Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 12, 1935, p. 4

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a the georgetown herald wetwtciay evening june 12th 1935 wlni th hoed dull ull you b his ho looaa tad ba ida 10 hit uory ind ou have to kilt looldag for tomtthing eu dont bums ih cltik ruolve instead ilwuyt u loag dliunce hud for tccommodiilon 9 li fupiiijt is jvu lli i j lure voi tsl u 100 kum o to lu u uftl u w ihu im ut mm la tk tiast pjfn ol jouf dir41 r the coal business of the late john mcdonald wtll be carried on by the estate all order placed u tha oca will u asrdld sad promptly atuaavd to t please note prlcm tdvanc jury itt 1858 queen street georgetown qlsnapshot cuil make the camera your traveling companion let yeur earner b yeur fiwiu traveling- ewpi lea veuf vacation and tfvsl ksphe admirably u illustrating letter yen write later to relative and friend a ueuberof th8iuphetciihd j returned recently from ft rather laiujr journey ftfter visiting relatives its many eitiaa i had a lovely time welting and enjoyed tha traveling aba wrote but one thing took a tot of joy out of my trip 1 did not take alone my camera no i dldn t forgot it i simply didnt tekeitend thought no mora about it until i reached my guter noma than i discovered something x have been reading the snapshot guild have taken quite a number of good pictures by follow inv instruction but j i j nt realise that x had unconsciously developed an aye for pictures she continued when i arrived at my slater home my ant atop i saw unllm- ited noaslblllue for into ranting- storytelling picture i hadnt aeon uy little niece jean since aha was a month old and here she was toddling greund and getting into all kinds of mischief i could easily have takan alx or tight anapshota of thla cute youngster doing- all kinds of inter- aetlnif thlhga with the coming of wamer mather and mora eunshlue we are rmchlngf that time of year whan na ture la discarding bar drab winter elothae for tha bright color of spring and summer it fa time of tha yaar i glorious am tha atw becouaa brighter gad the aklaa clearer remember that mora and better light will be enter ing tha lens of your camera and reaching your film your exposure should be somewhat shorter than in the winter suppose for instance that on a day in february you took several pictures of your child as she played in the front yard if you had a fold ing camera and tha day was of aver age brightness with sunlight for that date you probably set the lens opening at b and tha shutter speed at laof second and got a prop erly exposed negative again sup- posa you are taking such a picture today then what if tha sun la shining brightly and tha sky is clear instead of having tha diaphragm set at j and tha shutter speed at 125 of a second aa you did in february you should do one of two thing if you leave your lens opening at j your abutter speed should be set at 150 of second or you might sat tha diaphragm at tl and prob ably get tha proper exposure under average sunlight condition with tha shutter spa of l5 of ft second personally x recommend tha smaller aperture or lens opening and tha slower shutter speed for tha smaller tha diaphragm opening tha greater tha depth of foetui tike advantage of the brighter day at home ami traveling have your camera ready for instant use kmd or stock bum wuutow to feaotoaubts jutt vlfar wind my fruoda and bear tha tele of hary he lowed to beet tha brain ud other etuy prank lld skitter on the supper wad or peae cur on the bill be em utrintf doni the slt fd rune made th- wul lie drove hucur k re with uh tvwtainr- la wytfalng hd flirt with lwlb and uke an awful cbauoe at ciomlngft ba would bt ti treine and tlv a mtn loot tot unit of ile fiiir he n- w gave a hooc bui dmui caugfat up wub him one dy and u was uat bve tmla tha train that be ud wuu to bt was tutmi minute ute am u tou h up lost time and ihimdtrwt cka tha trck wuh twoty o bhlnd u and the thiii tuoke phirtng blitk- tuld uwiry thetf 7o bt thla tnua twin be bo hard aiumpt r fovan