Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 5, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 5tji i93s p3 announcing a very complete range of mens ladies and childrens summer footwear r comprising all white kid all white calf and combination effects in dress shoes sport shoes kaufmans lifebouy high quality running shoes and sport shoes for all occasions d brill co com of mill and main su phone 167 georgetown rib roast 15c lb 14elh 2 lh2se fresh pork shoulders 5 to 7 lb i7e pork chops cut from the loin 2be tt fresh fillets 17c lb sliced salmon 17ehs new potatoes ipeciol new cabbage leaf lettuce extra urge oranges be lb 2 or 18c 30e and 40c do quakes puffed wheat 10c kuukhva bna fiakea 2 or 28c gold medal cuatard 16 ox tin 22c max honey 2vt lb tin 20c cammation mux med tin 2 for 10c ruxceaa soap flake 2 for 29c we sell for cash phone i ow tatlaf w 2bur v- j tjv iv deliver h ii araabraiarararbbbbb b jaabbbbabbbabaaabaaabbaaaaaabbbbbabbaababi save with safety at your rexall store modem i rwe win oa ronnrex toiijcv tissue llalk kbuacuem salts hex ail kxlraet af wiu bfaaabeny rowdeb rarra a far lie ilklll vnouiomnv var babfcara olvamns aiualaa kaaw hj ombtuino 8koial w haw im app ajaaia la oearfe una far black cat cleaneav thu cleaner may ba uead to claan any kind oj fabric alt hau kid ilxea itrav hata upholiterad fur niture automobile upholatary eta lit la odorleu nonbulaniabla and will not leave a ring coma in and ae thla olaaner mineral oil i lvsol dualaeual at ut iuu uarutink avnakiryic uu1ko cam tst ha me ate ausmaauuc rar laaaaeh ilia ardan a ills robbs drug store won lawe dauw flu kaiali aiw ckoborrotrh aaaaaaaabbabbbabbaaaaabbbbbabaaabaabbbai local news kntf pntjbyuin church eda- wet u0ttiay jufi hxh lcrne rid ae6iumh band fcr- un party irridey joe litafc htaamatll gam at th writ tjd tburadjy itvtboftowf actori v loc umtl h ou atillt tamttd and pfatd by m stotkird mux xxi tuufc bi oaa matv horac iay of uiluaxwd and osuh ve4faytetuui church hau accattud 611 lo wlarlorx start ing there june 1- big hi id day at oorwrtowa july 1st under uspl of oao lod hpe band it will be the etit of ur uudo dent ml it- i it kttlud funny to u to t the ufivr tang ovr th umu tiwr ul dui ktaauf hei tka fcctaiiawl llovr v hcft it trov all rtia i gmi kui lujuo fjoai lfcj cwi batijd co bajluillamy jcaf tia9 g party id ui puai od ja 1 aduiu jic cblidivp ibr tut izujiadkl winu tor ul teailo eiuli- wr cury tvad all vjjwi cf cb- ha puiiu lor uw at uu w ii uodfivy tixgu uiklhh 6c up ttw fljtid bt cllaj cluuaaty fli u sjtl4 hgawtakattll upl av alout u ta todiy tb itr btu fuljuuhd wtttout libijliata to woirty t gten cuai or tb lawa uayunt club irtil 0011 03 uwlaiy vculy nnt tot lhs ao any old bafeilair and ejiy dlrtaf to tom that club j ctamuliy lnrttd to b cqt j u liuuo pjwaaioul- wu brtduat of 0ahd hid uu tmulmtun to uvail to aa viua ctvqilinx ilia cat lo toktllo laut ufcy 1 u taujah to lfcrf wau itoulluj hh hu im toava tac i n wtumd taou suoiuy jumia4jy wfvtb artll b i in ijoalium ytjbfurub ohusth fcuulay juca sauil oaatda tjty u hiixn wtfctaos oo uoiulay juoa uu tkfd jia siii b ih wauaiun wtua lof furuur pavnicutiial u urjp liiikvood e hilllntivt 3 sound t cafafai tenth anniversary of church union the tenth annlvarury or church union in canada will ba oalebratad in the united ciiiibck geoboetown tuesday evening june lllh at s oclock llev dr uurdock ucklnuon of runnymeda church toronto will ba the fftiait ipeaker cm this tpectal oooaslwi and wry una musical programme hai been arronsed frmliiiittu will be htwl at the cleee af uu twafimiitx fjhttiitlori 25cenu baseball game tomorrow night 630 pitl etlj unloavd a car of ul at ooc town tuuoo on 6auuday jm bil om our tavlt for haytnat at cftcu priof too lt ucla ooauw tie fia uainy pgiu icujw1 giuiiu bargains at tulvtra raat catuarauoa tale last wk- tba ulvs u tfipilnj all thu it and oa art cordially invited to vtit uui fin nv tiow thatr an always bargain at bllhri a bare dine vtu be bald ai charlia auulns lot 6 con 4 aali- ing on irvtdjy nlaht june 1th uuajx by hull orcnsura atrbody i- coaw and auurvd a tood tltiu onluoun u u4w kindly provkw itrruted further bank loans and unable to rawt currant tsprnaue un ion council aevordlni to a rtport in hr toronto star has notlfud rate payrn that all otarduc uif must be promptly paid or krp vtll be talup to narc collktlon ur a hyde has