Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 22, 1935, p. 4

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pk04 tte ceoraetowai heiau wad outlay evening may 22nd 1935 5p is c fas wtf muvkm last bwu say 1uu boy cnnf hi to wj si tailldisb won and fctiiihr at toy ks km prmmd wtib uia ttny ood lak ui a euo ufc itaifctj rti and uoo x know you ul tfaaa whllt b lpt x knelt baid hu fcd fiibifumnl my sin afid d with lowbowd hd o ood mak u a ehud like by tfatkl bar tvuztifirf tha wtth faith sincere boos th hutoav ryoa in arty um ol history hu iwhttorle nun first showered ui tfliflklfl uron ih enceaior lb bmtdara dog tb ll ha al way found t3am in th hearts of kfal b all ti uajodouia la f hnn aajvlain usa aane- uty wtth wtleb th dog bu held by tha early kgyptlan bu b telle la hi aaelant account that th people of awry egyptian family in which dog tad died ehavad thsaualvaa aa an awpfmailiw of mourning for tnalr d- pahed ntwi friend m annual hooda of th hu ah ww pewoedad by tha appear ana off ha star turiua in lb baav- ane and whan th atar wa ant awn auk yr th egyptian farmer mov- ad thalr nock to th eafety of higher gtamd calling it their guard and ptotaotor th ancient kgypuana aa eoeiaied it with th alcbfulnmi and guaidlanaliip of th du and a a kwult they wortlilpedlhe atar and called it in dog atar th guardian in th early history of rthiopta th alaotad dog a their king and ofablnnd it with au th dignity and pomp of a royal ofia- hemtr wbaa it fawnad th do aald to b aauafiad with th affair of aul but whan it frowlad it waa auftmaadly dluaaad wttb th tuan- nr to whlfih th tovarnnunt waa ba in wfl fh a war mad hiadiataty to correct th mladaada and hgato th good favor of th royal xa th fomuunc of bu naw aaet fytbaauha balid that altar ufa waaandad taa aoul paaaad on to othar t and aftar th daatb of any of hb fouowara b bald a doc lou to th uouib of th daad man ao that u ulafet catth th dpaiiln aplrll fhr la no animal in all cwatlon th phlloaopbar daclarad that could parpatuat man vlrtua bauar m wut ivj uar s aaw man klulny you at th baok door ut nlgbt waa it th poataab or tb poltoamanf maid ntfaa it bafor savan odock or aftart- aa muse to wbih a caauy bad bao abl to ny all ta do oo tvo- pwty lhay osad but unau to ralw anoub iabtimf to bay lod m broucnt to tifci by th wuam da- partsuet of ortuu vuiim found that lb houwhold bad no food on wdauy oo maal on ybiibday and ton on rridaj th uothar of th famuy han tkad why aba bad not apoliid for rabaf uld ah undw- atood reliw waa not allowad to paou wbo paid ibatr taaaa it la an ampu of hat u sots on tn sany towna vmovi would b aurprlmd u uvay could only laam tow tool rata payan ha bn fofoad to go with out lha bar rfuuua of ufa in otdw to pay tbair taaaa and aaap tbatr pro- party daar of anaiebranoa it u paopl aucb aa tha wbo must ba coiuidarad and to wfeoa aartsg of eras a dollar or two in taua eaana much in th dayi of alfm win- ovar port wbufs to ylacttmm th taacter la en of th ot b- portant nf to lb hmtng and u ahaptng of our boya and glrt- thl fact baa baan ofua atr aad pouibty only th horn uf u a graat- r tntluanof th tahar u th kay to th moral probua and b doaa much tn guiding th boya and glrti undar hi car to a propar way of uftng john otrdur wrtttng in lb ro tartan afagaiin oomtoanta oo tola fart whan b aaya taaehar who ara dawtd of faar and who will tak napoiulbujty with rull knowladr ttat thay will b aupoortad by th admlnutrauoa uachar whoaa oorpuaclaa mov fr- ty through thalr artartaa taaebara who can laugh below lha diaphragm taachir wbo vot for whom thay plaasa taaehar who low ufa and cbudnn ahova all taaehar who hav uwlr routtoa dutlaa raduoad to tb point whara lhay can inatruou gulda tvamplify and train aucb taao- bar wtu do mora to aolv th moral aducatlon problam than buraaua of raaaarch organliauon of bualnaa man board of moving ptetur oaa or and hardworking tanamant- houa aanitary angtnaara put togathar replace worn screen doors and window a broli arraaa 1 lda a bucket wtik a kola ui it uuliu you may ihinb you ar protrud againit flua aad rvoaoiico but you r io for hlih ukr chrk ovr your utw door and wut dow now rtplac tkow that ar dmgd screen every door window ontario safety league larg oommltmanta rmanta for prlnelpaj th avarag valua par ara of oo- cuplad farm land tn th varioua