eaa and tbty ha had nothuag but eonueapt bo down he dioa hie shining tmr a eighty mil per hour we uio tartly had the tpad the train thoun had the c- and theri upon u- trexu they met floor urtuy had no chanae he filrud one too oft with lwui and vwtune turned hr gunoe with ureeching brak the umla 4lod down upon this utwy ur with pan of ilenry on the ataxk and part within hie oar and how to put htm back again to all waa quite a tlrbr lie tried co save a mlnuu her to ball ba got tha qulkar and iftjea otf the roaday cjar a tkui fool iu thtvn ua feade couu of wmbww toe had to him fco gten so if you uunk to brak tha lawe uhe iml dont be a dunce vou can btet ihe uia a hundiwd d bml you only wuuaa huup rowley boatxmlom aftoauui ammovmckst uoudav runa soai trroaue mamaukaut te kurrtm sflti u vmftlijft at an uilhuumulc m ting of ubuut 6u0 fetoploytae inciudlna sllo from btoro iu loronto and uorby town and clue wuluww towt otno fcta- plox hald hi twonla june titli ur w y tujurt vioalnajdcut u cluir of ottfiaiuuu aunounood thu uouuuuui uuke limited ej giving each wore klauager who had uu ut clunv- of a tlore lor a pvrkul of uuv war ur mor one ws luuiday wlui lull piy li u rkuctntly grattfyuig uld uj uuwrt to that pnulkuy idl toaiulgnt are gl lor hoiuu with iwy and ha enpnuul tha ho that uaxl jftix a still gter uutdlw would u uoclmud in in tio li u the comjtanya tnunuoo he roiuuiued to widu the uuu tm- corthultiy eounoinlc cundliione be come muf tivoranw uuu the earn- tit doaie uf ttu ooennany to provide tna tippwtuuuy for rtt and rwcive- lion tu ua uany twvlfyw a pomuhle without pgiibiiung thalr naming por a far u poubu senior cierk wtll be piacd in charge of tlor while uanaaars are on vara lio uj utew art uid u coocluuoo and a plan liu born woitud out that will full la quite lubttanualjy uicrted m un alton for theni while in change of iton ur uaiwv umith prudent of uo- miuion uto f jm in pr l long unit buttons to emplo a a- phiuiid the fact that the company was eatrwiwiy proud to know that such a bu numbtr of kflploye cere enuued to such reoognluon id thee daye of unimt it la tndd a souic of giaat sauafcuoa to the company he ooolinu1 u know that out of a total of approalmataiy 100 amnloyee tn the toronto divt- lon alnou 609 have ba with the company for a parted ei reading c yua iventytia have arvd tor is ara or more lag for uo yaxe more and all for sve yare or uore ttu rwoord eoaciudd uortey smith rtwctd to an nwtwtiahakla i haive it puft bitmta two iml umltui ahd bjweve i lutvff lrt uvbtor u both of ula luhliul iut hm1 ww llwy urn ftucvfr it 11m iaw u tmiui kit uur llw 4lrr u tua vl olui llbtra wllltlll iui kr4hw ilw ntlur lu4u ubh iuh of lltt wlilrli yvl uihii u hiiltimlit lit hlul rrli blaiuu willi lllitfit lt i la li i wring i rtwti my liuiuu tu wk uwlr flluwtlilii ii t j tjrtiiaji wuav 1m tunlnkkh svmikhivt we liavr liraid a umu dral lurfjut uj tcunuile illkky cj urrut uut na urvsnluludut ur hji frw ttlal toealuj rmuiriuy lua iuj doubt hid a bum tlruj uj do willi brtngtiia on thr uictjjjxi cundllunut of tit patt flv vera tiriclriuy which drfliand ui mot llua lhe wofkmrn can ilve at high prrmire at a monoionoua buhauil- ral job and tffn throw him out of work at ititrrvuu u liot trur ftflcl- ncy lual fflcltnry ooiitbtfri ui hum an ractor hi wur of tlta eoidkiy- d hli hjlh and liu living on- dltlous- we bfuvvr thrre ta more real etfuunry cf ihlog m tha alow foing rural parti of the country than there u hi thr oiau- producing n r of popuutlon wih thrlr ca dwelhng inhabttanu bt ury journal argus why his headaches ceased wif pul krchw in hi cotfw 11 routd na uikurhtend why the kuimc- ttf lld bawrt fcubit to ikkuuly ctmi 11u wif told hint umi i i at fmtrr tat down and wrote lir fullowuuf kttrr i am tn of ati and vr liuif wtu a boy or im yrati i was millet u vrrv bnl imartulmft ii it ar bho lit luuulrlx iloppfd 6w iml ft- wt at rjjii i did iwrt know iriirlwd wlwii tuu- day my wife ul j- i libil brt lulhg kruatd halt tn a ly tittt tar dvrr two yar 1 krain ill ujna tltri a i know of