greatly improved hi proprrty at hie convr of tiurtph pnd ialatn slrt now occupied by the bitll oas co and ur ulue oarage ls nov one of the nicest looki coitters on this part of the highway ur ifyde hu elso ixutalled a rfrah- ment booth on the praulsea tlte fouowlng done i ions have been rtcaivad by the oeorgetovj pipe band for their ft id day july 1st silver cup by ed uaulngall w bachelor cigar by bcalee ti robert toronto i a donation from jamee kirk tobex- eonlit hamilton also a large uvt cup donated by the pipe band for the baseball tournament u18s uffta loftre had blood- pouonlng kw the ueee both crau oom and bunion balvaa at ux- oormacke and robba drug storee luaaeej by kiag oeerge among the list of canadian to whoa honor has been given by the fcttng on hi birthday u ur lucy uaude uontgomery uaoionald of laaakdale oot formerly of worvaj- uany old frtende in thle community stand congratulation to aire uac- donald pemsohals uu taie tiortop oc toronto e vultor in town uc tuuiiday ur and un uauiu liulock apnt the r a in jbttoajo my uke uairarh fcllwt of toronto vuued iuuka here otas the mk un o t uay u vuilii with ur and ur david wtuon at cttip- bellioid iv jtaoold itolam of ort eas a vtutor during the ur o t setetty ur john wauotf of london vuiud at the lcate of hu tutimf ur j a wauoo on savdey ur and un- jchn croauwl of toronto int the k end ltr sir and ur ltd ucwhuw ur and ui alfrd ode and tea uonald bore vuuof with ur si w co during the wit end ur d outhru and uue jo ie oijthrte of tcronto caljd on frfandj hhtn in town on umdy un it d ooutu ho hav un oiling blih her tuur in stllciuner uuiml on frtende to town todavy ulu ada lane of toronto uu uu wia on a trip to vancouwr uxj ttjie stu abpand a fcy at the coaiat uu lkwn baaajiiuaar cf lwtrolt u luting filth ter txiother in luce- noute this wal ulu ifewn ftllchle underwent an caparfation tot apprndixuij at uulpti uensial ltopttei on uondey bhe i progrvwiig toltajy dr and un ucawrville of lullry uir cie hire on uuaudaiy fclutwiuig ih f mural cf their aunt uie oaacelie c kourruon ur and un w a wluaon uus charlotte uocullough were wcaodbridge on ueludey aitecading the oottrll rrunloo ur and ura david wuon too hugh of oamptbtujord wpct txe lun if mb cltawh a concert under the auaplau of icnos krbyteiian church george town will be given in the auditorium of the church on uondey june loth at pja sharp program sill be aup- plled by ve otde tyme village quar- x of toronto aasuiad by pearl 1u tette carter eloeutlonut mlialon he of toronto ad- haltea aiatsaj tuml a ptsnlo under the auspice of the helton union uutuaj wre xnauraaoe oo will be held at stanley park atrtn on wednesday june 10th at 1j0 pm standard time an tntareetlng and instructive addreee on uutual insur ance pfobleme will be given by ur a olllanden of rid town peat freal- dent of the uutual mre underwrl- tra aisoclatlon and a practical de mooartratlon of the ueee of the liberty un tttuigulaher will also be present ed highland pipers and dancers game and sports prise will be awarded for oldtime fiddler and dancer kvrybody come and bring your basket and cup tea will be provided admletlon free it oeeal ivegtasev mat baall cwwj the garden party under the aus pice of cteorgetown elre brigade held in the park on uonday eveniiif i did not receive the patronage it merited those present were treated to an eieellent program contributed by the feuowlng afttsu ula jeaale ouuirle of toronto contralto soloist whose number wtre titceedlngly well rendered and greatly appreciated ulu betty robertson also of toronto in song and dano wm italnee entertainer brampton and last but by no means least selection by the lome klflee scottish band uaycr gibbon was the chairman of the evening fvimblsllin te aire abtsaley the laurel band olau and the home department of the united church sunday achool met at the home of ura tlarvey outke laat m- dey night ulu toman gave enlen- did talk on the life and work of kagawa us ualn aang a lovely aoto nock of age and the leuaa was taken by lira rumley at the close the class presented lire rumley with an addreu and a black leather liree the addreu being read by uls lamle oampbell while un olarke presented the gift a social time was spent while lunch was served lite evening wu brought to a close with singing ood be with you till we meet again ms n laeii iff ifni y a quiet wedding took place at the