Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 12, 1935, p. 2

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plj2 final 3 days of silvers celebration sale thursday friday uwl saturday are tin big day at silver tbia u your last ehaae to share in the rnay bargain offered a thb great sab here are a few of the many specials ondisplay lathes pue linen two- mens pure wool bathing place suita re a 275 sale price 195 lathea edit crepe dreaaee i fl 295 suits one piece ttyle 19 195 ladiea eilk crepe ureaaei very latest pattel flower d crepe at a lree assortment of ladies voile drcase a nice vajty of style a 98e a beautiful aaaortment of ladies pique voile dreaeee reg 2 so sale tus lacuea white summer coat of wonderful wool cloth stilt lined reg 16 95 at 1095 ladiea choice at white hata for the season 98e ladiea allwool bathing suita very latest crea tion sunback style 150 195 295 we have again procured for the week end a varie ty of ladiea house dresses at g a verv larae assortment of ladle white shoea hom 198 the very uteat in ladiea string pullover large aa aortment of colore reg 50 at 1 the famous aberley knit twopiece all wool bathing suit with zipper attachment at j 2 t5 men black and white sport oxford reg 3 50 on sale at 249 last three day to obtain that smart new men shut with tie to match dozen of pattern reg 1 75 at 9g men flannel pants good quality from 198 298 395 a very large aaaortment of men flannel and tweed summer suit reg 15 00 on sale 1095 a large aaaortment of men new summer sweat shirt in a variety of colors at 98c mens summer pullover sweater in white and beautiful assorted shade reg 1 49 on sale 9c boy whoopee pant in blue or khaki 79g children play suit as sorted shades 79c jbbbbbbaabaabaabbabbbbabbaabbbbbabbbbbbbbj 8 save vwth safety at your rexall store pamkas uvea ton he ms rik ctussrs sntavat rooo ate iwiihwiii tae uesl ala lauea lb mi if camsouo car e cake ladies attention hyoaxk ae aate slai lie as sauxth salt ue hew weal hi use u kaee a seasllfal mixiustcmr we m rblai aae ever ralluc la tae bar- es aeula ike tailor ueatt a ta yea abaa yes y- eae dr wets fast bred at ale sua caeb braea eauues yea le eae draw irsuuu uooauck jjxacutt u la lie hxaalahjus ftr efaaiseli sje- sr sere tie iu kui tooth votto tie nvnxr tm 11 aekla feet ue bowiotc per tliabtaj ail uaje t kklie tfcaee ue ue osuuev wakb catvsyals lie tut s i sssal tri robbs drug store aauxuidrchjli lb ham of lur and un uk vuonajkur 1ti lin ktrtd en thunly jim tb itow by lw k waddij ixr ur dooald owuu b k 1 omortwltma lo berth v j sttvncb of otwlph oat btzxi oajc at hy bate lis owittwu ot widay jun tth ifcw dor oaivtf belowd wu ef uorri fasuu fcgd m year and twwtna tuldtullwac la aun wuueuiu eo nuirtday jan eth lfc ury toisnrtujtl duly balovm vlf of th uu wbl bnerfcura and faioth of un a ix whit dtletd ioaridi in her ul au obituary uta uxmv suauuujitmtf 1js uary ehfrburta fltavt ft rudnt 0 oln wuium did t ul tumil 0 latrt p d wfttttah oo ttiursmlay jim filh atur an iuiusu of to yen ur idkfrtkirn vu til widow of tti uu ww bhcrburo and a rullv of nova hootia tltve liftd ipant mom of iwr euiriftj uf in narw vort taffojv comih to 0170 wiuuai bli m in hejr tuhly- ninn yar uurvlvlna ara a ton a w bhrtkima nrw vot and a dauisjhur ur a u whit of d- land yiaildi un- cjutbum u a mwr of ifv united ctiukh uu houus hake cktwul- ram tuddtnly lo dora 0rd duly uktd wu of isloiru us on kidy nljtit uu jun vlh hn ji tuard a hrt atuck asd puaard ttsby at h bonu tff ul iw miriut diuiwd u euuriod to ur tui in ihrf and aiuf rid n in arton un ua wu truwd huh ir hiuiwnd and fatally to 0crgown tutitn mar ago hj ih ha line retidtd iiidia bat huibsind ah u auirvlvd by a faulty of thr dallgturi and so totu ulna of toronto ur hlmuvl otiuurv fon 6ydny davtd of wunuvlil ivrcy and lsoti of ororilovn un ssixj u kind taioinarly kiiavn b- lod in