Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 12, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald v sjxtjejjw yu of pouicatioa ik tuonrfown hm wiamdky enfa jun 12th ibm th gnnlm knu jr m teoou umitsr cntithd wmt wmit cjjr ttm tu ulx atll talk uk m- km iu a ii u will iu ij sum par annua la ainocml 2j0o to ujla 9 youu like ihe rich yi flavour el salad orange pekoe blend try package salad a tea w4 km hi u lm in 1j ml 1im u pal am it no iua pm iu dm kjitdiw ctahouu tut wh fl uuya nou j 11u1vti directory lb aov ana oawoniui tnuin au uiu at k1mnshh uhoboh hl mai mui vint umiiji ucttf 14 lu nrrtfifaiia pmu m buy june chicks now doni daisy i vry day you low no ccu you days pdurtloa of hlghprlted wuiur egs- just loci st the price bargain huce3 fcffecttve now dlidl grid wr im h 1w miu f tfcr ulud bib ilj loliw i im mm kulhwuu m4 pulw iu mm kudtwtum w- pulwj l0 iim uuru tuai tou it i vvvm wv b i uum buu tnd hail im tlsm budfwuuu pulwj iim itm h higillii bill mud biu iad luli him mj bjhiw ut puuu iim ii w hw ut il mil rri u fcirrl utti jf tu ou al tll i i u w h iu ciwl fete t l fcl m umi boim hlu f uit ut uibm ml tw mnii iiy ii bray chick hatchery tut iltabttttst there l shrtn whose fcoldvri it wu gonwd fay th hand 6 ood it heftrl tft6j mtlolet tnouh millions hxw iu pvaht uod as rib as who th flu fcuiirtw awok lbs luk u rtdi tts cooiiwij tth ths dut nd tou of wjwiwan dy y ihuiid tii ail tn nl uu la uiidrf rid waald bujl ih taiu thu tda wubcul thf baild u tud md coa toaf uir wtltua ui iuaitd th bku of tlw4 e baftbtf4 fu fcd am clwdj tad trt fcrt bo uu4 but til u- hubuutwatud in oaa cjrttintort t ui d 1 otr su u imtjy fi ltuoa bui ld tb trtgrmt umlhi si a aty ud uu tlfi imniwr ii i wbd 4hacld i w one swell vacation by a w vow hcwnutii siv i m u lhlo lv 6aly tht oiiby uitwth dcliii tuw4 cum i i 1 u6 ujuj four buadrtd buubra of th uciur cla la mm 1k fiw vtiw to un cujuun urduw w tctodio guurd t ttt iwuo cf w o uociun uudcuo go udtulay for imlr tmuiil tvunud- uml rib frcb au ajts of ouud i lha uaiud batu irvlnrtlna prtam kjmjo zilafid nd tartutbooluixl far lb bithr wunlofl a historic pigni of ui tlaq sj pnfltd tum uciun woadfartd u ut fciwfcfti mlm w til mmhl lavc w 10tuda0tfta utf 19 laab tluebom tw hwhtai im afaastttoh kjusir oftayboh lawbshc8 ooo uur u kdllm duk cterdoo ohjm lbln t kwth uimu m lawnbmtlelius jkuldla biuipbia nbpbeim tu have your eyes tuljwr lfifch unltht fttiauy frclvtj blafai to ww lkum ah uniftu to lbs vwy d shnr you look up or down in or out tuitf umh am maud to prla and u wid at tt taw prtm all ovr otusdc ito ti tbm frafis uu4 uu tuir uflim for lh ut irim u ata baj ta toroota or ouib- ot walker ro wiibu bosv dco bvos o ik firral wilanlij f rruli or w fciy fiaiah a x wa4 ai u cu to 1 s inlim to u uuf a builnms triftiihbw thst dll b of tnuiwi to mxay tn this dutriet bu th purchaw of ifeilumys 1 uiil at w ifaryi by ur a qr5j itiftun rho u vtdiy lauwn h ur icirun ho far th put av yar hu bn a uiobr of th art- cuiiurol rcpriiutlv ttinjuh oa- urto dtpihuwt of afrteuluira and ho haj bwa ttuiiml ta tpttuj kcn euuunu work ln llacoln and wiiui- laa oountu uno uu rij hu to- ckud to ur his oonnolian lih it elvu tortlc about tacth afo ur kurtla purenaud th bmiaim uodsd and is movta biih his u ad fimllr to bt- u1171 froa uihoo mhy in jim to tti ortr th acu majiawu uttfiuduuly w am advlud thtt h tu eoaduct eod- plt ttour fl and wd btilnwa pijrtns partteular utaailoa to bua d railoas for poultry and lltoiacfcj and also conduct an uptodai ad elmfita- wfihhhbnt ur kirsttn hu atabiuhad an aawluat pword of ahwvfit in his vork as an am- cuuutai rsftnamtau and th bwt vuhm of his many frtsadi and ao- quautaneas tn th