parsonage of georgetown united church on saturday afternoon last when ulu relnetta laoknery daugh ter of ur and ura k ucjaoery georgetown wag married to ur stan ley morrison son of ur and lire o d alorrlson of acton the bride wu attended by ulu noraen bennett of oor6tow and sir alia acooul- louah of acton wan beet matt the bride wore blue silk crepe nllewd by white bat and aiuoriea and tbe bridesmaid oostuwe was pale green orttahdle with white hat and ahotv after a motor honeymoon in eastern ontario the newly married couple wm mid at aotm had and holiday wtui and ovwvvtowa frwude ur ju davidson and rumu and joe uf fo cf 1frvii ttutofwd to tkurilfcton on sunday and vuud with ur and un jae biaok and family rev o a easier tutor of the beptlit church with un kuavtar and chudren hat come to town u r- ude at prtwnt they are living on fcdilh hlra ur and ura j saatly bgg un ullur uu k cksndao tuud ur and ura y j itaddau tburbuy evening to meet un o whrii of london fcatglend ur and ura l e oullnghaat who have spent the past tw month in ctorgovn left on sunday for tur key point on lake kne whawe uay iu iprnd the sumtter ur and ur wm boott uls baanor scott and iluui jamee boott patrick turner and arthur jarpon of toronto tprnt bunday with ur and un v l uoourray kev and un j ii uoor of wal lac loan ralbrd on ur and ura w wnilrnee and other friend in town en uondey they were on their way to attend a conwntion in uonlreej ur jame a watson and ur john watson attended the funrral of the late wm bums of rockwood on uon dey ur bums wa in his tmh year and lnnrovnt took place at atverton cemeury ur nd un ed ucwhlrter bft for fort wullam on sunday night where they will join ur end un teynaldi on a motor trip through the bute to bruiah oolumbla reluming by the canadian highway through calgary regtna and wlnnl- ur ii bullock who returned home i last tk afttr an operation at st josephs hospital oualpo 1 im proving nlrrly he wlshee to thank neighbois and frtende and nembwee of st oeorge church for the tr many kindnasir during hi llinaee and since i hi return home j ur o a ooutl and son lurbert d oautts of clareholm alts- were visitor in town oa uondey ur ooutl called on a number of old frtende who were pleased to eee him again after saventeen var aiwaoe tn the west his son herbert d who tocdtm panted him ha just graduated with orstcmse honor winning the prince of waiee silver uedal at to ronto university irvatty ueaulag u brasaatee a vary pretty wedding took place in brampton on saturday june 1 when dart use tymu became the bride of llarviy readman anderson only ton of ur and ura 8 andsrton of brampton rev 8 il boper omelet ing the hrtde who wa given in mar riage by ur a kerr looked charm ing in a gown of white eyelet em broidery lac with htirloom veil and carried a bouquet of snapdragon and baby breath ulu llaiei waldle sister of the bride acted a bride- maid and wa dressed in white and blue crepe ensemble with matching accessorise and carried snindragone and baby brth the groom wa attended by ur cyril shaw of brampton during the signing of the register ulu edna anderaon sifter of the groom sang o promise lb after a reception at the groom e home the happy couple left mid shower of confetti and good wlshee for a motor trip the bride travelling in white crepe ensemble and matching acces- ashgrove on uonday awning uy 31th the rnlulonary vloeptiauilrnu of the v f u tocund ur s- cording of suftuvllle to gh an account of his htended trip to tlw holy land true was tndd inuratlng and all that ajd tud laagnwd many facts other und bttid the worihip sarrvloe hiilrfia llmi and tetlnutu otlwr mitntr on the progiam ww rfdin uu join yiiinr piano duet aium4 kule utul and uab1 wrtgla worth porm uu edith wrt4usortb puco solo uu reu rkh tnw numirfm wr much njoed by all kandwictir and coi- fw wre srvvd thunday earning a goodly numlajr of folk gauierwd at the uniud church to tlaow the f4term lp vhldi un a rjiddeu and un h it wright r held in our couta with rev it eyre a chainean a siiort program wa given solos uu ruth outcn piano duli uuw euie hlil and uau4 wriggksboith a voul num- ur by utdmt uu llclitoddy wrlsgianworth and wiltun puno ur jolin liird mouth orgui numwr by ur j uiitboddy alio a choir number ju luwr of uy tkxjt tm b ibuowlng addrsm u rd by ur t j aurownridie and ui lwvwnlatlon made by uir oraham and eai wilson to un ft k ruddru and ura it wright