hr bom and by ail who knw hr ilrr gnat ambition ta hi baa to halp othar and br eny kindly and cmntabl aeu will long b n4nmbrtvd by niiauroua jwub trulttuiioiu en waa tauhmt to lb oipjian brouajit to th jtib farm har cojiw hf mo and bat un- uiaalr datb u dpjy rjttsd by all throughout th community th fun ral look nuc on sunday ffom bn mmina funtral chaps to ualvwiuy hyioatoiii toronto shn iir tro caorsetown ihterajdl wejneatlay evcninjr june 12th 1935 av via wra eonducud by rabu haxba and luv canter itouxhud totr aiwnt in university av hynafftfu rmury th r01barra r ur llrody ur aj ouutsr ur rlh- nr ur j oohco ur vdjln ur uo zavin among th tmautiful floral trtbut from rrtrnd u m ertatti from th pupil of 0orgtown llieh school afour brother from nw york on auttr from detroit and nany frundj from new vok toron to ueorgetown and attton wer pre nt at th funeral th lytnpathy of auny frteiuu in oeorgetovn and community ar ta- tended to ur ttx and mambar of th family lo their very aad and aud den bercamiaenl wood for sale choio uanl ilamtfood and osidar lulli at roht tvioii otfdar urt at a hum or at my bom phon u promptly attaodad to a uvdostokt wood for sale chalet hardwood luple sad beech mixed soft eood uose reuoaahu mlu aduij jade met phone mlw oeortatovn u waailae- blrtaaay gifts for june skciau in cuae cat aieas kle alhar syres he melee causeabal mm weteaatbuaajyvueuav geeje bay year dluuaj aaj wfellla suaie ills leaarf seteeeaa7 sea velae at hlnton jewellery ceeraeu aj atjom tt we dellhe tae basall lteee aeosuutown bbaabmbbbbbbbababbaabbbbabaabbbbbbbbbaaan bbkskattlbbbbbaudwu t garden party july auspices georgetown pipe band master of ceremonies bob bailey toronto bailey is the craziest bandmaster in the world and will lead his band of clowns in a riot of merriment fftebentation op frizes fob field day glengarry troupe of highland dancers toronto theae dancers under the direction of pipe major alex stewart have won over 500 medal in competition comic sleightofhtuirj artist billy arnott will keep you in continuous laughter community singing admission sute tax btduded floo show hirrronville park friday june 14th 1038 ruth and joyce deamfe delate acrobatic adasio tap apache daaelat- free aj u tm d8t u ute ktkh al aim bunkh0in and mi siaxodv nova mw 5 o booked write for rurtlouleis to ilmtonvllle pent hutlonvllle drive ew aaj see ae u0e weak bwliflf wikhiag batlmlriaf lunch in th ahad of bmutltul treat on th bankj of th orodlt arjdreaa mad iveawnulkm to fuv d a il howard tn at curtua ucrvlorj cuu of kxuu prk4byurlauj onurch but u lb bun ol ur l uilkaiawi tuadiiy lhjht to luauo uiatr warr tr fiw iriciut of ikrwalixl ai lb due- of u vry laviajit itwvamgj ur ttioa cilven rvtad an addreui and ur hxniualy niaadp a pri of viry uautliul ik 4l a toluu of uitttiulaa to tueir baxajatheaj fruud mm niiiiuut the advlrsiu ri4 wa a fouo imar of llotttutl v uu u 11411 of ui a c u cuu ol kieux lrjjylrieuj clutci1 c uou- limulu jou tu your uuauimous call lo miouur paluuraua ll u luvcr uur tut u aualiir our uui w can tua siuow uiu oyton uiiiiy to lujj yiuoul tjsuidiiia ta ou our heart lilt utujttxuueid at th laurau you luvt uuuu tu liis alleur of ui hmihj imopa- oi tia etiurch ourlng your inuuuy ui xorgcioaii ueiy our lilt tutil ctuajuccat laj aui llulim h lo uie mtoiutii ul isdnuiuoa cjiucij u it biu briu to u ujy ou cur- cux tlui ffatlili u auifuiuj deuiiou eui4li u ttc iiiivu fut tlxrougbout our lo uiuu- wu pjrticuuily luvi ul lauxj tlutt 4kiruinaillliit aiuj uul ciuibatciulu itucjt a lwlauiy to i ttyuur rliow iumj kiuwii u our uiii wlu jou iteive o ufge uib n wc ttopf that ou vul ftilue un tvir diurui uigt tu ateialn vuit ua- u all l um at june found ou wullaj to uutrv your buxdan uf our wotk and a ii auuitt tokrii of our uutotau j oitt bihuiion v ftiki ou to uaiarpt uiu tmll kill not for iu valu but for lb iplru ui wlilcb