ditrlct fouov him and bis family to thslr n bo and ortt tn art uarya w wl wafmm ixbjt hixs cufjlllaw oflm hwi- to a itaapt tnuftday afumaoaa a m nielsen cufeffmte xaay dtrlgtlll tlllwptit ixdy ihnhil uouti i tj4 j0 pa drill nan prank pctch uccnuo adoxlomum fw uu cigmim khtlul iwua rrcapt 8ui tiliitmiii ohilunhiia m r 6toctitoma r i von oomotuliaalusi kl to th newlywed them are easy to fix iiiiiii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 plums lihibtscl monuments pollock a ingham suooauor to oatar worth gab or onigmt aa mipul f tui impact our worit in arnood 0 t juwk mlkt an impacted can aould b rountad oa to stay taf for a waaonabl pr- lod of tlmr an liupactm driver may davalop uiuubl qualltlsa half an hour aftr h pauas his twain- atloru vat th authorities eonean trata on tiupaotlnf driven and ut dangerous old erocka go thair way th resultr drtvtnf on a toronto atraet a urn weaka ajro with only a batlnnew uoanaa and at tna wheal of a decrepit autaenyaarold car practically without braka and cow- ulataly without tnauranot a motor- lu atruck down and iniund a little fclrl the motorist had been drink- inf but th wortt featura of all wr- haps was the fact that ha had bean allowad to talc the road with a car he had been able to buy for iv con siderably 1ms than th price of a pair of llceme plataa tna nuehan- kial condition of auch a ear can be nothlrta abort of taenaslna wt tna sooner authorlue in all provtnoea am empowerod to order them art the hlahway tna sooner th tranio tou will decwas tfa steasert tna wife 1 heard an awful atory today about lira paridnsofl tna husband t thoukbt you were lookiay prtuy obaerful about nn plum jam jew jto ae iwfa u jmm i jey wn y fm amjtlmjmi u tk uw 23o cocoa k 19e i aiadhik molasses 1 10 i pep 8 8 jc nidbw apricots ik tic iwi turtih f pears ite t iiw pikwllvi 9li89e stipifsimli8m19e i hin9um pihciii 8 tin 89e cblvcuud smiuw hum 10e cu uttchlli cwibilltrt7c i1 iw m ii ui 1 wu ill 1 h tj lw ulllv i blrill lu tllull ll tl ixail uu jmt luw 11 irllrr ilia in uutujrrlnj iiliw 10 iio iiktiiiii 1 ijvj uu ww iu wiil t lu lln imlu i i lx- tfuu lu uixulvr ii i il luitx h hu i u 1 ut 11 u gitllu bijuuliill tu o i tlwii fur bllllu tltvr- iu tu irslt jui i lit it m i111 vrs unit i tluat iujiiiilii iuwlf u11 fur r in uul luuu mllra vi fur rlu out luujl jrlla at vudilvtil luuimlu lu wtw i wi if it etui ull mvrlu utk uty njfulu kj uliudtm huuwl u liny uiw ui aiw wir ab rvj an llrtlv iuv un j 1st fafl fcujiwj ta u llivr uli hu lx 1 1 u1 tujf ai tv uu ltf gud immt liny irflw klwe in a itwui hutul wri but cu laru la ur uiwlrsmn i kuuprb llrv tr urtls rltl arv uud my ao klbnl il uay li wits irsad juu as us uiu uu akin iwr are frvce aruuuu my oftrb i suluuly rvuwbilrwl ikst a i usts b suful ialuua of liijulu hut uy w ivr ui ma ejiuul if bujtllnj it mm trj let eas look i11 ur to bt ftirutb a fuesy iwi fur ell uril dc 1ab prmty hwnd ii ml was stativ baous ultti dw- i iut it i ll iluwo to iffiaslitstl4 ab eur i uujb i muitm imwo rlilit twunu j isl ilo bsa i bsptej to tuiiire se4 toutilb mill lift an i oou know tb say you do fin utyl itj uvmi as draagl up tti br aa us ijlu fuary ot ur lurlrl imll ilerll tr fcbort llawt to uul iu i tu wir ltr 14 kti ulu jry ftjy fclie was a ut tiiti trkfc u aa uvea txa to ft twtter ahjuslnits htnr aiy ta i ulluoa or tulir uvtl fobuy uffd ao i ej w liuur ass uttlo lu u luvlty cuty ivulsl bumb witwlally wbso ai us sjy wbstu mailer ellh us ill gulo tir in lurwl lnv tuulgbtt t kl ullb ou if hlu 1m bsra miii toau eujofc ss i out forgttla my uiaqura vll hiu k uyt ab sou i j so dtiout vlaht oclock ai brlugi tils nutj m aruuod aa all pit tutu 11 al b a drivla ao b asja wlm