notliuigitj fiiwr tur uw ykth j t tm llrvdarlvs ran naily always b 1 uurvd u a lljildrrl kunuutl biml m lo tlv utjnailng iuts kaurui witch laiumu uve blood ilmov tlw poluuu tttivfiit ud forming uailn arul ou 11 irr liav to worry any bun9 atul uit u jut how kruafhfn fulti ulaga twijt and ul- inj rluf frxurt iwadaclu kruha tulu aid nature to ckn your body comnutfly of all clogging uta mat- trr ft y cmik to krtciiemkk imutkuu lonuoh wimuiolt mmtorr cinoaoo arrow night coach how to casnrtliul nb gjiss ki kuhiunu f to fu f ji toaomto t m u oiuuwt lw u wttembono u lh kinoatom u lu ottawa im m uohthluii tm a u um g6rnum at r 848 luia st lav geoehowrj at 110 t-w- s t frequent service during the day central ontario bus lines ud depot w h lmsi cotjcaloaewy phone 89 georgetown etvauaafl hal otuwa spolhtu s wilfrid kcwon ottawa june a we ua ending out how miaoh uor oiuouit u u to rafiiady u shuawe than to aa- tne baaabuylng uiquiry mwlrti 1 tlfh fnf in oan adian industry awatihopa alarvauoo gjfmt fnmltt boura oonopouwa which wra souglag the puhuo and avplolllng tha primary produoar tam fw4iauione cieaily laid oa tha atral gommmanla conoarttad tha duty of aradlratiraf tham the fur- al government having takan tha ini- uatia in unoovwtng tha auaee and bring tha auwt powerful aowming body la fa u la naluraily being looked to by tha people to uk aetlon jmwfl of ft aott la ipg litmfl w already ha ave btus tn pajua- ueai in various auga of omwputuw and thaa are two or three mora to coma ttut only tha moat opuwtatm and auparttdal obaarvar eupnoaaw that wtan thaaa are on the atatuta books ail will be wall again in tha defective branch of re industry and society tnrtoirt will mora than the fringe ba touched r will imnfove mania la aoua depaitmenta of lndua- tnal life not u ctft partly al least by loaaea in other ways will tha new machinery of regulation and tn- tenwntion be worth it tali ufaaaaaaaataaat taakatataaaa w shailtaa but maanwhue tha unidkntauon of the royal oommla- slon report baa bean so far dlaap- fflrnprf tha hapi and tstlifto ra lattrjitp that has aiud blva pomlnkm btora and ue ewplcg al since the companya tnoorpofiion tn 1611- a trelavka pointing l donl maaa that tha gov ernment hamt made an honest son to do aa much aa li can anoordlng to u ughta but what with tha con- iuiutjonal diocully tha dlvliion of opinion a to the remedy tha ooo- fueioa between the tyoptoma and tha cause of our aoonomto cmaaise tha net reeuh 1 likely to fall a long way short of ending tveatehopa the ex ploitation ofth primary produoar and all tha other avua wa have had dinned into our ear for 15 month lata aa what is lined up so far teeth are being put into the ulnl- fflum wag and uoura act ocfeneea ax u tha oonatltuuonal hurdle can be nagmiwt to n indfafahle under the ortmlnal oode tonployers who break the law ax now to be subject to ft maximum of two years ifip4umimflr ansa of flva irmfapj douara ueavy reaihiia fw umfaar fmhuh thsa unfair w la to be heavily penamnwl tu tog 1 to be ooma aa intlirt stilt otteaoa making offender inbjkt to frwprtmwtwaji ftj fine what la uniair oomnatlbont that will be the rub uowever com- peutloa which obvloutly aete out u and compatltlon and craata monopoly by hinhnemng tha will be apaolncaity fair the changa would tuuw sounded much mar promulng if the miniate of justice introducing tham in tha house had not admitted that in hi opinion they were of doubtful valldl ty had not read opinions of amlnant oounial to tha tame affect if even the minister who pilot the bills thinks they may not stand up la tha court tha parson prosecuted under these acta are certain to be aura that they will not with tha result that appeals litigation rjoatlbl upeeta in tha higher court will almost ear tainly fmpfiny any effort to fore tham than w have amendment to tha weights and ueaiurea act aimed at ending shortweight deoeptlv pack aging etc we have livestock amend ment improving present nractloe li regard to report from stockyards and inspection of stock and packers pro ducts we have a new