrf part r uka by twldj ti4wt kau buiwy uary ul donald tarty and oor walkr whil dumtrou houbudj stulurftu and birds add colour and baauty to th torn in th pagant daly ibauby took th part of uruannla luity unydrr th win quo vhll hobsrt ucurnaniy junior arnold iluy armstroni and douglas 8armt with attrndant knlahu rtpraariitad engund brotland wal and inland baseball wry fl kua stiiblliit at a hi ttn of th orsyhown batabau club hld id th wahwvoffk ftullrfta but tuujdy nlcht tat th purpoa of auctlns tocmm for 4t yar laii th fouowfng oacmrt spooialad jbonoary sraakwata dr o v wuiiama and dr u vax amidcdt uarry ooldhau vitwldtabubt kacudcoiy btnuryrttwiwi whar uo ouiiray luaeutlbaoa ucutaem chw ahaii j tieautdodt k v-uaooor- lack c kin o kfcnhmu uana a iltbcrt- altant uanar 7 waller tb local tm will fct undr way for tbtir firt uasu aau oi th owo la ih wik on baturday aiy 1mb at 3j0 standard thd ahut bvauptod th uaa u to t coos- pfud of all hote boa and thl ui ortung aa promlmtf to t on that no uaujll fan should tnlaa th boy ai tumlng out u to prartia and vw duplay a good uand of ball on uaturday and wttb th ftiholhrtd tupport of utrt lnrauy should pro to b on of th ut uaau to th th county card to grat achuvanunu by engund brotland wal and inland aorftown wp band undr his djlth aonga of th paanl vr vary rartton -1- u t w valooa th many paonl ba biak oaortatovn lhtr anopplnf town and aapar tally ry bsaturday niitu uor paool ar in oaorta tovn on baturday njht than in any other town in th county tfh apua- did offarlnf oi our ewthant and th apaeiai ptctur ftur at th ofory ttaatr ar largaty rwpod tihl for th eroed what would you do 1 you war nty taarriad and th baahav of juniaha praaaotca you wtib thm son ihr 1 1 id it to ln- dr- ii sauy suna by th nuytrou chll- drn eho fomd th tbotr ur j d kuy chairman of th public school board aad a vary xoautnt chairman for lb wain and pratrniad th prtaa co th fol lowinf umbbtn of last yaarh atrano data salty orant jaan uud rioru wutf and ralph tanrt th eoootrt vlll b roald eurrovr thursday snla kir and an ardvot bataball fn tu kindly donaiad a wrut sttb to b flvo to th piacr to th uau sub th ut hit tin avaras at th and of th taason th puyr aiut play ta at uau twclv laacu gaua to qualify thl alwwld craal buith intanat aaoni th piyrs of each ud itiif ar wuium chuhoib of uuloo win b th oudal ufitplr at saturdays tar tai au uhtnd th bo fro th atan of th waaoo and balp thd in th trt county laafu new advertisements wafetj owfiuau antad for boowo coun try hon pbon oooktvul a r 11 or bmb b uirald otnot oortoa waftuj voung vcaia tor uht bouaksn- ter on to alp out prwarrad uply by uwkt w boa w lurtld oofoa bla4 r- bal thra burnsr lctn ran hot watar annaa apply to scrnnath us oorgstown it u fjnjdon hion uv cuf4 tt fial 160 barttfd hocks and w whit rocks chicks sk old bray stock- apply to i h wtnsld oln wu u it iiu- f w ful aal at he per lot 1 tb ude atp ooouy potato for aal at 35 i v w ilumln trux mion 4 r 11 oeorgstovn hihw t 8raaa all sharaholdar of oorstown ah ar ruatad to atuad aaatlnf to b bald la th aran 00 rrtday uav uth at otloofc tharp jatrotttbatratary vmu cass m4i ajraary th uth tnnivrbiry oi untod pnabytarian cbokb wllj b calabrat- ad on sunday uay nth smrrloa u1 b bald at 11 am and tjd pja oa th followlnf uonday avantnc uay rth a ta uaatlnt frill b hall watch for futihar partlmlaa waa sm u wut4 at th hald day anosu hald in watarloo last waak th fol- lovin aurtant from oaorgatowb ulh bchool war auooaaaful oocnnatl- tora uu asl walker woo tlrt hi rs runnlna broad juan an third th fimtj broad jump ula halu uaynard woo aaoond to th shot put in th yd run for boy kdward lunan woo third nuoa 5ktf have vonr eyes examined tulyar timta unllk otdiaajy rtllvu suatlau ar to styt tanaaa ar accural to th vary ads hnvr you look up or down in or out tulyar lanaai ar raduoad in prior and ar sold it th aam prlo all ovr canada mo gat tham from u a w ull tulyar lent for th aam print a any on in toronto or ouelph o t walker ro otyoumutt cvkiioitf wecuuar bnuvtw bh u u bobbi dkuo btobc omwuvd uk iwu wlunliy ot fu way mamm o t wallttf ml bi sfim is bmaibua opening dance huttonville park friday may 17th 1935 dedicated to the tlluriiig word mystery even the orchestra is a mystery a aayalary tots will b aivest ut para uealiiia th mysterious miss huttonville the ntyaury danoer tautt be addrotaed by the word vou uui uuttohvlue or huttonvlu part dancino ttou 9m to im dat