iar rlneidj it is iui up tftiiot that w4 mawt onint to lumally roagnlae your rsmoval from our muui a ciiurch and community fcorkrl tsintng wtth old triad and pioveu fntnds u one of uie ad duuce of our lives- chit appreci ation of your onh tuu groo lth the pjualng wars- un ltuclduj ou list bwn an ac ute woitter in this churcli and oom- muiiliy for aimou siuy ear you tee workad a a uacnrr in both the tuy tymm and the liunday u rvi and heie ba spar4j to u some of the fruit of our labour the ckler mambsr of toe cturth rall the tune when you wrxwd fajthfully a a number of the choir and know that your presence tn our tervloee wul be giwtly bitaaad by alt por the lkiut iniriy r jou hate pxtpared the elements for our communion ser vice this i just on f nun pi of our failhiulnea tn the church soik un wngtu s feel thai by your fwmovaj we are losing one show placo win indeed be herd to nil your dutiaas hay been many and axled almost continuously jor the past laeniyflv wr ou have aarved faithfully and tjncientiy a ceganiu and choir leader we are proud of the high ltaiulanl which ou have established and maintained tn our church music you have alwj been wuung to give of lour irics in ail orgauiiution of the church and com munity w shall mis you in our sunday tthoal as teacher tn the primary department in the post you nave barn an acth aoibrr in uu young ivocuee uoclrty and ou arv a till rr uling to cokjiwratc with turn in thrtr ork in alj our social unction your timrly aid will be joint meeting of the explorrt club and in band w bald at the home of ur and un b wrlsbt on eriday evening with twentyjoe pmm afur vltit to the lime- ulna at the dolly and a puy plod on tlte lawn a m lialon ry program wa conducted by owen lull worship period by ui uiatt and dainty tw itruuarjlu tejod by the hoatmj uli wright whoe haanitailty wae much appfvdated piaiia were matde for uie boys and girls to clean the chukii laan and to uautify by pi a ul ing uof and shrub which work wa wu bun on the uonday following tne women auavutlon mat at the home of ura utepnahuon thurs day afternoon with the piwdat- ur kubpatruk in the chair wor- uijp parlod was conducted and plane for booh at the garden party on i june 17th arranged for the auto graph quilt block are aimoi com- pieud and a quilling will take place ui tha near future rev o f strtohensian rrturned on uondey after spending a wk in oueiph attending ui hawlltoo con- feiynce during bis autflcw on sun day the pulpll wae supplied by ur co taylor own wllltama who ry ably conducted the tervloe and prcaciwd on the subject of full con wc rat loo to the service of ood vuitor during the wk end at the parwutiage wre ur oeofwe taylor uu dorothy wigauhe ur oacli uarth oin wlluau ur jolm isaac un wu tmed uls itt and uuty pord of toronto noaval uplb club three members have won jrtng the past fortnight via it urse w wilson and c skerretl ur r see wu the winner of the handicap event with a score of lvt plus 3 m outdoor shooting at w and iw yards will commence on satur day neut june 8th a club events tbe acorn for the week ending lean- day june 3rd are a follow w ro binson 100 p johnson m r bee 07 w wilson m ii walker 00 ii nurse da v hustler 0 o il hall 04 t itowden 03 o skerrett 03 iv a robinson 03 w patey 01 w browne 0 new advertisements cetiage te ktent cottage in college view to rentt apply to b wllcak college view georgetown it paatstre t steei at terra gotta about u acre well fenced good grata plenty of water and ahade apply dr ucandrew oeorwatown itp foe bale two jersey cow tb teated one pure bred one due june th the other july uth apply oedarvale sc for olrls itp in oeorgetovn on tueeday evenbigr new wagon tongue owner may have aame by paying for advertising apply to harry hale rose it street georgetown it wanted will pay good prices for horsae ui- litrecr cattle or anything suitable for rov meat aoijured animals must be secured immediately to be of uie vannatter pok rarms phone oo v 31 oeorgetowti 41 masiat t stent centrally located 0 roomed brick house i all modem eonvlte electrld fir place and wired for elec tric stove awsesakxi july let uria boomer owtowil apgy you have both been good neighbor tn all that the ord implies you have always been rrady and willing in your quiet nay to aulst anyone in nrd w rrjoic that you are not going so far away that ve cannot still have your fellow ship from tlou to time