hair wage and hours bill which will insist on these condition in any government contract or work dona with the aatli- tance of government subsidies grant bonus etc we have a minor change in tha industrial dispute act we have aom alteration of tha com bine act which strike ma aa i darned good act now but only half- used there are one or two more bill to coma at happy day urr add tham all together do they spell the uulenluml and aa though they were not shaky enough aa it waa along cam the collapse of tha kjul while they were under con sideration warning our legislator of the constitutional pitfall when fed eral government start interfering too minutely with state or provincial mat ter ur bennett looking and sounding something ilka a weary titan assur ed ur mackenzie iclng last week that he waa a anxioue as anybody to bring the session to a close and hold an election tha only conalderaliott which would delaythe latter waa the need of revising the election hats so aa not to disenfranchise a lot of junior canadians just reaching vot ing age lieta will ba tevlsad by the 15th of august it is expected dletatej judge now uncle what la your namel wltoau mh name kunnel 1 washington calhoun olay euh judge and can you sign your name unclet wltnaat hesitating well jedge ah had tuber had no cation tar writ wn nam ah ja dictate tc ah tuw christian a subenbr aak u to print the following prayer auppomd to ba from that noble animal tha hone wa do so gladly and bop that thoaa who read may also bead to the my maaur x offer my prayer ywd m water and oar for ma and ahso the 49 work la done provide ma with thalier ft deaa dry bad and a stall wide wooush for ma lo ue down in comfort alway be kind to me talk to ue your vole often means aa mueb to ma aa the rata wt ma sometima that x may serve you the more gladly and kara to love you do not jk tha reins and do not whip ma when going up hill wevar atrute beat or lock me when i do not uncwrwuad what you want but give ma chano to under stand you welch ma and if x fail to do your bidding aa if aoifl4hlrg i not wrong with my ham or feet do not ehaok ue ao that 1 cannot hare the tree ue of my bead if you insist that x waar blinders to that x cannot aa behind tu ui waa in tended i should x pray you b eaj- ful that tha blindre stand wall out from my eye do not overload ma or keep ma where water will dris on me keep me wall w fctarnhve my taeth when x do not eat x may hava aa ulcerated tooth and that you know 1 very palnful do not tl ray head tn aa unnatural position or take away my beat defeaoa agalnt fuaa and moaqultoa by cutting off my tall i cannot tali you when x am thirsty ao giva me dean cool water often fsav m by all meant in your power from thai fatal dia- eas the glanders i cannot tall you tn words when i am sick ao watch ma that by signs you may know ay condition give m all poaalbi shel ter from the hot sun and put ft blan ket on me not whan i am working but whan x am standing ta tha cold never put a frosty bit fa my mouth first warm it by holding t ft ufiuaal ta your hands i try to carry you and your burden without a murmur and wait patiently for you long- hour of tha day or night bafflaftww that x must be ready at any moment to lose my life in your aervlc and anally o my matter l when uy useful atrangth 1 gon do not turn mo out to starve or free or sell ma to aom cruel owner to be slowly tortured and starved to death but do thou uy matter take my ufa in tha kindest way and your ood will reward you her and hereafter bow would vou like itt that old hoary parhinial print all tha news has again un onvrwl to the editor of an ktachange it say nam day we wpct to take a long wa voyage and when w have all ar- ienmenu mad se will decide to print all tha new for a month lo ad vance and uk tli chip fall where they may we wonder how many would like it the who want all the new prtntd kfer chiefly lo pouo atortae and soia of the amiatlonal rumors that get around occas thau peool ahould not for that if we print all tha new w would have to tell the public