pro- vtncaa of canada to us including unprovad and unlniprovad land lo- gethrr with dwalung houiaa barna and other farm buudtngs la raportad aa pxi 34 nova dootia gyf naw brunswick m qube u ontario ml ifanltoba ht aaakatabawan gig alberta and arlutb oolum- spring millinery ui tfo utett fat taffetta and straw for immwrtau wear misses claridge hctnu block gmtgtr4tj uunlclpaltuaax with but vary fw aacaptlona hav for many yaara not only baan living up to thalr inoomaa but hav barn making astarulva com- mltmanta on th inatalmant plan through varioua kind of publlo work for which dabantura hava baan uiu- wbil th provad to ba qulta a drain upon th onancaa of th muni- cipalltla in normal tlmea alno tha contlnuad dtpreaaion baa raaultad to a vary larga amount of taxa remain ing unpaid enough money ba not com in to provide for neouuary a kuiee and the debenture payueni and intaraat and many munlcipall- tlaa ar now finding themaalvaa la financial dimculttee a bill wbleb baa bean introduced in th ontario lagut- lature by iton david orou ulnutar of uunlclnal affair and which 1 tha on government action which tuu tfe approval of lion oao 0 llanry leader of tha opposition provide that ail munlolpatltlaa muat submit capital expenditure nropoaale to th ontario uunlclpal hoard and re- oelv it approval before tha work can b pfooeaded with thle muat be don whether a vot of tfce raupayata u toaen on the project or nn uunlclpal financial davejopnuau during b past few yaare hava shown that aucb procedure should terve a very useful purpose in compelling osunlcipalltlee to keep debenture within a raejumabl amount th duilcultia which are now be ing experienced should prove to be a good laasoa that munlcipautia wall a individual tn making com mitment for instalment payment in tt future should be very careful a to bow urge a proportion of ravanu will be raautred far such payment and what will ba their position in case tbar inould for any cause be e r duetlon to tncom jn th future otitukis tiermxcati txt py ckuhtnax orim la the major problem of every ag autad oeorge s authria toronto chief inspector of detaotlvee in an address to the lien club of bl jude anglican church at oakvtu uat ttuhdey night th gteevteai wgr waa not tha war of ll to iplabut thg oontlnuoua warfare biw rjglit aud wrong w a pouc omoere ar th shock troop but we ara dependent 08 th ruerfca composed of th cnuwru of our eoun- tty wtth all our churchaa and acboou x regret to uy that crime ts not da- creating the coat of crime ti ap- palunr be decuwd uafet tat au ftal t u kiim tka wv tall w ua txrad cbudnos wimb thw day 1 do- that x wy umtlod why tb uin wuitwui ha umwj th fecaiung up of tn- w do hot slab wbo hav kknid th purple shadow of lb gray of bicht iwu w know th uomuig uw ba- road and w tmui alt a uu1 for ui ubt so wtiao gom vary with th cr and athje our knd ockc bod ui tlvp tli pe thy cfv w should not wwd but warn count th ui a pivliicu to lh on bryoad th gtkw and thus br kawiy for thftri not dis- but tilt our htart lh lo to ood and aniiw and w anon ua tlnd oifa will tu wlio w wu hot and wtlt a ulllr whll r4iik uoundadon- suwaju a tut ctta uoru th dam doo by clothw fiiouu in 0nd wy h u uunsib and lh prvwnlloa of that daitu r oulrw th su of car rore- uuchu aud viauanr atatae lh uo minlua fcntoadcioaut p iliioa de- pahmant of ajwuitur artku of clothing and eth buwuj aubvt to attaxii should not b wk undu- lurtwd for long pwrtoda particularly durtog th auumr feaoth to aucb plaoa a eupboard atuce and trunk unua ad4iiat precaution ha bn tain to protect it- th artlcu after btng thoroughly brukhad p- ivrujy to strong sunlight should be plsrad tn wau made trunk or chaste wttb tithuf mung ltd or to card board bota taajed with paper strip wrapping clothing to two ulekrim a of atrong wrsppuig papr taking car thai th dge are turned doro so tht no moth can gain entrance i also racomecdndad a an alternative laaaaur arcordlag to th dominion sauobsolojlst on pound of frxii naphthaww fulu or similar quantity of paradicuoobasa scat- tared among th garment to an ord inary sued trunk aur perfect pro tection from moth injury when cotton or panr mothbage ar ud onahalf pound of elthar of th abov chaulcal may be eoclosad to uh bag an an addlilortil prcauuoa when tntlr building are badly tn- timtmd with moth euprbaattng th room or