we arv not unmindful of your worth and we ould ask you to accru thru clialn not a a measure uf our rsttvm but a a tangible tok of our loe and aiprrclation we earn rctly hope that you may live many year to use them and that the year may be free from carr flued with peace and crowned vllh a joy ous hope for the future signed d y wright urlvule wanleu j o wilson it j araham earl wiuon thoroju urownrldiat thos it oifttn another beautiful oddrtxs wa read to them by un ja bamra and a life nunvbcralilp of the wltij and pin prrsented un it it wright by i sir oeo nune that sacred hymn blest be the tut that bind wu i sung and replies given some of the friends present were called on to say a few words un oeo dawson ur u nixon ur o dick ur it j orsham ur u uac nabb ur pred wigleswortn ur ii wilson ur j bird ur ward ruddell these word brought back many incident of former oof ions and good time spent together a social half hour was enjoyed friend from a distance present at this gathering were ur and un edgar ruddell toronto ura oeo dawson utllon ur and ura p laidlaw and family of korval ur and un u nixon uluon v4wtj new ccupoois dllcree and drain to dig old cm pools cuurns etc cleaned on short not alto while- v ashing and any other work done jim wuuama boa 10 oeorwitown concrete work i am prepared to do concrate work of all kind euimatae givaa ffe of charge if you reoulr anything to lhie line lynone ui et wali- o st oeoiblown 4an u tn t i hi ckkk uaoelaty wkkatly uraxiau ttuu priors good front june 6ui to juna ulh chick roj sired uovtmment approd i from bloodueted breedere tvghom oockenle mo white leghorn uany chick te bar red and white rock baby thuk 1c leghorn puileu ite heavy brd pulut day old lokc one week old llwc also started chicks at rock bottom price tweuolsi culcai tutchsby tii w raewj ou 1 it n i 3 big buys aaaaaaaaammbabbaabbbbsaaakbabbbt thursday friday and saturday eveairboov cocoa and axurt woriliwtule barttalna t rayon suk hose very apavcuj nw ahdea teg 39c now 28e uei full fuhionj silk hoae 80c 60 vfc childs socks miaae and chima soclca only a few left at 10c and 2 for he ladies cotton hoae 17c pi- prints fine quality fait color print 20 pattern no two alike at ib yd child print aprom uzea 2 to 8 yra 18c towels linen clau toweli laree tue 28 84 wabao slimtins 3s yd house frocks martha waalunfiton house frocka atie 36 to 42 44 to 52 ij2s golf hosea boy allen a golf hoae reg 35c now 28c lsdiea shoaa 140 190 239 simplicity pattern 18c follow the crowds buy now and save money asaiua langleys ckantr and dyer mcbean co b phone c wvebiiswigi m 64 georgetown umehouse a most enjoyable time was spent last uonday evening when the unit ed churlh harmony club held a ban quet a a climax to the very successful contest since christmas during the months much bible memory work literary and mlalonary knowledge and social fellowship in song and play have been achieved and enjoyed around table deorated in pink and white with tulip and paiule smiling everywhere about fifty people enjoy ed the splendid banquet under the leadership of the social committee ura olbb un o ueredlth and uu gladys packer tht wa followed by m program consisting of sing song violin selections by helen zimmer man georgetown readings by lira fred anthony and tom packer duet by uuriel and isobel stephenson solos by pred packer and dorothy john son interesting talks on young peo ple e work were given by kenneth and norma stephenson introducing speci al feature for the summer month and the coming ymr tro program closed with a few inspiring word from the pastor encouraging all to further achievements all are look ing forward to special monthly meet ing during the summer a baseball team i being organised with dennis hill as captain to arrange for game locally and with other societies with in the presbytery everyone la looking forward to next sunday when llmehotue untied church with all the united churches of the dominion will celebrate tho great achievement or ten yean of union the pastor will speak and the special order of service will be used a meeting of a nubexccutlve of the hal ton presbytrry or the wub wa held at the linme of ura o i step henson on uonday evening with mrs earl wilson ahgrove presiding to elect mrs v w shortlll of bajlina- rad to the office or secretary or chris tian stewardship and finance other members present were lire o alt- kens ballinafad