vaila to frool wtlb r lltll jpa up an aaya i am uwll ry buu uffd at that lul lo tbs ftta jb tbo al tj just tu bqiisre i blag you ot to alt la tlw ruml if ht of rours that tmly iniw nt to h lo vlib al an uaibsll nllti i n0 i id tb nimbi alttln bta uyrtl id uu uary rtsjr tbl i ufa old tlaw i ay tu auk rooes for ala urtdnji uy til bom rnr to nw ki hmd 10 itak bvr room i put my arm rlitoj ibs barb of tba tmt twlilml iim blaklo as 1 did it that it watot ao uucb uba nil tlnwa tuxaiias la ltn laje al woultla iwa uu ilad urging il i m nw ill ibal ckis lu liny caruua simtmup vmiimn muy f ja iuk lu ooldath text it u rwulrd lo uthudi that a usn b found faithful 1 corinthians s- 11 i ud ak and you ar urocw why uihx why thc to you th brvr dd ulon2 and so again if ou haw buu and i bsw none if i hav shad and you haw aun i tu youra uh frsr band to glm tu your tb frwr ff lo uv than i who auum aunbs aland wiir barrd iii ad hand a twittm a h14 eithr rule our po iton or our pojuions cu rul us olvtna may b a uuibar lo our aptruusj ills u tnsy bptoirt a consuiit oy it u a grat help 10 hsv a dsonit syaoi of gkuia wiui fusd proporuons and ovftnii tirnsa to tt apart uu of our timings whro thsy ar rttvd u asufh uilsr tiian to salt to i if have anythtna uft trrr oivtox a ut attvoudt in advene smbu rally to htlp us ln th exihndllur of th tulinoe b hav a utur miu of valua to cultivate th atutud of us8juhly or tnius4hlp ul oak im ahausd of bavtna to be hnid into giving catui tminy methods of church ananc would soon booaie unnsobttiary if t uad tn admlnl- uratum of ail our tncoco and pvws- lioxu an act of devotioa to ood lb giver of all good th uruuw had prrd to ood whils in atuery ln lfypt and hll sandsrlnfl ln th vudfroats ouid lhy raetnur ood ln th proipertty of in land of can- asnf durum th booa days tso lhslr marts tr uftad up did cana dians forget uu lard their ood i bally tvi it is oca of th beat says of iuidjtn canadian biuory is to nave ion uuunly chats with pionaen or cw- octulanu of tn pioneers thar ar en trancing stones of an ou country weaver iwrouia to us an in on hu aria of th nru tsaja of hart brougbt into the coaaunliy of tn fini load of grain hauled out of tb oru funeral or a lot houw burning don or a achool oonductad milton w i dick vjc and u al ooluus r ln woodbrids on uaturday at- undlng th funeral of the 1st 1d bovd foruirty of uilton oiriru to tb tniutsnt nwftands of th town council to cut down xpnt for local uuutuuaas tb ulltoa itigb hhoal board has own forced to du pm wuli in sirvlcvs of on of th iachr rrtih a aiatf of tin liuuad of uvcu as prvtouly tb subject taushl by tb forttur uachw ahe to b dulrtbuud equally auong th other uachtrt lure is a rord that is going to be 1 hard to beat a fchli inborn hen owned by j o elliott of kqueaing ukl an gg lut ck vtucti wasurd sal lnclwa weighed four ounoss and codlalnsd ttii yxuks ui uuib aidduujs of crotkvtt cluorubi kittin a wry plpiant v4k visiting br molhrr in lis mrs il oklduiga heie on her way to ticot- land l j d hovers and ur and lira labun and family of niagara palls u v ipvot fiundsy at uw home of ux and uifc- a t ilcnabb onun- quln yoiloftlug are th nlyelected of ficers for ffalton uuucal uival as totiatloo iton was j u uinym urteldjqt ui alklns wlcrmo 1st vtc-pris- uj il gartsnaht ullton 4mretary ur d hartley uulon treasunr j a lockiurt burlington fnwmill- ijhi bnnett acton urs- wrcy cuav 0orgubo kv dm naful uutoo ur orewn btratb- cons urs blow acton ut o agnev ulltoo ut oastlr lluton- jalyjetatat4 for f 3 25- isssln imcu spim law w sss ir om lr 2f 2 4iti corn up t tu carrolls cabbage g tint ohm uu w lemons lart and salty 19c oranges wear uu juicy 19 c doz free delivery