fumigation with hydrocy anic acid gaa but ondvr expert super vision only 1 mcomaadd ajtfji jll snuttvax in th annapou valley to nova scotia th brhub kmnlia largt aingi appl bak appi esloafed mt- ival will be held thle year from uay list to jun ird with pageants par- ad music and sports aiath tjortng th tend of evangaun 1 an enrhantad valley of ptok and whit bloaaoma orchard strtchlng for mil afur mil with ail tbatr fragranoe and beauty yo th past two yaara au th resident hav cele brated tt coming of th hlou lth thetr promise of future erope beceus this u th birthplac of apple culture tn north america th first appl tree having been transplanted tbar from normandy by hrr uartto more than too yaare ago th celebration this yaar wut be on a greater seal than wear due to tn scinra jubua opsnlng on vriday evening uay list with tha apple blossom bail tn the cornwall inn ax tccatvtll when th kutlvel quean will be chosen the program contln ua with parade pageant music concert apart and tour of tha orchaad until laie uonday jun ird ooncludlng with a rtoor show buffet lunch and dene at th cornwall rwn saturday will be th day of th big parade of the hlossomain kceruvul made up of m6 valley achool child- ran with garland of hiafau aup- plemented by charactar of nova bcotlaa pioneer day tncluding d- uonta latour ohamplatn tc thu wtu be followed by the coronation of th rvatlval queen who will represent canada at the imperial vvult bhow to be bald at cardiff walea lata in october on saturday evening th early history of nova sootl will be drama tised and tt story of kvangeuna staged tn lh arena with a trained chorua symphony orchestra and bras band under th direction of uls kargaret armstrong of ifon- treal assisted by her professional group of artist supported by a local cast of m people on sunday afternoon actlvltlee will ba centred in tha old acadian village of grand pra nra tr acadian set tler underwent the trlala and trib ulation of expulsion nearly 300 yaara ago choir and choral organisations from all over the valley asslstad by instrumentalist will give th pro gram in th evening another musi cal festival will be held in the ground of tha cornwall inn uonday june 3rd lh kings birth day will be th big day with eporu the pared of th valley town an addreee by the lieutenantgovernor a big pageant tn tha arena a street danot and a dance at tha cornwall inn thu year extensive arrange ment for antartahiment are expected to cause a great ncreas to the pura- ber of visitor who have made an nual pilgrimage to th annepou valley in past year just to roam through th fragrant orchard and aaoend to th lookoff on th red mountain to behold the pink and whit tide of bloom that cover tha valley and hillside of flv counuee ike lords supper rwwluil uatfantf hwkamy r golden text tuu do to brne of tn 1 corinthian 11 m lknaon abstaak uathw m it w a thouaht will hit wtn a shot wtu may a thought will aland wlvn a fart giv way a thougl i will frvd wtkhi no drnd 1 nigh a tlaouaht wu live wrrn a mn ui dtr uclandburgh rnvmiua mli iloth jw and chrutun tiav a ucramrnui meal tim ciiruiun ucrameat of the lordh tkiiupt grtw out of ok jrwuh iaimytr wait ii u th cuiuwn of jflu a a devout jw to otinr uir wovrr yau hun commrtooralfd th dilnrraiic of hu propl out of klary in igyp ucdr th gi4i ruidtkn of uyuig laxtu to hi diulpm im uid the xtiltxi to ymuuiu the ovuvcranoo of his folios- roa um slavery of km lluw urns lw liad iwemml laird ihu bohl sjul diumaiic traruier of baranlru r do not kruw but c do know that tt- mau wittily pkpar- auon lor it it a not to be a chance or unpromutu affair but preparation t tazor in ktrping with tit uwmn tgnlllcanc of ihr rvfm in all clirutun church ihu rli u arranged for with suitable unrliiy oj far a it outward pre- fotmanc of u u ronrmd but more unpottaiit uuj i th ujotual prp- aratioa of communlcanu uitttr tra uxramrnt u obwntd a uu itooan catholic maw or th prole ant communion rvlr communicant nard to shru uwlx souls and by meditation be spiritually prpattd tor it solemn aft of paruclpallon a al milrlh kl wl in the origtnaj disciple group on of the twtue wa a traitor auialy that prremtag doe not hold for our roeomunion rolls jmui u so am um spintuaiiy that he dmid the brokm ailrglanc and to falmeu to juda gave him opportunity pair th breach but th effort su in