mrs john ucdcr- mid and ur speight of georgetown june 18th will be a very special day in the life of umehome united church when the tenth anniversary will be held morning service 1030 standard time will be taken by rev r w rumley georgetown and even ing service at vjd standard time by kev o 11 knighton woterdown all are invited to join ui fellowship and worship on the monday evening following june 19th the garden party on the church lawn promises to be one of the bast yet talent from toronto and oueiph and ether numev wiu jquatiry nrv foods jjafnjhieit state 1 five roses flour 24lb baa taa ba 79 25 from lone domino uu packs tea pamcv ouautv tuna fish djuaccaw jam glajaccawilh ad4nl color w mj mull cwtnl i ft ma jar 39 it 3t an ftlb ta 2 lacluilf imni larfdot ketchup is uipj ui matches sloehoxm 2se icing sugar 2 lb is llbb pnpat mustard 9oz auwlitt fmaecu soap flakes pb it the m patbaat mb oald lla wax chase a sannnrfts coffee good oualitv beans good oualitv corn 0uakek muffets oxytfol sftsfw glen williams mr uurbert price and son of to ronto have been visiting recently with mr and mrs undley beaumont mr and mr tmle robson of guelph spent sunday with the let ter mother mr norton mr and ura parr end mu ports hitpbum spent sunday with mr and mr jotui hepbum 8r mrs mcgregor returned from scot land to the olen last week and 1 toying with her daughter mr will beaumont we lire sorry to rtport the eorlou illness of mrs bnelbume at mrs wagsiahct homo mrs white uie former daughter arrived in the glen on prlday from plorlda to be with tier mother mr j ii itargraves of toronto visited recently with mr and lira oeorge allen mrs jos eaton met with a very painful accident on prlday ovening which necessitated her being rushed to oueiph ooneral hospital we are glad to know that mr eason u now progressing favourably and hope that she will soon be able to return to her home price winners at tho legion euchre party held in the parish hall on fri day were ladle 1st lira job blair 2nd ur herbert preston lowest mcott lira l tracy qenu let ura herbert harlow 2nd emily ilsdley lowvst score mr kenuhead an interesting wedding will take 6 lace at the home of mr and ura t klrby glen wullam ontario on saturday june huh wwn their eldest daughter myrtle kuleen is unltivj in marriage to arthur j boolt of limehouse balunafad the happy helpers mission band held their regular meeting at the manse on saturday june lit with the president alma mcenery in the chair the scripture reading was token by marguerite centner the sentence prayers was led by joanna ahortll almost all the members tak ing part in this period of prayer norma ucjcechnle and alma mc enery related two very tolerating missionary stories after which roy wame and margaret blnolslr save umperanoe readings mrs allken gave a short talk on our mission schools in india after the singing of a duet by karma mikechnle and margaret sinclair an ttttowung item on the program was the pwsen- tatirn of a croup photograph of the ululoti band members tn llit altken as an expression of appwlolion of tier leadership reta allan reading the adreej and joanna short mak ing the presenutlon epedsl tatrvlcau will ba held in the united church on sunday morning in connection with the 10th annlver- aary of union rev mr waddell and rev a evans who were the resident minister at the time union was con summated will be present and take part in this seevlce of tharfcavinif all are invited to oome and have a share in this service there was no service tn the united church on sunday morning owing to ttu absence of rev ur aluutt who was attending the tnwting of the hamilton conference in the city of aiftlpli in the evening the young people society held ft service which wa very well attended at which mr a mucloren of georgetown gave a very helpful address which was much pp roc la ted warrix ideal 20382 the property of a ilewaon a sou ma ton enrollment no shu and dew form a enrollment certificate of the canadian clydesdale warrlk ideal for 3 la the highest form that can be given to a 3yearold inspected on the sech day of november mse be ginning friday june 7th will be at james bamee lot 10 con ft esous ing from 10 to a oclock md from there to oeo peaaocks wt 11 eon 0 trafalgar from 3 to v oclock re turning to his own stable until follow- inir friday terms payable feb

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