bananas r doz main st phone 357 georgetown nll uell ba we got outta lb mr al laurel orue rwl b limiuln ttur egalo an iin usriwiir grumnh ity arm an start stivrtri to iubnl b daoc ball b iuim lo at i bought yon ast ulaa tleary tn nru vllb you tonlgltl ii aall it klml isety lib an i btsrtnd to com tiacfa il him but i tluin t want to etart inihln ao i aayi wbvrvs my buod imtiyt ulgbt wbr uu uft br aaye aha lode aasey well we went to tb dsnre hell aa unosd a coupla dtiv an thru ui irolud otar to the outilmir rauanb v set down at on of tb tallica uay wll waa bait to tn an after a while b bsgiu makld iaaas it nw i im hat woumn i do ao while tba others taa atandlu up wawhld lb cebarel iliow 1 grabbed her by th wrtat an toys 1 you com wllh lu girlie ue teot down by the tabu an i hired innoe but w hailnt any morvn irnl lusbad off from vlmrv ihun i livartl liullerln an thrv mh the ollicra 1 red ww to th ltud an be iij 1 ntu i or water or nutliln b 01 uu- rlulit ut to whera n waa hey bow do you get thai uny uktn uujlwll oul in a ruiim 1 be mils an i sm n wae uiutl 1 if no 11 round whats ibal t your aaye i gttiln luiil iiijwlf if al dun i nil ml 1t11 should nurry sleybellce ms wlff not oura an with that i gin- i nil a imsh wtlb the iiaihlle an tu ulla rluhl luwo in tb wtter wii uu bstor bean eiirh 11 m lull mlr al lut out he liiffiil 11 n rvih an ufhl i ttionuhi lie ue uhln wmuuai lrpl liuikitl ui runny tllln ihrv in tin uniir lint iluti i itim him kumiih mill luyl llli buy 1 lnmu ii ulfii vvill utnt bbit aaya i tih tuiy i mb bo 1 11 hi 11 wituo nuira ilh hoy on iuihi to uu h nil lulitl uhy iiuimiii 11i111 ihiii my iff fr flrir tiirn i m innrrliil to trtl nu an miiimiiku bunvt iff utiy 1 tiiut liuiinl uu viul of it tin rf niiili it i nil rklii winn nil niiuiil that id llioiibltl uu ill wiim mtlll vuulf t iiiiiliiml r ililiiir rmi lu bo iiuiiitiui to in uu itillili im i nuiiouuii lu mill nilu 11 hrfisi g umt 1111111 llli uu liml 11 llin million wlil n uk onui nliil ininili h iiiiikoynu tmtt a iiuul huuiloii hut iifn r hint tilifht i mlutk tu m ouii ulrl inh uiol in fin i in h flu rmm u liuu mr nuillll iiiihi ui wlft sirs dill hiss deary i ilut uhb cher line defer hhihhi in a quiet country town a cootnur clal travauer entered the general store oolnif through to the pahor at th back ha came upon the proprie tor and a friend engaged in a attt of chackara air jonai ha aau h are la ey3 f row nodded two euetomare in tha aijop jone did not raise hla e the board if rnaraly nodded and wnliperadi thata all riant keep quiet and theyll go awayl wu1 you help a ttwet cleaner who has hotnhia to do alrt bur ill to glad to throw eon- thine youir way house by a cjlpnlad soldier or as open air ssrvlo wing fcsid 00 a sunt- uer bunday th popi nrklng a start in canada whether tn buh lands or on tna open prairfoa war- dependent at tnl band upon provt diac in a way that e uidom fl ui a nmcnine age when tba forosa of nature have so largaiy been conquer ed 14 u a good social ducipun for us to remember th way by which w have come th ursrlius never ceas ed to and ipirnusj values in recalling tb oumeys of taalr wudernaas days where they facod serpents and scor pions drought and famine there wr great uuoomfurts but tint period of humbling and testing helped to rnaks tbem a nation a intflbrtlav 17 i as mcu oount their bijinf they may have cither of tvo manial atu- tuuea incre may be th attliud of seifounndeuca and selfneln a self- made man give full credit to htm scil for his achievements it says boastfully in bis heart twuwng ha might say it aloudj uy power and in mlgnt of mine hand bain gottan ma this vaalth north america ha produced many such who nava pros