the floor ha undergone a special treatment and you will aay it wu never brttey ladies 2sc gentlemen 80c fro parkin uv dr uaa wu1 baalda ha ignition of vry tv t albert uoor frou th ofno of oeneral b- cratary oi th united church of can ad would be eubmitted at the neat maatlne of th oeneral oouncil it waa announfttd at tnaetlna of th ottawa prashytary diamiasion took plao on th jaueatloo of wbathar or not th ottc oi oansral bcrury should b aballahad whan dr uoor realgna ko decision was reached a to the attitude oi the freahytary o the matter opinion being divided aeuamtlu ivrit 0aaljr the danoelovinf pubue of oeorg- town and vicinity will b intaraated to know by th advertiaiment in thl lain of th opening oi that popular dane pavilion at uuttonvllle vark thle vwday uay th a new i has been struck upon for the opening night it u to b called uyatery night the mualo will b auppuad by mystery oreteatra and novel plan ha been arranged where a young lady will be dancing in the pavilion and the ant person at certain hour tapping thl lady and aaylng you ar ula uuttonvllle of iluttonvul writ- will raoalw mystery prbw an entoyahle time la auurad all who attend ft will be a uyaury totneuyouarduotatour u oaenln banks cvtwnmxmv on kwatncaa rtwdb iffeetlv june i next chartered banks will introduce a fur ther reduction in rate of intereet payahl on large commercial depoatt while detail of the propoaad redue- uon have not bean nnounom offl- ically it waa daonuely uwrtilnm that the propoaad reduetlone will ap ply only to intereet rate on cotntner- clal funds individual depoauore and the holder of email saving will not be affected under the propoaad schedule of re ductions interest rate on eurrent account with minimum monthly bal ancee of lofioo or over will be elimi nated previously the custom wae to determine the rate of intereet on cur rent deposit by analyale of the indi vidual account on corporation aavlng deposit the intereet rate will be reduced from s to i per cent khtemptloue will be w in the eaie el charitable relklou and government deposit ends alio those of certain eemueharltaiitolnitttuuone in a nutehell it u the intention of the bank to allow no interest on commercial fund on deposit in ckoeee of wkw in a tingle current aaootmt i and no more than 1 per cent annual ly on commercial aavlng deposit thl bring the rate or bank intereet in tbli country to the lowest level i within present meiiiorieatoronto oloba noaval sim club in jun u u the intantion of th club to start shooting on th outdoor rang dutance will be so yjd and iw yard several good score war again re corded during th weak ndina uon day uay lath th haiwhoap event resulted in a us between uru hurt and ur o it halt th u will be decided on thursday night zn th rapid hr towt ur v stohtncon was th winner aoortag aj point out oi poasibi 84 the score for the week ending uonday uay uth are a follow v hohiiuv it mure m w- wal ker 61 w koblnaon w w o brown m 9 johnaon w w wu- son m y iluauar w 6 ul lull a u a- rohtaaott m k w w patty tl b w hail m oalton gibxa to mold oowftttnls th parmere building lfiltoa wttl b th maoea for walton girl ca sat urday uy lath under the leadr- ahlp of uu betty wallace oi the institute branch toronto the girl of th county will plan their nro- gramm of twajeot in ham econo mic w undemand that for thl year a definite project la yihi will be substituted for the ftimfti and domes la adanot judging competi tion which haw been ataaad during th paat few year only gui who participate in hue project work will be eligible for thm houeehold science cccapetltione at the canadian nation al afithlhluftn au gtru utom year inclusive in helton and vicinity an invited and it le anticipated a large group will crest lalee well who le well and favourably known amongat th girl of th county whan th meet ing open at 1000 sun on saturday pat- bate io boa and kitchen cabinet in ex eallant condition apply at ltsrald ocao atp fiirgaf aaw lrirbfejkie i am praparad to do any kind of gardn work noorpouahlng p tte you wul be aauahad with my work u hauptman bos at park taut oaorgatown u ycnocju pos coal tt oaorgetown public school board wui raoaite tender for w ton dominion v lump coal for delivery at pubuo school between july let and july isth lu tandara to be in by uay jlat lftis lowest or any tender not nacasaarlly accepted p 8 liar- ruon sacretarytraaaurer st pwa heal waaiaa wlu buy horaaa tnjurad cattle etc injured animals