it u glvcu wun ou ba0 qocaauwi to uw pro wield are tur lu b ojuo u ou dlusicuy prepar your ai- mocja ftouoiiwr that tiw bo of the acli clou u aituuis your daar4 iruniu on uluof oi lb olaiw ttkoa olttu prelavol dr lioard wry fftllngly hansj th cuu for tbalr outplay of fauuo in him and uulr frutvuhlp which ho bi to rmnljaai througbout hi mini ury tn knox church- a tatty lunch eon aj ewrvd by un fcc lizrvyn which brougiu a puaant eveclag to a clot st gogr guv auxiliay on prtday eventng th olru ami- uary of be oeorf church held f mother and dauahura banquet u th boument of tit church tn table in th form of a hollow tquar acr beautifully decorated by th guu in th auxiliary color tnara her about forty praunt bocludl th ladiea of th oommltu afur a d llghtful auppar lb fleeter acting as toultnaaier propoud tn health of th king th tooat to lb church wit roiponded to by un grant tl tout to th mother was propoud by ui preaudent uu wggy kantner and reipondad to by un wuer un 1 lay garth dlooc4uin otxu tiecmary presented th ululonary nurua ludge to th fallowing member who attended th clous uary vvlier ilaxtl walker jovo etacey fcutbar urill helen arttutrong audrey oriev itutn ucnally uargaret kentner and tpok words of etuoujragament to th guu tn thlr great work ulu llawl walker then pr4atd a beau- uful englub pottery vui to un ortew in token o aprrcutlon for her work of uuuwtlon ulu uary peuer tbankad un iuyarlb for bar lntereuing talk- uu joyo staoey thanked th oommlua for uulr kind- neu and aupport- th aptakar of th owning was dr urown raadtcal mtalonary bom oa furlough from slonan china dc drown saldraa was a dellgttful ptc- turo of bu work in st paula hfrmltt china and condition there nicn are tn some caaaa palbtlo and in others dutlnctly humorous to th w tem mind it also gav a deacrtp tlon of condition in uuaiia of which he apok from firsthand baformailon lira nod ell movad and ur orant uconded a vota of cordial thank to dr urown which waj carrted wilt cnthuilaatlo oppuus the delightful fyyj f ifm with th bfnodictlon pnuiounced by lhf hector ashgrove an eucutlva mettng of aom of th north ton ofaoars of th v p lie id on wtvdnaawuy evening eul ketu a convenor with kumu norma bupnanaon and jaan kvana ueatxa jack marl arm and tteneth stephenson planned a camp ore matt ing for all th v p 8 of thu nor thern taction to be held friday night onehalf mile south of oeorgetown on the ith una ur pred uoiruon of b b no 1 ettjueilng wo reseated unanimously a trustee at a meeting of th rate payer held on saturday morning june ath at ten o clock ur uortl son u a member of th anglican church and by th support ha re ceived u ahowa th esteem tn which he u held in th neighborhood glen williams ur and wnt- lome bnulwy otuwa wlw by th way are on their hotvyeioon and were enrout to de- irolt ipent a few day in th ou11 hut w4i with uulr coueune ur and urn w j hill un wilfrid ptvaleai and fahiuy uft for waujige lleach on friday wlerre they are taking ovtr butlnani for the tumnwr nuuitla w wtih tlum flood liuk tn llvelr new piire ur and ur llmer uatali ann lou or dtftrolt spirit the wwii end with ur and un cuyton allen ur and ur llodgtiis and uareare of artoi ur end un laronard white and donald und uu uar- lorte pry were tvk rnd visitor with ur and un w j 1iui th annual church parade of the local 101 job and loyal true ulut auo mutlntf brethren and luter was held at ht alban rhurcli tlittty mrwlmi of fit alban av pa journeyed lo cicdltvale park litneuville on luturdiy aftemooi to attrnd the pwnlc ul irl danrry a vja tlvrii wn ninety nireabrrs prtejnt titruiay evening a nomber of young jmople lirld 0 hurpriu slower at the lionu of urn klrtiy for uyrtle wlio li lo br nurruvl on llaturljy the bride to be nrciwd wry tnuny haradiottv girt wi air tony to irpart the wrioua illiwa of ur jssck uoody in a to- ipulo huapltal we hope lo rrur