whtn the if son and daughters got into trouble uti motor cars morality officers or gam warden we should have to broadcast where some married ar when we see their cars parted on side orect at unreasonable boura we might have to squeal a to the whereabouts of aom women who are praeumed lo be attending lodge or church meeting it might not be ac- cwptabl to soma mothers to know jutt where thtlr guu are whrn they are suppotfd to be at tha rtnk or a social hop there an score of tn- lereetlng little items of news that find thrtr way to tha editor ear that never appear tn tha paper but would have to if we unevrtak to print all the new w think wa have as much courage as tha ordinary man but we are not brave enough to print all the news around for one month and stay here to fan th ramie southampton b ui axe a fw ilanl ruue from a lanouhlre curgyoian njtttit on the capture and care of llut- handa wife flu hrr i uiband lhe lbdr wuea br careful about prrtonal itcn li has no fault anparanr especially at uwaklaii i huvhaiuu ar nrllhrr ilrwlng but many a woman lotej an axdnl ad- vekabi to kp lli uruur mlrvr by lack uf car in making hrr- w l not rvuiiry to main lha in wir aluactlv alter marriage hot watrr ho man hlu an vrydy account ii u rnorr laiiiurtant for a man to of hie feult and falilnga a good hlr to tim hi iwtng than abil ity to danor irk a pfoiiwiaj play x ftwgajl golf like cuoxw duncan w ting ba a uackblxd raor dowdvr may help to calfcb a huvharwl but baking powdar u the ttuff to t hlu lut th brt corulructioa on late hatband eacuwel trwy mkaht tound uase but ulirr thaaai ttey might be true doomid to dlgjttvmktmxhf an aoquaintanca mat xloraoa ofe- ly on day and said mr ci ratty rv stopped your paper xlava you said tha editor well that too bad and went hi way tha next morning ur oreely met his subscriber again and said j thought you had stopped the hew york tribune so i did replud the axubtcrtb- er then there most be soma mla- tak said mr oreely for x just came from the offtea and th preaa- ae war running and th clerk were a busy aa ever the compositor were hard at work and the buatneas waa going on the same a yesterday and the day before oht ejaculated th subscriber i dtdnt mean that x had atnpped the paper 1 stooped only one copy of it because i dtdnt ilk your editorial pehawl retorted mr oreely it wsant worth taking up my time to tell me such a trill a that my dear sir if you expect to control tha utterance of th tribune by tha pur chase of only one copy a day or if you think to find any newspaper or magaitne worth reading thai will not express conviction at right angle with your own you are doom ed to disappointment- don snub dont snub a boy because ha wear shabby elothae when edison tha in ventor first entered boston ha wore a pair of yellow linen breech tn the depth of winter dont snub a boy because of the ignorance of his parents shakaspeara the worlds greatest poet waa tha son of a man who waa unable to write hi own mane dont snub a boy because his home 1 plain and unpretending abra ham lincoln early home waa a log cabin dont snub a boy becauaes he choose a humble trade tha author of the pilgrim progrea waa a tinker dont anub a boy because of his phyalcal deformity milton waa blind dont snub a boy beoause of duli- ruaa in hi leatona hogarth tha celebrated painter and engraver wag a atupld boy at hi books dont snub a boy because he atut- tr demoathcnai the great orator of oreece overcame a hareh and atabunering voice dont anub him for any reason not only beoause he may soma day outatrip you in the race of life but because it if neither kind uor right aaouoii bat th reason a scotch bagpiper walks up and down when playing te be cause u 1 always harder to hit ft moving target h ere an dtl ere two or tbre km a much rainfall this yar between april 1 and uy 8 oa the rreirte aa compared with lb earn period last year make lb outlook for th 1915 harvest similar to that at the tarn tlm of year in 111 when lb la nut crop atace l2g waa recorded elate t b- acbe- aoo general agricultural