vain juda had fallrn into an evil mood and h wu thtnkuig of hinurir rather than of christ w a church member obtrrvlng th sacrament are not quaaioned of cliriit but w must riamin ourwlvea are w loyal or disloyalt ar participating mer- ly a a rouun ritual or because w lov chrut and ssi to srne hlmf w find anything wrong in our die- clpleshlp are we prepared to do our utmost to ma it rtgnir trrr 1 a vast dlffertnc between a lukewarm christian and on who 1 biteo water can giv off power th rougt d tl lufarring to nuudlln aympgtby ertled toward crimlnali th to- apector aakl our flrat thought should be t or th victim of th crime d petting th ctimlna there la danger of encouraging crime w during th fiscal year ended liawb i losft 1mj19 buaa or about u- tml pound of canadian dressed poultry were inspected for export and fooal and intcrprovfnclal ehipttiant under tha eimervlaloa of th uvg svock branch of th domlriion dv hrimetit of agriculture thle waa tut jno la afcipmttiie war th immj ncj yar of tmu doxa or tttttf evcton rev and ura j r waldl and babe of walker ontario ar visiting at the bow of hi parent ur and un donald waldl at th meeting of oakvlu board of education on tueaday night tha re signation of ifjae thews hunt who had been granted a yaar teava of ab- aenoe waa acoepted uise hunt ex- preaabig a dealr to remain with tha acton ptiblio bchool uttlitfarjorta norton daughter of m wal norton had tha misfortune to fajj whu muer skating and fract- tobiffftna elbow um that gu at th graduation eiuwclsaa of ouejph oetural iiospual but evening musa isabel o tanu wag pweeuted with pit pr v u bavage award for operating boom tachnlmj miw lanta was on of tha gradugttoa clgm of iks extend ewm cvigtatulit lorn on her graduation and this cove led award teacher and aeholal of to iwi wpu rouar si making favorable pn high ejchooj yaaierday annual eelecuon of the beat ail boy and girl student of tha i aaargatwt arnold waa enaaed from among the giri and rtad turner from the boya the ujtealda chapter of the t o d el each year offer the boiling stage the christiana uuionshlp with christ i that of a friendship friend ar not long to doubt aa to whether thatr friendship la cooling off or not tfc bmf u to express hi plritual perhaps jaau could not hav found a hot effective symbol than brwad it eiw nouruhnvent and chrut t th bread of life upon whom w may sustain in our spirit bread l aa- slmlleted so that it become our very nth in hk manner christ beoomaa part and parcel of our inmost salve bread live a healthy satufactlon and christ satlsfts tha hunger of the soul bread give u strength and when christ lives in our hearts by faith h impart hi strength to us what brwad 1 to th body that th truth of christ is to our minds and th prno of christ is to our heart as bread te broken before it is eaten so th body of christ was broken a h mad hi sacrtfic for men fed antic botanist often spoil appreciat ion of beautiful flower by giving them unlntrlugibl latin names but in instituting hi memorial sacrament christ employed a simple wcrydey commodity mad familiar by house hold use vet it set forth th mean ing and emotion of that great drama of love and sorrow tk win rr a young man who had had a deep religious experience wa asked by an aoqualntnee to explain about th blood in christian theology tha question floored rum lie went to a minister to ask for an explanation if waa told that th hebrew language wa wok tn abstract word and that in early day th blood signified th life soldier found that wounded men soon bled to death tha shed ding of christ blood meant that b wa willing to giv hi ufa for man kind this explanation cleared away the difficulty the reality back of th metaphor is that tha truth spirit and pretence of chrut may be in corporated into our being just a lha blood flow in our vein ao great may be the identification of the believer with rle lord of court true symbol of wine representing shed blood ha to do with th forgiven of sine th shedding of blood in th ancient sacrificial ayatem wa a symbol of th coat of forgiven th pouring out of th win represent th sacrificial death of christ tha marvel is that christ could use this symbol before hi crucifixion wa an accomplished fact for week if not for month be had lived tn the shadow of th crosa uarrabualaj lljauu u after the sacramental