must be secured im mediately a meat mutt be in perfect condition also trailer or trailer chasal wanted vanelter pox parma phone w r 1 georgetown ageate wemte our liberal cash coram commission tale plan anahlee you to determine your own tnoom canada moat lucrauv sale propaalllon a card wul bring you eoupiet detail of thl money making plan box 1c herald ome tt concrete work x am prepared to do concrete work of all kind ketlmatee given oi charge if you require anything in thle una phon 1 walker oeorge bt georgetown ata if wood for sale choice uaple hardwood and cedar ralu at right price order left at a hume or at my borne phone sew promptly attended to a uvdtoitonc scout news th showing of th film happy oaorgetown on thuraday evening uay oth under th untoa oi th and georgetown troop oi boy sooute was a marked success th balance of th program presented by dr carl- ton and hi company waa enthualaau- cally received by a capacity bout and ail were sorry when the program was finally brought to a close an added attraction to th evening program waa the presence of uasur joseph wuoax comet ealaiat and gold medal ist who played two full number which were very much enjoyed one of the ughllghu of th even ing entertainment wa a abort ad dree by hut worship uayor gibbon who spokt very highly of the boy bcout association and th good in fluence of a real scout troop in any community hi worship expressed a etrong desire that georgetown give to u local troop all poaalble aupport in order that it mlgbt gain a solid foot ing and become a weu established in fluence for good over th youth of our town sixteen scout under scoutmaster b ytreetin and a keen ajiu jour neyed to toronto on saturday uay uth to be present at the giant baden poweu rally held in honour of the chief scout and chief guide in the exhibition grounds while the dis play in seoulcraft were very won derful and thorough the most inspir ing phase of the occasion wu to wit- nea the many thousand or boy all grouped together la on huge brother hood oi scout to enow honour to thah chief and a a taetlmony of their faith to scouting u promise and it law such diaplay aerve to make all of tu feel that after all our small effort aw welly worth while in helping to promote true christian love and world friendship alio it oonflrma ut the leader the smowladg a boouunaater can with the naceaury perseverance make an ultimate eueoeee of hrilngr to hie coittniunlty despite the many handi cap and trouble which tie t con front him ctt hi way wood for sale choice hardwood uaple and beech mixed soft wood uost reasonable price apply jack tost phone mlw oaorgatown tf wood for sale ofcole lumwood bmch and upl t um pr curd uuti wood tlm wr rd kiu um pur cod u 1 bundrotd hum mlwulj uwun twule qaakly chicks at bargain prices leghorn week old 1225 per 100 2 and 3 week old ilightly higher leghorn pullet week old 26c 2 and 3 week old jllghtly higher leghorn cockerel day old 2c week old 3c bund rack u4 whlu rack started chicks at eominondtiu ly law prise day old all brad k1 brlsa ijmltmt number white rock and barred rock pulkti 1 3 s and 0 week at ineelal price all euclu 0r kla dwl atmwwd rrau ueailmlej tweddle chide hatchery ruong ujw rcbaus plantsjfor sale au idnd ai bex and beddiiig nania fleratuitm ete window box and hanging baa- ket filled at reasonable rate mrs gamble we oeuver swswabswakwohaimma not a rheomaue pain lorj years 70yrou man frmlae ichiaclseja a man who once eufeerad twrwn from -it- write ret a kkajr tim x auffwad with rheumatism and at on tin wa laid up for about bin wnki about frv yar ago x wa advud to try knwchani x did so and b eonun- uad udng than ever since atrchats did th trick a x haw not had a rheumatic pin for ow four yh x am nearly w yr of a and iwj- injr fin and aiy able for my 4 ork thank to stniachad- a atruaehefi diacj awy thoa nmdi pointed cryuai of uric add which are th cause of all rheumatic troubu it wilt aho flash thm olsolvd crystal cuaa out of th stsoj than u you ilmo up th uui dally daw te uria add wtll navw form again unused old jewelry lmi tbtal fcl tou to tiki mi pai 1 h w hinton waukjit aaj imli bmuumowm house furriishirig specials curtams a urge hmtothatci at lkcs curiin creu and ecru tke uteet ta ctuiain net per pair 100 sls 1jw j7 up to wjso fancy frilled curtain js0 17 200 23 frilled santa curtain jfe 4se 8e curtain net a lovely jtig of crcara and ecru 20c cl to lie l fancy frilled soma at ise yd cjtetone 36 