axaat of lb canadian paclfto hallway la tha wast leonard j poklmaan travel ling pasaeager agent flit pacific hallway wltb headquar ters at new york wa reosauy elected vlcprald4ol of lb american association of travel- hag pasasbger agent of new york ur poblmana baa been ft member of lhe ataoctatloaw uscuilv commute for th past yaar itoul saskatchewan xtegtaa disiiagulsbed itself recently by staging a chinese mandarin din ner dance said to ba the flret of iu kind en thla continent aa stage decoration ibar wa used hundredfoot runner and aid drape handmade by chines many decade ago and insured white in uce at a vsluatloa of mood the orchestra was is chinese dreta and provided muile wltb a decutedly kustern back ground t j jackson who ha just been appointed flrat asalstant man ager of lbs lloysl york hotel toronto in succesalon to cyril chapman promoted u tha post of managar of the seigniory club of quebec started aa cashier at the chateau prodteuac lo 1911 and has hud rapid advancement to hi present blgb position to charles uontgomery one time awitcbteader and at prea- ent elevator operator at tha can adian racif io uptown office build ing in wlonlpea go all honor for having constructed what 1 probably the most perfectly ftn- ubad model of a locomotiv on th con linen t it l a fivefoot replica of a canadian pacifle clae 1300 flnuhad in brgas and copper and took five year to construct out of active aervlc for some sears past canadian rrifle liner leliu baa been sold to italian ablpbreaksra aba waa built la glasgow in 191u waver betray a trutti be non- aatt do what other mas can doj and work your eight boura day is tha recipe for success enunciated by caleb r fimlib in ternational chairman of the 1111- ilondollar hound table speak- teg to the ute underwriter la convention at the royal york hotel toronto recently jama o altllar uedldne jul veteran censdlin paclfie entla- eer recently celebrated ate und urthday when rallwa aeebt aacue and relative gathtired b congratulate him- ii waa bom in dfummofldvllle qua and hag been drawing a railroad cheque for more tbaa 64 years a couple of score of fine old rejlroadsre who five decade ago helped push the ateel around the north shore of lake superior for tag canadian lhicllo hallway gathered near jackftab ool rft oantly to reenact the driving of the but eplke at noelo on uay lfl uu alex anderson port ar thur who held the eplke when it waa drives fifty year ago drove bom a new glided aplke with g vigor that belied hie ii yeaxa banking ideals that live on the value of thtt fncrrpriw the bank of itonttttl ought not to be meaturcd by la lucctti u e jointatock undrnaklnf by the amount of let apuxl or the tu of u divi dends but by the uatnty u has given to those who have trusted u theeorwr ir hit fur- niihed for the exchange and the increase of commodifth and the wuittnct u has coo- tnbuted to the devrlopmeni of the country the bank now wu on la the tecood anrurf of la u etul wuhee to be rneaiured by th coo tlderuion owntioncd ia ihe foregoing ouo tstioo from the centenary of the bank ol montreal pubuihed la 1917 sxhtity fjalttm auiitmct thou have beta the objective of the bank line kj foundation in 1817 they ar the obfraive today and will be in the tomorrow of canadian lde bank of montreal istabliiiiid kit head office uont1eal uodetn tmcientbankino wivicc ikj ut vein luim4ij ofmuio c bmadii l r ssth one dollar a ton by buying me xt winters coke tlow ljow busy tmtf of ftitl do you bura tl udiwiuurf elghir ttnf fit- uaf you aa ld dolur co your you tn mir to b oviithwj tmh hutta xuium cole it utk toy ryw of ftuiua old or tuv ii b mvutaouiilforufytdiiyoubura my to comwl glw tb imtn vat b if you enkr himu col uudy hal whldt koie mty wou whliui th ttim vttk or u tbrr b coiy evn on balovuro day no tunic to tb number of ton you cut tbouund pir it to thy fiul oa buy u thb loetuj sptuig prlof but tk mufcm lew la prk ucb you hum ott juklly la cftkfeacy haamlco ijivtt mill fltttt vt uai mi ihii 01

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