Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 5, 1935, p. 4

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pw84 cmumdro jilts mntyil wan no touy mail rtiat tha tateta layj im m that no look into your annrt m th liaht of day bndlm of joy wdit tyu of pain onadud m hid to bmr as avta low or adama mi it i our tot to ikh a ioty toorld this lnlaiit hav batn o full of low andjoy if only uah had am anouaii to not tuh low ibany sw aatilab d 1 and uulw ed cub olws ufa to teas tutbar than uk pnohx ujii ttt law oar brvlhtr toun om bid w all ksw and fottub uan liiw don but hls th iw to arau thus with w to ntajly ruaf bui rubr u it bs far the wht uwi ufa thw lay to pamur mil th i l nni uared and chow bhur vy obt w kliuj sollttt fund for goad auu and roull dlaco that arurw aixut th only uaoca that harden wtui a wood for sale cboios uapi mid food and oadar ban at ruht sriou ofdar urt at a ttmna or at ay boaa feon la promdtly a to au uvwoifoni wood for sale cfcolna oardvaod burn and uau at h par oom ulxad ood th par cord kalla tud par cord j auumoroao ftau whuij wood for sale chotoa hardwood uapla and baaoh mtaad aoft vood uoat raaaonabls prloaa apply jack ton pnona mis oaorsatovn u notice to creditors u tka baala af mbn wioowi nomas la harabr urn that all paraon hartm dalma against tha mat of john wlttlna lata of u vulaj of norral to iba county of llalton oanuatnan d ho dlad cm or about las bavanlb day of uarch lass ar raqutrad to dalitsr full parueulara tharaof to tha undar- alabad aollcuor for tha euoutora of tha aald aatata oa or bafor tba tsalttb day of juna ittt and hotloc la furthar tlras that altar tba aald but roantlortad data tha aald tcaaoutora will proowd co dla trlbutath aaaata of tba aald ettal aaoor tha partla aouuad thtraut navtnt racam only to tha claims of which thay ahall than hava raoaltad nolloa and sill not ba uahla for tba aald aaaata or any part tharaof to any paraon of wtoja claim notloa haa not baao raoalvad at tha urn of dis tribution datzo at brampton this twanty sssond day of may 1h9 cuuu9kb il wioodcg brampton ontario solicitor for tha eaaautora assessment appeals townunr or ksamuxno tijt nouam that court of luvtiloo u1 b luld at thj oouneu ottuobh ahmnfuown eo monday ut 1mb lay f jitke at 10 oclock un buiwurd tim to haw appaala aialmt tha uauamant roll of uu st x u ficmnstt townahlp ourit irw tfca uih yaar la tkb bhlrfel w ara aaluait and wuajr teat kmura itoal wu rhatatt aud tha datwidihu ihwjmrfjlv oorrm oabu roftt uaawutita cottmol gilbert sinclair the holy smrtt taiir ftf lir itbtl ootro text aa uaay aa ud by th bcjucaf ood thy ata tba aoaa of ood homti 14 lkasom raiawjlok jofazi u vii kubuiu 10lt m could but aubd uhid th ktaa bt ufa aad all oadi oftdiiaa at w camild biurpwc all uua laobt aad kltrti am lor th tnity ould find th ay taut bbt tody mm ba ccitl boor haart ood plan uk hllw eut ud bll w biurf tut tfcix thair l6rfbit ua apart ylo will rvnaj th calysa of told am if lhfoub tlil util f tha uikt wtwn ujd fwt vith falmala l66d buy rt whiva m hhmu cuahy ioow t ulvkftaaal our uaki ul aiadly tay ood taw tha b i- to uany pt unlortunauly to bahv ctifulun ad tha doduta of th iksly mill la fcfid uniwal t a hiluailioo o ihu tnui tula ui ub a nw jirantfiff aad t-m- tta u a porf at oik to tha haiha ud wtua of io that thay ml u not uuaualvaa it u ood at uh la tha world u u th smm of ocd at mrk to th tauua of ttaa onrtu ixk of it aa th eomftahar tta ord hlmflff u raiiwr thaa eooaouoti hem tday a ioa thla por bi 6ir lodmdiij umat th bt auniti tooa la vkh our atoj a koral fchkku of our- wltaa tll fch ua if a ata uuhful or uolniltful idad or ir tut tai or lauy imipi or ttttbh- o0aklod of tia uada to aua of ito ad tha b4oj of tha imaillva virtu huidwd of tha ftofaar trims- ttii to a utyauttoua y tba wy hoiru tndaua a hi th uoly utarii cannot fmaato la tua iplru awaaj wlbta frfiflyp alfl wi onrut aa uu ea thay du that thay a livta ea i in ual of ui hi laarhtna ad awtrtgia couvirtd vtjha altar ohrut vaa no itafwr ub hia fouosar hi badiiy lorn thay chabiiad thttr aundafd by tha of ohiiia ad fit hi pritaa vtth thaa hi drtnua to b ttb thaa waa fuliiiii a iuu ufa uu w has all apartod an tfiaar ooiiniot uttf riht and nsa iplrtt and body ufa and daalh v buny of u thawa haa ba prolonx- ad ctu ar la tha aoul lit ua of otriat la that thla tonar eod met hay oaaa and that aodaad buy hava vtciory our tioufct la that hava baaa urtng utlds u anuojf to ba b to aajoy tba plauuraa of ala lor a nuon bii hop- brytiluiiutaly to ba oa tha aid of rihf ohrui taua ua thai omnot aarv ood and un at tha aa uaa but that if a itjtirfmt yljd