reversible crtone tuitable for dspiag and curtain 26c ya 45 reversible cretone sse ya 27 fancy crctone 18e yil 36 heavy cretone at 20c 28c to 60c yd window shades stock aue 36 4154 4s 47j 52 36 s 6 ft at mi fit 1100 ljht curtain rods single or double bros curtain rod axminstcr rugs 27 x 51 airauuur rug 4 fe k 7 6 aunintter rug simplicity pattern al for langlevs cktiw oad dyor mcbean co 0c to site sis aes ike wodolfw gsorotwii or real sav ings villi your do nliilon and not ih kitr spcuu hrrllv all ihu ttccu heinz eontgst gee your satry forca tiirs itgirsel tmi 94 soups 225 cu lkji su ouves csnadlaa old cheese nvv to0t tissue e to jar si lb 1 s roii a guiuu purr orsng marmalade 32oziors corned beef salmon sardsnes rinut comoc brunswick 6 10 i 25 i tomaloes 2 lb 2se pineapples isc 4 19e grapefnill 5tor25e letnoas perdoz 19f j mown label salada tea quakh oh kelloggs corn flakes suuuiipps jelly powders heinz ketchup pearl soap 3ai4 vcllow ldel 11 l 97 2 3 l lb large dottle 10 tomato juice puffed oa wheat 3t 15 14 it 33 it dominion stores l a n 1 ii a i wavaroe plowcik urxomeb 8vhbol the scarlet pimpernel 1 a tiny flower which grows in the country tune of england owing to it vivid vorlet colour it show up at tlie foot of hedge like a tiny flame xiaronea orcay a keen botanist chose this little flower a the sym bol of the oaring- band of eeeret ad venturers in her famous novel the scarlet pimpernel the thrilling nlmlxation of which oomee to the gregory theatre georgetown uay 31 and aa in secret and unknown even to their wives these gallant engllahmen hazarded their llvee every time they crossed the english channel to rescue soma french family condemned to death on the guillotine leslie howard l seen as btr percy wakeney the courageous leader of the bcarlet pimpernel lierla oberon who scored a anno holeyn in the private life of henry viii play the part of his beautiful ptonch wife from wrom he is estranged by hi masquerade a an idle pleasureseek ing dandy to divert suspicion from iu activities on behalf of the inno cent french aristocrat adopt a child week the xialton and peel ohildreuw aid societies are very glad to join in lite frovliiclaj department of public welfare adopt a oiitld week program in what batter way ajnong other could 111 mojeaty jubilee w more fittingly celebrated than in the laud able undertaking of making provision for the boy and girts who need home core and protection thle special week aet apart by the aoepart- tnttit of public welfare otter such opportunity are thr not in our two oountlee many chlldlea home thai would feel it a privilege to receive into their keeping aoue rosycheeked child t possibly no greater contribution could be made to social welfare than the eaubllshtng of pure and wholesome home tiutoundinga for the lea for tunate children in the children item at ullton are a number of girl and boy who would welcome kind faster parent and bring aunshlne to any ham th omiilrens aid societies invite the people of our counties to consider thoughtfully the opportunity now of fered them the superintendent ur o p thompson uiuon will be very glad to furnish particulars to any in terested dkttmuead service nemlnisoent of the great drumhead service during thu canadian com reunlon at toronto but august are plans for a similar event just an nounced by the canadian carp as sociation a veteran drumhead service i to be held on sunday afternoon uay htr at 320 oclock in the same lo cation rlverdald park toronto- an invitation is extended to all fomer member of the cjanedien rawae throughout the country to attend the beret and armband which were the dutlngulijung feature oi the reunion last august again wtll be used the parade is to be formed up at ftlverdale park after the service review will take place on the ground with the whole body of men washing past a saluting base tte canadian corpe association is comprised of the numerous wt and other unit emaciations most of which came into tstnfe a a re sult of the corps heunion urig- oeneral c l ilervey duo is chair man of the committee in charge of the parade and ohurch service with advertise ft pays i custom hatching la 1mm eur waekiy kuam bnloiw space for balance of leuon 2e an egg incubator aet each friday mortilng baby chicks urbluuy b c whil letttanu and bh maatlu tat auj aiur urunu 1 mill atack i auk hum adolph sandusky laud tu ua w bamuupxom at k i hu hawluru

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