bet- it r l w of it r ukjil ttw ttneerr ayinpathy of the oun a ilrntitd to ihe lumily of the ute lira fiiirrbume alto to ur and un p d wagtumr ulir shorn un blwr bunie liad miivid muny ytn umehouse tfie tlaoatr of but iwu ue gurn new life to tejctatlon etrryftturv they surely were slioarr of hlvv tng tverything trema to be coming along by kap and bound itev dr a b lloturd of ttie prr byurun church prrachij hu far sell avrrtnon on fiunday lou hi many friend rrgret very much hu leaivtng and thetr wry bru wuh e blth him fjr suoorij tn hi new field ol ubor hu nnal mcaiaee wo one of retrotprct on th pul sixty year of growth of the prevbyterlan church in canada since th union of all ttu- diffrrrnt prrtbyterun church in 1v79 and a pleading liut th mrm ber continue to b leader of their congregttlorls beneflung by the grrai eiperrlnre of the old iltchard uarsrall and uu olive returned lo their hom oo sun day bringing uu kdtcna with them to recuperate after her long ulntaa we are glad to im her looking so well uu charlotte uarthall of ax ion u tiendlng a wetk or so with her aunt uu olne uanholl ulu neiiu uhackhsmer of detroit returned home sunday night aftn nding a wrtk witti her mother and sister heir plan are in progress by the wo men institute for a tennis court tn ltmehoulc thu u good news and we trust they will materlalue we are gud to urt hobt lean tnakhig good progress toward recovery among the vuitor in town during the wee end wtrr ur and un arthur lone and cbll dren of toronto at urt llobt lane a uu worl scott of oeorgetown with ur w m uestr wm and ralph uarshou of toronto with ur r uarthau ur and un chamber and fami ly of toronto with ur and ura a 1uu ur w t u11u and waiter shu ur and un w ucdoweu of to ronto and ur and ur john kenney of acton with ur- w t uula ur and un tho haines of oun wulums with ur and ura jo ficott w are gud to u ur johnson ar rived safely hom front hu trip north terra cotta tt quarrie ore etui ail busy here at present the clporgitown band motored up to our burgh one evening last week and fa tared us with a few oeutctiona and livened up our village considerably for a while our eltuens enjoyed it vtry much thanks boy com up again haying will now aoon be lb order of the day and it promisee to be an ciccilent crop in thla ration we are pleased to learn that ur win hunter or u now on th mend and wc hope toon to hear of hu com plete recovery i it u rumored that th sunday school will be reopened here in th near future thu u a step in thai right direct ton and we believe every- ono will join in helping along with the uaslcrs work here ur dot torn ha hu barn computed ur atkinson the contractor mad an sp kings cvyitt htiu ualk wuiu hj creamery butler 2 lbs 4se i aab oelur bw shoulder roaau 15c lb leas uay pot roast of tw 18c us mily ra short mb roast 17c lb prime rib baaf 23c lb h aa auavj niiiiil mu bmiiukkt ok ruste boiling beef loclb bubaia luri us cotulie rolls hfttlu mali run j 23c lb fresh bologna 2 lbs 29e b u si snoked picnic ham 19c lb nippy old cheese 25c lb cwaue ymav roasu of vesj 17c lb mellow new crrt 18c lb au rau fj stewing veal 1 2c lb arcciax tomatoes 3 tine 2se urtxiai iwallfaat cup cotte i lb pbg 2sc vl lb p ise uracial mother parkers ta vaw liaj half pound 2sc ha i ona laie new potatoes 8 lba 2se hptxial hajx slsoolders ol young lamb 1 5c ik stewing lamb 2 lb 2sc os la fleak raw quill welaef 20c u fresh lake troul or friday juicy grapefruit 8 for 28c eatr luisl jsaivy lemons 23edos cuiwmle saaau oranges 20c do 39c doz gttatr wm king tbhhthigbiabbahhb aa jure food store 2 16 ok tim rom brand baking powder 25c 98 lb bag golden west bread flour milled and fully guaranteed by maple leaf milling co 169 white rose health bran per bag 18c 6 pkgs deluxe jelly powders 28c surma blend black tea in bulk per lb 39c christies fresh fig rolla per lb 18c mccormicks fresh chocolate