our vul to ood tha oaaira lor ii rtil oaa and tha poear of t will ba cakofi u la a tubmjrfi- doua cula but it dauoeauahly ortu low such vam ainigila aaiat th tuau of tha caah suaht ba avoldad u paopl only toaw that by btilg tha spirit of ood oonttol thalr uvaa tha vtotory ovar tamptatlon and aln win louor if s uva by tha bptru w liv ajbundantly with a plo of batna ij with oaf ii our cholc u batwaan aalf rul and ooda will a younf paraon buy mak a daflirallftn of tntrtuuj lnd kddano aaaarunf hi maht to ut i own ilia and ba maatar of hi fata and captain of hi aoul that may appaar harotc at flt but u doaa not atand us lnt th taau of ufa tba batuf way la to taaka oodi will th ml of on a lif and by ohadiane and trutt not upon craad color or caat jaaua had to tall hi uuow oountryiban that batnt born a jw did not naoataarlly maan conahip but only data tha will of ood oould tlv uaurane of aotuhlp it all com about by aaaklna to eovtr oodh plan for our liva i living on tha bail of dally obad w admit raadly anouh that an ovarrullnt pjwldano haa daddad our nationality rata aak oompui- ton and uipoulon but ar taady to ut tha bpuit of ood ulda u to tt conduot of aach day in tha trlvlaluiaa and routlna of aaeh day t if w tmit ood in avarythlnf ha uada uand va hava tha axnarlatua of aonihlp uaana fraaa aaar ult rom tha dawn of hutory faara hav cunad wanklivl thara hava been fcara of tha waaibar faara of atarvallon faara of avu aplrlta faara of othats and faara of aalf a min uter who haa conducted a elinla for many yaar aaya that fear la on of tha three chief problem with whtoh ha ha to deal mainly if w look upon tha unlvaraa aa a put0 oullaaa maxhln wa may hava good reason to fear but if by a chanced attitud of mind wa oould cat tha point of view of jeua that tha tjnl- vena u kindly that all our expert enoa hava a purpoa that ood u aa a rather to ua what a dlffarant nlao thla world would ba for till aul uu ua that thla nelly happened for him and for many other loataad of fearlnt tha law ha becan to uva by love instead of aporoachlng tha future by worry ha approached it in trust instead of trying to impca hie will on ood he began to aooept ooda will for him by thla attitude of trust ha had an axperlenoe of aon- ahlp oomparahla to that of an or phan adopted into a lovuv borne instead of fear ha had a mixher bo may wa baooma heir of ood and jotnthalr of christ oa prayer ufa u tt thla relationship of aonahlp and end fatherhood u auaulnad by pray er but wa know not how to pray aa we oucht our prayer ar crude blundertni aitpreaalona of our entrtt- ual dealk but ood la not jiidfjna our prayer by our granuaar or rhatoru or akul in weaving in aerlpt- ural auuslona ood aaaa tha daalrea of tha heart wa all hava deepar de- blree than wa can put into word whence come thee yearning and desire after goodneea that u ooda spirit at work within ua when wa pray u u ooda spirit actually at work within ua and our euioeraat de- eiree are our real prayera our actual prayer 1 not what wa aay with our tip in public but what we aacreuy desire in our own heart xi that secret desire la in accord with the will of ood tha spirit of ood will help ui to make that prayer oome true whether it be uttered or unax- pmssad whan wa pray we are not offering petition to a distant deity ooda spirit la present within u while wa pray helping ua aa we pray 1 how far do we know ounelveaf 3 bhould we rest until we find inner peace sjtov doe ood guide us i how may fear be replaced by faith 8 how may we have reality in prayer butcher ftmly x am lorry ma dam but x cant give you further credit your bill la bigger now than it should be lady eoiaiyyes x know that li youll make it out for what it ahould be ill pay il tfja gocalowni thlralcl wednesday evening june 5th 1935 ad food hade her ffl ckuatdby addiiy corrwcatocl by kinialhett st 1 only fair to paae the fxt on yii nur i waa aunriag traat bmracldlty and huulnr to such aa wlnt that x wu compwely ut x eouldat tak food wtn i sriilly lorcvd bayfclf to tak sotau thine i vfeiid b wruchdly hi i hw bow ukm nihi for 13 bsantha fcid x hi no doubt that it ha tiahtad my cuaeauv tyttu i u now bait nt aud ebl to wok with vuoaj- egmto ure k- b ladiimtloa la cauud by a fauure in tha bow of tha tuto or digrtlve jules a a twult your food tntlred of bur auirrtiuud by our tyurb tianly eouaota and urswnu tiuld you produchidf harmful arid polwms th ifrurvditj bmu of th su tun- ttml emit to atrueha u to proaiou tha bulhy how of tha vttu juuj cf th body a you oontlu with th httle daily do u uur th rrgu- ur and cotfpbta flimlnaiioa of all wula tnur vry day and uist frifcflj