meal the disciple sang a psalm we wonder if tfe uaster sang also as he mad hi way to oethsrmane borne of tha greatest christian hymn have been inspired by the sacrament of the lords bupper the pathos of john and uary standing before the crosa the at- am of the taunt of the pass ers by the sens of being forsaken the words from- th eras haw all been expressed in sacred song it will repay time and study to become fa miliar with the aelectlona to any hymnbook having to do with the death of christ and th sacrament of th lord supper th slngtng of these great hymn by a congregation produce a great effect many fail to understand all that l involved to th acted parable of th sacrament but they do get meaning from th hymns to memoriae those hymns to youth i to have a lifelong spiritual possess ion that te increasingly valuable elevated thought expressed in poetry set to music and aung by fellow be liever at tha sacrament create a mood that la about th highest we ma aver know when tempted to be disloyal we are almost certain to be upheld if we hum gently to ourwlve a versa or two of when j aurvey tha wondrous cross it help u to pour contempt to au our pride qaeatlatia far dtseaauau why is aelf examination necoiaaryf a could any word or deed hava re- 1 strained judut s what doe tha bread eymbolizef what truth dose tha wine typify ft which 1 your favorite sacramenm al hymnt his lumbago has not come back ftoct free of tf witls kxisacswii tfierc ran be no doubt about uw rhvrtlwnru of the vbdy uiu man sbulntt lumbago luad hu uttfr about four arh uuo f had a bd attack of lumuiflo aflrr ulliff ii hoaliltal for two wril taking hat treatment i tatted taking kruuluti oitlu tuner it ru 1 am happy to lay i hatr not ben troulud with luin- bsiio i u all till continue laklnz kri urhfn t lx- kjrr the lumbaao fcint come back a c c wliy u it tliat kruktlirn i u eff ihr in krtping lumbago st bay uimiily uju it nor right dovn to tli root of mr ttoube aiul rrrrujv in- nuv hldi is tin impair blnod trrum tl nx tall in kmhn kpvp tlte blood trsim pur and vigor ou by luomfctlng a clnrbork regu larity of fill ihr hi up uf rllmu alien milton o howard gray of wfton form fly of union u chon a candl dale in lloulh york to optku capt klinorr it upott in lh yvderaj flect ion by a rumrntlon called by fiouth vuik rvdrral llbeiav auoriatton in ihr voik unuiriaj collrgute on luiurday fdnnetly a lrrtbterlan minuter in silltoi and furt riuln ont albert ualiarfy iikd 67 ear calgary bar ruter died at hu hom there dunng the rkend torn in fort albert ont he tent to calgary tn 10t it graduated from ucoul university to ikm it ra minuter at two calgary c hurt he brfoir bring admitted to th bar to 1019 th provincial gwrmaunt ham de- rlded to rut off grant to muniripal- tle for ichoal nwdical impection dental tervloss and public health nurse thereby taring annually by uu curtailment of the unnaosuary ter- vlor 440 mo two town to ftalton county will b affected by tt change durlington and oakvlu ho rorlwd 1000 each for public health nurse whll motoring to artort usto thundsy night via th sscond lln to attrpd a loia qoncvrt oeorge pea rock of trafalgar aocompalned by u uaude c curry andy- sollott and u orybourgh of uilton met two cars coming east which crowdad his car off th road causing it to strtk a deep hoi and roil down a steep embankment uasr tvacoek and ifaud were seriously uijurad while their companion tacaped wuh minor injuries ur iacocke car wa badly wrecked champion i shaba tb34x ah 6at at thins uot what uwy uwd to b tuhhl orannl du cumlnff th younr gnratu vhy about th only tlau m buhurn oouur ku hr foot down l whm th tlht rr lb utk tut la ubdfatttri v ar atluov and aracttnf for caalha stml pjab4j pnataa baauy bfaa titl ttrgm and tha dapandabta bhinnrtat oona oabu rou uaimauo cowrmol rw uuiittun ma uik u gilbert sinclair omtfu b a rkaa hlj wuar bow did you t that tmudie on your lil ailud tha truco aniut oeri wl or hor hiutund how do you awaot m to run 1im without imtliur ikdm w p i dont but whan did tha railroad i urt uiln rad ereawr baiaa adrautata partner that drought coit ui ovur i 000 buthau u wheat brtjpm to tidi aludait waeijoo aad xxaa rood duriiut that dty di wo uu vwiittaum to um u th bwlcouu at tout b hw ult out of u pit my wooartrr nw iukart getting fall egg money from may and june