puffs per lb 16c sweet pickle cottage rolla whole or half per lb 10c freeh bologna in piece per lb 12ie 2 x i lb pkga pure lard 26c 2 x yi lb pkga domeatic or enaifiret shortening 28c 3 pkga kellogg or sugar crisp corn flake 28c 5 cake palmolive toilet soap 23e lelys hard water soap per large cake be 10 cake caravan castile soap 2be full aaaortment canada dry beverage choice fresh fruit and vegetable i a e farnell phone 78 we deliver uptodata lob of it julie a number from ber attended ur j fuokaa barn raising at tulla- more on oaturdoy afternoon and re port a successful lulslng a number from here attended th funeral of th late un t anderson of oeorgetown ur anderson wo a wellknown resident of thu vicinity for a number of years and ber aud- den passing was mdeed a shock to li- community we ail join tn es- tcndlng our alnccratt sympathy to the bereaved husband and family dont forget the band garden party at oeorgetown on prday evening jun itth oo along and help th boys out public hciiool board the hoard mot on tuesday june itth the following aocounu were hydro electric 867 workmen a oompcnsatlon uoord lbtt daymond uotora is 00 tho contract to aupply 73 ton ol dominion cool wo let to a living- tone ura dr howard realgned ai the representative of the hoard on the haiton musical festival executive the boartl evpreased iu opprtvcla- tlon of the services rendered by ura howard in connection with that or- ga nliatlon womens inhtsiffjte kttcr ontciau ttte regular meeting of the wo men institute was held at the home of ura wm anderson the mtpute of the provloua meeting wore read and the imtlnlthed business wu uuspoaad of ttte following are the amctx for the ensuing year hon president ura u hear president mrs d livingstone vioeprealdent mr j arnutroac eecreurytreoburer ura oeo campbell ajuoeltte bee treat ulu it uar anall auditors mr wm anderion and un xi cleave ihxrujt ur r paul district director ut d living stone branch district dlrectore un tt erwln un a pord ur ii oieave ur srveure district kepkientatlveai lo annual meeting mre livipgatofle mre oawpbeu urt erwln ur oieave after a eoulaat a dainty lunch was served cjoiing the meeting with the lord prayer i esquesing council uuiaurtlajmu june 10 1u3 a court of ftevulon for the town- itjp of itquralng was held o clock am- ail member of council were ptxsrnl 1 laving token the re quired oath they took their stau ucned by w a wtuon mcanftai by l la uuilin that ilrcv oeorg cur- rio be cjaoirman of lbu court of 11- vulon- carrlod thti following appeou were dealt with united church itosul mrnt taken off aifred llrtgden as- usamrat sustoiaed 1l j o retain as- scsunent amtoined 1111 talemhon company aateltment rediioed 0000 w u liniton aueaamant reduced 100 00 on land capital trust com- pony bausmeot reduced goooo on bulldingi 1l a logan reduced 1300 00 on building jam norton appeal tlumutcd lsouu laird dog taken off frederick charlee dog taken off al bert cholker dog taken off jamc olbbcne dog taken off uorrl oor- don dog token off uoted by k a iloblnson seconded by q w uurray that in chairman of thu court of hevulon be and u hereby aulhortxed and required to ini tial oil corrections reductions altera tion and addition made by ltu court in th asseaament hall for th ear 1m3 and that th aiirsiaiitrit jtoll as anally revised and corrected be now pasted by thu court and that the clerk be authorised to earttfy to sold ftoll carrted the council bald their regular meeting in th afternoon with all member present ileeve oeorg cur- ri presided utnute of lost meeting mere read and conlarmad at thu time reeve ounie on behalf of lha member of council and town ship omclau prevented a llreuk par- lt of ur oeorge leeslu treasurer the portrait now hong in th coun cil chamber a a token of esteem and apprrcution of th many years of faithful service rendered by htm to the township ur