pered by developing natural raaouroas itie other menial atutud is that of the pieuu who gives ood credit for everything and gives scant recogni tion 10 the human share ln producing progress is u not truer to fact to uuua of ood and man working to gether in a partnarshlpi ood provid ing the capital and opportunity and man supplying the labor it is a cor rective 01 human pride to remember th lord thy ood for it is he that uiveib the power to get wealth ood provides th mapl tree but man must tap them and make th manl syrup uod makes the soil fertile but man must plough harrow tow and reap if ha is to have his daily bread w ar fellow workers with ood th chmtfui aiw a 1 canvassing for funds for any worthy cause u a voyage of discovery aa to varieties of human nature tea ladlae who do th collecting on tag days for various good projects have interest- lng storks to uti when they hand in their returns thay mset glad cheer ful hilarious glvee and they meet grudging given on contributor makls in giving of a dime an occa- aton for airing tu personal grievances on a tag day lor the blind one man in addition to his gift thanked the collector staling that ha had a daughter who was blind and ha ap preciated what had been don for her iaul must hava enjoyed his experi ences in th study 0 human nature as ha collected money from th cor inthians for th poor ln jerusalem l ucovered spiritual laws at work compurabla to natural laws tba far mer who sows seed sparingly will reap lparingly and the miser who refuses to give anything debars himself from many social and spiritual gains- paul suggested that men and woman should decide for themselves what they should give and then give cheerfully and find satisfaction in giving peraanal dacuatt when the financial depression la over ar we going to return to our gatrichqulck ideals and the mad scamblo to acquire things burely wa have learned that individual peace and social welfare cannot be attain ed that way wluu wa are la much more important than what we have ro have code grace ln our hearts la a much greater life achievement than to loavo a large estate when we die ro cultivate a spirit of oontenlmenl trusting ood whether in poverty or plenty u a better way to live than to be driven by ambition and covet- ousnexs the goal of life should not oe what we can set for ourselves aa though our financial rating were tna test of tho judgment day but to ren der tome useful service to humanity ro devote a life to education gives more lasting satlsfactlon than the ex- atement of spaeiilatlon a doctor who has been able during recant mare to collect leu than a third of fees says that be never had more patients and to serve them i wa re ward in the practice of medicine oood work do not depend upon urge ilnanclal returns qaasllaeta far dieeiefiiati t what should be our motives la giving j i there any area of ufa from which we may encluda oodf j cioubourere with ood is there reality in thlsf i are cheerful given rare or prevalent t to have to be to do which hej first choice erin ulu uarlori sloquarrt was hon oured at the graduating aureus of bt- ulchasl a uopusj toronto by th beekeepers association of pwl and huton met at the faru of blak duller last vrictay bosaiur were dr w dye provincial apiarist j jarvu and tfukaas hhlslds ut and urs hugh urkentu at tended th funeral of th latter bro ther rnuilp oonitn at oahawa 00 key ui deceased had been ailing for soma time ur and urs w rvl of ottawa ut and sire lomer rvwl of sumil- ton uiu batty jordan of toronto were wknd visitors with ur and ut j u olhion ur end urs harry austin and fa mily of bhslburne heave aracott and ur ahcou of uranipton were sim- day vultor