chicks to cash in on tha high pall egg price with lata uay and june hatched chick you need extravlgorou chick that have a reputation for nuking rapid growth w suggest that you buy dray a jctrapront chick el this tun of year h- caus with ordinary good man agement and good feeding youll find them fully developed and hunting for neat at month old let us give you soma example of how rapidly dray chick grow ur j d price bimcoe ontario 1 raising mo bray hatred rock flexed pullet tht spring many of rt bird weighed a good pound and three quarter at only 8 week old ur brut rlddell king on tario bouiht krt dray barred hock from the january oth hatch lie ha raised 184 prom ising pullet and a number of hi birds setusljy weighed over sb lb at 13b week old that the kind of growth youve got to have if your uay and june chick or to lay many egg for you while the hall and winter price are good we have shown you that bray chicks can make the kind of ferowta that put them in the laying pbn at ttuwtng old and with the lata uay and june chick that mean egg in nov ember december and january bray chick in nine breed are ready for prompt shipment at the hatclvery coma in next tuu youra in town 8 our new low price aud tot ui hav your order lor 1b9a baby chckj bray chick hatchery rllonrj hi brampton oauria brown label ss vlb orange pekoe 4 v lb rain -snow- we deliver blue coal when you leant it fetiphonav john mcdonald georgetown queen street mammktibmbmsatf in tar g mmssa qusnapsuot cuil j get in the picture yourself u enjoyed tho naphnt ouilj article lust week vvry muib fur taking snepshat uf my chilian almost a hobtij with me wmle reader i waa imping h movi r that you would toll mollura hot to in cludothumtulviu in tho il turo with heir chlldrun nhu tmitiniicj rnirhaii tit h i u out intt rtmlt i in this subject tfio iwlf i liin r is u nuuit fascinating lit ik nutliit unit ulnioat human in it ui truti n it imuiluit- puaalve arcciiiury thut nta owr the distal buttuo or pluniior ut tho tud of tho cablu rultuw uhhli yuu prosa to tako a miuiitliut ullh u fuij lag cam ra it tannul linutvur bu uswl union th rumi ra la ftttad w lth cable relmisa hare i bow it work first you lo cato your eubjvct in die flnjar and at tha earn tlmo plan the space yuu will occupy wlion yuu step into the picture hiidpow yuu wunt to take a picture of juno silting in your lepaa you read toiler you will have to have tho cmnura on a tripod table or something solid locate the chair in the and or and bo sure you can so all of tho chair esno dally tha upper part of the back where your bead will appear for if you are not careful you will flint yoajisvf decapitated yourself whip ba finished print ay tvturovd if tha picture if to be taken in doora you will have to apply all the yulea of indoor snana hooting th diaphragm should ba tut at 6 9 the shutter spaed at elthar 119 or iu uf a aecond and you will need oaa or two photoftood urn pa placed la an ordinary boor lamp with tha shad romovad to glr raor hits mlnatlon to th aid away from tha i utaldo light u hen the diaphragm i et t tha proper opening with tha cornet shuitor epoodi the asm aa u you uro going to snap tha blcfnr ynunuiir got the ealf timer for ion aaconde or a mlauts depend ing oa how long it will tak you to got into the chair wtib jane com fort ably taa tod a your lap ready to hsiao to your story turn on tha photoftood lamp slip tha timer ovar the button at tho end of tha cabla release press the little relaaae lever on the self timer and it ttarta but lag away and thin clickit bag taken your picture in spit of the simplicity of the procadur jan i going to get a thrill out of it and when tha plctur la snapped shell probably ba por traying a million dollar srull and thle win add aucb to the valua of th picture you can purchase tha aalf timer attachment from almost any itora that eolla camorae tbey are not pensive and last a llfollma novur i i j picture rwwlbllltleg v new daaj twpllttie boy were taiklag about th frrtldent on of them aald uy father thinks he luu dona a lot of good tha elder boy replied ob i dont know ba haant eloaed tha luvattga jonas your office aent me a oook last week eniploynient offlce uaiiagen v thata right jones well it will give ma th greatest pleasure if you will din with

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