leslu ha now en tend hu fortythird year of service in the capacity of treasurer uoved by ll uullln seconded by w a wiuan that th treasurer pay j uunford relief account to dot ib oo lull telephone co jal 31 1308 frtjll ties total m61 oeorg l elliott on account rendered aajij ft w itobb flog for jubilee day 9700 a w benton eusaasar poajtage and regutrutlon 1300 3u dog tog at so each 11310 total i10 n h thompson aixcssor poalogv and ft- bw ration gl 40 3u dog tag at so each 11373 total till j o pwrlov balance for january account lol e arcspan balance for january aocount 1470 t- liarnhill balance for janu ary account 1x8 wm bchenk bal ance for january account 130 ruxl uoved by n a ilownson aiv by q w uurray that the treasurer pay the hood 3heu a presented by tho hood superintendent iliajm carried uovcd by w a wilson awcondod by n a hoblnson that the treajurer pay the rtllef accounu as presented by the jlcllcf officer towm oarrted uovod by o w uurray seconded by l i uulltn that the treasurer pay j aanford board of health ac count 1u carried uovcd by w a wilson seconded by n a hoblnson that the treasurer luy county triasurer ro relief fund 10j3 a e wtuon oo re lloyd or london premium on township road insurance to uay 18th iaa 3fl0 00 carried moved by w a wilson aewinrted by o w uurray that thu council grunt permission to the bell tele phone co lo erect 4 poles in olen wuliama the work to be under the aupervlslon of the hood buperlnten- dent carrlod uovod by a w uurray uconded by n a liablruon that thu council do now adjourn to meet uonday july ath at 730 p m or at tho call of the ltere carried c theatre friday june 14 mills of the gods ihj artjae af a aar ataet really aaj tie arraat kllejea uxntaf iter luaiea comedy booetn dad fos new cartoon when the cat away saturday jun is gift of gab 3d iun f vrrra stag ajj roal u m lsru ttwintir vuidljtss wtui tabit suljy oaj reawiap comrdy fighinit for trouble mickey mouae nfan fnrjay vaudeville no i haluw at t pjv tuaday and wextnatuy jan 18lh and l1hh the biography of a bachelor girl tuvtr witty haepy ul cllh lw cltajmlag stare ao itartuag aas juk uouairy charlie chose comedy something simple scenic zealand couino aa itat aieltu imtilava gtllllllalial dad what u an influence influence my boy u what you think you have till you try to use it radio repairs you are lnfilj u eeau la au talk over yew ba wfcliiia tbe advlee el a iimlttaj taue brm igjiaf ysmra fa lb tofont 11 hugh lindsay ta ibaiaaamamk atch our windov rom wootxy ice ciujui arccuu and ooxreononkmy i this week fresh pineapple sundae 1 oe lonos conlcclioncry 82k saian stratey- wm tbaarir an a t aaasitsftsiaaj at sj jser tjsi mm tmmmjtfumm sjt arjia garden party g dance tuesday june 18th 830 pm s t stanley park erin an evenla af nel fun errenraj ta plfui wnrene pat udntohii ceaway rente puanr htarlee the palmer twlmh and dolll pehilr dandnj detmllanlee ebnie huicl miulcal leiebeail haniiattam blvk uloueuu nine pim onnattta old tim anil modem m1 hoar them at dip garden puny and dance to them after all for 35e admission including tax bamaat sua- aubatav a atanawsstursat isisnarsauat haiton mutual picnic i r r m i i i a ptcnlo under the auiplce of t haiton union mutual fire insurance co will be held at stanely park erin wednesday june 19 at 1j0 pm standard time an interesting and instructive address on uutual ftiuiranee problems will bo given by mr a alllandera of rldgetown past president of tie mutual klrc underwriters aatoclatton and a praeu- cal demoiutratlon of the uses of lha liberty hre extinguisher will also be presented hiehlaru pipers and dancers game and sports prizes will be awarded for oldtime fiddler and twcers everybody come and bring your baskets and cups tea will be provided admission pjlfck 11 nioe iiooma w a labuv beeretary u lwldeil i l t

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