with ur and ur u arcott and f amity urs c ucnougali who imlde with her son ur 1c ucdougill eaubratad her kith btrthday on uay list on uay 14th th family all assembled at ur ucdougalla home in honor of thatr mother thay ware ur and urs wn ucdoutajj ur and lira duncan ucdougait and family ur and urs ktmest ucdougall and fami ly uiu uargaret hoyos ulu uary hoyee all of toronto ur and ur albert koyo and ussier jam of hulsburg advocate lowh rcmattiks how fob ammrshb o 7 axes changes mad ln th uunlefpal act at the tan session of th ontario legislature iruen somewhat the bur- don upon those in arrears tor teiee the maximum penally for nonpay ment of taxes on due data which may be imposed by bylaw is reduced from 6 per cent to per cent kenaltlaa upon arrears are now the asm for all municipalities interest to b added at th rat of s of 1 per cent per mon th or portion thereof on all taxes unpaid after dee 31st of the year ln which th taxes are levied this re places th old etatutory penalty of a itrabrht ten per cent added on uay 1st interest u to be added to the outstanding taxes only and not com- pounded the maxium discount which may be allowad for pre- payment of oq axr below will be found a brief aynpese of ulegranhlc reports rclvd at tna luad ofnoe of th bank of uonttvj rrom us branches under del of june ath oufcraii while the son to tn prairie province has been uu wfai adding u now roidpmad and th uding of coaru grains u wail ad- vanord a reduction in wht acrage t iodicated sraettcally au pane of the tnairua have rolvd gmrrous rains during tb past wk and prospects trwraily ar fmvour- abl wsiuks show tood growth in qusbac rains together wtth armr weather during th past tan tuya have bn bnenctai but oondtnons are still backward in ontario f6u rains and warmer walhar have stud- uiaird growth of crop and grass pasturfe have much improved durlne tb past twli in tii uarttim tso- vtorwe th season gwoarally la trord ten days to two wnk uta id bri tuli columbia th season eontlnnw to be much letrr than usual illuuik hlovihcrrt ajuru crou r berminatlng rapidly with atjipi surface molsmte ana early wjwn wtirat u showing healthy growtr a redtux wheat acreage due 10 the late season has ben leiwaiy orfwt by an inctvas tn ecrag f toarw grains th sugar bt crop w progr4sing salufactorily daeu from soil drifting and grasuhoppw has bwn nrgligiblr watkitchewn ludlng u nearing cownutlon cool arathsr is rtanllng growth but riy son what u well above ground witn punu htaltny and wu rooted uots- ture conditions are satisfactory for present orasshoppere are reported lo l hatching in- central and uoulhed diitricts but are not evident ln ure numbers boil drifting has bo llglble uinltoba wheat is wa above ground at a height ranging from j to lnchee wiih growth and vigorous precipitation has bs pirntiful and hatching of grasshop pers retarded although they ar sow making tnelr appearance tn aouthard and western districts undlng of cost grains u nearing completua quuo aeeding ex jpraiaa la now general the planting of potatoea and fodder corn u under way hnnvrwi and pasture have benehud front w- oent rains but more moisture witti warmer weather is essential to rpro- mot growth kruit trree and uuha have blossomed freely ontajuoemu wheat is looking well and despll some winter mw prospects are for an average yud uprtng grains have germinated aarty and present moutur condition a satisfactory cora and root planting u general transplaitng of tobacco sa tn progresa bom damage from cot worms u reported ryuit treaa and bushes have had a heavy bloom and conditions generally ar very ptomif uajutclu pr0vzmo8 seeding 1 now under way and the plsnung potatoes aa a smaller