a comput and to lndlstton ejave von of a bine umi th uuu schrao to makr son may 6ifafty aiit a friend tat a did and thn luuid hltn or lur th fouowuig wrttun on a pb of pr tu dun u uavnd to transport mulaa from wlaoin doni t a iitkjj and try to nl t back but you st your th way x got uln tuox9 wasuttm ywaaymxmt dcjb llmltc county fernwrt h fo- opratd spltrndtdly to th trttunwit of their etu for wajbu kutm j k whlulock aarloultural xtinaiin- atlve tor xlaitoo tfal vuw la co- mboraud by tha buiubf of ldiag ramteta throught tha county rputy- rv john ucniraa of iuon lw ujp when uiurvld rvcmlly staud i hav bn looking at sou of the caul that hav bn turned out on th greie to till vicinity end am wu pueird wl h th way they have cleaned up x do not know of a ungla farttwt wio he not ud the powdrr in this aamtlon this would truucet that th job ha bn wu urted and it u to b hoped that th final imtoumi will be u cffidmuly end thoroughly don aivording to di uorul blvfnvoi khrovlncial zo- oloout th third ireatunt u prr- liap th mo4 unportant brcaua a urcr prwntag of the grub which now rtnjtg will dvo0 into ni4 end uius taut guiding th third tivaltjint u wing appllrd in lultoa during th current lt end w ur our rrodvr to coopcrsia to th full in eradicating this ptt frotn th county ctittl whlcli hev been tunvrd out lo gram should be round ed up end bh a final inipectlon utul trvatmtnt if msklmum rviuu urt lo br twuri tli urtrrrtio btmi a rough- ikrclt mm u erntlrman u that in a uommtlc uquauilc th gnt lman jiut klums il door a lv goa out why u it that the humtv wtmy anvurd a man for bretlns a hon and jo4nt to a slngl uung to a oauu who klur her dog rain -snow- sliine we deliver blue coal ulten you want it at th uy local council tsmung held at trinity ouurch jort cradit lest wck th elaarttoo of otilotr took puu wim th fallowing rult ifanourary pntldtat uv o w holtuworih ullngton ly4ldcol mr chas utrctr itjlngton ut vloe- rldnt ur howard smllott duo 2nd vulridedt uw lurvey ad- tuiion erindale sfd vklrtiknt ur lurold upel uatio uuu tic- rctery ulu jlma oura urmmjjton treasurer ur jo ifercer lakvww teahclty uwcy uiu dorothy loston uratapton a v jjt lionthly repre- uniaiif ulu oudyit otewart dixlr com iner lor th various councu ac tivities will be appointed new itiui the annual picnic tucli u aliay- such a huge luccc4 1b to be held this year at cirditvale park umrorts- vlll the commit 1 ti arransd a good pioajramnu- of port and urvrt erry branch lo ut thai they have a large reprete ntayon on hand ttie cuttr li tutunliy june icht aoiuctltlral att8acti0nh tlve dlivctork of hie ontario auocl- allon of agrtcuhuntl llocletlee at a meeting a few days oao iucuikd at length uttraclloni for fall fair it aa ajrvd jodjina tjumui be ar- ranjied to afford rducatuuut oppor tunist and b a attractive a ia- uule suitable rings itlvould he provid ed for all live stock and i lie name of mnfr thould appear in liau ri- hlbil in tercomm unity cooipetltlol were rrcominended such aa atcui prtjafa fue wuaien liuultut dupluys juni or clauea have hten found to aroui much tnteitat and this year aaricul- tural societies are sponsoring over iso clubs for boys and girls in addition to ue usual attractians th following bene sugsnted hatng been tried by uocleuc and requiring utile cash outlay anilqu duplaya oaen omorutratlun lutchlxuf dnvlna and riding com petition ulik maid ccntea horse drawing com pet it ions cuuw for jumping hone teams of hone wrui tut or eight mm llonehack wrratling iqiraf binding ccwnpetltlona log sawing log chopping potato race uuslcej chairwhnounted uand oompeutioni old llmr fldj- dlera conieat etc demorolratlon of various kind at a negro funeral the coloured tnln uter painted the deceased character in such glowing terms that the widow finally blurted out bay muiuter tin t you burying torn other nigger t k j to o rnj 1m w j v v hgtstk viii t out a man walked into a drag store one afternoon and purchased certain item amounting to a total cf 1400 he handed tha druggist a taroly dollar toll unable at the time to mike comet change the dntggut went to a m ildoor restaurant secured th clungi and cam back and handed ttu ctutomrr 11400 an laour or so later tlve restaurant proprietor ic turned the twenty dollar btrauw re had dlutnrreid that u as counterfeit the druggist look th counterfeit bill and gave tha fmo aurant man a reel twentydollar bill how much did the drugut lo on the transaction flgiire this out for yourself but dont jump at conclusion ll 1 not aa aay bi it looks horn day you may b up against a s trans-

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