acreage than for last year u progressing watuf and meadows whu backwmrd have im proved latterly reports from the an- napoiu valley indicate that in bloom on fruit tree though somewhat late u eipected to be medium to heavy dhtitbji ooluuuia in tha rva- sar valley and vancouver island cold nlghu and lack of mouture are ad- versely affecting crops but in th tn tenor held crops are showing rapid growth seeding generally la complet ed- light yirids of hay are rftit- potato and torn toes have suffered from frost damage small frtuta are backward with the exception of apricots peaches and cherries tro fruits wintered well and the prospect are considered good range pwatur age u fair hwofd bauur of myrrh a hiatine antuipllc uonry bick for lut bottto it ast lulled- all duun 1sss1 nutjyt mi v mcormtk dmttut 9 per cent per annum i qu snapshot cuil you dont nccciiarlly need an expensive camera urs ualncjnw shtlmutsilly 1 i daelare darunir yoil hold the um brella over me just aa ekrefully aa you did in our courting daja mow carefully if auythlngl ur uainciuuice protalcally i didnt have to buy your mlulnery la thoaa daya darling- among many people that it is necessary to own an expensive camera to take good plcturea pago- could be written describing th urol tattoos of acme and tb versatility of others but as our space is ii ml tod the mbjoot mutt bo discussed rather briefly tbsr are many typos of cameras to meet ovary requirement of the photograph or whether bo is an ama teur or professional but no camera la capable of taking all typos of plc turea under all condition it la true that sonio camoraa are mora versa- ilia than othora one may bavo an extremely fast lone which penults the taking of enapsbote under ad verse lighting conditions and if it also bee a vury fust abutter you can lake pictures of subject moving at oktrcme apoi da othur camuraii liuvu loasee and shutters of various spooda lo taka picture uud good ouoe within coi ulu limits and condition what i want to imiiroes upon you is this vou do uot necessarily have to own an okptmalvo camora to take good plcturea of the usual run of buujocib fur tuutanro in ou tnternatlonal amateur snapshot con- test cendue tad hot longauobyalargo mguufaetureror c tiaras him and priougraphle eupplfea of all kinds i the grand prlto of 110000 waa vau deah need an expensive camera to gat ha pictures yfi en above ubea with an inexpenalve eamara wen th a end prti in an international eentesl awarded tb plotura taken with aa inoiponslve camsrtf which goaa to prove that intelligent as of a rsmera is tb first requisite for good plcturea tba same rule applies to movie cameras and here 1 the proof tacb year tba american olaeua tngraphor a magailna published primarily for professional movie jihotographora conducta an amateur movie conloat and receives antrloa from practically every civilised country in tbo world trader the critical oyaa of holly- woods aco clnomatographara who actod as judgoe email lneipemtva it mm iimvlo cameras won a brilliant victory for their owners in winning first and socond award la the 1914 competition tho final decision of those critical judges should convince tna worlds worst pessimist that ha nnod not wait until be thinks ha can afford an expensive movlo camera before enjoying tbe tbrtlla of uua tour movlo making tero aro thousand of people who are denying themselves one of ibo great pleasure of ufa in not owning a camera of some kind at 111 or movie for there aro moo da prlcod to moot tbo limitations or capacity of ovary pocketbook and all of i horn tako good plcttdrea plcturea you will enjoy now and la year to come

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